View Full Version : Progressing a bloodrager bloodline while taking levels in another class

2021-06-03, 02:42 AM
Hello everyone :)

I'm currently trying to work on a character concept, but for it to be functional mechanically I need to find a class, archetype or feature that allows levels in a class other than bloodrager to still progress the bloodline.

The only thing I found so far is the bloodline development exploit of the arcanist (which I'm not even sure works since it says Sorcerer bloodline) and also doesn't help because I need to be crossblooded.

Does anyone know of other ways that allow me to progress a crossblooded bloodrager bloodline from another class?

2021-06-03, 03:59 AM
Probably doesn’t help much, but Blood of Dragons from Dragon Disciple was ruled on by Paizo to treat bloodrager levels as sorcerer levels if you took the dragon bloodline there. So bloodrager, DD, sor and then advanced sorcerer bloodline perhaps?

It might help to actually know what you’re doing with your build though.

2021-06-03, 05:49 AM
Right, sorry. The idea is to have a caster of some kind, preferably a spontaneous one, that uses the Naga bloodline coupled with the Arcane bloodline from the bloodrager to achieve a full transformation (from weak caster to big ass Naga form) and can actually fight competently enough.

The idea is to grab the bloodline powers that buff your rage from Arcane (specifically blur and transformation) with the Naga form of the Naga bloodline to achieve a few rounds a day of serpent form melee galore.

I would also preferably avoid the Dragon Disciple and anything strictly dragon related for fluff reasons.

2021-06-08, 04:03 PM
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, the Eldritch Heritage feat chain is designed to get you a second bloodline whose powers scale with your character level.

The downside here is that you're specifically after the Bloodrager version of the Arcane Bloodline. While the Raging Blood feat helps here, it won't get you all the powers you're after without a houserule.

Your best bet might be to work with your GM to design a Variant Multiclass for Bloodrager that functions similarly to VMC Sorcerer. This will get you the Bloodrager powers at the appropriate levels in exchange for half your feat allotment, while you main Sorcerer or Arcanist for Naga.

2021-06-08, 06:51 PM
Are you saying you want the bloodrager's bloodline on a full caster? I'm unsure what the problem with just being a crossblooded bloodrager is for you.

2021-06-10, 10:13 AM
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, the Eldritch Heritage feat chain is designed to get you a second bloodline whose powers scale with your character level.

The downside here is that you're specifically after the Bloodrager version of the Arcane Bloodline. While the Raging Blood feat helps here, it won't get you all the powers you're after without a houserule.
There are a number of issues yeah, Eldritch Heritage might work if the Robe of Arcane Heritage actually allowed you to get to higher level powers than what you get from the feat tree, but to my understanding the Robe doesn't work on the bloodline you get from the Heritage line since the Heritage line only gives you the powers and not the actual bloodline no?

Are you saying you want the bloodrager's bloodline on a full caster? I'm unsure what the problem with just being a crossblooded bloodrager is for you.
Pretty much, yeah. The problem with being a full Bloodrager is that it would be a different character than what I'm trying to achieve.

It might be better to give you guys a quick outline of the character concept so you understand better what I'm going for here.
Basically she's a young warrior from a nomadic desert tribe which gains the blessing of a Dream Naga patron. She then becomes the chief of her tribe using both her martial prowess and her manipulative behavior.

The best fit would be to do 4 levels of Rageshaper Bloodrager and 16 levels of Seducer Witch. The whole insane idea behind trying to progress both Arcane and Naga bloodlines is to be able to, for a few rounds a day, instantly go from lean manipulative witch/caster archetype to big Dram Naga form and eat people. It doesn't need to be particularly optimised, but for the sake of actually being usable the Transformation spell you get at 16th from the Arcane Bloodline of the Bloodrager is pretty much crucial, since that'd give her BaB 20 for the whole rage and a bit more oomph (enough to do some actual damage and not tickle the monsters).

The perfect solution would be to have some way regardless of class that allows me to stack levels in one of the bloodlines and then pick the other with the Heritage feat line, but again I need the 16th level power from Arcane which is an issue even using the Heritage feats.
I'm starting to think the only solution is to houserule some stuff.

Kurald Galain
2021-06-10, 10:24 AM
The only thing I found so far is the bloodline development exploit of the arcanist (which I'm not even sure works since it says Sorcerer bloodline)

Note the last sentence, " If the arcanist already has a bloodline (or gains one later), taking this exploit instead allows her arcanist levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted her access to the bloodline"

So yeah, if you have a bloodline (from e.g. one level in bloodrager) then your arcanist levels stack with that.

2021-06-10, 10:45 AM
Note the last sentence, " If the arcanist already has a bloodline (or gains one later), taking this exploit instead allows her arcanist levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted her access to the bloodline"

So yeah, if you have a bloodline (from e.g. one level in bloodrager) then your arcanist levels stack with that.
It depends if it overrides the earlier part of that exploit that says "The arcanist must select an ordinary bloodline with this ability, not one altered by an archetype." (quoted verbatim from D20pfsrd)

If the latter quote you posted overrides the first part of the feat then problem (mostly) solved, otherwise I'm still in a bind