View Full Version : Flavourful feats to go with backgrounds/backstories

2021-06-01, 10:59 PM
Can anyone point me in the, direction of some simple flavourful feats to give at first level. Basically half feats without the asi.
I want to give some less combat focused feats to my players at first level. I suggested this and then and players went and created castor classes with casting races so I dont want anything particularly magical. The players are:
A sage/researcher dwarf forge cleric.
An urchin who turned out to be musical gifted swordsman savant.
A hermit once in hiding as he tries to unlock a secret in a document that got his mentor killed. (V.Paladin)
An air genasi who has spent her adult years urban bounty hunting any and all (ranger)
A wizard with more than an interest in taking A risk for coin (gambler).

Only a couple of official feats speak to me and im really struggling with the cleric (dumped physical stats) and the gambler.

Suggestions are most welcome.

2021-06-01, 11:16 PM
Here are feats that I think would be fun for each of the characters.

For the sage: Keen Mind. Remember everything they have seen, know the exact time, and which direction is north.
For the urchin: Mobile. Increase speed, ignore difficult terrain and evade opportunity attacks.
For the hermit: Alert. Bonus to initiative, can’t be surprised.
For the bounty hunter: Tavern Brawler. Bonus action grapple and some improvised weapon fun.
For the gambler: Lucky. 3 rerolls per day.

2021-06-02, 12:12 AM
While they are great suggestions lucky is too powerful and keen mind is extremely situational. The others are combat focussed and whilst im not against that I was wondering what other homebrew people might have seen along these lines.

2021-06-02, 01:59 PM
I would point you to the AU Skill bonuses. When I DM I plan to include them.


2021-06-02, 02:10 PM
I would point you to the AU Skill bonuses. When I DM I plan to include them.


Those are excellent starting points, but many of them don't actually involve the skill they're attached to, like Survivalist.

2021-06-02, 02:31 PM
I'd say, find some half feats and take out the +1...

Sage - Linguist
Urchin - Athlete
Hermit - Observant
Bounty Hunter - Durable
Gambler - Keen Mind (for card counting)