View Full Version : 3rd Ed Druid buff spells that specifically effect Plant Creatures

2021-07-03, 03:20 PM
I am playing a druid that specializes in Plant spells. I am a Plant Domain druid with the Plant Companion ACF. I was wondering if there was any spells that grant bonuses to plant creatures, no matter how minor or situational they are. I was looking up level 0-3 spells right now, but they can be of any level.

Any 1st party D&D 3.0 and 3.5 material, and Dragon/Dungeon Magazine content, and 2nd party books for the Dragonlance and Kingdoms of Kalamar setting.

The two I found thusfar are Zone of Natural Purity(ECS) and Evergreen(Frostburn)

2021-07-03, 03:40 PM
As far as I know, only awaken creates plant creatures. Miracle and wish could, but they aren't druid spells. Awaken is great with metamagic, though.

2021-07-03, 04:14 PM
I don't want to create plant creatures, I want buff spells to cast on them, I know that there are plenty of spells that effect all living creatures, but just for novelty' sake I wanted to know what spells specifically name plant creatures as a potential target in their description, like the two spells I mentioned in the first post.

2021-07-03, 04:18 PM
I don't want to create plant creatures, I want buff spells to cast on them, I know that there are plenty of spells that effect all living creatures, but just for novelty' sake I wanted to know what spells specifically name plant creatures as a potential target in their description, like the two spells I mentioned in the first post.But the only spell I know of off the top of my head that effects them is awaken.

Effect (Verb): cause (something) to happen; bring about.

2021-07-03, 04:43 PM
But the only spell I know of off the top of my head that effects them is awaken.

Effect (Verb): cause (something) to happen; bring about.

I mean, there's still Liveoak.

2021-07-03, 05:21 PM
This made me think of the level 9 WU Jen spell arboreal transformation, which turns the target into a treant that serves you for days/level if they fail a fortitude save. That spell is a real doozy, because even if they make the save, they're slowed for days/level, unless they have mettle.

2021-07-03, 05:36 PM
Polymorph, metamorphosis, or any other effect in those lines that can turn someone or something into a treant or other animate plant, maybe?

2021-07-04, 12:42 AM
Not a spell, but Greenbound Summoning sure makes plants out of anything ...

2021-07-05, 11:23 PM
Make your own. The rules for spell creation exist for a reason.

2021-07-06, 12:14 AM
I did a quick search, and surprisingly few matches.

I mean, there's things like Speak With Plants, Command Plants or Control Plants, but they aren't buffs. Maybe if you attached some kind of rider effect to the spell, Command Plants or Control Plants would technically qualify?

Not exactly a buff, but Greenfire (UE) is an attacking spell which can exclude plant creatures from its effect, at the casters choice.

2021-07-06, 05:37 AM
Evergreen from Frostburn heals Plants and give them frost immunity for hours/level

2021-07-06, 03:00 PM
you could do a second version of plant growth that works like animal growth on plant creatures, that seems quite nice and powerful.

A spell to give a large or larger plant creature the Hivennest template could be a fun idea too, you could use creeping doom, insect plague, or summon swarm as the base model for the spell. Might not be the most powerful spell out there but it would be interesting and amusing. A treant infested with a swarm of fairies or butterflies (shimmerling and shimmer swarms) is pretty amusing.

2021-07-06, 04:23 PM
you could do a second version of plant growth that works like animal growth on plant creatures, that seems quite nice and powerful.

Plant Growth, Greater

Level: Drd 5, Rgr 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: See text
Target or Area: See text
Duration: Instantaneous or 1 min/level; see text
Saving Throw: None or fortitude negates; see text.
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell acts as plant growth, but can also affect plant creatures, up to one plant creature (Gargantuan or smaller) per two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart. Unwilling targets are entitled to a fortitude save to negate the effect.

Affected plant creatures are enlarged to the next size category, exactly as if under the effect of an enlarge person spell.

If used to affect normal vegetation, the duration is instantaneous; for plant creatures, the duration is 1 minute per level.

The spell gives no means of command or influence over the enlarged plant creatures.

Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack.

2021-07-06, 05:07 PM
Affected plant creatures are enlarged to the next size category, exactly as if under the effect of an enlarge person spell.

For a 5th level spell‚ I believe it should have a better effect than Enlarge Person on plants. Why not base it on Animal Growth instead? Or just make your own stat adjustments (+4 Str and Con‚ -2 Dex‚ +6 natural armor‚ to reflect the fact that how hard the bark of a tree is is specifically based on its width?)

2021-07-06, 06:10 PM
For a 5th level spell‚ I believe it should have a better effect than Enlarge Person on plants. Why not base it on Animal Growth instead? Or just make your own stat adjustments (+4 Str and Con‚ -2 Dex‚ +6 natural armor‚ to reflect the fact that how hard the bark of a tree is is specifically based on its width?)

I looked at Animal Growth for inspiration, but considering how much more powerful plant creatures can be (immunities, special attacks, special qualities etc.) I decided to be a bit more conservative...

2021-07-06, 06:38 PM
Plant Growth, Greater

Where is this spell from?
I see.

2021-07-10, 10:55 AM
I am playing a druid that specializes in Plant spells. I am a Plant Domain druid with the Plant Companion ACF. I was wondering if there was any spells that grant bonuses to plant creatures, no matter how minor or situational they are. I was looking up level 0-3 spells right now, but they can be of any level.

Any 1st party D&D 3.0 and 3.5 material, and Dragon/Dungeon Magazine content, and 2nd party books for the Dragonlance and Kingdoms of Kalamar setting.

The two I found thusfar are Zone of Natural Purity(ECS) and Evergreen(Frostburn)

Spike Growth?

2021-07-13, 06:54 AM
Womb of the Earth is a 1st level cleric spell from Dragon 279 p. 35

It's Transmutation, casting time of 15 minutes, Range of Close, an Area of 15 ft burst +10 ft/level, with an Instantaneous (D) duration. The text is as follows:

''This spell transform a wilderness area of light vegetation, like a natural clearing or the site of a recent forest fire, into a patch of ground ready for cultivation that enables food plants to grow to harvest maturity in 24 hours. Plants and animals currently inhabiting the site are not harmed or destroyed; both simply move to the edges of the new field. The speall clears furrows in the ground and fertilizes in a manner best suited to the type of seed specified by the caster. Farmers must still tend the garden as it grows, removing weeds and pests.
Residual magic lingers in the patch of ground. Within 24 hours after the food plants are harvested, the surrounding plants and animals retake the land. No sign remains that the ground was ever cultivated. The spell cannot be cast on densely forested areas, nor on places cleared of trees by farmers or others acting on their behalf.''

Even if it's on the cleric list, since you are a druid specialized in plant spells, it shouldn't be hard to convince your dm to have it... or to find a alternative way to cast it. There is also a way to search new spells and you could try to learn it but to be honest I almost always play wizard and cleric so I have no idea how searching new spells as druid works. It's probably somewhere on the internet if you look for it.

The spell is an economy breaker since you have free food for all the town, cotton to make stuff, etc

You could also use it to growth rare exotic plants like black lotus or others you can find here:

Taken from another thread:
Cast Hallow and tie Womb of the Earth to it. Now, Womb of the Earth's "spell effect lasts for one year and functions throughout the entire site, regardless of the normal duration and area or effect". All food plants of the specified type planted within the hallow area during the next year now grow to harvest maturity in 24 hours.

Into this area you plant Pomow (SoS p. 51); a hardy, climate-adaptible, spherical and high protein fruit crop, who's stalk starts to grow a new sphere as soon as the old one is plucked. As a bonus, it's stalk sprouts fibers that can be used as cotton and the rind is sturdy/sharp enough to shave with. If acquisition of starter seeds is an issue, a Basket of Delights can easily produce a ripe Pomow bulb.

The Pomow maxes out at 1-2 ft diameter. Assuming one gives each plant a 1 ft planting berth, you can fit 711 Pomow plants in the area, which is also how many you can harvest in a day. Going by watermelons, which are on average a bit over 1.5 ft in diameter (like the pomow), each Pomow should weigh about 8 lb. Giving a bit of leeway, that is about 8 x 700 = 5600 lb of food. The average humanoid needs 1 lb of good quality food/day, so that is the exact number of people that can be fed (not accounting for the 3 days someone can go without food without penalty). That is comfortably within the population range of a Large town or the low-end of a small city. If Plant Growth stacks on top of this, we up the production to about 7500, which is a mid-range small town.

So, with just 2 (maybe 3 spells) cast 1/year, costing 2000 gp in components for Hallow+1 (so 5.48 gp/day), we can feed a really Large Town or small-mid range Small city. Considering that the cheapest readily consumable food items in A&E cost 1 gp/lb, this is a rather significant saving. This method also takes up barely any space, requires only a minimal workforce of gardners/pest-controlers, needs no fertilizers, has no environmental impact AND provides the town with all the cotton-type fiber it could need (plus razors for personal grooming).

You can add Plant Growth spell to the mix too.

Check with your dm if dryad trees considered a possible valuable crop? Mass spawn dryads ftw.

2021-07-13, 10:25 AM
Call Lightning (for Shambling Mounds, anyway)