View Full Version : Age of Worms - Olofire in conference with his mentor, Dr. Ashglade

2021-06-15, 08:30 PM
Dr. Olofire thinks to himself for a few moments before looking up at his mentor and then to Frederick and the others in turn, "Was there anymore you all needed to ask of Dr. Ashglade? If not, would you mind stepping outside for a few minutes? I have some questions for him regarding my research and would rather not bore you all with those details. I can catch up with you at he Crooked Inn if you want to head back or go anywhere else?"
"Of course, Dr. Lightfoot - let's go to the graduate-researchers-lounge. The school had a recent windfall donation from a wealthy benefactor - we were able to significantly improve the conditions there and I think you will find it comfortable and private," suggests Dr. Ashglade, turning to lead his ex-student towards the back room reserved for graduate researchers. Olofire remembers the place as a small, cramped room with barely enough room for a half-dozen people to sit quietly and read. Following the professor the two men take a couple of unexpected turns and then enter a much larger room, well-furnished with comfortable couches and lounge chairs. The halfling doesn't recognize any of the people in the room, but as they see him enter with the distinguished Nolzurite they nod and go back to their conversations or reading.

"They knocked down a couple of walls and expanded the space - do you like it? In the back you will find several pitchers of water and glasses. Sometimes a professor donates a particularly interesting bottle of wine or ale too. Grab us both something to drink and we can sit over in that corner."

2021-06-16, 11:47 PM
Olofire looks around the room in awe! The changes are unbelievable! He goes to the back and grabs a couple glasses of water and sits across from his mentor. Takes a good drink from his glass and pulls out the flask with his mutagen in it.

This concoction has been very formidable in our travels. I have been able to take the keratin from the hair on my head and body and redistribute it onto my nails and teeth, which in turn give me the ability to attack in a more natural way. My agility and reflexes are improved as well as this transformation also takes any excess body fat on my person to fuel the change, which has the side effect of hastening my reflexes. My expertise as a doctor has helped me use these new abilities and strike my foes where they might be most vulnerable, inflicting more damage than one might be able to tell at first glance. He pauses and swishes the liquid around. My concern is that the only improvements I've been able to make is how long the effects last. Currently, I can transform myself like that for just under an hour. While I know, that with constant tweaking of the formula I might be able to extend that duration more as it used to be a mere 10-20 minutes at first. I think the bigger concern I have is my mental state.

He sets the flask down on the side table and takes another drink of water. Pursing his lips in thought, he continues, I feel like the longer I stay in that enhanced physical state, the more often I transform, the more I lose myself to my baser instincts. Maybe that is why I fear these spawn? There is a beastly instinct that tells me to run from them. And the killing of those who try to oppose me and my party? It's becoming easier than I'd care to admit. For example, at Blackwall Keep, we helped the soldiers defend themselves from an attack of Lizardfolk. And during this fight, for some reason, I charged past many of their fighters, towards their leader, who was mounted on some type of war turtle, and attacked and killed him!

He takes a moment to sit back down. Another sip. Sir Frederick and Lydia both have their higher calling to serve within their church, but I too have a higher calling to heal. As a doctor, a man of science. That being said, I fear what I may be turning into. My lose of my senses, my civility. Have you seen or heard of this before? What are your thoughts on the matter?

2021-06-17, 04:12 PM
Beastly instinct, you say? An increased pension for violence in spite of your desire to heal...hmmm... begins the professor as he leans back in a chair to think. "Some of the effects you describe are consistent with mutagens - it's well documented that such concoctions will have a physical-improvement while causing a temporary mental decline. The temporary nature seems to be fading here, though, and you are experiencing something like a personality change? That could be very serious..."

Dr. Ashglade stands and paces in a little square, his mind furiously considering the possibilities. "Are you familiar with the idea of a chymist? They're dangerous, potentially violent folks who use alchemy to transform themselves. Well, some academics have found ways to...manage...such transformations, to a degree. Such alchemists learn how to activate the reagents in such a way that they can control the process, but with a strange side-effect.

They develop something I have heard called schizophrenia or even 'multiple-personalities.' I wouldn't call that a technical term, but it seems to describe the state of mind that happens. Sound familiar?"

2021-06-17, 06:37 PM
Yes! While I don't believe that during these transformations that I am becoming someone else, I do feel that those baser instincts almost take over to some degree. For example, you are familiar with orcs or half orcs, such as Sir Frederick, and how they sometimes fly into a rage of some kind? I have seen Sir Frederick himself, Paladin serving under the Valorous Knight, sometimes be so over taken by his anger that his strength swells and his attacks become both more powerful and deadly! But again, it is temporary. Eventually he is his same somber self again. I wonder, if my prolonged exposure in this state could be affecting my mental facilities. Does that make any sense to you?

Dr. Olofire, raises his hand to his chin thinking to himself, Chymist? Chymist? The term sounds familiar. I'm sure I have read about it somewhere before. But what you are saying is there are those that take the drawback of potentially losing themselves to the transformation, and twisting that to their advantage by delving deeper into that lose of self? I suppose there is a benefit to that.. But why would someone give up their mental capabilities for a brief physical boost. Again coming from the point of view that these Spawn are terrifying! How could they resist something like that, no matter how physically imposing they are?

2021-06-18, 02:24 PM
"I can certainly understand being concerned for one's-self, potentially losing that, in a series of events like this. I think a battle-frenzy is one thing, but not really the same," begins the professor as he closes his eyes and thinks for a moment. "There are surely internal factors that cause a rager to be stronger, more hardened to damage, and so on, and perhaps on some level these are alchemical in nature - the body's natural alchemy, if you will. However, you introduce something unnatural into your system when you imbibe your mutagen. This is going to do something wholly different, I think."

With a sigh the alchemist continues. "Why would someone exchange one form of power for another? Necessity. Being the smartest, or most caring, or the best educated in a fight doesn't account for much when blood is being spilled. Sometimes you can come prepared, or use magic to warp reality around you, but in your case...well...I can see great value in temporary boons to your physical prowess in exchange for momentary losses - that you recover! - if it keeps you and your companions alive.

As for the spawn you mention, I think the concern is simpler - can you overcome them before or in spite of being overcome with fear? You run a real risk if you hinder your ability to fight off this supernatural terror when you use your mutagen, no doubt. Perhaps the approach you should be taking is to go and strengthen your will instead, or with an extract. There are many options available, but in combination with a more feral, offense-oriented form? That is a tough one..."

2021-06-23, 10:20 PM
That's true. While I don't want to kill others, I really don't want my friends to be hurt more so. And putting it that way, I could see some benefit of a separate personality for battles. I may have to research this chymist more. As for the spawn, I have been able to dispatch them clearly if someone else is available so I can focus on where to place my attacks. That being said, if there is anything alchemical or otherwise that you can think of that might help bolster myself against these fearsome creatures should I not dispatch them quickly?

2021-06-24, 04:52 PM
No fair asking for more recommendations! The professor is smart, but an NPC and not any higher level than Olofire at this point. You are getting into territory where you as the player will need to be coming to me with solutions!
"I'm not recommending that you lose yourself in battle, or deliberately develop a psychosis," begins the professor cautiously. "But I've read about it happening and the other effects may prove worthwhile. Sometimes the alternate personality comes with different skills, strengths, and so on - I've even heard of family members being unable to recognize the chymists when the other persona is in charge...It's scary stuff...

As for solutions, I think we covered that earlier. The supernatural fear is difficult, but perhaps the developing personality would be more fearless, or at least resistant to the terror. I don't really know, my friend..." Dr. Ashglade takes a drink of water, then pulls out a pipe and lights it quietly, puffing away as he thinks for several moments. "It's not alchemical, but I've heard of all sorts of strange transformations in my own efforts to fight lycanthropy. Some peaceful and defensive in nature, some violent and bloodthirsty. Please avoid becoming a violent psychopath - it's not what a good man like you wants, obviously. If you feel yourself falling that way, lean on your companions and come back to me - I will gladly try and help you recover in a safe house here in town."

2021-06-24, 06:28 PM
He sits quietly for a moment, sipping his water, then nods, Thank you Dr. Ashglade. You've given me a lot to think about. You're right in that I don't what to become a psychopath. I want to protect my friends from this age of worms as we are continuing down this path. This is I know. The rest is just a matter of how.

He stands up, I really do love this new area! It's a shame this wasn't here when I was studying!

As they begin to walk out before he meets back up with his companions, he looks back and firmly shakes his mentors hand. Thank you again! I'm so glad I was able to visit!

2021-06-25, 01:32 AM
"But of course! I am glad to help a student-turned-colleague! Just remember to keep certain things close to the chest - the business you're in could get messy, and many don't need to know about it. Protect them, and your friends, and come back and visit me again sometime!" says the professor with a smile and warm handshake. Then, momentarily seriously, he looks Olofire in the eye. "And stay who you are - true to yourself. I would never threaten you, but what you talk about is serious business, changing yourself so dramatically. Be careful and know I am here to help if you ever need it...but don't need it, alright?"

Then, with a nod and bit-more-grim smile, the man walks Olofire out of the schoolhouse and returns to his work.