View Full Version : New Seven Days To Die Thread, Horde Base and Home Base Ideas.

2021-07-01, 11:19 AM
Ive been watching a lot of youtube videos of 7d2d and seen a large number of interesting base builds and guides for the "best" way to setup a home shop and to build a horde base thats all but indestructible. I just gave a new base design (new for me) a shot and wanted to see what people thought and what type of base you guys go with. First off is the horde base.

I did a standard raised double hatch hallway where the pathway is a single block wide, and three blocks tall so I can put a hatch on the roof and on the floor and have a full block gap to shoot or club through. What I did differently though, was I built two staggered staircase blocks sideways. To give a better description, if my base was facing north, the stairs rose up from the east and west. I then left a path 3 blocks long to reach my hallway, and built a block on the side to place a sledge turret. Then in front of my entrance, i want to say 6-7 blocks out, I built a 2x3 pillar 4 blocks high and mounted a generator and three smg auto turrets on top. One turret pointed left and down a bit to cover the left hand staircase and surrounding area, one in the middle pointed up to shoot down flyers, and one on the right to shoot the right hand side. My primary worry, because I had a hard time finding out if they would or not, was if my auto turrets would hurt me.

I regret to inform you that I still dont know, because maybe 1 in 20 zombies made it to the top of the steps and those died right there. Not a single one got close enough to be sledged off. I had fixed my earlier mistake of not being specced in advanced engineering so now I was getting 35% exp per kill (I was able to hit level 10 int during the horde, but not get the last skill point to max it at half exp) So that was awesome, even if the exp wasnt that great it was still sufficient to be acceptable and will be at 50% for the next horde. My base took like .001% damage which was my other concern, I worried about bullet damage but nope, even the zombies barely ever took a whack at my steps. Like the few blocks that took damage lost maybe 7 hp or so on average, several lost 1. My reinforced concrete was still standing in other words. :p I got spit at a few times when I was too far up and was in los for cops or birds but no big deal. I spent the second half of the horde taking pot shots with my pistol to try and grab some extra exp. I was worried about the ammo situation, but for an early horde it went well. None ran out, most had between 1-2 full stacks of ammo left. I think for future hordes I may setup a second generator and batch of turrets connected to a switch so when the first ones run out of ammo, I can just turn on the second batch. I of course still have to wait and see how it will do against irradiated hordes but im sure they will show up next week. Honestly brass is my biggest bottleneck but I am getting tons of dukes from better barter and daring adventurer perks so i can smelt them down as needed for casings when the traders dont have enough to sell me and regular brass looting doesnt cut it.

As for a home base, when I started playing, I got into the habit of finding a nice flat area in a good location and building a cube base from scratch. It had the benefits of giving me tons of early exp, being able to make it as large as I wanted so no trouble making space for crafting and storage, and being on the ground meant I could do night time mining if I wished. The downside was dealing with roaming zombies and animals and of course I was calling in screamers a lot with forging and mining. However, a lot of the youtubers seem to go with taking over a poi and living in the attic. So I gave that a go. Its surprisingly useful. With experience you can spot the best locations to take over and they all have their own advantages. My current one was a big old house. Very fancy looking on the outside with a huge garage, 2-3 stories, and a attic space big enough for 4 people to move in and make their own home base without getting in the way. The other upside is its a house that has TONS of bookcases in it which was very handy for an early start on books, schematics, and money at the traders. I basically stay quiet at night and never have to worry about zombies or animals because im too far away to get their attention by proximity or normal moving. Im honestly unsure what would happen if I spawned a screamer, I havent tried. I just leave my stuff off at night and turn it on at 4am when I leave. My last home base had a nice pool in the walled off back yard so I had virtually limitless murky water for anything I might want. And I didnt live in the attic I took over the second floor with crafting and storage in various rooms. Same upside though.

Anyone else want to share their horde or home base designs?

2021-07-09, 04:46 AM
Anyone else want to share their horde or home base designs?

It's been years since I played, but my zombie proof base was an island surrounded by water 2 blocks (yes, blocks) deep.
Add a stone wall with an overhang to prevent climbers from getting in, and they would just slowly drown themselves milling around the wall.
Waited for dawn, cleaned out the stragglers, then looted whatever was lying around and got back to base building.

2021-07-09, 06:34 AM
Yeah they patched that awhile ago, they can swim now. They can also tunnel to reach you so would dig through the ground of the island to get to you. Though I think its still possible to build an underwater base. If its far enough out and deep enough the zombies wont spawn. They need terrain blocks to spawn on within like 40 blocks of you. Even the birds spawn on the ground then take flight. But thats a LOT of effort to make yourself unattackable.

2021-07-09, 03:41 PM
Yeah they patched that awhile ago, they can swim now. They can also tunnel to reach you so would dig through the ground of the island to get to you. Though I think its still possible to build an underwater base. If its far enough out and deep enough the zombies wont spawn. They need terrain blocks to spawn on within like 40 blocks of you. Even the birds spawn on the ground then take flight. But thats a LOT of effort to make yourself unattackable.

We used to joke about getting enough players on a server to cover the entire surface in rest blocks so the zombies couldn't spawn at all. Then make one super fort and open a hole for horde night.

2021-07-14, 04:42 AM
Yeah they patched that awhile ago, they can swim now.

Can or *will*?
If the latter, then the logical counter would be an undrwater base, beaver style.
Maybe I should reinstall it and have a look.

2021-07-14, 06:20 AM
Can or *will*?
If the latter, then the logical counter would be an undrwater base, beaver style.
Maybe I should reinstall it and have a look.

If you can get far enough out into the water it can work, but the fun pimps turned zombies into master structural engineers who dig like moles on meth so its really hard to hide from the horde since they spawn knowing exactly where you are. They can and will dig/swim/climb directly towards you in the easiest path possible, which is why the standard horde base is usually raised now. Giving them one path to approach from with thick multiple block wide pillars to support it is the only way to survive long term. It makes taking over a poi and turning it into a horde base super chancy because you never know how they will come at you for sure.

Most of the old exploit bases dont work, and the ones that still do are harder to setup. Ive seen the endless killing corridor bases on youtube but it takes some extra effort to make it work properly and isnt perfect as if you mess it up slightly they will just ignore the path and tear apart your supports till the whole thing crumbles. Currently the best way to make one of the endless bases is to use double sledge turrets on a raised catwalk with blocks for them to jump on and stumble over slowing them down. Gets rid of like 98% of the zombies or better.