View Full Version : Explicit Aging Effects?

2021-06-13, 04:51 AM
Looking for a spell or item or something that explicitly ages you by either a set amount or a single age category, that can be stacked arbitrarily. Like...as an example that I'm pretty sure doesn't work, there's a "Bestow Curse" option in BoVD that increases your age by one category, but you'd probably have trouble finding a DM who would allow you to be under three Bestow Curse effects that have the same curse effect.

Closest I've found is abusing planar traits, which kinda leans heavily on a DM who's willing to allow things like...like a demiplane with time that flows at like 100 years per 1 day in some fashion, or something dumb like that. But what level of hyperbolic time chamber can function is going to be pretty steeped in DM permission and I'm looking for something a little more dependable than that.

2021-06-13, 04:57 AM
I'm fairly sure that the bestow curse effect is the only official means of aging outside of perhaps some niche monsters out there, though none of those specifically come to mind.

2021-06-13, 07:53 AM
Putrefaction, Dragon Magazine # 300. Ages the target one age category per round until it dies (and if it does, raises the subject as both a ghost and a zombie under the caster's control - gotcha is that the ghost can't go very far....). Vile spell.

2021-06-13, 11:18 AM
Elder Druid PrC (Dragon #286): capstone ability allow to cast more spells per day than your normal daily maximum; spells from 5th to 8th level cast in this manner age your character by 1d4 years; 9th-level spells - by 2d4+2 years

Time Dragons (Dragon #359) have ravaging time breath weapon: it ages creatures and objects by 1 year per dragon's age category (no save)

Aging Touch spell (Dragon #359) temporary ages you by one age category; if you're already venerable - it cause 5d6 damage instead; effect is cumulative, but grants no benefits of natural aging - only drawbacks (except +2 bonus to Disguise checks per "virtual" age category); dragons and other creatures who grow in power with age are immune to this spell

2021-06-13, 11:23 PM
2nd edition Haste.

2021-06-13, 11:40 PM
In Spheres of Power, Time sphere, Age talent.
You can age someone up or down by as much as 4 age categories by caster level 20. For a couple minutes. With no benefits (outside of size change for going down to Child).

2021-06-13, 11:41 PM
The Phane (ELH) can use Time Leech.

Creatures possessed by a Suel Lich (DR339) age at triple rate.

Maat Mons
2021-06-14, 02:22 AM
Are you planning to abuse the Elixir of Eternity?

2021-06-14, 03:41 AM
Are you planning to abuse the Elixir of Eternity?

Never heard of it. If there was an abuse to be found, it'd likely be on the DM side of the screen anyway outside of a very weird campaign. Basic idea came from a half-remembered conversation about cursed magic items:

Imagine an item that lets you teleport around several times a day, but every time you use it, you age a few years.

For a human, this downside is crippling.

For an elf, this downside is relatively minor.

For a lich, this downside is meaningless.

For a dragon, this downside might be the real reason you want the item in the first place.

2021-06-14, 09:13 PM
If you're willing to re-fluff the material, the Dragonlance source book Legend of the Twins has several spells and magical items that affect time and aging.

2021-06-15, 05:04 AM
I'm away from my 3.5 Dark Sun PDFs, but I believe that a Dwarven Banshee ages people.

2021-06-21, 11:07 AM
Since Spheres of Power was mentioned, they have alternate casting costs, one of the suggestions is aging the caster.

2021-06-21, 12:43 PM
2nd edition Haste.I was going to say this. Which makes for a whole 'exploding the city to kill a mouse' vibe.

"Okay, so in order to unnaturally age someone, first we have to Plane Shift to Toril. Then we create an epic Chronomancy spell that allows us to travel back prior to the Time of Troubles. Then all you need is a 3rd-level spell slot!"

2021-06-22, 12:41 AM
2nd edition Haste.

Also, 1E/2E casting Wish; and Ghost attacks, from memory.

The Phane (ELH) can use Time Leech.

This is probably the most "legal" option for tables that don't use Dragon/Dungeon material.

If you are powerful enough, you could Gate one in, and either compel it to age someone, or use Ability Rip to yoink the Time Leech ability.

Of course, you'll need to be pretty powerful to pull this off.

2021-06-23, 04:44 PM
I was going to say this. Which makes for a whole 'exploding the city to kill a mouse' vibe.

"Okay, so in order to unnaturally age someone, first we have to Plane Shift to Toril. Then we create an epic Chronomancy spell that allows us to travel back prior to the Time of Troubles. Then all you need is a 3rd-level spell slot!"

Um, teleport through time is a normal 9th level spell. However there is also the plane of time which can murder you with chaotic time warping shenanigans. The sands of time cause non-lethal damage constantly and could theoretically be created with Create Element or pulled from the plane itself. It is however, not, as I recall, explicitly from aging.