View Full Version : Iron Chef E6 Appetizer Edition, Round XXXII

2021-06-13, 01:36 PM

Welcome back to the Iron Chef Optimization Challenge E6 Appetizer Edition! It's time for a round that focuses on a concept rather than on a class. Are you ready?

The form of this challenge is to take a particular D&D 3.5 game element (our "secret ingredient," or SI) and turn it into a functional E6 (https://esix.pbworks.com/f/E6v041.pdf) build, which must feature the SI as heavily as possible. (The only hard rule about this is that you must take at least one level—where applicable—in the SI, though judges are encouraged to look favorably on builds that take as many levels as possible in said SI or that otherwise use it as heavily as possible.) Your final build submission should consist of your 6 regular levels and your first 10 epic bonus feats, though providing a snapshot at earlier points through the progression is heartily encouraged. Entries are to be PM'd to the Chair (that would be me!), and they will be posted anonymously; our volunteer judges will then grade each build on a 1-5 point scale in four categories: Originality, Power, Elegance, and Use of the Secret Ingredient. The builds with the highest three scores will be awarded medals, with the Honorable Mention award going to the non-medaling build that the Chair likes best and/or that receives the most votes for HM in this thread. (HM may not always be awarded, particularly if the number of builds is very small.) And then we all have cake!*

*Note: You must provide your own cake.

This is basically like the regular Iron Chef, and let's be brutally honest with ourselves here: this isn't a gargantuan community, and we basically all know what we're talking about at this point. Make the builds, send 'em in, post some scores, and have fun. If you've got questions, lemme know. Still, let's lay out a few rules!

Cooking Time: Builds must be submitted via PM to the Chair by 4:59 PM GMT - 9 on Monday, June 28, 2021 (1:59 AM GMT on Tuesday, June 29). The reveal shall be on the first evening the Chair has free following the cooking deadline, which is hoped to be that evening or the immediately subsequent one—I'll do my best, anyway. Judging is then encouraged to go as quickly as possible; if multiple judges volunteer, we'll set about a two-week window, but if we only get one judge, we'll try to wrap up as soon as possible after that judge presents scores. (I will admit that the deadline time may not be an exact science, but don't hide from me and we'll probably be cool.)
Kitchen: Let's break this one down a bit.

ALLOWED: Almost all D&D 3.5 material published by WotC: Core, Completes, monster books, Races Of books, alternate power source books (Expanded Psionics Handbook, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, etc.), Spell Compendium, Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, Eberron material, Forgotten Realms material, and other WotC-published 3.5 material. (This list is NOT exhaustive and there are many other legal books that I did not mention by name!)
ALLOWED: Material from the 3.5 archives of the Wizards of the Coast website (including, but not limited to, the Mind's Eye articles). If you use it, link it.
ALLOWED: Official errata from WotC. If you're relying on this in a material fashion, it's a good idea to link it and to discuss it.
NOT ALLOWED: Unofficial errata, including "class fixes" (regardless of the source, including from the original author if not published in a WotC book) or fan-created content.
ALLOWED: Unupdated WotC-published 3.0 material (e.g., Sword and Fist, Masters of the Wild, etc.) except for 3.0 psionics. No 3.0 psionics allowed. If you are using 3.0 material, use the general-purpose skill updates (Wilderness Lore becomes Survival, Innuendo becomes Bluff, etc.) and the general-purpose rules updates (spells with a casting time of "1 action" become "1 standard action," etc.) when appropriate.
NOT ALLOWED: 3.0 material for which a direct 3.5 update exists. Use the updated material instead.
ALLOWED: Dragon Compendium and its errata (http://paizo.com/download/dragon/compendium/DragonCompendiumVolumeIErrata.pdf).
NOT ALLOWED: Content from Dragon Magazine and/or Dungeon Magazine unless said content appears in an otherwise allowed source.
ALLOWED: Oriental Adventures, including the 3.5 update to Oriental Adventures from Dragon Magazine #318. This is a specific exception to the "no Dragon" rule!
NOT ALLOWED: Pathfinder content, regardless of whether it is "D&D 3.5 OGL" or not. If it didn't come from WotC, we don't want it.
ALLOWED: From Unearthed Arcana: racial paragon classes, alternate class features/variant classes, spelltouched feats, and variant races. (Traits and flaws are technically legal, but traits warrant a -0.5 point penalty in Elegance, and flaws warrant a -1 penalty in Elegance.)
NOT ALLOWED: Other Unearthed Arcana content, including (but not limited to) bloodlines, LA buyoff, fractional BAB/saves, alternate casting systems, alternate skill systems, item familiars, prestigious character classes, generic classes, gestalt, etc. When you're wondering if UA content is allowed, err on the side of caution and don't mess around with it.
NOT ALLOWED: Leadership, regardless of source. Game elements functionally equivalent to Leadership (including, but not limited to, Dragon Cohort, Undead Leadership, and Thrallherd) are similarly banned. (Familiars, Improved Familiar, animal companions, Wild Cohort, psicrystals, elemental envoys, and similar game elements are allowed, and they are not considered to be "Leadership." If the difference isn't obvious, feel free to contact the Chair with specific questions.)
NOT ALLOWED: Third-party content, homebrew, or other non-WotC content.
NOT ALLOWED: Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook. Just because you're "epic" in E6 after 6th level doesn't mean that you're that kind of epic.
NOT ALLOWED: Any race or template with a level adjustment other than +0. (Or any other source of LA other than a race or template, if any such things exist.) However, as a specific exception for round 26, see below.
NOT ALLOWED: For our judges: penalizing solely based on legal sources used, regardless of whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between. If the material is legal, then it doesn't matter how many or how few books it came out of.
ALLOWED: Also for our judges: penalizing for using a source (other than material in Core; don't be vindictive about genuinely obvious stuff) that isn't listed in the build writeup. The chef may choose to present the sources in-line with the text, in a consolidated source list, or somewhere else, but if the source is listed (and is otherwise legal), it counts. If the source is not listed, you may choose to penalize for that.

If you have questions about anything in this section (or hell, in this ruleset), feel free to ask the Chair.

Character Creation: 32 point buy is assumed. For the purposes of this contest, Level Adjustment greater than +0 is banned. (This may be revised at a later point, but I don't feel that the E6 LA rules are conducive to fun in the context of this contest.) No more than two entries per chef per contest, please; if you submit two builds and somehow are so overcome with inspiration for a third that you can't help yourself, PM me and tell me which two you care about the most.
Highlighted because of past issues: It is not enough for your build to end with a level adjustment of +0. You must be +0 from start to finish. No using ANY build elements with a level adjustment above +0, even if they then get mitigated or reduced somehow. However, note that a special exception is in place for round 26...
Speculation: Please do not post any form of speculation before the reveal. Just don't do it, guys. It's not cool. This means NOT posting any of the following or anything substantially similar: what you think is going to be common, significant elements of your planned build or of other potential builds, or anything else that could directly influence someone else's build choices for good or for ill. (It's acceptable to ask for rules clarifications as appropriate, but try to avoid tipping your hand too much.) Speculation is bad because it can discourage people from posting builds and can also "taint the judging pool" when it comes to Originality, so please just try to be aware of how other people might react to your speculation.
E6: Here's how E6 works for the purposes of this contest. Build your character normally for the first six levels. After you reach level 6, you stop gaining levels and start gaining bonus feats every time you would gain 5,000 XP. Since we aren't actually tracking XP, you'll basically list your first ten epic bonus feats in the order that you take them, and we think of them as being kind of like levels. We will not use the LA-equals-reduced-point-buy rules, instead preferring to just ban races with LA, at least for now. We will not use the "capstone feats"; all feats that you take must be normal legal 3.5 feats, not homebrew E6 ones. You may not use the Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook, though if for some reason there are non-Epic feats from the ELH that you qualify for, you may take those. (I don't think there are any, but I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.) It is up to the discretion of each judge whether this is a "hard E6" (magic above 3rd level spells is simply beyond mortal reach, items that have a listed CL above 6th are just plain not available, etc.) or a "soft E6" (if you can somehow get the magic on your character, it's yours, regardless of level), though I honestly don't expect it to come up. Don't go crazy with making assumptions about items and we probably won't have to find out.
Presentation: Please use the table found below in the spoiler. List your epic bonus feats (in clear order) after the table. If you find a clever way of formatting that that isn't annoying and that doesn't break anything, have fun; if it's portable, I may steal it for the next round. When sending your build or any disputes to the Chair, clearly include your build's name in the subject of the PM, and please present your build exactly as you want the Chair to copy and paste it into the thread.
If you're using a picture, cite the source and follow any relevant citation rules. Because we have had issues with this in the past, when listing your skills, please make it very clear how many ranks you have at each level. There are multiple ways to do this and we do not wish to cramp anyone's individual style by dictating exactly how this must look, but make sure that somewhere in your entry there's an explanation of how many actual skill ranks you have. It's still fine to list total skill bonuses, if that's your style, but don't only list bonuses; make sure that there is a clear listing somewhere of your ranks alone.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code for the table:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Contest houserules: Nearly the same as the main contest's rules here: all creatures are proficient with natural weapons they have or may acquire, bonus feats that are explicitly granted without meeting prereqs are usable even without those prereqs, and feats that affect which skills are class skills for you and/or how you spend your skill points (Able Learner, Martial Study, Truename Training, Apprentice, etc.) apply immediately at the level at which you take them (even though you normally spend skill points before taking a feat). When taking Open Minded as an epic feat, any skill that has ever been a class skill for you (including through your class, your race, your feats, or similar game elements, though please don't muck around with retroactively making something stop being a class skill for some stupid reason) is a class skill when determining how the 5 granted skill points may be spent. All usual rules about HD-related skill caps apply. When taking Open Minded as a non-epic feat, treat it as normal; the class skills of the class you took at the level you gained Open Minded (plus race, feats, etc.) are your class skills for those skill points, similar to if Open Minded's skill points came straight from your class.
Judging guidelines: The minimum score in a category is 1, and the maximum is 5 (except in high-Originality rounds, wherein the maximum in Originality is 10). Judges are expected to be fair, consistent, and open-minded, and they are expected to make a good-faith effort to engage with any reasonable disputes that arise, especially when RAW is in question. That said, contestants are asked to not dispute more than necessary; let's do everything in good faith and really only dispute when a judge is being inconsistent, being unfair, or is otherwise grossly misinterpreting a build.
Judges may not penalize Originality solely because a build is a tribute or homage to an existing creative work (in or out of D&D canon; note that this is not the same thing as penalizing Originality for using well-known optimization tactics), nor may judges penalize based solely on sources used (whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between, you should judge the build elements and how they work together rather than what book or what books they came out of, as long as those books are legal for this contest and are cited in the entry).
As with the main contest, we will follow the "One Mistake, One Penalty" guideline, and it is very important that the judges adhere to it. I'm going to directly copy and paste this from the main thread, and hopefully the original author won't mind too much:
Judges are only allowed to penalise once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

Non-exhaustive list of examples:


Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

Not allowed:

Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation


Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
Giving minimum score in UotSI for not qualifying for the SI
Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalising for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

Not Allowed:

"Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

Other general things that are no longer allowed:

Penalising because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalise if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.

Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.
Dispute guidelines (NEW, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION): Disputing is long, annoying, and emotional. It's also sometimes necessary, but it's often not actually something that makes everyone have more fun. Let's go into a little more detail here.
Do NOT dispute to make an argument that goes fundamentally beyond what's in your write-up. It is the responsibility of the chef to make sure that the write-up is complete and contains their best arguments for what the build does and why it's awesome. If you didn't explain your tactics well or didn't spell out something that a judge misses, just do better next time. Don't drag it out after the fact.
Do NOT dispute just to be clever or witty or cheeky. Please. We're all adults here and so I assume you know what that means. Don't treat the build as a setup and your oh-so-clever dispute as the punchline. It's not as funny as it is in your head. Trust me. I've been down that road.
Do NOT dispute just to say "oh yeah, my bad, I missed that" or some equivalent. If you're not directly challenging the judge, save the commentary until after the reveal. I 100% get that the urge to respond to commentary is very strong, but type it out and sit on it for a while if you've gotta.
Do NOT dispute just to try to wheedle more points out of the judge. Note that this is different from saying that the judge is being truly unfair or is being truly wrong by black-and-white RAW. A dispute is NOT the place to try to scrape together a few last quarter-points. If you didn't put it in your write-up, that's on you. This also means that a dispute is really not the place to have long back-and-forth tit-for-tat arguments. That's a surefire way to get people grumpy. It's a contest on a D&D board, guys, not the results of a federal election.
Do NOT dispute to tear down another build. That's just plain not cool. If you entered the contest, it's not on you to judge the other builds.
DO dispute if the judge is being blatantly biased by giving you a substantially different ruling on a build element compared to another chef who used the same build element in nearly the same way. (Note that position in a build may affect if you're using that element in "nearly the same way" or not.) Please reserve this for the truly blatant examples. I mean it. Remember, it's the contestant's responsibility to make their best argument in the original write-up.
DO dispute if the judge is actively going against the contest rules. Note that there are relatively few ways in which a judge can go against contest rules (we intentionally give very wide discretion to our judges), but examples include truly breaking One Mistake One Penalty, penalizing just because of number of sources of (legal) material, and so on.
DO dispute if the judge is clearly ignoring unambiguous RAW. Note that this is for unambiguous RAW; if the RAW is shady and you're making an argument that isn't completely clear and that it wouldn't be strange for a GM to frown on, the judge has every right to frown on it as well. (You generally know when you're indulging in shady RAW. Be mature about this.) But if the judge is saying you didn't hit a prereq that you clearly did hit (and included in your write-up!), saying you can't do something that the plain text of the ability says you can do, or anything like that, by all means, call 'em out.
Do NOT dispute if the judge doesn't agree with your interpretation of ambiguous RAW. Yes, this is a retread of the previous bullet point; this is that important. If you're relying on ambiguous RAW, it's on you to lay out clearly why it should work the way you want it to work. Again, be mature and act in good faith: you really know when you're pushing things like this. If they don't like it, they don't like it. Move on.

Disputing is a privilege, not a right. In the Chair's sole discretion, disputes that do not meet these guidelines and/or that do not seem to be offered in good faith may be suppressed. The Chair reserves the right to choose to post all, some, or none of a dispute if appropriate.

Other bits and bobs: If there's something major and relevant I haven't mentioned, assume that the way I handle it will probably be the same as the main contest unless stated otherwise or unless doing so would be an obviously absurd result. If you've got questions, I'll give you answers.

This round's secret ingredient:
The concept of TANKING!
Your motto: "Hard to kill and harder to ignore!"
Allez Optimizer!

The Builds:

Alignment / Race
Class Levels
Judge 1: Seerow
Judge 2
Judge 3

M1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107951&postcount=33)
LE Warforged
Battle Sorcer 6


Arush (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107952&postcount=34)
CG Desert Half-Orc
Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 2


Dorok (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107955&postcount=35)
NG Lesser Zenythri
Shapeshift Druid 6


Kaldra (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107957&postcount=36)
LG -> NG Human
Monk 2 / Incarnate 4


Khihrah Bittherleafh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107961&postcount=37)
LE Strongheart Halfling
Monk 2 / Wizard 3 / Master Specialist 1


JAT (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107962&postcount=38)
CG Human Spellscale
Jester 4/Fighter 1/Warblade 1


Nagant Darktail (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107965&postcount=39)
CE Unseelie Fey Tibbit
Artificer 6


Guardian (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107966&postcount=40)
LG Anthropomorphic monkey
Paladin 5/ Purple dragon knight 1


Spongetim Circletrousers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107969&postcount=41)
NG Elan
Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2


Sunflower (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107972&postcount=42)
?G Human
Totemist 6


Miette (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107977&postcount=43)
NG Tibbit
Scout 1 / Incarnate 4 / Ardent 1
N/A (16.75?)

Round 4: Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542333-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(IV))
Round 5: Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548763-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-V))
Round 6: Racial Paragon Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?551174-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VI))
Round 7: Hexblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553767-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VII))
Round 8: Shugenja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555626-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VIII))
Round 9: Swashbuckler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?559135-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-IX)")
Round 10: Crusader (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562183-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-X))
Round 11: Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?565669-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XI))
Round 12: Factotum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?569723-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XII))
Round 13: Prestige Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572441-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIII))
Round 14: Mountebank (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576318-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIV))
Round 15: Sorcerer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?582751-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XV))
Round 16: Dragon Shaman (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?585121-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XVI))
Round 17: Lurk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?588149-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XVII))
Round 18: Paladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?591516-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XVIII))
Round 19: Scout (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?595369-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIX))
Round 20: Incarnate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?599279-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XX))
Round 21: Shadowcaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?602325-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXI))
Round 22: Dragonmarks (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?606051-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXII))
Round 23: Fighter (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?611114-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXIII))
Round 24: Pets (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?615226-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXIV))
Round 25: Warlock (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?617510-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXV)&p=24666502)
Round 26: Monsters (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?619170-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XXVI))
Round 27: Ardent (exhibition round) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?622593-Iron-Chef-E6-Appetizer-Edition-Round-XXVII)
Round 28: Rogue (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?623937-Iron-Chef-E6-Appetizer-Edition-Round-XXVIII)
Round 29: Signature Spells (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?627038-Iron-Chef-E6-Appetizer-Edition-Round-XXIX)
Round 30: Any Prior Ingredient (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?628860-Iron-Chef-E6-Appetizer-Edition-Round-XXX)
Round 31: Ranger (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?631229-Iron-Chef-E6-Appetizer-Edition-Round-XXXI)

Round 1: Divine Mind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?197000-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6))
Round 2: Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?201548-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6)-II)
Round 3: Marshal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235221-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition-(E6)-III)

2021-06-13, 01:36 PM
Here's a few gentle recommendations that are intended to improve scores and make things easier for the judges. As always, THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS POST ARE NOT RULES. Judges and contestants are free to honor them or ignore them; my intent here is only to help, and NONE of what I'm saying here is required. (That said, did you see the new dispute guidelines? Those ARE rules, so please go read them. And I'm even going to be better about enforcing them this time.)

Double-check ALL of your prereqs. Every. Single. One. Feats, PrCs, whatever. You might even go so far as to spell out when you meet each one, but again, that's not a requirement. But one of the single biggest causes of point loss is failure to meet prereqs.
Tell the judges what's cool about your build! You spent hours or days on this (y'know, probably) and know it inside and out, but the judges are getting a whole bunch of these dishes all at once and don't know the build history of each one. You're significantly more likely to score well if you spell out exactly what makes you awesome than if you try to just let it stand on its own.
Make it easy to read! Skill tables are awful, though they're an incredibly necessary evil. Full Monster Manual-style statblocks are occasionally useful but are also insanely dense if not formatted well. Judges are very likely to miss something if you aren't careful with how you present your info. Remember that judging takes a lot of time, energy, and focus, so don't rely on the judge being willing/able to decode something in order to see what makes you interesting!
Be memorable. Remember that we've all seen these ingredients used at least once before.What makes you different?

This isn't the first time we've done a concept rather than a specific game element, but I think it's fair to just remind you that it's kind of incumbent on you to explain to the judge how you fit the bill when it comes to tanking! What makes you able to get up in the front lines and stare down a monster? Why does that monster not just shrug and ignore you? You've really gotta both be able to hold enemy attention AND stick around in one piece after you've got their attention. Show us how you make that happen!

2021-06-13, 04:15 PM
I love tanks, I love E6.... but I have no original ideas for something this broad. I am however eager to consume everyone else's.

I'm in to Judge.

2021-06-13, 04:33 PM
Incoming builds with 10 instances of [REDACTED] :D

2021-06-13, 05:44 PM
Oof, I don't think I have anything for this. On the other hand, I love the stylish new logo!

2021-06-14, 08:10 AM
This is tricky, the concept is old and well established, I know exactly what to do, but it's like, "nothing new". Seems it'll be difficult to get good originality while still making an effective tank. I hope I see new things!

2021-06-14, 08:15 AM
Are you suggesting that originality is going to ... :smallcool: .... tank?


2021-06-14, 09:50 AM
Oof, I don't think I have anything for this. On the other hand, I love the stylish new logo!

I'm SO pleased with it! I commissioned an artist to make it for us. I asked that the image be released into the public domain, so if anyone wants to use it for literally anything, you own it just as much as I do! I've got higher-res versions if anyone wants 'em. I got a custom t-shirt made with the logo, too! It's my new favorite t-shirt.

2021-06-14, 01:39 PM
I definetly have something for this, and I also dig the new logo!

2021-06-15, 02:17 AM
The new logo is beatiful! And damn...I made too many tanks so i don't have so many ideas so I will try something more original than powerful I think even if i could use these build for future but is fine , I don't want to use the classical ingredients for a tank (or at least not so much)

2021-06-18, 04:21 AM
I might have found something interesting. I hope I find the time to do a proper write-up.

2021-06-23, 09:47 AM
Ok. I definitely found something ... interesting. I guess I'm competing.

2021-06-26, 08:46 AM
So if I'm understanding this correctly we build a level 6 character, treat it as if nothing further exists levelwise, and then add ten bonus feats, with the end goal being the tankiest character we can come up with?

2021-06-26, 08:55 AM
So if I'm understanding this correctly we build a level 6 character, treat it as if nothing further exists levelwise, and then add ten bonus feats, with the end goal being the tankiest character we can come up with?

You got it!

It’s a high originality round, so deconstructing what a tank character is and does is probably a good way to start crafting.

2021-06-26, 09:45 AM
I don't think it's an high originality round?

2021-06-26, 09:47 AM
Open-ended concept like this? I would be surprised if it is NOT a high originality round.

2021-06-26, 09:58 AM
I suppose, but the signature spell was fairly open ended too, and didn't have the high originality tag, like the XXX round had.

if it is, I would expect it to have been mentioned by the chair in the opening post.

I probably would have volunteered to judge and not submitted entries if I thought it was high originality, but it's a bit late for that :D

2021-06-26, 10:20 AM
I suppose, but the signature spell was fairly open ended too, and didn't have the high originality tag, like the XXX round had.

if it is, I would expect it to have been mentioned by the chair in the opening post.

I probably would have volunteered to judge and not submitted entries if I thought it was high originality, but it's a bit late for that :D

Yeah nothing in the OP indicates scoring is different from standard, so unless the chair says otherwise Originality is the standard 1-5 points not the 1-10 of a high originality round.

But I think there may be two different things being discussed. With such an open ended concept I am hoping to see some unique/original takes on tanking in the entries.

2021-06-26, 10:43 AM
It also doesn't say its not! Looks like there's been only a single 10 point round for originality.

2021-06-26, 03:16 PM
I don't think it's an high originality round?

You’re right, my bad.

2021-06-26, 03:37 PM
Hot new logo.

2021-06-27, 01:05 PM
It also doesn't say its not! Looks like there's been only a single 10 point round for originality.

It's not a high originality round. We've had several of them (sorcerer, crusader, and a couple others), but this isn't one of them.

We're down to about a day(ish) left to cook! How are we doing?

2021-06-27, 04:35 PM
I do have 2 vague ideas, so if we need more entries I could probably throw something together.

2021-06-27, 06:31 PM
It's not a high originality round. We've had several of them (sorcerer, crusader, and a couple others), but this isn't one of them.

We're down to about a day(ish) left to cook! How are we doing?

Well I submitted mine anyway. Good luck, everyone!

2021-06-28, 02:14 AM
I can't wait to see what everybody cooked, I'm so hoping for seeing something new

2021-06-28, 07:05 AM
Any chance of an extension of the deadline? Probably need at least 48 hours more :/

2021-06-28, 10:18 AM
Not seeing a mention of how HP is determined for a character, so I shall assume it's average half +1+conmod assumed HP per level rather than rolled randomly.

2021-06-28, 10:26 AM
I've been using first HD maximized, then everything else is averaged, rounded down

so, excluding the first level, 1d6 would be 3, 2d6 would be 7, 3d6 would be 10 and so on, with the "average" being size/2+0.5 (or (size+1)/2, if we want to nitpick)

that's what gives me a result consistent with NPC entries.

At my actual table, we use "average = size/2+1", but that's a houserule I think

2021-06-28, 01:50 PM
Any chance of an extension of the deadline? Probably need at least 48 hours more :/

With an extension i could probably finish another build i need to organize the ideas but i have something in mind

2021-06-28, 06:28 PM
I'm busier than I expected for the next few evenings, so sure, I can give an extension, no prob.

2021-06-29, 03:59 AM
I'm busier than I expected for the next few evenings, so sure, I can give an extension, no prob.

Thanks a lot. Submitted mine.

2021-06-29, 07:12 PM
Looking forward to the big reveal, hopefully the other chefs are utilizing the extension to finish up.

2021-07-02, 11:09 AM
Some of my favorite builds have been spun out of elaborate puns.

You're here for a tank, right? So let's get a couple things out of the way before the nitty-gritty details. You get a picture, then a name and summary, then a stat block. Once the basics are out of the way and the elephant in the room is dealt with, you get the details, and then you tell us if it works. Deal? Deal.


Courtesy of Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/99j837/oc_giant_killer_ballista_wagon/)

M1, Abrams' Child LE Warforged Battle Sorcerer 6

The following deciphered text was encoded in a one-time encryption system, sealed behind multiple redundant physical and magical security systems including mundane and arcane locks, explosive runes, sepia snake sigils, permanencied (by means unknown) invisible illusory script, and other means. It took the dedicated resources of all of House Cannith to decipher this. Once read, it was re-sealed in an identical fashion to its original condition, using instructions found in the document itself. Some knowledge it is better for man to have never known.

Olarune 19, 965YK.

... It was only after speaking with and examining M1 that I, Aarren d'Cannith, was able to perfect the Creation Forge and create the first self-aware and intelligent Warforged. M1 claimed to have seen 77 winters, and the first-hand knowledge it demonstrated within a zone of truth prooved it to my satisfaction. Remarkably strong and intelligent, reverse engineering the arcane matrix of [REDACTED] was a challenge. M1 is the case study for our estimated lifespan for the warforged we sell. ...

... The modifications I had to make to the 7th sub-layer in the [REDACTED] erased most evidence of draconic origins within the Forge. It must never be known outside of the House that I acquired the [REDACTED] to master the forges from extrapolating second-hand information from Dragons ...

Sealed by my hand to the House
-- Aarren d'Cannith

This is supposition and not Eberron Canon, but a reasonable extrapolation:

House Cannith utilizes schemas in the creation of items and probably used them in their creation forges. Cannith keeps sending expeditions to Xendrik to retrieve more schemas. Schemas were known back to the time of the Giants, who originally learned their arcane knowledge from the Dragons. Later, after the Quori invasion and the elven rebellion, the Dragons eradicated the Giant Civilization, probably looting their collective knowledge. As the Giants learned arcane secrets from the Dragons, and as the Dragons are the keepers of most of the remaining Giant lore, it is extremely likely that Dragons have access to every schema Cannith has and more. There is no reason, especially in an E6 campaign world, where mortals are limited to level 6 but dragons are not, that Dragons can't do everything Cannith do or did, and more, and have already been doing for millenia. Thus our story that M1 is 110 years old, old enough to still be adult and not middle aged, but certainly older than any other Cannith-created warforged, because they were forged by Dragons. A singular dragon, actually, an evil bronze dragon named Abrams.

M1, Abrams' Child (in Animated Iron Cart form)
Non-gendered((They/Them)) WarforgedRoE,7 Sorcerer 6 (+ Epic 10)
Size/Type Large Construct (Living Construct, Dragonblood)
Hit Dice 6d8+12 (42hp)
Initiative +0
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class 22 (-1 size, +5 natural, +4 Mage Armor, +4 Shield), touch 13
Base Attack/Grapple +4 / +11 (+4 BAB, +4 size, +3 Str)
Attack Slam +6 melee (2d6+4) or ballista +9 ranged (3d8+2)
Full Attack Slam +6 melee (2d6+4) or ballista +9 ranged (3d8+2)
Space/Reach 10 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks Improved Bull Rush, Trample**
Special Qualities Construct Traits, Hardness 10
Saves Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14
Skills Handle Animal +11, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Profession (Siege Engineer) +8, Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +11 (+13 for scrolls)
Feats Legion
Environment Any
Organization Crew (Solitary, + Familiar (Imp), + 3 Monkeys)
Challenge Rating ????
Treasure Standard
Alignment LE
Combat Gear Masterwork Ballista, Wand of Mage Armor, Wand of Shield

So let's talk about Gazebo Jones. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=9823824&postcount=132) Other than using alter self to transform into animated objects, there is really very little in common between Gazebo Jones and M1. Gazebo Jones had access to alter self at will via Thrall of Jubilex, and M1 does not. Instead M1 gets sufficient uses of Alter Self in sufficient duration to remain in animated cart form 24/7. Gazebo use of alter self leveraged himself as an improvised weapon via Drunken Master to disarm, entangle, and grapple. M1 has mastered the art of being a cart by getting their improved familiar, Lieutenant Wyatt, and their self-trained mage-bred monkeys (Sergeant Jones, Corporal Collins, and Private Butterscotch) to reload the ballista that they are carrying while they (M1) use their actions to re-position within the battlescape or charge opponents. M1 utilizes other tricks of animated objects that Gazebo ignored, such as object hardness to get DR 10/-, and leveraging the carrying capacity of being both large and wheeled. Gazebo barely listed their skills whereas M1 had to utilize 3 precious feats to fit every necessary skill in. There's more of course, I'm just trying to pre-empt comparisons by making them myself. And now back to your scheduled entry.

Abilities Point Buy Initial Score Racial (Warforged) Level 4
Str 10 16 16 16
Dex 2 10 10 10
Con 4 12 14 (+2) 14
Int 6 14 14 14
Wis 2 10 8 (-2) 8
Cha 8 15 13 (-2) 14 (+1)

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Sorcerer 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Handle Animal (2) (+4 cc), Knowledge: Arcana (4) (+4), Profession: Siege Engineer (4) (+4), Spellcraft (2) (+2), Use Magic Device (4) (+4) Apprentice (Spellcaster) DMG2,176, Alertness (B) PHB,89, Light Armor Proficiency (B) PHB,89, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword) PHB,97 Summon Familiar, Battle SorcererUA,56
2nd Sorcerer 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Handle Animal (2), Knowledge: Arcana (5) (+1), Profession: Siege Engineer (5) (+1), Spellcraft (3) (+1), Use Magic Device (5) (+1) -- --
3rd Sorcerer 3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Handle Animal (2), Knowledge: Arcana (6) (+1), Profession: Siege Engineer (6) (+1), Spellcraft (4) (+1), Use Magic Device (6) (+1) Skill Knowledge (Handle Animal) UA,81 --
4th Sorcerer 4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Handle Animal (2), Knowledge: Arcana (7) (+1), Profession: Siege Engineer (7) (+1), Spellcraft (5) (+1), Use Magic Device (7) (+1) -- --
5th Sorcerer 5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Handle Animal (4) (+2), Knowledge: Arcana (8) (+1), Profession: Siege Engineer (8) (+1), Spellcraft (5), Use Magic Device (7) -- --
6th Sorcerer 6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Handle Animal (6) (+2), Knowledge: Arcana (9) (+1), Profession: Siege Engineer (9) (+1), Spellcraft (5), Use Magic Device (7) Draconic Heritage (Bronze Dragon) RotD,102 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
E1 -- -- -- -- -- -- Versatile Spellcaster RotD,101 --
E2 -- -- -- -- -- -- Draconic Power RotD,104 --
E3 -- -- -- -- -- -- Improved Familiar (Imp) DMG,200 --
E4 -- -- -- -- -- -- Arcane Thesis (Alter Self) PHB2,74 --
E5 -- -- -- -- -- -- Extend Spell PHB,94 --
E6 -- -- -- -- -- Handle Animal (9) (+3), Knowledge: Arcana (9), Profession: Siege Engineer (9), Spellcraft (5), Use Magic Device (9) (+2) Open Minded CAdv,111 --
E7 -- -- -- -- -- -- Ballista Proficiency HoB,96 --
E8 -- -- -- -- -- -- Expert Siege Engineer HoB,97 --
E9 -- -- -- -- -- -- Power Attack PHB,98 --
E10 -- -- -- -- -- -- Improved Bull Rush PHB,95 --

Level Class Arcane 0th Arcane 1st Arcane 2nd Arcane 3rd -- Spells Known (0th) Spells Known (1st) Spells Known (2nd) Spells Known (3rd)
1st Sorcerer 1 4 2 - - -- 3 (Detect magic, Read magic, Repair minor damageSC,173) 2 (Repair light damageSC,173, Shield) - -
2nd Sorcerer 2 5 3 - - -- 4 (+Mage hand) 2 - -
3rd Sorcerer 3 5 4 - - -- 4 3 (+Mount) - -
4th Sorcerer 4 5 5 2 - -- 5 (+Launch BoltSC,130) 3 1 (Alter Self) -
5th Sorcerer 5 5 5 3 - -- 5 4 (+Disguise Self) 1 -
6th Sorcerer 6 5 5 4 2 -- 6 (+Launch ItemSC,130) 4 1 1 (Repair serious damageSC,173)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Bonus Spells (CHA) -- -- +1 +1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Final (with bonus spells) Sorcerer 6 5 6 5 2 -- 6 4 1 1

For a while after creation, M1 was treated as a pet or a young child by Abrams, a Bronze Dragon with the Master of the Hoard Sovereign ArchetypeDroE,31 (of the Keeper, this is Eberron after all, so alignment is way more mutable), so it was only logical that M1 would take after their master in so many ways. Emulating their parent/mentor Abrams, M1 took levels in Battle Sorcerer, providing a mixture of might and magic. This not only allowed M1 to cast arcane spells in their own composite plating without penalty, but boosted their health and hand-eye coordination. M1 formally apprenticed themselves to Abram, paying back the costs of their own creation while reaping many arcane boons from their master. Having kept pets of their own, much as Abrams kept M1, M1 learned the ability to master training and rearing animals, building a foundation that would set them on their own unique path.

I had to aim very carefully to achieve this build, and it started at level 1. The children of bronze dragons have a soft spot for animals, often keeping pets.RotD,58 This applies to M1 as well. The apprentice(spellcaster) feat provides UMD as a class skill until level 5, and offers 2 bonus skill ranks, and a bonus spell known at level 1. M1 then takes Skill Knowledge (Handle Animals) at level 3, gaining Handle Animal as a class skill. M1 has also been taking ranks in Profession (Siege Engineer), reflecting their desire to learn the mechanical aspects of the world. Their master Abrams has the ability to cast cleric spells due to their sovereign archetype, thus Abrams is exposed to various animated objects.

Tactics:M1 has limited self-buffs and self-healing capabilities, but is useful to adventuring parties due to not needing to eat or sleep. They still need to rest to recover spells, but their familiar can scout at night. Armor class is decent, but not great, due to their composite armor and shield spell. They mostly two-hand a long sword to grind through the early levels.

M1 graduates from their apprenticeship, and considers but discards the notion of taking on an apprentice of their own. But to symbolize their permanent relationship to Abrams, M1 truly internalizes their draconic heritage, gaining some extra ability to deal with electrical damage that permanently threatens them. M1 learns 2nd and 3rd level arcane spells here, gaining the ability to alter themselves into an animated iron cart for the 1st time at level 4.

Tactics: At this point, M1 can become an animated iron cart for 40 minutes 3/day (including bonus spell for CHA) at lv 4 (120 minutes), 50 minutes a day 4/day at lv 5 (200 minutes), and potentially 60 minutes 7/day at lv 6 (using 3rd level slots if necessary) (420 minutes or 6 hours). It is such a terribly useful form that it becomes their go-to move in combat. They can be an animated cart for over 1/4 of the day at this point. But that's not good enough for them.

M1 reaches the limits of mortal advancement, yet slowly continues to accumulate abilities and strength. Versatile spellcaster allows them to convert two lv-1 spell slots to cast a lv-2 spell (alter self). This allows M1 to be their iron-cart alter ego up to another 3 times per day. They are now a cart 60 minutes per casting up to 10/day, for a total of 10 hours. The draconic power feat boosts their caster level by 1 to CL 7, providing yet another boost to go-go-gadget-iron-cart duration (70 minutes x 10 = 11 hours 40 minutes - nearly half the day!) and providing the necessary CL for improved familiar (Imp)MM,56. Lieutenant Wyatt will be important in the next segment because familiars share their master's skill ranks. Imps also have language and hands, and thus can UMD. Why spend actions buffing when they have an imp to do it for them? Next up is Arcane Thesis, which is used for 2 things. The first is a +2 CL boost for Alter Self, getting M1 to autobot form 90 minutes per casting 10 times a day, or up to 15 hours. The second is a metamagic cost reduction for Alter Self, which they use with Extend Spell (the +1 is completely neutralized). Each casting now lasts 3 hours, and with 10 castings a day they can be a go-cart for 30 hours before recharging their batteries. The extra duration is important, because any spells cast within the last 8 hours count against the daily limit. So with 3-hour duration, they use up 2 castings during each rest period. Thus M1 can only refresh 8 castings of Alter Self every day, which is enough to exactly be a Ford F-150 24/7/365. BAM.

Now that M1 is totally an iron cart all the time, they need to become a true tank. The open minded feat nets us 5 extra skill ranks, which are used to max out Handle Animal and UMD. They start training their crew of MagebredECS,295 MonkeysMM,276.
If you clicked here looking for a statblock on Sergeant Jones, Corporal Collins, and Private Butterscotch, you're not going to get one. This is a real quick sidebar here. We have no idea what a magebred monkey costs, except that it is 2x what a normal monkey would cost.ECS,124 It's probably very similar to what a WarbeastMM2,219 Monkey would cost, assuming such a thing would be legal (it isn't). Warbeast cost 50 gp/HD, so M1 is out 150 golds to buy a trio of monkeys. Lieutenant Wyatt can help train (aid another) the monkeys, so M1 has a +13 bonus to Handle Animal, and magebred animals have a training DC 2 lower than the book. The monkeys can learn the tricks Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Stay, and Work (Magebred animals get 2 bonus tricks). That combination of tricks should be sufficient to get a ballista bolt, load it, winch down, and prepare to fire (all part of the 2-full round actions needed to prep a ballista for firingHoB,66
Next Lieutenant Wyatt buys a masterwork ballista and mounts it on M1, and M1 takes Ballista Proficiency. Because a light ballista is a medium sized object, M1 as a large "mount" should be able to carry it no problemo. It does weigh 400 pounds, but we can divide the weight by 4 if the siege engine has wheels, which M1 does. And because M1 is essentially permanently large, they get x2 carrying capacity. A light load is 76 lbs (base) x 2 (size large) x 4 (wheels) = 608 pounds, so M1 isn't encumbered while they shoot, move, and communicate (Boom Boom!). Lieutenant Wyatt has a +10 modifier to Profession (Siege Engineer) so automatically is able to aid M1 in firing the ballista, granting a +2 bonus to hit. M1 takes expert siege engineer for some extra bonuses to hit with the ballista. They have a total of +9 bonus to hit with their ballista (+4 BAB, +2 competence (expert siege engineer), +2 untyped (aid another via LT Wyatt), +1 MW ballista) within 120 feet. Unfortunately, M1 cannot fire their ballista every round, so while their tank crew is re-loading they use Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, and the Trample ability (from Animated Object, see the "Alter Self" spoiler below, to otherwise occupy opponents. They are highly mobile, able to move 120 feet on a charge or even further to position themselves for the next shot. And that's all they wrote.

We're going to have to break down Alter Self (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/alterSelf.htm) very carefully to work through this. So buckle up buckaroo, and let's go for a ride on M1. Ok, we're not going line-by-line, we're going to talk about a couple lines.

You acquire the physical qualities of the new form while retaining your own mind. Physical qualities include natural size, mundane movement capabilities (such as burrowing, climbing, walking, swimming, and flight with wings, to a maximum speed of 120 feet for flying or 60 feet for nonflying movement), natural armor bonus, natural weapons (such as claws, bite, and so on), racial skill bonuses, racial bonus feats, and any gross physical qualities (presence or absence of wings, number of extremities, and so forth). A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.

So, physical qualities. Specifically, "gross physical qualities." Would the physical composition (i.e., the material of construction) of the new form fall under that? I think it does. And animated objects have special abilities based upon their form.

Hardness (Ex)
An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

So if a wooden cart AEG55 had hardness 5 as an object, then an animated cart still has hardness 5, essentially gaining DR 5/-. Or if we go with a vehicle augment, and make a cart out of iron AEG48, then the animated cart has hardness 10. So M1 will of course choose an iron cart as their preferred self-altering animated object of choice.

There's one more interesting selection to be found in the animated object entry.

Trample (Ex)
An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller than itself, dealing damage equal to the object’s slam damage + 1½ times its Strength bonus. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + ½ object’s HD + object’s Str modifier) to halve the damage.

The existence of this ability is based only upon size and hardness, or, in other words, gross physical qualities, which are endowed by alter self. So Trample is a gross physical quality and M1 gets Trample when in animated iron cart mode. Which is 24/7. QED. Back to Alter Self.

If the new form is capable of speech, you can communicate normally. You retain any spellcasting ability you had in your original form, but the new form must be able to speak intelligibly (that is, speak a language) to use verbal components and must have limbs capable of fine manipulation to use somatic or material components.

The sample animated object picture has a face on it, so objects can have faces and thus can talk. M1 chooses to alter self into a cart with a stylized war face, and instead of a thill (https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/thill) will have two stylized arms, useful for spellcasting and helping with the ballista if necessary.

AEG = Arms and Equipment Guide
CAdv = Complete Adventurer
DMG = Dungeon Master's Guide
DMG2 = Dungeon Master's Guide II
DroE = Dragons of Eberron
ECS = Eberron Campaign Setting
HoB = Heroes of Battle
MM = Monster Manual
MM2 = Monster Manual II
PHB = Player's Handbook
PHB2 = Players Handbook II
RotD = Races of the Dragon
RoE = Races of Eberron
SC = Spell Compendium
UA = Unearthed Arcana

I saw this image on the discord recently, and I was already working on this build and seemed appropriate to dump it here. I would argue that M1 is a step up from any technical. But I'll let you decide that, dear reader.

2021-07-02, 11:09 AM
We grow 'em tough in the desert.

Arush, the Undying Champion
Chaotic Good Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 2








Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Cleric 1
Concentration 4, Knowledge (Religion) 4
Heretic of the Faith, Weapon Focus (Greatsword), RunDesert Half-Orc
Healing Domain, War Domain, Turn Undead (3/day), Spellcasting (1st)

Cleric 2
Concentration 5, Knowledge (Religion) 5

Cleric 3
Concentration 6, Knowledge (Religion) 6
Heroic Destiny
Spellcasting (2nd)

Cleric 4
Concentration 7, Knowledge (Religion) 7
Crown Bind, Exalted StrikeVow

Ordained Champion 1
Concentration 8, Knowledge (Religion) 8
Martial Study (Crusader's Strike), Martial Stance (Martial Spirit)
Glory Domain, Combat Feats (Healing, Glory), Modified Spontaneous Casting

Ordained Champion 2
Concentration 9, Knowledge (Religion) 9
Fearless, DiehardOrdained Champion
Smite, Spellcasting (3rd)

Feat Name

Headlong Rush

Imbued Healing

Shape Soulmeld (Therapeutic Mantle)

Bonus Essentia

Maximize Spell

Mastery of Day and Night

Extra Turning

Augment Healing

Good Karma

Tempting Fate

Although a follower of Heironeous, his chaotic nature as well as his compassion and desire to defend and protect others led Arush to becoming a Heretic of the Faith, allowing him to pick up the Healing domain as well as switch the favored weapon of his deity from a longsword to a greatsword, a weapon more fitting to his reckless fighting style. In the early levels as a cleric, Arush fights in the frontlines, with his mighty weapon and heavy armor, as well as Weapon Focus granting some extra accuracy for his strikes.

As he proves his mettle, he gains the favor of the heavens, bestowed to him in the form of the Heroic Destiny feat, granting a modest bonus to a roll once per day. Some of the spells Arush favors at this point are: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Shatter and Spiritual Weapon with the spells being mostly reserved for enemies that have not committed great evil, Arush will take a life when needed, but often prefers not to.
Going into Ordained Champion is a natural choice for Arush, with his martial prowess - this allows him to trade the Healing and Glory domain powers for two martial feats: Martial Study (Crusader's Strike) and Martial Stance (Martial Spirit), bolstering his ability to sustain himself in combat.

Finally, with the second level of Ordained Champion, Arush gains the ability to smite enemies, gaining a substantial bonus to damage. At this level Arush also gains the Diehard and Fearless Destiny feats, which combined mean that the first time Arush would die, he instead keeps on fighting and may heal himself to get back in shape or simply finish his enemies off if they are worn out.

Some 3rd level spells Arush favors are: Channeled Divine Shield, Crown of Might and Divine Retaliation.
Things soon change for Arush as he enters the epic levels. First, he establishes his reckless charging into the thick of combat by picking up Headlong Rush, which leads to some potent charges especially when combined with his smite ability and possibly Devastating Smite or Blade of Blood.

Then he gains an assortment of healing abilities that will trully make him into an undying champion. Imbued Healing grants 6 temporary hit points to anyone that is affected by Arush's healing spells, which is substantial. He also learns to Shape Soulmeld gaining access to the Therapeutic Mantle meld, as well as some Bonus Essentia to fuel it. The mantle makes any healing spells Arush uses in himself considerably more effective and also enhances his Martial Spirit stance to heal an additional 4 hit points per strike.

Arush continues enhancing his healing, picking up Maximize Spell and Mastery of Day and Night, which automatically maximizes any cure or inflict spell he casts. Now his Cure Serious Wounds restores 36 hit points, which is more than half his own maximum, in addition to granting 6 temporary hit points. Augment Healing will be picked up later and bring this to 42 hit points.

Closing out the build, Arush picks up some Extra Turning to power his smite attempts. Good Karma allows him to pick up some of the hits aimed at his companions while Tempting Fate allows him to cheat death twice per day.
Arush [Medium Humanoid (Orc)]
Hit Points 49 (6d8+18)
Abilities Strength 18, Dexterity 8, Constitution 16, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 14, Charisma 11
Armor Class 17 (10 + 8 Armor - 1 Dexterity)
Saves Fortitude +10, Reflex +0, Will +9
Attack Greatsword +10 to Hit, 2d6+6 damage

Spell Preparations
0th Level Cure Minor Wounds x3 (5), Detect Magic x2
1st Level Command, Blade of Blood, Devastating Smite, Protection from Evil, Resurgence + Cure Light Wounds (19)
2nd Level Close Wounds x3 (19) + Cure Moderate Wounds (31)
3rd Level Crown of Might + Cure Serious Wounds (42)

Total Healing: 164 hit points before temporary hit points from Imbued Healing or healing from Crusader's Strike or Martial Spirit
Mighty Devastating Charge: with Crown of Might, Smite, Devastating Smite +12 to Hit, 4d6+48 damage
Arush charges into combat and delivers a devastating opening strike, he then continues battering his enemies with his greatsword while standing firm in the front line using Martial Spirit to regain 6 hit points per attack. Nontheless, he may fall to low hit points, in which Close Wounds can restore a good amount as well as gain some temporary hit points. If nontheless the surely mighty adversaries manage to bring him to the brink of death, he can survive, twice using Fearless Destiny and Tempting Fate - after this happens Arush can either attempt to get back into fighting shape by casting Cure Serious Wounds, but without dealing any more punishment, or utilize Crusader's Strike, which is a more risky tactic as it requires successfully hitting but may still restore 1d6+13 hit points and may be followed up by a Close Wounds for further patching up.

If there is time before combat, Arush will attempt to buff himself using Cure Minor Wounds to gain the 6 temporary hit points before melee is met. Of course, if any of his companions is imperiled, Arush will help them using the same assortment of cure spells he uses on himself, but due to the Therapeutic Mantle empowering his own healing, Arush will prefer taking the beating whenever possible.
Magic of Incarnum - Shape Soulmeld, Bonus Essentia, Therapeutic Mantle
Player's Handbook - Cleric, Weapon Focus, Run, Maximize Spell, Extra Turning
Complete Divine - Augment Healing
Complete Scoundrel - Good Karma, Tempting Fate
Races of Destiny - Heroic Destiny, Fearless Destiny
Complete Champion - Ordained Champion, Imbued Healing
Spell Compendium - Close Wounds, Resurgence
Tome of Battle - Martial Study, Martial Stance
The Forge of Fury - Devastating Smite
Player's Handbook II - Blade of Blood, Crown of Might

Power of Faerun - Heretic of the Faith
Races of Faerun - Headlong Rush
Player's Guide to Eberron - Mastery of Day and Night

2021-07-02, 11:10 AM
Takes more than a few treats to buy off this guard dog.

Boy do I like tanking, it's my favourite concept in RPG in general, I more or less always end up doing some kind of tank for actual play, be it ttrpg or computer games.

This here is a not so original recipe of mine, the base of it is the same, shapeshift variant druid, because I love the finesse of doing shapeshift at will.

I've actually played and am currently playing this, except it's an half orc because my tuesday GM doesn't like fancy races, and it's not in E6, so I heavily deviated, but it is with much joy that I present this to you!

Zaq made a terrible mistake! he'll probably not expect this in his inbox so soon :D, but then, it'll be torture to decide what my second entry will be :(

On tanking : I could probably do a 100k words essay here and not be bored about it, I love tanking! Luckily for all of you, I got the entries for the VC and the MM (monster mash) competitions to finish, so I'll try to keep myself to the bare essentials.
Tanking is a seemingly simple concept, but it has a lot of nuances, and what works for mmorpg/ crpg doesn't always translate well for ttrpg, such as D&D 3.5 is
There can be many style of tanking, but roughly they map to 3 conceptual areas : mitigation, big health pools, avoiding damage

Mitigation is reducing the damage taken, for 3.5 this more or less maps to DR and energy resist

Big health pools is what it says on the tin, if you got the numbers for surviving a lot of hits, then there will be the time to heal you back up, this isn't really applicable to 3.5

Avoidance is not taking damage at all, for 3.5 this more or less means AC, spell resistance and miss chance from the likes of blur and company.

The other very very important thing in tanking is making sure your character is the one that's attacked. This is very difficult to attain in 3.5, because the hostiles are controlled by another human being, and he knows everybody you know, so if the the table is adversarial, it's very difficult to protect your squishier friends from having the hand of god make them squirm.

Assuming your friend the GM plays the monsters in a manner appropriate to their intelligence/knowledge, in 3.5, making sure YOU are the one that they attack comes down to a two facts : being the priority target among a list of possible targets, or being the only possible target.

Barring circumstances that force one or more enemy to attack you, such as the feat Goad, what we want to do then is trying to have the combat flow toward a state where it makes sense for the GM-controlled miniatures to choose to attack you!

Now, I promised I woulnd't make a 100k words essay, so I'm going to simplify a lot,

There are roughly 3 criteria in how targets may be prioritized in combat.

1) proximity, the closest enemy is the one that gets attacked. Generally speaking, an enemy you threaten "shouldn't" walk around you and eat an Aoo to then go pound the wizard that's 30 feet behind you
2) danger, the most dangerous enemy is the one more likely to be attacked. If both I and a friend of mine are flanking a something, I do 12 damage with one attack and my friend does 18 damage, it's more likely that the enemy attacks my friend, from a simple utilitarian "he hurts me the most, it's better it gets removed first"
3) vulnerability, the enemy that seems easier to kill is the one more likely to be attacked. If an animal has a dude in full armor and another animal within range, it's more likely it'll bite the animal rather than the tincan

So, what this means for us is, we need to be up front and first to engage, we need to do more damage than our other melee friends and we need to seems easier to damage than them.

This is an hard combination to attain, especially if we play with other melees, so it comes with an acceptance for the other party members that if they want to play in melee, they should be ready to eat attacks now and then, it's not your fault if they built their character with less survivability than yours. If an ubercharger charges, oneshots something, then dies to the something friends, that's his "fault" for making a character concept that can't survive his own decision

The "making sure you're the only possible target" is slightly simplier, battlefield control is a well codified concept in 3.5 and I'm not going to elaborate on much, especially because "usually" it's not the tank that cover this role

NG lesser Zenythri, Shapeshift Druid 6
Str 18(16+2racial), Dex 16(14+2racial), Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16(13+2racial+1level), Cha 6(8-2racial)
Hit points 8+5d8+12 = 42
In predator form
STR 22 (relevant for trip), Bite +11 1d6+10 with knockdown
AC 10+3(Dex)+4(Natural armor)+3(Barkskin)+2(Halo of sand)+5(Luminous Armor)+ (3-6)(Expertise) = 27-33, Touch AC 15-21,
plus situationals mobility (4 dodge), -karmic strike, +midnight dodge (0-2 dodge)
DR 6/magic
martial spirit for healing/sustain
4 AoO
Saves Fortitude 7, Reflex 5, Will 8

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Skilled City-Dweller Druid 1
Knowledge(Nature) +4, Listen +4, Spot +4, Survival +4, Tumble +4
Combat Expertise
Shapeshift, Nature sense, Wild empathy

Druid 2
Know(Nature) 4+1, Listen 4+1, Spot 4+1, Survival 4+1, Tumble 4+1
Woodland stride

Druid 3
Know(Nature) 5+1, Listen 5+1, Spot 5+1, Survival 5+1, Tumble 5+1
Improved trip
Trackless step

Druid 4
Know(Nature) 6+1, Listen 6+1, Spot 6+1, Survival 6+1, Tumble 6+1
Iron constitution

Druid 5
Know(Nature) 7+1, Listen 7+1, Spot 7+1, Survival 7+1, Tumble 7+1

Druid 6
Know(Nature) 8+1, Listen 8+1, Spot 8+1, Survival 8+1, Tumble 8+1

E6 feats in order of aquisition:
Combat Reflexes
Stand still
Shape soulmeld (Astral Vambraces)
Bonus Essentia
Martial study (foehammer)
Martial stance (martial spirit)
Midnight dodge
Karmic strike
Cobalt expertise
Shape soulmeld (Mauling Gaunlets)

Bonus slot from high wisdom included
Spells per Day/Spells Known








Well, let's go in order
why druid? and why shapeshift variant druid specifically? I've seen generally mentioned/accepted that using this variant is a general step down in power.
Which, yeah, it's probably correct, trading away both animal companion and wild shape for an "inferior" shapeshift, but so what? IT'S FUN! I actually play my character instead of whatever animal I go find in the binders! It's actually meaningful to boost/consider my physical abilities instead of dismissing them as irrelevant, plus I just dig the "at will" nature of it. I don't care if we could "do better" by going bear, we've seen natural spell druid a million times yawns
But why druid? Well, it falls under the umbrella of "being a priority target", Unless the party lineup is N CoDzillas/ GOD wizards, we are a more important target to bring down than most other kind of frontliners.

Skilled city dweller ACF : trading ride for tumble is a no brainer, we don't stricly need to put points in it, but for this version might as well. Please note that we get mobility for free from shapeshift, our AC is supposed to be on the beefy side, so we WANT to run around the enemies so they waste their AoO on us! Tumbling is reserved for the hopefully much rare case where we have to actually skedaddle because the full retreat was sounded... but lucky us we have at will flight to help us with that :)

Iron constitution ACF : there's just no comparing the benefits

My general priority when it comes to "tanking" in 3.5 is something like this: denying the hostiles the chance to act > try to force them to attack me instead of someone else > see what I can do to not take damage > see what I can do to heal that damage

with that in mind, first on the menu is getting some battlefield control that's not dependant on us casting entangle or the like. in predator form by the time we are level 6 we are rolling +11 for 1d6+10 damage with our bite, so knockdown is guaranteed, plus tripping up people is fun. It's old but gold, as they say.

first two "epic" feats are combat reflexes and stand still, to start being "less ignored", please note that part of our "tanking" strategy... is being the druid, as said :D , we're "traditionally" a priority target for smart enemies, especially if they fail their lore check and go "look at this idiot shapeshifting into a wolf instead of the tanky bear, let's dogpile him!". Failing that, we have the situational stand still for hostiles that try to go past us and to the backline. It's situational because depending on the hostile, just dealing the damage of the AoO might be a better choice, especially if it's something we might kill outright or we're likely to successfully trip on the opposed strength check. Stand still is more a tool to be used against big bruisers we'd have difficulties tripping, rather than mooks.

Astral Vambraces plus bonus essentia equals DR6/magic, which is a solid amount for E6, there is *a little* sadness that the BBEG is the most likely enemy capable of ignoring the DR, but for our everyday needs, DR 6/magic is significant at this level.

next comes getting some selfhealing in the form of martial spirit, it should be more or less equivalent to at least fast healing 2, but possibly more if they trigger our AoO, please note that it triggers on successful melee attack, so doing an attack -> damage -> free trip attempt from knockdown, we're healing from the trip attempt too if it hits! So our self healing potential is 4 on our turn and 4 per AoO

With that, the "core" build is complete, what's next is fine tuning and personal preference.

I want karmic strike, because "toggling it on" is broadcasting "hit me!", enemies may not fall for it, but that's what it is conceptually, "showing a weak side". If the GM isn't antagonistic, this ironically has a better chance to work against "smarter" hostiles. "Look at me, I'm exposing a weakness, come on, you know you want to!"

But it has sucky prerequisites, lucky us the Incarnum dodge counts for that, it's still sucky, but at least we get a point of essentia to do things with!
Cobalt Expertise : we got one essentia from midnight dodge that we can't put in the vambraces since at level 6 the capacity is capped at 2, so let's take another essentia feat, and double dip on the expertise, with gravy on top insight bonus to trip attempts! but making the combat expertise a 1:2 ratio for the first 2 points of traded BAB is sweet, too.

Mauling Gaunlets : (2+2/essentia)morale bonus to tripping attempts, If I wanted to be cheesy I'd put greenbound summoning here, but that's completely off theme, bleh! I like simple and elegant, not "breaking" the game. Otherwise, in staying with the incarnum vibe, here we can pick a secondary soulmeld where we can swift action put the essentia points that usually are on the vambraces when we are against enemies that bypass DR/magic. strong contenders are : spellward shirt ( spell resistance 5-13). Strongheart vest (reduce ability damage by 1-3). Fellmist robe (Concealment against ranged attack 10-20). Ankheg breastplate (armor AC bonus 2-4, in case we don't want to abuse luminous armor ). I blame the current IC round for making me primed on using Incarnum everywhere.
Hell, if we're against the BBEG and he bypasses DR/magic, we can even move those points into midnight dodge, we're fightning the BBEG after all!
Our skill loadout has an eye to scouting, that's going to be our secondary role when not in combat.
Shapeshift variant lends itself well to that, assuming we aren't buffed with "obvious" magical effects, we can pass ourselves off for animals ( well, big animals) and later on we unlock sweet sweet permanent flight

Level 1: I'm silly like this : I call predator form "like rage, but at will, and without the cons". Sure, it's the worst possible bonus to have (enhancement), but we're druid, we woulnd't get the benefit of items while shapeshifted anyway! We can't combat expertise because we have no BAB, but 17 AC and 10HP is adeguate for the level, considering we can heal "at will"

Typical spells prepared :
0th 2x Cure minor wounds, 1x Create water
1st 1x Entangle, 1X Vigor, lesser

Level 2: we can now Combat expertise for 1 :D, we're unlikely to do that, but hey, it's there, who knows?? The majority of our contribution for these early levels is mostly the spell, honestly. Our baseline damage is very good for early on ( at 0 BAB, we're looking at a baseline of +6 for 1d6+9 damage, that's one hit ko on most level appropriate encounters), but it's good old entangle that has the biggest impact on preventing crowds from doing their damage.

Typical spells prepared : like 1st level, plus
0th : + 1x Purify food and drink
1st : + 1x Obscuring mist

Obscuring mist is an excellent little emergency tool for covering a retreat. A similar 1st level spell that I like a lot for a similar role is the spell compendium cloudburst.

Level 3: Trip! :3, but we're honestly better off just biting things to death, 1d6+9 is still quite a good bite for the level.
But, to quote Babylon 5 "And so, it begins". what begins specifically is the buff(beef?)stack! Sweet second level slots! shortish duration at this level, and so we don't want to blow them at the start of a dungeon, but still, yum! If we're not concerned with stealth, luminous armor is a significant bump in our shapeshifted AC, barkskin is an old classic, but why change what works? Luminous armor strength damage is easily remedied with "day after" lesser restoration.

Typical spells prepared : like 2nd level, plus
2nd : 1x Barkskin, 1x Luminous armor

Level 4: Our natural attacks automatically becomes +1, sweet potatoes! we also gain the benefit of mobility while in predator form, so we can zip around soaking up all the AoO, it's not like we care about doing full attacks. This also means we can always reposition "just out of range" in such a way that our opponent can't full attack us, either.
If you have a party member that can largefy you, this is a good level to start doing that, assuming the GM accept the argument that you can be the recipient of "Enlarge person" and that it "stacks" with shapeshift

Typical spells prepared : like 3rd level, plus
0th: +1x Cure minor wounds
1st: 1x Eye of the avoral
2nd : 1x Halo of sand

Level 5: Oh boy, the at will flight is here! SCOUT ALL THE THINGS. And third level slots!
worth mentioning : cloud wings is an excellent druid only 2nd level spell, hour/CL of +30 ft. to existing flight speed, it's even untyped so it stacks with all the things

Typical spells prepared : like 4th level, plus
3rd : 1x Heart of water, 1x Resist energy, mass

Level 6: Knockdown is here ^^, we can bite all the asses to our heart content, and still trip, making it no longer a choice between "do I try to trip this or do I just kill it" but a "yay free trips!"

Typical spells prepared : like 5th level, plus
2nd : 1x Primal hunter
3rd : 1x Primal Instinct

The prepared spells are a sample, I am someone that likes to change them around, especially if I have forewarning of what we're about to do. It'll all depend on how we're doing into scouting for whatever it is that we want to do. I like boosting my spot check to high numbers for example, and any "outdoor" encounter area that isn't us being ambushed (generally unlikely) can be fairly trivialized with cloudburst+call lightning (while happily flying juuuust out of danger), but that's a comment on druid being druid, rather than tanking, so the loadout reflects the situations where we are to engage hostiles in indoor enviroments. Or in other words, everybody favorite pasttime of dungeon crawling! Which help us fullfill our tanking role, because if it isn't a big open space, tactical positioning such that it is not trivial to run around me becomes a possibility. IT also bears mention that monopolizing the table like that with solving encounters "solo" is not cool

"Epic" gives us in order : a way to stop big bruisers that we're unlikely to trip, some juicy DR/magic for dealing with mooks, some nontrivial in combat healing that doesn't take action to use, and then personal choices :)
Note the sinergy between the mobility we get for free while in predator form and karmic strike, we "annoy" our opponents by running around them, if they chose to take the AoO, mobility cancels out karmic strike, if they hit us despite our high AC, they have to contend with DR 6/magic, but then we get to karmic strike right back at them, and if that hits not only we martial spirit heal ourselves/an ally for 2, but we then make a free trip attempt whose touch attack portion will very likely hit, and so martial spirit heals for 2 more! yay!
Skilled City-Dweller ACF : exchange ride for tumble as class skills
Shapeshift druid variant : lose Animal companion, lose wild shape, gain at will swift action shapeshift into different forms
Iron Constitution ACF : trades resist nature lure for Strong stomach feat, ignoring prerequisites
Strong stomach : nauseated effect get lowered to sickened, immune to to sickened
knockdown : free trip attack when a melee attack deals at least 10 damage
Stand still : AoO deals no damage but target must make reflex save or lose movement
Astral Vambraces : DR Magic 2+ 2/essence ( max 2 essence)
Bonus Essentia : +2 to essentia pool
Foehammer : 1/encounter standard action melee attack deals extra 2d6 damage and ignores target DR
Martial spirit : successfull melee attacks heals 2 an ally within 30 ft of you ( or you)
Midnight dodge : like the feat dodge, but bonus is dependant on invested essentia, grants us 1 essentia
Karmic strike : take penalty to AC, successful enemy melee attack against us provokes AoO
Cobalt expertise :Invest essentia (max 2), ESSENTIA insight bonus to combat expertise AC, trip attack roll and opposed strength check
Mauling Gauntlets: 2 +2/essentia morale bonus to strength ability checks (therefore trip)
Vigor, lesser: creature gains fast healing 1 for 10+CL rounds
Luminous armor: good creature gains hour/CL armor bonus 4, plus other effects
Eye of avoral: creature gains 10min/CL +8 racial bonus to spot checks
Halo of sand: caster gains 10min/CL , CL/3 deflection AC bonus
Heart of water: caster gains hour/CL swim speed and water breathing, can expend early for round/CL freedom of movement
Primal hunter: caster gains 24 hours of 5 bonus to jump, swim, balance, plus uncanny dodge if another primal spell is active
Primal Instinct: caster gains 24 hour of +5 to survival and initiative checks, plus uncanny dodge if another primal spell is active

On Shapeshift variant, this is not relevant to this entry per se, because of BAB prerequisites, but over here we ruled that it counts as wild shape for effects that requires/advances wild shape. Specifically, a variation of this build would be Druid 4/Ranger 1/Nature's Warrior 1, this is very appealing on the assumption that the Druid equivalent level for the purpose of shapeshift is 5 (courtesy of Nature's warrior wildling), because the flight related armament would put us at a flight speed of 70 ft. (perfect). I would seriously consider that when the metric I operate with is "I'm not making a pure caster, it is not expected of me to have the same spell level access as a backline member of the party",I know that delaying spells is painful, but they are a support to our chosen role, they aren't the main focus of the build (for reference, my half orc druid is currently druid 6 / nature's warrior 3, cringe not at my "missed opportunities"! I'm happy with it!)

On enlarge person + shapeshift : shapeshift esplicitly doesn't change our type, so we are a valid target of enlarge person, their bonuses to things obviously stacks, since they are a different type of bonus. what's trickier is adjudicating if we can be large size while in predator form. predator form doesn't change your size, except maybe laterally "from tall to long". So ask your GM :)

On the interaction of Martial spirit, Karmic strike, Knockdown
Martial spirit says that the healing triggers each time you make a successfull melee attack. this to me means "whenever I roll to attack with a melee attack or melee touch attack"
by that reasoning the free trip attacks give us some healing, because the trip special action is a melee touch attack followed by an opposed strength check
Same deal with stand still, if we decide to use it, we are trading away the AoO damage for a reflex check, but we still made an attack, and if it hit, we heal.
Someone else might rule that this isn't RAI and I'm okay with that, but the RAW seems unambigous to me, it's not my fault 3.5 trip is clunky :D

On karmic strike and trying to trigger it on our turn by moving around : I can't see any reason why a successfull enemy AoO wouldn't trigger karmic strike, but I'm commenting on it because it's the kind of thing the GM I play a version of this druid with would frown at, since it's the essence of it is bypassing the limit of one attack per turn if you move

On tripping people standing up from a previous trip : take care to make sure how your gm feels about this. Specifically if the AoO provoked by the action of standing up happens before or after the target stood up.
If it's after, you can knockdown/trip him again, that's the RAW on it, but I've seen it done "first you AoO, then they finish standing up"

On the interaction of knockdown and improved trip.
Knockdown gives you a free trip attempt when you deal 10 or more damage with an attack, improved trip gives you a free attack against the same target when you successfully trip them, this is probably a well known "infinite" loop, better make sure your GM approves of that before you try to pull it off. Personally, here we cap it at "you can only knockdown a target once in the same round", or more generally "you can't trip a prone opponent", which isn't RAW, but is reasonable assumption/RAI

On "lesser (race)" this might be contentious for E6, it's technically LA +0, but we know the spirit of E6 is frowning at us here. If you bleh at this, my fallback race would be neanderthal, forgoing the trip/AoO style of play and instead going for a beefier approach

Player handbook II : Shapeshift ACF
Cityscape : Iron constitution ACF, strong stomach feat
Magic of Incarnum : Shape Soulmeld, Bonus Essentia, Cobalt Expertise, Midnight dodge, soulmelds
Tome of battle : Martial study, Martial stance, Foehammer, Martial spirit
Expanded psionic handbook : Stand still
Sword and fist : knockdown
Complete warrior : karmic strike
Player Guide to Faerun : lesser(template)
Monster Manual II : Zenythri race
Spell Compendium : primary reference for noncore spells
Sandstorm : Halo of sand
Book of Exalted Deeds : Luminous armor, Eye of avoral
Complete mage : heart of X spell series
Dragon magic : Primal X spell series
Astral Vambraces (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20060217a)
Skilled City-Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)

2021-07-02, 11:11 AM
Look buddy, I shape soulstuff in my image through sheer force of will; you think I can't do the same with your body?

Kaldra of the Broken Sword
Lawful Good -> Neutral Good Monk 2 / Incarnate 4








Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Passive Way Monk 1
Balance 4, Diplomacy 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 4, Sense Motive 4
Sacred Vow, Vow of PovertyHuman, Nymph's KissVow, Improved Unarmed StrikeMonk, Combat ExpertiseMonk
AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, AC BonusVow

Passive Way Monk 2
Balance 5, Diplomacy 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 5, Sense Motive 5, Skill Trick 2
Improved TripMonk, Intuitive AttackVow, Collector of StoriesSkill Trick

Incarnate 1
Balance 5, Diplomacy 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 5, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Sense Motive 5, Skill Trick 2
Shape Soulmeld (Wormtail Belt)
Aura, Detect Opposition, Meldshaping, Endure ElementsVow

Incarnate 2
Balance 5, Diplomacy 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 5, Knowledge (The Planes) 4, Sense Motive 5, Skill Trick 2
Gift of FaithVow
Crown Bind, Exalted StrikeVow

Incarnate 3
Balance 5, Diplomacy 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 5, Knowledge (The Planes) 5, Sense Motive 5, Skill Trick 2
Expanded Soulmeld Capacity, Incarnum Radiance 1/day, SustenanceVow

Incarnate 4
Balance 5, Diplomacy 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 2, Knowledge (Local) 1, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 6, Knowledge (The Planes) 6, Sense Motive 5, Skill Trick 2
Shape Soulmeld (Mauling Gauntlets), Touch of Golden IceVow
Feet Bind, Hands Bind, DeflectionVow

Epic feats below:

Feat Name

Bonus Essentia

Expanded Soulmeld Capacity

Combat Reflexes


Defensive Throw

Great Throw, The Gentle Way MasteryMartial Art

Expanded Soulmeld Capacity

Cerulean Will

Psychic Refusal

Knowledge Devotion

Kaldra is initially a fairly standard Monk who has a Sacred Vow of Poverty as his ideals dictate that all he has must be given to those who have less. Blessed by the faerie courts after he selflessly offers to help in a time of need, he attains a Nymph's Kiss which will grant a very useful bonus to skill points throughout his development. As is fitting, Kaldra follows the passive way style, training in Combat Expertise and helpfully ignoring the Intelligence 13 requirement. Even at this point, Kaldra has substantial defensive prowess, with an armor class of 20 without wearing any armor.

On the second level, Kaldra continues pursuing the passive way martial art style, gaining the Improved Trip feat, which allows him to debilitate enemies, something quite helpful since Kaldra would prefer to avoid killing when it is not necessary. He also gains the Intuitive Attack feat as part of his vow, which grants a substantial +3 bonus to hit with his unarmed strikes.
The continued pursuit of goodness often conflicts with the lawful alignment of Kaldra, especially after developing relationships with the Seelie fae courts, which are deeply chaotic in nature. Kaldra seeks to further embody his ideals and thus sheds his old alignment, becoming Neutral Good and gaining a level in Incarnate. At this point his meldshaping capabilities are not very developed, but with Shape Soulmeld and shaping Wormtail Belt and Spellward Shirt and the extra point of essentia granted by his race, Kaldra's AC goes to 24 and he gains a small amount of spell resistance.

His spell resistance improved on the following levels, going up to 13, which is quite alright for a 5th level character. He also gains Gift of Faith as part of his vow, gaining a small bonus to saves against fear and despair. He also gains the ability to bind soulmelds to his crown, which can grant a variety of handy bonuses.
At level 6, Kaldra sees a big powerboost with the improved essentia capacity allowing him to put up to 3 essentia in his soulmelds. Additionally, Kaldra learns to shape another soulmeld through the Shape Soulmeld feat which will be critical in his style: The Mauling Gauntlets. This soulmeld, bound to the hand chakra will grant a substantial +8 morale bonus on trip checks (Which are strength checks) as well as unarmed damage rolls. Furthermore, his touch becomes poisonous to evil creatures with the Touch of Golden Ice, which procs on his unarmed attacks and although not overwhelming on its own, as most adversaries will make a DC 14 Fortitude save, adds a bit of extra power to his attacks.

The soulmelds Kaldra utilizes usually are: Mauling Gauntlets, Spellward Shirt, Wormtail Belt and Pauldrons of Health granting him respectively a bonus to trip and unarmed damage, spell resistance, natural armor and immunity to sickness and nauseation.
The first epic feat is quite important for Kaldra, as Bonus Essentia allows him to invest the maximum 3 points in both Mauling Gauntlets and Spellward Shirt, getting the full +8 bonus on trip and unarmed damage as well as Spell Resistance 17. When not facing magic users, the essentia of the spellward shirt can be shifted to the Wormtail Belt, bringing Kaldra's AC to 28, which is quite substantial. Kaldra then gains Expanded Soulmeld Capacity for the first time, which allows him to invest 4 points of essentia in the spellward shirt, bringing his spell resistance to 21.

The following levels are dedicated to his martial arts training: Defensive Throw which allows Kaldra to gain a free trip (and subsequent Improved Trip attack) when the target of his Dodge feat misses him with a melee attack, and Great Throw letting him reposition adversaries on a trip and automatically deal his unarmed damage without an attack roll (Something quite useful given his low accuracy). Combat Reflexes is a prerequisite for these feats and allows Kaldra a couple extra attacks of opportunity on every round. These feats also qualify Kaldra for a free martial arts feat, The Gentle Way Mastery, allowing him to become immovable once per day. Not the most useful of effects, but it might come in handy.

Kaldra then acquires another instance of Expanded Soulmeld Capacity, allowing him to allocate up to 4 essentia in mauling gauntlets as well, pushing the trip and unarmed damage bonuses to +10, to max both this and spellward shirt another point of essentia is necessary, which is acquired through Cerulean Will - this feat does not grant any bonus other than the point of essentia, but help qualify for Psychic Refusal, which boosts spell resistance even further to 25 against mind affecting spells and abilities and combine with Kaldra's +11 will save makes him pretty much immune to such effects.

Finally Kaldra gains Knowledge Devotion which grants a small bonus to accuracy and damage and benefits from the Collector of Stories skill trick acquired earlier.

Kaldra [Medium Humanoid (Human)]
Hit Points 39 (2d8+4d6+12)
Abilities Strength 12, Dexterity 14, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 18, Charisma 8
Armor Class 26 (10 + 4 Monk + 2 Dexterity + 6 Exalted + 1 Deflection + 2 Natural + 1 Dodge) [Up to 29 with essentia in Wormtail Belt]
Saves Fort +9 Ref +6 Will +11 (+2 against fear and despair, +1 against spells and spell-like abilities)
Spell Resistance 21 [25 against mind-affecting spells and abilities]
Attack Unarmed Strike +10 to Hit (3 Base Attack Bonus + 4 Wisdom + 1 Weapon Focus + 1 Enhancement + 1 Knowledge Devotion), 1d6+13 damage (+ 1 Strength + 1 enhancement + 10 morale + 1 Knowledge Devotion)
Full Attack Unarmed Strike +8/+8 to Hit, 1d6+13 damage
Trip +15 (1 Strength + 4 Improved Trip + 10 Mauling Gauntlets)
Shaped Soulmelds (Usually) Mauling Gauntlets, Spellward Shirt, Wormtail Belt, Pauldrons of Health
Skills Jump +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +1, Knowledge (Local) +1, Knowledge (Nature) +1, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Sense Motive +8, Tumble +10
Magic of Incarnum - Incarnate, Shape Soulmeld, Bonus Essentia, Cerulean Will, Improved Essentia Capacity, All the Soulmelds
Player's Handbook - Monk, Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Combat Reflexes, Dodge
Book of Exalted Deeds - Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Nymph's Kiss, Intuitive Attack, Gift of Faith, Touch of Golden Ice
Oriental Adventures - Great Throw, The Gentle Way Mastery
Complete Warrior - Defensive Throw
Complete Champion - Knowledge Devotion
Drow of the Underdark - Psychic Refusal

2021-07-02, 11:12 AM
Nothing like seeing a build in context to get a feel for how it works!

Khihrah Bittherleafh


DM: Welcome to Session zero. You agreed to play the tank. Is your character finished yet?
Me: Ready to go. Here, have a look.
DM glances over the sheet.
Khihrah Bittherleafh? How is that pronounced?
Me: Every second h is silent.
DM fumbles tongue.
Me: It will become improtant in social situation. Pretentious name for a pretentious lady.DM: Whatever, let's move on. So a monk. Interesting starting choice. Hin Disciple and Carmendine monk. Okay, slight clash in religious believes. Wait. Aren't you lawful evil?
Me: Yeah, my mother was a really pious woman who tried to pry me away from the evil organisation my father is the head off. So she sent me away to study with the zealots of the written word. When she died I returned to my father. I stil worship Deneir but to a lesser extent.
DM: Dead mother, evil father. Heard that one before. Alright.... That explains favored. Any more thoughts on her personality?
Me: Khihrah is a spoiled brat and she knows she can get away with much because of her father. She considers everyone beneath her and is an insufferable little ****stainer most of the time. She is looking for fights but in fights she just annoys everyone because early on she knows nothing about fighting. She'll insist on handling every social situation although completely inapt to do so. Her name, personality and general behaviour is all meant to aggravate her social standing with NPCs so they are more likely to attack her in combat.
DM: I see. Charisma eight, no social skills, complete lunatic. You plan to use the Enchanter variant. So you could have invested some skill points in social skills.
Me: Yeah I could. But I decided not to. Probably helps in getting into fights and tank them.
DM: About that. How are you supposed to taunt enemies?
Me: Early on I just try to roleplay my way into getting attacked. Also I plan to use underfoot combat and tumble as much as possible. Attack the nearest enemy is often a valid strategy for monsters. Later I'll use mindless rage to force them to attack me.
DM: Alright using Primary contact to be able to qualify for confound the big folk which you use to give anyone whose space you entered a 50% chance to get hit by theri on allies when fighting defensively or to trip people with your dexterity and improved trip while denying them their size bonus. Reduce Person guarantees to be able to use this trick even against medium enemies. Got it. Cohort? We said no leadership.
Me: Well, technically it is not leadership and is just a side effect of specialising in Enchantment.
DM: Well let's see if the cohort fits into the campaign. Else we scrap it.
Me: Fine with me.
DM: Okay, once we are into epic i can see this mess really come together. Martial Study, Martial Stance and Shadow blade to add some combat prowess. Craft Wondrous Item makes good use of Spellcraft and Skill Fous Spellcraft. Should be an entertaining tank. Let's see if you survive the early levels.

Lawful Evil Strongheart Halfling Monk 2 / Wizard 3 / Master Specialist 1




+1 (4th level)









HP: 10 + 1d8+2 + 4d4+8= on average 36.5

10 + size(reduce person)+ Dex + Int + Mage Armor + Cover (Underfoot Combat) + Shield
10 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4=31


Class Features

Hin Disciple
Tumble 4, Concentration 4, Escape Artist 4, Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 1.5, Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Balance 4
Carmendine Monk, Favored (Tumble; criminal organisation), Underfoot Combat
Flurry of blows, Unarmed Strike

Hin Disciple
Tumble 5, Concentration 5, Escape Artist 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 2, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Balance 5
Improved Trip

Enchanter (Focused Specialist, Martial Wizard)
Tumble 6, Concentration 6, Escape Artist 6, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 3, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Balance 5
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse (B)
Social Proficiency, Extended Enchantment (1/day)

Enchanter (Focused Specialist, Martial Wizard)
Tumble 7, Concentration 7, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 4, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Balance 5


Enchanter (Focused Specialist, Martial Wizard)
Tumble 8, Concentration 8, Escape Artist 8, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 5, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Balance 5

Extended Enchantment (2/day)

Master Specialist
Tumble 10, Concentration 9, Escape Artist 9, Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Spellcraft 6, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Balance 5
Primary Contact (+1 rank in tumble)
Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Cohort (from Enchanter variant)

Epic Feats:
Confound the Big Folk
Practiced Spellcaster
Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Martial Study (Shadow Blade Technique)
Martial Stance (Child of Shadow)
Shadow Blade
Craft Wondrous Item
Martial Study (Shadow Jaunt)
Improved Initiative

Forbidden schools: divination, necromancy, evocation

Spells per day including bonus spells




1 +3 (Enchantment)

2 +3 (Enchantment)

2 +3 (Enchantment)
1 +3 (Enchantment)

3 +3 (Enchantment)
2 +3 (Enchantment)

Usually prepared spells
Level 3:
1: 1x Mage Armor, 2x Sleep, 1x Charm Person
Level 4:
1: 1x Mage Armor, 1x Reduce person, 2x Sleep, 1x Charm Person
Level 5:
1: 1x Mage Armor, 1x Reduce person, 2x Sleep, 1x Charm Person
2: 3x Mindless Rage, 1x Mirror image
Level 6:
1: 1x Mage Armor, 1x Reduce person, 1x shield, 2x Sleep, 1x Charm Person
2: 3x Mindless Rage, 1x Mirror image, 1x Blur

Strongheart Halfling: Forgotten Realms Campaign setting
Hin Disciple: Champions of Valor web enhancement
Enchanter variant: Unearthed Arcana
Focused Specialist: Complete MAge
Carmendine Monk: Champions of Valor
Underfoot Combat, Confound the Big Folk: Races of the wild
Favored, Primary Contact: Cityscape
Martial Stance, Martial Study, Shadow Blade + Maneuvers= Tome of Battle

2021-07-02, 11:12 AM
Why so serious?

CG Human Spellscale Jester 4/Fighter 1/Warblade 1
Two assassin while infiltrating in the palace to kill a noble
Assassin 1 “Hey have you heard? It seems that today was introduced a new bodyguard, you were at the party before right , how he is?”
Assassin 2 “It’s not a bodyguard, they only introduced a jester with a strange weapon, I think he is only a buffoon even if he is quite big. I don’t think he will be a problem”
Assassin 1 “ Oh so it was false that there was a new bodyguard, how could someone who doesn’t have an heavy armor be a guard”
Assassin 2 “Yeah it will be easy”
And then they proceed , only to appear before the jester aforementioned. A big man , bigger than a normal human with a chain and a light shield , staying near the door where they had to go
Assassin 1 “I take him , you go inside and kill the noble okay?”
Assassin 2 “Sure”
So assassin 1 attacked the jester which avoiding at the last minute said
Jester “Hey who are you ? I’m Joke, this is Aggro “ Indicating his shield “And this is taunt” the weapon this time “ And you sure can’t be so good with a so little weapon against a big man like me” indicating assassin 2 that was going to the door
Assassin 2 “Hey how you dare!” and so he charged the jester
Assassin 1 “Wait you had to go inside...fine I will go”
Joke “No no...you are so able...that you can’t stand, I hope you don’t scratch your knees” And with a quick strike he tripped assassin 2 who was charging , and instead of striking him again the assassin 1 was tripped. This continued for some time
Assassin 1 “Damn you..you doesn’t permit to retreat but you don’t want to kill us!Why?”
Joke “The violence isn’t the answer...and it’s not the question , I block you like a guard , and the other will come to arrest you , it’s my work as a tank this”

[Point buy
After spellscale

Strength 8 08

Dexterity 16 1016

Constitution 15 8/td]13

Intelligence 14 614

Wisdom 8 0 8

Charisma 15 8 17

4th level point to charisma

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Concentration 4 Perform (comedy) 4 Bluff 4 Intimidate 4 Sense motive 4 Tumble 4 Jump 4 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4 Climb 4 Cross class Knowledge arcana 0.5
Jotunbrund , Nymph kiss (bonus)
Jester's audacity+1, jester's performance, fascinate, inspiring quip

Concentration 5 Perform (comedy) 5 Bluff 5 Intimidate 5 Sense motive 5 Tumble 5 Jump 5 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 5 Climb 5 Cross class Knowledge arcana 1
Deflect arrow
Bonus feat

Concentration 6 Perform (comedy) 6 Bluff 6 Intimidate 6 Sense motive 6 Tumble 6 Jump 5 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 6 Disguise 1 Climb 6 Cross Class Knowledge (arcana) 1
Sacred vow

Climb 7 Intimidate 7 Jump 5 Cross class Concentration 6 Perform (comedy) 6 Bluff 7 Sense motive 6 Tumble 7 Knowledge (nobilty and royalty) 6 Knowledge (arcana) 1 Disguise 1
Exotic weapon proficiency (kusari gama) (bonus)
Armored mage, bonus feat

Climb 8 Intimidate 8 Jump 5 Tumble 8 Concentration 7 Cross class Perform (comedy) 6 Bluff 8 Sense motive 6 Knowledge (nobilty and royalty) 6 Knowledge (arcana) 1 Disguise 1 Skill trick Never outnumbered

Battle clarity (Reflex saves), weapon aptitude

Climb 9 Intimidate 9 Tumble 9 Jump 5 Concentration 9 Perform (comedy) 8 Bluff 9 Sense motive 6 Knowledge (nobilty and royalty) 6 Disguise 1 Cross class Knowledge (arcana) 1 Skill trick Nimble stand
Vow of Nonviolence

1 Weapon finesse
2 Subduing strike
3 Combat reflexes
4 Combat mastery
5 Improved trip
6 Curling wave strike
7 Imperious command
8 Combat panache
9 Shape soulmeld (wormtail belt)
10 Bonus essentia

Spells per Day (bonus spellslot included)








Spells Known








Spell learned in order
Level 0 Prestidigitation , Light , Open close ,Flare, Mage hand Create Water
Level 1 Charm person Color spray Disguise self Entropic shield
Level 2 Mirror image Glitterdust
Position Stance of Clarity
Douse the flame
Tactical strike
Stone vise

We are jester, we make joke, and we are similar to bard , so why we are tank? For now we are not a tank as the tanking will come later but for now we have a good amount of skill points, two feats, a bonus to AC (that we will have each time so it’s good) , and some abilities based on our perform (comedy). So let’s start from the race, human as we need more feats for now, and the feats we choose are Jotunbrund (Quite funny a big man that is not so strong, something that should be appropriate for a jester) and skill focus climb. The first is chosen as we will base ourselves on tripping the enemy, the second is nypmh kiss as this character will be quite based on charisma based abilities and more skill points are quite useful at each level . At the second level we gain even deflect arrow that is useful if the enemy want to attack us with arrows. We have even jester abilities , the most important for now is jester audacity as one more point of AC is useful at low level, then the next ability is jester performance which is the main ability on which the tanking of this build is around. At level 1 we have only one use and depending on the combat or non combat situation we have inspiring quill (good as at low level an attack missing is quite normal) and fascinate that is similar to a bard. As we have 10 skill points for level (37 at level 1 , 32 from the class 4 from human and 1 from nyphm kiss ) we have various abilities, the most important being intimidate, tumble ,bluff concentration and perform (comedy) . These are useful as many are charisma based and we have a good amount of charisma, while concentration and tumble are more defensive and the rest of the abilities are more for synergies (even if sense motive can be useful) as with a good charisma we can even do diplomacy without skill points but only synergies bonus from sense motive , bluff and knowledge (nobilty and royalty) . For spells we don’t have so much spell slots but we have some useful spell (charm person and color spray) that can be useful while the cantrips are something more out of combat than anything else.
At this level we have the class ability that has influenced using a jester for a tanking build, a taunt ability. A tank is someone who take the hit from the enemies and doesn’t let them attack the allies and the taunt of the jester do this , the enemy must come near us, possibly charging so using his attack and his movement (even if they don’t have a melee weapon they must charge if able , probably he would need to do a melee attack with a punch or something similar). Sadly we will be limited in the number of taunt we can do but we have the spells that are of crowd control so we should have enough for now. The feat we take at this level is a prerequisite for a future feat but is useful as it boost more our diplomacy even if we don’t have ranks for now (considering our future race we will have 4 charisma +2 sacred vow +2 nymph kiss +6 of synergy from other abilities so a +14 which is good enough for an indifferent people to become friendly) . For spells we are gaining some more spell slots and we learned disguise self as even if with only 1 rank we have a good amount at disguise with that thanks to bluff high charisma and nymph kiss. At this level instead of putting one skill points in knowledge arcana I putted one in disguise, but only because we will never boost knowledge arcana again as we arrived at the amount we needed for the next level .
We needed that rank as we use a variant of the fighter , the armored mage, one could ask why, and it’s because the jester doesn’t have the ability to cast spell in light armor while ignoring the failure from the armor, so we needed a level of fighter to use an armor and a light shield for some more AC. As we have a level of fighter we even take the feat to use our future weapon , the kusari gama with his reach and being one handed . A weapon that doesn’t do so much damage but we will not aim at that. As we have deflect arrow and the light shield permit us to hold other items we can use our bonus feat even while we have the shield which is quite an help when we are fighting in melee as for example the spells will need the material components to be cast.
While we don’t need so much damage a level of warblade is useful to gain some abilities in melee combat as we can’t use our spells while taunting so melee attack or skills is what we will do while taunting. We don’t have many maneuvers but each one is useful, first the stance which boost our AC against one enemy which if combined with taunt we negate the bonus to hit that we give at the enemy . Especially useful if we are fighting only one enemy. Then there is douse the flame which is useful as we want to move each turn to let the taunted enemy come to us so negating the attack of opportunity is an help (even if we have tumble) then tactical strike, this is used especially if one enemy will be adjacent to us so that we can move after we attacked and moved enough to let him charge even if only for 5 feet. Finally stone vise that doesn’t have an high DC but if it doesn’t pass that our allies will do enough (again especially useful against one big enemy ) As we boosted our intimidate at each level we can gain even a trick which is not bad, never outnumbered a bonus when we will have to fight many enemies. The warblade give us even another bonus which is weapon aptitude because we gained a exotic weapon proficiency feat this mean that each day we can change the exotic weapon we learned to use So we can even use the spiked chain (the concept would be quite similar) for less AC or the same depending on the equipment.
And then our final level, again in jester to correct the skills we have (the jester have the bigger list in our classes) , to gain 2nd level spells and to gain one more use of jester performance (mainly for taunt) but at this level we gain even a feat, and this feat help nearly everything we can do as it is vow of nonviolence. With our spells that doesn’t do damage, with stone vise we will do in a nonlethal manner, with the taunt each of this is empowered by vow of nonviolence so is quite good . Sure the feat work only for humanoids and monstrous humanoid but in a royal court one doesn’t expect many types of creatures. For the second level spells we are focused on combat with these defensive , but one more based on having a sure defense (mirror image ) while the other is boosted by vow of nonviolence and can be useful even against invisible creature or someone who is based on hiding (glitterdust) We even gained entropic shield as 1st level spell that is useful if we have to fight many ranged based enemies as we will be losing snatch arrow after this level. As we still are based on moving after taunting we need to be able to stand up quickly and for this we use another trick nimble stand that will be useful in some situations. After this level up we undergo the transformation in spellscale , as we need a boost to charisma . We lose each rank in climb (at each level we boosted it) and for the feat we lose snatch arrow as our race gave us a nonspecific feat so we can lose any feat we want instead of the first. As Jotunbrund will be quite useful (and it was the motivation for why I started as a human) is better to lose snatch arrow instead of that feat or something else. Why we wanted to become a spellscale? From an optimization point of view even if they have a penalty on constitution they are one of the few races without level adjustment that have a bonus to charisma , then they give us a way to boost our spells without having to use a feat . The not so much time for day that the virtual feats can be used are good enough for us as we don’t have many spell slots so it wasn’t worth taking a feat. The best meditation for the combat probably is Lendys for still spell and the bonus to concentration , then the two dragons that permit us to use the wands of cure wounds and inflict wounds without any problem (respectively Falzure and Tamara) if we wanted to use an exotic two handed weapon like a spiked chain thanks to the warblade or we lost our component bag, or we need to use an arm for something else, Astalabor is the best as he give unlimited use of eschew materials.
At the start of the epic feats we still need to learn how fight with dexterity to boost our attack roll (as our strength is not so good) and to use weapon to do nonlethal damage without penalty so we have two feats , the first weapon finesse and the second subduing strike as if we want to be in melee we can’t afford to have too many penalties to hit Then after the previous feat we trip , but not as travel but as learning how to trip the enemies, as we are preparing for this tactic from level 1 so now what we can do as we are nonviolent so the damage of the AoO should be nonlethal, but we don’t do so much damage. Well first we take what we need for a tripping tactic so combat reflexes combat mastery (that can be an help to increase AC) and improved trip are necessary. Then there is a feat from stormwalk quite interesting curling wave strike, this feat isn’t made to do damage as we can do another trip attempt against another enemy that we can hit in melee so with a reach weapon and is quite good especially against a big number of enemies We still have a problem because while taunting we doesn’t have many way to use our standard action especially if each enemy is still prone, so we can use our skills , and the most interesting to control the battlefield is intimidate . We have enough ranks we have a good total (9 ranks 4 charisma 2 nypmh kiss 2 synergy from bluff so + 17) and we have a bonus if we are biggero or at the same size of the enemy as jotunbrund help us even here. It says that each time being bigger would help us we are considered bigger, so intimidate as that clause so we have a quite good modifier. For this we will use imperious command , exchanging our standard action to cower one enemy, using a free action to maintain the taunt and our move action to let the enemy chase us. Then there is a feat quite difficult to obtain for fighters, combat panache ! This funny feats have a premise , sometimes we will be hit but not so much, so how this work? After an enemy has damaged us we can go prone, and then stand up (easier with nimble stand as trick) and attack while he is consider flat footed . This is based on our bluff but we have a good total. Then after we used this option (is called play dead) we can do two different tactics. First we let an enemy attack one of his allies if they are near (fortuitous tumble), the second is hitting him and giving him a penalty on his attack rolls (sneering glower) each one is useful and we still can use our tactical strike to move away with our action of movement. Sneering glower is more interesting especially as it doesn’t say that the damage must be lethal, and is applicable even without using play dead before . For the last feat we take something again to boost our AC, so shape soulmeld and bonus essentia. These feat are worth a +4 at our AC and for these we had a 15 of constitution at start as these need 13 of constitution as at the end we are a tanking build even if we flee from a taunted enemy block the enemies without doing damage and we are quite more charismatic than a normal tank would be, even with some spells that help us in controlling the enemies
From Book of Exalted deeds : Vow of Nonviolence, Sacred vow , Nymph kiss, Subduing strike
From Dragon Compendium: Jester class
From Complete mage: Armored mage ACF
From Tome of Battle : Warblade class and maneuvers
From Player handbook Human, fighter class, combat reflexes, combat mastery, improved trip, Weapon finesse
From Stormwalk: Curling wave strike
From Races of dragon : Spellscale
From Races of Faerun: Jotunbrund
From Drow of the Underdark :Imperious command
From Magic of Incarnum: Shape soulmeld, wormtail belt, bonus essentia
From Player handbook II: Combat panache
From Complete scoundrel : Never outnumbered , Nimble stand

2021-07-02, 11:13 AM
Cats definitely meet the "hard to ignore" criteria.

Nagant Darktail
CE Unseelie Fey Tibbit Artificer 6
The problem is not that there is evil in the world, the problem is that there is good. Because otherwise, who would care? V.M. Varga

Kyirnilan is a strange city, it's three-dimensional structure and ancient and magical history has spawned quite a few strange creatures, created either from natural evolution or some wizards power trip. One of these were the winged cats, cats with birdlike wings who mainly hunt birds, glider mice and floating rats. They have mostly replaced normal cats everywhere in Kyirnilan.
One of these cats, however, was not as it seemed. A brown and tan striped cat with wings was watching a house.
"The father has yet to return home, as I planned out. Looks like my buddy Ezo pulled out all the stops for this one." A series of meows and other cat noises emanated from the cat, but those who were gifted with the knowledge of the feline language would've been able to hear his utterance. "I should send him a few scrolls of Fireball, for some reason that's the only thing Ezo wants. Whatever, he'll get it, or maybe he'll get a fireball in the face. Whatever I feel like when I make them."
He went back to a laying-down position. Damn he was bored. There's only so much he can do in Kyirnilan, and the unfortunate aspect of his ancestory was his birdlike wings, which were difficult to hide.
Plus, he was at least 80% sure the cops had a file on him. He didn't really want to try to break in to one of the side offices to see if they did, so maybe he'll find another adventuring party, these types are always entering and leaving, and they could use his skills with magic items. Plus, maybe he'll find another city of this nature. He already had to leave Yandi Kidir because his boredom made him go after someone a bit too important. Whatever. He'll slip into a tavern, and hey, maybe he'll poison someone's drink. For funsies, you know?
Ehh, he needs to get ready to leave now, this family can live. He licked his lips and smiled, diving towards a rare ground rat he'd found.

Abilities 32-point buy tibbit unseelie fey Level 4
Str 10 8(-2) 6(-2) 6
Dex 8 10(+2) 12(+2) 12
Con 14 14 12(-2) 12
Int 16 16 16 16
Wis 9 9 9 9
Cha 17 17 19(+2) 20(+1)

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1 artificer 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Craft (Poisonmaking) +4, UMD +4, Bluff +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +4 Skill Focus: Craft (Poison), Scribe Scroll Artificer Knowledge, artisan bonus, disable trap, item creation, winter chill(Su)
2 artificer 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Craft (Poisonmaking) +5, UMD +5, Bluff +4(.5), Sense Motive +4(.5), Spellcraft +5 Brew Potion
3 artificer 3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Craft (Poisonmaking) +6, UMD +6, Bluff +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6 Posion Immunity(Black Lotus Extract), Craft Wondrous Item
4 artificer 4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Craft (Poisonmaking) +7, UMD +7, Bluff +5(.5), Sense Motive +5(.5), Spellcraft +7 Exceptional Artisan craft homunculus
5 artificer 5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Craft (Poisonmaking) +8, UMD +8, Bluff +6, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +8 Craft Magical Arms and Armor
6 artificer 6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Craft (Poisonmaking) +9, UMD +9, Bluff +6(.5), Sense Motive +6(.5), Spellcraft +9 Flop
- - Craft Wand, Improved Flop, Interspecies grace, Writhe, Don't Mind Me, Twining Trip, Ability Focus(Writhe), Boost SLA(Writhe), Supernatural Transformation(Writhe), Enlarge SU ability(Writhe)

Level Class 1st level infusions 2nd level infusions 3rd level infusions
1st artificer 1 3
2nd artificer 2 4
3rd artificer 3 4 2
4th artificer 4 4 3
5th artificer 5 4 4 2
6th artificer 6 4 4 3

At this point, Nagant relies on his infusions to strengthen his defense, using Lesser Armor Enchantment to grant his armor the Blurring property, Magic Vestmant to give it a +1 bonus, and scribing spell scrolls of Ray of Enfeeblement. In dire situations, he transforms back into his non-cat tibbit form and uses a (very)short bow

Experiments with Potion-brewing and poison-making has rendered Nagant immune to Black Lotus Extract, his poison of choice, even creating a paperweight to help him puzzle through the difficult process. He continues with his normal strategies, relying on distraction and Strength damage. He also uses the armor enchantment infusion to grant his armor either axeblock, hammerblock, or spearblock, depending on the weapons his opponents weild, or sometimes Vanishing if he feels in the mood to be invisible for a while.

Utilizing third-level infusions allows Nagant to add a +2 enhancement bonus to his shortbow, or enhanceing his armor with things like the Freedom or Aporter

Nagant has created three wands, a wand of Divine Insight, a wand of Ray of Enfeeblement. and a wand of Minor Creation. In the morning, he uses the wand of Minor Creation to create a vial of black lotus extract, and smears it over himself. He flies into battle and then swooping into their square. Thanks to Don't Mind Me, this does not provoke an attack of opportunity. He then writhes on the ground, trying to convince his opponent to touch him. Once they do, they are poisoned by the Black Lotus Extract Nagant coated on his fur. This is accelerated by the Winter Chill surrounding him.

Fabulous cats- flop, improved flop, interspecies grace, writhe, don't mind me, twining trip. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c
Book of Vile Darkness- poison immunity feat, boost spell-like ability
Player's handbook- Ray of Enfeeblement, all the crafting feats
Eberron Campaign Setting- artificier, artificer's infusions
Dungeon Master's Guide-black lotus extract
Dragon Compendium- Tibbit, Unseelie Fey
Savage Species- Supernatural Transformation
Monster Manual- Ability Focus(Writhe)
Tome of Magic- Enlarge supernatural ability

Flop->Improved flop->Interspecies grace->Writhe
Don't mind me->Twining Trip

2021-07-02, 11:14 AM
He has no name, but he still can't be ignored.

Guardian LG ,Anthropomorphic monkey, Paladin 5/ Purple dragon knight 1
How can one enemy ignore someone who boost it’s allies defense, exchange place with them, obstacle the enemies attack ? They can’t as if he doesn’t go down they can’t win, and if this one has a good defense is a tank, hard to ignore, and not easy to kill.

Stats before racial modifiers /after racial and 4th level
Strength 14 /10
Dexterity 14 /16
Constitution 14 /14
Intelligence 14/14
Wisdom 15/20
Charisma 8/6
The race is from Savage species

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Paladin of the Vigilant eye of Helm 1
(champion of valor)
Ride 4, Sense motive 4 Diplomacy 1, Listen (cc) 2 Knowledge (religion) 1 Spot (cc) 1
Weapon finesse (bonus from race) Negotiator (feats from player handbook)
Aura of good, expanded spell list, know greatest enemy, smite evil 1/day

Paladin 2
(classic from Player handbook)
Ride 5, Sense motive 5 Diplomacy 2, Listen (cc) 2 Knowledge (religion) 1 Spot (cc) 1 .5

Divine grace, lay on hands

Paladin of the Vigilante Eye of Helm 3
Ride 6, Sense motive 6 Diplomacy 3, Listen (cc) 2 Knowledge (religion) 1 Spot (cc) 2
Mounted combat (player handbook)
Aura of courage, vigilant aid

Paladin 4
Ride 6, Sense motive 7 Diplomacy 4, Listen (cc) 2 Knowledge (religion) 1 Spot (cc) 2 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 2

Turn undead

Paladin 5
Ride 6, Sense motive 8 Diplomacy 4, Listen (cc) 2 Knowledge (religion) 1 Spot (cc) 2 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 5

Drakkensteed Mount ACF(dragon magic)

Purple dragon knight
(complete warrior)
Ride 6, Sense motive (cc) 8 Diplomacy 8, Listen (cc) 2 Knowledge (religion)(cc) 1 Spot (cc) 2 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (cc) 5
Serenity (dragon compendium)
Heroic shield, rallying cry

Epic feats
1° Protection devotion (complete champion)
2° Extra turning (player handbook)
3° Exotic weapon proficiency (kusari gama) (player handbook with weapon from dungeon master guide)
4° Combat reflexes (player handbook)
5° Hindering opportunist (player handbook II)
6° Constant guardian (drow of the underdark)
7° Dutiful guardian (drow of the underdark)
8° Martial study (shield block) (tome of battle)
9° Martial study (vanguard strike) (tome of battle)
10° Martial stance (iron guard glare) (tome of battle)

The aim of this build is to boost the AC of the allies within range , so that the enemy would probably attack me ,as I would be the easier to hit . To do this we use the paladin, using an anthropomorphic monkey as it is a race quite strong, with a good boost to wisdom and dexterity that are the main stats for this paladin. We want wisdom high and charisma low as we will use serenity to gain a better amount of turn undead and divine grace, and because is easier to boost wisdom instead of charisma with the races, and as a bonus the monkey give weapon finesse as a bonus feat so quite good. At the first level (1-2) we are quite normal except that we don’t gain detect evil (easier to be included in a party ) and we gain know greatest enemy that will be useful as we will know for which opponent we will need to boost AC Then at the third level we gain the first ingredient a possibility to do an aid another action as a movement action to boost the AC of the allies , even if we don’t gain the possibility to do it more than one for round (at least with the move action) At level 4 we gain spells and turn undead, for now more important spells as we have 2 slots now of first level that could be for example bless and golden barding when we will have a mount. We don’t have many attempt of turn undead at this level but we will be better in future. At level 5 we use another variant ,the drakkensteed mount from dragon magic, because having a flying spped is quite interesting , having a 24 on strength , and even having a feat for being at 6 hit dice is quite useful . If we are free to choose the feat , probably the best is constant guardian as it will give us more Ac while we are in 10 feet that is quite easy if we are on it. We have the exact ride needed to make an attack while it his moving , we don’t have many skill points but thanks to mounted combat we could try a ride to boost it's AC . Then our last level, while asking many prerequisite as skill and as feats (our previous two feat was for this and even cross class listen and spot) has quite the synergy with our 3rd level as now when we boost the AC we give a +4 bonus instead of a +2 , and we even knew how boost the attack roll and the movement for 3/day only for one round but it is good as our aim was the boost of aid another. At this level we gain even serenity which is quite a boost for our saves and the number of turn undead, these attempts will be used for a devotion feat, protection devotion as it is another way to boost the AC of the allies other than our AC . Then we gain extra turning so we can use protection devotion at least 4 time each day , even 5 if we don’t use turn attempts. Then we proceed choosing a new weapon , the kusari gama for it’s reach and being one handed, combat reflexes to make more attack of opportunity, but our aim isn’t doing damage but buffing our ally as with hindering opportunist we can use an aid another action against a foe and this include even boosting the AC against him , and for this the purple dragon knight help us again. SO when the enemies will pass us to attack our ally we will boost the AC against them . The interesting part is that as long as we are on our drakkensteed we are considered occupying his space so we gain a 5ft of range as we can attack from every square of the drakkensteed. The next feat are to boost again the AC with constant guardian (as we have a total of +10 on our attack roll even the -2 of constant guardian doesn’t block reaching a CD of 10 for aid another except for a critical 1) and dutiful guardian so even if the enemy bypass each bonus we gave to an ally we can take the damage instead of the ally. The last three feats are used to boost again the allies ,one of the AC of our shield+4 , one to boost the attack rolls against an enemy and one stance to give a penalty to the enemies we can hit to hit our allies , the first is especially useful if the ally boosted isn’t the one of dutiful guardian, the first and the third use the reach of the weapon that is boosted on our mount while the second is akin to an aid another action to attack instead of to defend, so quite good if we need to boost the defense and the attack roll at the same time in one round.
Hitpoints 10+5d10+12=49 on average
Optimized AC=10+8 (fullplate)+3 (heavy shield)+1 (dexterity)+1 (size)+ 3 (protection devotion)+2 (constant guardian of the mount)=27
To hit =6 base attack +3 dexterity +1 size=+10 (thanks to this we can afford each aid another check to boost AC)
Saves Fortitude +13 (6 base 5 divine grace 2 constitution) Reflex +9 (1 base 3 dexterity 5 divine grace) Will +11 (1 base 5 wisdom 5 divine grace)
Most important skills +9 ride (6 ranks+3 dexterity) +12 diplomacy (8 ranks +2 negotiator -2 charisma +2 synergy (sense motive) +2 synergy (knowledge (nobility and royalty) )Sense motive +13 (8 ranks +5 wisdom) Listen and spot +7 (2 ranks+ 5 wisdom)
Turn undead use 3+wisdom +4 (extra turning) =12

2021-07-02, 11:15 AM
Children love the meat tank. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x8Ad3VS6cQ)

Ok, here we are, with something that's particularly effective in E6, due to the combination of "lots of feat" and not having to contend as much with high level spells.

There's a particular way of trying to make sure you're the priority targets for the enemy : be the biggest threat in the room!

This time, quite literally : we're going to be of huge size! and then make sure we can survive the pounding we'll receive :)

Essay about tanking here, I'm not going to copypaste it to pad the word count, you've read or skipped it already, let's not make you read/skip it again :D
let's just say this time around we're going for the BE CHONK style of soaking/surviving things

NG Elan, Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18 (17 +1 level), Cha 6 (8 -2 racial)
HP 10 + 4d8 + 1d4 + 12 + 32 (74) plus Vigor THP
Hugefied to
Str 15 Dex 10, -2 size malus to AC and attack rolls
AC 10 +4 shield (force screen) +8 heavy armor +1 deflection (force mantle) +1 morale (aura) + 3 natural (psychic meditation) -2 size = 25 no magical item assumed, only mundane heavy armor, + variable insight bonus from precognition
+4 for 3d6+3 Spear / Longspear (no masterwork assumed)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Skilled City-Dweller Divine Mind of Waukeen 1
Concentration +4, Psicraft +4, Tumble +4
Intuitive attack, Hidden Talent(Dimension hop)
Freedom Mantle, Psychic Aura

Ardent 1 / Divine Mind 1
Autohypnosis +2, Concentration 4+1, Psicraft 4, Tumble 4

Force Mantle, Fate Mantle

Ardent 1 / Divine Mind 1 / Psychic Warrior 1
Autohypnosis 2+2, Concentration 5+1, Psicraft 4, Tumble 4
Psionic Body, Practiced Manifester(Ardent)

Ardent 1 / Divine Mind 1 / Psychic Warrior 2
Autohypnosis 4+2, Concentration 6+1, Psicraft 4, Tumble 4
Practiced Manifester(Psychic Warrior)

Ardent 1 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2
Autohypnosis 6+1(2), Concentration 7+1, Psicraft 4, Tumble 4
Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment

Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2
Autohypnosis 7+2, Concentration 8+1, Psicraft 4, Tumble 4
Guardian Mantle

E6 feats in order of aquisition:
Expanded Knowledge(Share Pain)
Earth Sense
Earth Power
Midnight Augmentation
Expanded Knowledge(Concealing Amorpha)
Expanded Knowledge(Damp Power)
Psychic Meditation
Deep Psychic Meditation
Elan Resilience, Enhanced
Elan Resistance, Enhanced

Our wisdom increases from 17 to 18 at level 4

Power Points
New powers learned
Manifester Level (Ardent / Psychic Warrior / Erudite)

Dimension Hop

Force Screen; Precogniton, defensive



Entangling Ectoplasm; Grease, Psionic; Create Sound

Dispel Psionics

Share Pain

Concealing Amorpha

Damp Power

This is built around Psionic body, which gives us 2HP for each psionic feat we have... so I tried to maximize the amount of psionic feats I took. 16 of them, so 32 HP from one feat! Considering our most common HD is a d8 and we have CON 14, this is like being ECL 11 or so for the HP we have.

With that in mind, we took it "as early as possible", giving us a beefy 6 HP at 3rd level and then basically 2 HP at every "level up", with the exception of the erudite level where it gives us 4 HP, and the "speed bump" of earth sense. Intuitive attack is taken first because otherwise with our sucky 11 STR it would be kinda troubling partecipating meanigfully to combat while leveling up, but an argument could be made that psionic body taken at first level would make us a significant sponge, 16HP at level one is only seen by the likes of d12 classes with 18 constitution, or perhabs people that take toughness in games where retraining is allowed

Secondary to that was getting to the "signature" combination that let us use Expansion twice augmented for 70 comfy minutes of +2 size per 7PP expended.

What gets us there is the two power cost reducers earth power + midnight augmentation, and the "breaking the cap" feat overchannel. We need psicrystal containment to make this work, otherwise we can't stack earth power and midnight augmentation but luckily erudite gives us it "for free", and a little bit of versatility in 3 power knowns to play around from day to day. Since those will forever be at ML 1, utility/ribbon powers are preferable. the 1d8 self damage from overchannel is the kind of things it's easy to overlook as "out of combat damage is trivially healed with a bit of gold", or if you feel fancy, just Elan resilience mitigate it

It is well known that Ardent is a special snowflake of being able to choose powers by the sole criteria of "can manifest them". as such, since we've taken practiced manifester, when we take its second level we'll take a third level power from his mantles. This will let us take second level powers with expanded knowledge, which will let us complete the well known combo of share pain with the psicrystal, to then double dip the vigor power. After we're done with fullfilling our dream of being huge, we go back cherry pick a couple of second level powers that make sense from a tanking perspective. Especially when we only pay 2 PP to manifest them since we have earth power

Psychic meditation is an interesting versatile tool, we're most likely to use temporary power points option, but once we get more uses, both the 3 natural armor and the bonus to stats are interesting/appealing.

We conclude with pumping our racial abilities. 4damage/PP isn't too shabby a conversion, and a bonus of 6 to all saves is a significant boost when we need it. A valid alternative is picking up even more uses of Psychic meditation, or cherry pick some other powers with expanded knowledge

Level 1: Survive the sessssion, done! with 12 HP and dimension hop to get in or out of trouble, it shoulnd't be too difficult. Our starting armor should be something that puts the combined dex bonus+armor to 16-17 AC, slap a heavy shield on and we shouldn't have trouble surviving that first encounter, just be up front so the dog/wolf/slime/goblin/whatever attacks you instead of a squishy backliner and that's that.

Level 2: with the ardent mantles and power, we should be getting a significant bump to the AC, napkin me feels it'll be around 21-22.
Sadly we're easily ignored at this level :(, so we're doing more or less what a fighter would do at this level, except our personal survivability is fairly higher than theirs!

level 3-4: kinda samey, but at least now we can get large! and unlike a cleric/arcanist using enlarge person, we can do it a lot of times! this is also when we start to baloon up in the chonk departement, we should have an average of 31-39 HP at these levels which is fairly good for having mostly d8s with 14 CON

level 5: a bit of utility and, soon, soon!

level 6 and early epic in E1 we're "80% there" from spongeing point of view, since we halve all damage we take and can pump up temporary hit points. I'm sure you all know the psicrystal+share pain+vigor combo, right? manifest share pain targeting your psicrystal, manifest vigor and duplicate it for free on your psicrystal thanks to the share powers feature, that's it! Now half the damage you would be taking is redirected to the psicrystal, gets reduced by hardness, and whatever is leftover will hit vigor temporary hit points first anyway

it's E4 when we finally get huge! Who would ignore the HUGE opponent with "lowish" AC? not you! not them either! Only adversarial GM would ignore the huge dude in favor of attacking the squishy covering being him, and we don't play with adversarial GM's!

Right after that is yummy miss chance and bringing dooown the potential damage of the boomy kind of spells, we got the mileage to augment Damp power so fireballs on the party are that much less dangerous now :)
Intuitive attack: use WIS modifier for attacks roll with simple and natural weapons
Hidden talent: gain 2PP and add one power known (ACF'ed : from selected mantle, use WIS instead of CHA)
Freedom Mantle: + 10 bonus ft. while psionically focused and access to some powers
Psychic Aura: gain minor bonus from list (genrally +1 morale to armor bonus) self and allies within 5ft.
Force Mantle: + 1 deflection bonus while psionically focused and access to some powers
Fate Mantle: 1/day add 1-2 to a d20 roll and access to some powers
Psionic Body: +2HP per psionic feat
Practiced Manifester(class): add 4 (up to HD) to manifester level for CLASS
Guardian Mantle: spend psionic focus to Immediate action take damage in place of ally,
Earth sense: can feel creatures within 20 ft that are touching the ground.
Earth power: while psionically focused and touching earth, reduce power cost by 1 (min 1)
Midnight augmentation: infuse essentia, select power costs ESSENTIA less (min 1), gives 1 essentia
Psychic meditation: 1/day gain 1 hour bonus from list
Deep Psychic meditation: +2/day use of Psychic meditation and expand pickable options
Elan Resilience: Immediate action reduce damage taken by 4/PP spent
Elan Resistance: Immediate action increase all saves by 6, 1PP cost
Dimension hop: 1PP swift action teleport 10 ft Augment+ 5ft/PP
Damp Power: 3PP variable numerical values of effect affecting you are reduced to minimum, Augment 4PP diminish for all affected in area

It is likely that the RAI of Ardent would cap "max power level" in relation to class level, but that was never errata'd. so while it is RAW that, with practiced manifester, we can take a third level power at our second level of ardent, GM might frown at this.

On power point reducers and manifester level: we are capped at spending no more than ML on a single manifestation of a power, there can be some dispute if this is before or after reducers are applied. This build works on the assumption that the max I can "spend" on expansion is 7 (ML 6 + 1 overchannel), so when I augment it to 9 (base 1 + 6 double size +2 duration 10min/ML), but apply two power cost reducers, I'm being RAW legal since the amount of power I'm spending is 7. Make sure this is ok with your GM. if he caps the augment to ML and afterwards apply the reducers, this changes the lay of the land.

On power known as erudite when multiclassing with other psionic classes: I've seen disputed that you can freely manifest all 3 powers if you take levels of other psionic classes, debated like this : "they are power known, I choose to manifest it as (other psionic class I have) and not as my limited power per day of erudite. Personally I do not agree with this reading and the powers I choosed for the erudite level reflect that. But if your table rules otherwise, you get a nice boost there since you can pick differently with a mind toward "you'll always have all 3 available". For istance, you could pick vigor on the erudite level, leaving you free to take claws of the beast on the psychic warrior level. Or you could take force screen as erudite and so change around a 1st level ardent power.

On Ardent+Divine mind : I've seen it debated that you could learn new powers from any of the mantle you have taken, regardless of the mantle being picked up as Ardent or Divine mind. As an example from this entry, this would mean we could pick a freedom power when taking Ardent levels. I don't personally agree with this reading, but if you can convince your GM of this, more versatility to you :)

On Ardent+Overchannel: a friend argued with me that since we can ML 7 when we overchannel, we could pick a 4th level power if we had overchannel before we took our 6th level. I disagree with that, but I'm putting the thought out here anyway. 4th level powers are gainst the spirit of E6 so while I might allow it as an early entry trick in a normal game, I would definetively veto it for E6, but YMMV

On Hiddent talent ACF for Divine mind : it says the ML later becomes the ML you have, so we can theoretically augment this, but check with your GM, because we never obtained a ML with Divine mind, and he might feel that ML with other classes do not count.

On Psychic Meditation and E6 : Normally, I would say that the manifester level for Psychic meditation is that of the class at the level it's taken, but we're taking it with an "epic" feat", so this could mix up things, in particular with regard to the third eye option. The easiest and likely RAI interpretation is that our highest ML is 6, so it gives us 6 temporary power points, easy. But, I can see an argument being made that it gives us 13 temporary power points, because our manifester level is "6+6+1"

On Substitute powers Ardent ACF: I'm very deliberately not taking it, because it's very difficult to decide "what is appropriate" to sub in or out of a mantle within the scope of an IC competition. Of course you should "mix and match" to your preference at an actual table, but that kind of freeform freedom doesn't fit IC in my opinion, kinda like RAI you very clearly could make up an "apprentice manifester", but within the scope of IC the only apprentices that exists are those exampled on the feat
Complete Psionic: Elan race, Divine Mind class, Ardent Class, most of the nonSRD powers/ psionic feats listed
Magic of Incarnum : Midnight augmentation
Race of Stones : Earth sense, Earth power
Skilled City-Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)
Psychic Meditation (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827b)
Hidden talent Divine Mind ACF (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a)

2021-07-02, 11:16 AM
You don't have to be rich to attract attention!

Sunflower (Human Totemist [Magic of Incarnum] )
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 15 + 1 at level 4 = 16
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 12

HP: 6d8+18+6+16 = 8+25+18+6+16 = 73 + 6 from Totem Avatar = 79 HP
AC: 10 + 2 dex bonus + 6 Exalted AC bonus from Vow of Poverty (Does not stack with Armor-typed bonus) + 1 Deflection from Vow of Poverty +2 Natural Armor (Totem Avatar) = 21 base + Up to 2 on Midnight Dodge target depending upon invested essentia + 2 Deflection against Evil creatures (Lammasu Mantle) = up to 25

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features
Chakra Binds

Totemist 1
Handle Animal 4, Knowledge (Nature) 4, Listen 4, Spot 4, Survival 4, Swim 4 (human bonus skill point)
Sacred Vow [Book of Exalted Deeds], Vow of Poverty (Human Bonus) [Book of Exalted Deeds], Touch of Golden Ice (Vow of Poverty bonus) [Book of Exalted Deeds]
Wild Empathy, Illiteracy, Totemist Meldshaping

Totemist 2
Handle Animal 5, Knowledge (Nature) 5, Listen 5, Spot 5, Survival 5, Swim 5 (human bonus skill point)
Nymph's Kiss (VoP Bonus) [Book of Exalted Deeds]
Totem Chakra Bind (+1 Capacity)

Totemist 3
Handle Animal 6, Knowledge (Nature) 6, Listen 6, Spot 6, Survival 6, Swim 6 (human bonus skill point)
Midnight Dodge [Incarnum] [Magic of Incarnum]
Totem's Protection

Totemist 4
Handle Animal 6, Heal 0.5, Knowledge (Nature) 7, Listen 7, Spot 7, Survival 7, Swim 7 (human bonus skill point)
Intuitive Attack (Vow of Poverty Bonus) [Book of Exalted Deeds]

Totemist 5
Handle Animal 6, Heal 1, Knowledge (Nature) 8, Listen 8, Spot 8, Survival 8, Swim 8 (human bonus skill point)
Chakra Binds (Crown, Feet, Hands)

Totemist 6
Handle Animal 7, Heal 1, Knowledge (Nature) 9, Listen 9, Spot 9, Survival 9, Swim 9 (human bonus skill point)
Improved Toughness [Final printed version was Monster Manual 5], Nimbus of Light (Vow of Poverty Bonus) [Book of Exalted Deeds]
Totem Chakra Bind (+1 Meldshaper Level)

Epic Feat 1: Incarnum-fortified Body (Magic of Incarnum)
Epic Feat 2: Healing Soul [Incarnum] (Magic of Incarnum)
Epic Feat 3: Azure Toughness [Incarnum] (Magic of Incarnum)
Epic Feat 4: Martial Study: Crusader's Strike (Tome of Battle)
Epic Feat 5: Devoted Bulwark (Tome of Battle)
Epic Feat 6: Wild Talent (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Epic Feat 7: Ghost Attack [Psionic] (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Epic Feat 8: Psionic Body [Psionic] (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Epic Feat 9: Azure Talent [Incarnum, Psionic] (Magic of Incarnum)
Epic Feat 10: Cobalt Charge [Incarnum] (Magic of Incarnum)

Key Soulmelds (Assigned Chakra positions) [if bound, bound here]{Essentia Invested}:
Rageclaws (Hands) [Totem]{3} Fight on below 0 HP, die at -19 with 3 points of essentia invested. (Totem Chakra is allowed one extra point of essentia)
Totem Avatar (Feet) [Feet] {2} Bonus HP equal to Meldshaper level (6 = 79) plus enahncement bonus to Natural Armor equal to invested essentia. (+2 = 21 base)
Threefold Mask of the Chimera (Crown) Cannot be Flanked
Lammasu Mantle (Shoulders) +2 Defelction bonus to AC against Evil creatures.
3 free-floating Incarnum, up to two per vessel. Maximum Utility for tanking means 2 essentia in Midnight Dodge and 1 in Healing Soul for a one-time emergency 2 hp self-heal as a swift action. Yes, technically putting essentia in Azure Toughness adds more HP in the form of temporary HP, but extra AC from Midnight Dodge is more valuable as it's better to not get hit in the first place. Azure Toughness is taken more for the bonus essentia point than the temp HP it provides directly since Incarnum-Fortified Body feeds off of it for a guaranteed +2 real HP.

Touch of Golden Ice: Any evil creature you touch with your bare hand, fist, or natural weapon is ravaged by golden ice. Rageclaws bound to the Totem chakra grant two 1d6 claw attacks as natural weapons. Golden Ice is a Contact Ravage (poison but for good people) with a Fortitude Save DC of 14 that only affects evil creatures. Per the Ravages and Afflictions writeup on pages 34 & 35 of the Book of Exalted Deeds and table 3-2 (Ravages) the initial damage of Golden Ice is 1d6 Dexterity Damage plus the target's Charisma modifier, with secondary damage of 2d6 Dexterity Damage one minute later. Ravages act as poisons, so standard DMG poison rules apply excepting that Ravages are not evil to use, and only have an effect on evil creatures. An evil elemental or evil undead takes an extra 1 point of damage, and an evil outsider or an evil cleric of an evil deity takes an extra 2 points of damage. If more than one kind of damage is listed, the creature’s Charisma modifier and additional damage are added to each kind of damage. If something does manage to hit her with a melee attack she gets a +1 Morale to AC until the end of her next turn from Devoted Bulwark, giving her 26 AC in that case.

True, Sunflower has no real way to guarantee enemy attention stays on her, but an enemy that is making you roll two fortitude saves every six seconds is annoying, and failing those fortitude saves makes you an easier target. 5% chance of failure and dex loss every time you roll no matter how high your fort bonus is, and undead are susceptible despite not having a con score and normally being immune to ability damage. She's also quite difficult to put down, with Rageclaws giving her an extra effective 18 HP before she finally stops fighting and falls over dead. That's six standard toughness feats worth of HP.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let me know if there's anything I've left out other than equipment (See Vow of Poverty and Voluntary Poverty in the Book of Exalted Deeds for why that is missing entirely).

2021-07-02, 11:18 AM
This is the Chair's build. It cannot medal. Judges may score it if they choose, but they are not required to do so.

Any similarity to any other dish is coincidental and should not be held against that other dish. I built this in a vacuum before I looked at any submissions.

Also I'm too lazy to fix the font.

Miette, NG tibbit Scout 1 / Incarnate 4 / Ardent 1




Cat form

Humanoid form










14 (+1 at 4th = 15)


























Scout 1



Tumble 4
Spot 4
Listen 4
Concentration 2 cc
Balance 4
Escape Artist 4
Hide 4
MS 4
Climb 4
Jump 4


Riposte +1d6, trapfinding

Starting off with a skill-heavy base. We don't have a lot of ways to get attacked just yet so riposte isn't reliable right at the get-go, but it's not like you'll never get swung at, and scout offers a really solid foundation of skills to justify your role in the party early on. The skills are basically taken with cat thematics in mind, since we can't afford to keep up basically any of them after this level. I think of this level as basically "taking a level in Cat."


Incarnate 1




Tumble +1 cc (5)
Concentration +2 (4)


Meldshaping (2M/1E/0B), aura, detect opposition

Meldshaping! That's the good stuff. Lightning gauntlets and/or acidic spittle add some much-needed offense. Other meld can be devoted to defense (such as the astral vambraces) or to skills, since you’re still relatively skill-heavy at this level.


Incarnate 2





Tumble +1 cc (6)
Concentration +2 (6)

Weapon Finesse

Crown bind, meldshaping (3M/2E/1B)

Ah, who doesn't love the fact that one of the most stereotypically rogue-coded feats (i.e., Weapon Finesse) takes BAB +1? Oh right, everyone, everyone doesn't love that. Anyway, now we can actually hit. Crown bind isn't a game-changer but more essentia is always welcome.


Incarnate 3





Tumble +1 cc (7)
Concentration + 1 (7)
Balance +0.5 cc (4.5)


Expanded soulmeld capacity +1, incarnum radiance 1/day, meldshaping (3M/3E/1B)

More incarnum goodness here. Nothing that changes our overall game plan, though. That said, especially in E6, expanded soulmeld capacity is a huge advantage.


Incarnate 4





Tumble +1 cc (8)
Concentration +1 (8)
Balance +0.5 cc (5)


Feet bind, hands bind, meldshaping (4M/4E/1B)

4 melds is starting to be enough to get a little bit of variety. Branching out a little starts to be possible, at least for a couple of levels. 5 ranks in Balance just to not be flat-footed when balancing is fun.


Ardent 1





Tumble +1 cc (9)
Concentration +1 (9)
Profession: Layabout 1

Improved Flop

Justice mantle, Pain and Suffering mantle, psionics (2 PP before WIS, call weaponry, disable)

So let's be real clear: you aren't interested in the powers you get from ardent. You don't have enough PP or ML for that. I'm functionally ignoring the powers. What you ARE interested in is mantle abilities and in the ability to gain psionic focus. Improved Flop comes online now as well, which finally has the potential for giving you an action economy advantage against clustered enemies.




Epic 1

Interspecies Grace

This is mostly a prereq, but it's still useful to be able to entrance non-humanoid enemies.

Epic 2


And here we go. The good stuff. Tanking/aggroing is all about holding enemy attention and making them focus on you instead of on anyone else. This feat forces an enemy to do exactly that; they have to spend their turn petting you instead of doing what they wanted to do.

Epic 3

Psionic Meditation

The Justice mantle wants us to expend our focus frequently, so this feat is key to doing that more than once a combat.

Epic 4

Lightning Reflexes

Prereqs! Getcher prereqs here!

Epic 5

Prone Attack

Flopping and writhing involve being on the ground a lot. This feat helps that not matter so much and also helps get back up so you can adorably flop down again.

Epic 6

Bonus Essentia

More is always better.

Epic 7


Oh boy, more prereqs! This whole chain is left to the end because it's interesting but it's not core to the character concept.

Epic 8

Primary Contact

+1 Tumble rank, totaling 10 ranks! I bet you can guess what we're doing here. Make up some guild that's good at tumbling, I dunno. Whatever.

Epic 9

Underfoot Combat

I mean come on, we're Tiny, so it feels weird NOT to go down this road, don't you think? Removing AoOs is great and gaining soft cover is also great.

Epic 10

Confound the Big Folk

To be honest, this is a cute and fun trick but it's not the character's raison d'etre. We haven't built entirely around it; for example, we might not always even be attacking on-turn, so we can't use the fighting defensively action on turns that we use Writhe. Even so, simply having the option to use Underfoot Defense or Unsteady Footing is amusing and it can help you when the battle shifts from defensive to offensive.

If it wasn't clear, this character is in cat form basically 100% of the time.

So the main combo is to set up the mantle of flame, lightning gauntlets (bound), astral vambraces, and charming veil. Get prone (falling down is a free action, or if you can use Improved Flop to daze multiple enemies, do that) and then use Writhe to force some unfortunate bozo to come in and rub your belly. Since Writhe references suggestion as the spell, it's a compulsion effect, and therefore the charming veil can be used to add to the DC. When the target pets you, per the rules in Writhe, they're making a melee touch attack against you, so they will quickly learn why the belly is a trap! They'll get burned by your mantle of flame, they'll give you bonus damage on Riposte, and they'll trigger an AoO if you expend your psionic focus (Justice mantle--you are your own ally), which will do more or less no damage on its own but which will be boosted by Riposte and by the hands bind of the lightning gauntlets. Then on your next turn you'd focus as a move action and do it all over again!

If using Flop is circumstantially preferable to using Writhe, Prone Attack lets you stand up as a free action and do it again. (Although anyone who's lived with a cat knows that merely being already on the ground is not a reason why a cat can't flop again. They're remarkable at it.)

If you start taking actual attacks, the astral vambraces will provide DR (or, if you're in a setting where magic weapons are common even in E6, you can use the incarnate avatar to boost AC instead of the astral vambraces to give DR), the Pain and Suffering mantle might be used instead of the Justice mantle to reflect back the damage you're taking, and (1/day) you can even get a small boost to AC from incarnum radiance (it's not a primary tactic, but it's not like it really costs you much), thereby making you hard to kill. Plus, you've got DEX and a nice size bonus to AC.

The Pain and Suffering mantle's granted ability is actually a fun pre-buff! It doesn't say that it applies to the next attack you take THIS ROUND. Just the next attack. So use it out of combat and then the first damaging attack you take (you don't even waste it when you get petted!) is automatically subject to the retribution from P&S, plus anything else you've cooked up.

You are hard to ignore because Flop and Writhe are hard control; if they fail the save, they don't get to choose whether or not to spend their turn doing what you want them to do. (If you're fighting enemies immune to Flop and/or Writhe, you've still got offense with the lightning gauntlets and potentially with Confound the Big Folk.)

As always, soulmelds are flexible by definition, and it's totally permissible to deviate from the main combo to better meet the needs of the day. Mantle of flame and lightning gauntlets are likely to be the hardest to give up while astral vambraces and charming veil are slightly easier to give up, but if you're deviating from the main combo, you're doing it on purpose and I assume you know why.

Adaptation: You can swap scout for battle dancer to get +CHA to AC at the cost of losing riposte. (This entails going CN rather than NG.) You also gain 1 more BAB at the cost of losing a bunch of skill points. However, scout felt more catlike, so I went with the offensive option over the defensive option. Also, you can drop DEX by a little bit and take the Draconic Husk ACF in Dragon Magic, which should theoretically work even in cat form, but there's a stupid rule that all armor bonuses to AC are halved on Tiny creatures, so I don't feel like dealing with that.

Source list: Complete Adventurer (Scout), Dragon Compendium (Tibbit), Magic of Incarnum (Incarnate, Bonus Essentia, soulmelds), Cityscape (Favored, Primary Contact), Complete Psionic (Ardent, mantles), Expanded Psionics Handbook (Psionic Meditation), Complete Warrior (Prone Attack), Cityscape web enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) (Riposte), Psionics of Incarnum online article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20060217a) (Astral Vambraces, Charming Veil), Fabulous Cats online article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c) (Flop, Improved Flop, Interspecies Grace, Writhe)

2021-07-02, 11:19 AM
All right, that's the lot! Who wants to be a dear and make a table for us?

2021-07-02, 11:31 AM
Damn... and that i think i had sent even my first build it was so much fun , but it seems i forgot to send it

Can i put the build in a spoiler?

2021-07-02, 11:56 AM
Wow, that's a nice batch of builds! I was looking at using the Jester to taunt people and then just running away forever, but it was very much a one trick pony, and I just didn't like it. My other idea was a pure healer, on the basis that "you can ignore me if you want, but no-one's going down until you deal with me first", but it also didn't really inspire me.

Anyway, I can potentially judge, but if I do I'll probably be starting a week from now at the earliest, so hopefully someone else feels like doing it.

2021-07-02, 12:06 PM
Damn... and that i think i had sent even my first build it was so much fun , but it seems i forgot to send it

Can i put the build in a spoiler?

If the chair is willing to swap a random one into the ok pencils down post, maybe they can shuffle yours in before I read any of them.

2021-07-02, 12:07 PM
Also, I can judge.

2021-07-02, 12:09 PM
Update: All set.

2021-07-02, 01:41 PM
Oh boy reveal time! I can't wait to dig in. Got busy most of the rest of the day, but I have tomorrow off, so with any luck I'll be able to get my judging done then.

2021-07-02, 02:06 PM
I can't decide between the cart or the cat for HM, I'm leaning toward the cart, because well, it's a tank.

2021-07-02, 02:11 PM
I’ll start reading them this weekend. I really liked great wyrm golds first impressions in the big iron chef, so I’ll probably steal that.

Power and originality start at 3 and are modified up or down. Elegance starts at 5 and gets docked as we go, and uosi or tankness, that’s gonna be a combo of drawing attacks and surviving attacks, up to a score of 4: with the span between 4 and 5 being reserved for abilities that turn tanking into art/ killer ness, and utility

2021-07-02, 04:23 PM
I got your table needs covered here. I have it as part of my blank IC google doc which I'll get around to releasing to the public this weekend most likely since I haven't seen one kicking around. (separate sheets for stats, levels, feats, spells & etc, and now including JudgingTM.)

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Total Place
M1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107951&postcount=33) LE Warforged Battle Sorcer 6
Arush (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107952&postcount=34) CG Desert Half-Orc Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 2
Dorok (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107955&postcount=35) NG Lesser Zenythri Shapeshift Druid 6
Kaldra (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107957&postcount=36) LG -> NG Human Monk 2 / Incarnate 4
Khihrah Bittherleafh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107961&postcount=37) LE Strongheart Halfling Monk 2 / Wizard 3 / Master Specialist 1
JAT (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107962&postcount=38) CG Human Spellscale Jester 4/Fighter 1/Warblade 1
Nagant Darktail (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107965&postcount=39) CE Unseelie Fey Tibbit Artificer 6
Guardian (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107966&postcount=40) LG Anthropomorphic monkey Paladin 5/ Purple dragon knight 1
Spongetim Circletrousers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107969&postcount=41) NG Elan Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2
Sunflower (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107972&postcount=42) ?G Human Totemist 6
Miette (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107977&postcount=43) NG Tibbit Scout 1 / Incarnate 4 / Ardent 1 Zaq N/A N/A N/A N/A Chair's

Edit to add: Here's the link to the blank google sheet Iron Chef tablemaker (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BG0-5sq4dL9Ooh7-QfXuyHzO4rXSz-CRcj29t6BeUVE/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-07-03, 11:38 AM
I may have underestimated how long this would take. While I do have free time today, I've currently spent 2 hours and gotten through approximately 2 contestants. I'll probably finish 2-3 more today, and work on the others on Tuesday when I have another day off. I'll leave it up to you all if you prefer having a partial judging later today or wait for everyone to be done at once.

2021-07-03, 11:42 AM
I would prefer to wait, personally. There's no rush right now

2021-07-06, 07:38 PM
Judgement Criteria: All scores start at 3 and go up or down from there.

Originality - 1 point up or down based on if the core components in your build appear in other builds in the competition. Looking at the stubs I suspect this will become a gimme point for most of the builds, I am okay with that. 1 point up or down based on how common I personally consider what you have done for a tank character. Up to 1 bonus point (capped at 5) for something I consider particularly entertaining or interesting. It's subjective, but thems the breaks unless the Chair yells at me.

Power - I'm judging tankiness under UoSI so here you're getting judged on your effectiveness at ending (or at least slowing down) encounters. Baseline is being effective in at least one mode of combat. 1 point up or down for being particularly effective at your preferred mode of combat, 1 point up or down for having multiple viable combat modes/other flexibility.

Elegance - The heart of elegance is simplicity. Up to 1 point up for a particularly strong theme/cohesive build at judge's discretion. Up to 1 point up or down based on presentation and how easy the build is to follow. Potential dings for rules/sourcing errors, questionable assumptions, etc, no cap on dings there (minimum 0 points total).

Use of Secret Ingredient - 1 point up or down based on durability, and 1 point up or down based on how good you are at making others want to attack you. Doing enough damage to be considered threatening is the bare minimum, specific tactics that either encourage or force enemies to attack you will gain points here.

Forewarning: I expect my judgement may provoke several disputes on the grounds of Elegance in particular. But remember, this is Iron Chef. Plating is important, your dish may taste delicious but if your diner doesn't want to put it in their mouth because it looks awful, you may as well have not cooked. Elegance isn't just "Does your build flow well and did you follow the rules" (though that is a component), it is about how appetizing your build is. If my first reaction to your build is "I don't want to read this" or "I read this and still have no idea what is going on", that is a strike against the build in my book.

Originality (4.75): As far as your elephant in the room, I don't follow these competitions as closely as some and was not familiar with the build you referenced. Given I am judging you not them, and have never heard of that build, I don't see the point of reading it to determine if it is worth a point against you.

Compared to others in competition: Only sorcerer, only character using Alter Self, overall doing your own thing. (+1)
Compared to general: Alter Self to become much tankier is a pretty standard trick. You get credit for going all in on it to keep it up 24 hours a day at level 6 (+.25). I also really enjoy the imagery of a squad of imp/monkeys on your back loading a ballista, it is something unique which is what this category is all about(+.5).

Power (2.75): So as far as raw power goes, this build is pretty solid at mowing down mooks (Trample is fantastic for that) (+.5), but against CR appropriate threats you're basically hitting once per round about as hard as a typical 1st level fighter with a fairly mediocre to-hit bonus(-1) (seriously you note you use Power Attack when not firing your Ballista... you have +6 to hit at level 6 with 10 bonus feats which I'd consider basically ECL8. Power Attack is not your friend).

All of your spellcasting is focused on your transformation, so you're not getting a lot of other utility from that. You do have a pretty solid ranged attack (with the downside of only being usable every other round) so bonus for alternate attack mode (+.25).

If the Ballista were usable more often or if you had any useful spells this may have been higher. In particular I am side-eyeing Mount and Disguise Self on your spells known as places that could have picked up some utility. Similarly you are sacrificing a lot to be in tank form 24/7, while that's your schtick and I can respect that, it comes at a cost, and that cost is your power level. Being satisfied with 8-12 hours of tank form reallocating some of those resources probably would have helped you a lot here.

Elegance (2.5): The build and schtick are both simple and straight forward (+1). That said a huge chunk of your defenses is coming from relying on Wands (without the two wands you're assuming your AC is a paltry 14, not much of a tank)(-.5), and your reliance on Magebred Monkeys to reload your Siege Engine I find questionable at best. Even outside of general IC guidelines of not assuming any specific equipment, Magebred Monkeys are not a particularly common resource, then even if you get them, I am not sure I agree that the combination of tricks you listed results in being able to load and winch a siege engine, even with the Imp directing. Given you invest a lost of resources for being able to train those monkeys, and rely on them for one of your primary attack modes, that hurts a lot (-1).

Use of Secret Ingredient (3.75): Hard to kill-You've got Hardness 10 which is a fantastic all around defense, construct traits get you a lot of immunities. AC is good (already dinged for wand reliance above so not going to ding again here), HP is moderate (honestly would have expected Stalwart Battle Sorcerer for the basically free extra 12 hp which is significant at this level), saves are well rounded if not particularly high. Overall though M1 is above average in terms of being difficult to kill(+1).

Harder to Ignore - This is where I feel like M1 is lacking. As noted in power, he can hit, but outside of a mass battle where he can trample over a bunch of foes I don't feel like he's doing much that would encourage foes to target him. No debuffing, no punishment for hitting others, no taunt type mechanic, no lockdown.... basically your hope is they see the literal tank charging around the battlefield and decide that is something they need to stop instead of the much squishier party members around it. And I just don't see this character doing it (-.75)

That said I am going to give an ad-hoc bonus for being a literal tank, since while I am judging based on the Chair's tank description, the actual Secret Ingredient was "The Concept of a Tank", which is clearly much more what you were aiming for and you did nail that flawlessly. I respect that and enjoy an extra (+.5) for your trouble.

Originality (4.5) - Compared to the field, no other Clerics, no Ordained Champions, and your Schtick of pretending you didn't really die and the level of healing focus you have all seem to be unique, so (+1)

As far as how unique the concept itself actually is... you are basically making a Paladin. Conceptually you smite things and heal to avoid dying. But I will give you bonus points here for two things: First, I had never seen Therapeutic Mantle combined with Martial Spirit, while Martial Spirit itself is common for someone looking for some extra sustain, tripling its effectiveness is great. I also haven't seen Die Hard with Tempt Fate and Fearless Destiny, and that's a neat trick for a tank. (+.5)

Power (4) - You've got a solid Ubercharging basis, though your to-hit is good enough I'd have liked to see Power Attack in the mix. Your Smite is really carrying your damage, but you can use it like 9 times a day which is going to be enough for twice an encounter on average, a couple charges like that even without your spells can potentially take down an on level threat by yourself (+1)

Outside of charging or standard attacking, you do have spells, but most of your normally noted spells are either healing or augmenting your melee ability. Crown of Might in particular feels like a waste as a 1/day boost to your damage, it makes your devastating charge you outlined look more impressive, but your damage is fine without it and you'd be better off having a few spells to help in situations where you can't charge. I also feel like losing your spontaneous healing from Ordained Champion hurt you a bit here because you're prepping a bunch of cures where normally you'd spontaneously pull them in as needed. That said you are a cleric at your core and you can swap those spells if it became an issue in an actual campaign, while your save DCs won't be fantastic you do have other options available, so I'm going to call it a wash on versatility overall. (+0)

Elegance (4.75) - Your build makes sense, no really questionable rulings or assumptions that I can see. (+1).

All of your classes and feats come together into a pretty cohesive whole that all suit your main purpose. Everything is easy to read and well explained. Slight ding because literally I couldn't tell what race you were, the only thing that indicated Desert Orc that I could see was the supertext on your Run feat. Still, good overall (+.75)

Use of Secret Ingredient (4) Hard to Kill - You die twice a day before actually dying, and have enough healing that that caveat actually is important. Great Fort/Will, helps you resist most status effects and your ridiculous Effective HP after healing means you take a licking and keep on ticking. Overall I would like to see a better AC or Miss Chance here, but very solid overall(+.75)

Harder to Ignore - You've got the ability to redirect at least a couple attacks a day to yourself from an ally through Good Karma, and a common strategy is "gank the healer", that strategy may lose its luster if/when they realize that your heals are more effective when used on yourself. Overall though, you are above average at holding aggro, but not exceptional (+.25)

Originality (3.25) No other druids in competition, but you are leaning a lot on incarnum which has turned out to be a pretty common ingredient, so overall (+.75).

As far as originality of build, I admit I haven't seen predator form tanks.. at all, but it really is boiling down to a passive +4 str/AC. Most of your actual tanking is coming from feats/skills, and you have no particularly unique tricks. They all come together into a pretty solid package but there is nothing here that appears to be particularly inspiring or new [-.5]

Power (4.25) - Your power level is actually pretty solid here. You've got above average at will damage with a good to-hit bonus, and knockdown potentially doubles that damage (I don't buy into the infinite loop nonsense, but knockdown into improved trip for two attacks is standard and works out well for you), and you have enough invested into trip to make it very reliable against even something as bulky as a Stone Giant. Overall you're good enough at your main schtick to get full marks here (+1)

Basically all of your spells are going into defenses, which will help you out in UOSI but don't get you high marks for power flexibility. You do have the option to swap out spells to meet situational needs, but doing so will reduce your tankiness (+.25)

Elegance (3.25) - First thing I do want to address here. This post felt more like I was reading a whole discussion thread about tanking than any one cohesive build. I understand wanting to cover your bases, but it went on long and detracted from the presentation. (-.25)

The build itself is about as simple and to the point as you could hope for despite that though. (+1)

However there is one problem with your build, your race. lesser Zenythri. You cite it as a race from MM2. I don't find a Lesser Zenythri there, but I do see a regular Zenythri. Which has an LA+1 you don't account for. I get you were going for an original race with a bit more power, and the above average across the board stats probably did help out your power rankings a bit.... but you're effectively cheating out a level, or failed to completely cite your racial source on a particularly obscure race. In either case (-1.5)

[Post-Review Edit]: So I actually did some digging into this and realized that Lesser Planetouched is in fact a separate option that exists.. in Players Guide to Faerun. I thought the Lesser Aasimar/Genasi/etc were specific races, but apparently the rule is there to create it from any LA+1 planetouched, which makes this rules legal without the LA. So this is gaining a (+1) still keeping a -.5 penalty for failure to cite Players Guide to Faerun for your source.

Use of Secret Ingredient (4.5) - Hard to Kill: You are pretty solid on this front. I particularly appreciate utilizing the gross number of feats you get to invest into making Combat Expertise good as Fighting Defensively/Combat Expertise is a defensive style that really gains a lot of traction in an E6 format IMO. In addition to a great AC, You've got well rounded saves, uncanny dodge, some DR (I am not as big a fan of DR/Magic as you are as creatures with DR/Magic can also bypass it and it is surprisingly common, but it is relevant), I am not sold on martial spirit but with Karmic Strike it can be relevant and it's not like healing is ever a bad thing on a build. (+1)

Your build's main way to get aggro is a combination of Karmic Strike and Knockdown. I personally would have loved to see you add some reach here to really lock in more on the control. Karmic Strike at least incentivizes them to focus in on you and once they do get next to you knockdown will generally be good at keeping them there. (+.5)

Originality (3.5) - Within the competition we've got another monk, we have other incarnum users, tripping is fairly common, even someone else went with the Vow of Poverty. (-.5). That said, you are the only Incarnate, which is not the first class I would think of as a Tank even in Incarnum, and points for being the only one focusing in hard on the spell resistance (practically spell immunity at this level), ultimately you'll come out a bit ahead (+.75)

I do want to give you some extra points for making bound Mauling Gauntlets work. As a Soulborn only meld it doesn't get traction in your typical Monk/Incarnum builds, and it didn't work out so hot over in the Spinemeld Warrior IC either. But it's been on my mind and I appreciate seeing it function (+.25).

Power (3.25) - You've got solid hit/damage and touch of golden ice is a solid debuff (+.75), but I'd have liked a better way to more reliably use that large trip bonus. Your build is crying for Knockdown. You have Defensive Throw, which is great but as we'll get into under UOSI you don't really have a ton of reason outside of your damage for people to want to hit you, and I don't expect it to trigger much.

Not really any offensive versatility outside of your main schtick either. Not a ton of flexibility without giving up cornerstones of your build, but you do have options to change Pauldrons of Health which is your weakest regularly shaped meld especially since as far as I can tell you don't keep it bound. Not giving as harsh a penalty because you have some flex there, but there is room for improvement here.(-.5)

Elegance (4.75) - No excessive dips, but do have a forced alignment change during leveling which is doable but I do consider slightly awkward. (+.75). Overall your presentation is good, no questionable rules or assumptions, everything is concise and easy to follow. (+1)

Use of Secret Ingredient (3.75) - Hard to Kill: Fun fact, when I was first setting my judging criteria, I had planned on benchmarking every contestant against a CR8 bruiser (likely a Stone Giant), to see how they held up. I ultimately decided that was an unfair way to judge, and this build highlights that as it would have completely ignored half of your defenses that would be particularly relevant in play.

In your case you are more hard to hit than hard to kill. Your HP is definitely below average across the field, and no DR or healing to speak of means if you do get tagged you could go down quickly. On the bright side you are the quintessential dodge tank. Your AC is passively very high, can be boosted higher at need (how often will you need SR21 and AC29 in the same fight?), and you basically thow a giant middle finger at spell casters. (+1)

Harder to Ignore: This is the real issue. Your damage is the only thing you have going to make you a threat. The damage is at least threatening, and you can trip people, and reposition them when you trip with Great Throw which is a way to keep yourself between them and the squishies. But overall... I'd have liked to see more focusing on ways to get the opponent to focus on you and/or keeping them locked down with you. (-.25)

Originality (4.75) - Master Enchanter and mindless rage are unique in the competition, and seem to be your main schtick besides the layered miss chances. Slight ding for being one of many monk starters in the competition. (+.75)

On a personal note, I came into this hoping someone would bring something along these lines. A friend and I were spitballing someone going for Spell Dancer shenanigans to persist all the miss chance stuff you are doing, and then spam rage to get attacks focused on them. But we were spitballing it because neither of us had seen it done before, so I'm going to give you full points for making a functional build on those general principles (+1)

Power (2.25) - You are not really an offensive powerhouse. Yes you picked up Shadowblade with 18 dex, but you've got +2 BAB, you didn't give me a convenient statblock but eyeballing it I'm seeing something like +8 1d4+4. As a go-to attack mode it is just not particularly impressive. (-1)

Now you do have spells, and Mindless Rage, Charm Person, and Sleep can each shut down specific encounters. Your save DCs on these look to be around 16+spell level, making them pretty hard to resist. You lack the spell slots to really make this an all day everything for you, but is definitely one of the better backup options I've seen so far (+.75)

As an aside I am going to add in an extra ad-hoc penalty here because you very clearly just got bored towards the end of building this character. Or possibly rushed. But you have several feats that look like a new player poking through the PHB for the first time rather than someone entering an optimization contest. Toughness? Craft Wondrous Item with no magic items? Toughness? Improved Initiative? Toughness? Docking an extra half point here because you are clearly lacking in power and decided that this was an acceptable investment. Heck you didn't even include the +3 hp from toughness in your HP calculation that you gave, it was that unimportant to you. (-.5)

Elegance (3.75) - For presentation, I would have liked a little bit more. The dialogue at the start with the DM kind of hits the highlights, but with your build in particular I feel like I am having to actually put the build together myself to see its capabilities. But it is not actively bad. (+0)

I'm actually not offended by you getting a cohort from class features, I don't see that as being worse than getting say an improved familiar. I actually would have preferred seeing at least a rough sketch of what you would do with the cohort if it were allowed.... but as it is I am instead left sitting here questioning why you get a Cohort at all as an Enchanter Variant Wizard, who gets that at level 6.... when you dipped into Master Specialist at level 6, who does not get that Cohort. (-.25).

That said, everything else seems to be solid. (+1)

Use of Secret Ingredient (4.5) Hard to Kill: You're a fantastic dodge tank. 31 AC with no gear and no VoP is no small feat to hit. You have several spells that can offer a miss chance as well as some of your feats, giving an extra layer of defenses. That said you have the lowest HP of anyone in the competition even after adding your Toughness feat, and outside of decent saves no real magic defenses, which means any sort of damage not based on an attack roll is hard for you to shrug off (+.75)

Harder to Ignore: While I appreciate your roleplay of "I'm a terrible person so everyone wants to punch me" your real moneyshot here is the Mindless Rage Spell. My biggest complaint here is limited usage, I almost would have liked more casting levels even if it would have made you squishier. Still a hard taunt with a boosted save DC is definition of hard to ignore. (+.75)

Originality (4.75) - Jester is a neat class that I nearly completely forgot about despite it being the very rare class that actually has a built in aggro mechanic. Clearly the rest of the field forgot about it as well. Minor ding for sharing tripping with half the field (+.75).

From my end of things, I appreciate going for Sacred Vow without Vow of Poverty, which feels like a particularly easy grab in these competitions where gear isn't assumed. Vow of Nonviolence is being used to great effect, and I like that you decided "No my goal is to tank so I am going to do everything I can to keep my enemy's attention without actually worrying about damage. And like I mentioned, I basically forgot Jester existed, and I like seeing something I didn't expect. (+1)

Power (4.25) - So most builds thus far I've been judging on damage because that's really been their primary way of contributing. But here you specifically don't care about that. You are all about tripping and debuffing. I love the inclusion of Imperious Command and Curling Wave Strike on that front. And finally someone who is tripping who has some form of reach to actually have a meaningful zone of control. That 8 strength does hurt your tripping capability, Jotunbrud helps but frankly when tripping is your main way to contribute in combat, I want to see better than a +7 opposed check. If there's some modifier I am missing besides Size/Improved trip I am not seeing it. (+.25)

That said, this character is definitely versatile. He's slippery with lots of tricks up his sleeve. Combat Panache, some disabling spells, some Intimidate Stuff, and martial maneuvers. While he isn't the most powerful at any one thing I will give him credit for having an answer to do his job in almost any situation (+1)

Elegance (4.25) - While the Warblade dip gives you some extra versatility it is less elegant than just having the extra level of Fighter or Jester, while you got credit for it under power, you're getting a lower than max score here as a result (+.5).

Your overall presentation was fairly comprehensive, walking through each of your levels and explaining your capabilities, which I appreciated, though it may have gone on a bit longer than necesssary. Overall solid writeup and no rules issues I spotted (+.75)

Use of Secret Ingredient (3.75) - Hard to Kill: So here I wish there were more benchmarks included in your build. So far as I can tell you have light armor, 16 dex, and wormtail belt fueling your AC, which puts you solidly in "Okay but not exceptional" range. Your HP is solidly 'meh' with your 13 con, so almost all of your survivability relying on more active defenses (Mirror Image and crowd control/running away). You're not helpless, but you're not really meeting the durability standards unless I am missing something major (-.25)

Harder to Ignore - On the other hand you are very hard to ignore. You've got a taunt 4/day, you have other debuffing/CC options, and just generally make a huge niusance out of yourself for anyone who decides they can ignore the guy cracking jokes. I am not confident you avoid getting splatted when they do turn to focus on you, but I am confident you will be targetted before your allies (+1)

Originality (5) - You are a cat who charms enemies into petting you to their death. It is very clearly a unique thing. Mind you it is a unique thing that just about anyone using that web article could do, but given I had never heard of this web article before this very minute I'll give you credit where it's due. I'm giving you a pass on same build as others in the competition because the build that shares anything with you is from the Chair, I don't feel that's fair to count against you.

Power (3) - Your main shtick is disabling enemies. You can aoe Daze within 10ft or taunt one enemy within 60ft to come to you and pet you. I am pretty sure that the first enemy that pets you consumes the poison you rubbed on yourself so it's not as effective as you would hope, but as far as crowd control it is effective.

If something is not susceptible to your feline wiles, you have... a weak trip? Some unspecified artificer infusions? I dunno I am sure you have some stuff you can do here but I'm gonna call it a wash at a (+0)

I'd give you credit for versatility, but I have no idea what you could or would want to do and I don't want to dig for it.

Elegance (1) - You're using an april fools source, which I do not care for. Like yes, Web Articles are allowed, but there's a difference between something like Swiftblade and other web enhancements that were intended to be used, and this which was clearly posted as a joke. (-1).

Your build notes give me very little to work with. I have no idea what sort of defenses you might be using. You mention having a bow that you can enchant but I have no idea why or what you might do with it. Your core schtick (which again came from a super obscure april fools article) gets exactly one line in your entire writeup. There is little enough information here it actively annoyed me and almost made me skip judging your build entirely (-1)

Use of Secret Ingredient (3) - Hard to Kill: You're a tabaxi artificer with no particular focus on defense. You rely entirely on being cute, the first thing that passes a save on you turns you into a smear on the ground. [b](-1[b]
Harder to Ignore: You are hard to ignore, you have an at-will hard taunt mechanic. (+1)

Originality (4.5) - Among the field you're the only actual Paladin, and definitely unique in the focus on Aid Another. (+1)
I personally was hoping to see someone using buffing their allies as a way to gain aggro, and this build definitely fits the bill. There's a lot of regularly used tanking tools and a few less common ones mixed in. (+.5)

Power (2.75) - This build is very hard to judge power-wise. It doesn't care about attacking, or ending encounters, or really doing anything a character typically does. He is defending allies and as far as I can tell is expecting to spend most of his actions giving them boosts to AC. I appreciate you trying here, but I don't think the buffing/debuffing you're doing here is quite good enough to warrant it being your primary/only schtick. (-.5)

For what it's worth I do think he would have benefited from Karmic Strike to be able to get more AoOs, and Allied Defense is another feat I was expecting to see featured given your schtick.

As far as extra power through versatility, you really don't have it. Everything you have is pointed at annoying enemies by making your allies hard to hit until they start hitting you. This will help in UOSI but here in power I would have appreciated being even average at dealing damage in melee (given you already have mounted combat a couple feats into spirited charge and not dumping strength may have gotten you there), or having some sort of secondary disabling option such as Intimidate/Imperious Command. As it is you are on theme, but you are a one trick pony whose one trick is annoying rather than truly powerful.
I'll give you a bit of credit for your skills giving you some out of combat versatility, but you're still not doing great on this front. Also going to point out I was a little annoyed you are a 5th level Paladin who as far as I can tell did not trade out your spells for anything, but no mention of using them. There are some solid 1st level spell options, and even if you didn't care for them you could have at minimum swapped them out for a bonus feat (and as mentioned earlier there are several feats I feel the build may have benefited from).(-.75)

[Post-Review Edit]: I stand by what I said above, but it occurred to me after judgement that your Mount actually is a pretty strong combatant on its own, despite not really being a focus in the write-up. A 6HD Drakkensteed has to-hit/damage on par with many of the competitors, and even a trample attack that is better than M1's. The fact that you can utilize that while still getting to do your thing actually makes the power level of the build much higher than I gave it credit for, though it feels almost by accident. Despite that I am going to take back some of the penalties I gave above and call it a net (+1) in the power.

Elegance (3.5) - The build is relatively clean, everything works together, no major rules complaints (+1)

Your presentation however... I assume you were typing on mobile or something. But please, use paragraphs. Like in order to parse what you wrote, I literally copied the entire thing into notepad and parsed it out so it would be readable. (-.5)

Use of Secret Ingredient (4.5) - Hard to Kill - You do pretty well here. You don't have any of the really unusual defenses some of our others have, but you've got great saves, high HP, and good AC. You're well rounded, but not the best here due to lack of extra defenses (no miss chance, immunities, "nope" buttons, etc). (+.5)

Harder to Ignore - This build I think actually captures the spirit of being hard to ignore in D&D better than anything. The hard taunt builds can make a save and ignore them. You are outright being so annoying in combat the enemy wants to take you out first just so they are able to hit your allies. Being able to once per round just take an ally's place is a great fallback in case an enemy decides they can just try to get around you anyway. Ultimately you only really function against enemies who target AC, so enemy casters can snipe your allies at whim, which is where the hard taunts or a real lockdown build may shine more. But overally I like what you are doing here a lot (+1)

Originality (3.5) - Among your competitors you're the only one to go down the Psionics rabbit hole, and given some of its unique advantages, I think you're doing well with that. (+1)

As far as actual original tricks/combos, the character covers a lot of well known tricks for extra power, but the main things in here that I wouldn't expect to find just searching for "Psionic Gish Guide" are things I consider questionable at best, overall your goal is get big and get really hard to kill. It's straight forward, but it's nothing new or original (-.5)

Power (2.75) - So you're very big and you're hard to kill. But you're not actually doing a ton with that. Your attack bonus even with Intuitive Attack is +4 at level 6, your damage is not bad, but the multiclassing into multiple bad BAB classes means at Epic10, you're still rocking a to-hit bonus comparable with a 1st level fighter, which does make you much more ignorable to level appropriate foes when your main means of engagement is hitting stuff with your huge reach. (-1)

Now for versatility you're actually doing fairly well, you've snagged powers that help fill in some gaps, and while you're not going to be ending encounters on your own, it will let you contribute in a meaningful way to most encounters (+.75)

Elegance (3.5) - There are a few questionable rule assumptions in here. You defend them at great length, and it's enough for me to say it would probably work, but as a DM I have many a raised eyebrows for practiced manifester getting higher level powers known for the Ardent, or for getting a 9PP power through reductions. The power known seems to be mostly ancilliary, but you are relying heavily on getting that 9PP variant of Expansion, and I am not sure it would fly at most tables, going to call it a (-.25) overall.

We're going to call it another (-.25) to the build dipping around so much. I get why you did it, but I feel like you could have gotten a similar overall build, and likely even been better in melee, while cutting 1-2 of the classes you dipped into.

That said the presentation on this build overall is pretty good. I appreciate the less rambling format compared to (presumably the same competitor) Dorok. (+1)

Use of Secret Ingredient (3.25) - Hard to Kill: You are a sponge among sponges. You've got the second best actual HP and probably the best effective HP in the field, and Vigor gives you an easy way to refresh. You've got good Fort/Will Saves, and you shore up your poor reflex save by telling most ref save spells "lolno" with Dampen Power (good use of a feat to nab that one). You can also give yourself a miss chance. All told you are hitting any benchmarks level appropriate here fairly easily (+1)

Harder to Ignore: On the other hand I disagree with you here that only an adversarial DM will ignore the huge character to hit the squishies. You simply are not a threat that needs to be shut down, nor are you forcing anyone to attack you or making it harder to attack your allies. Your damage is fine, but with +4 to hit against anything remotely appropriate you're making a single attack per round that has about a 20% chance to hit. The biggest benefit of being huge is your enormous reach, but you don't really do anything to take advantage of that besides wielding a longspear. At best you can make the argument that you can block a corridor or provide cover to allies, but I don't think that makes for an effective tank. (-.75)

Originality (2.75) - Incarnum has been a pretty common theme among competitors, and there are others with VoP but you are the only totemist, I'm going to net it out as a (+.25) overall.

As far as overall, I am not seeing a lot here that is groundbreaking. If you asked anyone to put together a Totemist Tank with 10 bonus feats I can imagine getting a number of builds almost identical to this. You picked up a couple feats I wasn't familiar with (such as Healing Soul), but they don't actually appear to be particularly good feats. (-.5)

Power (3) - Your main schtick is hitting people with your rageclaws, so as far as I can tell you're looking at +9 to hit with 1d6+4 damage twice on a full attack. Luckily that to-hit bonus is respectable, if not great, and Touch of Golden Ice picks up the slack in making you threatening. I do feel like Intuitive Attack is a bit wasted given how flat your stats are, but VoP doesn't have a lot of great bonus feat options so basically weapon focus (natural/simple weapons) is fine. Overall you won't be decimating encounters but you can present as a threat (+.5)

All of your permanent resources are going into defenses or questionable Incarnum/Psionic feats. I understand wanting to focus heavily on those for the extra HP, but at some point you have enough health and can choose to explore other options. The whole dip into psionics was basically 4 feats for 8 hp and the ability to roll twice against ghosts, I am certain you could have found a better use for 4 feats.

As far as Versatility, your two bound melds seem pretty set in stone, but the other two do seem to have some flex. However while Totemist has some fun melds, most that would be an alternate attack mode would end up taking your Totem Bind, which takes away your primary offense. So you can do something different... but only really one thing at a time. (-.5)

Elegance (4.75) - You're a straight forward totemist. No objectionable assumptions or shenanigans (+1).

Your presentation is fairly minimalistic but does get all of the important details in. I generally do prefer a bit more, and a big chunk of the explanation you do have is explaining Touch of Golden Ice... which is a fairly well known feat/effect. Overall though it is easy to read, gets me the important information about your build, good job (+.75)

Use of Secret Ingredient (2.75) - Hard to Kill: You've got best in class HP. You focused hard on it and managed to edge out even Spongetim. Your AC is a bit lower than the field, but adequate. Saves are average but not fantastic. Your best unusual defense is being unflankable, which is not nothing. Overall you're gonna soak some damage, but you focus overly much on your high HP total (+.5)

Harder to Ignore: You yourself admitted it. Your only real method of aggro is your own threat level. You're average on power level, and the dex damage you deal with each attack -is- annoying... but it is not doing the job on its own. If you're in a party with anyone who is more threatening than you, the opponent has no incentive to attack you. And I do not think you are strong enough to usually be the most threatening member of your party, unless the opponent has a low dex (so you can be a good Dragon tank I guess?). (-.75)

Okay so not actually competing here so I'm not going to give hard scores unless you specifically want one. Overall I like your build a lot more than Nagant's (the most directly comparable one). Overall the "I'm a cat doing cat things" flavor is much better with this than slathering yourself in poison, so I'm inherently inclined to like it. My objections to using an April Fools article still stand, but you do two important things: 1) establish what you do when you can't writhe/flop and 3) Have a more reliable/immediate payoff for getting an opponent to give you belly rubs.

I do like you managing to sneak in Underfoot Combat while meeting prerequisites, I would have written it off as not possible short of getting it as a bonus feat, but you managed to get it, and it does help a lot with your survivability.

I do think you're still squishier than most of the field, and the battle dancer sub may be better. But overall you end up with decent defenses and options to shift to from meldshaping to augment whichever ones end up most relevant for the campaign.

Overall if I were putting numbers on this I'd expect an elegance at 3, Originality in the 4-5 range, power probably in the 3-4 range with UoSI in the 4-4.5 range, so figure you'd have wound up between 14-16.5.

2021-07-06, 07:56 PM
Thank you, Seerow!

2021-07-06, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the prompt feedback, Seerow!

2021-07-06, 10:51 PM
Any other judges, or can I celebrate not coming in dead last in my first contest?

2021-07-07, 01:07 AM
Thank you, Seerow!

I believe Daremetoidareyou expressed the intention to judge

2021-07-07, 05:00 PM
Updated table, after first judgement, before any disputes:

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Judge 1: Seerow Judge 2 Judge 3 Total Place
M1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107951&postcount=33) LE Warforged Battle Sorcer 6 13.75
Arush (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107952&postcount=34) CG Desert Half-Orc Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 2 17.25
Dorok (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107955&postcount=35) NG Lesser Zenythri Shapeshift Druid 6 15.25
Kaldra (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107957&postcount=36) LG -> NG Human Monk 2 / Incarnate 4 15.25
Khihrah Bittherleafh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107961&postcount=37) LE Strongheart Halfling Monk 2 / Wizard 3 / Master Specialist 1 15.25
JAT (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107962&postcount=38) CG Human Spellscale Jester 4/Fighter 1/Warblade 1 17
Nagant Darktail (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107965&postcount=39) CE Unseelie Fey Tibbit Artificer 6 12
Guardian (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107966&postcount=40) LG Anthropomorphic monkey Paladin 5/ Purple dragon knight 1 15.25
Spongetim Circletrousers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107969&postcount=41) NG Elan Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2 13
Sunflower (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107972&postcount=42) ?G Human Totemist 6 13.25
Miette (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107977&postcount=43) NG Tibbit Scout 1 / Incarnate 4 / Ardent 1 Zaq N/A N/A N/A N/A Chair's

2021-07-07, 06:01 PM
A brief dispute from Dorok:

Hello Seerow, thanks for judging!
I did cite that "lesser" is from Player guide to Faerun!

Can confirm: the source list does indeed cite PGtF as the source for lesser.

Reminder to everyone: If your dispute isn't about hard facts (such as, but not limited to, not being credited for a source that is indeed cited, being penalized for not qualifying for something you clearly qualify for, and so on), please just hang onto it until after the chefs are revealed. I'm stricter about this than the big contest is! The dispute process is valuable for major screw-ups, but let's try to keep the non-dispute commentary down (and let's entirely get rid of quibbling and wheedling to try to angle for an extra quarter-point or two, which, yes, I'm guilty of having done in the past as well, so I understand the allure).

If you think I'm calling you out here, please understand you're not alone and I'm definitely not looking at only one person! I have received a significant number of PMs that would be treated as a dispute in the big contest but that don't meet my bar. (Maybe I've been lax about enforcing my own guidelines in the past, and I'll own up to that, but I did indeed lay this down in the ground rules.)

I'm not mad at anyone and no one needs to apologize! But that is indeed how we're doing it.

2021-07-07, 06:40 PM
A brief dispute from Dorok:
Can confirm: the source list does indeed cite PGtF as the source for lesser.

You are right. I missed it on the first read through because it was not what I was looking for, and after finding it myself I specifically ctrl+fed for "player's guide" and came up blank, which really I should have just gone back and actually reread. Add the half point back (+.5).

Oh and Zaq: Regarding disputes, while I appreciate you keeping a high bar there, I personally do not mind (and expected to some degree) disputes. In particular, if any of them have a direct comparison to someone else being scored differently on a similar point, I'd prefer it be presented. Because just rereading before I posted I know my judging was different at the very beginning and very end. I did my best to go back and smooth out as much as I could (I called two out with edits because I didn't feel like rewriting an entire paragraph or more, but there were a bunch of other more minor changes in the name of fairness I made last second), but I am certain our competitors are keeping a closer eye on such things than I am.

2021-07-08, 02:50 AM
I believe Zaq wants to keep the E6 competition fast paced, and thus the stricter enforcement of dispute guidelines.

If you feel it would be proper to do a second pass, I think an edit to your original judgingshould be enough?

2021-07-11, 12:43 AM
I have 4 more left to do. Im hoping to have this done by monday night at the latest.

When monday night?

i don't know.

Edit: 3 2 more to go

2021-07-11, 01:46 PM
Miette 16.25

I’m doing yours first because the score doesn’t matter, so I can just sort of get used to the builds here. Calibration as it were.

Originality: 5
One of two tibbits this round, although this schtick is different. I don’t know what to think of that so I just won’t. Sometimes there’s two tibbits and that doesn’t mean anything about either builds originality.

I enjoy that you just draw enemy attention for pets instead of the more grimdark stuff. Like, this furrball just dissolved your friend with acid spit, but you ‘just cant resist yourself getting to pet those tum tums!’ But then it gets nasty, just like an overstimulated cat would.

So, just eyeballing this as a solid 4 for now. Actually, the prone attack/flop/writhe/riposte/lightning glove/underfoot combat combo is pretty cool. It’s like a nicely arranged bento-box of retribution: 4.5 I’m not sure what gets a 5 if this is a 4.5. If there’s a clear example of a 5 as I judge the nextups, 4.5 will be your score. If there isn’t, this becomes the five and I judge the rest by this as archetypical 5.

Edit: Ive done two other builds, and yes absolutely this is a 5.0 i originality.

Power: 3.25
Like, it’s not crusader 6. Which, i think ive decided is the 4.5-5 level benchmark for this comp. But, you deal some damage. And utility is there with the soulmeld options on days you’re not waging war. And then there’s the whole eating other’s actions thing. You’re weak against mindless things, but i guess you still have the option of not being a cat and using opposable thumbs to solve those sorts of problems. I think the cleverness of the build is boosting you in this category, and i will have to reassess after the rest of the judgments. For now, this is a 4.0. Actually, you haven’t read this far yet, but i realized down below in the uosi that your AC is a bit on the low side. And lots of your tricks have a 10’ radius, and they only work on humanoids/monstros/and giants. So we’re gonna downgrade to 3.25.

Elegance: 5.0
I like when you tell me what you’re ignoring. That means I get to ignore it too. And ardents are weird, arch-typeless classes. They’re like little flavored psychic factotums. I see you went with justice flavored, very nice.

Skills check out. You might want to consider nimble stand skill trick instead of that last rank in tumble and profession, but that’s just a suggestion, not a criticism.

Bro, you got multi-class penalties, but i don’t believe in them and i don’t think others should either. So im gonna be the change i want to see in the world and overlook that. Just so everyone knows, tibbits favored class is rogue.

Your feat chains are sick.

I don’t see any problems: 5.0

UoSI: 3.5
You draw aggro, like a champ. but do you have staying power?
HP= 6d8 +12 hp, so thats like 52 HP on average.
No endemic healing ability means you have party dependancy for healing, which wouldn’t matter if I had a sense of your AC. Is it 15 without armor? Yeash. But that’s a matter for power, which i will now edit in.
Ok, I'm back.
So against the 18 types of enemies in dnd 3.5 you can lock down 3 of them almost indefinitely. I don’t see this build tanking against animals or vermin very well. But when you are doing your schtick, it's very very effective. So for a city adventure, Miette is welcome to the party role of tank. Between the AC, the medium HP total, non-endemic healing, and the constrained focus of abilities, i think this is a good tank, but for specialized tasks. And i didn’t realize this until i started judging, but the ability to survive for a long time and draw aggro from the widest array of foes is an important part of tank effectiveness. So, in total, i'm going with a score of 3.5.

Better than a fighter 6 with armor and core feats, not as a good as a cleric 6 with 2 domains that allow rebukes of other creature types than undead, which can lock down 3 creature types (undead, oozes, constructs) and has spells for utility at the same hp, but can heal others. So My scale is apparently this, and I will edit it as I go.

3.0: out tank fighter 6

3.5: Miette

4.0 out tank cleric 6

Spongetim 18.75

First impressions
NG Elan, Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2

Didn’t expect this at all.
I didn’t know practiced manifester was a psionic feat. Does that mean it's a SU ability?

When i saw this contest go up i thought of how psionics could deliver well on tanking, and you’ve done something pretty cool with it, You delivered a psionic tank. Well done.

Ok, you get huge, you have an AC of 25, you can heal, (vigor kinda), share pain to spread it all out. Neat use of psionic body. Divine mind weirdly works.

Share pain psycrystal hijinks. + power, + uosi - originality

You didn’t sell this very hard beyond actually doing it, but the the decent pp pool and damp power is a neat little combo you got going on top of elan resistance. + originality + uosi

You draw aggro by being big, but discourage aggro with share pain.
No forced aggro though. - uosi

You absorb mad damage, this is good work. Weird. But good. Lets make some category labels

Originality: 4.5
3.0 starting position
+1.0 weird race and class choices
+1.0 A psionic approach
-.5 Share pain vigor psycrystal (effective, see power, but it’s not new.)

Whats with the name? Ohhhh...cuz he’s a damage sponge.

Power: 5.0
I think this meets the as strong as a crusader 6 benchmark of 4.5. And the tricks work on everyone. I think you have a 5 in power. Good AC, SAVES (eventually) and HP.

Elegance: 5.0
you provided a link to your web references. Thank you. You made judging happen faster.

It is likely that the RAI of Ardent would cap "max power level" in relation to class level, but that was never errata'd. so while it is RAW that, with practiced manifester, we can take a third level power at our second level of ardent, GM might frown at this.

On power point reducers and manifester level: we are capped at spending no more than ML on a single manifestation of a power, there can be some dispute if this is before or after reducers are applied. This build works on the assumption that the max I can "spend" on expansion is 7 (ML 6 + 1 overchannel), so when I augment it to 9 (base 1 + 6 double size +2 duration 10min/ML), but apply two power cost reducers, I'm being RAW legal since the amount of power I'm spending is 7. Make sure this is ok with your GM. if he caps the augment to ML and afterwards apply the reducers, this changes the lay of the land.

On power known as erudite when multiclassing with other psionic classes: I've seen disputed that you can freely manifest all 3 powers if you take levels of other psionic classes, debated like this : "they are power known, I choose to manifest it as (other psionic class I have) and not as my limited power per day of erudite. Personally I do not agree with this reading and the powers I choosed for the erudite level reflect that. But if your table rules otherwise, you get a nice boost there since you can pick differently with a mind toward "you'll always have all 3 available". For istance, you could pick vigor on the erudite level, leaving you free to take claws of the beast on the psychic warrior level. Or you could take force screen as erudite and so change around a 1st level ardent power.

On Ardent+Divine mind : I've seen it debated that you could learn new powers from any of the mantle you have taken, regardless of the mantle being picked up as Ardent or Divine mind. As an example from this entry, this would mean we could pick a freedom power when taking Ardent levels. I don't personally agree with this reading, but if you can convince your GM of this, more versatility to you :)

On Ardent+Overchannel: a friend argued with me that since we can ML 7 when we overchannel, we could pick a 4th level power if we had overchannel before we took our 6th level. I disagree with that, but I'm putting the thought out here anyway. 4th level powers are gainst the spirit of E6 so while I might allow it as an early entry trick in a normal game, I would definetively veto it for E6, but YMMV

On Hiddent talent ACF for Divine mind : it says the ML later becomes the ML you have, so we can theoretically augment this, but check with your GM, because we never obtained a ML with Divine mind, and he might feel that ML with other classes do not count.

On Psychic Meditation and E6 : Normally, I would say that the manifester level for Psychic meditation is that of the class at the level it's taken, but we're taking it with an "epic" feat", so this could mix up things, in particular with regard to the third eye option. The easiest and likely RAI interpretation is that our highest ML is 6, so it gives us 6 temporary power points, easy. But, I can see an argument being made that it gives us 13 temporary power points, because our manifester level is "6+6+1"

On Substitute powers Ardent ACF: I'm very deliberately not taking it, because it's very difficult to decide "what is appropriate" to sub in or out of a mantle within the scope of an IC competition. Of course you should "mix and match" to your preference at an actual table, but that kind of freeform freedom doesn't fit IC in my opinion, kinda like RAI you very clearly could make up an "apprentice manifester", but within the scope of IC the only apprentices that exists are those exampled on the feat

Let’s pretend this is a personal elegance test:
In reverse order:
Sub power: you made the most elegant choice. If you could justify a power being on a certain mantle to me but like a -.25 modifier would apply regardless.

Psych meditation: it says per ML, 13 pp works for me. No penalty. Nice find

Hidden talent: That’s messy. I don’t think you get to augment it because it is treated as coming from your divine mind class. Which you have a ML of 1 in. Because it’s a psionic class. A psionic class that manifests powers is a manifesting class.

Ardent overchannel: You don’t get to pick 4ths. Thats a -1 penalty to elegance

Ardent divine mind mantle sharing; RAW i think it works, but you’re limited to how many powers can not be from your primary mantle.

The erudite thing is tough and I would penalize elegance less than the overchannelling for 4ths, but only because thats faster than digging into another rules morass. -.75

Power point reducers, i think you can apply them in the most beneficial order. No penalty for combining them.

Ardent progression: no penalty. The dms you’re talking about are sticks in the mud.

So if you went with all of these, you’de get a 3 for elegance.

But i get the impression you avoided everything that makes a penalty in my opinion. Lemme check those skill points…

You got the psicraft. Heres a 5.0

UOSI: 4.25
You don’t draw aggro, just you don’t command it. Like some other build elements can. Like some other manifesters can even. All you had to do was add deja vu to your erudite level and this is partially solved. There are some action economy issues with using your powers versus being dangerous. That said...

All in all, I think that you’re an excellent sponge. Actually, now i know why you have grease: to keep people stuck in place.

So according to my scale, as the second judgement, you land here:

3.0 E6 fighter
3.5 miette
4.0 E6 cleric with 2 domains
4.25 Spongetim ←You

Sunflower 17.25

First impressions
Totemist 6, ok let’s see.

I absolutely love the way you’ve laid out preferred soulmelds. This formatting is gold standard and easy to read and incorporate.
A good Chunk of HP, AC low twenties. Thanks for calculating these out. They are very relevant in judging uoSI. + elegance +uosi

Touch of golden ice is a low fort save, and it only affects evil, so thats ⅓ of the alignments you could find yourself in conflict with, although it is probably the one that you’re most likely to fight! But you contend this is the reason why you get preferentially targeted.

Originality: 4.0
I didn’t expect a totemist 6. And I like your use of the incarnum system between feats and soulmelds to create a pretty potent sponge. VoP is also a little bit of a surprise. 4.0

Power 4.5
You’re a pretty good meat shield. Are you crusader 6 good? You have crusader’s strike, which definitely helps float you up. The natural attacks out the wazoo options are nice.

The sudden switch to psionic feats via wild talent nabs some more HP, but is that the best use of your feat slots?

I think you’re at just barely crusader 6 good in power here. 4.5

Elegance 5.0
I don’t find any reason to dock elegance for anything. So much of your build write up was well done from a “reading your entry to see what you can do standpoint” Everything flows together and i didn’t detect any disqualifying feats or skill assemblages. 5.0

UoSI: 3.75
I originally planned on doing all the builds from last to first in order to calibrate my judgments on the exhibition dish. Sunflower was gonna be the first official one that i graded, but then i saw that you had no innate ability to draw aggro, just a tactical ability to be a pain in the butt. And i didn’t know how to proceed, so i went to the next entry up, spongetim, and they too did not have innate aggro drawing ability.

With that in mind, there is the issue of whom you’re best at tanking against: Evil only. Unlike Miette, you still have got good AC and HP. Which puts this build I think, a little bit under E6 Cleric with two domains: I think you fall here:

3.0 E6 fighter
3.5 miette
3.75 Sunflower
4.0 E6 cleric with 2 domains
4.25 Spongetim

Guardian 17.5
First impression, isn’t an anthro-monkey just really...a human?

Ok, we got purple dragon guy, gonna have to look that up, and we have that cool know greatest enemy spell on the vigilant eye of helm sublevel, OHHHH!!!! that is a really cool use of that ability on a tank.

I looked up purple dragon guy, hey that morale bonus could be extended with battlebred (Player's Guide to Eberron p. 122), i hope i see that feat.

You didn’t mention the tower shield proficiency you get for free.

I like the use of the constant guardian feats and the aid another optimization.

Originality 4.75
Wierd race for big wisdom bonus and extra dex. Also you’re a monkey man? Who rides a draconic horse wielding a ninja chain?

Aid another optimization? Heck yeah.

You have earned a 4.75. I like a lot of this build.

Power 4.25
Ok, I’m distracting because i found an elegance penalty that you cant squirm out of, because i don’t think you knew about it. So I’m gonna skip down, write that all out and then come back here.

Alright, I’m gonna presume that your DM said it was ok to use this version of purple dragonknight and judge power and UoSI as if you had special permission so that you’re only penalized once, in the elegance category.

Are you more powerful than a crusader 6? I think that this is just a tad under that benchmark. But not too much so when i consider the mount as part of the build. So When i weigh in this whole schtick, which is being a tank, between spells and whatnot, i think this is a solid 4.25

Elegance 3.5

You are a purple dragon knight from Complete warrior, right? You have to be, because you took the negotiator pre-requisite for it. Well...CW was published in DEC 2003. A later reprint of the same class with the same name was printed in March 2004 in PGtF page 68. That means that the PGtF version has primacy. And you need leadership to get into that class. And it doesn’t give you tower shields. And it uses the defunct 3.0 skills of knowledge (local: cormyr) as well as knowledge (tactics).

It helps to have the knowledge guide writer judge! So i just happen to know this. That means that they printed this class in FRCS in like 2001, where it has no knowledge skills at all. They updated it for complete warrior in 2003, and got rid of the mandatory 8 ranks in knowledge (local: cormyr) prereq and bumped down leadership to negotiator. Then, they reprinted the class a second time in PGtF, turned a regional knowledge pre-req into a knowledge known to the class, as well as this knowledge (tactics), which no DCs printed anywhere in any sourcebook for the entirety of 3.0 and 3.5. So it makes sense that you didn’t catch this.

On the other hand, that make one entire level an illegal choice. I’m docking a full 1.5 points, because of extraneous circumstances, like the fact that this is obviously a mess up on WotC’s behalf, and i don’t think anyone would actually penalize you for using this version. But rules is rules.

I’m not deducting points for this, but the text under “how fight” spoiler becomes difficult to understand, especially without a little more formatting so the reader knows which premises are related versus unrelated. It looks like you were up against a deadline. Which i totally understand, and these are complex rules interactions and its hard to guess how well versed in all these rules the judges are, so its hard to balance re-expaining everything you’ve researched with what judges should infer from the build elements. I get that.

UOSI 5.0
You’re a tank. You got some healing, a Good AC, adequate HP. You know who the biggest threat is at will, which is mad useful. You can compel your own attack, once per round if you havent used a swift, but it does compete with shield block for action economy. And iron guard glare is a really nice capstone. You even use mounted combat as part of the absorb attack routine. The more I understand it, the more I like it.

3.0 E6 Fighter
3.5 miette
3.75 Sunflower
4.0 E6 cleric with 2 domains
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian

Nagant Darktail 15.5

First impressions: unseelie fey tibbit...ok. But artificer? What are you up to?

Alright...i see what you’re doin here. You’re killing mofos. You’re straight up murderlizing the enemy. Ok. I like it.

I think this one would be a lot of fun if more of the artificer tricks were explored a little more fully. I know for a fact that item reliance is pretty heavily punished by some judges. On the other hand, you’re an artificer, and that is not a chassis that is best suited for tanking, so you need to sell it, but you’re an artificer, your whole thing is making what you need.

Originality 4.5
This is the same premise as Miette, (Tibbit writher) but deadlier. Black lotus extract + writhe+ winter chill. I wonder What does your homonoculous do?

Black lotus availability dependancy. This is a well known power poison and no alternatives are suggested. -0.5

Power 5.0
I see some elegance issues and i need to address them. So i’ll come back. Ok. All of my gripes in elegance come down to what you haven’t explicitly written. So lets assume that you use your artificer powers to make a pearl of speech, gloves of man, magic armor of arming, and maybe a continuous mage hand effect. You’re a 6th level artificer, you’re powerful, and you have a potent save debuff built right into your race. You can be as powerful as an e5 crusader. Heck, you can even make scrolls of 4th level spells. So let’s just give you a 5, shall we?

Elegance 3.0

A tibbit's equipment usually transforms to become part of her cat body. She loses the benefits of any weapons, shields, armor, or robes she wears or carries. Items that require a physical apparatus to function, such as a ring or a pair of boots, shift to adopt a form suitable to a cat, such as a collar or anklet and continue to provide their benefits. A tibbit's cat form is unable to speak or use her paws to manipulate fine objects. She cannot cast spells with a verbal or somatic component, use scrolls, or otherwise activate magic items.

In cat form: you can’t wear armor, and you can’t wield a weapon. It seems we got a tibbit artificer over here who wants to be a fulltime cat to use cat feats, but also wants to claim the use of armor infusions, maybe if you can craft such a thing via craft wondrous item:i could ignore this. Like maybe you could craft a necklace of nat attacks to infuse with weapon things. You can’t cast in cat form. Your homonoculous could put light barding on you, but you lose your disguisability with that, even then, how do you cast the infusion? This is a bit messy. But I needed more direction see how your circumvented the tibbit expectations. -1.0

Can you use the feline feats while not in cat form?

Unselee fey: what you did with winters chill, well that helped you in power. This is the otherside of the coin. -1.0 the same as using a flaw.

UOSI 3.0
So your AC and HP are low.
And you can draw aggro from certain types of creatures. And those who you can affect (3 out of 18 types) need to make a ridiculous number of saves per round after touching you or fall unconscious. 3.0. So, those humanoids, giants, and monstros can all die, but you’re still not really tanking all of the time, and you’re a bit squishy, and your healing is possible, but you didn’t list that as an option.

I think you are about as good at tanking as an e6 fighter, calculating in the wands and whatnot.

3.0 Nagant darktail or a core E6 fighter
3.5 miette
3.75 Sunflower
4.0 E6 cleric with 2 domains
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian

JAT 14.5

Vow of nonviolence on a jester is funny.

Taunt is such a cool ability.

Originality 4.0

Jester is obscure but perfect for the task, paired with nonviolence, warblade and fighter.
Human with bonus feat. I think this is a 4.0.

I like what you did with the fighter ACF on the jester.

Elegance: 4.0

Prerequisites: Any willing humanoid can undergo the Rite of Spellscale Assumption. The rite must be performed by a spellscale who can cast the polymorph spell and who has at least 10 ranks in Knowledge (arcana).

You can’t turn into a spellscale in an E6 environment. -0.5

If you could, you would have to rechoose the jotunbrud feat.

The loss of racial traits might mean you no longer meet the prerequisites for a prestige class, feat, or some other feature. In general, you lose any special ability for which you no longer qualify, and nothing is gained in its place. A couple of exceptions exist.

• If you no longer qualify for a feat due to undergoing the rite, you lose the feat and immediately select a new feat for which you qualify in its place. You must also replace any feat for which the lost feat was a prerequisite.

You lost the pre-req for jotunbrud for ascending to spellscale, but you didn’t choose a new one in its place as part of your build design. -0.5

I dont think you can use the sneering glower part of combat panache with non lethal damage. No points lost, but it stinks to lose.

I’m assuming that combat mastery on your sheet means combat expertise. Dispute to correct me if I’m wrong.

Wormtail belt and bonus essentia for a total of 4 AC seems like a bad return on investment. You’re already exalted, just get ancestral relic armor? At least then you save a feat. you could use it for dragonsong to get another +2 to your taunt DC.

Power: 3.5
It’s hard to judge power on this build. Imperious command is good. Im counting 31 HP, and an AC of what? 16? And twice per day you can make people attack you. But you’re not particularly fast, or hard to get to, and if they hit you are set up for combat panache, but you have to survive that hit. And if they are archers, you lose deflect arrows, but that taunt just says they have to charge, not that they have to make a melee attack at the end of the charge. Jester spell list is not fantastic. I think this is a 3.5. Roughly at the level of a beguiler

Uosi 3.0
We have to pretend you get to be a spell scale. Your meditations get you cure light wound wands. That’s a cool thing to point out. Low hp and AC. I see you tried to address the AC part of it, but it still seemed clunky. You can only really taunt only 4 times per day. Mirror image helps a bit. I think you wanted the hold the line feat from CW so that you could use those combat reflexes to trip them before they attacked. I really wanted to see taunt come out on top, but this build seems weaker at tanking than being as threatening as a big burly fighter. Actually, with imperious command and mirror image in there, it’s about as effective as a fighter who has big armor and a big sword.

3.0 Nagant darktail, a core E6 fighter, JAT
3.5 miette
3.75 Sunflower
4.0 E6 cleric with 2 domains
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian

Khihrah Bittherleafh 16.25

Ooh an enchanter/monk! Hmmm.. no build write ups.

Mindless rage 3x day, blur and mirror image. Evasion. AC good 27 when not under cover and not blowing through spells, but HP scary.

Originality 4.0

Monk 2/enchanter 4 is not what I expected. Shadowblade is a neat little feat tree on this build. Bonus feat halfling is meh.

Carmendine monk wizard is nice little synergy.

This is a tentative 4.0

Elegance 4.5

Cohort: Upon reaching 6th level, an enchanter using this variant gains the service of a loyal cohort of the player's choice (with the game master's approval). The cohort is a 4th-level character when first gained; after that point, follow the normal rules described in the
leadership feat to determine the cohort's level, but treat the enchanter's level as being two lower than normal.
Is this ability based on Character level instead of class level? I suspect not. -0.5 I don’t think you get this class feature, so you avoid the bigger penalty of it counting as a forbidden build element. We’ll just say that your familiar died, I guess.
Why master specialist? Actually i suppose skill focus (spellcraft) and +1 will save is better than wizard 4.
Power: 4.0

The benchmark for a 4.5, I’ve arbitrarily decided is going to be an e6 crusader.

You have 11 spells a day, 3 of which send attacks at yourself. But you can set up with mirror image and blur. No endemic healing ability means that concealment is very important to you. No charms prepared...interesting. If you can manage 1 or 2 fights total per day, this is a powerful build. But when resources are strained, this build loses some of its oomph although the using opponents as cover never really runs out, which is more reliable than shield during a long adventuring day.

This is a 3.75.

No wait, you can have more spells than the one you said that you’re preparing, and that utility boost is significant. But no decipher script, scribe scroll or UMD, so that utility comes out of our combat tricks resource. 4.0

UOSI 3.75
This is a neat tank. Monk for defenses and underfoot combat, enchanter to create aggro and boost defenses. The low HP and limits of the aggro drawing ability are offset a bit by how hard you are to hit, so long as youre moving. It’s a weird little mobile tank. No in class healing ability.

I really liked many of the symmetries and design elements of this build. I think a shortage of hit points and getting new hitpoints as you spend class resources through the day put you a little just under the e6 cleric.

3.0 Nagant darktail, a core E6 fighter, JAT
3.5 miette
3.75 Sunflower, khihrhah
4.0 E6 cleric,
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian

Kaldra 17

First impressions: A VoP meldshaper with monk and incarnate. Let’s see what ya found!

Spell resistance is really important to this build, and it makes sense that it does.

With this chassis you did a pretty good job of lifting hp and AC.

I don’t see any devoted make enemies attack you abilities other than your own ability to just trip people up and keep them around yourself.

Originality 4.0
Trip tank. Monk and incarnate. Incarnate definitely isn’t on my list of tanking classes. Human is nothing special. So I think I’m gonna park this score near sunflower’s score of 4.0. There’s some neat stuff: the stacking of spell resistance and your save buffing paired with trippocalypse. Gentle way mastery is nice little addition, but an edgecase ability.

Elegance: 5.0

Context clues says that you’re human, the race should be easier to find on a build. But I’m not seeing any real mistakes. The skill points check out and you qualify for your feats. No build element is off the wall or questionable really. Full marks.

Power 4.25

How you holding up against the e6 crusader 4.5 score bernchmark?
Good damage, good AC, touch of golden ice against evil, trippiness, OK HP. A lot of static soulmelds typically bound. No gear. But off day utility is there.

I think this probably a little weaker than the E6 crusader, but not by a whole heck of a lot. 4.25

Uosi 3.75

No dedicated ability to draw aggro other than being a pain in the but to deal with with trips. Not even a mention of personality issues that make you deserve to be attacked. No broken one’s sacrifice. And half of the deal is being preferentially attacked as a tank. -1.0

This is the first build so far to really super highlight the importance of saves and SR, and I think that deserves mention. +.5

Your HP is kinda low, and Your AC is solid. No concealment built in. -.5

Touch of golden ice only works against evil, but that’s who you are most likely to fight. The Save DC is low, but your use of tripping as a modality leaves this as a bit of a bonus on top of your main trick. No score movement there.

No healing. -.25

Tank rating
3.0 Nagant darktail, a core E6 fighter, JAT
3.5 miette
3.75 Sunflower, khihrhah, Kaldra
4.0 E6 cleric,
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian

Dorok 19.75

Stand still is neat

What the heck is a zenythri? Did you choose this for just the stat array, cuz the true strike doesn’t seem important...yet. I havent finished reading.

It’s the stat array.

DR/6 magic is nice.

I like this druid/gish build.

Originality 4.75

I did not see a druid 6 coming. Let alone a shapeshift ACF. And as a druid, you’re not focusing on summoning, I mean, you still can. Im putting a 4.75 here instead of a 5, because people know druids can tank. You just did it differently and flavorfully. I like the way you assembled this build.

Elegance 5.0
Lesser zenythri is a weird race. It’s totally legal, and following the mantra of wanting to see more of things i like in the world, I’m not gonna zing ya on that. I appreciate the attention that you paid to spells. I would have liked little descriptions on how you saw more of them come up in use, but entering takes time, and I liked what you chose to compose. I like your stand still trick interplay with karmic strike.

You qualify for your feats and I don’t see any problems on the skill table. 5.0

Power 5.0
Spells, attacks, retribution, and you didn’t mention it, but you have access to rage spells which is another source of aggro. A little bit of healing. I think you come up to par with the e6 crusader. Plus you can fly. So lets put a 5 here and move on. Compared to other druids, you lose a bit of versatility, but within the confines of this contest, your power is up there.

Uosi 5.0
Healing, High AC, Medium high HP with healing via strikes or spells. Ways to draw aggro and ways to deal with aggro. Are you the biggest threat on the board, no. But you do seem like a pain to deal with. I think this build hits all of the tanking beats. A little weak against spell attacks, but whatever.

Tank rating
3.0 Nagant darktail, a core E6 fighter, JAT
3.5 miette
3.75Sunflower, khihrhah, Kaldra
4.0 E6 cleric,
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian, Dorok

Arush 18.5

I like the human feats and die hard combo. A cleric is a tank out of the box.

Let’s dig in.

Originality 3.75

Alright, right out of the gate, cleric is a tanking class. So nothing really there. I like your death defying and healing focus, and the half orc, particularly the desert kind, is neither here nor there: it’s a contest staple at this point. 3.0

Your feat combos are super slick. +.75

Elegance: 5.0
I see one issue. Actually never mind. Everything works

Power 5.0

Dang, that’s a low AC. Other than that, this build is easily a 5. Heal em up!

UOSI 4.75
With the exception of low AC, this thing is an excellent tank, but doesn’t get to mechanically proccing Aggro until epic feat 9. The crusader strike stuff is a nice addition and is a sweet little combo with therapy mantle. Actually, let’s give you some more originality for what you did with feats.

You are stronger than a straight boring cleric, but you have some weak spots.

Tank rating
3.0 Nagant darktail, a core E6 fighter, JAT
3.5 miette
3.75Sunflower, khihrhah, Kaldra
4.0 E6 cleric,
4.25 Spongetim
4.75 Arush
5.0 Guardian, Dorok


M1 18.25
Warforged! Lemme guess before I look; adamantine plating?

Battle sorc? Dafuj?!

Gazebo junior! Why is this the last one I have left to judge…

Ooh bronze dragon lineage, nice find.

Originality 5.0

Battle sorc? Literal tank? Monkeys?!?!??

Getting trample by RAWyering?

Elegance 4.0

Skill knowledge is a UA variant. -.5

Alter self abuse is hard to judge. I just wanted to gripe.

Yo calculating out carrying capacity shows that you care.

You retain your own ability scores. Your class and level, hit points, alignment, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses all remain the same. You retain all supernatural and spell-like special attacks and qualities of your normal form, except for those requiring a body part that the new form does not have (such as a mouth for a breath weapon or eyes for a gaze attack).

You keep all extraordinary special attacks and qualities derived from class levels, but you lose any from your normal form that are not derived from class levels.

If the new form is capable of speech, you can communicate normally. You retain any spellcasting ability you had in your original form, but the new form must be able to speak intelligibly (that is, speak a language) to use verbal components and must have limbs capable of fine manipulation to use somatic or material components.

I think that you need some thing like surrogate spellcasting from savage species in order to cast spells while you are in an alternate form that doesn’t have hands or adequate face. -5

Power 4.25

Warforged healing is coming from the same pool as alter self uses. DR is cool. Ballistas are underwhelming. Trample is very cool. Lowish HP and AC.

DR is good. I think M1 is as powerful as a crusader. Maybe a little less, but you have ranged attacks. So eyeballing this at about a 4.25

Uosi 5.0
Literal tank 5.0

healing but limite, kinda squishy on saves, manipulates enemy behavior. This thing acts more like a shepherd than a tank, tactically speaking.

Ehhh let’s just look at the tank list.

Ya know, I have to break my tank rubric for this, because I see now that it was a little myopic as to what tankness is.

Tank rating
3.0 Nagant darktail, a core E6 fighter, JAT
3.5 miette
3.75Sunflower, khihrhah, Kaldra
4.0 E6 cleric,
4.25 Spongetim
5.0 Guardian, Dorok
5.0 literal tank- M1

2021-07-11, 02:43 PM
Updated table after 1 cleared dispute plus new judgement by daremetoidareyou. (Might want to check your score on Miette, I think it's 16.75?? - not that it matters)

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Judge 1: Seerow Judge 2 Judge 3 Total Place
M1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107951&postcount=33) LE Warforged Battle Sorcer 6 13.75 18.25 32 5th
Arush (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107952&postcount=34) CG Desert Half-Orc Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 2 17.25 18.5 35.75 1st
Dorok (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107955&postcount=35) NG Lesser Zenythri Shapeshift Druid 6 15.75 19.75 35.5 2nd
Kaldra (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107957&postcount=36) LG -> NG Human Monk 2 / Incarnate 4 15.25 17 32.25 4th
Khihrah Bittherleafh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107961&postcount=37) LE Strongheart Halfling Monk 2 / Wizard 3 / Master Specialist 1 15.25 16.25 31.5 7th
JAT (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107962&postcount=38) CG Human Spellscale Jester 4/Fighter 1/Warblade 1 17 14.5 31.5 7th
Nagant Darktail (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107965&postcount=39) CE Unseelie Fey Tibbit Artificer 6 12 15.5 27.5 10th
Guardian (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107966&postcount=40) LG Anthropomorphic monkey Paladin 5/ Purple dragon knight 1 15.25 17.5 32.75 3rd
Spongetim Circletrousers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107969&postcount=41) NG Elan Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2 13 18.75 31.75 6th
Sunflower (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107972&postcount=42) ?G Human Totemist 6 13.25 17.25 30.5 9th
Miette (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107977&postcount=43) NG Tibbit Scout 1 / Incarnate 4 / Ardent 1 Zaq N/A N/A (16.75?) N/A N/A Chair's

2021-07-12, 05:28 PM
So while we're waiting for any possible disputes and or the finalization of this, I'd like to engage in rampant speculation regarding the next ingredient. Commoner popped up in the prestige classes round but maybe another NPC class could take a turn. Sha'ir could be fun. No one understands how they work despite popping up in TO builds all the time. Maybe another prestige class round?

2021-07-12, 05:37 PM
Have we exhausted base classes? I think repeating ingredients is sort of against the spirit of the contest, although I would like the opportunity to build with previous ingredients.

2021-07-12, 05:39 PM
Have we exhausted base classes? I think repeating ingredients is sort of against the spirit of the contest, although I would like the opportunity to build with previous ingredients.

There was a round not too far back where the point was making essentially "if you had been in a previous round" builds. Otherwise repetition feels a little soon

2021-07-12, 07:41 PM
There are a few base classes left, though I admit that we're running out of ideal base class ingredients. Most of the remaining ones are either too obviously good (cleric, druid, warblade, etc.) to use outside of a high-orig round or else they're The Hard Ones (soulborn, battle dancer, sohei, etc.), and the problem with The Hard Ones is that I have to beg and plead to get entries and it takes forever and isn't much fun. (Perhaps you remember the soul-crushing shugenja round...) There's a little bit of sweet spot left but we're running out of low-hanging fruit on that particular tree, which is why I'm leaning more into ingredients that aren't base classes. Simple necessity and all. I do think this "optimize a concept" one was fun, though I'll have to try to avoid making the concepts so broad that I run out of that material right away too.

Suggestions to help stir the pot are, as always, quite welcome.

2021-07-12, 07:52 PM
In the spirit of the Signature Spell round, I think a Signature Weapon round could be fun. There's some pretty...weird stuff out there.

Also I'd still love to see a Binder round, but I do understand why it's not a great ingredient.

2021-07-12, 08:27 PM
Have we done bard?

2021-07-13, 01:03 AM
Well from what I remember the Battledancer it's not so hard ( maybe being original yes or at least it's not so hard like a sohei ) , have we done the Wu jen ? Then there is the possibility to make some rounds where we need to mix some classes . Other concept round would be fun and maybe are easier

2021-07-13, 01:20 AM
I second the signature weapon idea, it seems pretty fun.

Additionally, perhaps doing something like Zinc Saucier but E6 would also be interesting, especially since the SI can be a class that isn't possible to enter in E6.

2021-07-13, 01:39 AM
There are a few base classes left, though I admit that we're running out of ideal base class ingredients. Most of the remaining ones are either too obviously good (cleric, druid, warblade, etc.) to use outside of a high-orig round or else they're The Hard Ones (soulborn, battle dancer, sohei, etc.), and the problem with The Hard Ones is that I have to beg and plead to get entries and it takes forever and isn't much fun. (Perhaps you remember the soul-crushing shugenja round...) There's a little bit of sweet spot left but we're running out of low-hanging fruit on that particular tree, which is why I'm leaning more into ingredients that aren't base classes. Simple necessity and all. I do think this "optimize a concept" one was fun, though I'll have to try to avoid making the concepts so broad that I run out of that material right away too.

Suggestions to help stir the pot are, as always, quite welcome.

I do remember the round and regret not entering or putting something in for it in the Previous Ingredients round

2021-07-13, 02:10 AM
I wouldn't mind "hard rounds", I partecipate to all the things, but being the only contestant is not as fun.

An E6 ZC sounds interesting, but it feels like a sidestep to me.

I don't like signature weapon much, mostly because using a different weapon is not that different at the end of the day. Taking the last junkwar as an example, I lampshaded hard that the scourge maiden signature weapon is no different than a morning star. Except for little edge cases like yet another whispergnome quickrazor iaiutsu focus, what weapon a build uses makes very little difference.

It comes down to this thought : these are optimization contests, not creative writing. A theme that lends itself heavily more to fluff than crunch feels slighty off topic to me. Unless that's the shift in general of the tone of the contest, but then call it "IC E6 creative writing contest" so I know going in what I am in for (low points, because fluff is a strong weakness of mine)

Signature feat or signature manouver or signature magic item is more open ended and more to my liking, because unlike weapons the variability of what you can get out of those is much higher than weapons.

Unless it's something like "your weapon for this contest is +X, your choice of effects". But that would work better in a format other than E6, where we can have use of the whole gamut of weapon ehnancement

2021-07-14, 04:08 AM
So with my reading of the rules that limit disputes, I don't expect to see any that pass muster at this point. Any reason the chair can't reveal the chefs so we can talk openly? We don't need to start the next round yet, I'm working on main IC at the moment anyway and it's nice to have the rounds staggered like this.

2021-07-19, 10:33 AM
Alignment / Race
Class Levels
Judge 1: Seerow
Judge 2
Judge 3

M1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107951&postcount=33)
LE Warforged
Battle Sorcer 6

5th, HM

Arush (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107952&postcount=34)
CG Desert Half-Orc
Cleric 4 / Ordained Champion 2


Dorok (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107955&postcount=35)
NG Lesser Zenythri
Shapeshift Druid 6


Kaldra (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107957&postcount=36)
LG -> NG Human
Monk 2 / Incarnate 4


Khihrah Bittherleafh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107961&postcount=37)
LE Strongheart Halfling
Monk 2 / Wizard 3 / Master Specialist 1


JAT (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107962&postcount=38)
CG Human Spellscale
Jester 4/Fighter 1/Warblade 1


Nagant Darktail (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107965&postcount=39)
CE Unseelie Fey Tibbit
Artificer 6


Guardian (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107966&postcount=40)
LG Anthropomorphic monkey
Paladin 5/ Purple dragon knight 1


Spongetim Circletrousers (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107969&postcount=41)
NG Elan
Ardent 2 / Divine Mind 1 / Erudite 1 / Psychic Warrior 2


Sunflower (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107972&postcount=42)
?G Human
Totemist 6


Miette (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25107977&postcount=43)
NG Tibbit
Scout 1 / Incarnate 4 / Ardent 1
N/A (16.75?)

Thanks to mattie_p for making the table and thanks to daremetoidareyou and Seerow for judging! This was a great showing with some good creativity on display. Congrats to our medalists PanosIs, Quentinas, and ciopo!

Feel free to discuss the stuff you wanted to share at this point. Sorry I took so long. Been an emotional handful of days for me, but you don't have to care about that. New round here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?634208-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Round-XXXIII)!

2021-07-19, 11:36 AM
Zaq, thanks for wrapping things up. Hopefully whatever you are experiencing will be handled with the best possible outcome for you.

So I appreciate both judges work, I know first hand how it goes. I don't want to neg the other dishes but I have to admit I was hoping for a little better comparative score for M1. Spells are how casters get armor class typically. 2 level 1 wands cost the same as full plate after all, but the armor got a pass without question and I got docked for monkeys and wands. Also, was hoping that avoiding all ToB and MoI would have helped.

Anyway I see that I and probably everyone else skipped voting for HM, I think nagant gets my vote because poisoning yourself by petting an irresistible kitty is hilarious.

2021-07-19, 12:10 PM
My HM goes to M1. It was a wierd little diddy.

2021-07-19, 12:16 PM
I did vote HM for the literal tank already!

2021-07-19, 12:27 PM
Updated to include HM!

2021-07-19, 12:57 PM
Hello Daremetoidareyou and Seerow, thank you again for judging!

Now that the round is over, I'd like to ask you something, with no bad or hurt feelings hopefully! :

I'm just slightly perplexed that there's been no comment at all from you judges about how Arush has some prerequisites snags, and I'm curious if the situation is that you haven't seen them, or did do see them but didn't consider them worth of mention?

It confuses me because hitting prerequisites is something I've come to expect being a common component of the elegance, and it being glossed over was a minor shock.

The relatively here is my own opinion
Relatively minor : Ordained champion requires legal alignment, and heretic of the faith esplicitly says it does not work for class restriction.I'd probably handwave it away as okay myself as a GM, but probably put a minor infraction in elegance, in the scope of a IC competition, maybe 0.25 or so *shrug*

Relatively major : Mastery of day and night has spellcraft and knowledge(the planes) as prerequisites, and that's totally ignored! AND it's kinda one of the pillars of the build! Ok I'll cut back on the exclamation points now, I'm sure you can guess what I was most shocked about here :D

relatively extremely minor : mastery of the day and night has a fluff requirement to be a member of the Manifest Spellshapers!, this is fairly minor and kinda "obscure" in that it's the kind of thing you only notice if you read the book instead of using online resources, so I'd not penalize for this at all, but give bonus point if it was mentioned, it's kinda just an extra in this "rant", but since I'm ranting I might as well say everything that crossed my mind :D, I'm like, totally not the person to say anything about fluff requirements, but what's there is there.

Well, that's all,thanks for judging again!

2021-07-19, 01:22 PM
Zaq, thanks for wrapping things up. Hopefully whatever you are experiencing will be handled with the best possible outcome for you.

So I appreciate both judges work, I know first hand how it goes. I don't want to neg the other dishes but I have to admit I was hoping for a little better comparative score for M1. Spells are how casters get armor class typically. 2 level 1 wands cost the same as full plate after all, but the armor got a pass without question and I got docked for monkeys and wands. Also, was hoping that avoiding all ToB and MoI would have helped.

Anyway I see that I and probably everyone else skipped voting for HM, I think nagant gets my vote because poisoning yourself by petting an irresistible kitty is hilarious.

For what it's worth M1 is my HM. That said the monkeys and wands I still consider worth the elegance hit. Magic Items as a crutch has always been frowned upon in the competition, unless you have some way to guarantee access to what you want. Meaning monkeys were always going to be a hit (and I still am not certain training monkeys to load a ballista is even reasonable). The Wands similarly while cheap, are still magic items you have no guaranteed access to. Spending a feat and a couple spells known on it could have gotten you the same effect without the elegance hit.

Ultimately I felt like M1 was going all in on flavor, and achieved that wonderfully... but gave up on a ton of power and elegance from the build to get that flavor. Like there are definitely more powerful Alternate Forms out there if you were going that route, and focusing less hard on 24/7 uptime on the spell, and instead being satisfied at 8 hours and using some more feats/spell slots for other things would have improved efficacy hugely. Which may have scored better, but would have been less memorable.

Hello Daremetoidareyou and Seerow, thank you again for judging!

Now that the round is over, I'd like to ask you something, with no bad or hurt feelings hopefully! :

I'm just slightly perplexed that there's been no comment at all from you judges about how Arush has some prerequisites snags, and I'm curious if the situation is that you haven't seen them, or did do see them but didn't consider them worth of mention?

It confuses me because hitting prerequisites is something I've come to expect being a common component of the elegance, and it being glossed over was a minor shock.

The relatively here is my own opinion
Relatively minor : Ordained champion requires legal alignment, and heretic of the faith esplicitly says it does not work for class restriction.I'd probably handwave it away as okay myself as a GM, but probably put a minor infraction in elegance, in the scope of a IC competition, maybe 0.25 or so *shrug*

Relatively major : Mastery of day and night has spellcraft and knowledge(the planes) as prerequisites, and that's totally ignored! AND it's kinda one of the pillars of the build! Ok I'll cut back on the exclamation points now, I'm sure you can guess what I was most shocked about here :D

relatively extremely minor : mastery of the day and night has a fluff requirement to be a member of the Manifest Spellshapers!, this is fairly minor and kinda "obscure" in that it's the kind of thing you only notice if you read the book instead of using online resources, so I'd not penalize for this at all, but give bonus point if it was mentioned, it's kinda just an extra in this "rant", but since I'm ranting I might as well say everything that crossed my mind :D, I'm like, totally not the person to say anything about fluff requirements, but what's there is there.

Well, that's all,thanks for judging again!

These are fair points and would have warranted point docking had I noticed them or they been pointed out by anyone before the round closed. To be perfectly honest, I am used to not playing with Alignment and the thought of even checking on alignment restrictions hadn't crossed my mind. Mastery of Day and Night's prerequisites is a much bigger miss I have no excuse for beyond simply not having looked the feat up (I was familiar with the benefit of the feat and clearly forgot the prerequisites as much as the creator had). It is unfortunate as that likely would have at the very least knocked Arush out of first place, and I can only apologize for not catching it.

2021-07-19, 01:34 PM
M1 (13.75)
That said a huge chunk of your defenses is coming from relying on Wands (without the two wands you're assuming your AC is a paltry 14, not much of a tank)(-.5), and your reliance on Magebred Monkeys to reload your Siege Engine I find questionable at best. Even outside of general IC guidelines of not assuming any specific equipment, Magebred Monkeys are not a particularly common resource, then even if you get them, I am not sure I agree that the combination of tricks you listed results in being able to load and winch a siege engine, even with the Imp directing. Given you invest a lost of resources for being able to train those monkeys, and rely on them for one of your primary attack modes, that hurts a lot (-1).

Dorok (15.25)

However there is one problem with your build, your race. lesser Zenythri. You cite it as a race from MM2. I don't find a Lesser Zenythri there, but I do see a regular Zenythri. Which has an LA+1 you don't account for. I get you were going for an original race with a bit more power, and the above average across the board stats probably did help out your power rankings a bit.... but you're effectively cheating out a level, or failed to completely cite your racial source on a particularly obscure race. In either case (-1.5)

For what it's worth M1 is my HM. That said the monkeys and wands I still consider worth the elegance hit. Magic Items as a crutch has always been frowned upon in the competition, unless you have some way to guarantee access to what you want. Meaning monkeys were always going to be a hit (and I still am not certain training monkeys to load a ballista is even reasonable). The Wands similarly while cheap, are still magic items you have no guaranteed access to. Spending a feat and a couple spells known on it could have gotten you the same effect without the elegance hit.

Yeah, Zaq wouldn't let me dispute it. I'm going VoP all the way next time apparently. I mean, House Cannith's entire existence is predicated on sellings wands and cheap magic items, and there's another whole dragonmarked house who's job is to sell magebred animals.

I guess my point is calibration. If you look at your judging of M1 and Dorok side by side maybe you will see what I mean. You gave M1 the same penalty for elegance for spending less than 2,000 gold pieces that you initially did for using an illegal Level Adjusted Race. If you think those are equivalent then I can't argue. But I didn't think they were equivalent.

2021-07-19, 01:47 PM
Hello Daremetoidareyou and Seerow, thank you again for judging!

Now that the round is over, I'd like to ask you something, with no bad or hurt feelings hopefully! :

I'm just slightly perplexed that there's been no comment at all from you judges about how Arush has some prerequisites snags, and I'm curious if the situation is that you haven't seen them, or did do see them but didn't consider them worth of mention?

It confuses me because hitting prerequisites is something I've come to expect being a common component of the elegance, and it being glossed over was a minor shock.

The relatively here is my own opinion
Relatively minor : Ordained champion requires legal alignment, and heretic of the faith esplicitly says it does not work for class restriction.I'd probably handwave it away as okay myself as a GM, but probably put a minor infraction in elegance, in the scope of a IC competition, maybe 0.25 or so *shrug*

Relatively major : Mastery of day and night has spellcraft and knowledge(the planes) as prerequisites, and that's totally ignored! AND it's kinda one of the pillars of the build! Ok I'll cut back on the exclamation points now, I'm sure you can guess what I was most shocked about here :D

relatively extremely minor : mastery of the day and night has a fluff requirement to be a member of the Manifest Spellshapers!, this is fairly minor and kinda "obscure" in that it's the kind of thing you only notice if you read the book instead of using online resources, so I'd not penalize for this at all, but give bonus point if it was mentioned, it's kinda just an extra in this "rant", but since I'm ranting I might as well say everything that crossed my mind :D, I'm like, totally not the person to say anything about fluff requirements, but what's there is there.

Well, that's all,thanks for judging again!

Yeah, I missed the skill reqs on the feat and probably would have docked -.25 to -.5 for it. Which unfortunately means that the gold position would be in flux. My bad there, I thought I caught everything as I churned through the entries. Sorry to the pedestal winners for the oversight..

2021-07-20, 06:15 AM
it's chill! I'm happy to know it was just an oversight ^^ I've lost count of the times somethign had a prerequisite I forgot about, or that the skill X isn't a class skill for the class Y, or other things like that.