View Full Version : Character Duo help requested

2021-05-30, 05:08 PM
In an upcoming campaign I'm to be joining, me and my friend are going to be playing morticians who work at the starting towns funeral parlor. The idea is that my character (A Firbolg Phantom Rogue named Villisca) radiates positive energy which negative spirits prey upon, whereas my friends character (A Satyr Grave Cleric named Amity) has a negative aura that scares off positive spirits. The idea of their dynamic is that Villisca soothes the positive spirits that Amity shepherds over to him whereas Amity vanquishes the negative spirits that Villisca lures in. While Amities cold and mysterious with several rumors around her, Villiscas often brushed off as a weirdo because he's not as well versed at tending to people as he is at tending to spirits. (Basically the Pigeon Man from Hey Arnold but with ghosts instead of birds)

The problem is that I feel that while Amity is an Exorcist in training as well as a mortician, Villiscas just a mortician. And while I love the character duo I have with my friend, Villisca feels a little bland in comparison. I thought about the idea of making him a fellow exorcist in training who helps positive spirits let go, but I didn't want to step on Amity's toes.

Is there any way I can remedy this? I want to be able to enjoy playing my character. It just feel that Villiscas Character concept lacks a certain finishing touch to it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Also, as a sidenote, I in no way hold this against Amity's player. I love Amity (no romo) and adore her character concept, this is purely a problem I have with my own Character concept because I want it to mesh well with the character duo but I also want it to be able to stand on its own as a fun Character

2021-05-30, 05:22 PM
Maybe some kind of inquisitor? Someone who hunts down those who would exploit spirits?

2021-05-30, 08:03 PM
In an upcoming campaign I'm to be joining, me and my friend are going to be playing morticians who work at the starting towns funeral parlor. The idea is that my character (A Firbolg Phantom Rogue named Villisca) radiates positive energy which negative spirits prey upon, whereas my friends character (A Satyr Grave Cleric named Amity) has a negative aura that scares off positive spirits. The idea of their dynamic is that Villisca soothes the positive spirits that Amity shepherds over to him whereas Amity vanquishes the negative spirits that Villisca lures in. While Amities cold and mysterious with several rumors around her, Villiscas often brushed off as a weirdo because he's not as well versed at tending to people as he is at tending to spirits. (Basically the Pigeon Man from Hey Arnold but with ghosts instead of birds)

The problem is that I feel that while Amity is an Exorcist in training as well as a mortician, Villiscas just a mortician. And while I love the character duo I have with my friend, Villisca feels a little bland in comparison. I thought about the idea of making him a fellow exorcist in training who helps positive spirits let go, but I didn't want to step on Amity's toes.

Is there any way I can remedy this? I want to be able to enjoy playing my character. It just feel that Villiscas Character concept lacks a certain finishing touch to it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Also, as a sidenote, I in no way hold this against Amity's player. I love Amity (no romo) and adore her character concept, this is purely a problem I have with my own Character concept because I want it to mesh well with the character duo but I also want it to be able to stand on its own as a fun Character

could always play the straight man. pretty common (and fun) trope. one brother is adventurous and continuously trying to get their brother to 'get out more' so to speak. whereas the 'boring' brother follows them around continuously trying to convince them to just calm down, and be content with what they already have. neither one is more or less competent as an adventurer of course. its just, you'd be there because your brother is an idiot thats trying to get himself killed.

2021-05-30, 09:11 PM
You can always be the reluctant medium. For whatever reason you can see and communicate with some dead people, you help them move on because your not a jerk but you'd rather they to leave you alone. And presumably you start to adventure because you are looking for ways to stop the dead from bothering you (Especially the ones that want to feed on you).

2021-05-30, 10:24 PM
Play that your character is prone to getting temporarily possessed by spirits. Great reason to be with an exorcist in training.

2021-06-01, 09:43 PM
Why is a pair of morticians suddenly adventuring? Why are you a Rogue? How does being a Rogue help your mortuary business (now side-hustle?)

I think, maybe, the problem is that Grave Cleric has a bit more going for it in this specific duo build, that she's overshadowing what you're doing. If you can answer the three questions, it will greatly help in determining what might be missing and where to turn to, to shore up that deficiency.

2021-06-03, 10:03 AM
could always play the straight man. pretty common (and fun) trope. one brother is adventurous and continuously trying to get their brother to 'get out more' so to speak. whereas the 'boring' brother follows them around continuously trying to convince them to just calm down, and be content with what they already have. neither one is more or less competent as an adventurer of course. its just, you'd be there because your brother is an idiot thats trying to get himself killed.

I've found being the straight man fun. My tiefling enchantment wizard had a side adventure with the aasimar barbarian/paladin where the aasimar was wandering around Baldur's Gate looking for evil (picture Mermaid Man from Spongebob Squarepants and you basically have his character) and my tiefling was just being social lubricant stopping him from getting into trouble with the guards. One of my favorite sessions.