View Full Version : Quests of Tabor IC

2021-05-30, 12:25 PM
Swansberg is a simple town, not dominated by the political machinations of larger cities. It has a council of five men and woman who meet fortnightly to discuss the towns business and drink wine but mostly just drink wine. The town runs itself without too much difficulty.

Today, like many days before it is a market day, every shop closes early and brings as many of their wares as possible to the market to sell and promote business. Had some perspective customer not known where to find the right smithy or alchemist, here is where you might convince them that your shop is the best. Haggling, shouts of customers trying to be heard over the din ring out and children chase each other under the tables. Gurt, the alchemist has a stall on the eastern side of the square; not the largest one, situated between a herbalist and a baker. Thutmouck has a slightly larger stall, by virtue of having larger wares, on the northern side of the square. Throughout the square are a handful of guards, relaxed and chatting with citizens and shopkeeps.

As for the rest of you, decide where about you're going to be. Market day starts at dawn and is in the largest square of the town, about 60 separate stalls cross the plaza. Nearly 20 of the stalls are from taverns and inns selling food and drink to keep the civilians happy.

2021-05-30, 12:39 PM
Elu is dressed in a long cloak. Their armor is stored with the kind folk Elu is staying with, but their sword and shield are with them. They tower over pretty much everyone else, standing 10' tall, but as they've been in Swansberg for long enough to let the people grow accustomed, their hood is down.

They see Thutmouck, and walk over. "Good day, Sir Hammersmith," they call over. "How goes the business?" they ask as they draw nearer.

2021-05-30, 10:14 PM
Thutmouck Hammersmith, never one to be idle, is polishing a set of armor as he awaits customers. He is wearing his own finest armor, which shines with a brilliance of hours of painstaking labor, over ceremonial vestments and on his chest, his holy symbol featuring an anvil with flames atop. While no one would call him talkative, he is always polite and courteous. So when Elu approaches Thutmouck stops what he is doing and greets Elu, while looking almost straight upward, and shielding his eyes from the sun.

"As good as can be expected my tall friend. This town does not need for arms and armor very often, but I would have it no other way. My weapons are an often forgotten sense of security in an otherwise peaceful place. And how do you find yourself on this fine day? In need of repairs, or merely doing some shopping?"

2021-05-30, 10:46 PM
"I've told you, I think, who I learned society with. Velguardr was not a man of much mercantile background, and Michael too cared little for business. It intrigues me, still to this day, to see the haggling and bartering that people go through," Elu replies. "And, fortunately, my armor and my blade are well-maintained. I still have some of the oil you provided me-it's been doing well, and I appreciate your tips on how to make the most of it."

They smile at the dwarf, and ask "Is there anything I might do to assist you, today? I consider you a friend, and I'm always ready to help those."

2021-05-30, 11:19 PM
"A Hammersmith blade will last more than a lifetime if properly maintained, I am glad to see you care for them. As for the haggling and bartering, if you wish, you may try it here. I care little for the practice myself, it is but a necessity to afford materials for new projects. All the prices are listed, and as long as you do not go below half, I should still turn a profit so there is little risk of failure."

2021-05-31, 12:09 AM
Weavul stuffs money on one the tables serving drinks, and downs what he paid for slowly. He visits Gurt afterward. "Any new tools yous got in?" He gestures to whatever alchemist's kit Gurt is using to measure sales product and/or craft. "Lost mine," he explains with visible embarrassment.

2021-06-01, 12:20 PM
The little gnome looks flustered..."Tools?"

He begins scrambling around looking through various boxes and bins trying to find a spare tool set amongst his various potions.

I do have another set of alchemical tools here if that's what you are looking for? The have been used quite a bit though. I am afraid I do not have any new ones"

2021-06-01, 02:51 PM
Weavul sighs. "That is okay. I just forgot to get new onse." After an awkward pause he continues, "How is business?"

2021-06-02, 07:25 AM
Business is good. There are always people that want to buy healing potions. Even the regular townsfolk need some sort of balm or oil to cure some ailment for them or their livestock.

Gurt then taps a small box on his table and a voice calls out "POTIONS for sale!"

Helps me save my voice, he explains with a grin.

2021-06-02, 11:04 AM
The sun slowly rises as more and more people drift into the market, some showing mild interest in some potions or a local blacksmith. Most of the interest being for cures for disease or asking the cost to repair farm equipment. A couple of guards look over Elu and it's size, more out of awe than concern for anyone's safety. A large broad human man passes through the market, ignoring most of the people and making his way from one stall to the next, spending a few coins here and there before arriving before Gurt. He doesn't offer any comment or question, just stares down at the gnome. At the same time, a lanky young elven woman steps in front of elu and picks up a knife off the table and balances it on her longest finger.

2021-06-02, 11:12 AM
Elu waves towards the guards. They know they can appear intimidating, so they're sure to make all who come feel at ease. Also throughout the day, they attempt to haggle, trying to get a feel for it. They manage a few good deals, earning a small but significant amount of coin for their dwarven friend. "Hrm..." they do say, though, after a few deals have been struck. "I don't believe this is for me-I understand the practicalities of commerce, but it simply grates on my sensibilities."


Charisma check, to see how well the haggling goes. Will update the post with some flavor once I see the roll.

As the sun winds its way down through the sky, Elu nods at the elf. "Careful there-that's a quality blade. Don't want to damage it, or hurt yourself," they say.

2021-06-02, 11:38 AM
"I agree friend. If I could I would forge all day and just give my crafts away, but I have yet to meet a miner who would do the same." Thutmouck replied to Elu's evaluation of bartering. When the elven lady arrived, Thutmouck returns to merchant mode,"Fear not for the blade, or this find young woman, she has a good eye. That blade is perfectly balanced and would make a fine defensive weapon. Was there anything in particular you were looking for today?"

2021-06-02, 11:58 AM
Gurt stares up at the large man in front of him...

GoodmorningsiristheresomthingIcanhelpyouwithtoday Gurt blurts out in one rapid fire question.

2021-06-02, 03:28 PM
Thayra woke in a small, simple room on the third floor of The Dancing Swan. It had a comfortable enough cot, a small corner space for a chamber pot, and a simple balcony shaded by a massive oak that dwarfed even the inn. Sparse though they were, the accommodations suited Thayra...for a small town. Soon after the sunrise she did her orisons and recited a few poems. Though this small town was far from the machinations of larger places, and though it was a good place to rest and contemplate life and poetry, strange folk walked about the town. She might have been one of them, had others seen through her disguise. So far, she guessed she'd been blessed with luck.

Today, like most days she spent in the town, she adopted the weathered and sun-beaten tan of a kind Goliath she'd helped from the far-north; The woman had perished several summers ago in the Northern war, a commoner casualty she was sure would be overlooked. Despite the age of the face and feature, the form had a stocky and tough look, and the thin, svelte frame was mostly obscured by the heavy-looking armour she donned. It was *not* heavy--mithril was better than the cursed plate she'd worn for some time until she'd met that curious Dwarven armorer--Perhaps it was time to check on her horse. She made her way to the stables. A few miles' trot got Jann Ezu--the only name the horse responded to--a good sweat. The north-bound horizon and the road accompanying it showed a day devoid of travelers. From there.

She steered the stallion, now calm, into the marketplace. She greeted a few folks: Wendy Tailor, an older but excellent clothesmaker; Farth Burgess, the ratcatcher who seemed to think that Goliath women were pretty; and she waved to Gurt, the potion maker, who was in conversation with an exceptionally tall and slender person. She'd have to get a groom to rub her horse down so she could visit Gurt. As they were leaving the area, Jann-Ezui flicked his tail, lifted it, and dropped plop near the feet of Pontus Thickness, one of the councilmembers who had a reputation for being a blowhard. Why Thayra's horse didn't like him was a mystery to her, though. She looked around for something to busy herself with, but finding nothing and nearly at the end of the marketplace, she clicked her tongue and had him jog to the stables.

She flicked an electrum piece to the stable...(it was a girl, right?) instructing her to rub Jann-Ezui down today, and also asked one of the inn-cleaners to bring a pan and a brush to the marketplace with her. Thayra returned to the market, trying her level-best not to smile at her horse's prank.

2021-06-04, 03:31 PM
Out of the corner of his eye Gurt catches the Goliath waving at him. He gives a cursory wave back, never taking his eyes off of the imposing figure in front of him.

He clears his throat and in a more confident tone asks, May I interest you in some potions today good sir?

2021-06-04, 05:25 PM
As others bartered, Thayra pauses before the marketplace and instructs the inn-cleaning woman to help Pontus Thickness with his shoes. The lady brings a dirty rag out the thick folds of her cotton dress and helps the still-sputtering man with the mess and quickly scoops the offending offering into a mess of ailing weeds and plants on the other side of the byway.

While eyes and minds were occupied with mundane cleaning, Thayra makes a show of taking a nice cotton handkerchief, stained in snowflake-patterns, wipes her brow, touching here and there, as she imagines a woman from the northern lands must do in such a warm climate, and for this instance, doesn't need to worry about making it quick or believable: the day is going to be warm, and so as she completes the spell, one hand, the pecking hand, performing the movements of the illusion, and her covered face--for only a heartbeat--whispering the word of power, her other hand, stretched like the top of a hanging screen, holds the kerchief more or less taut; her mumble becomes a comment to Pontus.

A warding against the works of the sun-god on your skins; may it not be like mine. I am surprised by how warm it's become already today. For good measure, she says a prayer, a small thing, asking the divinity to be kind to this man and the village, that their light be gentle here. Even if it was a hollow disguise, she meant some of what she said: she knew the sun could sap the strength of some. And this man was already upset.

Thayra watched Pontus to see if he'd have any further reaction, a choice in her mind made up to visit the armorcrafter..after the potionmaker.

2021-06-05, 07:35 AM
The elf in question tosses the dagger to the table casually, eying both Elu and Thutmouk with hungry yellow eyes before leaving. The elf moves about a few times, stopping at a couple stalls for a few moments. She picks up a few small items, setting or tossing each down shortly after. She never says a word and disappears into the crowd a few minutes later.

The large man eyes Gurt for several seconds, letting Gurt get a full view of his dark eyes and curly hair before setting a worn copy of a book on the table. When Gurt looks down, he will notice the cover reads 'The history of the silent war.' He offers a tight smile and turns away, not waiting for Gurt.

Pontus Thickness scowls up at Thraya, too flabbergasted to speak at first. He stamps his feet and chokes out a few parts of words. when Thraya returns, he had managed to calm down and get an aid to help clean his shoes but seeing her sets him off again. "Out of the way, I have no time for you or that damndable horse." He practically shouts, barely keeping his voice down but plenty of people glance over to see what was going on. He turns on his heels a storms away, people moved out of his way by sheer force of will.

2021-06-05, 04:08 PM
Gurt see’s the title and tries to remember anything about the Silent War. He does not touch the book yet. He also carefully looks at the book for any distinguishing symbols or marks as best he can without actually touching it.


Investigation (possibly disadvantage due to not touching it)

Also, the mans dark eyes and curly hair. Are those features and his large body type particular to any certain region?

2021-06-05, 04:38 PM
Thutmouck frowns as the elven woman tosses the dagger and when she leaves picks it up and inspects it for any damage. "One should not disrespectsuch fine steel." he says, mostly to himself. Then to Elu he says, "I don't recognize that person. Have you had any dealings with them?"

2021-06-05, 10:28 PM
"I've not..." Elu replies. "But something seems amiss. I'm going to take a walk-see what else is going on. Stay safe, friend."

2021-06-05, 10:39 PM
The large stranger takes Weavul's attention off the fascinating voice box; he'll have to ask about its construction later. Deciding the book isn't likely to vanish, he skulks after the silent stranger.

A stealth check to see where the man goes; if he meets with anyone, hands out another copy to another booth, or just immediately leaves the area. [roll0]

2021-06-07, 04:12 PM
With some effort, Gurt remembers a few details about the Silent War: it took place nearly two hundred years ago, it was more of an extermination than a war and had to do with eliminating shapeshifters. Glancing over the book, he notices that it is well worn, must have been read a hundred times. Cracks cover the front and spine from being handled so much. Aside from being well worn, the book looks ancient, possibly nearly as old as the war itself.

As Elu wanders off, they join the bustle of the crowd. A few children run up to them and chatter nonsensically seeing the sheer height but get chased off by parents for being rude. Elu passes a very angry member of the council and a handful of people having a laugh at his expense.

Weavul manages quite deftly to disappear within the crowd, avoiding the gazes of any curious onlookers or the tall man. Several minutes pass as Weavul follows him, watching the man pick up and set down vegetables and fruits, passing over alchemy supplies and even looking at the odd book.

2021-06-08, 08:23 AM
Hmmm, a history of a war of extermination?, Gurt thinks to himself.

Gurt casts Mage Hand and uses that to open the book looking inside to see if there are any notes or anything obviously written in the book other than the regular contents of the book.


2021-06-08, 01:32 PM
Thayra does her best to suppress the feelings of excitement at having upset--even temporarily--a human's power in even a town like this. It's not proper here, she thought. This small win is meaningless to the needs of The Tribe. But these thoughts of conflict, ever deep, were hidden, even by the illusion that made her seem the agreeable Goliath. She turned her attention to the near stall of Sigoney the Weaver, who also joined in the people enjoying mirth.

Thayra looked among the lady's clothings, especially the more expensive and resilient linings. Among them, a rather expensive-looking silk thread looked both comfortable and resilient. She pulled on the clothing, making sure not to yank along a seam, and her skin enjoyed that luxurious feeling. What creatures do you use to make this thread, Sigoney? It's so...wonderful! I've been looking for a comfortable silk to wear as I travel. I must have it!. After she finished that transaction, Thayra moved on.

She worked around the crowds--people skulked and moved about even in the light of day. How fascinating some people were! She arrived at Gurt's table where he used his magic to read a book of some sort. "Good reading, I hope? Do you sell books, now, too?

..and how are you in the way of potent healing potions? I was looking to acquire a few...and a pouch. Do you know anyone who sells magical pouches, o excellent alchemist?

2021-06-09, 09:27 AM
Gurt looks up, his eyes growing wide at the site of another large figure standing in front of him. He quickly realizes that it's a friendly face and he calms down.

Good day ma'am! No, I am afraid this is a curiosity that someone abandoned on my table and I was examining it. As for potions, I am afraid I am down to my last regular healing potion. It would be 50 gold if you like.

Gurt starts rummaging through his things trying to locate the potion, when he looks up again,

Oh! You asked about a magical pouch? I am afraid I do not sell those kinds of things. The only one I have it my personal one. My apologies

All this talk about being a potion maker and I never really set him up with any potions. I just pulled that one potion off the PHB and at the same price.

2021-06-11, 12:39 PM
Gurt's continued inspection of the book leads to much of the same findings. The book is well worn with notes made in the columns and words underlined. It appears that someone was very interested in this book. Page after page is annotated and filled with information on the war and those who fought in it.

Sigoney seems pleased with the transaction and Thraya's words, offering a short word of thanks before Thraya moves on. As she moves about the market, several people give waves and smiles before continuing their business, baskets filled with bread from the nearby baker.

The book will give you advantage on checks to do with the war and shapeshifters if you spend time to reference it while making rolls. As far as potions go, I'll need to talk to you about potion making and how you can make a profit. It'll take time to brew a potion and you'll have to spend resources but you can sell them for up to the cost of the phb.

2021-06-13, 11:32 PM
After seeing the mysterious stranger doesn't appear to be doing anything else interesting, Weavul returns to Gurt's shop. "That man don't do much else. What he leave you?"

2021-06-14, 07:31 AM
Weavul see's Gurt examining a book that appears to be floating in the air, but quickly recognizes the effect of Mage Hand. Gurt replies without taking his eyes off of the book,

A curious book. Do you happen to know much about the Silent War? An attempt at exterminating shape shifters?

2021-06-17, 03:07 AM
Thayra was about to express her disappointment in his not having magical pouches -- it seemed he had the time to make an announcing device, so why not? But perhaps this person wasn't the type to make an excess of potions unless they had a good supply and a decent staff of underlings. That made sense to her. So she nodded and made acquiescing sounds while turning her mouth at the offer of a mere simple healing potion. That sort wouldn't last for long.

A goblin...here? How fascinating. And it was well-spoken. For her experience with other planes, goblins Thayra had encountered were barely better than lemures, and that was saying something. He was as unique as that tall...tree-person. She was brought back to reality by a curious question.

Do you happen to know much about the Silent War? An attempt at exterminating shape shifters?

The question wasn't directed to her, so she didn't react to it immediately. Still, she thought in her mind if she might have read anything on The Silent War at some point.

If it's relevant - usually shapeshifters being killed off has to do with magic, right?


2021-06-19, 12:19 PM
Weavul sighs, "I'a don't knoe much." He chortles awkwardly, trying to seem less tense.

Seeing someone he doesn't know, he turns his attention to Thayra. "Hello. If you wants potions for help fighting, I maybe can help! Weavul Gleng, good with magics of strongerining."

2021-06-25, 08:45 PM
She extended her hand gingerly, giving him time to grasp her gauntlet. "That's a kind offer I'd be curious to take you up on if your claims pass muster." Perhaps he wasn't the best with words; an unfortunate side-effect of being born into a society and pantheon that didn't give a wide berth for formal education...but certainly he was now on a better path. She hoped he coulddeliver. It had been a while since she'd found a consistent and quality potions' seller. "My name's Thayra. You are..?

2021-06-26, 07:07 AM
With little effort, Thayra remembers some details about shapeshifters, specifically, there are a lot of different kinds. Some are monstrosities that have no clear weakness, some were humanoids at one point that became cursed and are harder to kill, requiring magic to harm them permanently. Some are outsiders that enjoy the suffering of the free people's of this world.

As the niceties continue, a loud crash comes from the south side and several people start screaming. Barely a moment passes before every single guard is running in that direction, hands on their weapons and armor clanking. Elu, being taller than anyone in the crowd has the best view.

so thayra can remember a lot about shapeshifters, just say which one you want more info on, Elu can make a perception check. I got sick of my computer and posted from my phone so it's a shorter one.

2021-06-26, 12:15 PM
"I'm Weavul, Weavul Gle-" the goblin turn away at the commotion. "hmm, whats the matter?" Seeing the guards running, he excuses himself. "Sorrys, but maybe chance to show my stuffs. Guards not like interruption from others, but love being stronger, yes?" He gives a quick bow to Thayra, her horse, and Gurt and goes to see if he can make a demonstration of his abilities.

Heading in the direction of the guards, to see what's going on. He'll keep a clear distance once he sees the trouble. I assume he'll still be too far to see anything before Elu does. [roll0] in case JNA rolls low and/or for what Weavul sees if he arrives at a different viewpoint.

2021-06-26, 12:29 PM
The screams from somewhere off in the distance cause Thutmouck to jump to his feet. "Well that doesn't sound good." He mutters to himself as he finds his equipment, and then sets off to follow the guards. He keeps an eye out for anyone injured along the way, or in need of divine protection.

Thutmouck will be looking for the source of the commotion as well


2021-06-26, 09:39 PM
Cursing under their breath, Elu charges forward, drawing their weapon and shield and regretting leaving their armor elsewhere.

What do I see?

2021-06-27, 09:08 PM
Gurt nods to Weavul and sees Thayer charge off. He quickly puts the most valuable of his wares into his bag of holding. After getting a few items into his bag he steps outside his stall and clicks his boots together. Little rockets pop out and Gurt flies up and heads towards the disturbance.

Activate Boots of Flying, speed 25 ft

Flying 10 ft above the ground

Perception [roll0]

2021-07-01, 04:21 PM
Clearly enough guards and merchants headed towards the commotion that it was important, but Thayra headed past it, into the road. Surely, if any culprits might try to run away, someone would need to be there to stop them. As she walked she ruminated on the poor treatment of Werebears. From what she remembered, they've been misunderstood among the other Lycanthropes for a long time, leading to a lot of vicious and unjustified slayings that should have fallen upon the actual monstrous ones; the lack of education was the real killer here.

She looked around, putting this history out of her mind, and decided to intimidate anyone who'd want to escape the marketplace. She drew her sword and to anyone who left the market by the way of the street, she'd present an imposing figure of authority.


2021-07-01, 04:23 PM
To anyone that was running away, Thayra decided she'd level her hammer at them and instruct imperiously, Stay here and keep watch for others leaving! We must be on alert for the culprit.