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View Full Version : Questions about charging while flying as a cleric

2021-06-24, 08:04 AM

I want to make a cleric that will have fly (persisted) and will charge opponents. I'll probably use a scythe. My race is elf so I don't have dive attack like avariels.

1) I found online that: If a flyer makes a diving charge of at least 30 feet (6 squares) and also loses 10 feet of altitude or more, it can attack only with a claw or with a piercing or slashing weapon. These attacks, however, deal double damage.

Does only mounted charges get double damage or I'm fine with having fly?

2) Do I need to have perfect maneuverability to charge or a good maneuverability is ok?
I could take the Improved Flight feat but I'll not do it if it's not required.

thanks for the information.

2021-06-24, 08:46 AM
Charge's only requirement is that you are able to move in a straight line with nothing in the way.

That said, claws and talons are the only inherent weapons that do double damage on a dive attack.

So, you can charge while flying at any maneuverability as long as you can take a full action and you aren't required to spend movement on turning or changing vertical direction. Well, as long as it doesn't prevent you from moving in a straight line. It's simply a lot easier with better maneuverability.