View Full Version : Ranger + Monk

2021-07-02, 10:54 AM
I wanna do a Ranger/Monk multiclass.

Is anyone aware of how well this works? I've not tried it before.

2021-07-02, 11:01 AM
Works fine but can be a little crowded with bonus actions but past that it's a solid mix at just about any break point. A hunter ranger with a kensei dip can be a switch hitting mook clearer off tank for example.

2021-07-02, 11:27 AM
gloomstalker is a strong 3 level dip for most monks and kensei is an okay 3 level dip for most rangers.

2021-07-02, 11:52 AM
I've built an experimental Swarmkeeper 9/ Shadow Monk 11 archer (the character is in process, but is only level 3 Ranger Swarmkeeper so far. The level distribution may change).

There are lots of way to gain advantage (shadow step, ranger fairie fire) or boost your chance to hit (focused aim) that works very well with the Sharpshooter -5/+10. It's killer as an archer because you can move about the field easily, bonus action disengage for Ki, shadow step, swarm agility to move yourself or enemies. Additionally, if you use focused aim to spend ki as part of your attack then you get a bonus action extra attack with a monk weapon.

Your AC is boosted by the Monk unarmored class, plus you can deflect missiles if someone shoots at you, and can even self heal with the Monk's abilities in Tashas.

You can use your bow as a dedicated monk weapon.

The ranger gives Hunter's Mark, Expertise in a skill, fighting style, limited flight, minor healing, some area control, and some great bonus spells from Tasha's.

You are welcome to look at the test build I have on DNDBeyond if you like. https://ddb.ac/characters/51482342/H9yArS (or the exported PDF if you prefer to look at a more classic sheet www.dndbeyond.com/sheet-pdfs/Nickl_2000_51482342.pdf)

2021-07-02, 12:13 PM
I think Ranger is a better dip on a monk than monk is on a ranger. But the other way is probably fine.

I'd go monk 6/ Ranger 4/ Monk X. That gets you hunter's mark, a fighting style, some healing, the ASI and then either horde breaker or gloom stalker for a free attack in some circumstances.

Shadow monk with some gloomstalker is a character I'd like to try in a campaign that starts at levels 7-9, especially if I could use the UA revised ranger.

2021-07-02, 12:14 PM
Currently, one of the party members in a game I DM is Monk (Four Elements) 5/Ranger (Fey Wanderer) 4; he certainly has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. It's a ship-heavy campaign, so he gets a lot of tactical value out of Shape the Flowing River, while being our party's most versatile combatant; he can shoot, fight, crowd-control, and emergency heal.

A 2-3 level Monk dip really helps to deal with one of the bigger problems which the Ranger has, which is lack of mobility.

2021-07-02, 01:44 PM
It's great. Lot's of synergy.

You can run it two ways, more ranger or more monk. Either way you are going to be fine.

If you dip Monk you want out at level 6, if you dip ranger you typically want out at 3. You will have mobility, the ability to switch hit, spells, hunters mark, excellent archery and lots of skills. You only need to max your wisdom and dexterity so that takes care of your stat line and you have decent hit points.

Grab perception, stealth, insight and survival to make sure you can maximize your wisdom skills.

Any combination is going to work fine.