View Full Version : Spells that grant feats -- feat hacking

2021-06-23, 04:16 PM
In the realm of getting new feats for short periods of time, the only thing I can think of is alter self. Are there other spells that give the recipient a feat?

2021-06-23, 04:18 PM
Heroics (Sorc/Wiz 2, SpC) gives you a fighter bonus feat that you qualify for. Lasts 10 minutes/level.

2021-06-23, 04:22 PM
Mirror Move (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20000901a)

2021-06-23, 04:52 PM
Bite of the Werebear (SC) gives Blind-Fight and Power Attack.
Bite of the Wereboar (SC) gives Blind-Fight.
Bite of the Wererat (SC) gives Weapon-Finesse.
Favor of the Martyr (SC) gives Endurance.
Master's Touch (SC) gives Weapon Proficiency.
Unfailing Endurance (DotF) gives Endurance.

2021-06-24, 04:29 AM
There's a list of ways to get feats without taking them here (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=4099.0). Scroll down to the 4th post for spells and powers.

2021-06-24, 02:27 PM
If you are willing to go third party the fine folks at Distant Horizon Games greatly expanded the rules for magic items by for one thing reverse engineering all those canon magic items.

So instead of the kludging of "okay this spell kinda sorta does something similar to this magic item we just made" they "here's the spell that does exactly what this magic does." And since there are magic items that give out feats, Practical Enchanter has spells that temporarily give out feats.

It's free shareware so I would suggest taking a look for yourself here (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/51242/The-Practical-Enchanter).

2021-06-26, 08:04 AM
My favorite way to get new feat for a period of time is the chaos shuffle trick. If you combine it with Dwomerkeeper or Thought Bottle it even doesnt costs xp!

ex: Want to craft -) switch all the feat you want to them then when you are done, switch it back to whatever your want.

Perfectly legal but really broken.

You can change all the feat you have, including the 4 racial proficiencies feat if your race is elf.
1: Use the spell Embrace the Dark Chaos to trade any feat you have for an Abyssal Heritor feat.
2: Use the spell Shun The Dark Chaos to trade any Abyssal Heritor feat you have for any feat you qualify for.

If you are low level or don't have access to those spells, you already named alter self but some options are not available with it. Some forms are only accessible via higher spells like polymorph, draconic polymorph or Shapechange.

2021-06-28, 10:53 AM
Paragon Surge from PF gives you a floating one every day.