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2021-07-07, 06:48 PM
Party: It is a usual day in Iron Station. Streets and crowds bustle. Metas, helicopters, drones, and planes crowd the cloudy blue skies. You’ve been assigned here at Iron Station for as the West Side Provisional Team for about three weeks. The last week has been very quiet since your run in with Panzer Protonik.

Today, however, is not quiet. You hear an explosion and see an accompanying gout of dark black smoke a few blocks away.

What do you do?

In your post, introduce us to your character; give a physical description. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard the explosion? How do you arrive quickly on Scene? What do you do as/when you arrive?

All General Moves and Playbook Moves are usable once for the month per player (except Take a Powerful Blow)
Each Player is allocated 3 Bennies
There is currently 6 Camaraderie

Nightgaunt has Love Interest: Play on an NPC to encourage a romantic interest for your hero. The target helps to the best of her abilities, but may frequently cause trouble as well.

Red Line has Out of the Frying Pan: Play to avoid death, capture, or some other bad situation for your hero or any ally. The situation leads to some new trouble, however, as determined by the GM.

Impact has Spurred On: The character's travel distance is doubled for a day, or one character gains double Pace for on round.

Envy has Get a Clue: Play this card for a clue from the GM for some advice or a hint on how to resolve the current predicament or problem.

2021-07-07, 07:59 PM
Envy sits on top of La catlett roff top a restraunt that over looks main street. With her typical passion fruit energy drink in her hand looking down at the hustle an bustle envy throws her long white hair back over her shoulder that was gently kissing her thic thighs. With the temperature being comfortable out she chose to put her fishnet stockings, black calve high doc Martin boots with a tattered black shirt along with a vibrant crystal sitting centered in her chest. Bringing her look together she put on her typical cat jacket with ears that helps take attention away from her diffrent colored scaleras an the strange marking down her left cheek.
(Mazu: "What a bore, I'm bored let's go an find something to do.") Envy sighs " I'm bored as well but sheeeshhh shut up already, todays not the day for your anoying voice. Let's get this watch over with an then we can go enjoy the night." Taking a deep chug from the can an emptying it she stands up stretching her arms into the air then throwing the empty can into a waste basket below. "Koooobbbbeeeee" she laughs to herself.
Before she is able to settle back down a big explosine a few blocks down from her catches her attention. Seeing the smoke billow up covering the roof top envys eyes widen as a smile creeps across her face. "Well mazu... let's go have some fun!" pulling her hood over her head she runs twords the edge of the building and jumps off of it. Mazus pixels form under feet then covers her whole body changing her full outfit. Once the pixels settle Envy is now covered in full black body suit purple crystal still centered with purple pixel accents that follow the natura curves of her body. Both her eyes are a vibrant purple with black scleras. Her long white hair now kissing the back of her legs. Mazu forms under her feet as he helps glide her from one roof top to another. (Mazu: You really need to lay off the junk food, cause girl you heavy.") Rolling her eyes envy ignores him finally making it to one of the roof tops across from where the explosion just occurred. Looking down at the people screaming an others making attempts to flee envy eyes dart around searching for any thing.

2021-07-07, 09:48 PM
The Mod on the Silver Mountain: Moved to Ongoing Games (In-Character) section.

big teej
2021-07-07, 09:59 PM
Raphael sits at one of the scattered wrought iron tables scattered around the Amity Court Market, a permanent, unending street fair. Shaded by an umbrella, and further shaded by his hood and his black sunglasses, Raphael enjoys one of his favorite leisure activities - people watching.

Raphael presents an innocuous figure in the hustle and bustle insanity of the market street; a grey and blue hoodie, and blue jeans. A shiny silver fluid pack dangles from his lips by its built in plastic nozzle.

He's watching a young red head haggle with a street vendor over a trinket, a black and purple gothic cross. She's offering fifteen for it, insisting she could find the same trinket online for less, but she'd like it right now.

Raphael's attention is drawn away from the vendor's counter offer by the explosion, along with half the rest of the street. He reaches up and adjusts his shades, peering over the rim at the rising gout of black smoke. "Well. So much for that." He says in an amused tone, quickly sucking down the remainder of his juice pack. He pushes himself to his feet, swinging his backpack over one shoulder and fishing another pack out in a single practiced motion. He glances around and sets a brisk pace down a nearby alley, throwing one last cautionary look over his shoulder he bits down on the disguised blood pack, draining it bone dry in seconds and casting the foil into a nearby dumpster. He ducks down and wills himself to change into one of the Children of the Night, despite it being midday, and a croaking raven takes to the skies, flying towards the gout of smoke.

The raven circles twice and dives down at a rooftop, spying a familiar black clad figure. The raven smacks into the ground, instantly transforming into the rolling form of Nightgaunt. His red and black suit shiny and immaculate. His helmet already in place. His civilian clothes and backpack consumed and hidden away by the transformation. Nightgaunt Captain Morgan's (https://youtu.be/k4wbzEu8nf8) on the edge of the building and leans over on his knee, looking at the street below.

"So what do we have today, Envy? I don't suppose you'd have anything to do with this, would you?" He asks, an excited grin clear in his tone.

Raphael chugs a blood pack and becomes Sated

2021-07-07, 10:34 PM
Envy looks over her shoulder to the massive figure next to her. Surely if she didnt know him he could almost pass as a creeper. She scoffs at him with a grin "if this was me you think I'd be dum enough to stick around." Sticking her tounge out to him she turns her gaze back to the smoke. "I actually just got here, all I've seen are the civilians fleeing from the area. Theres just to much smoke to see an pin point anything."
Turning on her heals she faces Nightguant "maybe if you turn into the adorable bat an go eek eek maybe you can help."

2021-07-08, 04:46 PM
A biker casually weaves his way through traffic along the busy streets of the city, enjoying the light of day on his sun-kissed skin. The wind blows through his short black hair as it tugs at his bright red jacket, emblazoned with a stylized '1st' symbol and an outstretched wing across his back.

He comes to a stop at a red light, lifts up his goggles, and sits upright on his motorcycle before flashing a playful smile at the female officer in the car beside him. The officer, clearly unamused, begins to roll down her window when the sound of a nearby explosion rings out through the metropolitan area, bringing traffic to a standstill. "Light's green by the way.", he says to the officer while pointing at the light. She attempts to divide her attention between the biker and the gout of black smoke emanating from the site of the explosion a few blocks away.

"Another time.", she replies coldly before turning on her lights and sirens then pulling off down the road.

"Call me?!", Louis calls out after her. His playful smile now growing wide as he slides his goggles down over his eyes. Showtime. Louis revs the engine of his motorcycle before tearing down road and through a series of nearby alleyways. The time he spent riding through the city the past few weeks was finally paying off since taking this shortcut would not only save him some time but also afford him the ability to change his appearance away from the eyes of the public.

Both motorcycle and rider begin to transform when the light of the sun bathes them as Red Line emerges from the alleyway. The motorcycle takes on a new form with a lower profile, it's red finish being stripped away to reveal a sleek midnight black with red light glowing throughout the entirety of it's frame. The bikers jacket follows suit, transitioning from red to black, leaving a large yet solitary red line running across his back down each arm. His blue jeans fade to black and his high top sneakers phase into a pair of vintage black biker boots.

Red Line brings his bike to a sliding stop as he arrives the scene of the explosion and parks his bike at along the edge of the street. He dismounts then raises his gloved hands into the air in front of him as he approaches the chaos. He soon comes to a stop and spreads his arms wide, a vibrant red line measuring a story tall and spanning the width of the street instantly appears before him. The word 'Danger' framed by two caution symbols flashes across the red strip of light and scrolls across it's surface indefinitely.

"Citizens of Iron Station, your hero has arrived and emergency services are already on their way! For your safety, I ask that anyone able to evacuate the vicinity do so now and for those that can't to please try and make your way behind the red line!" Red Line says aloud for anyone and everyone to hear, the massive red line of light slowly floats past him as he does so and comes to a stop just past his his motorcycle.

Now let's take a look at what we're dealin' with..., the thinks. A self assured grin lining his face.

2021-07-13, 11:44 AM
Party: As the team arrives on scene they see a young woman in a red and white costume with a fire motif thrown through the air. She manages to gain marginal control of her fall with a blurt of flame from her hands and crashes into the ground, rolling only a few times before she gets to her knees. Her red eyes narrow at her opponent, a ten foot tall humanoid gator with armored white skin dressed in an open gray vest and dress pants. Tall spikes of bone stick out from its spine, tail, and elbows.

The gatorman vocalizes at her in its own language, its tail thrashing behind it. It sounds like a series of hisses and low gurgling bellows. Totally incomprehensible to human ears.

“Yeah, yeah. Stop swearing at me in Riverspeak. I know you can speak English,” the woman sighs as she picks herself up and wipes away a stream of blood from a cut on her forehead. She whips her blonde ponytail back over her shoulder and cracks her knuckles.

Down the street, the team can see wrecked cars, burn marks, and large craters in the street from the woman and the gatorman’s previous engagement. Most civilians have already fled.

About 20 feet behind the gatorman, a minivan is laying on its side. A large chunk of concrete is leaning on the passenger door and the rear door is crushed. You can see at least two people banging on the cracked windshield trying to break it and escape.

A second gatorman with dark green scales clambers out from a storefront, carrying two bulging canvas bags. It’s followed by a frogman in a slick-looking dapper suit wearing a top hat and smoking a cigar. “Emeric, focus!” the frogman croaks to the white reptile, his cigar bobbing in his thick lips. He tips his hat to the blonde woman and smirks at her. “Sorry chčre, we gots to go. Henri, drop the loot and take out dem heroes posthaste. The River King is expectin’ us.”

Combat Begins!
The gatorman follows the frogman’s orders and drops it’s bags, then rushes at Red Line. It takes a bounding leap at the hero, twisting in mid-air to slap him across the jaw with its muscular tail.

Queens, Jacks, and 7s…
Red Line, Nightgaunt and Envy may act or go on hold

Red Line is shaken!

-You are entering battle against a dangerous foe! +2 Camaraderie
-Who is the Leader in this encounter? If the Leader has influence over all Teammates +1 Camaraderie (The leader will keep tabs over current Camaraderie)
-State your purpose in the fight, if they are the same, +1 Camaraderie
-If any member mistrusts the leader or the team, -1 Camaraderie
-If the team is ill-prepared or off-balance, -1 Camaraderie

The Team Leader may mark a condition to avoid losing Camaraderie. This may performed each, and every time Camaraderie would be lost (including when it is spent by a teammate)

In your post, everyone please state your purpose in the fight and if you trust the leader/team.

big teej
2021-07-13, 09:17 PM
Looking over the scene and picking his target, Nightgaunt's blank helmet turns back to Envy and he says "Why settle for just one?" And He jumps off the edge of the building, disintegrating into a whirling mass of bats that cyclones its way down to the street and whipping around the frog before reforming into the red and black clad hero a dozen feet away.

"Petty robbery should be a bit below royalty, shouldn't it?" Nightgaunt asks the frogman, making a grasping motion, like grabbing hold of a rope. He yanks on the invisible tether, pulling a weak trickle of blood from the Frog.

Nightgaunt Directly Engages a Threat (Frogman) and gets a 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/901561) Nightgaunt will opt to Resist or Avoid their blows, and gain a relevant +4 against frogman's next action against him on frogman's next turn. I also get +2 on my shooting roll.

Shooting: 7 to hit (https://orokos.com/roll/901564)
Damage: 7.... (https://orokos.com/roll/901565) Nightgaunt spends a Benny to reroll! But it Failed! (https://orokos.com/roll/901566)

Capes Cowls & Masks to recognize the fiery chick: 3 (https://orokos.com/roll/901567) clearly long overdue cosmic balancing for how regularly it serves me as a GM...

Nightgaunt absolutely considers Red Line the Leader for this encounter

Nightgaunt's purpose in the fight is to defeat the bad guys before they can rip up the city any more.
Secondary: Show up this interloper.

Nightgaunt doesn't mistrust any member of the team.

2021-07-14, 06:24 PM
As the team arrives on scene they see a young woman in a red and white costume with a fire motif thrown through the air. She manages to gain marginal control of her fall with a blurt of flame from her hands and crashes into the ground, rolling only a few times before she gets to her knees. Her red eyes narrow at her opponent, a ten foot tall humanoid gator with armored white skin dressed in an open gray vest and dress pants. Tall spikes of bone stick out from its spine, tail, and elbows.

"Guess someone beat me to the scene. Who is she anyway?" Red Line muses as he files through his mental catalog of heroes operating out of Iron Station.

5 (https://orokos.com/roll/901667)

Who's that hero?!

About 20 feet behind the gatorman, a minivan is laying on its side. A large chunk of concrete is leaning on the passenger door and the rear door is crushed. You can see at least two people banging on the cracked windshield trying to break it and escape.

Notice: 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/901666)

And not everyone was able to get away either. But with two of us it shouldn't be a problem.

A second gatorman with dark green scales clambers out from a storefront, carrying two bulging canvas bags. It’s followed by a frogman in a slick-looking dapper suit wearing a top hat and smoking a cigar. “Emeric, focus!” the frogman croaks to the white reptile, his cigar bobbing in his thick lips. He tips his hat to the blonde woman and smirks at her. “Sorry sha, we gots to go. Henri, drop the loot and take out dem heroes posthaste. The River King is expectin’ us.”

Unless he brought friends...

The gatorman follows the frogman’s orders and drops it’s bags, then rushes at Red Line. It takes a bounding leap at the hero, twisting in mid-air to slap him across the jaw with its muscular tail.

Red Line reels from the blow but is somehow able to remain standing on his feet. The world around him spins until he's able to bring it to a stop and refocus on the massive gatorman standing before him.

"Nice shot. Unfortunately for you, I still get a turn.", he grins as he forms a sphere of intense white light in his right hand. He pitches the sphere into the reptile, it's light becoming bright red upon contact and exploding. "Catch! (https://youtu.be/s-iMJEudFOY?t=163)"

Looking over the scene and picking his target, Nightgaunt's blank helmet turns back to Envy and he says "Why settle for just one?" And he jumps off the edge of the building, disintegrating into a whirling mass of bats that cyclones its way down to the street and whipping around the frog before reforming into the red and black clad hero a dozen feet away.

Red Line catches a glimpse of the whirling mass of bats descending into the street below and Nightgaunt emerging from their form. Cavalry's here.

Red Line rolls to Unshake!: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/901581)

Red Line activates Captain by assuming the role as Team Leader during this encounter!
+1 Benny to the Team Pool
+1 Benny to Red Line

The Team gains +2 Camaraderie for entering battle against a dangerous foe!
The Team gains +1 Camaraderie since Red Line has Influence over all other teammates!

Red Line's goal is to end the fight/stop the fight and rescue the civilians trapped inside of the overturned vehicle.

Red Line Ranged Attack #1: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/901585)
Red Line spends a Benny to Reroll!: 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/901586)

Ranged Attack Damage #1: 7 (10 with a Raise) (https://orokos.com/roll/901587)
Red Line spends a Benny to Reroll!: 18 (19 with a Raise) (https://orokos.com/roll/901588)

2021-07-16, 09:39 PM
The green gatorman goes down hard after the red ball explodes in his face. His body smokes as he falls face down into the asphalt.

Envy goes on hold!

Of Spades...
The frogman spits out his cigar and grimaces at Nightgaunt and Red Line. "Look, da boss gets what he wants, possede." He hops back and points at the teenage hero while his grimace slowly turns back into a smirk as he mutters in Riverspeak. A manhole cover near Nightgaunt begins to rumble and water soon explodes out of it, soaking the vampire.

Of Hearts...
The blond woman's hands ignite. She puts them to her side and then flies forward in a burst of fire, impacting the white reptile. The gatorman snarls and grabs her out of midair, slamming her back down into the pavement.

The Round resets!
Red Line has Initiative!

This heroine is Burnout, from the East Side Provisional Team.

Nightgaunt takes 14 damage!

2021-07-16, 11:54 PM
Envy watches as Nightguant turns into a cluster of bats an reapers down low "you forgot the eek eek" she says smugly. Before engaging on the fun she scans the area above to see what else may be lying in wait. Spotting a car she notice people with in it. "Well that's not good at all" she flips her hair behind her. Looking down she now sees Redline amongst the mess an smirks, trusting that he knows what he is doing. Envy turns to see a woman who she is not to familiar with get thrown into the ground. Envy runs and jumps mid air an has Mazu turn into a long blade an attempts to surprise attack the beast while its attention is elsewhere.

1d6o6+1d6o6: 7 [1d6o6=3] [1d6o6=4 (https://orokos.com/roll/902091)]

Damage 3d6: 16 [3d6=5, 5,6 (https://orokos.com/roll/902093)] *4d6: 27 [4d6=5, 5, 16 (https://orokos.com/roll/902452) (6+6+4), 1 (https://orokos.com/roll/902451)(6's explode, forgot to add 1d6 for Strength)
Attack attempt to take by surprise: 1d6o6+1+1d6o6+1:6 [1d6o6=1/3] (https://orokos.com/roll/902453)
Rerolled used 1 benny (2/3)
1d6o6+1+1d6o6+1:10 [1d6o6= 6/4] (https://orokos.com/roll/902454)

Envy trust Redline completely and see him as leader and trust all team members.
Envy's purpose is to have a bit of fun with these beast but also protect those in danger

2021-07-19, 04:26 PM
The green gatorman goes down hard after the red ball explodes in his face. His body smokes as he falls face down into the asphalt.

"One bayou boy down, two to go."

The blonde woman's hands ignite. She puts them to her side and then flies forward in a burst of fire, impacting the white reptile. The gatorman snarls and grabs her out of midair, slamming her back down into the pavement.

The identity of the red hot heroine suddenly becomes clear in Red Line's mind as she's slammed into the pavement. Wonder what Burnout's doing here? And on OUR side of town. Either way she could use our help. His eyes shift over to the overturned vehicle. And so could they...

Red Line closes his eyes and slowly begins to illuminate until his body is completely enveloped in bright white light. He emits a brief but intense flash of light and when it dissipates there are two Red Lines standing
in his place.

"You take care of the car." The first one says.

"You provide our back up." The second replies.

"And we'll both look good while doing it." They say in unison.

Red Line teleports over to the overturned vehicle and takes cover while talking to the civilians trapped inside. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you guys out of here. Sit tight and I'll figure this out."

Red Line creates a Duplicate! (No Tell)

The original Red Line Teleports to the overturned vehicle and attempts to hide his profile behind it.

2021-07-20, 11:28 AM
Red Line
As you teleport over to the overturned van, the people inside, one man, one woman, both with dark hair, bang on the window more vigorously. Behind them, you spot a little girl about three of four, strapped into a carseat in the backseat. Silent tears stream down her face, and she's holding tightly onto a little blonde doll.

Kings and 8s...
The white gator sees Envy coming and manages to move out of the way of Mazu. "This ain't your fight, chčre," it growls at her in a deep baritone. It releases the heroine on the ground and swings its spiked tail around, catching Envy across the chest.

The blonde is instantly up, spewing fire from her hands into the gatorman's face. The reptile snarls at the heat, and claws its way out of its burning vest.

Nightgaunt has Initiative!

Envy takes 16 damage!
Burnout is unshaken!

big teej
2021-07-21, 08:29 PM

Nightgaunt flings out a hand, fingers splayed out to deflect the conjured geyser. He grunts as he takes the impact, sliding back a few inches. The torrent ends, leaving Nightgaunt on his feet, but his fingers twisted and mangled in all directions, and his wrist turned unnaturally. His grimace is hidden by his helmet. His growl of frustration is not.


With a sickening pop and crackle, Nightgaunt rotates his arm, bringing his wrist aright and clenching his fingers - now bending the right way - into a fist. (https://orokos.com/roll/903035) "I'm not possessed ami, I'm thirsty." He growls at the frog man.

He leaps at the frog, (https://orokos.com/roll/903037) hands twisted into claws, attempting to drive deep into the frog's guts and rip em out

Nightgaunt becomes unshaken and attacks the frogman.
on a hit, Nightgaunt inflicts 18 Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/903038)

Nightgaunt suffers a single wound, but ignores the penalty for being a horrible undead monster.

2021-07-23, 02:50 PM
Nightgaunt's claws cut deep into the frogman. He grunts and sneers at the vampire before his form disappates into a black mist and reconverges about twenty feet away on the other side of the street. "Good shot, possede. But you bettah passe right quick-like before you really get hurt." He puts his thin webbed fingers into his mouth and lets out a long loud whistle.

There's a keening screech from above. A blur of gold and white smashes into the back of Nightgaunt, bowling him over, before sliding to a stop. The monster with the head and wings of an eagle (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/ee/c5/73eec5a11a5394519702ad7a94f3c6e9.jpg) and the body of a lion prowls back over to the vampire and shrieks at him. On the griffin's back is a dark haired woman (https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/140/1014/png-clipart-zatanna-black-canary-hawkman-katar-hol-zatara-justice-league-dark-hawkgirl-black-hair-fictional-characters.png) dressed as a stage magician, complete with a black top hat. She raises her hand out in front of her and ghostly black and red hellhounds burst forth from it. The dogs bark and howl, circling around Nightgaunt, but don't manage to find purchase with their teeth or claws before they fade into nothing.

The woman grins at Nightgaunt and leans forward on her griffin, resting her chin on interlaced fingers. "You were lucky, bouille. I won't miss next time." She then slides off the back of her monster and stands behind the griffin, making sure she's out of the way of beak and talons.

Round resets!
Nightgaunt and Red Line have Initiative!

Frogman takes 2 wounds, but unshakes and teleports away!
A new challenger approaches!
The griffin attacks Nightgaunt! He takes 17 damage!
??? attacks Nightgaunt, but misses!

big teej
2021-07-23, 09:33 PM
Nightgaunt lets out a loud 'OOF' as he's slammed into the ground by the oversized and confused bird, He recovers quickly, pushing off the pavement as he bounces and flinging himself away from the hellhounds to land on the wall of the nearby building, standing up straight and looking 'up' at the frog's reinforcements.

Not for the first time, Nightgaunt is thankful for his concealing helmet, as he does a double take at his attacker "Oh wow she's pretty." He thinks, licking his dry lips. He plants his hands on his hips and says to her, "You know, you are way too pretty to be one of the bad guys, you know that?" He gestures at the frog. "What are you doing working for this frog prince anyway?"

*Spent a benny to soak 2 Wounds - WITNESS ME!!! (https://orokos.com/roll/903749)
*Gonna play Love Interest on ???
*Pierce ???'s mask: 5....... (https://orokos.com/roll/903764)
Nightgaunt gains a potential for missing on a Move
*GM's call if continuing to throw down with ??? and Frogman (or the amount of damage I'm soaking) counts as Over-exerting myself or Facing Danger Alone
*Nightgaunt's Capes, Cowls, & Masks to Identify ???: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/903766)

Nightgaunt goes on Hold!

2021-07-26, 07:29 PM
Nightgaunt's claws cut deep into the frogman. He grunts and sneers at the vampire before his form disappates into a black mist and reconverges about twenty feet away on the other side of the street. "Good shot, possede. But you bettah passe right quick-like before you really get hurt." He puts his thin webbed fingers into his mouth and lets out a long loud whistle.

A streak of red light surges towards it's amphibious target. "Don't be in such a hurry to leave, party's just getting started." Red Line says holding an outstretched hand. He surveys the battlefield for any debris he might use for cover before teleporting behind it.

As you teleport over to the overturned van, the people inside, one man, one woman, both with dark hair, bang on the window more vigorously. Behind them, you spot a little girl about three of four, strapped into a carseat in the backseat. Silent tears stream down her face, and she's holding tightly onto a little blonde doll.

"Cover your faces and look away." Red Line says and quickly demonstrates to the man and woman trapped inside. He reaches into his jacket pocket and removes a small metallic rod. Red Line focuses and envelops his hand in light causing the rod to extend into a slender metallic pole that radiates light of the same hue.

He gives the pole a quick flourish before striking the windshield in one fluid motion. Should the glass give way Red Line asks the passengers if they can crawl out and if they can't who they'd like him to extract first.

Red Line (Duplicate) fires a Ranged Attack at the Frogman! 3 (https://orokos.com/roll/904141) to hit

Red Line strikes the windshield with a Melee Attack!
10 (https://orokos.com/roll/904268) to hit!
25 (https://orokos.com/roll/904280) Damage!

Is it possible to hold Red Line's movement and teleport until I know if the passengers can make it out?
If they can't Red Line will attempt to teleport them out one at a time. Which requires... Spirit?

2021-07-27, 03:37 PM
At the van:
The people in the car immediately cower away and cover their faces as you smash through the windshield of the van. The man crawls out and puts his arm back into the car to help the woman make her way through the glass. As she crawls out, she looks up at Red Line. Blood oozes down her face from a cut above her hairline. "My baby! The belts are stuck; I couldn't get her out!"

The white gatorman roars at the blonde heroine and swipes at her with its claws. She ducks underneath the attack and steps closer to Envy. "Are you okay?" she asks as she bathes the gator in flames again.

Jacks and 10s...
"Why, thank you," the woman says, with a small smirk at Nightgaunt, "but a girl has to have secrets, bouille." She sees her employer just barely manage to hop out the way of Red Line's stream of light, then pats her griffin on the rump. "Go after the one in black, Shrike. We don't need him rougarouin’ with the boss."

The bird-lion opens its wings and jumps over to Red Line's hiding place. Its feather-like ears pin back as it crushes the top of the car it lands on, striking out at the hero with its talons.

"You're dancing with me," the woman says, leveling her gaze at Nightgaunt. She snaps and a giant ghostly purple viper with black stripes rises up from the bricks beside the vampire's feet. The snake flares its hood, hisses, and strikes, burying its fangs deep into Nightgaunt's thigh before it disappears into mist.

White Gatorman is Shaken!

Red Line takes 11 damage from the Griffin!

Nightgaunt must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken! (If you do continue to have crazy regen/soak rolls, I will say that this counts as over-exerting yourself.)

You know that this is Miss Menagerie, that she’s around your alleged age, and that she summons monsters to fight her battles for her. She hasn't been in town long, but she has been spotted with this crew of a frogman and a few gatormen before. From the reports, you know that she hasn't been very involved though, she's usually just been there as a getaway ride for the frogman.

Envy has Initiative!

2021-07-29, 11:40 AM
Envy sees the beast tail unable to react for her self mazu attempts to form infront of to take the hit but is a little to late as she is struck tearing open her skin causing blood to spray out onto then gator befor she is thrown back into the ground rolling back. Mazu: " You dumb girl! You really thought that would work?!" Pulling her self up from the dirty street she steadies herself on her feet as she feels blood ozee out of her wound before hearing the women speaking to her. She looks over to her seeing her bathing the gator in flames as if she is roasting a marshmallow on a open fire. "Y..yes I'm okay." grunting as while taking a deep breath. Envy straitens up and out stretches her hand as pixels start to form in to a bow an arrow. Pulling the string back she attempts to to immobilize the beast further aiming for his feet. Releasing the arrow it hits it mark.

https://orokos.com/roll/904849 Black blood
https://orokos.com/roll/904796 (10) Soak
https://orokos.com/roll/904802 (11) Attack
https://orokos.com/roll/904804 Damage

2021-07-30, 03:39 PM
"Ya'll are beginnin' to be a nuisance," the frogman says. He disappears into mist again, then solidifies himself so that he's on the same side of the car as the Red Line that had attacked him previously. He kneels, whispering a few words as he rests his webbed hand on the asphalt. The ground under Red Line's feet shakes and a rend opens up underneath him, threatening to swallow him.

Round Resets
The white gator bellows as Envy's acidic blood and the fire from the blonde woman washes over him. The pain just seems to make him even more annoyed. He roars and strikes out with his claws and tail, managing to catch the blonde with the long spikes of bone that protrude from him.

She catches the gatorman's tail in her gut and goes down hard, bleeding from multiple wounds sustained in her battle before the team arrived.

"Stay down this time, couillon," he growls at the prone blonde. He focuses on Envy again. "You want some more, chčre? I'm happy to do to you what I did to her."

Red Line has Initiative!

Red Line must make an Agility Roll or be Shaken and stuck!

Emeric (white gator) soaks all his wounds and attacks Burnout. She is incapactited!

big teej
2021-07-30, 08:06 PM
It Takes Two...

Nightgaunt doesn't even flinch as the shadowy serpent sinks it's fangs into his leg. His helmet stays locked onto Menagerie, his hidden eyes following the griffin as it goes to tango with Red Line.

"I don't mine dancing, Menagerie, shall we tango? or perhaps you prefer salsa? I've always preferred a classic waltz. But I do so hate having a busy card. If we're going to dance, let's just us do it. eh?"

Nightgaunt snaps his fingers and the Griffin disappears in a spray of gore. "Don't worry. He's fine. Probably. Unlike your boss." He says and leaps at Menagerie.

Nightgaunt No Sells the snakebite. Being an Undead Monster has its perks.
Nightgaunt marks his Doom Track twice, once to use Infinite Powers, once for over exerting myself. I'm going all out to try and play the field, I went after the frog man pretty hard, now I'm trying to totally occupy Menagerie's attention and help Red Line.

Infinite Power! (Blood Magic Roll): 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/905056) I successfully borrow 10 points, 3 over what I need to banish the griffin.

Nightgaunt leaves his perch on the wall of the building and advances on Menagerie!

2021-08-02, 04:25 AM
Envys eyes grow big as the woman is slamed to the ground now clearly unconscious. "Definitely need to stay away from his reach an try to get him away from her" she thinks to herself before shifting her attention back to the Gator she hears its anoying voice. Showing distaste on her face she mocks the the gator preparing herself to jump back "let's go then you sewer rat! Or are you to scared to move?" Spitting black blood on the floor Mazu shifts in Envys hand into more arrows.

I would like to use the card given: Get a clue.

2021-08-02, 11:35 PM
"Why, thank you," the woman says, with a small smirk at Nightgaunt, "but a girl has to have secrets, bouille." She sees her employer just barely manage to hop out the way of Red Line's stream of light, then pats her griffin on the rump. "Go after the one in black, Shrike. We don't need him rougarouin’ with the boss."

The bird-lion opens its wings and jumps over to Red Line's hiding place. Its feather-like ears pin back as it crushes the top of the car it lands on, striking out at the hero with its talons.

A few moments later...

"Ya'll are beginnin' to be a nuisance," the frogman says. He disappears into mist again, then solidifies himself so that he's on the same side of the car as the Red Line that had attacked him previously. He kneels, whispering a few words as he rests his webbed hand on the asphalt. The ground under Red Line's feet shakes and a rend opens up underneath him, threatening to swallow him.

The second Red Line barely manages to weather the barrage of savage blows from the griffin but suddenly finds himself overwhelmed when the ground beneath him gives way. He vanishes into the earth and a stream of red light surges skyward (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgT-IOPxk-k) from the ground before quickly dissipating.

The people in the car immediately cower away and cover their faces as you smash through the windshield of the van. The man crawls out and puts his arm back into the car to help the woman make her way through the glass. As she crawls out, she looks up at Red Line. Blood oozes down her face from a cut above her hairline. "My baby! The belts are stuck; I couldn't get her out!"

Red Line nods at the woman's request and crawls into the vehicle. "Get ready to run when I hand her over to you.", he says to the couple as he makes his way to the back of the van.

He stops once he's within arm's reach of the sobbing girl and offers her an open hand. "Sorry I took so long to get here, but thank you for waiting for me.", he says wearing a friendly smile. "I know it must've been really scary when you guys got flipped upside-down but if you and your friend are ready to leave I can get you two out of here?" he asks taking a glance at the doll before looking back to the girl.

If the girl reaches out for his hand Red Line will ask her to close her eyes and breathe slowly. Should she follow along, Red Line will take a look through the window and find a spot adjacent to her parents to reappear.

He sharpens his focus and his eyes close. Red Line and the child both disappear in a stream of golden light before reappearing beside the girl's parents. Small orbs of gold light slowly descend around the two as Red Line quickly speaks up. "She seems okay at a glance but take her and get as far away from this block as possible; EMS will be on the scene shortly." He witnesses an explosion of red light after the griffin descends to the street. "We've got things covered here for now."

His body becomes enveloped in white light once more before emitting an intense flash. Two Red Lines stand side by side once more, ready to join the fray.

Red Line (Duplicate) is Shaken!
Spirit to become Unshaken!: 1 (https://orokos.com/roll/905671)

Red Line (Duplicate) becomes Shaken again! K.O.!

Red Line (Original) moves into the overturned van!
Red Line uses his free action to teleport himself and the little girl! 2 (3-1) (https://orokos.com/roll/905675)
Red Line spends a Benny to reroll! 7 (8-1) (https://orokos.com/roll/905680)
Red Line creates a Duplicate with his action!

2021-08-03, 10:23 PM
"Me, too scared to move?" the gator growls back. "You're about attraper du mal, couillon," he says, turning to face her.

"You're about to get hurt, fool"

Red Line:
The little girl reaches out to you with one hand. The other holds tightly to her blonde doll. Once you've teleported her back to her parents, the three of them quickly run towards the end of the street, away from the remaining gator and the frogman. In the rush, the girl drops her doll. She screams out from over her father's shoulder, but he pays no head to her in his haste.

"Allons danser, then!" Miss Menagerie replies to Nightgaunt, just before he destroys her Griffin. Her easy smile fades as she realizes she can't summon Shrike back. "Pour quoi t’as fait ça?" she asks him. "That's not very kind of you." She takes off her hat and twirls it a few times before she reaches in a pulls out a small, indistinct, snake-line shape. She flings it at Nightgaunt. In mid-air the small shape suddenly becomes a very solid, twenty-foot black dragon (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hellintheearth/images/7/72/Black_Dragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090725002250) with tall spines running down its back.

The dragon flares its wings and leaps at Nightgaunt with an ear-splitting roar.
"Let's dance." "Why did you do that?"
Miss Menagerie summons Jaal!
Jaal's initiative has already passed, he acts immediatly! But he misses his target

Envy has Initiative!

2021-08-05, 08:39 AM
Envy jumps back and away giving more distance between the two of them. Mazu forms under her feet lifting her in the air where she now holds a bird eye view of the Gator. "Well come on big boy move already!" She hisses at the thing as she draws back an arrow releasing it on him from above. While in the air she now has the chance to figure out what may be useful or valuable to her in this fight before any one else gets hurt.

Failed. Will take the opportunity on the fail to use criminal mind (A)
https://orokos.com/roll/906322 attack
https://orokos.com/roll/906324 Damage

2021-08-05, 04:19 PM
There are two large sacks that the green gatorman dropped by what used to be the entrance of the jewelry store. One of them moves moves slightly as you glance at it.

The frogman smirks as his target disappears in a flash of light, only to grimace again as he notices Red Line make another duplicate over by the van. "Don't you ever quit? Arręte ça!" He raises his hands and more disgusting sewer sludge spews out from a nearby sewer grate, impacting both Red Lines in a torrent of vile water.

"Stop that!"

Both Red Lines make an agility roll. If they fail they each take 10 damage.

Round Resets!
Nightgaunt has Initiative!

big teej
2021-08-08, 08:17 PM
Fangs are all we have in common....

You've gotta be @#$%$ing kidding me! Nightgaunt thinks, staring down the fanged and scaled horror. He braces himself before ducking and weaving through the dragons grasping talons and stomping limbs to get to Menagerie and throws himself onto her.

I don't suppose we can have the griffin back?
Nightgaunt attempts to initiate a Grapple with Menagerie
Opposed Fighting! 6... (https://orokos.com/roll/907241)
On a hit, I'm tangled up with Menagerie, on a Raise, she is Shaken.
On her next action, she may attempt to break free against my opposed strength: 11 (https://orokos.com/roll/907242)

2021-08-08, 11:11 PM
Envys eyes shift around the area that she now has a better view from above. Attempting to look for some thing...anything that may be of value. Her eyes lock on to two sacks near what was an entry way an right before shifting her gaze she notice that one of them moves ever so slightly. "Hmm I dont think that should be moving?" She furrows her brow as she focuses back on the Gator looking down at him from above.
"There is no way they are going through this much trouble for just a petty robbery. That sack must be what they are protecting." Mumbling out to Mazu as she attempts to figure out her next move.
"Mazu I want that Sack or bag whatever it is! I need you to be a big hand and grab it got it!" letting the bow melt into pixelated sand it reforms into big cat claws around her hands.

2021-08-11, 06:26 PM
The frogman smirks as his target disappears in a flash of light, only to grimace again as he notices Red Line make another duplicate over by the van. "Don't you ever quit? Arrête ça!" He raises his hands and more disgusting sewer sludge spews out from a nearby sewer grate, impacting both Red Lines in a torrent of vile water.

Both the hero and his dashing double hop onto surrounding debris to avoid the incoming rush of sewer water. "We've already seen that trick once!" The first calls out. "Won't work twice!" The second follows up.

"I call the frog!" Red Line says aloud. The other audibly sighs, "I guess that leaves me with the Gator..."

The little girl reaches out to you with one hand. The other holds tightly to her blonde doll. Once you've teleported her back to her parents, the three of them quickly run towards the end of the street, away from the remaining gator and the frogman. In the rush, the girl drops her doll. She screams out from over her father's shoulder, but he pays no head to her in his haste.

Red Line quickly searches the street for strands of blonde hair. Once he spots the doll he makes his way over and tucks it away in his jacket pocket. He looks back over his shoulder at the frog down the road then disappears in flash of light before appearing on top of a parked car near the frog. A sphere comprised of intense red light forms in his right hand as he holds it up in the air. "You do know red lights mean 'stop' right? I'd normally let you off with a warning but today... " He casts an exaggerated glance down the street towards the scene of the crime. "I'm gonna have to give you a ticket."

He points the sphere towards the amphibious bandit and fires of a line of red light.

"Me, too scared to move?" the gator growls back. "You're about attraper du mal, couillon," he says, turning to face her.

A streak of red light surges past the white gator and strikes a nearby building. "Threatening a woman? That's not very becoming of a gentleman such as yourself. Neither is robbery I suppose." He shrugs. "So why're you taking orders from the frog anyway? Does he pay you? Were would you even go to spend your money? Do they have bars in the bayou? Would they all be dive bars technically?"

Red Line continues to barrage the gator with a series of questions from atop a car across the street parallel to Eris.

Agility Rolls!
Red Line Original: 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/907623)
Red Line Duplicate: 5 (https://orokos.com/roll/907624)

Red Line (Original) uses his movement to retrieve the doll and teleports as a free action!

Red Line (Original) Ranged Attack against Frog!: 19 (https://orokos.com/roll/907631)
Damage: 24 (https://orokos.com/roll/907632)

Red Line (Duplicate) uses his movement and free action to teleport to box in the gator between himself and Eris!

Red Line (Duplicate) Ranged Attack against Gator: 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/907634)

2021-08-12, 11:02 AM
The frogman gets blasted by Red Line's attack and collapses onto the street. Seeing this, the white gator growls out, "C’est pas de tea affaires, boy," then turns tail and grabs his boss before diving down into the sewer entrance that the frogman blasted open with his last attack.

Translation: "None of your business"

Miss Menagerie laughs as she dances away from Nightgaunt. "Non, non, cher," she says with a playful smirk. She glances over at her two companions starting their escape. "As much as I want to stay and tango with you, I am on the clock. " She whistles at her dragon and points at the downed green gatorman before she fades into a flood of shadow in the same way the rest of her creatures have.

The dragon jumps over Nightgaunt's head to the gatorman and picks him up in his talons before heaving their collective bulk into the air with a few flaps of his wings. As it flies away, the dragon breathes out a dense cloud of black smoke, trying to conceal its withdrawal.

Frogman is KOd!
Miss Menagerie rolls a 10 on her fighting!

All enemies are attempting to escape! The white gatorman and frogman are down in the sewers and the dragon has taken the other gatorman into the air.

big teej
2021-08-15, 05:38 PM
Bon Voyage....

Nightgaunt flinches away from the dragon as it leaps over him. Seeing the assembled menagerie, and Menagerie, attempting to book it down the sewers, he cups his hands around his mouth and calls to Menagerie. "Maybe next time we can find somewhere less crowded to dance?"

He smiles beneath his helmet, then he notices his mangled hand, blood dripping from the tears in his pale flesh, and ugly black bruises forming around his disjointed knuckles. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and wills his self to knit back together. He leans against a nearby trashed car while he rapidly burns through the extra blood he's consumed. He feels a familiar tickle at the back of his throat, and his teeth itch.

He folds his arms across his chest, hiding his mangled hand, and looks around, waiting for the lights and sirens to arrive, and seeing if there's anything that requires his immediate attention.

Nightgaunt takes an action to activate his Regeneration. He rolls Vigor every round until he has no wounds. I'm not gonna roll, cause we're out of combat, and I'll 'eventually' roll the single success I need to heal.

Notice Roll: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/908108)
Remember! Nightgaunt can see heat!
Nightgaunt is no longer Sated.

2021-08-18, 03:09 PM
The frogman gets blasted by Red Line's attack and collapses onto the street. Seeing this, the white gator growls out, "C’est pas de tea affaires, boy," then turns tail and grabs his boss before diving down into the sewer entrance that the frogman blasted open with his last attack.

Red Line hops off of the car and walks over to the sewer entrance after the crooks make their retreat. He's joined by the second Red Line as they inspect the waterway. "Hey, you guys do know someone's gotta pay for all of this property damage right?!" One shouts into the sewer. "Villains these days am I right?" Red Line shakes his head before looking back to Eris. "How're you holdin' up anyway? Better than her, that's for sure."

Red Line moves over to the unconscious Burnout and tries to access her current condition. Raising a hand in the air he fires off a flare that bursts into the team's logo over the surrounding rooftops. The second Red Line weaves through the debris along the street in search of his teammate. "Hey Night, you okay?" Red Line calls out. "It looks like everyone's already cleared out so it's just us until the first response arrives."

Notice: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/908458)

2021-08-18, 07:34 PM
Appearing out of an alleyway and stepping casually past a wrecked car, Gianna Santoro (aka Bloody Mary) joined the scene. She was, as usual, fashionably late. With her hands in the pockets of her jeans she approached Redline, Envy, and Nightgaunt.
"Ay! Looks like I missed the party. What the hell happened here?" She asked, looking between the two.
She was of average height but built of lean muscle, emphasized by the cut off sleeves of her Rolling Stones tshirt. Her black hair hung to just above her shoulders, never quite neat and never exactly messy.
"This place is a mess." She added, coming to a stop beside the three of them.

big teej
2021-08-18, 09:59 PM
That's a Wrap...

Nightgaunt's blank helmet bobs in greeting when Red Line materializes out of the wreckage of the street. He tilts his head quizzically before holding up his now filthy, but unblemished and uninjured hand. "Nothing that won't wash off Red Line." He says in an amused tone.

"Who's the hot chick, by the way? Last I saw she was trying gator tail the hard way."

Swiveling toward Bloody Mary, Nightgaunt chuckles at her assessment of the battle and says "You should see the other guys."

2021-08-20, 08:41 AM
Gia shrugged. "If they look as bad or worse than my old Nonno's focaccia then I almost feel bad for them." She said, thinking back to when she was ten and her grandfather nearly burned the kitchen down trying to make bread.

2021-08-24, 02:04 PM
Nightgaunt's blank helmet bobs in greeting when Red Line materializes out of the wreckage of the street. He tilts his head quizzically before holding up his now filthy, but unblemished and uninjured hand. "Nothing that won't wash off Red Line." He says in an amused tone.

"Who's the hot chick, by the way? Last I saw she was trying gator tail the hard way."

Red Line chuckles at his teammates joke before looking back over to the unconscious heroine. His smile fades quickly as he rubs the back of his neck, "I could be wrong but I think her name's Burnout. She's a member of the East Side provisional team as far as I know. No clue what she was doing over here." He finishes with a slight shrug. "I'm looking her over now but from what I can tell she took a pretty nasty beating."

Appearing out of an alleyway and stepping casually past a wrecked car, Gianna Santoro (aka Bloody Mary) joined the scene. She was, as usual, fashionably late. With her hands in the pockets of her jeans she approached Redline, Envy, and Nightgaunt.

"Ay! Looks like I missed the party. What the hell happened here?" She asked, looking between the two. "This place is a mess." She added, coming to a stop beside the three of them.

His attention is drawn to the alleyway when a familiar figure strolls into view. "Excuse me miss, but all citizens were explicitly instructed to vacate the area to ensure their safety." Red Line says in a practiced voice though his smile betrays him. "Was wondering when you'd show up. Unfortunately the riverfolk already booked it backed to the bayou. First response should be arriving on the scene any minute now so you might wanna suit up."

2021-08-24, 08:37 PM
Both Nightgaunt and Red Line notice that one of the bags that the green gatorman dropped is starting to move. It twitches and the bag rolls slightly to the left. Nightgaunt's thermosensitive eyes can see that something very warm is inside.

Burnout is still deeply unconscious. The Red Line assessing her can see that she probably has a dislocated shoulder, and there are several deep slashes in her abdomen that ooze a moderate amount of blood, but it doesn't look look like anything life-threatening, especially when his ears pick up an increase in the volume of the wailing ambulance.

big teej
2021-08-24, 08:48 PM
"First responders means fuzz.... and fuzz means press.... and I don't feel like talking to the press. You remember what happened last time." Nightgaunt rambles. He stretches his hands over his head and sighs loudly.

"I'll see you two back at the hideout. Later." He offers a 'peace out' salute and gathers himself to take off....

He tilts his head in confusion and points. "Uh.... should that be moving?" He sighs again. "It's always something, right?" He says to Gia.

Nightgaunt picks his way through the rubble and prods at the bag with the toe of his boot. If nothing exciting happens, he'll slit it open with one of his nails.

2021-08-24, 08:58 PM
At your prod, the bag lets out a deep groan, like that of someone in pain. As you slice it open, a man of about 30 with dark brown hair pokes his head out, blinking at the afternoon light. He glances over at Nightgaunt and starts a little as he's met with the blankness of the vampire's helmet. He quickly recovers though, and holds up his hands that are bound with duct tape.

"Thank the lord you got me out! I thought I was gonna be gator chow..." he says. He rubs the side of his head with his wrist and Nightgaunt can see a large goose egg of a bruise there.

big teej
2021-08-24, 09:18 PM
Nightgaunt stands up straight and looks back at Red Line and shouts at him. "Hey Boy Scout! The gators were stealing civilians!"

He turns back to the man and cuts his bonds loose and helps him to his feet if he seems in control of his faculties. "You just draw the short straw? or look extra tasty? or what? Was it just the two of you?" He rattles off as he walks to the other back and opens it as well.

2021-08-26, 08:20 PM
Nightgaunt opens the other bag to find it filled with gold jewelry, gems, pieces of display cases, and other bits that a large gator hand may have grabbed when trying to empty out a jewelry store.

The man blinks at your question and seems to think, hard, as he wavers slightly on his feet. "I remember... the frog. He pointed at me, and he said, 'that one's for the King,' and then the white gatorman hit me. I don't know why he picked me."

2021-08-27, 04:15 PM
Gianna stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Steady there. Why don't we get you to a paramedic and make sure you're ok? You'll need to speak with the police as well." She said, trying to keep her tone soothing.

2021-08-27, 06:45 PM
"First responders means fuzz.... and fuzz means press.... and I don't feel like talking to the press. You remember what happened last time." Nightgaunt rambles. He stretches his hands over his head and sighs loudly.

"I'll see you two back at the hideout. Later." He offers a 'peace out' salute and gathers himself to take off....

"Well someone's gotta stay behind for damage control. Our PR isn't exactly the greatest after that incident with Protonik back at the trainyard." He sighs heavy heartedly. Red Line watches as Nightgaunt opens the moving bag revealing the middle-aged man trapped within.

Nightgaunt stands up straight and looks back at Red Line and shouts at him. "Hey Boy Scout! The gators were stealing civilians!"

"For starters, I'm not a boy scout. And what'd they want him for anyway?"

big teej
2021-08-31, 11:07 AM
Nightgaunt holds up both hands and shrugs "I dunno, mid-day snack?"

2021-09-03, 08:24 AM
"Ay! Maybe don't talk about him like he's a bag of chips while he's standing right here?" Gia said, frustrated with their insensitivity. "I'll handle the police if you want to go Nightgaunt, and Redline you might want to check on our... uh... coworker? She looks pretty rough."

(Attempting to raise Nightgaunt's savior by encouraging compassion and lower superior by suggesting he leave and avoid police/public interaction)

2021-09-03, 09:01 AM
The man flinches a little when Nightgaunt mentions that fact that he was probably just about to be gator bait. He glances over Gia as she speaks and replies, “Thank you… uhhh… what was your name again? Are you guys a new team here?” He rubs his head. “I don’t think I’ve seen you guys before.”

The wailing of the ambulances and police car are getting closer. You can guess that they’re probably a block or two away now.

big teej
2021-09-08, 08:16 PM
Ja Ne Cha!

"You ain't gotta tell me twice, I'll see the two of you back at HQ" Nightgaunt offers a two finger salute to his teammates before swirling up and away as a murder of crows.

A few blocks over on a deserted rooftop, the murder of crows swirls and corkscrews down in a rush, landing as Raphael in his civilian clothes again. He immediately shucks his backpack over his shoulder and digs out a disguised blood pack, greedily sucking down the first half of its contents in a three gulps.

He stands up, throws his backpack over his shoulder again and saunters to the edge of the building and leans against the parapet, thinking about what Gia had said. He sips absentmindedly, gazing over the city with a frown. "If I'm gonna keep doing this hero shtick... I gotta learn how to manage PR." he grimaces.

He digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone and shoots a text to Seraph. "fyi. We tangled with some of the river king's goons."

Nightgaunt gives Influence to Bloody Mary and accepts her statement about his self image. Savior Up, Superior Down.

2021-09-10, 04:39 PM
"Ay! Maybe don't talk about him like he's a bag of chips while he's standing right here?" Gia said, frustrated with their insensitivity. "I'll handle the police if you want to go Nightgaunt, and Redline you might want to check on our... uh... coworker? She looks pretty rough."

"Already workin' on it." Red Line says as he inclines his head towards himself and Eris.

"You ain't gotta tell me twice, I'll see the two of you back at HQ" Nightgaunt offers a two finger salute to his teammates before swirling up and away as a murder of crows.

"We'll catch up with you later!" He watches as the murder of crows flies ascends through the air. "And tell your friends to stay away from my bike!" he calls out to Nightgaunt.

2021-09-11, 07:33 PM
The communicator in your ear chirps as soon your message is sent to him. "I knew there was trouble as soon as I saw all of you converge in the same place," Seraph says on your comm channel. "I'm already on my way. Unless... you want to speak to the press, Raf," he continues with a chuckle.

Red Line, Envy, Goldheart, and Bloody Mary:
You hear Seraph speak over the general comm channel in your individual earpieces. "So I hear you confronted some of the River Kings goons? Someone want to give me the rundown before I get there so I can talk to the press? Unless one of you wants to take over? I'm about two minutes out."

2021-09-11, 07:54 PM
"I was late to the party." Gia replied, "Probably better you get the details from someone that isn't my tardy self."

2021-09-12, 10:30 AM
Red Line, Envy, Goldheart, and Bloody Mary:
You hear Seraph speak over the general comm channel in your individual earpieces. "So I hear you confronted some of the River Kings goons? Someone want to give me the rundown before I get there so I can talk to the press? Unless one of you wants to take over? I'm about two minutes out."

"Crap I'm late. I'll help with clean up as soon as I get there." Calvin says speeding towards the dissipating plume of smoke.
Peddling up the hill to the scene, Calvin sees the team starting to scatter and and Red Line tending to Burnout. Seeing this he grabs his Dagger and transforms after hopping off his bike. "Hey Redline Give me a sec i'll try to get her on her feet." Goldheart says placing a hand over her most obvious wound to patch them up somewhat.

I'm going to try to heal her to consciousness I'm not entirely sure how the Damage transfer works. but I want to get her upright ASAP.

big teej
2021-09-12, 07:40 PM
Homeward Bound:

Raphael narrows his eyes at the voice in his ear. "Words to the effect of 'no', Seraph. You have fun with the journorats, I'm heading home for a shower. The goons play dirty."

Raphael glances around and spies a convenient fire escape ladder and makes his way down to street level, adjusts his clothes, throws up his hood, and strolls out into the street, sipping at his 'cherry' flavored snack. He fishes his phone out and fires off a text to The Network, asking if they have any friendly voices in the press he should know about.

He scrolls through the news feed, seeing if anything from the incident is live yet, and strolls back to HQ.

A little closer to home, after his teammates have had the chance to either mug for the cameras or beat feet like he did, he texts the team...

Yo, when's the last time we had a team outing? anybody in the mood for pizza?"

2021-09-13, 01:11 PM
Eris floats down behind every one leaning against a building that took some damage during the fight. "Well this sure was a bust, a strange man in a bag, a teammate who is late now the press." She sighs speaking to herself. Gripping her chest area she looks to her other teammate's after watching Nightguant leave. "You guys seem to fancy the spot light so I'm out." Bringing her hand to her lips an blowing them a kiss with a wink she jumps towards the rooftop finding her footing and hops from one rooftop to another before landing in a back alleyway. Mazu pixalates over Envy body bring her back her to civilian clothing as she kneels down. Spitting up blood on floor watching it bubble she winches removing the ear peace an placing it in her pocket not wanting to hear the others chatter. "Guess I'm not much of a fighter or you just really suck mazu" envy chuckles softly.
Mazu speaking up with a harsh tone filling her head "You are just weak thus making me weak you foolish girl." Envy shakes her head and picks herself up throwing her hood on an starting her way down the sidewalk.

2021-09-13, 06:59 PM
You hear Seraph speak over the general comm channel in your individual earpieces. "So I hear you confronted some of the River Kings goons? Someone want to give me the rundown before I get there so I can talk to the press? Unless one of you wants to take over? I'm about two minutes out."

"I'm getting pretty tired of talking about the incident at the rail yard so if you want to take over talking the the press then I'm all for it." He replies over comms. "I've got some unfinished business in area so I'll hang around for a bit."

Peddling up the hill to the scene, Calvin sees the team starting to scatter and and Red Line tending to Burnout. Seeing this he grabs his Dagger and transforms after hopping off his bike. "Hey Redline Give me a sec I'll try to get her on her feet." Goldheart says placing a hand over her most obvious wound to patch them up somewhat.

The second Redline raises both hands and gives Goldheart the spaces he needs to tend to Burnout. "Be my guest. I'm honestly impressed you made it here before first response, though a motorcycle would've probably been faster." He finishes after glancing at his teammates mode of transportation.

Eris floats down behind every one leaning against a building that took some damage during the fight. "Well this sure was a bust, a strange man in a bag, a teammate who is late now the press." She sighs speaking to herself. Gripping her chest area she looks to her other teammate's after watching Nightguant leave. "You guys seem to fancy the spot light so I'm out." Bringing her hand to her lips an blowing them a kiss with a wink she jumps towards the rooftop finding her footing and hops from one rooftop to another before landing in a back alleyway.

"You gonna be alright? That gator wasn't exactly the most gentle of dance partners." He finishes just as Eris bounds over the rooftop and out of view. Hmm... Guess she's just built different? It's gotta be the legs.

2021-09-15, 09:53 AM
A few minutes later your phone chimes- There are very few, but Natasha at the Bellevue Street Journal has been one of the better ones. She was promoted to editor a few months ago, so hopefully we will have a kinder voice in the press.

You see a new Breaking News headline and what looks like shaky cell phone camera footage of the incident— including your run in with Menagerie and the Frogman.

When you put your hands on Burnout to try and heal her, a muted light enters your palms, but stutters and goes out. You immediately feel tired, like you didn’t get a good nights sleep.
Goldheart gains a level of fatigue from falling his healing roll.

Ambulances and police arrive, followed by a news van that screeches to a stop just before it plows into a large chunk or concrete that used to be part of the storefront. Gia does a good job and keeping them at bay until the news crew spots Seraph (https://ironstationsavagemasks.obsidianportal.com/characters/james-fletcher-aka-seraph) landing behind her.

The older hero gently folds his pale gold wings and pats her on the shoulder. “Good job so far. I’ll take over from here,” he says before he strides forward and begins to speak to the press.

The brown-haired man that was trapped in the burlap sack and Burnout are quickly loaded into an ambulance that pulls away from the scene with a screech or tires.

Meanwhile, one of the policeman pulls Red Line aside and takes his statement on what happened. He checks with Red Line’s other teammates that are still present, then let’s you all know that you’re free to leave.

You are now free to wander the city. It is about 5pm. What do you do?

big teej
2021-09-15, 09:14 PM

Raphael rereads the text from The Network a few times, trying to commit the name and paper to memory before replying "My team fought some of the River King's goons, it went well, we shouldn't need to leverage the asset, thx 4 the info"

Raphael continues to meander through the city, people watching, recovering from the fight, and seeing if his teammates answer or if he should just head back to base.

2021-09-16, 07:17 AM
The second Redline raises both hands and gives Goldheart the spaces he needs to tend to Burnout. "Be my guest. I'm honestly impressed you made it here before first response, though a motorcycle would've probably been faster." He finishes after glancing at his teammates mode of transportation.

"Motorcycles do seem cool. but I've never actually ridden on one. They seem Really dangerous but..." Goldheart shakes his head to stop rambling and takes a deep breath. "It honestly doesn't matter because I can't afford one even if did want one. which would be cool but whatever."

After attempting to heal Burnout and and doing nothing of notice. He let's the Paramedics tend to her. There goes that chance to be the hero.

He waves off the ambulance and stands by as Seraph gives the interview. Surprisingly exhausted, he heads back to HQ to rest up and take a nap after all this.
"You did quite well out there. Although your healing prowess leaves a little to be the desired." An increasingly familiar voice says.

"Thanks, G. I definitely need to work on it. Everything feels really crazy and this suit is exhausting. It gets easier though, right?"

"No young ser, You get stronger. The role of protector and the Mantle of Goldheart are indeed weighty but you would not have been chosen were you not up to the tasks. You're potential is there to be realized. Go seize it."

"I don't see it but if you're able to, I'll trust you." Calvin says finally out of the armour and in bed, quickly falling asleep.

Calvin's rest is bothered by a text. He grabs his phone and responds:

Sound's good. Just Let me know when/where.

2021-09-22, 11:34 AM
Gia, now just leaning against a building and watching the aftermath of the fight, picked up her phone and sent a message to the group chat herself, which read, "Hey, Nonna Cecilia is making melanzane di parmigiana. You're all welcome to come eat some actual food and not whatever it is you usually microwave."

2021-09-23, 02:46 AM
Ambulances and police arrive, followed by a news van that screeches to a stop just before it plows into a large chunk or concrete that used to be part of the storefront. Gia does a good job and keeping them at bay until the news crew spots Seraph landing behind her.

The older hero gently folds his pale gold wings and pats her on the shoulder. “Good job so far. I’ll take over from here,” he says before he strides forward and begins to speak to the press.

The brown-haired man that was trapped in the burlap sack and Burnout are quickly loaded into an ambulance that pulls away from the scene with a screech or tires.

Meanwhile, one of the policeman pulls Red Line aside and takes his statement on what happened. He checks with Red Line’s other teammates that are still present, then let’s you all know that you’re free to leave.

One of the Red Lines disappears in a beam of light once the injured are loaded into the ambulance.

"Thanks Seraph, you're an angel!", he says to the team's guardian as he engages the press on their behalf. After the Red Line gives the officer the information he needs he'll hand over the doll belonging to the little girl and give him the license plate number of the overturned van so that her companion can be returned to her.

Yo, when's the last time we had a team outing? anybody in the mood for pizza?"

Hey, Nonna Cecilia is making melanzane di parmigiana. You're all welcome to come eat some actual food and not whatever it is you usually microwave.

It ain't pizza but I'm not one to turn down good food. Where and when? I'm starving!

2021-09-23, 06:06 AM
Envy takes her time walking around a well kept cemetery that is littered with willow trees. Their leaves gently kisses the graves that lay beneath them as if giving love and thanks for the passed soul providing nutrients for its life.
With the sun now slowly setting she finds a shaded spot clear of any graves and and lays back closing her eyes. Running her hands in the grass she starts drifting off before her phone buzzes. Groaning Envy reaches into her pocket an sees it's from the group chat going off.
"Hey, Nonna Cecilia is making melanzane di parmigiana. You're all welcome to come eat some actual food and not whatever it is you usually microwave." Gias message read. Envy taps the phone to her lips thinking about the offer. Typing back she replies *"Sounds better than Microwaved pizza rolls, ill bring the beer so count me in! ;p "* Setting the phone on her stomach she attempts to close her eyes for just a few more minutes.

2021-09-23, 12:11 PM
"Sounds better than Microwaved pizza rolls, ill bring the beer so count me in! ;p "* Setting the phone on her stomach she attempts to close her eyes for just a few more minutes.

It ain't pizza but I'm not one to turn down good food. Where and when? I'm starving!

"Hey, Nonna Cecilia is making melanzane di parmigiana. You're all welcome to come eat some actual food and not whatever it is you usually microwave."

Calvin turns over in his bed, reads the parade of text and replies "Democracy wins again. Also I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to refuse homemade Italian food. I'm headed over in 30." After resigning himself to the amount of rest he's gotten, Calvin hops in the shower, gets dressed and then texts Gia for directions.

2021-10-02, 11:58 AM
Gianna sent her address to the group chat and forewarned Nonna Cecilia that they would be having company for dinner. She went straight there from the scene to help with dinner. By the time people started arriving she was (somewhat obnoxiously) singing along to a dean Martin record playing on a vintage record player.

big teej
2021-10-02, 01:53 PM
Oh... this again.

Raphael frowns at his phone, seeing the group's decision. He dutifully types out "See you guys soon!" with a victory V emoji and stows it back in his pocket. He sighs and takes another sip. He looks out over the city, remembering the last time the team had eaten with 'Nonna Cecilia'... He wasn't sure how Gianna or her relative felt about it, but he didn't think it had gone all that well, and he wasn't looking forward to a repeat occurrence.

Resigning himself to the inevitable, he took a deep breath and swirled up and away from the city streets, a murder of crows once again, he kept his many eyes out as he took a circuitous route, hoping to arrive in the middle of the pack.

NOTHING HIDES FROM ME! 15 On Notice (https://orokos.com/roll/915784)
Raphael is actively looking for trouble so he has a legitimate excuse to be late.

2021-10-05, 03:49 PM
One pair of your many corvid eyes spot movement down an alleyway. There's a young woman with blonde hair in a fancy server's outfit that is backed up to the wall of a building next to one of the few doors that dot the alley. Surrounding her are three men in hoodies, despite the muggy weather. Another pair of avian eyes catches a metallic glint coming from inside the hoodie packet of the largest man in gray.

The woman pulls out her server book and throws a wad of cash at the men. The shortest one collects it, then goes to block the door with a wrought iron chair that seemed to be there for smoke breaks. The three of them get closer to the woman; the tallest one in black tells her not to scream.

2021-10-05, 10:20 PM
With Address in phone and Dressed in his 'nice' jeans and favorite blue button-down, Calvin Takes to the street on his bike. On his way he listens to his favorite old-school hiphop playlist. "Ms. Jackson" by Outkast blares in his headphones as he sings along. After a few minutes, he arrives at the house. He does his best to smooth out any wrinkles before knocking on the door. "Excellent job dressing up to meet her grandmother. Good impressions are important, young ser"

"Thanks, G. Please keep a low profile tonight, I'd like to handle this on my own.'

"As you wish. Young ser."

big teej
2021-10-08, 10:53 AM
Well that escalated quickly...

Ask, and ye shall receive... Raphael thinks to himself, watching the goons accost the woman. The murder of crows swirls in on itself as he taps into a deeper reserve of power and blood, satiating his blood-lust before spiraling down into the conflict.

The murder of crows descends in a rush of talons and feathers and Nightgaunt appears between the woman and the goon closest to her. Standing up straight, he says "This is not how we treat ladies in Iron Station" and then slaps the man across the face with all of his undead strength.

Unleash My Power! 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/916756)
I will choose for the effect to be Unstable, Temporary, or have unintended ramifications

Fighting Roll to slap the goon in the face, with The Drop: 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/916758)
Nightgaunt isn't using his talons, so this attack won't kill the guy, and I don't get anything more than my strength: 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/916759)

IF any of the goons makes a move on/attacks the woman, I will Defend Her with a 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/916760)
I take any damage she would have taken, and I am adjacent to her, regardless of my original position. I will then take Influence over this lady.

2021-10-10, 05:15 PM
The man goes down hard, stunned by your sudden appearance and the slap. His buddies yell explicatives and draw their weapons, a handgun and large fixed blade knife from their hoodie pockets.

"Jesus, look what he did to Johnnie!" the skinny one with the knife exclaims. "He's out of our league man!"

The one with the gun backs up few steps and takes a shot at you, aiming for high-center chest. "Shut up and stab him, Mike!"

The skinny guy lunges forward with his knife, but he isn't able to connect with the blade as his nerves get the best of him.

Combat Begins!
Johnnie is Shaken!
Of Hearts!
Gun guy shoots Nightguant!
To Hit: 7
Damage: 11
Of Diamonds!
Mike attacks Nightgaunt, but he misses!
Nighgaunt has Initiative!

2021-10-10, 07:07 PM
Gianna came and opened the door when Calvin knocked, tossing a dishrag over her shoulder. "Hey! Come on in, dinner is almost ready." She said, then looked back into the house as she gestured for him to enter. "Calvin č qui, comportati bene!"
The response that came back was also in Italian, "Questo č bello? Sto arrivando..."

big teej
2021-10-10, 08:53 PM
Round 1....FIGHT!!!

Nightgaunt flinches away from the gun shot, a neat little hole punched into his chest. Healthy, normal looking blood oozes out, staining his costume. Hidden inside the mask, Raphael grimaces in pain, outwardly, he scoffs and rubs at the wound. "pfft. ow.... He says, jutting his head forward at 'gun guy'.

"I just want you to know.... I kinda took that personally." Nightgaunt says and reaches out for the man and takes a firm hold on the metaphysical tether of his blood. and pulls.

Shooting roll: 8 hit with a raise! (https://orokos.com/roll/917105)
Damage: ......35 (https://orokos.com/roll/917106) :smallredface:

Nothing to see here.... (https://youtu.be/Ic4-4vPv2Qg)

Nothing at all (https://youtu.be/2-frM2Lf8KE?t=32)

2021-10-11, 06:46 PM
Gianna came and opened the door when Calvin knocked, tossing a dishrag over her shoulder. "Hey! Come on in, dinner is almost ready." She said, then looked back into the house as she gestured for him to enter. "Calvin č qui, comportati bene!"
The response that came back was also in Italian, "Questo č bello? Sto arrivando..."

"Hey! Thanks for inviting us all over." Calvin says walking into the house, slowly taking in the room. "It smells amazing in here. I can't wait." He says walking towards the kitchen. "Is there anything I can help with?"

2021-10-11, 07:25 PM
Once Redline parts ways with the police he'll mount his motorcycle and disappear down an alleyway into the city. Louis reappears from the shadows of a side street and merges into traffic as he quickly makes his way to Nonna Cecilia's for dinner with the team.

Not exactly how I thought I'd be spending my afternoon but how can I complain? The food was divine last time we were over for dinner.

Louis arrives at Nonna's after 20 minutes of riding and gently raps on the door. He leans against the doorway as he waits opposite to the direction it swings open.

2021-10-13, 07:59 PM
Blood streams out of gun guy's pores to shoot through the air and converge in your palm. Backing up a few steps, knife guy inhales sharply and mutters, "$&%*..."

Behind him, across the alley, the one you slapped earlier starts to stir. Knife guy notices and calls out to him much larger buddy, "Johnnie!? Oh, thank god, you're not dead. Grab Trey and let's get the @^&# outta here!"

The much larger man shakes his head and gets to his feet before grabbing his exsanguinated cohort and heads deeper into the alley.

You can see the fear in knife guy's eyes before he turns tail and runs after his friends.
End Combat

The woman behind you slowly sits down in the wrought iron chair that blocks the door. No tears escape her eyes, however. She's holding it together surprisingly well. "Thank you," she says, glancing up at you. "If you hadn't come when you did..."

big teej
2021-10-15, 12:04 PM
Game Over...

Nightgaunt tosses the globe of blood aside with a contemptuous flick of his wrist and tenses to chase after the goons. He pauses when he looks at the amount of blood splattered over the alleyway now. Oh $#!%... I think I killed that guy. Oh crap. oh crap. what am I supposed to do? should I tell Seraph? should tell the team? should I... His racing thoughts are brought screeching to a halt when the damsel in distress speaks.

Nightgaunt glances up and down the alley, checking that the goons are gone, and looking for more witnesses. Seeing no living souls, he walks over and puts his back to the wall, sliding down til he's resting on his haunches, loosely eye level with the girl.

"Try not to dwell on it." He says to fill the silence. "Are you okay?" He asks.

2021-10-18, 05:33 AM
Calvin was instructed to help Gianna set the table while Nonna Cecilia went to answer the door. She was a short, round woman with fully silver hair and a big wrinkly smile. "Benvenuta! Come in, come in. Dinner is almost ready."

2021-11-15, 11:34 AM
The woman takes a moment to compose herself before she answers, “Yes, thanks to you… what’s your name? I don’t know if I’ve seen you before.”

You hear Seraph’s voice over comms. “Return to base ASAP. Mission briefing in 30.”

2021-11-15, 12:08 PM
You hear Seraph’s voice over comms. “Return to base ASAP. Mission briefing in 30.”
"Aw man, we were just about to- ugh! Whatever.

"On my way back to base." Calvin says, throwing his Jacket back on.

"Sorry Gia, this sucks but Duty calls. Sorry Nonna, I have to go. Can we get a rain check? I hate to walk away from real food."

big teej
2021-11-16, 10:01 PM
Duty Calls:

Raphael leans his head back against the wall. "Nightgaunt, at least until I screw up enough run ins with the press that I have to change it." He deadpans. When Seraph barks in his ear he makes a show of raising a hand to the side of his helmet. He sighs. "Duty Calls." He says with a heavy sigh.

"Maybe I'll see ya round, in happier circumstances. You gonna be okay? I can wait around for the police to show up if you want." He asks as he pushes himself back to his feet and brushes himself off. He takes very careful note of where he is and the name of the restaurant and commits the girl's face and name tag to memory.

2021-11-17, 02:38 PM

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be okay,” the waitress says, brushing a lock if hair back behind her ear. “Thank you for the offer though. If you’re ever around here again, dinner’s on me. My name’s Marie, by the way. Just let the hostess know you know me and she’ll get you one of our upstairs tables.”

You realize that the location you’re at is just behind Chophouse, an upscale steakhouse well known in Iron Station.

OOC: This is a the start of a new session! Everyone gains 6 XP, and all Masks moves reset.

Nightgaunt is dealt Mechanical Malfunction: A device malfunctions in some way:guns jam, bow strings break, etc

Goldheart is dealt Flesh Wound: Play to cause a wounded Extra to rise immediately, un-shaken and unharmed. The Extra must have been wounded in the current scene.

Red Line is dealt Contact: Your hero sees an old acquaintance who might help him in his current quest somehow. Of course, he may also ask for a favor in return.

Bloody Mary is dealt Second Wind: Play on your hero to automatically remove all wound sustained in this combat. If Shaken, she is now unshaken as well.

2021-11-17, 08:37 PM
Gia quickly explained to Cecilia what was going on and she nodded, hurrying them out the door as she insisted she would drive the food over to them when it was done.
"Youre the best Nonna." Gia said, kissing her cheek as she got her shoes on

big teej
2021-11-17, 09:15 PM
Free Food!

"I'll be sure to remember that, Marie, I'm looking forward to it." Nightgaunt bows before spiraling up and away as a murder of crows.

placeholder for advances and whatnot

2021-11-18, 12:22 AM
Calvin was instructed to help Gianna set the table while Nonna Cecilia went to answer the door. She was a short, round woman with fully silver hair and a big wrinkly smile. "Benvenuta! Come in, come in. Dinner is almost ready."

"Hey Nonna Cecilia, long time no see! My stomach started rumbling as soon as Gia said-"

You hear Seraph’s voice over comms. “Return to base ASAP. Mission briefing in 30.”

"C'mon! Seriously? I haven't even sat down yet..."

Louis turns on his heels and heads out the door just as quickly as he walked in. "I'll see everyone in a few. Let's see what's more important than parmesan."

Louis gets back onto his bike and returns to base, taking a bit longer than usual, but still within the allotted time, to arrive as he enjoys the evening cityscape during his drive.

2021-11-18, 02:31 AM
Streetlamps flicker on as the sun sinks below the horizon, bathing the streets in yellow light. A young couple stumbles down the street, using the brick walls of buildings to help keep them upright. They laugh and smile as the man almost falls over, only saved by the railing of some stairs leading up to one of the old houses that make up this part of the district.

As they pass by an alleyway between two homes, a hand with long spider-like fingers reaches out toward the oblivious couple. It drips with darkness, which hisses and sizzles as the black drops hit the pavement. The grasping fingers curl under the man’s chin and snatch him back into the yawning blackness of the alley.

The woman continues on with a giggle, unaware of the fate of her partner.

Back in the alley, a tall figure has its long fingers buried deep into the man’s chest under his ribcage, piercing through his diaphragm and lungs, cutting off any noise he may have tried to make. It lets the body slip off its hand to the ground before it stabs its fingers back into the man’s chest, hooking around his ribs, and pulls. There’s a series of pops and cracks as the man’s chest cavity is opened to the air. The figure then reaches in and delicately pulls out its victim’s quivering heart.

It grins, revealing sharp, black teeth before it takes a bite of the organ, chewing thoughtfully. After a moment, it swallows and takes a second to consider its meal before returning the heart to its place in the man’s open chest. It dips one finger into the pooling blood and draws a vertical line on the man’s forehead before sinking back into the darkness of the alley, searching for its next sacrifice.

When you all arrive back at base, you find Seraph pacing the command center/living room. His wings are slightly flared and his feathers quiver with every step. His fingers pinch the bridge of his nose and his eyes are tightly shut. He mutters to himself every so often. It's the most agitated you've ever seen the usually easygoing man.

He doesn't quite jump as the voice of the base assistant, Mimi, says over the intercom, "Seraph, the team has arrived."

Your mentor glances up at the assembled heroes and lets out a gusty breath before he says, "I hope everyone's ready for some real hero work. We have a serious problem. AEGIS is sending over a few of the South-side team to help out. They should arrive here shortly."

No sooner than the words leave his lips, Mimi announces in a more robotic tone than usual, "Recognized: Harbinger, Mercury, and Zodiac."

The three South-side members enter through the front door of the base on the lower level. It takes them less than a minute to climb the stairs and enter the living room.

The trio is led by Harbinger (https://ironstationsavagemasks.obsidianportal.com/characters/harbinger), a fairly well-known hero in Iron Station for his knack for arriving just before disaster strikes. The man looks oddly similar to Seraph right down to the wings, just a little older and more grizzled. His feathers are frayed and torn, colored a dark, ashy gray-black.

The other two younger heroes, your team hasn't met before. One is a tall, athletic male with dark hair in a faded undercut wearing jeans and a tight-fitting t-shirt (https://ironstationsavagemasks.obsidianportal.com/characters/drake-varga). His gaze is solemn as he looks over the team. The other is a short Asian girl with a cute bob (https://ironstationsavagemasks.obsidianportal.com/characters/koyuki-kitagawa-aka-zodiac). Her long-sleeved shirt hangs fashionably off one shoulder.

As Harbinger and his team enter, Seraph's wings snap shut, almost to hide his agitation. "That was quick."

Harbinger smirks. "You know me; I always arrive precisely when it inconveniences someone else the most. I'm assuming you haven't had a chance to brief your team yet?"

Seraph shakes his head. "Some of them like to take their time getting back to base."

After a moment of reading Seraph's body language, however much he tried to hide it, Harbinger says, "Let's you and me talk for a minute. Drake, Yuki, go... uhh...mingle? We'll be back in a few." The two mentors then disappear into one of the back rooms.

The two South-side heroes glance at one another, then at the team.

big teej
2021-11-19, 11:29 AM

"So. Uh. Hi?" Raphael offers, trying to break the ice for everyone. He glances around at both teams. "I guess we're probably supposed to toss the one-ups-man ship aside for the duration?" He looks the new arrivals up and down. "Probably." He says with a grin.

2021-11-19, 05:36 PM
Calvin watches Harbinger and Seraph step away then back to the younger Heroes. "Sup guys, You uh know what this is all about? The Old guys seem pretty hush-hush about something. But it was important enough to cancel dinner. Have you guys heard anything?"

2021-11-19, 05:38 PM
After a moment of reading Seraph's body language, however much he tried to hide it, Harbinger says, "Let's you and me talk for a minute. Drake, Yuki, go... uhh...mingle? We'll be back in a few." The two mentors then disappear into one of the back rooms.

The two South-side heroes glance at one another, then at the team.

Calvin watches Harbinger and Seraph step away then back to the younger Heroes. "Sup guys, You uh know what this is all about? The Old guys seem pretty hush-hush about something. But it was important enough to cancel dinner. Have you guys heard anything?"

"Yeah what's the occasion? Harbinger's here so I'm assuming whatever it is, it ain't good. I'm Louis by the way."

He walks forward into the space between the two teams and extends a hand to shake.

"You two the only members of your team?"

2021-11-19, 06:04 PM
Drake doesn’t smile at Raphael’s attempt to break the ice, but he does shake Louis’ hand. “We’re just the vanguard, for now,” he says. “Hopefully the rest of our team won’t need to assist. I’m Drake. This is Yuki,” he continues, gesturing at his teammate.

The girl smiles at the assembled West-side team, but her expression soon grows more serious. “Harbinger didn’t really tell us what was going on. He had a premonition earlier and immediately called up AEGIS. He told us that we’d be working together with your team for now.”

2021-11-19, 08:09 PM
Drake doesn’t smile at Raphael’s attempt to break the ice, but he does shake Louis’ hand. “We’re just the vanguard, for now,” he says. “Hopefully the rest of our team won’t need to assist. I’m Drake. This is Yuki,” he continues, gesturing at his teammate.

The girl smiles at the assembled West-side team, but her expression soon grows more serious. “Harbinger didn’t really tell us what was going on. He had a premonition earlier and immediately called up AEGIS. He told us that we’d be working together with your team for now.”

Calvin's posture changes with Yuki's expression. "Well if they haven't told you and they Called up AEGIS then it's probably something big and happening very soon. Either way, We'll keep the worry to a minimum. And since i'm missing Home-cooked Italitan made by a sweet old lady, I'm gonna go grab something for the fridge. Anyone want anything?" Calvin says, Walking towards the Mess Hall.

big teej
2021-11-20, 07:54 PM

"Actually, I'm running on empty." Raphael says sauntering after Calvin to the kitchen. He slides around his teammate to reach into the fridge and pull one of his silver-packaged nutrient packets and unscrews the cap and takes several large gulps.

"So. Whatcha think?" He says quietly. "AEGIS being over-cautious? or is this a commentary on our own abilities?" He makes room for Calvin to fix whatever he's in the mood for and lounges so he can see back up the hallway should anyone else follow them.

2021-11-24, 05:09 AM

"Actually, I'm running on empty." Raphael says sauntering after Calvin to the kitchen. He slides around his teammate to reach into the fridge and pull one of his silver-packaged nutrient packets and unscrews the cap and takes several large gulps.

"So. Whatcha think?" He says quietly. "AEGIS being over-cautious? or is this a commentary on our own abilities?" He makes room for Calvin to fix whatever he's in the mood for and lounges so he can see back up the hallway should anyone else follow them.

"Probably both. If I had to guess. But if Harbinger is here and Seraph is this stressed, It's probably not something we could rightly handle." Calvin says, making a PB and J sandwich. "Speaking of handle, you alright dude? You seem... paler than usual."He says again taking a bit and sorely wishing this was Nonna's cooking.

2021-11-26, 05:57 AM
Lewis and Gia spot the two winged men come back from where they had been sequestered. Seraph looks much more at ease than he has before, but his feathers still vibrate ever so slightly with every step. “Mimi, pull up any information we have on Mangeur de Coeur,” Seraph says as he goes to the front of the room.

It takes only a few seconds for a horrible, tall, monstrous figure (http://pm1.narvii.com/6181/2f4fdbcd1c5fb1f34b6e1fc0862cc94b5a2c0f6e_00.jpg)to take up the projector screen on the wall.

Harbinger sees that two of the West-side team are missing. Rafael hears Harbinger’s voice echo up the hallway, “Alright ladies and gentleman, gather round.”

big teej
2021-11-26, 10:45 AM
So Much for an Intermission...

In the Kitchen
Raphael stares at Calvin while taking several loud gulps. "After we split off from the encounter with the River King's goons, I ran into another incident on the way to Gia's place. Got held up. So I'm just... feeling a little run down." He gets a faraway look in his eyes. "I'll, uh... I'll tell ya about it later, it sounds like they're starting without us." He says, jerking a thumb up the hall back towards the briefing area.


Raphael doesn't quite jog back into the briefing area, he takes in the horrific monster in a glance and tries to place it while listening to Harbinger

Occult roll! 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/923314)

gained "Mechanical Malfunction"
Raised Agility to d8
Moves Reset!

End of Session Mechanics
1) Did I make progress towards defeating my Nemesis? - NO. Despite successfully resolving the incident with Marie, I lost control of my vampiric powers and nearly killed a regular joe. Such activity could easily bring the Nightwatch down on my head before I'm ready, and I have no idea how my team will react to me maybe killing a Guy. I mark my Doom Track.

2) Closer To/Away From the team vs. Into my own self - I think I'm going to choose "into my own self" because I don't think the narrative supports me growing away from the team - specifically because we haven't had the talk about me almost killing a guy yet. I'm going to shift FREAK up and MUNDANE down. I'm feeling less happy go lucky, and yanking all that dude's blood out definitely makes me worry about the Nightwatch.

2021-11-26, 01:53 PM
Louis and Gia spot the two winged men come back from where they had been sequestered. Seraph looks much more at ease than he has before, but his feathers still vibrate ever so slightly with every step. “Mimi, pull up any information we have on Mangeur de Coeur,” Seraph says as he goes to the front of the room.

It takes only a few seconds for a horrible, tall, monstrous figure to take up the projector screen on the wall.

"Imagine being the guy who runs into this thing in a dark alleyway..." Louis comments seconds after the projection appears. "So what's with the movie monster?"

2021-11-26, 04:15 PM
So Much for an Intermission...

In the Kitchen
Raphael stares at Calvin while taking several loud gulps. "After we split off from the encounter with the River King's goons, I ran into another incident on the way to Gia's place. Got held up. So I'm just... feeling a little run down." He gets a faraway look in his eyes. "I'll, uh... I'll tell ya about it later, it sounds like they're starting without us." He says, jerking a thumb up the hall back towards the briefing area.

"Ohhh that's why you never showed. Well I'm glad you're OK, dude. That can definitely shake you up." Calvin says, taking his sandwich back to the briefing.

Once back in the Brief, Calvin stares at the monster for a minute. "That's real? No shot. That look is too crazy." Calvin says aloud to no one in particular, then nudges Raphael, "Yo I think this could be a job for... more than us." He says, pointing at the Monster and taking another bite.

2021-11-27, 08:32 AM
You do not know what this thing is, even with your… heritage.

Once Calvin and Rafael are back Seraph waits for a moment before for them to get settled before beginning the briefing. “This thing on the screen is a Mangeur de Coeur, a ‘Heart Eater’. It’s a demon that does not exist naturally; it has to be summoned into our world.”

“One is a problem for a city,” Harbinger continues as he walks in front of the screen. “We’re looking at at least three of these things. I don’t know if you’ve seen the news, but there’s been a string of brutal murders, six in the last two days, all with the same M.O. I hope nobody here is squeamish.These people’s chests are ripped open and their hearts are removed. A single bite is taken from the heart and their foreheads are marked in their own blood.”

Seraph shakes his head in disgust and takes over. “They’re searching for something, but we’re unsure of what. It’s been at least 200 years since these demons were last seen. The last documented case was a single summoning in Ruddock, a little South of us. Every single person in that little town was killed in less than a week, and that’s the most recent time that we can find that a Heart Eater was seen. Any questions so far?”

Yuki raises her hand and asks, “Is this what your premonition was, Harbinger?”

The winged man nods. “I won’t share the details, but I saw at least three of these things in my vision. I contacted a few occult experts at AEGIS and they figured out what we were dealing with.”

2021-11-27, 09:58 AM
"Do we know how to get rid of them?" Calvin says. Taking another bite of his sandwich. "Ish ith like, smnthin thah can only beh huth orh killdh wth mahgic? *gulp* Can they even BE harmed?" Calvin says, Looking at the winged Leaders for answers.
Goldheart XP roll (https://orokos.com/roll/923439)
Calvin XP Roll
Grow closer to the team: Invite to dinner and time spent with everyone Albeit brief. Giving influence to Gia

big teej
2021-11-28, 04:58 PM

"If it wiped out a whole town in a week.... isn't six in two days kinda.... slow?" Raphael pipes up.

2021-11-29, 02:05 PM
“According to the few historical documents that we have, it attacked entire households, two or three a night,” Seraph answers Rafael. “So yes, this is slow. However, the six that were found were all people that were reported missing. There could be more that are hidden a little better that the police have missed, or just people that fly under the radar, like homeless or prostitutes.”

Harbinger addresses Calvin. “As far as being able to hurt them, from what I saw in my vision, I know that fire works. Fire and light.”

2021-11-29, 03:05 PM
"So i guess we need to cover some of those areas. Do we wanna patrol? There are a few of us with fire or light powers so we could have a few groups to cover a bigger area and prevent more of these attacks. What do you guys think?" Calvin says, adding the question at the end after realizing his presumptiveness kinda ran away from him.

2021-11-30, 04:28 PM
Seraph lets a small smile through the serious demeanor he’d had on since the team arrived. “Harbinger and I discussed patrol groups. Calvin, you’re with Yuki. Louis, you’re with Gia.”

“Raf, that means you’re with Drake. I know neither of you have powers that Harbinger knows will hurt the demons, so we’re going to call in Aeryn from South-side. He’ll join you in your patrol area.”

Drake raises an eyebrow to this and crosses his arms. “You sure that’s a good idea, Harbinger?”

His team leader nods. “It’ll be okay.”

“Harbinger and I are going to be patrolling on our own,” Seraph continues. The picture of the Heart Eater projected on the screen changes to an overhead view of the city with areas in the East and South quadrants highlighted and labeled with the team’s names. “South-side comms are set to our frequency, so all of us will be able to communicate. The map has your patrol routes detailed.”

Harbinger pulls Calvin aside and walks a little ways out of earshot of the group. One ashy-gray wing settles on Calvin’s shoulders to further muffle their voices. “It’s people like you that this city needs,” Harbinger says in a low voice. “Seraph’s told me a bit about you, about the dagger, and yet you still want to jump headlong into danger, despite… you know.”

The winged man shakes his head, just a little. “I want to give you a little advice though. Normally I don’t tell someone what I see in my visions; it tends to make them come true, when what I’m trying to do is prevent that outcome. But, I want… need, you to keep an eye on Yuki.” Harbinger sighs, “she might not make it out of this alive, and you might be the only one that can prevent something horrible from happening to her. I won’t be able to get there in time. You understand?”

Harbinger is attempting to shift your Savior Up and your Mundane down. He’s saying that Goldheart needs to act like a hero, and not be a bystander when the time comes.

Accept or Reject Harbinger’s Influence

2021-11-30, 04:55 PM
Harbinger pulls Calvin aside and walks a little ways out of earshot of the group. One ashy-gray wing settles on Calvin’s shoulders to further muffle their voices. “It’s people like you that this city needs,” Harbinger says in a low voice. “Seraph’s told me a bit about you, about the dagger, and yet you still want to jump headlong into danger, despite… you know.”

The winged man shakes his head, just a little. “I want to give you a little advice though. Normally I don’t tell someone what I see in my visions; it tends to make them come true, when what I’m trying to do is prevent that outcome. But, I want you to keep an eye on Yuki.” Harbinger sighs, “she might not make it out of this alive, and you might be the only one that can prevent something horrible from happening to her. I won’t be able to get there in time. You understand?”

Harbinger is attempting to shift your Savior Up and your Mundane down. He’s saying that Goldheart needs to act like a hero, and not be a bystander when the time comes.

Accept or Reject Harbinger’s Infulence


Calvin looks back at Harbinger. "She'll come back safe. I promise." As Calvin walks away, Germain pipes up.

"You seem to be shouldering this responsibility with the proper deference, young ser."

"Thanks, Doesn't mean squat if i cant actually save her when it matters."

"Just do your best, young ser, I'm sure you'll keep your promise."

Calvin walks confidently over to Yuki and smiles. "You ready to chase the monsters away?"

Calvin ABSOLUTELY accepts the influence.

big teej
2021-12-01, 09:49 AM
Pickin' Teams:

Raphael perks up at the mention of patrol groups, his eyes quickly darting between Gia and Yuki. His eyes narrow and he pretends to study the map some more as Seraph quickly rattles off the teams. "So... Red Line gets to hang out with Gia... and Calvin gets to hang out with this Zodiac chick...." His eyes then rest briefly on Drake. "And I am stuck with this walking sausage. Cool."

He shrugs, resigning himself to his fate. "So. When do we get started?" He asks.

2021-12-01, 02:22 PM
Seraph lets a small smile through the serious demeanor he’d had on since the team arrived. “Harbinger and I discussed patrol groups. Calvin, you’re with Yuki. Louis, you’re with Gia.”

“Harbinger and I are going to be patrolling on our own,” Seraph continues. The picture of the Heart Eater projected on the screen changes to an overhead view of the city with areas in the East and South quadrants highlighted and labeled with the team’s names. “South-side comms are set to our frequency, so all of us will be able to communicate. The map has your patrol routes detailed.”

"So we're searching for three, or more, demons across an entire cityscape? Sounds easy enough." Louis smirks. "Gia you ready?"

2021-12-01, 08:28 PM
Gianna, who hadn't said a word since they arrived, finally piped up. "We're missing information here. Who were the victims that were found? Have they been cross referenced for similarities? And you said these things are summoned, but how? Some kind of ritual? A sacrifice? What does the blood marking on their heads look like?" She rattled off, still hanging back leaning against a wall. "And don't judge me here but I'd like to see the bodies."

2021-12-01, 09:53 PM
Harbinger shrugs at Gia’s questions. “That’s really more on the police than us. They haven’t released the names of the victims yet or photos of the crime scenes. As for how these things get to our world, we know that they’re summoned, but how is a question for those occult experts at AEGIS. We’ve given you the info that they gave us in the last few hours, and as we get more we’ll update you. Your current focus is finding and killing the Heart Eaters for now. Seraph and I are on the hunt for the summoner.”

“You all are free to go patrol,” Seraph says. “Call in anything suspicious you see that could have to do with these demons. And, please, be careful out there.”

Yuki grins. “As ready as I’ll ever be. I’m ready to head out when you are. Umm… question though… would you rather me patrol from the ground or air?”

2021-12-01, 09:56 PM
Gia cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders, showing off her rather impressive muscles. "Alright Louis, give me a second to suit up and we'll hit it. If it bleeds, I can kill it I guess."

2021-12-01, 10:22 PM
Calvin gives an impression of Fake shock. "Oh we have options?! Well, I'm pretty good on the ground. If you want to cover the sky and provide some aerial superiority, I'm all for it." Calvin grins, pulling out the dagger and awashing himself in flame to emerge from them as Goldheart!

"Just be sure to stick close." He says making his way out the the exit. "We aren't sure what they're capable of."

2021-12-02, 03:29 PM
Gia cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders, showing off her rather impressive muscles. "Alright Louis, give me a second to suit up and we'll hit it. If it bleeds, I can kill it I guess."

"I feel safer already knowing you're watching the streets." Louis teases. "Wait... So we know that these creatures are vulnerable to fire and light right? Is there any other way to take them out or you know... un-summon them?" He asks Seraph.

big teej
2021-12-03, 11:58 AM
Might as well get rollin'

Raphael eyes the map again, seriously this time, taking in his assigned patrol area. "Well. let's hop to it I guess." He clamps down on juice pack and drains it dry in a quartet of deep gulps. "Do you have something specific in mind, or should we just wander around?" He asks Drake.

When Red Line asks about other ways to hurt the demons, Raphael purses his lips and muses aloud. "I... might have a couple of ideas... but I'd need to check on some things." He looks back to Drake. "Do you wanna go on without me, or are you do you mind cooling your heels around here a bit while I look into it?"

Common Knowledge(?) to know things about my patrol area/circuit 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/924114)

2021-12-03, 10:41 PM
“That’s what Seraph and I are looking for,” Harbinger says. “We’re going to be on patrol routes over both quadrants. As soon as we have more information we’ll tell you over comms.”

Yuki follows Goldheart out to the street. She takes a moment to ready herself before she’s swallowed by a flash of light. In her place is a 6 foot tall chicken with golden brown feathers and draconic wings and tail. (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/575ad3ee-5d86-473c-885e-9dd1a44bb950/dckuxyb-5ede38d0-93f4-459e-9f93-7fbfc39f7f58.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_963,q_75,strp/cockatrice_by_nimphradora_dckuxyb-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTYzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTc1YWQzZW UtNWQ4Ni00NzNjLTg4NWUtOWRkMWE0NGJiOTUwXC9kY2t1eHli LTVlZGUzOGQwLTkzZjQtNDU5ZS05ZjkzLTdmYmZjMzlmN2Y1OC 5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpz ZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.qGopZ6uamftmhp ptxcOnBp-FaUW_xUFVDhTZYtqsFfA) The cockatrice stretches her wings and then takes off into the air. Calvin hears Yuki’s voice faintly in his head. “Just so you know, I am a weak telepath. I can’t hear your thoughts, but I can talk to you while I’m transformed.”

She flies about 20 feet over your head as you make your way to your patrol route.

“You can fly, correct? Or at least turn into a bunch of things that can? You should do a grid pattern over our patrol area and I’ll follow from the rooftops. I’ll go on ahead and meet Aeryn. Meet us at Kinley Bridge.” With that, Drake turns and follows Goldheart and Yuki out of the warehouse.

You know that your patrol area contains the St. Lawrence and Bywater districts. The two biggest landmarks there are the St. Lawrence Cathedral and Kinley Bridge. The bridge connects the two districts over the Cane River which flows from the Iron River to the Mississippi.

Everyone please roll Notice

big teej
2021-12-04, 01:08 PM
To the Bat-Cave!

"Kinley Bridge." Raphael acknowledges before turning and disapearing into the depths of HQ, down hallways and staircases, down into the basement. He glances around to make sure none of his team have followed and pulls an elaborate, baroque, bronze key from a chain around his neck and unlocks an unassuming door marked 'unsorted miscellaneous file storage #6' and enters, closing the door behind him.

Within, a mound of dirt sprawls across the bare concrete floor, a network of gouges extend beyond the dirt, touching a scorched ring around the perimeter of the room. Raphael locks the door behind him and approaches the coffin, resting on a claw-footed bier in the center. His breath fogs the air in the cold, blue light from a single ceiling panel. He runs a hand along the black-lacquered wood and pries the lid open, climbs in, and pulls the lid back over him. Within, he closes his eyes and sleeps.....

He opens his eyes again to find himself standing at the cyclopean stone gates before an equally oversized fortress, the sky is a ruby red, streaked with swirling purple and black clouds that flash with hidden lightning. It is quiet. The mountaintop the fortress squats upon disappears into a thick fog beneath. His modern street clothes replaced with a black and grey military uniform of an antiquated style and cut. He takes a deep breath and strides through the gate and up the winding path to the castle itself.

He is greeted by no one until he pushes his way inside the main doors to the great hall. A shadowy presence, little more than a cohesion of dust and shadow, appears at his shoulder and contorts, echoing what would be a respectful bow for a corporeal entity.

"I will take mundane refreshment in the library." Raphael says in a quiet and gentle tone. "I must learn as much as I can of the so-called 'heart eaters' as quickly as possible."

The presence dissipates, it's constituent grime cascading to the floor as his footsteps echo through empty halls until he reaches the library. He gazes upward, gallery upon gallery of ancient and modern texts escaping up into the vaulted ceiling. On a nearby oaken desk, is a silver tray with a cut crystal glass filled with a thick, red liquid. "This could take a while." He muses aloud with a sigh.

Raphael is attempting to 'call upon the resources of his sanctuary' to learn how to harm and banish Heart Eaters. And also taking the time to become Sated so he is at full strength when he re-emerges into the 'real' world.

2021-12-04, 02:41 PM
“That’s what Seraph and I are looking for,” Harbinger says. “We’re going to be on patrol routes over both quadrants. As soon as we have more information we’ll tell you over comms.”

Yuki follows Goldheart out to the street. She takes a moment to ready herself before she’s swallowed by a flash of light. In her place is a 6 foot tall chicken with golden brown feathers and draconic wings and tail. (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/575ad3ee-5d86-473c-885e-9dd1a44bb950/dckuxyb-5ede38d0-93f4-459e-9f93-7fbfc39f7f58.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_963,q_75,strp/cockatrice_by_nimphradora_dckuxyb-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTYzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTc1YWQzZW UtNWQ4Ni00NzNjLTg4NWUtOWRkMWE0NGJiOTUwXC9kY2t1eHli LTVlZGUzOGQwLTkzZjQtNDU5ZS05ZjkzLTdmYmZjMzlmN2Y1OC 5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpz ZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.qGopZ6uamftmhp ptxcOnBp-FaUW_xUFVDhTZYtqsFfA) The cockatrice stretches her wings and then takes off into the air. Calvin hears Yuki’s voice faintly in his head. “Just so you know, I am a weak telepath. I can’t hear your thoughts, but I can talk to you while I’m transformed.”

She flies about 20 feet over your head as you make your way to your patrol route.

"Sweet! "Goldheart says, looking at the the Transformed Yuki. "Keep an eye out if you see anything and watch out for power lines. There's no way I could explain an extra-crispy hero to Harbinger." He joked.

Once into their assigned Patrol Area, Goldheart begins scanning the area (https://orokos.com/roll/924254) in hopes to stop another incident.

2021-12-05, 07:58 PM
Books on the shelves of the library vibrate and shudder before two of them remove themselves and fly through the air towards the desk before settling in front of Raphael. The pages of the books whir through chapter after chapter. One settles on a picture of the monster with a small blob of text beneath it and the other rests on a bigger block that fills most of a page.

Underneath the picture, the text reads: Mangeur de Coeur, “Heart Eater”, a low-ranking demon used to find candidates for summoning rituals.

The other book shakes in what seems like excitement as you begin to read it before it settles down so the text is legible. Mangeur de Coeur, also known as “Heart Eaters” are typically used by dark summoners to find candidates to sacrifice for larger, higher ranking demons. The Heart Eaters are drawn to those with potent blood, and kill them, taking a bite from their heart to gauge their usefulness to the ritual. If the person is worthy, they will bring the corpse to the summoning site and drain it into the ritual circle.

The page turns for you.

In order to fully “kill” a Heart Eater you must either stop the ritual, or kill their summoner. However, Heart Eaters are susceptible to both light and fire. Their physical bodies take longer to regenerate if destroyed by either of those two elements.

big teej
2021-12-06, 11:05 PM
That's Bad!

Raphael glances over the picture and quickly skims the annotation before turning to the other book. He skims it, assuming it to be about as useful as the first. He pauses, blinking at the page and rereads it a second time, with greater attention, and a third, with a growing sense of alarm.

He looks up from the book at the empty library and says "Oh no."

Back in the real world, Raphael's eyes pop open. "Oh no." He says again, shoving the lid off his coffin, sending it sliding down the dirt mound as he vaults from his casket and runs across the room, locking the door and slamming it shut in a single motion. He whips out his phone as he jams his communicator back into his ear.

"Hey. We've got problems." He says to whoever's on the same frequency, Harbinger, Seraph, The Team, whoever. "These things? They're chumps, lower tier demons. The whole reason you call one of these things is to find more specific and important sacrifices. The bodies that have been found, those are the rejects. I'd lay odds that it wasn't the heart eaters that depopulated that podunk town, it's whatever they gathered victims to summon did. Also. we can't kill 'em. The only way to stop them for good is to disrupt the ritual they're feeding, or kill whoever summoned them in the first place."

While he's explaining to The Team, he types out a summation of what he knows about Heart Eaters and tells his contacts with The Network and The Night Parade that there's 3 of them loose in Iron Station.

He swings by the fridge on his way out, quickly shotgunning two whole blood packs back to back before swarming the rest of the way through HQ and out into the open air as a cloud of noisy and angry bats. He stretches his swarm-self as wide as he can and begins spiraling out and working in the direction of Kinsley Bridge. Scores of eyes and ears peering down into the gloom of the city.

Nightgaunt peers down into the darkness with his thermal vision and echolocation 9! (https://orokos.com/roll/924552)Hit with a Raise

2021-12-07, 08:54 AM
As you finish speaking to the group, you hear three distinct beeps in your ear that mean that you’re being contacted with a private channel. “Where did you learn that?” Harbinger asks. You can hear the howl of wind faintly in your ear. “My vision makes a helluva lot more sense now.”

As you get to the Bywater district, your thermal vision spots two very warm— too hot to pass for human— person shaped entities next to a blob on the ground that’s slowly cooling down an alleyway not far from the bridge.

Your first hour of patrol passes uneventfully, and Yuki soon grows bored. “I’m gonna switch it up,” she says. She lands on the sidewalk and transforms in another flash of light. The cockatrice is replaced by an elegant black wolf with tall ears and glowing blue eyes. (https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1356415434.4776/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg) Wisps of blue fire circle each paw. She puts her nose to the ground and starts down the street again.

OOC: Roll Notice again please

2021-12-07, 09:14 AM
Upon hearing the update over the radio, Gia sighed "Ai minchia... you hear that Louis? Sounds like things are going to get even messier."

2021-12-07, 09:29 AM
"Hey. We've got problems." He says to whoever's on the same frequency, Harbinger, Seraph, The Team, whoever. "These things? They're chumps, lower tier demons. The whole reason you call one of these things is to find more specific and important sacrifices. The bodies that have been found, those are the rejects. I'd lay odds that it wasn't the heart eaters that depopulated that podunk town, it's whatever they gathered victims to summon did. Also. we can't kill 'em. The only way to stop them for good is to disrupt the ritual they're feeding, or kill whoever summoned them in the first place."

Your first hour of patrol passes uneventfully, and Yuki soon grows bored. “I’m gonna switch it up,” she says. She lands on the sidewalk and transforms in another flash of light. The cockatrice is replaced by an elegant black wolf with tall ears and glowing blue eyes. (https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1356415434.4776/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg) Wisps of blue fire circle each paw. She puts her nose to the ground and starts down the street again.

OOC: Roll Notice again please

After Hearing Nightgaunt's breakdown, Goldheart Chimes back. "So we should follow them back to the source and try to stop all of this. If we can cut off the head the whole operation goes out."

When Yuki changes, Goldheart says "That's a good idea. We can have you smell for blood and I'm pretty fast, i can keep up if you find something. Let's Go." He begins searching again (https://orokos.com/roll/924574) in earnest.

2021-12-07, 02:40 PM
"Hey. We've got problems." He says to whoever's on the same frequency, Harbinger, Seraph, The Team, whoever. "These things? They're chumps, lower tier demons. The whole reason you call one of these things is to find more specific and important sacrifices. The bodies that have been found, those are the rejects. I'd lay odds that it wasn't the heart eaters that depopulated that podunk town, it's whatever they gathered victims to summon did. Also. we can't kill 'em. The only way to stop them for good is to disrupt the ritual they're feeding, or kill whoever summoned them in the first place."

"So we've essentially looking for lackeys? Great...", Louis replies over comms.

Upon hearing the update over the radio, Gia sighed "Ai minchia... you hear that Louis? Sounds like things are going to get even messier."

"Sounds like another beautiful day down in the bayou to me. Let's pick up the pace and see if we can track one of these things down."

Redline weaves through the winding city streets and alleyways on his motorcycle in search of any demonic diners along the way. "Hey Night, is there any chance we can figure out who the original summoner is if we run into one of these things?" He inquires over comms.

11 (https://orokos.com/roll/924602)

2021-12-07, 04:39 PM
“Goldheart, Zodiac, you’re a few blocks away from where one of the bodies was found,” Seraph says to the two of you. “It’s the alley behind the Macy’s department store.”

Yuki stops sniffing and heads there at top speed. There’s a line of police tape there, but no police presence. Goldheart and Zodiac find a large amount of dried blood that hasn’t yet been pressure washed away. Yuki spends a small amount of time sniffing the concrete before she says, “I’ve got something!” and takes off farther down the alley. However it’s not long before she slides to a stop in front of a sewer grate. “The scent of that thing goes down here. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t feel like fighting gatormen down there in the dark.”

Red Line and Bloody Mary
Both of your eyes are drawn to a couple that are obviously drunk. They stumble down the sidewalk, but soon dip through a wrought iron archway into a poorly lit park. Red Line sees shadows stir in their wake.

2021-12-07, 06:32 PM
“Goldheart, Zodiac, you’re a few blocks away from where one of the bodies was found,” Seraph says to the two of you. “It’s the alley behind the Macy’s department store.”

Yuki stops sniffing and heads there at top speed. There’s a line of police tape there, but no police presence. Goldheart and Zodiac find a large amount of dried blood that hasn’t yet been pressure washed away. Yuki spends a small amount of time sniffing the concrete before she says, “I’ve got something!” and takes off farther down the alley. However it’s not long before she slides to a stop in front of a sewer grate. “The scent of that thing goes down here. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t feel like fighting gatormen down there in the dark.”

"Unless you think its working for the gatormen, out best bet for finding out who's causing this is by following them back. And as for the Dark, That's not a problem. " Goldheart says to Yuki, unsheating his sword that's bathed in light.

Before lifting the grate, Goldheart comms in to the Open Channel, "Yuki and I found a sewer entrance that the Ghoulies have been using, we're headed in, place was police-taped off with no sign of the cops. We'll check back in at... 15 past the hour. Out."

He looks at Yuki, "You ready?"

2021-12-08, 10:08 AM
“Affirmative Goldheart,” Seraph replies. “Be careful down there.”

Your partner lets out a whine, but acquiesces to your proposal. “If I lose the scent we’re coming right back up,” she says before she changes back into her human self. With Goldheart’s help, the two lift the sewer grate. A wave of disgusting sewer smell hits as Yuki climbs down into the labyrinth and turns back into her wolf form. She paws at her nose but goes back to tracking.

It’s only a few minutes into your sewer escapade that Yuki’s hackles stand in end. “Gatormen. Super close by. I can’t tell how many, but the scent is strong. The trail goes right toward them. What do you wanna do?”

big teej
2021-12-08, 01:58 PM
no one's business but mine
"A Gothic tinkerbell with a coke habit that lives in my shower head that used to be a leading authority on the occult." Raphael rattles off in a cheery tone to answer Harbinger. "And if you don't like that answer. You can try to get Seraph to tell you."

OOC: going to attempt to Provoke Harbinger into "not asking how I know weird crap in the future."
Failuurrrrr (http://https://orokos.com/roll/924716)

stirring the pot

Nightgaunt swarms down and Lands next to the 2 hot blobs and says on the open channel "that's a stupid idea" In a caustic tone. "Ya just gonna camp on one of these things until it eats someone it likes and follow it home?"

2021-12-08, 02:24 PM
“Watch your mouth, boy,” Harbinger growls through the private channel. However he leaves it at that and the line goes dead.

As you land next to ‘the blobs’ a fully armored Drake straightens up from where he was down examining a fresh body. The chest cavity of what used to be a pretty brunette woman is open to the air and there’s a vertical line drawn on the center of her forehead with her own blood.

Leaning against the brick wall of the alley is a tall blond teenager with bright red eyes. He’s dressed in a black and white motorcycle jacket and pants. “You must be Nightgaunt,” he says, taking a step toward you. He holds out a thumbs up before he quickly switches to an open hand for a handshake. “Forgive me, I’m still getting used to your customs. I’m Polaris.”

Drake brushes off his knees as he says on the open channel, “We have a body off of West Morrison St. It’s fresh. No sign of the demon though.”

“Acknowledged Mercury,” Harbinger replies. “I’ll call in it. Police will probably be there in ten, so be gone before then.”

“We’ll be out of here soon,” Drake says. He turns to Nightgaunt. “Sounds like your researching was successful.”

“We heard a scream while we were waiting for you on the bridge,” Polaris says. “But she was dead by the time we found her.”

2021-12-08, 05:48 PM
“Affirmative Goldheart,” Seraph replies. “Be careful down there.”

Your partner lets out a whine, but acquiesces to your proposal. “If I lose the scent we’re coming right back up,” she says before she changes back into her human self. With Goldheart’s help, the two lift the sewer grate. A wave of disgusting sewer smell hits as Yuki climbs down into the labyrinth and turns back into her wolf form. She paws at her nose but goes back to tracking.

It’s only a few minutes into your sewer escapade that Yuki’s hackles stand in end. “Gatormen. Super close by. I can’t tell how many, but the scent is strong. The trail goes right toward them. What do you wanna do?”

"We keep contact to a minimum, If it gets wild, I'll hold them off and you get outta here and call for backup." Goldheart whispers, keeping Yuki within arms reach and looking for a way back topside.

2021-12-08, 08:08 PM
Both of your eyes are drawn to a couple that are obviously drunk. They stumble down the sidewalk, but soon dip through a wrought iron archway into a poorly lit park. Red Line sees shadows stir in their wake.

"Shadows don't move like that the last time I checked. I think we've got a lead here." Redline quickly calls out to Mary. "Let's follow on foot, less noise that way."

Redline dismounts his bike and leaves it parked on the curb before pursuing the couple. He pulls out small metallic rod from his jacket pocket with a small flourish before extending it and walking deeper into the park.

big teej
2021-12-08, 10:22 PM
it's a similar diet...

"That's me!" Nightgaunt says cheerfully, taking Polaris' hand.

"Still warm, I noticed it from the air." Nightgaunt says after Drake receives instructions to clear out. "Did you two know that you don't pass for human on thermal?" He says absentmindedly as he crouches in front of the brunette. Hidden inside his blank helmet, Raphael doesn't bother hiding his emotions, a mix of sadness and disgust plays across his features. "So wasteful..." He muses.

"Maybe we can catch them." Raphael says. He glances at both of them and says hesitantly "Don't. uh.... Don't be weird about this." He shakes himself and then leans forward until he pitches over. His body shifting and he lands on all fours as a coal-dust black wolf. Nightgaunt pads up to the brunette, taking several snuffling breaths over her body and spilled blood and then turning and trotting up and down the alley, nose down, trying to scent the demons.

Notice the blood trail! 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/924753)

2021-12-09, 12:02 AM
"Shadows don't move like that the last time I checked. I think we've got a lead here." Redline quickly calls out to Mary. "Let's follow on foot, less noise that way."

Redline dismounts his bike and leaves it parked on the curb before pursuing the couple. He pulls out small metallic rod from his jacket pocket with a small flourish before extending it and walking deeper into the park.

Mary followed without hesitation, leaving her bike next to his. "Wait hold on, what? What are we chasing right now?" She asked, having only seen the couple.

2021-12-09, 09:46 PM
“Oh please,” Yuki scoffs inside your head. “I’m not gonna leave you here to be eaten by some gatormen. I can fight too.” With that she is swallowed by a flash of light. In the wolf's place is a tiger the size of a small sedan with blue fur and black stripes that fade to white at the tips. Her eyes are a searing yellow that almost glow in the dark. Spikes of bone protrude from her spine and shoulders. Fangs like daggers jut down from her upper lip.

Around the corner, there’s a trio of green gators standing guard in front of a closed metal door. “Only three. We can take them.”

The tiger pads silently around the corner, then roars as she engages one of the gatormen. Her claws slash through the thick scales of the gator’s chest.

Combat Begins!
Queens… Yuki attacks one of the gatormen!
Jacks… Goldheart has Initiative!

Red Line and Bloody Mary
As the two of you head deeper into the park, the couple is easy to find. The two of them are seated on one of the wooden benches that dot the outside of the sidewalk. They laugh with each other as the shadows behind them stir. A long fingered hand reaches out and they curl under the man’s chin before he’s jerked out of his seat and into the darkness. The woman screams as blood splashes across her face.

Combat Begins!
10s… Bloody Mary has Initiative!

“I knew that about me, but I didn’t know that about him,” Polaris says, gesturing at his teammate.

Drake smirks. “I literally have molten metal in my veins, Aeryn. Of course I run hot.”

The tall blond shrugs. “I suppose I didn’t think about that.”

The two of them don’t react at all to Nightgaunt changing into a wolf.

“It’s not weird,” Polaris says. “Zodiac turns into a wolf all the time.”

Nightgaunt’s nose eventually finds the scent of brimstone and death and it’s pretty easily followed until he hits the shore of the Cane River. The trail disappears into the water.

You see a pair of shining eyes sitting low in the water underneath Kinley Bridge.

big teej
2021-12-10, 10:19 AM
Only works in the Movies...

The wolf rears back up into Nightgaunt. "Trail disappears into the water... And someone's watching us from beneath the bridge."

Notice: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/924885)

2021-12-11, 03:57 PM
“I’ll light it up,” Polaris says. A small amount of fire coalesces in his palm before it’s sucked in through his skin. He points and shoots it out of his fingertip under the bridge. The small fireball pops like a firework and showers sparks into the water. The three heroes see the horrible visage of a Heart Eater disappear beneath the water. After a few seconds the shining eyes are visible again in the center of the river, about 20 yards away from Nightgaunt.

big teej
2021-12-11, 04:19 PM

"Well. So much for the element of surprise." Nightgaunt deadpans, tracking the creature as it reemerges from the water. "If this doesn't work, I'm going in after it." He says. He reaches out with both hands and grasps at nothing, then situates himself like he's about to play Tug-O-War. He takes a deep breath and grunts out. "Heave...." and pulls.

Spending a Benny to Power Stunt!
Nightgaunt's ranged attack normally allows him to grab a metaphysical tether, briefly connecting his essence with that of his target, and yank on it, normally resulting in their life's blood violently being yanked from their body. IN THIS INSTANCE he is instead attempting to use that tether as an actual line and yank the Heart Eater to shore to be pummeled by his more fisticuffs oriented teammates.

I'm power stunting 7(6) points into Telekinesis, granting a d12+1 strength force.
I'm gonna pick it up and yank it onto shore. This is opposed by the Heart Eater's spirit
Telekinesis roll: 12 (https://orokos.com/roll/925191) I rolled the wild die separately and got something irrelevant
if/when the heart eater fails it is moved 'diagonally' up and towards shore for 8 'hexes' (https://orokos.com/roll/925193). In the event I get extra distance out of succeeding with a raise, +5 hexes (https://orokos.com/roll/925194) for one raise, and 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/925195) additional hexes for 2 raises. So the gribbly is yanked 8, or 13, or 15 Raises UP and towards shore.... which is a heck of a bit of falling damage. :smallbiggrin:

2021-12-11, 04:51 PM
The Heart Eater is pulled up onto the shore, landing on all fours. It lets out a low hiss, baring its sharp, black teeth at the three heroes.

“It’s even worse in real life,” Mercury mutters. Two silver blades flow out from the top of his right gauntlet. “Harbinger, Seraph, we have a Heart Eater cornered by Kinley Bridge,” he says through the open comm channel.

“Subdue it if you can. Kill it if any of you feel like you’re in danger,” Harbinger replies. “Don’t take any chances.”

Mercury sneers. “This thing already killed that woman. Let’s see how tough it really is when its not attacking from the shadows.” He charges forward and slashes at the side of the Heart Eater. Wisps of black smoke flow out from the wound he inflicted, but the demon doesn’t seem to be too affected. It shrieks as Mercury and stands up to its full height before it jumps at him, knocking him down to the ground.

Polaris curses in another language before he shoots another tiny fireball at the demon.

The fire causes the demon to squeal in pain and back up off of Mercury. It rolls on the ground to put of the fire as your teammate gets back to his feet.

Combat Begins!
Aces… Mercury attacks the Heart Eater!

7s… The Heart Eater attacks Mercury!
5s…Polaris attacks the Heart Eater
4s… Nightgaunt has Initiative!

big teej
2021-12-11, 05:11 PM
Claw to Claw Combat

Nightgaunt casts the tether aside and flexes his fingers, the skin growing taut as his nails elongate and sharpen into razor'd claws. He leaps at the Heart Eater, attempting to drive it back from Mercury and rip a huge chunk out of it's leg.

Nightgaunt is going to Directly Engage a Threat by rushing the Heart Eater, giving me a +2 on my fighting roll no matter what.
Fighting Roll: 7 to hit (https://orokos.com/roll/925200) (8 if I have a gang up bonus from Mercury)
Damage: 14 (https://orokos.com/roll/925201)

Directly Engage a Threat: 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/925202)
I pick "Take Something From them" and I want to, by threats, showmanship, tactics, or whatever, remove the Heart Eater's ability to flee the encounter.

2021-12-11, 08:08 PM
The Heart Eater lets out a kneeing screech as Nightgaunt takes a chunk out of its leg. More smoke pours from the injured limb as it rears up and stabs its long fingers into the vampire’s chest, leaving four bloody holes.

Heart Eater attacks Nightgaunt!
To Hit: 13
Damage: 19

Kings… Heart Eater attacks!
10s… Nightgaunt has Initiative!

big teej
2021-12-11, 08:40 PM

"hhggnn" Nightgaunt gurgles as the claws pierce him, blood oozing out to further stain his costume with his own blood and the blood of the thug from before. He grabs hold of the arm with one claw and attempts to rake his own claws across the monster's flesh in retaliation. "I'll be fine." He pants. "Focus on taking this thing down." He says to Polaris and Mercury in a strained voice.

Nightgaunt spends a Benny to attempt to soak the 3 wounds.
soak roll 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/925222)
Soaking 1, leaving me with 2 wounds, I ignore 1 wound penalty, for a total of -1 to trait tests

Fighting roll! To hit: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/925223) (5 with gang-up bonus)
3 - if by some miracle that damages the beast: 15 damage (https://orokos.com/roll/925224)

2021-12-11, 09:18 PM
“&#%$,” Mercury says. More blades slide into place on his other arm. “Polaris, smoke it!” He orders as he slashes at the demon. More smoke pours from the demon’s chest as Mercury connects, but the wounds don’t really seem to slow it down.

“I’m on it!” More fire swirls into Polaris’ palms before he puts both hands together and creates one fist sized fireball. He punches the air, sending the ball of fire directly at the Heart Eater’s head.

As the fire washes over it, the demon screams, high pitched and loud enough to hurt the trio’s ears before it collapses to the ground and crumbles to ash, leaving a demon shaped smear on the shore of the river.

As soon as the demon goes down, Polaris pitches forward, bracing his hands on his knees. He takes a few moments to catch his breath before giving a concerned Mercury a peace sign before quickly switching it to a thumbs up when he realizes his mistake.

Mercury gives Nightgaunt a once over glance. “You okay to keep going? We took one down, but there could still be more in this area. As soon as you’re good, we should get back to patrolling. Aeryn and I will follow from the ground since he’s not doin’ so hot either.”

6s… Mercury attacks the Heart Eater!
3s… Polaris attacks the Heart Eater, and deals all the damage!
Combat End

2021-12-12, 11:10 AM
“Oh please,” Yuki scoffs inside your head. “I’m not gonna leave you here to be eaten by some gatormen. I can fight too.” With that she is swallowed by a flash of light. In the wolf's place is a tiger the size of a small sedan with blue fur and black stripes that fade to white at the tips. Her eyes are a searing yellow that almost glow in the dark. Spikes of bone protrude from her spine and shoulders. Fangs like daggers jut down from her upper lip.

Around the corner, there’s a trio of green gators standing guard in front of a closed metal door. “Only three. We can take them.”

The tiger pads silently around the corner, then roars as she engages one of the gatormen. Her claws slash through the thick scales of the gator’s chest.

Combat Begins!
Queens… Yuki attacks one of the gatormen!
Jacks… Goldheart has Initiative!

Taking Yuki's cue, Goldheart Jumps into the fray! Placing himself between Yuki and the 2 she isn't currently mauling, He Slashes Expertly (https://orokos.com/roll/925259) at the Closest Gatorman. His sword glows in radiance as He creates a huge gash (https://orokos.com/roll/925360) across its chest.

15 on the Fighting Roll!
...7 13 damage (2AP) .

big teej
2021-12-12, 07:31 PM
The Hunt Continues...

"Yeah." Nightgaunt puffs. "Gimme a minute or two and I'll be good as new." He says. He closes his eyes and concentrates, willing his regenerative powers to ramp up to their full potency.

Unless time is a dramatic factor here, I don't feel the need to start rolling for Regen. I roll vigor every 6 seconds until I'm topped off.

Notice: 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/925355), or 6 if my Heightened Senses apply.

When he's caught his breath back and knit himself together, he'll take off as a cloud of bats once more.

2021-12-12, 10:03 PM
The gator Goldheart slashed goes down to one knee, clutching the wound. Meanwhile, two of the gators gang up on Zodiac, but their claws can’t connect with the nimble tiger.

8s… The trio of gators go. The one Goldheart attacked is Shaken and doesn’t Unshake. The one Yuki attacked passes his Spirit Roll and Unshakes
Round Resets
Queens… Goldheart has Initiative!

Drake pauses for a moment to make sure Nightgaunt is good before setting off down the street with Aeryn in tow.

About half an hour later as a cloud of bats, Nightgaunt’s many eyes spot a lone figure with a normal human body temperature on one of the balconies of the St. Lawrence cathedral. The figure is sitting with one leg dangling over the edge of the brick wall that edges the balcony. It looks up and then makes a ‘come here’ motion with one finger.

2021-12-13, 07:20 PM
The gator Goldheart slashed goes down to one knee, clutching the wound. Meanwhile, two of the gators gang up on Zodiac, but their claws can’t connect with the nimble tiger.

While the Continue to flail away at Yuki, Goldheart Slashes (https://orokos.com/roll/925449) at the Closest standing Gatorman!

big teej
2021-12-15, 07:48 AM

"What, or who, on earth could possibly want to see me, of all people, at a church?" Raphael thinks with a barely suppressed groan. "Well.... the balcony should be fine."

He spirals down and alights, seated, with both legs dangling off the side, near the figure. He looks down through his knees at the ground and then turns his blank helmet towards his newfound companion.

2021-12-15, 02:16 PM
Yuki roars again, leaping at one of the gators. She takes him down to the ground and bites at his shoulder, leaving large puncture wounds in his armored hide. That gator collapses, and his buddy redoubles his effort connect with Yuki. He manages to smack the tiger with a flick of his muscular tail, slamming her down to the ground. He follows up with a second tail swipe, whacking her across the face.

The other gatorman gets in close to Goldheart and chomps down on his sword arm near his shoulder. The hero can feel teeth pricking through his armor, but it doesn’t seem to do much damage until the gator adjusts his grip and bites down harder.

OOC: Goldheart takes 8 and then 17 damage
Yuki takes 1 wound and is Shaken!

10s… Yuki takes down a gatorman!
4s… the two remaining gators go
Round Resets!
Kings… The gators go again!
Jacks… Goldheart has Initiative!

“Hey bouille,” Miss Menagerie says as you land. She tucks a strand of long black hair behind her ear and adjust her hat to make sure it won’t blow off. “Long time no see. I heard through the river that there were some heroes out in force tonight and I was hoping you’d been one of them.”

2021-12-15, 02:56 PM
Yuki roars again, leaping at one of the gators. She takes him down to the ground and bites at his shoulder, leaving large puncture wounds in his armored hide. That gator collapses, and his buddy redoubles his effort connect with Yuki. He manages to smack the tiger with a flick of his muscular tail, slamming her down to the ground. He follows up with a second tail swipe, whacking her across the face.

The other gatorman gets in close to Goldheart and chomps down on his sword arm near his shoulder. The hero can feel teeth pricking through his armor, but it doesn’t seem to do much damage until the gator adjusts his grip and bites down harder.

Arrgh! this hurts! If it weren't for this suit I'd Probably not have an arm right now. Seeing Yuki get Hit and remembering Harbingers words, Goldheart refocuses (https://orokos.com/roll/925644) on getting them both outta here. He Manages to Swing and Connect (https://orokos.com/roll/925646) with the Gator chewing on him. The swing was blunted (https://orokos.com/roll/925647) due the gators spacing But hopefully it would free him for a better attack!

7 spirit roll to become unshaken
6 fighting (bleh) to hit melee gator
8 Damage to the Gator.(2 armor Piercing)

2021-12-15, 03:37 PM
Mary followed without hesitation, leaving her bike next to his. "Wait hold on, what? What are we chasing right now?" She asked, having only seen the couple.

Redline begins to speak then chuckles at the thought before continuing. "We're literally chasing shadows right now. I saw one of those things go after that couple."

As the two of you head deeper into the park, the couple is easy to find. The two of them are seated on one of the wooden benches that dot the outside of the sidewalk. They laugh with each other as the shadows behind them stir. A long fingered hand reaches out and they curl under the man’s chin before he’s jerked out of his seat and into the darkness. The woman screams as blood splashes across her face.

Redline's eyes widen at the sight of the man being spirited away. We weren't fast enough...

2021-12-16, 07:44 AM
Redline begins to speak then chuckles at the thought before continuing. "We're literally chasing shadows right now. I saw one of those things go after that couple."

Redline's eyes widen at the sight of the man being spirited away. We weren't fast enough...

Bloody Mary didn't take the time to think about it, she leapt forward, grabbing the woman and pulling her back protectively. "****! Get out of here lady! Run! Redline, we need some light!" She said, before reaching out mentally to see where the man's blood was concentrated.

big teej
2021-12-17, 05:21 PM

"It's been a busy night." Nightgaunt agrees in a tired, but amiable tone. He looks back out over the city. "Do you know anything about it? Why they've got us all running around out here, I mean?" He makes a gesture meant to take in the whole of the city.

He leans back, the moonlight illuminating his shredded costume. He considers his next words carefully, but then decides to wait and see what Menagerie has to say.

2021-12-18, 06:23 PM
Menagerie looks over Nightgaunt’s torn suit with a little concern. “Looks like it’s been a rough night, bouille.” She leans back against the brick wall of the church. The woman thinks for a moment, looking Raphael over, deciding if she should trust him, until she makes her decision. “I’m guessing that you’re hunting Mangeur de Coeur, oui?”

Zodiac slowly gets to her feet before rearing up and savagely slashing at the gator that had taken her down with her front claws. The reptile goes down hard and Yuki then circles around behind the one biting Goldheart, causing the gator to let go of her teammate so that he can turn and keep both of his attackers in his field of view.

2s… Yuki unshakes and takes down another gator
Round Resets!
8s… Goldheart has Initiative!

Red Line and Bloody Mary
The woman collapses just behind Gia and Louis, tears streaming down her face. As Gia mentally reaches out for the man’s blood, she finds it spilled all over the ground behind the park bench.

9s… Red Line has Initiative!

big teej
2021-12-18, 08:52 PM
The Plot Thickens...

"Give the lady a prize." Nightgaunt says, not looking away. "Can you tell me anything about 'em I don't already know?" Now, he does look away, back again into the dark. "There's at least three of these things running around hurting people." He pauses. "We found a woman earlier, bout our age-" He makes a 'back-and-forth' motion between himself and Menagerie with one finger. "-we didn't find her soon enough. From there, we tracked and tore one of them apart." He looks down at his chest. "The effort was mutual." He laughs without humor.

Nightgaunt rotates away from Menagerie and lays back, stretching out across the balcony, his head toward her.

2021-12-18, 09:08 PM
Menagerie looks genuinely upset when she says, “It’s a shame about the woman. She didn’t deserve… what the Mangeur de Couer do to people. I’m assuming that you already know that the Heart Eaters are gathering victims for a larger sacrifice? Other than that, I don’t know much about them.”

She glances down at Nightgaunt, making another decision to keep telling her secrets as he literally showed his back to her for a second. “Now, what I do know is that I’m sitting this one out. I helped Julien, the frogman, earlier, but I didn’t know that they were stealing people. This whole business with the demons is something that my moral compass is screaming at me to step away from. I don’t care how much trouble I get into with Julien.”

“He asked me earlier to seek out the Heart Eaters and make sure that you and your team don’t get to them. Obviously I’m failing at my job.”

big teej
2021-12-18, 09:34 PM
Push Your Luck

"Actually, I figured that out for us." Nightgaunt says holding up a finger. "Didn't know it was connected to the River King though. I'll. uh. Be discrete. When I tell the others."

Nightgaunt pushes himself back up, and then stands atop the balcony, arms akimbo, looking out over the city. "You know... I meant it, earlier, when I said you're too pretty to be working for the bad guys." He takes a deep breath and lets it out in a slow sigh. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Uhm. This might be stupid. But. Uhm." Nightgaunt swallows heavily, his mouth suddenly cotton dry. "I... uhm. I dunno what your deal is, with The King and his cronies, I mean. But... if they've 'got something' on you, or something like that..." He turns his blank helmet toward her. "I could-- he clears his throat "--We could help"

Nightgaunt attempts to Comfort/Support Menagerie!
and gets a 6.... BUT IT MISSED! (https://orokos.com/roll/926036)
Nightgaunt steals a Camaraderie from the Pool Selfishly, adding +1 to his Move, netting a Success!
Nightgaunt's actions totally ignore the Team, because I am actively, and sincerely, negotiating with a bona fide villainess without recourse or counsel with any of them. And If I give Menagerie my word on this, I'll back it, even if it comes to fisticuffs against the team/aegis.

so on a 7-9.... "They hear me." and I'm going to leave adjudicating that to the GM because she's an NPC.

if Menagerie is visibly conflicted over this offer, Nightgaunt will say "I know this blank helmet isn't exactly the most reassuring or genuine thing in the world." and take off his helmet and stare, in a non-predatory fashion, into Menagerie's eyes.

EDIT: Label Shift!
Raphael feels like there's bigger fish to fry than dealing with his Thirst and the Night Watch, literal demons are literally loose in the city, and they've got to be stopped.
He's also trying to appeal to the human connection he seems to have started to form with menagerie, he's trying to be warm and empathetic and approachable, like a mundane human.

Freak down, Mundane Up.

2021-12-18, 09:51 PM
Menagerie stares into Nightgaunt’s helmet, weighing her options, until he takes it off. She looks deep into his eyes, a flirty smile slowing growing on her lips, then says, “I knew you were cute under that mask, bouille,” before she gets serious again. “It’s not like I want to work for the King and Julien, though I won’t deny that it can be fun to fight heroes every now and then.”

She looks down, her voice going soft. “You’re committing to fighting the River King if you help me. Is that something you’re willing to risk? Right now he views you and your team like a couple of barnacles on the bottom of his river boat. Just annoying. You stepping in could mean a lot more people end up hurt because you made the King mad.”

OOC: Nightgaunt gains Influence over Menagerie!

big teej
2021-12-18, 10:08 PM
Well well well...

"It's just as fun on the other side of the law, and you don't have to run from the cops. As often." Raphael says with a wink.

He finally breaks eye contact and heaves another great, thoughtful sigh. "I can promise to do everything I can to get AEGIS... or at least my team, on board with this." He runs his hand through his hair a few times. "But even if they won't help--" He puts his helmet back on and locks it into place and looks back at Menagerie. "Nightgaunt backs down from no one. I'll fight him all by myself if I have to."

He chuckles. "Besides. Upsetting people seems to be a real talent of mine lately."

"I need to get back to hunting demons. They need my eyes out there. Is there anything you need to do before I try to make this official?" He asks.

Nightgaunt gives Menagerie Influence.

2021-12-18, 10:25 PM
Menagerie chuckles at Nightgaunt’s joke. “From what I’ve seen, most of the heroes run from the cops just as often as I do. Seems they don’t want to deal with the paperwork.”

She considers his words for a moment, then takes a deep breath and says, “I never thought that I could get out from under his thumb, but working with you, and maybe your team, it might be possible. I believe you when you say that you’ll fight him by yourself.” She stands, balancing on the edge of the balcony with the hero and holds out her hand, offering to shake. “Thank you, Nightgaunt.”

2021-12-19, 11:08 AM
Taking advantage of The Gator's divided focus, Goldheart levels a precise swing (https://orokos.com/roll/926110) at their foe. The strike leaves another gash (https://orokos.com/roll/926112) across the Gatormans chest!

11 to Hit!
8 Damage with 2 armor penetration.

2021-12-19, 11:30 AM
The gator growls as Goldheart slashes him; he doesn’t notice Yuki leap at him from behind. She rakes her back claws down the gator’s spine, and bites at the reptile’s neck. The gatorman collapses and Yuki lands on her feet before changing back into her human form.

“Are you okay?” she asks as she skirts around the gator to stand in front of Goldheart. She wipes a little bit of blood away from the corner of her mouth with the back of one hand. “I saw one of these guys really chomp down on you.”

6s… Yuki goes and takes out the last gator!
Combat Ends

2021-12-19, 11:42 AM
"I'm fine." Goldheart says sheathing his sword and wincing slightly at the motion. "What about you? That gator tail across the face couldn't have felt great. You up to keep going? I'm not the best tracker and wondering around here in the dark alone don't sound like my cup of tea."

2021-12-19, 11:59 AM
“I’ll be honest, it didn’t feel the best,” Yuki says, massaging her jaw. “But I’ve had worse.”

She takes a few steps until she’s in front of the large steel door that the gators were guarding. There’s no visible handle. Yuki pushes on the metal, but it doesn’t move. “The trail of the Heart Eater goes through here, but this door isn’t budging. We could ask Drake to come down here and see if he can get in, or we can go back up to the street and see if we can find another trail. What do you think?”

2021-12-19, 01:47 PM
“I’ll be honest, it didn’t feel the best,” Yuki says, massaging her jaw. “But I’ve had worse.”

She takes a few steps until she’s in front of the large steel door that the gators were guarding. There’s no visible handle. Yuki pushes on the metal, but it doesn’t move. “The trail of the Heart Eater goes through here, but this door isn’t budging. We could ask Drake to come down here and see if he can get in, or we can go back up to the street and see if we can find another trail. What do you think?”

"Why would the gators be guarding a door with no way to open it. Maybe one of the has a way to. I'm gonna search them. Goldheart says, Searching the fallen foes (https://orokos.com/roll/926120).

2021-12-19, 01:53 PM
The hero searches through the gatormen’s pants pockets, but doesn’t find anything there except for an exceptionally shiny blue stone in the front pocket of the one who bit him. It’s about 3 inches in diameter and has a smooth spot worn in the middle.

“It could open from the inside?” Yuki suggests after scrutinizing the door again. “They could have been out here to guard whoever comes out.”

2021-12-19, 04:14 PM
"****! Get out of here lady! Run! Redline, we need some light!" She said, before reaching out mentally to see where the man's blood was concentrated.

"Showtime!" Redline exclaims without hesitation. He snaps his fingers and a bright cone of light manifests in the air above the two women, and moves to illuminate the darkness the abomination fled into.

The woman collapses just behind Gia and Louis, tears streaming down her face. As Gia mentally reaches out for the man’s blood, she finds it spilled all over the ground behind the park bench.

"She's in no condition to leave here on her own. I've got it covered though." Redline's body emits a brief but intense flash of light and when the light dissipates there are two of them in view.

"Miss it's probably in your best interest to come with me for now, it's not safe here." The first Redline offers. "Let's get moving or else we'll lose'em!", the second says to Mary as he moves in the direction of his searchlight.

2021-12-19, 04:24 PM
Redline and Bloody Mary
The woman reaches out for Redline’s hand and gets shakily to her feet. She follows wherever he takes her, numb to the world.

The sudden spotlight illuminates the harrowing visage of a Heart Eater. Blood drips out from between its black fangs. It screeches and leaps at the Redline near Bloody Mary, slicing at him with its razor sharp nails.

3s… the Heart Eater attacks Redline!
Initiative Resets!
Kings… Redline has Initiative!
6s… Bloody Mary has Initiative!

2021-12-19, 04:32 PM
The hero searches through the gatormen’s pants pockets, but doesn’t find anything there except for an exceptionally shiny blue stone in the front pocket of the one who bit him. It’s about 3 inches in diameter and has a smooth spot worn in the middle.

“It could open from the inside?” Yuki suggests after scrutinizing the door again. “They could have been out here to guard whoever comes out.”

"What about this?" Goldheart says, producing the stone for Yuki. "This could be something cuz it definitely doesn't look like nothing. You seen anything like this before?" he says.

2021-12-19, 04:39 PM
Yuki reaches into her pants pocket and pulls out a similarly shaped stone, except hers is black and shot through with white veins. “That looks like a worry stone to me… just… big enough for gator hands.”

She looks sadly at the body of the gator she mauled. His chest just barely rises and falls as he takes a shuddering breath. “You should probably give it back to him.”

2021-12-19, 04:40 PM
"Showtime!" Redline exclaims without hesitation. He snaps his fingers and a bright cone of light manifests in the air above the two women, and moves to illuminate the darkness the abomination fled into.

"She's in no condition to leave here on her own. I've got it covered though." Redline's body emits a brief but intense flash of light and when the light dissipates there are two of them in view.

"Miss it's probably in your best interest to come with me for now, it's not safe here." The first Redline offers. "Let's get moving or else we'll lose'em!", the second says to Mary as he moves in the direction of his searchlight.

Bloody Mary knelt down in the mess of gore left by the unfortunate man, and the pool of blood began to vanish. It came up through the palms of her hands and the veins in her arms pulsed under her skin, her eyes turning a vivid red and her skin becoming a pallid gray. When the pool of blood was gone, a process that took only a few seconds, she stood and looked at the demonic beasts with a grin. With a slashing motion of her arms, she released the collected blood like a series of razor sharp crescents aimed right at them.

7 to hit and 30 damage

2021-12-19, 04:50 PM
Yuki reaches into her pants pocket and pulls out a similarly shaped stone, except hers is black and shot through with white veins. “That looks like a worry stone to me… just… big enough for gator hands.”

She looks sadly at the body of the gator she mauled. His chest just barely rises and falls as he takes a suffering breath. “You should probably give it back to him.”

"Oh wow. Look at that. Here ya go. Sorry." Goldheart says, handing the gator back his stone. "Let's get topside and get that call out."

2021-12-19, 05:05 PM
Yuki thanks Goldheart and then transforms back into her wolf form. She sniffs the ground a few times and then leads him back up to the city streets.

Redline and Bloody Mary
Gia’s blades of blood slice through the Heart Eater, taking off one of its legs and an arm. It groans and hisses as its body fades into smoke. The black smoke flows sluggishly across the ground, heading deeper into the more shadowy areas of the park.

2021-12-19, 05:53 PM
Once topside, Goldheart hails on the open frequency.

"Hey Gang Found a door in the sewer guarded by Some Gatormen. Took the gators down but The Door wont budge. Yuki says the trail for the Heart eaters goes past it. We're gonna try to find another way in. Goldheart Out."

"Hey Zodiac, Let's find another trail. They couldn't be guarding that spot for nothing."

2021-12-19, 06:37 PM
Redline's body double escorts the woman back out onto the main street bathed in city light and has her sit on the curb as he reaches out to Seraph.

"Hey Seraph, I've got a survivor here with me and she's going through a lot at the moment. What should we do?"

GiaÂ’s blades of blood slice through the Heart Eater, taking off one of its legs and an arm. It groans and hisses as its body fades into smoke. The black smoke flows sluggishly across the ground, heading deeper into the more shadowy areas of the park.

"Like we'd let you get away that easy!" Redline gives chase to the smoke with his searchlight overhead and fires off a stream of light into the black cloud.

Redline fires at the roiling cloud of black smoke!
To Hit: 6 (https://orokos.com/roll/926133)
Damage: 15 (https://orokos.com/roll/926134) Light Damage - Heavy Weapon

big teej
2021-12-19, 07:26 PM
Don't let The Job get in the way of The Job

Nightgaunt takes Menagerie's hand. "It's a promise." He starts to say something else, but stops to listen to Goldheart. "If brute force isn't working, you're not using enough of it." He says chuckling. "Can we get a street address? We can form up and try again, I'm sure between all of us we can do something rather persuasive to that stubborn door." He mute's his mic and turns his attention back to Menagerie.

"Somebody else got lucky, they might need me to deal with it." He let's go of her hand finally. "So do we wanna do another rooftop rendezvous at a prearranged time, or could I, like, get your number or something?" He trails off with a nervous chuckle.

2021-12-19, 08:12 PM
Don't let The Job get in the way of The Job

Nightgaunt takes Menagerie's hand. "It's a promise." He starts to say something else, but stops to listen to Goldheart. "If brute force isn't working, you're not using enough of it." He says chuckling. "Can we get a street address? We can form up and try again, I'm sure between all of us we can do something rather persuasive to that stubborn door." He mute's his mic and turns his attention back to Menagerie.

"Somebody else got lucky, they might need me to deal with it." He let's go of her hand finally. "So do we wanna do another rooftop rendezvous at a prearranged time, or could I, like, get your number or something?" He trails off with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, You're probably right. But we're a a bit up the alley behind the Macy's We'll be looking for another entrance in the mean time." Goldheart responds

2021-12-19, 08:28 PM
Redline and Bloody Mary
“I’ll send over an officer,” Seraph answers. “They’ll take her to a mental health facility.” After a minute or two, Seraph continues, “They’re five minutes out. I had them send a female officer.”

Back in the park, the smoke fizzles away into nothing as Redline’s stream of light hits it. The air is still and quiet other than the trill of insects and the noise of the city.

Menagerie smiles at Raphael. “I think you’ve earned my number, bouille.” She tells him her phone number, then says, “Do you want to meet here tomorrow though? I prefer talking in person if you don’t mind. You can tell me how successful you were in convincing your team to help out a villainess.”

Three beeps sound in Nightgaunt’s ear. “You okay?” Drake asks over a private channel. “You’ve been out of sight for us on the ground for a bit now.”

Yuki sniffs around the block, but can only find the one scent trail. “Sorry Goldheart. I think this is the only way that’s close by.”

2021-12-19, 08:34 PM
"**** where did it go? Did we kill it?" Bloody Mary asked, looking around the quiet park. Was an attack going to come from behind? Was it hiding?

big teej
2021-12-19, 08:38 PM
Romantic Lead!

Nightgaunt carefully types Menagerie's number into his phone and then slips it back in his pocket. "I don't mind meeting in person. Let's plan for it. But don't get mad if I bail out on ya, hero work has a nasty habit of wrecking commitments." He shrugs in a 'what can ya do' gesture.

Nightgaunt triggers his mic again to answer Drake. "Saw a civilian who might've seen something." He makes a disgusted noise. "They didn't. I was topping off the tank and about to take back to the air. Do you wanna hit this 'secret door' they've found?"

Back on the open channel, Nightgaunt continues. "Barring any objections, I'm heading to the Macy's." He glances at Menagerie. "not something I thought I'd ever say." He shrugs again. "I'll see ya. Be safe." and with that, he falls off the edge of the balcony and transforms back into a cloud of shrieking bats and takes off towards the edifice of consumerism.

2021-12-19, 08:57 PM
Redline and Bloody Mary
“I’ll send over an officer,” Seraph answers. “They’ll take her to a mental health facility.” After a minute or two, Seraph continues, “They’re five minutes out. I had them send a female officer.”

Back in the park, the smoke fizzles away into nothing as Redline’s stream of light hits it. The air is still and quiet other than the trill of insects and the noise of the city.

Menagerie smiles at Raphael. “I think you’ve earned my number, bouille.” She tells him her phone number, then says, “Do you want to meet here tomorrow though? I prefer talking in person if you don’t mind. You can tell me how successful you were in convincing your team to help out a villainess.”

Three beeps sound in Nightgaunt’s ear. “You okay?” Drake asks over a private channel. “You’ve been out of sight for us on the ground for a bit now.”

Yuki sniffs around the block, but can only find the one scent trail. “Sorry Goldheart. I think this is the only way that’s close by.”

"Don't sweat it." Goldheart says, waving off her apology. The others'll be here soon. Let's head back and relax for a second." It think we might be in for a long night."

2021-12-19, 09:20 PM
“Too bad,” Drake replies on the private channel. “We’ll meet you at the Macy’s. Shouldn’t take us too long. We’re at the North edge of our patrol route.”

Thermal in one of Nightgaunt’s many pairs of eyes pick up a bird-like silhouette diving off the side of the cathedral before it wheels into the air, heading south.

“As long as the door is mostly metal, I can probably open it,” Mercury says on the open channel. “Polaris and I are en route.”

Harbinger comes over the line next. “Be careful down there team.”

It doesn’t take long for Polaris and Mercury to show up at the entrance to the sewer. The tall blond offers his hand to Goldheart as the two of them arrive. “Hi, I’m Polaris from South-side.” His voice contains a bit of accent that Goldheart can’t place.

Drake and Yuki exchange information about the door, and Drake nods. “Sounds doable,” he says. “Let’s wait for any others to show up. I know Nightgaunt said he was on his way. We have no idea what could be on the other side of that door.”

2021-12-19, 09:58 PM
“As long as the door is mostly metal, I can probably open it,” Mercury says on the open channel. “Polaris and I are en route.”

Harbinger comes over the line next. “Be careful down there team.”

It doesn’t take long for Polaris and Mercury to show up at the entrance to the sewer. The tall blond offers his hand to Goldheart as the two of them arrive. “Hi, I’m Polaris from South-side.”

Drake and Yuki exchange information about the door, and Drake nods. “Sounds doable,” he says. “Let’s wait for any others to show up. I know Nightgaunt said he was on his way. We have no idea what could be on the other side of that door.”

Goldheart stands tall after leaning on the side of the building "Goldheart. Nice to meet you, Polaris. Thanks for the assist."

big teej
2021-12-20, 02:53 PM
Proof of Concept

Nightgaunt's arrival is heralded by the shrieking of many, many bats that careen out of the sky and land in a heap that stands as the red & black clad hero.

"Are we all here?" He asks without preamble. "Do we all still have all our bits?" He holds out his hands and wiggles his fingers.

2021-12-20, 08:25 PM
"**** where did it go? Did we kill it?" Bloody Mary asked, looking around the quiet park. Was an attack going to come from behind? Was it hiding?

"Yeah, I finished it off... or at least whatever was left of the thing after you dismembered it."

Redline listens to the dialogue being exchanged over open comms and chimes in. "Mary and I just took care of a Heart Eater in one of the local parks. We'll make our way over to your position in a few."

He snaps and the spotlight dissipates as just as he emerges from the bramble. "We should get going, don't wanna keep the others waiting for us any longer. Besides, I have a feeling something nasty's waiting for us behind that door.", he says to his teammate.

Redline returns to the street and mounts his bike, waiting for Mary to do the same before taking off to their teams location.

Last but not Least

Redline arrives on the scene not long after Nightgaunt appears and parks his bike in the nearest alleyway. "You guys say 'Hey' to the River King for me while you were down there?" asks the team with a smirk on his face.

2021-12-20, 09:36 PM
Bloody Mary's eyes were still faintly glowing red when she pulled her helmet off and set it on her bike seat. "Can confirm, heart eaters don't bleed. Not a fan. Zero out of five stars."

2021-12-20, 10:13 PM

Redline arrives on the scene not long after Nightgaunt appears and parks his bike in the nearest alleyway. "You guys say 'Hey' to the River King for me while you were down there?" asks the team with a smirk on his face.

“I think we’re all about to,” Yuki replies. “The gatormen wouldn’t be guarding a door in the sewer for nothing. Are we ready to go back down there?” She transforms back into the sleek black wolf and pauses for everyone at the entrance of the sewer before proceeding.

It doesn’t take long to find the large, plain steel door again. The three gatormen Yuki and Goldheart left, looked to have been dragged down further into the sewer judging by the thick trail of blood leading into the water.

Drake kneels by the door and places his hands on the steel. After a minute of intense concentration he says, “The door’s unlocked. Now we just need to pull it open.” As he pulls his hands away from the door, what look like silver ropes follow directly out of the steel. He tosses one to Goldheart and one to Nightgaunt, then replaces his hands and pulls out two more ‘ropes’, throwing them to Redline and Bloody Mary. He flicks his wrist and lines of steel aline on the left side of the door. “Are we ready for this? Pull on three.”

OOC: Roll Strength please!

2021-12-20, 10:32 PM

big teej
2021-12-21, 07:47 AM
It's what bennies are for!

Nightgaunt braces himself and heaves on the silvery whatsit he's been handed.

We're gonna Benny that and roll a 10 instead (https://orokos.com/roll/926323)

2021-12-21, 08:32 AM
His shoulder protests strongly (https://orokos.com/roll/926324) to the strain but his pulls when directed.5

2021-12-21, 03:18 PM
Okay, that's not exactly what I pictured when he said he could open the door but this works too I guess...

Redline shrugs and falls into place, picking up one of the silver "ropes" and pulling back on it in concert with the team.

4! (https://orokos.com/roll/926341)

2021-12-21, 08:18 PM
Polaris, Mercury, and a cockatrice form Zodiac stack beside left side of the door, then the West-side team’s collective strength slowly makes the door creak open.

“Holy ****,” Mercury breathes. After a moment, he says, “Come on around guys. I don’t see any movement.”

Around the corner of the door, there’s a large octagonal room. On the floor there’s a huge circular pentagram. The outer edge and intricacies are some kind of white chalk and at the center there’s a large impression that’s half full of congealing blood. There’s a single steel door on the opposite side of the room.

2021-12-21, 10:09 PM
"Let's take a look around." Goldheart says, Unsheathing his sword that emits a more suitable light source. He sees the blood pooling from the impression.

"And maybe don't touch anything. This Definitely looks like the place."

6 (https://orokos.com/roll/926392)

big teej
2021-12-22, 01:08 PM
Putting Pedantry into Practice

Nightgaunt cradles his elbow and puts his hand to his chin and walks partway around the pentagram with a pensive "hmmmm..." doesn't stop when he reaches the wall, continuing up until he stands on the ceiling, looking down at the entire design.

Benny'd Occult roll for a whopping 4 (https://orokos.com/roll/926458)

2021-12-22, 02:16 PM
The light from Goldheart’s sword bounces a little differently on one part of the floor near the door on the opposite side of the room. Closer inspection reveals a silvery tripwire in front of the door.

It looks like ritual may have been completed. The blood in the center is no longer fresh; it almost looks burned at the center. He recognizes one part of the circle that signifies what is being summoned, but the runes in that portion are warped beyond recognition.

2021-12-22, 04:29 PM
Around the corner of the door, there’s a large octagonal room. On the floor there’s a huge circular pentagram. The outer edge and intricacies are some kind of white chalk and at the center there’s a large impression that’s half full of congealing blood. There’s a single steel door on the opposite side of the room.

"So we go through the trouble of finding the place and crashing the party but it turns out nobody's home?" Redline says as he surveys the ritual chamber. "Night, you know more about these kinda things than any of us. Got any insight as to what's going on?"

He looks between Goldheart and Yuki, "Why guard the place if it's empty?"

2021-12-22, 04:38 PM
"Stop! Don't move! I Found a trip wire." Goldheart says, slowly checking his footing as he examines the length of the wire. "If the place is trapped why even have guards? Do any of your guys know how to disarm one of these things?" Goldheart asks, trying to find what it triggers.

10 (https://orokos.com/roll/926474)

big teej
2021-12-22, 04:59 PM
Typical Heroic Timing

"We're too late. For one." Nightgaunt answers Redline, pointing at the pool of blood. "Notice the blood isn't fresh, and it's... damaged, in the middle... if fluid could burn... I think it would look like that." He muses. "For Two. The summoning ritual was completed... but the runes are completely trashed, no idea what it could be... except a problem."

Nightgaunt sighs heavily, frustrated that they seem to be on a trend of 1 step behind... "For Three." He says to Goldheart and holds up one glinting claw.

2021-12-22, 05:19 PM
"I mean I could stabilize the ends of the wire so we could cut it and not worry about it. Probably." Blood Mary said, looking along the length of the wire. "As for the mess I could move the blood off the runes and see if any of them are legible underneath."

2021-12-22, 05:32 PM
Yuki hops into the air and hovers next to Nightgaunt, getting an aerial view of the circle. “Whatever they did summon, it was big,” she says to Nightgaunt. “The large triangle thing at the top signifies the seal for a greater demon. At least, that’s what I remember from what my grandfather taught me. And this square looking thing at the bottom is… some kind of binding rune?

The wire runs into a small hole in the concrete, just on the other side of the door.

“I can take care of the trip wire,” Mercury says, walking over to the trap. “It goes to the other side of the door.” He puts on finger very gently on the wire and it goes slack. “Easy enough. Seems like it was rigged to go off if the door opened too. Something must be in there.”

2021-12-22, 05:40 PM
Redline fingers along his jawline as he tries to process all of the information presented to him.

"So we've got a greater demon on the loose and more secrets hidden behind mystery door number two. If you guys are right then we should probably get going yeah? City isn't going to save itself." He says with a grin. "Let's figure out what's sealed behind the door and go from there."

big teej
2021-12-22, 06:07 PM

"Yeah. Let's do this." Nightgaunt agrees enthusiastically and strides over to the door and crouches down above it, ready to spring in as soon as the door opens.

Nightgaunt is going to spring into the door the second it's open and, if there are demons or villainous types (i.e. gatormen, black robed necromancers, panzer protnic, etc.) ATTACK THEM

Fighting roll! 7 (https://orokos.com/roll/926489), 11 if we've got the drop on em
Damage: 13 (https://orokos.com/roll/926490), or 17 +3 with a Raise (https://orokos.com/roll/926491)

2021-12-22, 06:41 PM
"Maybe, but if the Ritual is finished, isn't there a chance its not here?" Goldheart asks. "Since I don't hear anything like a demon on the other side of the door. I don't think its just napping on the other side of the door. So let's pry it open and do a quick scan. If there's nothing we alert the winged ones and start a search."

2021-12-22, 10:56 PM
"Maybe, but if the Ritual is finished, isn't there a chance its not here?" Goldheart asks. "Since I don't hear anything like a demon on the other side of the door. I don't think its just napping on the other side of the door. So let's pry it open and do a quick scan. If there's nothing we alert the winged ones and start a search."

"Regardless whatever or wherever this thing is, I'm sure it's going be hard to miss.", Redline replies as he pulls his goggles over his eyes, ready to face off with whatever lay behind the door.

2021-12-23, 05:57 AM
There’s a thick ka-chunk as Mercury unlocks the door from the outside. He looks around, making sure everyone’s ready before he throws open the door to allow Nightgaunt to dive through.

As soon as he jumps in, Nightgaunt sees the inside of the room is just a blank concrete box. There’s a filthy mattress in the corner where a unconscious woman with strawberry-blonde hair lays face down. She’s dressed in a ragged pair of jeans and a ripped t-shirt that used to be a bright sunny yellow, but was now dingy and stained. Her arms are manacled behind her, and her feet are bound with the same thick chains. There’s a large spot of a dark, sticky blood peeking through the hair in the back of her head. Several other less severe injuries like cuts and bruises are visible as well through the rips in her clothes.

2021-12-23, 08:11 AM
"Someone get her out of these manacles!" Goldheart says as he slides to her aid and attempts to heal the woman.

It has to work this time. Please.

Goldheart lays his hands over the woman and radiant waves echo from her in an attempt to stitch her wounds.

8 (https://orokos.com/roll/926529)

big teej
2021-12-23, 09:35 AM
Well That's Unexpected...

"I can probably do that." Nightgaunt mutters, taken aback by their findings and the state the woman's in. He scoots passed Goldheart and takes a grip on the manacles and carefully twists, making sure the torque is applied to the metal only, and not her tender, vulnerable joints.

and got a 10? (https://orokos.com/roll/926530)

He looks over his shoulder at the rest of the group. "Someone get topside and call it in."

2021-12-23, 10:10 AM
Nightgaunt carefully breaks the woman’s manacles, and golden waves surge through her from Goldheart’s powers. Her wounds slowly stitch together and bruises fade, but they don’t go away completely.

Polaris quickly volunteers to go topside and he jogs out of the ritual chamber back into the sewer.

After a minute of healing the woman blearily opens her eyes and then recoils away from the two heroes around her. She wraps her arms around her knees, pushing herself up against the wall.

High above the city streets a figure (https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/235-2357221_darker-than-black-hei-png-darker-than-black.png) sits on the edge of the Innovatech Innovation Center, the tallest building in downtown. The dark-haired man is shirtless. Rune-like tattoos circle around his wrists, up his arms to his shoulders and down his back where they disappear into his jeans, continuing down his legs to his ankles. His bare feet dangle in the muggy night air, swinging almost cheerfully.

The man leans back and sighs in contentment as Miss Menagerie and Shrike land behind him. “The air here is so much better,” he says to her as he takes another deep breath. “You don’t feel like your lungs are gonna burn from the inside.”

Menagerie slides off her Griffin, heels clacking on the concrete. Her mount fades into a cloud of black smoke as she looks at the man’s back, her eyes going wide, and then sees the black tattoos. Her face falls, as she replies, “I see Julien just wanted to play a cruel joke. You’re not my brother anymore.”

“Oh, he’s still here, sweetheart” the man replies. He gets to his feet and turns on his heel, facing the villainess. “The frog didn’t lie. I can feel him desperately clawing at my subconscious, trying to take control. The ritual was rushed, so his soul wasn’t totally burned out to make room for me. If you had done your job correctly tonight, then the Heart Eaters could have finished collecting for my summoning, and I wouldn’t be having this… problem.”

“Poor, poor Matteo. He can see what I see and hear what I hear, ya know?” The man hops off the ledge and steps toward Menagerie. He very gently puts his hand at the crook of her shoulder, placing his thumb over the soft skin of her throat. She grimaces as he continues in a husky whisper, right in Menagerie’s ear, “He knows what I’m thinking too. He’s pleading with me right now not to crush your windpipe and toss you over the edge of this building.”

Though her knees tremble, Menagerie stands tall. “If you really can hear me, Matteo…I love you.”

The man smirks as his dark eyes flash red and the whites swirl into black. He tightens his grip on her neck. Menagerie grabs at his hand as he restricts her airflow, but he releases her just before she can lose consciousness. The villainess falls to her knees, gasping to get air back in her lungs.

“Now, you’re going to tell me everything that I need to know about this city. You’re going to tell me about the winged $&%#^*&$ patrolling the skies. And you’re going to tell me all about your big brother Matteo.” The man squats down so he’s eye to eye with Menagerie. “Are we on the same page, sweetheart?”

2021-12-23, 10:38 AM
Nightgaunt carefully breaks the woman’s manacles, and golden waves surge through her from Goldheart’s powers. Her wounds slowly stitch together and bruises fade, but they don’t go away completely.

Polaris quickly volunteers to go topside and he jogs out of the ritual chamber back into the sewer.

After a minute of healing the woman blearily opens her eyes and then recoils away from the two heroes around her. She wraps her arms around her knees, pushing herself up against the wall.

"Whoa, whoa. It's ok. You're safe." Goldheart says, maintaining his distance. "We're not here to hurt you. We're looking for the guys who did this too you. How do you feel?"
My healing transfers wounds and or fatigue please let me know what I accomplished with my healing attempt.

2021-12-23, 11:13 AM
The woman glances up, seeing Goldheart’s armor. “You-you’re not gators. Or frogs.” She lets out a shuddering breath and takes another, seeming to calm herself a bit. The woman looks young. She’s in her late teens, maybe early twenties. “I’m Aimee. Aimee Balinski. W-who are you guys?”

Goldheart transfers 1 Wound to himself.

2021-12-23, 11:26 AM
The woman glances up, seeing Goldheart’s armor. “You-you’re not gators. Or frogs.” She lets out a shuddering breath and takes another, seeming to calm herself a bit. “I’m Aimee. Aimee Balinski. W-who are you guys?”

Goldheart transfers 1 Wound to himself.

"Oh Just a few Heroes trying to stop a catastrophe. I'm Goldheart. The one to my left is Nightgaunt. There's a few others but we should get you outta here and someplace safe before we go through the entire roster." Goldheart Jokes.

"You need help, Aimee?" Goldheart says, offering his hand to help her up.

2021-12-23, 11:36 AM
Aimee eagerly takes Goldheart’s offered hand. She wobbles a bit once on her feet, but manages to stay standing. “If you guys are heroes… do you know Seraph?” she asks, rubbing her wrists where the manacles had been. “Also, did you find anyone else other than me? There was a guy in this room with me before the gators took him and… and then I don’t remember what happened. How long have I been down here? What’s the date today?”

2021-12-23, 11:53 AM
Aimee eagerly takes Goldheart’s offered hand. She wobbles a bit once on her feet, but manages to stay standing. “If you guys are heroes… do you know Seraph?” she asks, rubbing her wrists where the manacles had been. “Also, did you find anyone else other than me? There was a guy in this room with me before the gators took him and… and then I don’t remember what happened. How long have I been down here? What’s the date today?”

Goldheart steadies her as she stands. "Yeah we know Seraph. But we didn't see anyone else Down here besides the Gators me and Zodiac Beat up. Do you know the guys name or what he looked like?" He asks shaking off his throbbing shoulder. "There were some missing persons but we only heard about it recently. Today is October 16th."

2021-12-23, 12:36 PM
Aimee looks a little confused as Goldheart tells her the date. “It’s still the 16th? I haven’t even been here a whole day…” She thinks for a moment. “The guy was tall, with dark hair. He didn’t have any super distinctive features. I was only with him for a few minutes before one of the gators knocked me out.”

Using Goldheart to steady herself, she makes her way toward the exit of the her prison.

2021-12-23, 02:48 PM
Aimee looks a little confused as Goldheart tells her the date. “It’s still the 16th? I haven’t even been here a whole day…” She thinks for a moment. “The guy was tall, with dark hair. He didn’t have any super distinctive features. I was only with him for a few minutes before one of the gators knocked me out.”

Using Goldheart to steady herself, she makes her way toward the exit of the her prison.

Goldheart looks back at Aimee. "How long do you think you've been here?"

2021-12-23, 03:06 PM
Aimee thinks for a second, wincing as she rubs the back of her head. “If today’s still the 16th, I left work at BSJ at about 3 today, and… when I walking home some gators and a frogman grabbed me when I was getting ready to cross Kinley Bridge. They jumped out from the water and then dragged me under. I thought I was gonna drown… but then we came out of the water down here in sewer. They chained me up and threw me in here. I guess it just seems like forever when you’re in a dark room and you’re not sure if the gators are gonna decide to eat you or not.”

big teej
2021-12-24, 11:57 AM
Wheels within Wheels

Nightgaunt quietly backs away from Aimee and Goldheart, trying to give the woman some space. He glances around the room one last time for anything the team might have missed in their rush to help the poor woman, then turns and makes his way back to the surface. If questioned, he will retort in a tired voice. "We need to figure out our next move."

Once above, he pulls his phone out to check for any response from the Night Parade or the Network about the demons loose in the city, whether they've answered him or not, he'll update them on what they've found and then take to a nearby rooftop, looking out over the city, lost in his thoughts.

Score! 10 (https://orokos.com/roll/926588)

2021-12-24, 04:04 PM
Once we're out of the sewers, Goldheart waits with Aimee until the Ambulance arrives and sees her off. Once she's gone, he turns to Zodiac.

"Thanks for all the Help Tonight. Who knows how long it would've taken or how many people would've gotten hurt if this dragged on."

2021-12-24, 04:26 PM
It doesn’t take long once the team is out of the sewers for Seraph to land close by. “Aimee!”

“Ja-Seraph!” Aimee calls back as she rushes to hug him around the middle. A few tears escape her eyes are she holds onto him tightly. “I thought I wasn’t going to make it out.”

“It’s alright. You’re okay now,” he replies.

A wailing ambulance arrives, and Seraph guides Aimee into it. After a minute or two, he hops back out and the ambulance takes off in the direction of Iron Station General.

He looks at the two teams, minus Nightgaunt, and says, “You all did a great job tonight. I couldn’t have expected any more from you guys. Thank you for saving Aimee as well. We’ll debrief back at the warehouse. South-side too.”

“You’re welcome,” Yuki replies. “We might be around for a few more days, depending on what Harbinger and Seraph work out. And, for what it’s worth, I really enjoyed working with you tonight. I think we made a good team.”

OOC: Goldheart gains Influence over Yuki!

You get an immediate reply from Tanya, one of your contacts in the Night Parade when you send a picture of the summoning circle. I’ll get someone deciphering this ASAP. Be back in touch soon.

2021-12-24, 05:19 PM
It doesn’t take long once the team is out of the sewers for Seraph to land close by. “Aimee!”

“Ja-Seraph!” Aimee calls back as she rushes to hug him around the middle. A few tears escape her eyes are she holds onto him tightly. “I thought I wasn’t going to make it out.”

“It’s alright. You’re okay now,” he replies.

A wailing ambulance arrives, and Seraph guides Aimee into it. After a minute or two, he hops back out and the ambulance takes off in the direction of Iron Station General.

Redline returns topside and finds a place to stand alongside the team while waiting for Seraph.

He looks at the two teams, minus Nightgaunt, and says, “You all did a great job tonight. I couldn’t have expected any more from you guys. Thank you for saving Aimee as well. We’ll debrief back at the warehouse. South-side too.”

Thanks Seraph, but I didn't think we'd be calling it quits so soon? There's still a greater demon roaming the streets and we don't even have a lead on it.", he finishes, interlacing his fingers behind his head.

big teej
2021-12-24, 05:32 PM
No Rest For The Wicked

After acknowledging Tanya's message, Nightgaunt saunters down the side of the building to rejoin the group. Just in time to hear Redline's concerns about calling off the hunt.

"Running everyone ragged all over the city doesn't accomplish anything, we already failed to stop the ritual." Nightgaunt says in a dejected tone. He shakes his helmeted head from side to side. "It's not a pyramid scheme, whoever's got Heart Eaters running around isn't going to use them to summon a ... better heart eater. If we take off for the rest of the night, we can recuperate and let the eggheads at A.E.G.I.S. turn up something new and useful, and we can hit it again fresh tomorrow."

Nightgaunt crosses his arms and shrugs. "s'how I see it anyway."

Behind his blank helmet, Raphael examines his teammates, his friends, and their compatriots from the other team.

"This is gonna be a long night... Who should I talk to first?"

2021-12-24, 06:33 PM
It doesn’t take long once the team is out of the sewers for Seraph to land close by. “Aimee!”

“Ja-Seraph!” Aimee calls back as she rushes to hug him around the middle. A few tears escape her eyes are she holds onto him tightly. “I thought I wasn’t going to make it out.”

“It’s alright. You’re okay now,” he replies.

A wailing ambulance arrives, and Seraph guides Aimee into it. After a minute or two, he hops back out and the ambulance takes off in the direction of Iron Station General.

He looks at the two teams, minus Nightgaunt, and says, “You all did a great job tonight. I couldn’t have expected any more from you guys. Thank you for saving Aimee as well. We’ll debrief back at the warehouse. South-side too.”

“You’re welcome,” Yuki replies. “We might be around for a few more days, depending on what Harbinger and Seraph work out. And, for what it’s worth, I really enjoyed working with you tonight. I think we made a good team.”

OOC: Goldheart gains Influence over Yuki!

"I think so too." Goldheart says, smiling behind the helmet.

Redline returns topside and finds a place to stand alongside the team while waiting for Seraph.

Thanks Seraph, but I didn't think we'd be calling it quits so soon? There's still a greater demon roaming the streets and we don't even have a lead on it.", he finishes, interlacing his fingers behind his head.

No Rest For The Wicked

After acknowledging Tanya's message, Nightgaunt saunters down the side of the building to rejoin the group. Just in time to hear Redline's concerns about calling off the hunt.

"Running everyone ragged all over the city doesn't accomplish anything, we already failed to stop the ritual." Nightgaunt says in a dejected tone. He shakes his helmeted head from side to side. "It's not a pyramid scheme, whoever's got Heart Eaters running around isn't going to use them to summon a ... better heart eater. If we take off for the rest of the night, we can recuperate and let the eggheads at A.E.G.I.S. turn up something new and useful, and we can hit it again fresh tomorrow."

Nightgaunt crosses his arms and shrugs. "s'how I see it anyway."

Behind his blank helmet, Raphael examines his teammates, his friends, and their compatriots from the other team.

"This is gonna be a long night... Who should I talk to first?"

"I agree. I'm not so sure the whole canvasing idea is our best bet here. I think numbers is our best advantage here. also figuring out who summoned it is a priority if they work like the Heart-eaters." Goldheart says, Leaning against the wall of the Macy's "That being said, I'm still really hungry and the only thing I've had today was that sandwich at the briefing. Let's Get some food."

2021-12-24, 09:18 PM
“That was our thought,” Seraph says after Nightgaunt and Goldheart speak. “Meet you guys back at base. I’ll tell Harbinger to start working on dinner for you.” With that, Seraph opens his wings and takes off into the night.

It’s about 2 in the morning when you all arrive back at the warehouse. The smell of roast chicken permeates the living room/command center, coming from the kitchen. Aeryn makes a beeline straight back for the food.

Seraph is sitting on the couch, phone held up to his his ear. He’s changed out of his usual uniform and into jeans and a large comfy shirt with holes cut out for his wings. “Yes, Natasha, I’m sure. She’ll be fine. I have someone standing guard at her hospital room. I love you, Tasha. Goodnight beautiful.” He hangs up and then notices the team coming in. His ears turn a little pink as he clears his throat and stands up. “Harbinger got some rotisserie chicken and some kinda vegetable medley from the 24 hour place down the street. Go get some plates and then we’ll debrief.”

2021-12-24, 09:34 PM
Gianna had lost her appetite. She went to her room and changed into sweats and a tank top, washing the residue of blood from her hands. She splashed her face before toweling off. While the others headed to the kitchen, she went to the training room to work out her energy on an unfortunate punching bag. Having been too distracted to wrap her hands, it wasn't long before her knuckles started bleeding. They should have saved that man in the park. She knew they could have if they were faster.

2021-12-24, 10:28 PM
“That was our thought,” Seraph says after Nightgaunt and Goldheart speak. “Meet you guys back at base. I’ll tell Harbinger to start working on dinner for you.” With that, Seraph opens his wings and takes off into the night.

It’s about 2 in the morning when you all arrive back at the warehouse. The smell of roast chicken permeates the living room/command center, coming from the kitchen. Aeryn makes a beeline straight back for the food.

Seraph is sitting on the couch, phone held up to his his ear. He’s changed out of his usual uniform and into jeans and a large comfy shirt with holes cut out for his wings. “Yes, Natasha, I’m sure. She’ll be fine. I have someone standing guard at her hospital room. I love you, Tasha. Goodnight beautiful.” He hangs up and then notices the team coming in. His ears turn a little pink as he clears his throat and stands up. “Harbinger got some rotisserie chicken and some kinda vegetable medley from the 24 hour place down the street. Go get some plates and then we’ll debrief.”

"Heck yeah!"Goldheart says, Walking right past Seraph on the way to the beds. "Gonna change and wash up."

After Calvin gets changed he notice the swelling and bruising from the gators bite. It's sore to the touch. The Gator might've bitten my arm clean off if it wasn't for the Armor.

After heading back out Calvin grabs a plate of food and waits for the Debrief. His left shoulder is taped with an icepack.

big teej
2021-12-25, 11:47 AM
Not Quite Downtime...

Nightgaunt pulls his helmet off by one of its horns with a relieved sigh. He looks down at his shredded uniform and sighs. "I'm gonna go change before we get dredged into an hours long retread of the night." He says in a tired voice.

He disappears into the basement, re-emerging in loose sweats and a threadbare tank-top. He swings through the kitchen on his way back, grabbing a perfunctory serving of everything on offer. He sits and eats quietly, waiting for the rest of the team to file back in.

2021-12-26, 04:54 PM
"Running everyone ragged all over the city doesn't accomplish anything, we already failed to stop the ritual." Nightgaunt says in a dejected tone. He shakes his helmeted head from side to side. "It's not a pyramid scheme, whoever's got Heart Eaters running around isn't going to use them to summon a ... better heart eater. If we take off for the rest of the night, we can recuperate and let the eggheads at A.E.G.I.S. turn up something new and useful, and we can hit it again fresh tomorrow."

"I agree. I'm not so sure the whole canvasing idea is our best bet here. I think numbers is our best advantage here. also figuring out who summoned it is a priority if they work like the Heart-eaters." Goldheart says, Leaning against the wall of the Macy's "That being said, I'm still really hungry and the only thing I've had today was that sandwich at the briefing. Let's Get some food."

“That was our thought,” Seraph says after Nightgaunt and Goldheart speak. “Meet you guys back at base. I’ll tell Harbinger to start working on dinner for you.” With that, Seraph opens his wings and takes off into the night.

Mind over Matter

Redline listens to what the other members of the team have to say and is ultimately left frustrated by scope of their responses, however he opts not to raise a counterpoint. Once everyone begins to depart and return to base he slips back into the alleyway and picks up a glass bottle then descends back into the sewers. He retraces the teams steps, accompanied by a duplicate, and returns to the second room with the ritual circle where he collects some of the "blood" inside of the bottle before capping it's contents. Redlines takes a picture of both chambers and marks their location on his phone before returning topside and back to base.

ItÂ’s about 2 in the morning when you all arrive back at the warehouse. The smell of roast chicken permeates the living room/command center, coming from the kitchen. Aeryn makes a beeline straight back for the food.

Seraph is sitting on the couch, phone held up to his his ear. He’s changed out of his usual uniform and into jeans and a large comfy shirt with holes cut out for his wings. “Yes, Natasha, I’m sure. She’ll be fine. I have someone standing guard at her hospital room. I love you, Tasha. Goodnight beautiful.” He hangs up and then notices the team coming in. His ears turn a little pink as he clears his throat and stands up. “Harbinger got some rotisserie chicken and some kinda vegetable medley from the 24 hour place down the street. Go get some plates and then we’ll debrief.”

"When you said we'd be getting something to eat I actually had pizza in mind but this is good too." Redline comments as he takes a moment to appreciate the aroma of rotisserie chicken after having delved into the sewers twice.

He takes a detour by the lab and drops off the glass coke bottle to be prepped for further analysis before cleaning himself off and changing before the debriefing. Louis returns in a hooded sweatshirt and gym shorts and promptly makes his way to the kitchen to pick up his share of food. Once satisfied with his assortment of sustenance he finds a place in the living room to continue eating and waits for the debriefing to begin.

2021-12-26, 06:37 PM
Seraph waits for everyone to return before he says, “I know it’s late. I’m not gonna keep you guys all night.” He recapitulates the night, putting all member of the team’s perspectives and adding that he and Harbinger took out a few more Heart Eaters while they were patrolling.

“According to Calvin and Yuki, the door was being guarding by gatormen, so it looks like the River King is involved in this somehow. I’m going to check with my contacts tomorrow to see if I can find out anything on that front. Harbinger has already shut himself up in his room. Right after you guys rescued Aimee, he started getting a ton of visions. Thank you again for that, by the way. My fiancé was worried sick about her sister when she couldn’t get a hold of her today,” he says, rubbing the back of his head.

“Does anyone have anything else to add?” Seraph asks. “If not, I’m… gonna go to bed. South-side, you know where the extra rooms are right? Your base should be set up similarly to ours.”

Drake nods. “Harbinger got us rooms before he went to bed.”

Halfway through Seraph’s debrief Raphael’s phone gets a text.
Big news! We managed to decipher most of the runes. It looks like the summoning ritual was supposed to be for two greater demons, Vytas and Zalta. Looks like only one summoning was completed though, according to my occult expert. Vytas’ name is all messed up, which is why it took this long for me to get back to you. There’s also a binding rune at the bottom, which means that you’re not going to be looking for a full demon roaming the streets. We’ll keep digging into who this demon is and I’ll let you know if we find anything.

OOC: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Everyone gains 8xp, and we’re ticking over to a new session. Please add your level up stuff and Masks things in your next post.

Nightgaunt is dealt This Card Just Rules! Then, he’s dealt Not Today: Play after any other character’s attack roll to cause it to automatically fail. This is a critical failure. And Make No Mistake: Play when facing any kind of creature with Immunity or invulnerability. One character may ignore those special abilities of the creature for the duration of the combat.

Redline is dealt Revelation: Your hero finds all the information available when doing research, or realizes critical information when confronting some obstacle such as a monster’s weakness, the answer to a riddle or cipher, etc.

Goldheart is dealt Hot Iron and Whiskey: Play on a wounded character. He has one wound healed, but gains a permanent scar. Roll on the injury table in the core book for location. He gains -1 Charisma if the scar is visible.

Bloody Mary is dealt Get Savage!: For the duration of one combat or scene, your character gains the benefit of any one edge, regardless of requirements.

big teej
2021-12-26, 08:34 PM

Raphael carefully looks around the room at his team and the 2nd stringers from South Side. He watches to see what everyone will do now that they've been cut loose for the night. He knows everyone is tired, it's been a long day... But some things can't wait.

He pulls out his phone and checks his messages, he scans the message from Tanya and then idly scrolls through the news. Trying to piece together how he's going to explain this new information, and waiting to see who'll unknowingly make themselves available for him to try to pitch saving Menagerie too.

He suppresses a grimace as a pang of guilt tightens his chest. "I almost killed a guy today---" He glances at the clock. "Yesterday. I almost killed a guy yesterday. He might actually be dead. That was a lotta blood. I... Should talk to someone about it.... but after today... it kinda doesn't seem as consequential...." Raphael frowns. "No. I can't allow myself to think about humans people that way."

Nightgaunt gained 8 Exp!
raised Fighting to d10
Bennies Refreshed!
Move usage refreshed!

Q: Did I make progress on defeating my Nemesis?
A: No Way. I marked the Doom Track. Literally less than a day has passed since last I evaluated defeating my Nemesis.

End of Session Move:
I Grew Away From The Team - Raphael feels detached because he really went off and did his own thing basically the entire night. He bailed on dinner with the Team at Gia's house and took care of the thugs attacking Marie all by himself, then When the South Siders got brought in to help hunt for Heart Eaters, he got paired with non-teammates, and subsequently left them without over-watch to chat/flirt with Menagerie and then!!! promised to help her, regardless of what the team thinks.

Now that he's finally got a quiet moment to think, Raphael is more than a little anxious about how far he feels, in this moment, he's run away from the team, his biggest bastion of support and protection.

I take Influence away from Red Line.

2021-12-26, 10:06 PM
Gianna had come round for the debriefing, but only hung back and listened. Her hands hurt a bit but she had wiped the few drops of blood away on her black shirt. As people started to disperse, she sighed and pushed her hair away from her face, noticing Raphael also lingering.
"Hey, Raph. No way I'm going to sleep after the day we had. Come spar with me?" She asks, hoping he'll take the metaphorical extended hand.

2021-12-26, 10:52 PM
Homework Never Ends

Aside from obtaining the details of where each Heart Eater was encountered during the evening Louis has nothing to he wishes to contribute for the time being. Once dismissed he returns his dish and utensil to the kitchen before slipping away back to the laboratory.

"Hey Mimi, you awake? I've got a few things I want to take a look into and I'm gonna need your help piecing it all together." Louis asks as he enters the lab and moves towards the digital white board.

Redline gained 8 XP!
Redline's Bennies convert into 2 (https://orokos.com/roll/926737) XP!

5 XP - Raised Smarts from d6 to d8!
10 XP - Raised Investigation and Knowledge (Physics) from d4 to d6!
15 XP - Raised Driving and Fighting to d8!

Redline refreshes his pool of Bennies!
Awaiting new Adventure Cards!

End of Session Move: Pending

2021-12-27, 12:18 AM
After the group breaks, Calvin polishes off his plate feeling satiated for the first time today. He straightens up the Kitchen while listening to music through his headphones and thinks about what Harbinger said to him before they went out.

Yuki Handled herself better than I did. I should've trusted her more to be able to handle herself.

"Today was a long day." says to no one in particular. He says goodnight to folks as they walk by and realizing he's too restless to sleep Goes to the Lounge to Chill for a bit.

5xp Raised Spirit to D8
10xp Gained Edge Sweep

End of Session Move: Grow into own Image of yourself - Kept Yuki Safe, Took Care of Aimee. Defeated Villains. Proper Hero work. + Savior, -Mundane

2021-12-27, 05:56 AM

"Hey Mimi, you awake? I've got a few things I want to take a look into and I'm gonna need your help piecing it all together." Louis asks as he enters the lab and moves towards the digital white board.

Mimi’s not quite digital voice answers you. “I am always awake Louis. What can I assist you with?” Dim lights illuminate the rest of the lab, with a slightly brighter spotlight on the whiteboard.

big teej
2021-12-27, 12:39 PM
Confidant Moment:

"Sure Gia, Lemme just drop this off in the sink." Raphael says, suiting actions to words he makes a leisurely stroll back to the kitchen and then circles back around to meet Gia in the gym.

"Most people try reading, or booze, or something, when they can't sleep, not smacking around one of their friends." Raphael teases when he arrives. "But hey, whatever you're into." He says with a nonchalance he doesn't feel.

2021-12-27, 01:24 PM
"How else do you think I got these?" Gia says, raising her arms to flex them with a grin. She really was built and it showed. "Besides, I have too much bouncing around in my head to sleep and I get mad when I drink." She added. "What about you?"

After failing to save the man in the park and knowing the woman will be forever scarred by the incident, Gianna is doubting her ability to be a hero. She didn't get there fast enough, and the consequences were dire. She then used the man's blood to, in essence, avenge him in a brutal attack on the heart eater. For a being that's supposed to be weak to fire and light, she did a massive amount of damage. Savior goes down, danger goes up

big teej
2021-12-27, 02:54 PM
The Whole Truth:

"Well... If I'm honest. I'm not super interested in sleeping because I..." Raphael looks away and rests his fingers on his chest with a flamboyant flourish. "---Have been up to no good this evening." He frowns, becoming more serious. "And I should talk to someone about it." He tosses his head from side to side. "All of you. Probably. I mean. We're a team."

2021-12-27, 03:17 PM
The Whole Truth:

"Well... If I'm honest. I'm not super interested in sleeping because I..." Raphael looks away and rests his fingers on his chest with a flamboyant flourish. "---Have been up to no good this evening." He frowns, becoming more serious. "And I should talk to someone about it." He tosses his head from side to side. "All of you. Probably. I mean. We're a team."

"If you want to talk I'll listen, any time." She says, rolling her shoulders and kicking off her shoes as she walks to the mats, motioning for him to follow suit

big teej
2021-12-27, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by The Savage Doomed
"You told Bloody Mary all about your Doom and the Danger you're in...
After the battle with Panzer Protonik, I was unwinding in the kitchen with a 'nutrient pack' when Bloody Mary came in, saw me enjoying my post-battle snack, and decided it looked too delicious not to try one for herself. She snatched one from the fridge and took a sip before I could stop her. This promped some.... moderate confusion about why I was drinking blood, and thus I told Gia all about my Doom and the danger I'm in. She is the only member of the team aware of my true nature."

OOC: You're aware that I'm a literal, actual vampire. My 'nutrient packs' which I claim are full of a specially blended nutritional fluid to compensate for a weird comic-booky disease I've got. The formula is actually moderately toxic to people without the condition, so that's why I don't share. Or at least this is the lie I tell everyone. They're actually full of human blood. Furthermore, you are aware that a shadowy organization known as The Darkwatch are actively hunting me, and part of why I signed onto AEGIS. with you yahoos is for protection from these professional monster hunters. You also know that, even though I've totally got it under control, I do get miiiiiiighty thirsty some times. and people are delicious.

The First of Many:

Raphael follows Gia over to the mat, he stands with his arms crossed, legs shoulder width apart. His typical bad form. "Well." He says in a cautious tone. "I. uhm." He takes a deep breath and blurts out "I think I killed a guy tonight.ImeanI'msurehe'sgonnabefine, he'll be fine right? his buddy grabbed him and d "I almost killed a guy tonight. Like a civillian. Well. he wasn't a civvy, he was a crook, but still.... he might be dead... I might've killed a guy." He looks away from Gia. "I mean. it's bad enough that dude could've been killed... the way it happened was pretty... uhm... spectacular. Like, if I hadn't been so pissed off, I might've been...... tempted." He swallows hard. "Do you... Do you honestly think there's hope for me? To really fit in and make a difference?"

"When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, Give them Influence over you and ask if they honestly think there's hope for you. If they say Yes, mark Potential or clear one box from the Doom Track. If they say no, mark a Condition or mark the Doom Track."

Gia already has Influence over Raphael, so she immediately shifts my Labels.

Gia should also be prepared to have her Mask Pierced in a post or two. :smallcool:

2021-12-27, 05:00 PM
As she listens, Gianna's eyes widen. She waits for Raphael to finish before putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, take a breath man. I know you're going to make this hero thing work, you will. As for the guy, I'll call around the area hospitals tomorrow and see what I can dig up. Whatever happened, we'll deal with it. The team has your back, alright?"

in light of the retcon, Raphael has influence over Gianna. She feels that she is not alone in her doubts about her heroic potential. She also now knows she's not the only team member with a secret. She has faith that Raphael will overcome the obstacles before him and become a hero.
Label shift: +1 Savior, as she's trying to reassure him that he can and WILL be a hero. -1 freak, because she does not view him as one and does not treat him as such even after he has confessed to potentially killing someone and being tempted to eat them

2021-12-27, 08:15 PM
Mimi’s not quite digital voice answers you. “I am always awake Louis. What can I assist you with?” Dim lights illuminate the rest of the lab, with a slightly brighter spotlight on the whiteboard.

"Instead of leaving things in the capable hands of AEGIS I think it's about time we put in some old fashioned detective work ourselves. This case is time sensitive so the sooner we have our next lead the better our chances of bringing things to a close."

Louis unlocks his phone and uploads several pictures he took of the chambers back in the sewers to Mimi. "Let's start by pulling up a map of the city's underground infrastructure and marking the location of where our team first entered the sewer system." Once that's been done, Louis retraces his steps through the underground until he's able to find an area on the map that lines up with the chambers used for the ritual and marks them as well.

"Now can you overlay a map of the city and highlight every area where a Heart Eater was sighted or encountered by the team in addition to noting the time of each encounter and the time elapsed between? This should give us a rough idea of the amount of ground they've already covered, where they could've possibly originated from, and a prediction as to how fast their effective radius will expand. We already know we're looking at a timeframe of less than a week but we're not exactly sure how much time we've got left. And after that..."

Louis turns back to the glass coke bottle and rolls up his sleeves before donning gloves and a protective visor. He takes the coke bottle and carefully empties it's contents into several test tubes before placing them into a rack.

"The hard part. Biology is far from my forte so I'll be relying on you for everything from here on." He pauses for a moment, considering his words. "Well moreso than before anyway." Louis concedes. "Do we have the equipment here to analyze any of these blood samples? We're looking for trends in blood type, genetic markers or identifiers, or anything that would link our victims together from a scientific standpoint. If individual victims can be identified then we should cross reference any medical records or history collected by the state and see if we can find potential matches. Aimee mentioned that there was a man that was being held alongside her so it's possible that there are more civilians being held captive. If we can use the data collected by the analysis to create new search criteria it may be possible to begin a pre-emptive search effort for any potential missing persons that fall within that criteria or predict future targets altogether. It's not much admittedly but it's a start at very least."

2021-12-27, 09:16 PM
Mimi does as Louis asks, overlaying a map of the sewers and the city. Six blips pop up where battles his teammates or Seraph and Harbinger held against Heart Eater’s took place. One is in the Bywater District at 8:53 with Raphael’s group, three were in the Queensborough district with Seraph at 8:32, 9:12, and 11:34, two are in West End with Harbinger at 8:01 and 9:24, and one that Redline was a part of in the St. Lawrence district at 8:23. There are four other sightings, or where bodies were discovered.

She notes the elapsed times and traces the paths that they would have used through the sewers. “Based on where each battle was held, and where bodies were found, their origin point was the room that your team discovered, Louis,” Mimi says after some calculations. “However, there were a few outliers.” A red circle pops up around two of the sightings and Harbinger’s last encounter. The three are connected by a red line that comes together at a different point in the sewer system, in the Broadmoor district, which is in South-side’s territory. “These three look to have originated from here.”

Louis places the blood in a centrifuge machine on the back wall. It takes a few minutes, but Mimi says, “I apologize Louis, this blood sample is too damaged to analyze.”

As Mimi finishes her sentence, the doors to the lab slid open and Drake and Aeryn enter. “Sorry,” Drake says. “We didn’t expect anyone to be here.” He glances at the city superimposed on top of the underground sewer system and lets out a low whistle. “You’ve been busy, huh? What’s this circle in Broadmoor?”

Aeryn looks pale, his red-orange eyes have lost a lot of vibrancy. “You don’t happen to have a full spectrum UV light in here do you?”

big teej
2021-12-28, 09:27 AM
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie:

Raphael visibly calms at Gianna's assurance that the team will stand by him... even if he (almost) killed a guy. He chuckles nervously when she offers to try and find the guy at a hospital. "no no no. I'm not sure we need to do that. I mean. We might find out he's dead. And more important, someone might put two-an-two together and connect me to it. I think we should just leave it. yep. mhm." Raphael nods enthusiastically.

His primary concern, the loss of support and bringing down more attention on him alleviated, Raphael's thoughts turn towards the other acts of mischief he engineered tonight...

2021-12-28, 01:24 PM
It was, perhaps, a mistake to relax in that moment. When Gianna saw some of the fear and tension go out of his face, she shifted her grip on his shoulder, crouched, grabbed his leg, and used that leverage to flip him over her back and onto the mat. Having his back didn't mean she was going to go too easy on him, after all.

big teej
2021-12-28, 02:46 PM
With Friends like these:

Raphael grunts as he hits the ground, arms still crossed. He landed like a sack of potatoes. "That." He deadpans. "Was dirty pool." He reaches out and tries to grab Gia's ankles, aiming to pull her legs out from underneath her so she can join him down on the floor.

Sparring roll to hit: 6, (https://orokos.com/roll/926858) which I think beats your parry, because I don't think you're using your bloody shieldy stuff right now?

2021-12-28, 03:40 PM
yep without my powers active that hits

Gianna can't step away in time and knows she's going down as soon as his cold hand touched her ankle. When he pulls, her legs go right out from under her with a comical cry of surprise and she lands across his torso, her knee smacking his hip as she lands.
"Ok, yeah I deserved that."

2021-12-29, 01:23 PM

"Today was a long day." Calvin says to no one in particular. He says goodnight to folks as they walk by and realizing he's too restless to sleep Goes to the Lounge to Chill for a bit.

When Calvin arrives at the lounge, he finds Yuki sitting cross legged on the couch, a steaming ceramic mug held between her hands. She’s dressed in a light gray tank top and black athletic shorts and looks freshly showered. She’s deeply lost in thought until Calvin enters the room and breaks her concentration. “Hey Calvin. Couldn’t sleep either?” She takes a sip from her mug. “I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself to some tea. Mimi helped me find some in the kitchen.”

2021-12-29, 02:52 PM

When Calvin arrives at the lounge, he finds Yuki sitting cross legged on the couch, a steaming ceramic mug held between her hands. She’s dressed in a light gray tank top and black athletic shorts and looks freshly showered. She’s deeply lost in thought until Calvin enters the room and breaks her concentration. “Hey Calvin. Couldn’t sleep either?” She takes a sip from her mug. “I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself to some tea. Mimi helped me find some in the kitchen.”

"Mi casa, su casa." Calvin says landing on the couch beside Yuki. "I don't think sleeping is in the cards for me tonight." he says pointing to his shoulder. "You alright? What's keeping you up?"

2021-12-29, 03:07 PM
Yuki tilts her head when Calvin speaks in Spanish. “I’m sorry… I don’t know what you’re saying. I’m proficient in English, but that’s about it for foreign languages for me.”

She looks back down at her tea, watching the steam swirl upward. “I’m just worried is all. Greater demons are no joke. My grandfather told me stories about one that he fought back in my homeland when he was Zodiac. While strong, the demon was also cunning. They’re not mindless beasts like the Heart Eaters.”

2021-12-29, 05:02 PM
Yuki tilts her head when Calvin speaks in Spanish. “I’m sorry… I don’t know what you’re saying. I’m proficient in English, but that’s about it for foreign languages for me.”

She looks back down at her tea, watching the steam swirl upward. “I’m just worried is all. Greater demons are no joke. My grandfather told me stories about one that he fought back in my homeland when he was Zodiac. While strong, the demon was also cunning. They’re not mindless beasts like the Heart Eaters.”

"That does sound scary." Calvin admits. "But i've seen you in action. You Charged into the fight with no Hesitation and made quick work of those gatormen! You're amazing. I don't think this demon has a chance if we take him on together."

11 (https://orokos.com/roll/926982)

2021-12-29, 05:38 PM
Yuki smiles softly, still looking down at her drink. “Thank you. While I haven’t seen the entire west-side team in action, I assume that you all are equal or greater in strength than the south-side team.”

She glances up at Calvin, suddenly curious. “Tell me about yourself and your team. Drake always says that we should know enough about each other to compensate for each other’s weaknesses.”

big teej
2021-12-29, 06:05 PM
Like a Pretzel:

Raphael grunts when Gia lands on him, but ignores the air rushing from his lungs, he doesn't need it anyway, and begins to try and twist himself around Gia so he can go for a pin.

Sparring roll to initiate a Grapple! 5..... (https://orokos.com/roll/926988)
Grappling is an opposed fighting roll. It causes no damage. If I win, we are now entangled, on a raise, you are also shaken.

ONCE entangled. You may attempt to break free on your action, rolling your choice of Strength or Agility. Grappling is on page 73 of the book.

if needed, opposed strength! 7, (https://orokos.com/roll/926989) not using my super strength.

2021-12-29, 06:13 PM
Yuki smiles softly, still looking down at her drink. “Thank you. While I haven’t seen the entire west-side team in action, I assume that you all are equal or greater in strength than the south-side team.”

She glances up at Calvin, suddenly curious. “Tell me about yourself and your team. Drake always says that we should know enough about each other to compensate for each other’s weaknesses.”

Calvin beams at the curiosity. "We'll you've seen me in action: The Suit, The Sword the Speed, The Light. then there's Redline- He has a Cool Bike and Light Powers! and he can teleport. There's Nightgaunt - He's got like weird flight powers and i can grow claws. He's a lot stronger than he looks. Then there's Bloody Mary, She is STILL SOMEHOW STRONGER THAN SHE LOOKS." He says jokingly "How about southside, It's more than you 3 and Harb right? Tell me about your crew."

2021-12-29, 06:51 PM
Like a Pretzel:

Raphael grunts when Gia lands on him, but ignores the air rushing from his lungs, he doesn't need it anyway, and begins to try and twist himself around Gia so he can go for a pin.

Sparring roll to initiate a Grapple! 5..... (https://orokos.com/roll/926988)
Grappling is an opposed fighting roll. It causes no damage. If I win, we are now entangled, on a raise, you are also shaken.

ONCE entangled. You may attempt to break free on your action, rolling your choice of Strength or Agility. Grappling is on page 73 of the book.

if needed, opposed strength! 7, (https://orokos.com/roll/926989) not using my super strength.

I also rolled a seven, and if I remember right defender wins ties.

He is not successful, as Gianna uses her unusual strength to break his hold and pop up to her feet. She smiles as she looks down at him. "Oh come on. Gotta try harder than that."

2021-12-29, 06:52 PM
“Yes, there are six of us on South-side. You’ve seen pretty much the extent of what I can do. I have one more form currently unlocked.” She turns so that Calvin can see the massive tattoo of an unfinished Japanese zodiac that covers her back from shoulder to shoulder. There are only four animals around the circle; a rooster, boar, dog, and tiger. “More will appear as I get stronger and learn.”

Yuki settles back into the couch. “You saw what Drake can do. He controls metal. He can will it into almost any shape and his own blood is filled with liquid metal. Aeryn is much more powerful in the daytime. He uses the sun for energy to make fire.”

“Then we have Ryker, Wolf and Kenzie. Ryker is…” she pauses, hesitating with her words. “A troublemaker. His form is… malleable, and he can shoot acid out of his hands. Wolf is, well, he’s a chimera essentially. He has the body of a man with a wolf’s head and a crocodile’s tail. And Kenzie is both physically and psychically strong.”

She nods as she finishes telling Calvin about her team. “I think sums up our team pretty well. Other than Harbinger, of course. He has visions of the future, in addition to the wings and the fire.”

big teej
2021-12-29, 06:59 PM
Knuckle sammich mebbeh?

Raphael doesn't say anything, but he can't suppress a grin as he rolls to his feet, feints a sweep for the legs, and then throws a left hook.

Sparring to hit! 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/926993)
Damage: ......4 (https://orokos.com/roll/926994)

I think I'm gonna play dirty on my next post. you've been warned :smalltongue:

2021-12-29, 11:31 PM
“Yes, there are six of us on South-side. You’ve seen pretty much the extent of what I can do. I have one more form currently unlocked.” She turns so that Calvin can see the massive tattoo of an unfinished Japanese zodiac that covers her back from shoulder to shoulder. There are only four animals around the circle; a rooster, boar, dog, and tiger. “More will appear as I get stronger and learn.”

Yuki settles back into the couch. “You saw what Drake can do. He controls metal. He can will it into almost any shape and his own blood is filled with liquid metal. Aeryn is much more powerful in the daytime. He uses the sun for energy to make fire.”

“Then we have Ryker, Wolf and Kenzie. Ryker is…” she pauses, hesitating with her words. “A troublemaker. His form is… malleable, and he can shoot acid out of his hands. Wolf is, well, he’s a chimera essentially. He has the body of a man with a wolf’s head and a crocodile’s tail. And Kenzie is both physically and psychically strong.”

She nods as she finishes telling Calvin about her team. “I think sums up our team pretty well. Other than Harbinger, of course. He has visions of the future, in addition to the wings and the fire.”

"Wow. You're team sounds strong and with 6 members. I'm glad seraph made the call for you guys to come over." Calvin says, settling in on the couch. "You said earlier that your Grandpa was Zodiac before you. So is it like a Family thing? Do you come from a long line of Zodiacs?"

2021-12-30, 08:45 AM
“Yes, that’s correct,” Yuki says, taking a sip of her tea. “The name of Zodiac has been passed down the Kitagawa family for generations. The first born to the current Zodiac inherits the power to transform on their 18th birthday, if they want the powers or not.” He sees a quick flash of bitterness in her expression before she can hide it.

“I managed to convince my parents to let me study here in America, while also working for AEGIS, so that I wasn’t under my father’s thumb, at least for a little while. He’s the CEO of a multinational conglomerate, and has always had very high expectations of me, so I’m glad I’m finally as far away from him as I can possibly get, at least until I get my degree from Briarwood University.”

2021-12-30, 09:47 AM
“Yes, that’s correct,” Yuki says, taking a sip of her tea. “The name of Zodiac has been passed down the Kitagawa family for generations. The first born to the current Zodiac inherits the power to transform on their 18th birthday, if they want the powers or not.” He sees a quick flash of bitterness in her expression before she can hide it.

“I managed to convince my parents to let me study here in America, while also working for AEGIS, so that I wasn’t under my father’s thumb, at least for a little while. He’s the CEO of a multinational conglomerate, and has always had very high expectations of me, so I’m glad I’m finally as far away from him as I can possibly get, at least until I get my degree from Briarwood University.”

"I... understand." Calvin says wishing he had something to drink. "A Parents expectations are... not easy to handle by anyone, honestly. My parent's didn't want me to have anything to do with Hero work. My mom was afraid that I'd end up dying running into a burning building or stopping a Hold-up at a local corner store. My dad..." Calvin sighs. "Was a Cop. Joined the force as soon as he was old enough and became best friends with a Super who just found his powers. They were inseperable and we're great at their jobs. They cracked a case together with my dad running the investigation and His Friend Nabbing the Villain. When His friend had a chance to give credit where it was due, he took it all for himself. My dad had worked on that case for years and to have is 'friend' to that to him, It crushed him honestly, He's not the same man anymore and feels like supers are all cavalier gloryhounds who think their powers make them better than regular folks. But, good or bad, people are more than their gifts, you know? We all have hopes and fears and Dreams." Calvin sighs and leans back in the chair.