View Full Version : Pathfinder Legendary Medium Questions

2021-06-18, 01:04 PM
I'm getting ready to play in a Pathfinder 1 game. We're doing Rise of the Runelords, and I want to play Legendary Games' Legendary Medium (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Medium_(Legendary)), hereafter LM. The GM is a longtime player but new to the GM chair.

I understand the LM is all about versatility, and given the frequency with which other players in this group either die or retire their characters, I want to be able to at least fake covering other roles. I also want to play as the Devoted Medium (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Devoted_Medium) archetype, so I'll channel two spirits at once, but not be able to switch them out until the next morning.

Before my questions, a few other things for context:

I don't know what the rest of the group will be playing.
We're starting at level 1.
Some Elephant in the Room rules might apply, GM is going to cover that during session 0.
I want to be ready for 15 point buy with my stat spread.
No Spheres (GM's not used it, don't want to add that extra complexity), and I'd prefer to stay out of PoW if I can avoid it. The rest of the table is unlikely to use it, and I want to stay in their range, powerwise.

Thus, my questions:

The Devoted Medium says you get "the abilities granted by both spirits". Does that include the seance boon for both spirits? If it does, then I think the FCB that bumps seance boon by 1/3 is the way to go. I expect to channel the Reluctant Hero frequently, and it lets me pick from any other seance boon. That would cover some of the gaps from having a reduced spirit bonus.
The Reluctant Hero says your spirit bonus applies to 3 choices from a list. Are those choices different every time you channel it? I'm thinking yes but am not sure. If so, my 1st level feat is spirit focus with the hero.
The sow doubt power: does it apply a penalty on one roll, for one enemy? Or all of the listed types of rolls, for one enemy? And does it last for one round (implied by using spirit surge once per round), one roll, or until they leave LoS/LoE?
For my stat spread, I wanted to go Devilspawn Tiefling, which is +2 Con/+2 Wis, -2 Cha. I'm not sure there's a huge amount of value in pumping Wis. I want to start at 17, boost it to 18 at level 4, and then only increase it via items. I suspect that I may want to use the Champion or Guardian spirits a decent amount, so I have Str and Con as my next priorities. Should I bother getting Dex to even 12? Or does it make more sense to go with Dex, hope that the champion's seance boon closes some of the damage gap when I need to fight, and flex into ranged weapons or finessable weapons?
Spirit Specialization grants a bonus spirit feat when channeling a specific spirit. If I take that twice, and channel both at once due to Devoted Medium, do I get an extra spirit feat?

2021-06-19, 06:33 PM
1- Yes.

2- Doesn't say. Lorewise, though, I feel the "choose whenever you channel this legend" is the only one that makes sense. Medium spirits don't represent a single spirit. Depending on the campaign, there might be thousands, millions, billions of spirits. So when a medium chooses different feats with a Champion spirit, logically what happens is they channel a different spirit of that legend with the feats the medium wants. So logically than one should be able to channel different relucant hero spirits to get the bonuses you desire.

3- I have no freaking clue. Talk to your DM.

5- Ask your DM.