View Full Version : DM Help The best spells for an Adult Dragon

2021-06-28, 11:06 AM
I am putting the finishing touches on an adult Plaid Dragon. While the base chassis is Copper Dragon, particularly the base acid immunity and personality traits from the MM, when a Plaid Dragon gets to Adult level it's transformation into the fertile stage of life gives it heritage and characteristics of Copper, Blue, Gold, Green, and White in descending order. (This is based on the Tartan I chose, the "Plaid" for the Plaid dragon if you like).
Having added the resistances of Blue, White, Gold and Green to this dragon's acid immunity (it's defensive CR increase may boost its CR to 15, but I'll confine myself to CR 14 limitations in the Monster Manual for the moment) I am looking for a 'best fit' for its innate spells.

A young or older dragon can innately cast a number of Spells equal to its Charisma modifier. (+ 4 in this case). Each spell can be cast once per day, requiring no material Components.
The spell’s level can be no higher than one-third the dragon’s Challenge rating (rounded down). 14 /3 = 4 2/3 = 4. The dragon’s bonus to hit with spell attacks is equal to its Proficiency Bonus + its Charisma bonus. +5 +4 = +9. The dragon’s spell save DC equals 8 + its Proficiency Bonus + its Charisma modifier = 17. I am leaving open the possibility of this dragon being able to cast one or two divine spells (Clerical or Druidic) since there is, somewhere behind the West Wind, a local court or dwelling of the King of Good Dragons(Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon).
He dwells in the Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia, but often wanders The Material Plane in the magical guise of a venerable human male in peasant robes. In this form, he is usually accompanied by seven golden canaries—actually seven ancient gold Dragons in polymorphed form. {snip} As a lesser god, he has the power to grant divine Spells.
My Quandry: there is technically no limit to where the spells come from for spellcasting dragons. I have, for "known spells" casters a bad habit of paralysis through over-analysis when choosing spells. (You can ask our group about the fun they have at my expense over my spell choice thrashing about...)
My Request: I am asking the Playground for two different takes on what spells this Copper Dragon has, innately.

Case 1: One spell each from level 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the Sorcerer list (based on the affinity between Sorcerers and Dragons in the PHB).

Case 2: One spell each of levels 2, 3, and 4 from the Wizard1 list and one spell of any level, one through 4, from either the Cleric or Druid spell list.
In our game world, all magic practiced by humans ultimately originates from dragons. Some centuries ago, the clans of Blue, Gold, Green, White and Copper dragons (and their cults and minions) hunted down and nearly exterminated humanoid wizards due to wizards (who had, way back in the mists of history) first learned spells and magic from dragons, having run amok with their magic and wreaked havoc all over the known world. (Things like the Krynn's cataclysm, Greyhawk's rain of colorless fire, Nethril's bloody disasters in FR, Athas' disasters, etc).
1Any wizard spell could have originally been a dragon spell except for the named ones like Bigby's hand, Tenser's Disk, Tasha's Laughter, etc, so don't include those wizard-named spells.
What are the best spells for this adult (mostly) copper dragon?

2021-06-28, 12:14 PM
Here are some ideas I like by level:

1. Disguise Self (to look like metallic dragon)
2. Misty Step (BA to move around tank), or Invisibility (to escape)
3. Fear (concentration) to use after frightful presence, or Blink (a blinking dragon would be scary)
4. Command or Charm Person (upcast to level 4 for 4 targets) or Hallucinatory Terrain (to set up the lair)

2021-06-28, 12:23 PM
Here are some ideas I like by level:

1. Disguise Self (to look like metallic dragon)
2. Misty Step (BA to move around tank), or Invisibility (to escape)
3. Fear (concentration) to use after frightful presence, or Blink (a blinking dragon would be scary)
4. Command or Charm Person (upcast to level 4 for 4 targets) or Hallucinatory Terrain (to set up the lair)

a. Command (technically) can't be upcast based on Innate spellcasting rules, but that's not a bad idea and I can waive that limitation. Hmm, pondering. Fog Cloud is almost my favorite first level spell of all time ...
b. Hallucinatory Terrain I really like conceptually; I had not given that any thought.
c. Misty Step. Hmm, with flight that may not be necessary, and wing attack gives half flying movement as a legendary action ... but as a bonus action it does some neat things.
(Maybe I restrict my choices to spells with bonus actions, this might give me some more ideas ... )
d. Fear: Already have frightful presence. Is this a backup to that?
e. Blink? Love it! :smallbiggrin: And that fits the quirky personality of a copper dragon pretty well. :smallsmile:

2021-06-28, 01:36 PM
Well, let's see, what do Dragons have...

- Great Fly-speed
- Breath weapon
- Frightful Presence
- Lots of durability of all sorts
- Blindsight
- Other decent modes of movement
- Decent melee prowess
- Legendary Actions that

Spells that lean onto those traits are obviously good. What they do want: any self-enhancing spells. What they don't want: standalone spells, damage spells or control spells (though some are good enough to potentially be worth it). I wouldn't bother with most save-or-X spells nor damage spells: generally Concentration buffs are nice (Dragons have Legendary Resistance and good Con so their spells are usually safe). Bonus action spells are often preferable and Concentration buffs are good though the few Reaction spells must be mentioned for just how much they give. Few spells that stand out from 1-4:

1. Expeditious Retreat, Longstrider, Fog Cloud [I ran a Young Green Dragon with Fog Cloud and Misty Step and got my very first almost-TPK, though ultimately he was forced to escape at 2 HP], Shield, Absorb Elements
2. Misty Step, Pyrotechnics [especially if Red], Darkness, Mirror Image, Blur, Web
3. Sleet Storm, Haste, Spirit Shroud, Thunder Step, Hypnotic Pattern, Blink, Dispel Magic, Counterspell
4. Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Watery Sphere, Fire Shield, [Summon Greater Demon]

Then just putting together a list of 4 that fit together. Generally you want at least one Concentration spell but not too many (it's worth noting that Dragons are very vulnerable to getting Dispelled and that's likely what'll happen with most of the annoying spells that are Dispellable, something to keep in mind) but especially the mobility and defensive options are very brutal especially if the party lacks means to remove them (trying to fight a Dragon inside Sleet Storm is like getting Darkness/Devil's Sighted except Devil's Sight doesn't avail you, the Darkness-spell also restricts movement, and is 80' across). OTOH Haste is just a superb kiting tool.

And it's probably not a bad idea to have an AOE control spell for when the party is conveniently bunched up and the Dragon's breath weapon isn't up yet. Pyrotechnics is nice if you have ways to generate flames (use the Smoke option) as it doesn't cost Concentration...though Blink is really, really good too.

2021-06-28, 01:48 PM
This is a general pick... sorc/wizard list, based on what helps a dragon kill enemies or survive better in combat.

1 Shield (block MM, +AC)
2 Misty Step OR Hold Person (Misty Step is best to surprise enemies)
3 Blink (Use after Greater Invisibility is popped, forces enemies to Hold their actions for you half the time)
4 Greater Invisibility (Start with this)

2021-06-28, 02:08 PM
Some random musings...

Earthbind. If you were a dragon then a lot of stuff that isn't able to fly isn't much of a threat. Make more stuff unable to fly seems good.

Heat metal. The archetypal enemy of the dragon is the Knight. Dry roas them in their own armour.

Counterspell. If you are a dragon then it is the unexpected that can take you down. One solid all purpose get out of jail free spell is good.

Invisibility. If you can't be targeted by most spells and can't easily be pinned down it's hard to avoid a very nasty breath weapon. Failing that... its still useful for escape.

Aura of vitality. On such a mobile beast, healing up and coming back to finish a fight is a viable tactic.

2021-06-28, 03:02 PM
Greater Inivisibility and counterspell together .... hmm.
Add Shield or Fog Cloud.
Problem with heat metal is that it's a concentration spell and the party tends to focus fire on the dragon; eventually, that con save fails.
Invisibility ... yeah,

And now, which divine spells are a 'best fit' if I go for Case 2?

2021-06-28, 03:23 PM
Well, Plant Growth is obviously a huge spell for a Dragon to capitalise on its mobility: make a groundbound enemy practically unable to move while you roam free, and it's not Concentration. Of course, it's pretty useless if enemies fly. Sanctuary could be fun and potentially useful, and as said, Aura of Vitality or Healing Spirit (level 4) are potentially worthwhile as ways to self-heal after making an escape before coming back for more (only 70 points on average but that's still significant). Tidal Wave is a reasonably solid anti-flyer spell without Concentration that's also solid in case PCs do have means to raise up to the challenge - though of course casting a spell takes Action which could be used for all sorts of other powerful stuff (Dodge, Full Attack, Breath by default).

From Wizard list, Summon Greater Demon is a great option btw; an uncontrolled Demon lasts for 1d6 rounds and would be another body wreaking havoc on the party (probably just Babau or something to do more annoying casting and dispelling and such) so it could be cast before casting Greater Invisibility.

2021-06-28, 03:29 PM
Depends on the dragon's color, I think.

Metallic dragons, who are probably used to allying with humans, might have things to help human allies fight better.

Chromatics, who are generally on the wrong end of human swords, probably have anti human measures.

2021-06-28, 03:36 PM
If you want to take advantage of the dragon’s Blindsense, you could use Fog Cloud or Darkness. With either spell, the dragon would have advantage against the party and impose disadvantage to their attacks, and would also prevent spellcasters from targeting the dragon with some really nasty spells by breaking line of sight. Not bad for low-level spells.

If you really want to throw a curveball, Polymorph or Shapechange could give the bossfight another form for the players to fight through. Maybe the dragon’s bored and wants to fight as a T-Rex? Maybe the adult black dragon that was menacing a town was actually an ancient green dragon in disguise?

2021-06-28, 03:45 PM
I am putting the finishing touches on an adult Plaid Dragon.

Expeditious Retreat is practically required, specifically so you can make the Spaceballs reference.

How about Find Familiar -- guy could get a plaid tiger pet, maybe?

Suggestion is great if you intend for an sort of social-fu (or a social-schemer background for the dragon).

Alarm isn't sexy, but it's useful for anyone with a lair and a hoard.

2021-06-28, 04:11 PM
Greater Inivisibility and counterspell together .... hmm.
Add Shield or Fog Cloud.
Problem with heat metal is that it's a concentration spell and the party tends to focus fire on the dragon; eventually, that con save fails.
Invisibility ... yeah,

And now, which divine spells are a 'best fit' if I go for Case 2?

Hmm. Adult metalics have +10 to +13 to their con saves. So that is 24 damage at a time needed just for them to not auto-pass a save. Martials can easily dish that out in a turn, but generally need to be a rogue, be lucky (basically a crit) or be packing a major magic weapon to hit that on a single attack. If they also happene to be at disadvantage from heat metal then landing that becomes very unlikely indeed. If a spellcaster to burning high enough level spells on damage to take down the spell... then I would also call that a win.

I mean it isn't impossible to break concentration but it is likely to take a while... and the party is still fighting a dragon all the while.

2021-06-28, 04:24 PM
Hmm. Adult metalics have +10 to +13 to their con saves. So that is 24 damage at a time needed just for them to not auto-pass a save. Martials can easily dish that out in a turn, but generally need to be a rogue, be lucky (basically a crit) or be packing a major magic weapon to hit that on a single attack. If they also happene to be at disadvantage from heat metal then landing that becomes very unlikely indeed. If a spellcaster to burning high enough level spells on damage to take down the spell... then I would also call that a win.

I mean it isn't impossible to break concentration but it is likely to take a while... and the party is still fighting a dragon all the while.

First Level: Fog Cloud and the blind sense combo is the Go To. Alarm is a close second given how paranoid about their hordes copper dragons are.

Second level: Heat Metal, Earthbind, and Misty Step are the finalists, but Suggestion fits the Copper Dragon centric personality. All good choices for different reasons.

Third Level: Blink, Counterspell, sleet storm. I need to cogitate on that.
Plant Growth, if the dragon has a cult or a following, would be a way that they have a richer harvest and are all grateful to the dragon for their continued prosperity. Hmmm. RP heavy. And some OK tactical uses.

Fourth Level: Polymorph, Tidal Wave, Aura of Vitality/Healing Spirit. OK, I need to revisit my thematics

Thanks everyone, some great suggestions and I definitely narrowed down some of my choices.

2021-06-28, 04:37 PM
This IS still a metallic dragon.

Consider the odds the PCs might not ever fight him. They might well want to ally with the big /metallic/ dragon. Copper dragons play tricks, sure, but they're still good guys, and if the party accepts the tricks as the good natured fun they are, the dragon's going to like them back for being good sports.

...missed the whole 'plaid' thing.

Still, if the dragon is generally benevolent, he can count on friendly adventurers. Particularly if he's a Bahamut worshipper and the PCs know about it.

2021-06-28, 07:35 PM
Misty Step and/or Dimension Door are critical otherwise the dragon has no way out of a Wall of Force/Forcecage.

Cast a hemispherical wall of force above a solid rock surface enclosing the dragon inside. Leave a small gap between the edge of the hemisphere and the ground, you and your friends cast spells while the dragon can't do anything. Dragons without spells have significant Achilles heels' and Misty Step/Dimension Door helps with one of those.

2021-06-28, 08:46 PM
How much does a dragon need spells to boost their combat ability?
They're a pretty formidable opponent, especially on their own turf. And a dragon is usually a long term planner/strategist very comparable to a lich

Sending would be a means of communication for long term goals
Divination to develop information/ intel
Private sanctum (permanent with a year of casting; piddles to a dragon) can set up dead zones in strategic places
Stone shape can probably be duplicated with claws/digging...
Glyphs at strategic locations for those handy 1st & 2nd level spells; whats a few gold to a dragon?
Web, Hold person, Suggestion (go home), Blindness, Thunderwave

But if the dragon is a protagonist, and looking to confront the party, I'd suggest things that compliment it's already formidable abilities
It has an AoE (breath), it's a formidable melee opponent and it has the means of fleeing that's difficult to keep up with.
So what boosts it would be Crowd control, Buffs & De-buffs

2021-06-29, 01:13 PM
Key question: Does a dragon choose its spells tactically, or does it just end up with spells based on its inherent nature? A red dragon, for instance, might end up with Fireball, if it's based on its inherent fiery nature, but one who's choosing spells probably wouldn't choose Fireball, because it already has a better option available to it for doing a lot of fire damage in an area. It might, instead, choose something like Cone of Cold, to give it unexpected variety in its options.

2021-06-29, 07:35 PM
1 Shield
2 Blur
3 Counterspell
4 Freedom of Movement


2021-06-30, 07:56 AM
Key question: Does a dragon choose its spells tactically, or does it just end up with spells based on its inherent nature? Given that dragons generally have high INT Scores, I think that their curious nature and 'finding things out as they grow up and age' would allow "I choose" more than "since you are red you must use fire" though I am not so sure that a cold spell is something I'd go with. I think I am more interested in stuff that isn't pure combat. As you say, if a red dragon wants to hurt someone, tail, claw, wings, teeth, and breath can all hurt things. They can also grapple creatures, fly up, and drop them. :smallcool::smallcool:

And a dragon is usually a long term planner/strategist very comparable to a lich Yes, that's more where my brain is coming from

Sending would be a means of communication for long term goals
Divination to develop information/ intel
Private sanctum (permanent with a year of casting; piddles to a dragon) can set up dead zones in strategic places
Stone shape can probably be duplicated with claws/digging...
Glyphs at strategic locations for those handy 1st & 2nd level spells; whats a few gold to a dragon?
Web, Hold person, Suggestion (go home), Blindness, Thunderwave
I had not given private sanctum any thought. Checking.

But if the dragon is a protagonist, and looking to confront the party, I'd suggest things that compliment it's already formidable abilities. It has an AoE (breath), it's a formidable melee opponent and it has the means of fleeing that's difficult to keep up with. So what boosts it would be Crowd control, Buffs & De-buffs something along those lines. (And I chose against plant growth since this dragon does not have a cult or anything following it).

1 Shield
2 Blur
3 Counterspell
4 Freedom of Movement
Let's see:
Fog Cloud, Misty Step, Counterspell, Freedom of Movement.
Very combat focused. I wonder if I ought to plug in something else at level 3 and 4.

Hmm, would blink help it get out of a Wall of Force kind of hemispherical trap?

Mord's Private Sanctum spell, for the paranoid dragon, looks like another way to provide security for the hoard and Mord is a Greyhawk wizard, and this game world is my variation of Greyhawk.

While Counterspell is very good, the dragon already has legendary saves. A divination or communication spell might be just the thing ...

2021-06-30, 09:21 AM
While I didn't think of it earlier, I love fog cloud on a dragon. Lots of other great ideas on here too.

2021-06-30, 11:43 AM
OK, I have 3 of four chosen

(1) Fog Cloud, (2) Misty Step, (3) {TBD}, (4) Mord's Private Sanctum I have decided that the Plaid Dragon takes the usual paranoia as regards the treasure hoard to a bit of an extreme. Mord's provides a way to increase protection of the precious art objects, etc, that the dragon has accumulated over the years.

The level 3 suggestions you all have made have gotten my juices flowing.

I was tempted to give him conjure animals so that that he can create a little zergling rush at the start of a battle, or send a couple of giant eagles on hour long scouting missions: still mulling that over.

Spells like sending, though, are useful for staying in touch with other dragons of his clan, or any other dragon or being that he's met. Thematically, this dragon might value that a great deal.

I'll keep on thinking, thanks to you all for the suggestions. :smallsmile: It helped a great deal.
My final two are slow and plant growth. Since this dragon can change shape into a mortal form (like a gold can) the agrarian benefit element of that spell can fit into a nice bit of world building, and it has some tactical benefits as well.
Slow is a purely tactical choice that can have an impact on up to six foes.
Hard not to take.
More cogitating necessary; our next session isn't for a few weeks (various folks in the group on vacation) so the final pick will probably come to me at random at some point in the next few days.