View Full Version : Hidden Shrine on VTT?

Sparky McDibben
2021-06-30, 02:53 PM
I will probably need to run Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan on Roll20 soon. I have a few questions.

1) Has anyone on here run it? How does it play? Are there are optional features you recommend?

2) Is there an option to only purchase HST on Roll20 or do you have to get the whole Yawning Portal set?

Any other advice would be welcome.

2021-06-30, 04:01 PM
I looked into running it after going through Sunless Citadel and Forge of Fury, but ultimately it didn't happen. However, I do know you can purchase Hidden Shrine as an adventure separately from the Yawning Portal book. IIRC, it was like $5.99 by itself when I looked at it.

2021-06-30, 04:10 PM
1) Has anyone on here run it? How does it play? Are there are optional features you recommend?
I ran it (on roll 20). My biggest complaint (as a DM) is how I had to grow and shrink the map to keep track of what was going on.

The party has a lot of chances to make various mistakes. They also bypassed a lot of content; they figured out early that 'being in here where the poison gas keeps weakening us sux, let's get out of here!'

Getting out became really important.

I did not find the doppelganger placement in the adventure to be credible. I swapped one into a vampire spawn and one into a mummy.

The party was of mixed opinion on the adventure; quite a bit of exploration and look for traps amd clues stuff, to be sure. Once they got out of the zone with the poison gas they were relieved. The ball game somewhat disoriented my players, in terms of "what the hell's the point of this?" - perhaps not helped when I tried to inject some levity into the proceedings by doing the "goalgoalgoalgoalgoalgoal!" cry whenever they scored.

But the bigger kicker is that encounter in room 7. That flat out tells you that you have to more or less introduce the 'outside content' yourself. I eventually did, but I'd suggest taking a good hard look at that particular encounter and think through it. You may want to tweak it.

I got the whole TfTYP and enjoyed both the Forge of Fury and Sunless Citadel as presented. The only serious adlibbing I did in Forge of Fury was with the succubus. She became a minor BBEG since the party bought her sob story hook, line and sinker. :smallbiggrin: