View Full Version : STICKing together [spoiler]

2007-11-13, 11:07 AM
I feel that Elan's quote has great portent for the future of the order. If you look at the group right now they are very separated, and nearly at odds. This exactly is where the Order of the Scribble had failed in there defense against snarl and the rips in the fabric of the universe. They didn't STICK together. I feel that the Order of the Stick will triumph in the end by Sticking together in the defense of the universe against snarl.

What are your thoughts on this?

2007-11-13, 11:15 AM
well from my point of view the order of the scribble DID protect the gates untill death

and yet they stick together by containing the snarl

2007-11-13, 11:18 AM
Yes, but it still is a horrible joke.

2007-11-13, 12:13 PM
Rich did say that that the name Order of the Stick would have more meaning later in the strip. I think this is really it.:smallsmile:

2007-11-13, 01:23 PM
Really? I thought he said that the reason for calling themselves the Order of the Stick would become apparant later in the strip...I could very easily be wrong, however...

2007-11-13, 01:28 PM
That's what I mean. I think this is where it is becoming apparent.

2007-11-13, 02:18 PM
Well, no, actually.

The reason for calling themselves the order of the stick was because Roy was feeling sarcastic and suggested that they call themselves that because there was a stick on the ground, and everyone else was so dumb they thought it was a good idea.

2007-11-13, 02:37 PM
Oh, my appologies. I assume that's a OotPCs spoiler? That's the only one I haven't read (I don't mind small things like that).

2007-11-13, 02:52 PM
I'd really hesitate to call it a spoiler... What does it spoil? A joke? Maybe, but I've never seen anyone care.

But yes, that's from Origins.

2007-11-13, 03:00 PM
well from my point of view the order of the scribble DID protect the gates untill death

and yet they stick together by containing the snarl

Actually, I think you're oversimplifying. Right now, the Order of the Scribble has not YET failed to protect the gates. they haven't failed because the protections they put in place have so far prevented Xykon from getting a hold of a gate.

However, I think it is a fair argument that in failing to stick together, the Order of the Scribble greatly weakened the quality of protections they put in place. This would have been over long ago, if Durokon had been able to call up the Sapphire Guard and say "Hey guys, there's an army of Goblins outside my stronghold, I'm almost strong enough to take them out, how about you come over and lend me a hand." There are several other examples I could give, but the point is made already. by cutting themselves off from mutual support, the order of the scribble left each member open to being defeated in detail (which is basically what is happening as Xykon is systematically taking them out.) Ultimately I believe that the Order of the Scribble will "fail" in that their protections won't be enough, and the order of the stick, who did stick together, will have to save the day.

2007-11-13, 03:12 PM
I'd really hesitate to call it a spoiler... What does it spoil? A joke? Maybe, but I've never seen anyone care.

But yes, that's from Origins.it's a speculation thread, hence the spoiler tag.

2007-11-13, 03:26 PM
I suppose the Order of the Scribble hasn't failed completely yet, but in loosing even one gate and not having a contingency plan I would say that they have ultimately doomed themselves to failure.

Seriously though, the STICKing together joke is of great import to the basic meaning of the entire comic. I think it's brilliant.

2007-11-13, 03:46 PM
That was the reason they failed? :smalleek:

Just kidding. But spoilers anyway, please.

2007-11-13, 03:58 PM
That was the reason they failed? :smalleek:

Just kidding. But spoilers anyway, please.

Actually, I was getting my data from comics #277 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0277.html) and #290 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0290.html) (and possibly others around them, but those were the first 2 that came to mind). I thought you only needed to post spoilers if you were citing data from the books that isn't online. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of spoiler tags:smallconfused: ?

2007-11-13, 04:13 PM
If you look at the group right now they are very separated, and nearly at odds.

Well, them being seperated is a plot hook that should last through the current story arc. As for them being at odds, they're honestly more unified now than they've (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0185.html) ever (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0125.html) been (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0317.html) before. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0322.html) :smalltongue:

This exactly is where the Order of the Scribble had failed in there defense against snarl and the rips in the fabric of the universe. They didn't STICK together.

First, you're reading too much into that pun. The comic's called the Order of the Stick because of what someone else already said, from Origins. Also, the Order of the Scribble apparently didn't fail if the gates have lasted this long.

I feel that the Order of the Stick will triumph in the end by Sticking together in the defense of the universe against snarl.

Well... yeah... that's kind of obvious. They aren't split up right now due to moral dilemmas like you make it sound, but due to the demands of plot (that and an army of hobgoblins.)

2007-11-13, 04:30 PM
I just wanted to say, since this is sort of related, I thought the title of the strip was hilarious. Just brilliant.

2007-11-13, 06:01 PM
When I was reading panels 6, 7, and 8, I saw the beginning of strip 277 flash before my eyes. Very similar layout, dialogue escalation, etc. etc.

But yes, I do think that this may have been at least part of the "greater meaning" Rich was implying.