View Full Version : Replacement Suggestion

2021-06-23, 06:55 PM
So the current team is:

High Elf Battle Smith Artificer
Loxodon Chronurgist Wizard
Wood Elf Horizon Walker Ranger
Leonin Forge Cleric

Pretty sure my Bladelock is gonna die soon, so I am curious what I should replace him with. I was thinking Monk? Not really sure what would work well with this group.

2021-06-23, 08:31 PM
So you’ve got a lot of Int and a lot of Wis on that team. Is the Ranger melee or ranged?

If melee, the Monk might feel a bit redundant. But if you went Kensai for some longbow Monkage, that might be fun for this team. After all, you have plenty of spellcasting already.

If ranged, this seems like the perfect place for a Paladin. You need melee and you need a face. A Paladin gives you both in one convenient package! For subclass, why not go Watchers for fun?

2021-06-24, 01:40 AM
Bouncing off the previous commenter's point about room for melee damage and some face skills, why not a Swashbuckler Rogue?

You'd have plenty of room to dip in and out of the front lines as necessary, and you'd be doing pretty good single-target damage. Another boon is that, unlike other party members, you wouldn't have limited resources. This means your rogue could be staying consistently punchy even when the rest of the party is flagging on spells.

You'd also have expertise in a few things, of course, so you could go after persuasion or any other skill you think is fun or lacking.

Another benefit: as someone who has played a rogue in a party with multiple full casters, it is really nice to have Evasion at level 7. Wizard wants to drop a fireball on the cluster of enemies you're dueling? Go right ahead; you can take those blasts all day.

Or at least far longer than any enemy can, which is really all that matters.

2021-06-24, 08:03 AM
Paladin, Watchers
Monk: Sun Soul or Kensei.

2021-06-24, 08:33 AM
RK could work well. Lots of damage, utility, and CC option.

2021-06-24, 09:44 AM
So the current team is:

High Elf Battle Smith Artificer
Loxodon Chronurgist Wizard
Wood Elf Horizon Walker Ranger
Leonin Forge Cleric

Pretty sure my Bladelock is gonna die soon, so I am curious what I should replace him with. I was thinking Monk? Not really sure what would work well with this group.

I agree with previous suggestions of sticking to melee with a charisma bent, like the bladelock was, since it's likely (although you didn't fully clarify) the same roles of tank support and face are still needed. Aside from Swashbuckler and Paladin, there's always Lore Bard (you can take a Hex dip just like a Hexadin again, or take a race to patch your AC, like mountain dwarf, githyanki, or tortle), or one of the Fighter subclasses with social skills (Battle Master, Samurai, Rune Knight, or Cavalier, but Rune Knight and Cavalier aren't very good at it) - remember, crossbow expert and gunner both let you use a ranged weapon just fine while front-lining.

Since you already have a Bladelock, in your position I'd roll a Hexadin and roleplay it as the same patron (for Hexblades in particular, you can basically always fluff them as working for any patron capable of supporting warlocks, just granting a different set of boons) dispatching a replacement, along with a note of apology for the previous minion's incompetence and failure.