View Full Version : fake treasure

2021-06-29, 03:03 AM
Is there any magic that can make mundane items seem valuable?

This needs to be permanent - but doesn't have to be on the items. In fact, it would be best if it affected an area.

2021-06-29, 03:12 AM
Is there any magic that can make mundane items seem valuable?

This needs to be permanent - but doesn't have to be on the items. In fact, it would be best if it affected an area.

I don't think there's a spell for what you want.

Distort Value and Incite Greed can make items look more valuable and don't give way to scrutiny, but they're temporary and target single objects. Major image makes something look valuable, can be permanent and targets an area, but you can't interact with them. Mirage Arcane can create an area of illusory treasure that feels real, but it only lasts 10 days

2021-06-29, 04:33 AM
I don't think there's a spell for what you want.

Distort Value and Incite Greed can make items look more valuable and don't give way to scrutiny, but they're temporary and target single objects. Major image makes something look valuable, can be permanent and targets an area, but you can't interact with them. Mirage Arcane can create an area of illusory treasure that feels real, but it only lasts 10 days

Thanks. I guess I will just have to make something home brew.

2021-06-29, 04:45 AM
Distort Value from Acquisitions Inc. is a 1st level spell that lets you half or double the value of an item. Lasts 8 hours


2021-06-29, 05:54 AM
Nystul's magic aura to make mundane items appear magical might work, iirc, cast often enough the effect becomes permanent (everyday for a month maybe? I'm afb).

2021-06-29, 11:04 AM
Is there any magic that can make mundane items seem valuable?

This needs to be permanent - but doesn't have to be on the items. In fact, it would be best if it affected an area.

I thought this was going to be a thread about mimics.

Speaking of which, technically Seeming can be used to make a mimic look more valuable for up to 8 hours. But, you're better off just inventing a custom spell.

2021-06-29, 05:11 PM
Could be a Lair effect or a Regional effect.

2021-06-29, 06:46 PM
Nystul's magic aura to make mundane items appear magical might work, iirc, cast often enough the effect becomes permanent (everyday for a month maybe? I'm afb).

This. NMA is the closest but it targets specific objects or creatures, not an area. Maybe make a higher level version of it that affects an area?

2021-06-30, 09:24 AM
Mirage Arcane, based on how I read it, could make an empty space appear to be filled with treasures, or possibly make stones and rubble seem like rubies and gold. Depending on how sightlines work out, it could cover a pretty impressive amount of space. You can even pick up the illusory valuables, and maintain the illusion so long as they don't leave the spell's area.

Duration is 10 days, not permanent, but not too hard to work with. Also, it sounds like you're the DM, so you can just say "it's permanent."

2021-06-30, 04:56 PM
Nystul's Magic Aura has already been mentioned. For non-magical valuables, you might look into any illusion or transmutation spells that can change the appearance of an object, making it look like something more valuable than it really is.

Speaking of it affecting an area, though, this makes me think of something where the "valuable treasure" reverts to its true form (useless junk) if it is removed from the place it was found, e.g. as soon as you cross the dungeon threshold, all those coins and gems turn into rocks. I feel like I've seen this used somewhere before (maybe a movie or book?), but I can't remember where.

Carpe Gonzo
2021-06-30, 07:04 PM
Take a page from Caves of Chaos / Keep on the Borderlands:

paint copper pieces to look like gp

2021-06-30, 08:34 PM
Lay down some Creation magic pure-metal coins each day in your dungeon.

Don't mess with Illusionists. Nuff said. :smallwink:

Although the fakeout of finding a hoard full of tarnished electrum coins which seem worthless- yet are an incredible collector's find from an older civilization that could sell two platinum a piece are a wonderful twist on the concept of fake or junk treasure.

Ooh! Looting a vault with a hidden door within Darkness. There are obvious-feeling gems in the vault and navigating in and out of the room is incredibly taxing- as is staying within it. (Endless shadows in Darkness in hallways, chef kiss) The party could spend time making investigation checks to find, disarm, unlock, open and enter the secret door to where the actually valuable items are- or they could take the stupid big quartz jewels that totally seem legit when you can't see anything and are being attacked.

Ooh, and red herring structures in the dungeon where the party sees a rock-sized hole near a closed door after getting treasure. The party might just huck an expensive jewel down there- or even more valuable items when that doesn't work. (Bonus points if they use something found in the dungeon to squeeze through the useless bottomless pit below the gem-sized space and emerge into the actual treasure hoard room.)

2021-06-30, 09:47 PM
Take a page from Caves of Chaos / Keep on the Borderlands:

paint copper pieces to look like gp

We actually did that once and it came back to bite us two campaigns later lol

2021-06-30, 10:48 PM
I am a fan of faux magic items, such as:
The stick of digging (a shovel)
Potion of thirst quench (bottle of water)
Tome of untold history (just a notebook)
Pixie Greatsword (a regular sized dagger)
Toothpick of Giant-Kin (a regular sized spear).

Just homebrew up some fantastic sounding names for everyday items.