View Full Version : Roleplaying TPK!!! Please help me figure out what fits this concept best to keep things going

2021-07-05, 12:35 PM
Hey all. First, a little background:

Our party suffered a TPK last session. It's a great story with a great DM and we don't want to abandon it, but there's no way to fake this TPK. The monster we were fighting would not take prisoners, he'd eat us right there. It would be cheap if we faked this part.

This world, or section of the world is being taken over by a cult with aspirations of turning the world into one fit for their master, blah blah, lots of fun though. I'm sure you get the idea.

Anyway, I'm set on making a character who is a bit older than most adventurers. He's going to be retired military, someone who placed the importance of his career over that of his family.

My concept includes him being so attached to this career that he didn't even realize he lost his child to the cult described above. I wanted something to tie this character into the overarching story and I thought this would be a good hook. Now that he's realized what's happened, he's overridden with guilt and filled with a fury to find his young adult child and bring them back.

So, that's what I have for a story. Obviously, I'm looking at a soldier background here. I'm thinking a melee focused martial class, probably vengeance paladin, but I think conquest paladin, any number of fighter options work, as well as a few militaristic cleric orders. Heck, even an elite tracker ranger type might work. I am open to other options as well.

I'm thinking human, dwarf, or half elf for race. I am open to other options as well.

The DM does have some set character creation restrictions: no warlocks or monks, no variant humans, no monstrous races. We will be starting at level 3 with point buy.

I'm open to any and all advice. Thank you for reading.

2021-07-05, 12:46 PM
I would go cleric.

Retired from he military due to old age, he doesn't have the physique he once did but what he has lost in might he makes up for in scars, wisdom and perspective.

He was always faithful, but only in retirement has he found the space for introspection to pursue his faith. Discovering his son missing and having to put his faith in the divine for his sons wellbeing he became a cleric and seeks solace in religion.

2021-07-05, 12:53 PM
Battle Master Fighter, Rune Knight Fighter, Psi Warrior Fighter or Conquest Paladin would be pretty good for that concept, IMO.

2021-07-05, 02:39 PM
Pity that warlock isn't allowed, you could set up a "why is service to your patron okay, dad?!" thing. But you can get something like it w/ paladin or cleric, too.