View Full Version : Movies Help Finding An Old Movie

2021-06-05, 07:01 PM
Hey everyone.

I remember watching a movie when I was a kid (old movie, maybe 50s or so), that had a particular scene:

A knight and his squire go to fight a dragon. The knight chickens out, and the squire is the one that actually fights and kills the dragon. To hide his shame, the knight then kills the squire and buries his body.

Later on someone finds the skeleton of the squire, and makes a flute out of one of his bones. When someone plays the flute, the song tells the story of how the squire was betrayed by the knight. The squire also comes back to life, maybe?

I thought this was from The Court Jester (1955) but the version of that movie I can find doesn't have this scene.

Did I imagine this, or does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

2021-06-05, 07:56 PM
I recall seeing that.
A bit of checking suggests "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" (1962) which includes the story 'the singing bone' - describing exactly what you mention.
"A servant slays a ferocious dragon and is himself slain by his cowardly master, who takes credit for killing the beast. One of the murdered man's bones appears in the form of a musical instrument that sings of the treachery. The master confesses to his crime; the servant is magically restored to life; and the king commands the master to become his servant's servant."

2021-06-05, 07:59 PM
I recall seeing that.
A bit of checking suggests "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" (1962) which includes the story 'the singing bone' - describing exactly what you mention.
"A servant slays a ferocious dragon and is himself slain by his cowardly master, who takes credit for killing the beast. One of the murdered man's bones appears in the form of a musical instrument that sings of the treachery. The master confesses to his crime; the servant is magically restored to life; and the king commands the master to become his servant's servant."

Yes! This was it!

Thank you so much! :smallsmile:

2021-06-06, 12:51 AM
Oh, wow, I remember that as well--the bit with the flute singing "And my master, he took his sword, and plunged it into me..." has been stuck in my memory for years. Nice to know where it comes from.