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2021-06-01, 11:17 PM
Party Notice

You have joined the party Silence of the Bold.
Current Members:

(L) Shanna

You hear a quiet ding, and your user interfaces open automatically. One of the grayed out buttons glows and becomes selectable. It is labeled "Party." As far as you can tell, the tab shows current party members and has an option to share active quests.

The following quest is shared automatically.

New Quest Obtained
Rampant Rodent Reproduction!
Rabbits have been reproducing in uncontrollable numbers and threaten to devastate the local ecology. You have tracked the problem back to its source: A Rabbit Dungon!

Destroy all the Rabbit Dungeons in the area
Progress: 2/5

This is a Realm Quest.

2021-06-01, 11:24 PM
Like the name? I do, and I thought it was such an awesome name that I couldn't just let it die.

2021-06-01, 11:38 PM
I do, yes! Okay. As of right now, I have about four shots. And I'm suspecting that rabbits have the same regular AC as touch AC, so I'm going to be better off trying to find some ranged weapons.

I'll look around and try to find something I can use as a weapon. Rocks? Even improvised is better than nothing for now. Since this is video game logic, I'm guessing I can't actually gut a rabbit for its sinew and skin and use it to actually make a real sling.

2021-06-01, 11:46 PM
Not so sure about the rocks, but we can certainly see what we can find for you.

2021-06-02, 01:49 AM
The dungeon is a fairly typical MMO dungeon. The room is empty of anything except terrain and monsters. Well, this room doesn't actually have any monsters in it at the moment...

If you want to collect items or equipment that isn't from a mob drop, you'll have to do so outside of the dungeon.

2021-06-02, 08:50 AM
Okay...Give me a few minutes to sneak out and try to find something to use as a weapon outside of the dungeon, then I'll gladly come back in and assist.

If you want to come out and help scrounge, that's cool. If not, I'll be right back. Like I said: Right now I have four shots with magic spells. I also have a Wall of Smoke that can cover a retreat if things go...bad.

Racso will walk back out of the dungeon and look around again. He's looking for fist-sized (for him) rocks or something that he'll be able to use. Or clubs. Clubs actually count as thrown weapons, and they're actually free in the equipment list, so it should be just a question of finding a few branches and breaking them off at the right length.

2021-06-02, 01:33 PM
He immediately finds a rock and picks it up, only to have it crumble to dust. Oh. Dirt clod. You spend a few minutes making a more careful search and come up with [roll0] small rocks suitable for throwing.

2021-06-02, 01:35 PM
I’ll come along. I think it will reset the room, but that just means a couple more for you to gain XP from.

Shanna goes outside and helps look for a tree to break branches off of.

2021-06-02, 01:52 PM
I’ll come along. I think it will reset the room, but that just means a couple more for you to gain XP from.

Shanna goes outside and helps look for a tree to break branches off of.

Cool! 3 decent rocks. That's not bad. With skirmish, they get an extra 1d6 damage, so should be enough to sting the heck out of a bunny rabbit, even a big one.

A club or two would still be good - if for no other reason than I can try to keep myself available for an attack of opportunity if (when) they try to jump me.

And then I'll be ready to start in on this "hare-brained scheme"!

2021-06-02, 07:10 PM
Well, I don’t think we’ll find anything around here. There’s probably a couple of trees closer to the village though.

2021-06-02, 09:56 PM
Well, I don’t think we’ll find anything around here. There’s probably a couple of trees closer to the village though.

All right. If we can't find anything here, I'll just go with the rocks for now. Hopefully we can find another a weapon for me inside.

On the one hand, I would like to get some extra equipment. But on the other hand, Sacred Water buff is important and I want to take advantage of it as long as I can.

In fairness, that means I'm going to be REALLY hesitant to use my spells. Especially the 1st level ones. But yeah - let's do it.

2021-06-02, 10:14 PM
Alright then. Stay with and behind me, I will do what I can to keep you from getting swarmed.

Shanna looks down at the halfling.

Ready to head inside?

2021-06-02, 11:04 PM
Let's DO it!

He sounds excited enough that his already high pitched voice squeaks like an adolescent.

2021-06-02, 11:14 PM
Alright then. Onward, to death or glory. Hopefully the latter, and not the former.

Shanna takes the lead into the dungeon.

2021-06-04, 08:34 PM
You have entered a Transient Dungeon!
These dungeons spawn randomly throughout the Realm and are completed when the Dungeon Boss is defeated. Once completed, a Transient Dungeon will cease to exist, and all Players and NPCs not spawned by the dungeon will be automatically transported back to the dungeon entrance. Uncollected items and resources will be permanently lost.

You find that [roll0] rabbits have respawned in the room.

Initiative is Shanna, Rabbits, Rasco.

2021-06-04, 08:48 PM
Only two in here. I'll take one, and leave the other for you.

A: [roll0] D: [roll1]

2021-06-05, 11:59 PM
Presuming that one or both of the bunnies is jumping Shanna because she's jumping in and trying to smash one, Racso will move up nearby and throw a rock at the nearest bunny.

Move at least 10 feet to activate skirmish.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2021-06-06, 02:59 PM
Shanna moves to attack one of the rabbits, but it avoids her attack.

The two attack her, provoking attacks of opportunity as they enter her space.
[roll0] - [1] (provokes)
[roll1] - [1] (provokes)

Shanna takes 1 damage from the rabbit's attack!

Racso darts into the room and throws a stone, but just misses because of throwing into melee.

2021-06-06, 03:02 PM
Opportunity Attack:

[roll0], Damage: [roll1]

2021-06-06, 04:04 PM
Shanna kills the first rabbit that attempts to bite her. It's her turn.

2021-06-06, 06:24 PM
Shanna opts to fight defensively. The Halfling needs some experience, and while she thinks the dungeon splits experience evenly, she isn't sure and doesn't want to risk her new companion not getting anything.

You can do it! Hit the rabbit!

2021-06-06, 09:40 PM
Racso moves again, and then flings his second rock at the rabbit!

Move 10 feet, keeping the rabbit in point blank range.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2]

2021-06-07, 03:41 PM
Shanna gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC for Total Defense.

The rabbit attacks her!
[roll0] - [1] (provokes)

Then Racso tosses his rock, killing the rabbit!

Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:

Experience Gained:2


2021-06-07, 04:07 PM
Right. Well. That is two rabbits. Ready to go for more?

Shanna walks over and picks up one of the rocks, tossing it back to the halfling.

2021-06-07, 04:11 PM
Critical hit! The halfling dies! You earn the Player Killer title! You gain the Murderer status! Warning: Entering a town will summon level 20 Town Guards to execute you!

2021-06-07, 04:31 PM
Well, its been fun everyone!

2021-06-07, 04:32 PM
Cool! Are they lootable?

Also, yay achievements! Kill an enemy and equip a weapon.

Last point: It gave us both credit for both kills. Don't worry about saving kills for me (although it's better if I'm throwing rocks when you're NOT in melee, that penalty is harsh without Precise Shot). Wipe 'em out as fast as possible to save on damage to us. I'm assuming you have quite a bit more than my four hit points, but better not to waste them.

Racso will reach down and poke at one of the rabbits, trying to figure out if they have anything on them.

Then he'll grab both of his rocks again, one in each hand.

Is there any way to inspect Shanna? Like see what kind of equipment she has equipped?

2021-06-08, 01:20 AM
When Racso pokes the rabbit, the two immediately disperse into motes of light that are reabsorbed into the dungeon. He soon finds that [roll0] bronze coins have been left behind.

Shanna carries a wooden shield and club but still wears the blue "starter robe" that's disturbingly similar to a hospital gown. She also sports a very nice pair of boots, gloves, and bracers, all of which are clearly made of leather and trimmed with fur accents that perfectly match the rabbits Racso just helped kill.

Racso, meanwhile, wears only the "starter robe" and carries a few small rocks... They are very nice rocks though. In fact, they'd probably make good pets (https://www.thevintagenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rocks.jpg).

2021-06-08, 12:22 PM
Woot, woot, a tiny piece of loot!

The bashers probably have better stuff. Let's go find one!

He walks to the doorway to peek into the next room.

2021-06-08, 01:57 PM
The passage in the far wall has been dug out, similar to the entrance behind you, mounds of dirt piled up near the doorway.

Within the next room are [roll0] larger rabbits, the size of an average dog. They probably have 2 or 3 pounds on Racso.
There are also [roll1] smaller rabbits.

Shanna clearly recognizes them as the usual inhabitants of this room.

The rabbits' only reaction to your presence is to stare at you with beady eyes, clearing waiting for... something.

2021-06-08, 04:03 PM
How does this work? We attack and then they react? Seems good news if we get the jump on them, especially with that many.

Is it better to knock out the little ones first, or the bigger ones? I'm thinking I may need to burn a cantrip here once I've run out of rocks. Dammit, that's a lot.

2021-06-08, 05:13 PM
So far, they haven’t attacked until we actually enter the room. I think whatever governs this works still follows the rules of Initiative so everyone gets turns, but I haven’t had a partner for long before something... happened to her. Focus on the bigger ones. They hit harder.

2021-06-08, 05:45 PM
Since I have a ranged attack, will they come to us and get choked in the door if I try to knock one out from here? Or is that something you haven't actually tried yet?

Not sure how tough the big ones are, but in an ideal world I'd stand 30 feet back and try to smack one of them, and you be next to the door so you can take an Attack of Opportunity as they try to get to me. Or Ready an action to smack them as they try to crush me. Not quite sure how the action sequence works, but that seems to be at least an okay plan. What do you think?

Does loot get split between us? Or did I get both coppers? Just trying to understand how the game mechanics work for this situation.

2021-06-08, 08:54 PM
The bronze coins simply drop. How you distribute loot is entirely up to the two of you.

2021-06-08, 09:13 PM
I have no idea. But I can run in and draw their attention, then you can attack them while they are focused on me.

I have plenty of cash for now. So I will give Rasco the bp.

2021-06-08, 09:35 PM
Mostly I'm just worried about two things. First, you getting mobbed and torn apart. Second, without Precise Shot I'm not so accurate when you're in melee with them.

Is it possible for you to ready an action to charge after I attack one? Maybe we can crush a Basher before it even gets to attack.

But if you think it's better to charge in, I'm okay with trying that, too.

2021-06-09, 07:17 PM
Ive dealt with bigger mobs than this. And I have run away from the rabbits before. I don’t know if they stop or if anything happens at the border with the next chamber.

But running is always an option.

2021-06-09, 09:31 PM
All right, let's do it then! I'll let you start off, and I'll try to Ready an Action to throw a rock at a basher, preferring one not in melee if possible. Second choice will be to try to hit one you've already hit.

...How many hit points do you actually have, anyway?

2021-06-09, 10:15 PM
After what I’ve taken so far, I still have 27 hp.

2021-06-09, 10:27 PM
Okay, I can see why you're not so scared of the rabbits. Thank you so much for letting me tag along, I definitely feel like I'm being carried here.

2021-06-09, 11:29 PM
Alright. So we go with Plan A then. I run in and aggro. You hurl a couple of rocks and keep your back to the door so you don’t get mobbed.

2021-06-10, 02:08 PM
Okay, sounds good. Let's roll initiative!

2021-06-11, 11:00 PM
Well... let's toss some dice then!

And with another wordless scream, Shanna charges in to attack a basher.

A: [roll0] D: [roll1]

2021-06-12, 08:50 PM
Racso will move 10 feet up, then throw a rock at a basher!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish damage

2021-06-17, 01:57 AM
Shanna thwacks the basher, but it doesn't immediately die, which might somewhat surprise Racso because of how easily the rabbits have been dispatched so far.

Racso, planning to attack a different target to avoid the penalty for attacking into melee, throws his rock at the other basher. Surprisingly, he scores a direct hit, pulverizing its eye! Perhaps more surprisingly, the basher drops bonelessly to the ground as it begins to bleed out from the grievous wound.

The remaining basher attempts to bash Shanna.
[roll0] - [roll1]

One of the smaller rabbits also attacks her, provoking an attack as it does so.
[roll2] - [1] (provokes)

The two remaining rabbits charge at Racso, despite him remaining just outside of the room.
[roll3] - [1] (provokes)
[roll4] - [1] (provokes)

2021-06-17, 06:58 AM
The basher bites Shanna, but she doesn't cry out, she knows she has a way to go before she is in too much danger.

Instead she continues to swing her club around. That is when she sees the two rabbits head for Rasco.

Hey! You okay!

Opportunity Attack: [roll0] D: [roll1]

A: [roll2] D: [roll3]

2021-06-17, 08:34 AM
Racso takes a swing at the first little bunny that rushes at him with his other rock.

Attack of Opportunity: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish damage

Ow! What the fuuuudge? I'm alright, but that effing hurts! This is more messed up than a chipmunk being raped by one of those big basher rabbits!

2021-06-17, 06:34 PM
Sorry about the double post. I figure I should add this round's action, too.

Racso will 5' step back so that he gets out of the bunny's threatened area, then hurl his second rock at point-blank range to try to knock out the bunny that just hit him. Move action to draw his third rock.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-06-22, 12:19 AM
Shanna swings her club as the small rabbit attacks! A brutal impact launches it through the air to splatter into the wall. She powers through the swing, snapping the basher's neck with the sound of crunching bones as her club caves in the side of its skull.

Racso clobbers the first rabbit to leap at him, killing it. Unfortunately, it distracts him long enough for the second rabbit to take a bite out of his thigh. He steps back and tosses the rock. His aim is slightly off, but the rabbit's panicked hop to avoid the attack puts it directly in its path, ending its life.

Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:

Experience Gained:5


2021-06-22, 08:46 AM
Okay. Ow. I've lost 25% of my hit points, but as long as I'm not getting swarmed by the little ones or targeted by a basher, I'm still okay. I'm also over 25% to another level.

Poke one of the bunnies to loot. Maybe I can find a sling made of rabbit leather or something. That'd be nice.

This time you're taking half of the money, by the way. If there's anything not-money, we'll talk about it.

Racso will go pick up his other rocks again.

2021-06-22, 08:27 PM
Nope. You keep the money. Until you’ve got at least as much as me anyway. Then we’ll talk about splitting. Right?

Once Shanna and Rasco have the rabbits looted, she turns to look at the halfling.

So. A quarter of your hp gone. You think we can do one more room? You can stay by the door again, and run if anything happens. But I also don’t want to pressure you. I am fairly certain the Hearthstones work as advertised, but I haven’t put them to the test either. And I don’t intend to until I find the boss of this rabbit warren.

2021-06-22, 10:17 PM
Well, how much money do you have? Like I said, I'm not out to be a charity case.

I'm happy to keep going. Keep in mind that 25% gone also means 3 out of 4. Like I said, as long as I'm not getting mobbed or attacked by a basher, I should be okay. I do have two solid blasts with magic, too. But it'll take a round to get it up and running, so I'll probably plan to burn it on the boss if we can identify it.

Do you know if retraining is available? If so, I'm thinking maybe using my feats for Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot when I level. That'll make my fire support a lot more accurate.

If you're going for a tank-style build, ESPECIALLY if retraining is available...you may want to consider Shape Soulmeld for Wormtail Belt. Even without Essentia, it's a +2 enhancement bonus to your natural armor in exchange for a feat. Pretty solid. Of course, I don't really know what your build is like.

Racso will then look into the next room to see what there is.

2021-06-22, 10:22 PM
I've got 1 silver and 65 coppers. Way more than you'll get in here in one or two goes.

Stop right there. I know what I am going for on my build. And I don't know if retraining is available. I haven't needed to find out yet. I get enough perks at level up that it shouldn't be a proble,, maybe one or two levels behind, if I counted right. Don't tell me how to optimize, because I don't go in for it anyway. Only reason I am right now is because all my stats started out at 10 when I got here. So save it.

2021-06-23, 09:00 AM
Racso raises his hands an a pacifying manner.

Got it! I won't bring it up again. That's fair.

I'll accept the money, and thank you again for your generosity.

Racso continues looking into the next room.

2021-06-24, 10:30 PM
Are we going on? If we are, let me go first.

Unless Rasco says otherwise, Shanna heads into the tunnel going into the next room.

2021-07-07, 01:14 PM
The tunnel into the next room curves around, blocking the thin sunlight coming through the tunnel behind you. The light is extremely dim, allowing you to see little more than vague shapes in the near darkness of the shadowy illumination.

Within, you can see [roll0] Bashers, though these look a bit larger and tougher than the ones you've faced so far.
They are accompanied by [roll1] of the small rabbits.

At least, that's what you're fairly sure you can see in the dim lighting.

2021-07-07, 01:28 PM
Does it look like there is another tunnel through this room?

That is a lot of rabbits.

2021-07-07, 02:13 PM
There is a singular dark hole on the far side of the room. The rest of the walls appear to be unbroken compacted soil.

2021-07-07, 03:32 PM
My Wall of Smoke spell will only hit a 10' section here. But can I use it to cut the room apart and at least try to keep SOME of them off of us for a while? At the very least, it can force some of them into Fortitude Saves to avoid losing their attack action for a round.

2021-07-09, 05:05 PM
My Wall of Smoke spell will only hit a 10' section here. But can I use it to cut the room apart and at least try to keep SOME of them off of us for a while? At the very least, it can force some of them into Fortitude Saves to avoid losing their attack action for a round.

That is certainly a thing you can try.

You estimate the room to be somewhere between two and three times as wide as your wall of smoke spell.

2021-07-12, 12:48 PM
Hmm...So they can just go around it unless I use it in an actual choke point. Scratch that idea. Shanna, do you think you can tank that many of them?

2021-07-12, 02:03 PM
Shanna eyes the rabbits.

Probably. But it looks like maybe they are starting to scale up. I should have cleared the damn place when I had a chance.

She sighs.

The question isn't if I can survive. It is if you think that you can.

2021-07-12, 04:48 PM
Shanna eyes the rabbits.

Probably. But it looks like maybe they are starting to scale up. I should have cleared the damn place when I had a chance.

She sighs.

The question isn't if I can survive. It is if you think that you can.

I'm willing to risk it. It really does make me wish I had a Burning Hands spell, because that could at least likely wipe out the little ones all in a single shot even if I was to hit you, too.

Here's my thought. I'll let you charge in and give it an extra round before I start pelting. Maybe if they're focused on you, I can plink away from the edges without being noticed much.

Also, just realized. I talked about splitting the money, but I don't think any of us explicitly said to loot the corpses. Racso will run back and loot the corpses in the last room real quick.