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View Full Version : Improved ready action ability

2021-06-23, 04:21 AM
The ready action is rarely used in my experience, largely because you have to give up your standard action to ready, even if what you're readying is a move or even free action. Also, if the ready condition doesn't come up you lose your action entirely. Is there a feat or ability which improves it anywhere?

If not, is there a way you could make an "improved ready" feat without making it too good?

2021-06-23, 05:37 AM
There is the adventurous explorer feat from dragon 315. Goes well with the expert timing feat from kalamar.

2021-06-23, 06:27 AM
Synchronicity, a 1st-level psion/wilder power from Complete Psionic. Basically if you spend 1pp while readying an action then you don't need to specify the trigger condition. If you have manifester level 3+ and spend 3pp, you don't need to specify the action either.