View Full Version : Half dragon/ogre build

2021-07-03, 07:10 PM
I've been playing in a few Eberron-based games and my DM is using alternate level adjustments from these forums, so I decided to play an ogre half-dragon (4 hd, EL+2 total) since I've never played one. I'll be level 3 soon and I'm trying to think ahead to what I'll do when I get class levels. I'll obviously have a lot of strength (pb 16, + 18 from race), so I want a build that uses strength, but we also got +2 skills and a knowledge skill in class, and I'd prefer to do more than just fight, so War Hulk is off the table. I didn't ask what books are allowed, but I believe most WotC material is ok if I run it by him; probably excluding Forgotten Realms stuff since it's Eberron.

Any ideas on what my build should look like at say, character level 12? I'm not thinking ahead to 20 because I'm not expecting the game to go that far.

I was thinking something like 4 ogre, 2 fighter (dungeon crasher), 1 barbarian (lion totem), 1 war mind, x bear warrior (maybe stop at 5 bear warrior if we get to 13). I could also skip bear warrior and go 4 more levels in fighter for the dungeon crasher increase.

For feats I was thinking knockback for the dungeon crasher, and wild talent if I decide to take war mind. Weapon focus/specialization would also be good, since he increases the bonus every 4 levels. Rapidstrike would be great, but I'd probably wait until I'm about to get improved rapidstrike, and I might not get there.

Any ideas I might be missing?

2021-07-03, 07:22 PM
If you can pick up the LA+0 amphibious template somehow, Scaled Horror provides an extra-good Improved Grab which, along with (Greater) Multigrab can potentially disable many opponents. The ingredients are here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?632927-The-Whale-Wrestler-an-AMF-Grappler).

2021-07-04, 01:06 AM
I would chose Bear Warrior or War Mind, but not both. War Mind is good for Sweeping Strike and a pretty good power progression. Bear Warrior is good for getting a silly strength score and some natural attacks.