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2021-06-17, 11:10 AM
"Welcome to Ciudad Juarez! Say No to Vampires!" is one of the many posters celebrating the trade city freedom from vampires. There are only tight streets packed with people and vehicles. All kinds of people walk by, many wearing heavy weapons and armor. Street vendors call out to pedestrians and selling all kinds of trinkets. Stores line the streets and selling about everything that you can think of. It's only early in the morning, but the bars are loud and full of activities. There are a couple of red light businesses here and there. Guards armed from heads to toes stand in front of body shops, workshops, and warehouses. Gambling halls and lights are active even during the day.

The police patrol aka "FED" is on foot, on hovercyles and motorbikes, and even some on horseback. Even in the sky, anybody can see some of them in power armor.

A group of people appears to be gathered, around what seems to be a cowboy with his brown duster, dark mid-length hair, a large mustache, badly shaven, and pistols strapped, looking right out of a western movie.

"Hey, pardners, looking for some brave souls to take down a pack of vampires near Morillo family farm. I need credits, you need credits. They are paying to get rid of the vampires, easy peasy. I just need a few good mercs to come with me! We kill 'em, make some money and come back to party! 5000 credits for each vamp we kill! What say you, pendejos?"

2021-06-17, 05:25 PM
Kai emerges from a privy behind one of the seedier saloons wiping sick from their mouth and, while adjusting their poncho saunters over to the group.

Sotto voce, or it would be if not for the morning's whiskey: "Well if this ain't a posse coming at us."

2021-06-17, 06:45 PM
Deo walks in to town flicks his toothpick on the ground. Deo is a tall man standing 6’2 his well muscled build hidden behind his duster. His cowboy hat just covering his hair but his clearly Greek features apparent. He has a large bag and many weapons. He carries himself like he has seen some ****. He walks up to the man. “Where is this nest tell us more about it.”

2021-06-18, 06:49 AM

The giantess towered behind Deo, shading him. the sun bothered her no more than the stares from the townspeople. Her weapons were sheathed, but few realized she could do more damage with her bare hands than a railgun on full auto.

"Killing Vampires? And Credits? Two of my favorite things, you have my attention, friend."

2021-06-18, 08:12 PM
What looks like an eight-year old child picks at the sleeve of a woman as they walk past. "You said I needed to make money to help with the extra fuel from hauling me around. I bet I can hurt them too. We should help out."

2021-06-18, 08:17 PM
The woman purses her lips, then nods. "Fine. It's probably going to be a mess, though." She's wearing fairly basic travel-wear, a tunic and leggings with layers over them, with fairly well worn boots and a small bag slung over her shoulder, and cracks her back, walking up to the cowboy. "Any more details for us, friend, or just vampires and a bounty?"

2021-06-18, 10:28 PM
"That's the spirit right there! Killing Vamps and making credits!" Nodding at Karmen's comment, then getting to answer questions.

"Don't know where they hole up yet but the beasts shouldn't be further than a couple of miles around the farm. They already attacked most of the farms around senor Morillo ranch. It'll take us a couple of hours to get there and I reckon that we should investigate the nearby abandoned farms and try to find out where they are hiding. If it gets to nighttime and we find nothing, we'll get back to the ranch and just shoot some silvers at those bastards, then we'll figure it out the rest in the morning. "

2021-06-19, 09:58 AM
What looks like an eight-year old child picks at the sleeve of a woman as they walk past. "You said I needed to make money to help with the extra fuel from hauling me around. I bet I can hurt them too. We should help out."


Karmen ***** at an eye at the "kid". Her face darkens as she thinks of her own daughter, now long dead. She scowls and shakes away a tear.
"You are brave princessa, but this fight might be too big for you..."

2021-06-19, 12:07 PM
Quill snorts and looks between the giant of a woman and the apparent child. "See, your sense of humor is gonna get us in trouble one day Bart. It is pretty funny though." She admits with a laugh, before sobering up and looking over, and then up, to Karmen. "He's not my child, and believe it or not he's far more dangerous in a fight than I am. I'll let him explain anything else, or not, as he wants."

2021-06-19, 12:08 PM
”little one I have seen small things then you take down bigger, but make sure you can handle yourself.” he opens himself up and his sense making sure there are no vampires around as he does so. Turning to the man shouting “well I will go on any vampire hunting trip it’s the reason I am here”

2021-06-19, 09:46 PM
"Well as long as everybody can handle it, no objection here. I'm Patrick Cook, and nice to meet you all. I'll gather my gear before heading out. We will meet at the pyramid temple in 2 hours and head out. You might want to go grab a bite or something." Patrick lights up a cigarette with his lighter and proceeds to go on the right path of the streets.

You have some free time on your hands, the closest establishment to your group is a two-story building named The Duke's Card Parlor & Saloon. You hear loud cheers and the sounds of machines and roulettes playing from outside. All kinds of people, mercs, and adventurers of all stripes appear to be going in and out of the building. There is a big sign in front of the building NO PSI-STALKERS OR DOG BOYS allowed.

You can use this free time to either do some research, get some food (at a restaurant or store) or even do some shopping.

2021-06-20, 04:52 PM
"This... city has a pyramid? Would someone please point me in the right direction?" With the tortuous combination of knowing all their heartbreak could have been trivially avoided and a curiosity of how Lemurian intelligence had such a gap in their mystic cartography, Kai, after grabbing their armor, weapons, and psicorder from their current kip, makes their way to the edifice.

2021-06-20, 08:06 PM
Baltasar smiles back up at Quill. "You are the one who told me I shouldn't go out looking like normal. I can look more appropriate for when we meet back up if that will be better."

He turns and stares at Karmen. "Don't worry about me," he says, hopefully addressing her worries. "I survived almost two weeks in the desert before I met Quill. I'll show you when we fight the vampires. People told me it was a bad thing to talk about in public."

"But what's a pyramid temple? And why is it so important to that man over there? Doesn't he know you can just build them out of sand?"

2021-06-21, 09:17 AM
Kai gets to the Pyramid shaped temple. A brown-skinned middle-aged short woman wearing a sleeveless tunic with long dark hair, golden earrings, and necklace, standing in front of the Temple. The only weapon on her appears to be a knife strapped to her hips. There are quite a few people around the temple, with many wearing sleeveless tunics and black paint over their bodies. It is a safe assumption that most of the people are priests. Some are dressed in elaborate ways as if trying to look like some beings.

"Welcome to the Temple of Coatlicue and many other Gods. Have you come seeking wisdom or refuge for a little while?"

2021-06-21, 11:25 AM
Turns to the little girl, Karmen and Quill ”well as long as the young one will explain later I trust her. So Karmen I going to that pyramid and see what is up there and maybe I can send a communication home you want to come with or hang at the bar” points at the saloon obviously about to head off

2021-06-21, 02:45 PM
Quill heads to the temple as well, letting Balthazar pick if he's coming with her or going to the saloon. She's not from around here, might as well take a look! Religious art was usually so interesting.

2021-06-21, 06:30 PM
As Deo walks off he spins around and looks at the child “I am so sorry I am Deo and you are not a princess at all I am so sorry I was confused. Would you like to go to the pyramid, I know a thing or two about magic ones”

2021-06-22, 04:48 AM

Karmen looks at the plucky brave little girl, just like her own Jessica, except it isn't Jessica...or a little girl for that matter...but you know, from nine feet up, kids all look the same, right? Dark thoughts run through her mind, but she quickly locks them down, and tries to force an awkward smile.

"Hey...er...kid. I'm sorry...Two weeks in the desert? By yourself? You must be pretty clever. Listen, I can't really fit into any of these buildings without scratching the paint, do you think maybe you can go into the store for me and buy some food for us? I am sure there will be something leftover for a treat for you."

2021-06-22, 06:45 PM
Not fluent in Spanish, Kai addreses her first in American then Dragonese.
"You are most gracious, priest, but my interest today is architectural. I won't take up any more of your time. " Relying on the first hand exposure to their people's stone magic and an academic understanding of magical lore, Kai attempts to ascertain if this pyramid possesses similar capabilities.

Edit:they also grabbed their medic kit, canteen, large sack, cross and silvered dagger, leaving their other equipment in the rented room. Their barnacle armor is retracted to under their poncho when not expecting combat.

2021-06-24, 01:06 AM
Baltasar looks solemnly up at Deo as he turns back. "Thank you for correcting yourself, but I'm going to go shopping for Karmen so nothing gets scratched. Are there any supplies you want too?"

2021-06-24, 09:19 AM
Deo heads off to the temple walking with Quill, if they wish. Once at the temple he will open himself up to feel if this is a real temple either way he will walk up to one of the priest.