View Full Version : DM Help Naming a group of elite guards

2021-06-23, 10:30 AM
Hey everyone,
I came here because I wanted a personal opinion on what to name my elite guards for a homebrew game I'm running.

For some background information, the players are on a continent called The Republic of Blythe, and thousands of years ago they all awoke and were told that for some unknown reason, all mortals had agreed to have their memories wiped in an event known as The Genesis. They awoke on land with few remains telling of what happened prior and every attempt to seek new land has gone awry. With a large (1/3) section of the continent being a land of constant bitter cold and with winter being ever so more dangerous, the search for more land is a priority.

The guards I'm looking to name are the elite soldiers who go out and try to find more land in the world. I'm trying to think of a name for them as the game progresses but can't settle on anything. I want something that's not like "The Blythian Guard" or anything like that because these soldiers are on top of the ranks and want something that makes the characters wonder what they are based on name alone.

If you have any ideas please let me know.
The two ideas that I came up with myself are The Ivorycloaks, and the Songbirds but I'm here to listen to what everyone else has to say.

Keep in mind that these guards are the highest of the hierarchy and that they are fighting for humanities salvation.


2021-06-23, 10:39 AM
The Alabastar Scouts
The Pathfinder Society (sure it's completely lifted off another game, but meh).
The Boar's Tooth Outriders

2021-06-23, 10:50 AM
The Seekers

2021-06-23, 10:51 AM
An elite squad. Red squad. Or any color for that matter there are more than just one.

You could also go with premier unit. As they are the first in.

Are the just fighters, rangers? Investigation and infiltration and elimination lends itself to eye for eye squad. This a bit more lawful neutral borderline evil.

2021-06-23, 10:54 AM
Well, they seem to be kinda location scouts, from a society that lost its memory, so I’d bring that in:
The oblivion guard, the forgotten guard (or just the forgotten), and the void guard (or just the void) all seem like good names. The latter two names imply some level of ritual and secrecy, which may be good for the guards, and might explain why they are the elite guards. Perhaps the guard is made up of GOO warlocks worshipping the void, and getting power from it (allowing those guards to be reskinned starspawn.)
Maybe those guards actually caused the memory removal, and have been secretly pulling the strings on the republic, manipulating people for their own gain, or trying to steer them away from a dangerous entity deep below the ground.

2021-06-23, 11:08 AM
The Landcarvers.

Sometime mockingly called "the Landcravers" by those who think the institution is not living up to its claims about itself, be it in the realms of efficiency or of ethics.

2021-06-23, 11:53 AM
How about The Echoes.

n pl , -oes
a the reflection of sound or other radiation by a reflecting medium, esp. a solid object
b the sound so reflected
2 a repetition or imitation, esp. an unoriginal reproduction of another's opinions
3 something that evokes memories, esp. of a particular style or era
4 sometimes pl an effect that continues after the original cause has disappeared; repercussion
the echoes of the French Revolution
5 a person who copies another, esp. one who obsequiously agrees with another's opinions
a the signal reflected by a radar target
b the trace produced by such a signal on a radar screen
7 the repetition of certain sounds or syllables in a verse line
8 the quiet repetition of a musical phrase

Ambigious enough that they could be working with / against / just an imitation / returning from the past event.

2021-06-23, 11:55 AM
The Discovery Vanguard. The "DV"s for short.

2021-06-23, 06:40 PM
Onyx Guard*

*Yeah, pulled from Gears of War games, but I like it and it kinda fits.

2021-06-23, 09:01 PM
Give them a distinctive item of gear or clothing, and name them after that.

"The scouts originally had a name, but its been lost to history. Now, everyone just call them Redarms, on account of them dying the right sleeves of their clothing red."

2021-06-24, 12:58 AM
The Prospectors.

Lord Vukodlak
2021-06-24, 05:18 AM
The Ice Wardens
The Outriders
The One-for-All
The Hand (because the hand points the way)

da newt
2021-06-24, 07:36 AM
The Wanderers

The Blythe Elite Guard (BEGs for short)

The Lost Boys (cheesey)

(BTW it would be quite abnormal for the elite guard to be sent away - most societies keep their elite guard close to the royalty at all times)

2021-06-24, 01:28 PM
The Winter Soldiers (sorry. had to. :D )

Terra Guards

The White Plainsmen (perhaps they wear all-white armor or a snow motif or something)

The Plain Seekers (or Planeseekers, if they seek land on a different plane of existence)

Grim Portent
2021-06-24, 03:44 PM
Honestly they'd probably get named something like the 'Expeditionary Force.' No mention of where they're from or anything since the republic is the only known place anyway so there's no need to distinguish between them and other nations. Individual expeditions would then get called things like 'the 2nd Expeditionary Batallion' or something, and develop individual nicknames or abbreviated designations, like 'the 2nd Expeditionary Batallion - the Wave Walkers.'

2021-06-24, 04:39 PM
I’d use their name as a plot hook. So something loosely related to what they are doing now but it’s not their original purpose.

Something like The Watchers people assume they are watching out for new lands to colonize, but in reality they are watching for something far more sinister. However, since they lost their purpose...

2021-06-24, 05:18 PM
Something nice, simple, and rememberable.
If I take my players as an example, no way would they remember The gem-faced guardians of axolotl or whatever, but say... idk the Steel Wall, the Iron-Guard, or.. the Redguard?

2021-06-24, 07:10 PM
I don’t know the bible well but it sounds like you just had Genesis which I think is the first part. After that is Exodus (the search for new land) …. Maybe?? I’m not totally sure on that. But.. if they are searching for new land after a Genesis, maybe call them:

Exodus Company ? Not sure if exodus means what I think it means lol

Or Discovery Company? Something like 60-200 elite soldiers…

2021-06-24, 08:34 PM
The Frostbitten Battalion.

The Yeti Bred Bastards.

The No Nose Nationals.

The Hypothermia Hussars.

The Toeless Troopers.

Eyes of the Nor'easter.

Icicle Blooded.

Blizzard Brigade.

Snow Squad.

2021-06-25, 06:19 PM
The Mamby Pambies.

Those Who Can Cut Onions Without Crying.

(ooo I like that one! I'm stealing it from myself)

Um... the Greedy Capitalist Bastidges.

okay - hadta mess around, sorry....

The Crushing Hand

The Scarlet Fist

The Ebon Blades

Legion of Doom

Heck, google names from mmo's and computer games - find a game no one's heard of but that has a great name for a group in it - and steal it