View Full Version : Wrong answers only:Panthonic creation

2021-06-08, 11:31 PM
Hey, so I want a list of stupid/silly/funny gods and demigods. Have fun, be silly, and get a few good ideas down.

Maat Mons
2021-06-09, 12:02 AM
The Almighty Dollar

2021-06-09, 12:05 AM
Wasn't there recently a thread invoking cat comics as deities? Like garfield, hobbes, Heathcliff and tigger?

2021-06-09, 04:26 AM
I have played in a group alongside a cleric of Barney the God of Dinosaurs.

2021-06-09, 04:47 AM
Wasn't there recently a thread invoking cat comics as deities? Like garfield, hobbes, Heathcliff and tigger?

Please, don't be silly, everyone knows that Garfield is a lovecraftian horror, not a real deity:

Link (https://imgur.com/gallery/kZ4C63h)
Link (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EfNxMToWkAAAZ9k?format=jpg&name=900x900)

2021-06-09, 05:09 AM
Methanos, god of baked beans. Anyone can generate the incense sacred to him.

Another Handle
2021-06-09, 06:23 AM
Latrinius the Porcelain God, lord of inebriation and sanitation.
The Redd God, Bird in the Dark and his book of 10 million faces. God of Wrong Answers Only.
Goodest Boy. The D.O.G. above all.

2021-06-09, 07:02 AM
Rëdscha Dough, god of advertising. Their clerics pray by knocking at other people's doors to sell useless objects with their holy symbols on them.

2021-06-09, 07:13 AM
Deathslaughtermaim, god of bunnies and misleading names. Their 'temples' are bound to be confusing places; and they are often worshipped by giving very inapt names to local buildings, geographic features, or objects.

2021-06-09, 07:36 AM
Vexatia, Goddess of stubbed toes, misplaced items, and other minor annoyances.

2021-06-09, 08:24 AM
Foros, Lord of unfair taxation and laws, LE. Worshiped by corrupt Nobility.
Enochlisis, God of annoyance, responsible for warm beer and unevenly cut pizzas, CE. Worshiped by unskilled construction workers and people who love watching the world burn.
Gatos, Lord of Felines and self centered behaviour. NE. Worshiped by Cats and Selfish people.

Batsos, Lord of Blind Justice and Law enforcement, LN. Followed by guards who follow the rules by the book, no matter how fair or unfair.
Tycheos, The almihty randomness, N. Followed by gamblers and nihilists.
Kalitech, God of Art, CN. Followed by Artists, who devote their art to him, in return for fame.

Patiron, god of Fairness and Compassion. LG. Followed by people who believe in fair laws and compassion. Also followed by good Parents and Good Nobility.
Asotos, god of Parties. CG. Worshiped by people who love to Party 'till the end, and life is a big party to them. Usually followed by teens, 'till their lifestyle makes them parents.
Eilikros, god of White Lies. NG. Worshiped by people who value honesty, but understand they don't need to be jerks about it.

2021-06-09, 09:38 AM
In one campaign, I had an evil cult worshipping a god known as "Fructus de Cera". Basically, he was the god of wax fruit. This was an in-joke based on someone's side comment about a god of wax fruit but I've totally forgotten the context since it has been 30 years since then.

The god had a depressed, nihilistic point of view, based on the notion that everything good is basically like wax fruit. It may look nice to the eye, but it's not what it seems to be. Everyone and everything puts up a false front, appearing to be something far more satisfying that what it truly is.

2021-06-09, 10:12 AM
Somn (the N is attached to a squiggly line of indeterminate length)

God of falling asleep in the middle of what you were doing.

2021-06-09, 10:20 AM
Calculon, god of munchkins (or alternatively, performance, if you just want it to be a reference)

2021-06-09, 11:09 AM
Somn (the N is attached to a squiggly line of indeterminate length)

God of falling asleep in the middle of what you were doing.

Caffeina, goddess of staying awake until you finish what you were doing even when you're on the verge of falling asleep.

2021-06-09, 12:13 PM
Derek. True Neutral. Home plane: Medium Place.


2021-06-09, 12:43 PM
Greg, god of irony, mathematics, and mediocrity. It is said that he ascended from a distant material plane known only as "Ackoun-Tingh." Said to be affable, if sometimes dull, and easily pleased with offerings and attention.

Ebony/Enoby Darkness Dementia Raven Way, god of blood, darkness, alchemy, and attention-seeking. Her church has been divided by an intractable internal conflict over whether her first name is Ebony or Enoby, and the goddess herself seems completely uninterested in correcting either faction, responding intermittently to both names, sometimes within the same invocation.

Ausk-Arm'yar, god of invention, animals, and the hearth. It is said that the meat served in their temples is summoned directly from their divine realm, and is of such transcendent flavor that all who dine upon it are immediately enraptured. Of course, only the faithful are permitted to dine, and none of the meat ever remains afterward no matter how much was summoned, so outsiders are often leery of the sacrament.

2021-06-09, 03:02 PM
Kr'ft: Goddess of dairy. Requires her priesthood to have a rank in craft:cheese.

2021-06-10, 02:14 AM
Aethius the Nonbeliever, god of rejecting religion and gods. At this point is convinced the universe maintains his deific powers out of spite.

2021-06-10, 05:00 AM
Does it have to be original?

Because the Pantheon from Vext, the gods of the Borough of Mawkish Indifference are pretty silly.

Bargyn- Uninvited guests
Blazon- Inappropriate exhibitionism
Ekko- Déjà vu
Erupt'n- Prom night pimples
Garb'l Arb'l- Interminable social functions
J-Angla- Loose pocket change
Moxcatyl- Interminable procrastination
Placatius- Insincere apology
Paramour- Relationships gone hellishly wrong
Qrttglbrngrltch- The nigh-unpronounceable inadvertent Armageddon
Rypta Gud'n- Ill-timed flatulence
Shrike M'ota- Emasculating shrews
Tedyum- Bloated windbags
Textacl- The perpetually cuckolded
Vext- Mishap and misfortune
Yammar- Incessant nagging

2021-06-10, 08:35 AM
"What if every spell was actually a minor deity/spirit, and spells were actually invocations"?

2021-06-10, 08:44 AM
Solanum the All-Seeing, deity of interplanar travel, balance, and potatoes.

With the advent of interplanar travel, the gods quickly realized that constant plane-hopping could destabilize the gravitational constants of each individual plane. In order to maintain a constant mass, action had to be taken. Solanum detects any interplanar travel, and immediately teleports a sack of potatoes (equal in mass to the planar traveler) from the destination plane to the initiating plane. Solanum's temples each contain a vault at their core, suitable for storing an immense number of potatoes. Solanum's Potatoes are considered sacred, and it's considered an extreme affront (not to mention extremely dangerous) to consume any of the potatoes.