View Full Version : Are there any monsters that web an area?

2021-06-20, 10:30 AM
I'm thinking of throwing some phase spiders at my party, if it looks like they're starting to get bored and could use some combat. Looking over the phase spider's abilities, I notice that it's unconstrained by webbing: Fair enough, it's a spider. But it doesn't actually cast any webs of its own.

So then I thought, well, maybe I'll mix in a few regular giant spiders with them. I know those use webs... but looking them up, they only web one creature at a time. That's OK, I guess, but it's not the "make an area that restricts the PCs but not the enemies" that I was looking for.

Aha, what about ettercaps? They use webs, too, and could be trainers or the like for the phase spiders, letting them use more intelligent tactics. And when I look them up, not only can they freely move through webs, they can also sense anything in contact with the same web as them. Bonus! But again, the webs they cast are single-target only: If they're in contact with "the same web" as a PC, they're probably in contact with the PC themself.

In other circumstances, I could go with a spider lair, where they've had enough time to web up the entire lair. But these will be found outside of their natural habitat, and won't have time for that. I need something that can web an entire area quickly, like with a Web spell (and like a Web spell, it's OK if they disappear after a few minutes). Is there anything like this?

2021-06-20, 10:32 AM
Drow Priestess of Lolth can cast the web spell. And would make sense as an ally to spider monsters.

2021-06-20, 11:04 AM
Make your own monsters! Use the abilities you like, and adjust the CR as appropriate.

2021-06-20, 11:27 AM
I'm thinking of throwing some phase spiders at my party, if it looks like they're starting to get bored and could use some combat. Looking over the phase spider's abilities, I notice that it's unconstrained by webbing: Fair enough, it's a spider. But it doesn't actually cast any webs of its own.

So then I thought, well, maybe I'll mix in a few regular giant spiders with them. I know those use webs... but looking them up, they only web one creature at a time. That's OK, I guess, but it's not the "make an area that restricts the PCs but not the enemies" that I was looking for.

Aha, what about ettercaps? They use webs, too, and could be trainers or the like for the phase spiders, letting them use more intelligent tactics. And when I look them up, not only can they freely move through webs, they can also sense anything in contact with the same web as them. Bonus! But again, the webs they cast are single-target only: If they're in contact with "the same web" as a PC, they're probably in contact with the PC themself.

In other circumstances, I could go with a spider lair, where they've had enough time to web up the entire lair. But these will be found outside of their natural habitat, and won't have time for that. I need something that can web an entire area quickly, like with a Web spell (and like a Web spell, it's OK if they disappear after a few minutes). Is there anything like this?

You could have a bigger/ different Looking phase spider with an homebrew ability to web up an area.

Could make it so that the web has a special power making it impossible to go through even with intangibility, as it exists both in the Material Plane and in its co-existing planes (Feywild, Ethereal, Shadowfell).

Could call it a Ghostcatcher Spider or something like that.

2021-06-20, 03:22 PM
Agree with just alter things to fit your need. No reason your phase spiders can’t have that ability if you want them to have it. Just make sure the players have a reasonable chance.

2021-06-20, 05:24 PM
The Yochlol might be the creature you’re looking for. Although it’s a demon, it can cast web at will, has the web walking ability, has the spider climb ability, and can even shapeshift into a spider.

2021-06-20, 06:33 PM
I probably will end up just homebrewing something onto a phase spider or ettercap. While a drow priestess or yochlol would work, I fear that they'd end up being too much of a distraction for what's supposed to be a not-particularly-relevant encounter. Out-of-game, the reason for this encounter would be for the players to be able to take a break from the puzzles and plots of the main story and just squish some stuff. In-game, the reason is that Xanathar wants to annoy them, and so it's releasing random monsters at them.

I still would have thought that there'd be some sort of creature already published that produces a non-spell effect similar to a Web spell, but... Shrug.

2021-06-20, 10:41 PM
Just stick either Entangle or Grease on them, 5-6 recharge (like Giant Spider webs), add 1/2CR to them, key it off a reasonable stat, and watch the hilarity ensue.

Not damaging persay, but restrained or proned in a 10' cube can make things a lot more dangerous for your party. I'm a fan of Entangle myself, because it really shows off the haves/have-nots in the Strength department.

Silly Name
2021-06-20, 11:16 PM
Can't the webs just... be there? I'm sure phase spiders can spin webs, just not fast enough for it to be something they can do in combat as an action.

Of course, this isn't an option if the spiders are getting dropped on the players to surprise them, but if it's an infestation or an abandoned manor they have to go in, the spiders would have had time to spin their webs all over the place.

2021-06-21, 07:57 AM
I think you'll have to reskin something, unless someone thinks of one off the top of their head!

Perhaps a Cult Fanatic with Web and Ray of Sickness as its only spells, Spider Climb and Web Walker in place of Dark Devotion, Grease in place of Shield of Faith, no proficiencies, and Int/Cha of 6 (-2). Call it a Webmother Spider or something like that - just to make it clear what it does!

2021-06-21, 09:36 AM
Just because giant spiders and ettercaps can only web one creature at a time as an attack doesn't mean they can't spin more elaborate webs for their lairs.

I'd personally go with your "ettercap trainers" idea and just say they can't spin area-spanning webs quickly. But given time, they can fill an area with them.

2021-06-21, 06:27 PM
Yup, like I said, in a lair it'd be fine. But it's not a lair. They're just going to be walking down the street when suddenly spiders appear out of nowhere (almost literally).

2021-06-21, 07:26 PM
Yup, like I said, in a lair it'd be fine. But it's not a lair. They're just going to be walking down the street when suddenly spiders appear out of nowhere (almost literally).

Maybe the webBing is already there, but in the ethereal plane with the phase spiders, and they bring it across with them?

2021-06-21, 11:56 PM
That sounds cool, I will use that at some point.

2021-06-23, 10:38 AM
Can't the webs just... be there? I'm sure phase spiders can spin webs, just not fast enough for it to be something they can do in combat as an action.

Of course, this isn't an option if the spiders are getting dropped on the players to surprise them, but if it's an infestation or an abandoned manor they have to go in, the spiders would have had time to spin their webs all over the place.

This is a good approach, easy and extremely customisable. I suggest an abandoned library, the usual approach of burn the webs and let the flames sort it out is more difficult if all the loot is flammable

2021-06-24, 05:03 AM
Have your monsters ally w/ a spellcaster - can be a hobgoblin sorcerer or w/e.
Or just give the ability to cast Web (lvl 2 spell) to a creature.

2021-06-24, 11:23 AM
Can't the webs just... be there? I'm sure phase spiders can spin webs, just not fast enough for it to be something they can do in combat as an action.

Of course, this isn't an option if the spiders are getting dropped on the players to surprise them, but if it's an infestation or an abandoned manor they have to go in, the spiders would have had time to spin their webs all over the place.

You could have the webs phase in and out too, albeit more slowly like ebb and flow of the tide. As the PCs get ready to find a place to camp an NPC warns of webs in the area, but when the PCs investigate there are none.

They set up camp, and as they are getting ready to settle down the webs (and spiders) phase back in.

Roll for initiative!