View Full Version : Level order - for infernal adept

2021-06-26, 04:09 PM
From what I've read, the order of leveling is:
Choose Class
Adjust base attack bonus
Adjust base save bonus
Adjust ability score
Adjust skill points
Select feats
Select spells
Add class feature

If a feat requires a specific level of invocation (I'm thinking infernal adept) ... Are you able to take it the level you gain a greater invocation?

2021-06-26, 04:22 PM
No. You gain the invocation after feat selection (as part of class features).

2021-06-26, 04:28 PM
So if something requires a specific caster level, you can't take it until the next level? Like a prestige class

2021-06-26, 04:33 PM
Precisely correct.

Maat Mons
2021-06-26, 05:41 PM
Small wrinkle:

A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he or she gains the prerequisite.

But for prestige classes, yeah, you can't actually take it until the level after you gain the prerequisites.

2021-06-26, 05:48 PM
Nothing says that there is actually any order to applying the benefits to a levelup. An example of a contradiction to having a levelup order are all the caster level feats that require caster level 1st or 3rd. None of them expect you to get the feats 2-3 levels after you would have. They are meant to be taken at 1st and 3rd levels. Precocious Apprentice exemplifies this by requiring caster level 1 and can only be taken at level 1. Caster level being a part of your spellcasting feature as exemplified by paladins and rangers.

To answer the OP, yes you would be able to take infernal adept on at warlock 11 if you gain a feat at that level. If you are fighter 1/warlock 11, your 12th level feat can be infernal adept.

2021-06-26, 05:55 PM
Maat, that refers to BAB, Class Level, Character Level, Skill Ranks, etc.

Incidentally, 1st level has a special rule. It is found on page 6 of the PHB. Class features get selected prior to feats at 1st (and only 1st) level. It also has the following:

Most of these are automatic, but some involve making choices and thinking ahead about upcoming character creation steps. Feel free to look ahead or to backtrack and do something over if you need to.