View Full Version : Pathfinder What can alter deity's "body"?

Sir Edgen
2021-06-23, 08:12 AM
Hello everyone! This question sounds really weird, let me explain. One of my newest character ideas is a warpriest of Urgathoa and one of his "end goals" is to restore her half-decaying body to be normal. However, now that I think of it, is it really possible? I mean, she obviously can't do it herself. Also, is would seem that other gods can't do that either, otherwise she would've made some deals to get the full body. Is there any known way in lore to achieve such goal for a 20-th level character and is it possible to achieve it at all?
Also this rises a second question. If my character succeeds, Urgathoa will immediately add "lust" into her portfolio, and this sphere is already taken by Calistria. What level of conflict between these two should I expect in this case?

2021-06-23, 08:37 AM
What your describing is definitely "an Overdeity did it" territory. There aren't really any stated rules for it, and the lore is kind of fuzzy either way. Deities ultimately get their power from the people who worship them. If people start worshiping an aspect of (whatever god or goddess) that suddenly has two goat horns, eventually that deity is going to have two goat horns. But, then you have a case like Gruumsh, where Corellon put out his eye, and it stays out.

So if your Cleric is trying to restore the full deity, that's absolutely going to be an Epic+ level quest. It's world-altering, and ought to be filled with world-altering challenges.

For the level of conflict: when two Lust deities meet, the meeting will probably go either very badly, or so well that it needs a TV/MA tag on it. From what I'm able to find online, these two deities have already been feuding a while, so there's low-grade conflict as is. If Urgathoa actually tries to muscle in on one of Calistria's domains, I'd expect that to boil over into open hostilities.

2021-06-23, 08:54 AM
First a disclaimer: I am not firm in the metaphysics of Pathfinder's Great Beyond and deal more often with the Great Wheel. So it's possible that my ideas are nonsense.

That said: I would assume that something like that should be left to fluff instead of crunch. Ignore what the rules say and instead design with your DM (or let them design and then discover it in character) an epic ritual full of idiosyncratic ingredients build around, for example, sacrificing a thematically fitting artifact. Healing a wounded god; that's what mytic adventurers are written about.
Alternatively, deities are creatures of faith (at least in the Wheel) and are shaped by their worshippers' beliefs. If you managed to utterly convince the far majority of her worshippers that she is healed already (or that she never needed healing), she will be healed. This is also something that would take a lot of work.

Regarding portfolios: When two deities in the same pantheon have the same portfolio element, there are two possible outcomes: one (or both) drop the element, or one of them kills or subsumes the other. When the element is dropped, that is usually done by modifying it so much that it becomes it's own thing, for example by modifying "lust" into "loveless lust" or "fleeting lust". This type of specialization isn't exactly something you as a god like to do; nobody wants to be the sun god who rules only over the evening sun. Which deity submits, dies etc. can be decided in different ways; two examples from the Forgotten Realms are Tempus, who over time defeated every other war god in duels and killed them (except for Garagos, whom he left alive to govern over bloodlust, pillaging and the other aspects of war he didn't like), and Talona, who once was in competition with another goddess of disease named Kiputtyto. They were competing about who could create the worse plague, and Kiputtyto's was deadlier and killed most of her worshippers, so she died and Talona ursurped her place. As can be seen at this example, the worshippers are important in the fight between gods. Tempus for example won because his worshippers where more zealous than the others and gave him more faith.

I hope my babbling was helpful.

Sir Edgen
2021-06-23, 10:39 AM
Wow, thanks to both of you! Now I feel stupid because I have somehow missed the fact that deities can be "shaped" by their followers.
If I combine all your ideas, the "restore the body" mission seems more complex and demanding. Not only do I need to secure at least one mcguffin and achieve maybe 21 level, but also roleplay myself up to the higher positions of Urgathoa's church and deal with a bunch of pissed-of calistrians who never forget and never forgive.
Also I've just remembered thing regarding my second question. Book of the Damned 2 describes two demon lords who have a common theme, lust. But only Nocticula has it in her portfolio, while her brother Socothbenoth "is the embodiment of the methods by which such hungers (seduction and lust) are satiated". It isn't exactly the same situation, but still a good example. Maybe Urgathoa would settle with only sapient undead, who knows.

2021-06-23, 10:43 AM
Before I answer your questions, I'll caveat by saying that your character can have any aspiration you want them to regardless of practicality or chances for success.

I mean, she obviously can't do it herself. Also, is would seem that other gods can't do that either, otherwise she would've made some deals to get the full body.

Uh... Bold of you to assume she even wants to :smallconfused: in fact, Sarenrae is trying to heal her and that is cheesing her off for lack of a better term. (Granted, Sarenrae's healing probably wouldn't leave her as an undead if it ever succeeded, so she has reason to be upset by it.)

As far as her, let's call them appetites - she's found even more hedonistic ways to get her jollies that don't require her to be fully "intact." For example, she gets essentially sexual pleasure from eating brains, converting others to gluttony/cannibalism, or inflicting exotic diseases on people.

You could of course be part of a splinter or offshoot group of her faith that is trying to repair her body to enhance her options for attaining sensation, and she would likely allow this especially if you're pursuing particularly depraved means to achieve your ends, but without GM fiat your chances of actual success in this endeavor are slim.

Is there any known way in lore to achieve such goal for a 20-th level character and is it possible to achieve it at all?

If you're asking "is there a RAW way to do this" the answer is no. Urgathoa is a true deity, and in Pathfinder, true deities "exist beyond the concept of rules and do not have stat blocks."

If you're asking "can I do this anyway without RAW" - only your GM can answer that.

Also this rises a second question. If my character succeeds, Urgathoa will immediately add "lust" into her portfolio, and this sphere is already taken by Calistria. What level of conflict between these two should I expect in this case?

Short answer is that you can expect a lot of conflict if you ever pull this off, even beyond what a normal deity who lost a portfolio to another. Calistria isn't exactly what we'd call even-tempered or level-headed, she is the literally the Goddess of Petty and Spite. I don't know that open warfare with armies would be her style, but you could expect a lot of assassinations and general messing with Urgathoans to result from this, up to and even beyond the restoration of that sphere to her.