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View Full Version : The Isle of the Dark One ∙ [1] Island Rising

2007-11-14, 01:26 AM
I have been planning for the last two weeks, and I think I may have gotten my master plan ready to put into action. It involves vultures, kraken, wizards, illusions, and most of all, exploiting. It requires tactical skill, overpowering magic, unbeatable monsters, and many weak minds. It shall take time, but by the end of this week, I should have half of the army dead and the rest trapped on my Isle. Though the result'll be a week late... but that is of no matter.

...what is it, servant?

...that's ingenious! Much better than my plan! And simpler. And has near instant gratification. And the best of all is I need absolutely no skill at all. Just give the planet a moment to rotate the King and his army away from the sun, and my new plan shall proceed.

Sometimes my overly-complicated mind can get annoying. :smallamused:

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

The Isle of The Dark One: Chapter 1
Island Rising

You set off two weeks ago. You should be arriving in Marsia sometime within the next two weeks, given that the weather stays good and that nothing happens.
Now, the only reason you're on this ship is for "morale." The people of [insert your kingdom here] are very patriotic, and the soldiers on the other transports would be put into a foul mood if they found out that their leaders just teleported to their destination and left them to suffer on their own.
Little did they know that this was a terrible mistake, one that could cost the life of many of their people and possibly some of the leaders' as well. A very large mistake indeed...

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

Welcome to the Sea Serpent, the King's official ship. It's like a big pirate ship, with all the cannons and whatnot, with the exception that it also has huge, permanent spells cast onto it to make it immune to all sorts of sea-related hazards. It's been exactly twelve days since you rescued Reyers. You've been on the high oceans ever since.
It's about 7:30 P.M. This is dinner time for the official leader general people (that includes you). You've just been called into the big dining room that every normal soldier guy's jealous of to eat.

2007-11-14, 09:57 AM

Leowil slowly enters the room with Saltspray on his shoulder. He nods to the King and the General, but does not take a seat until he is ordered to. Instead he stands back and awaits the others.

2007-11-14, 01:08 PM

Each morning Robert awakes, he is amazed that he is able to get up and be coherent. The first 6 days on the boat, he thought he was going to die. The first 2 days, he wanted to die. Now after 12 days he has almost become accustomed to the rocking of the boat.

On this day, he makes his way to the dinning hall, seeing Leowil there before him, he gives him a nod and makes his way over to his seat. As any good soldier, he stands ready, waiting for the king to offer him a seat before sitting down.

2007-11-14, 01:24 PM
During the Trip: Alia casts Extended Force Chest (48 hours/level[912 hours or 38 days) on her spellbook. Which she keeps in her Handy Haversack. The box will be completely invisible.

She casts Dragonsight(Extended)[38 hours] and Overland Flight(Extended)[38 hours] every morning. Extended through Augmented Casting(6/day left) and giving up 2 1st level Warmage spells.

She also casts Guards and Wards.

She informs the King, her companions, and everyone who needs to know(Captain, the helmsman, whoever else deemed applicable by the DM) about the specifics of the Guards and Wards spell and where everything is placed.

The entire ship should be covered by Guards and Wards as it covers 3,800 square feet due to her caster level. If everything isn't, then she places the spell foci point in the King's chambers and the effect covers a 3,800 square foot radius from there.

Fog fills every corridor of the ship. Web fills all the stairwells. Every door is Arcane Locked with every person onboard the ship at the moment being able to pass through them. Each split of direction causes a 50% chance that the attackers are going in the wrong direction. 19 doors appear as plain walls as if by silent image. DC 27 will save to disbelieve. The doors in question are going to be to the King's chambers, her companion's doors, and every door leading to the area where the King sleeps. The King's door and her companion's door will have the Dancing Lights effect over them, to mark where to go.

A Magic Mouth is placed at the bridge to warn anyone inside the bridge if any creatures enter the warded area. The magic mouth will then direct the King to the second magic mouth. The second one, placed inside the corridor of hidden doors, will remind the King about the Dancing Lights effects. If anyone but the King approaches, the mouth will not trigger.

The stinking clouds will be placed within the corridor leading to the King's room and in the corridor leading to the bridge. The gust of wind will be placed right in front of the King's door. DC 27 fortitude saves for both.

The suggestion will be placed in front of her room. It will suggest not to disturb Alia or the King.

The entire warded area glows with strong abjuration magic.

Also, Alia is going to pick up 7 MWK item books in the city before they leave.
Items(all of them are books): Travels of Reshar, Mialee the Ugly Elfling, Memoirs of a Bard, Trials and Tribulations of a Liar, The Little Psion That Could, Catch Me If You Can, Studies of Arcane Philosphies and the Pratical Applications Thereof.

In order: Knowledge(History), Spellcraft, Perform(Sing), Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, and Use Magic Device.

She has 409 gold left.


The gray-elf looking woman joins the rest of the group at the dinner table once she's cast all the spells she wants to use for today. Unlike Leowil or Robert, Alia just walks over to the same chair she sat in the last twelve times and sits down. Without waiting for food or any comment, she simply pulls out her dairy and begins to read. The book in question is titled 'The Little Psion That Could'. She simply smirks when questioned about the small children's book.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-14, 04:41 PM
Nalljss cast extended mage armor on himself so it last all day. (30hrs to be exact) Out of professional habit he also cast alarm (silent) on his door every morning. At the begining of the trip he cast fire trap on his door as well, the pass word he gives to all his fellows, and king before the trip. (Tanzen, the name of his Oynx Dog) the alarm spell's password changes everyday. He keeps his returning dagger, a potion of neutralize poison, two potions of cure wounds, and a potion of fly with him. Also a his wand of lightning and wand of wrack. Rings and boots at all times. He likes to use his rod as a semi-cane and twirls it on deck. all of his scrolls. He leaves his staff in his room, because he finds it incumbersome if he doesnt need it.

Adjusting to the ship was easy for the semi-young wizard, for he loved new experiance. Chatting up the captian, he spends most of his time at the forefront of the ship, where the dipping and bucking sea can be felt the most. The ship was making it harder to study his spells at night, but he prevailed, he was determined to enjoy himself, but also to stay sharp. Having not known the spell cast by Ali prior to her casting, but respected and enjoyed the new security he felt in it's inforcement. Going toward the end of the table he sits and poors himself a glass of wine from his own, private, stock. Sipping contently he nods to his fellow companions, enjoying the what would probably be a brief time of respite, with his dear king it always seemed brief.

2007-11-14, 06:26 PM

Kevril walks into the room chewing a pre-meal snack while trying to read from beaten up book. He greets those already present and sits. He seems to be lost in his book, but will from time to time peek around to see what everyone else is doing.

Kevril's morning ritual consist on casting magic insight, draconic flight, and Voidsense on himself. He would also use endure exposure on himslef and all the party members and important crew members.

Right now he would be wearing all his magic items that take up clothing slots, this would be most of his items except what's on his pack, wands, armor and weapon. Hes also wearing his stylish leather slouch hat.

2007-11-15, 01:00 AM

The dinner goes by uneventfully. It's not as grand as it usually is when you're at the castle, but then again, you are on a ship. Still, the soldiers' mushy rations, also notoriously known as the mystery meat, is nothing compared to a three-course dinner, which is composed of either an appetizer or dessert, some sort of entr้e, and soup. No mysterious meat for you. (Some hypothesize that the mystery meat is actually a mixture of beans. But how they get beans to taste like disgusting meat is incomprehensible.)
Reyers and the King constantly exchange jokes that most of the people here don't understand at all, and half the time they do, Melody sighs and mumbles, "boys." Bloodsucker sits in a corner chewing on some sort of high-quality steak. The Commander of the Navy is absent as usual, and once in a while some longing soldiers stare in through the window (and occasionally drool).

One hour passes. The sun has set completely, the moon has brightened, and the grand stars of the Other Worlds twinkle above you.
Legend tells of a single great wizard. He had always wondered what lay in the twinkling lights above him, and he was also curious about what that globe of blinding light that rose and set daily was made of. He wondered why day and night alternated. He wondered what it would be like if he went to the place those mysterious objects dwelled. And so he did.
He never came back. But years later, after his loss had been properly mourned, a meteor inscribed with the wizard's personal symbol came crashing down on the planet. Perplexed bystanders read the small messages inscribed all around on the meteor. Those messages told of the other planets, the sun, how the planet was orbiting around a huge globe of energy, and all that other astronomical stuff we know today.

It was a peaceful evening.

2007-11-15, 07:25 AM

The elven-looking woman makes notes of today's activities, just like she's made notes of the past twelve days. Just another page tucked into her dairy, hidden away for only her eyes. She leaves once dinner is finished and instead makes her way back to her room to spend the rest of the evening by herself.

2007-11-15, 11:42 AM

Robert will stay at the table and join any who wish in conversation. Once the group has broken down, he will head outside and spend some time on the desck before heading to his room for sleep.

This is probably my last post until next Tuesday.

2007-11-15, 05:41 PM

When finshed, Kevril will walk off taking a chewy piece of meat with. He'll thank the cook or servants if they are near. He will head to the deck to reading whichever chapter he is currently reading. If theres any unocupied crew near, he'll offer to read out loud one of the more actiony parts of the book, using his breath weapon to spice up particularly juicy bits.

He's reading The Life and Undeath of Zilant, Green Dragon

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-15, 06:57 PM
Staying on the deck a while longer into the night, Nalljss heads under to his room when the trade winds start to pick back up and the lack of light grew to cold. When he reaches his door he see's the door aglow with magical energy.

Mumbaling a short magical sounding stanza, which includes all the passwords for the enchantments placed on his door. When he finishes he sees the glow on the doors deminish a tad. He enter's his room and closses the door behind him, and the harsh red glow of spell traps comes back into full. Softly invoking his weave control in a short canter, his two white stemed candles set aglow with a small flickering flame. Sitting down he leafes through his spell book, muttering quietly shifting between the nine languages he knows. Laughing to himself reading through a spell that had particularly humous effects. Leaning back he falls back into his favorite place, his own mind...

... The upside down sensation of teleportation took him. Falling from a cliff in the mountains of his homeland, Nalljss revailed in the whipping of his chin length hair whips around him, his red breechs trimed with black clung to his legs as the wind pressed against them. Seeing the ground getting closer he clossed his eyes and took mental count ..1..2..3.. and he moved his hands in the precise movements required to cast the spell that maid him way like a feather. As he finished he opened his eyes, and gently floated down the last ten feet of the well over 500 foot drop. Smiling all the while...

... Sitting back up his candles had burned low, Nalljss found himself smiling as he relived his young apprenticeship, where the master's of his school told the class of fifteen that they would be going on a trip and to prepare one of every spell they had learned. Including the spell that slowed them down in a free fall. Not knowing what to expect they stepped into a room with on of the schools many teleportation circle. Having already set his course on that of a Conjurer, young Nym admired the fine craftmineship put into the dimound inscribed magical transport. The masters told them again of the dangers that walked hand and hand with there chosen path, and had them repeat the schools cread. The Weave Smiles On Those How Take The Shortest Path To Greatest Success... As one the masters cast spells that shoved the fifteen young students of the Art into the circle, where they found themselves free falling over 500 feet above the ground. They lost three students that day, but never the less it was a lesson well learned.

2007-11-16, 09:59 PM

Time passes.

There is a feeling of imminent doom in the air, one which everyone can feel but usually shrug off. Only the most experienced of adventurers know to grasp this feeling, and know that all is not right, even if they don't what what isn't.

The nascent wave of gloom spreads through the whole navy, and soon the usual chitter-chatter is reduced to pure quiet. Then, everybody bursts into laughter, making remarks about how quiet it just was. But our heroes know that the quiet spell was no ordinary quiet spell — it is an omen of bad things to come.

The usual swaying motions of the ship have stopped. Instead, it is replaced by an uplifting feeling. Literally, too: it feels and looks as if though the navy actually is rising upwards with the rising water, so to say. In reality, it looks like the horizon is getting lower and lower. Indeed, the water is rising. But why?


BOOM! The tip of a mountain bursts out of the water. Following it is the rest of the mountain, some spiky ranges yonder, another mountain tip on the side opposite of the spiky mountain ranges, and an entire island. The island is mesmerizing. And dry. There seems to be some sort of bubble surrounding the entire island that keeps water out — and whatever is on the island in.

Okay. That was amazing. Now for the bad part. Since a bubble is usually spherical, that means that you get blasted away from the island, which you do. There is pandemonium and chaos all around you: screams of terror, quiet prayers from clerics, fanatic casting from the more experienced mages, the explosions from ships getting utterly blasted apart from the force that the bubble impacted them with, more screams of terror, flying splinters of wood and crates of various supplies, etc.

The force is so powerful and sudden that the Sea Serpent goes flying away at an incomprehensible speed. The Sea Serpent and any lucky surviving ships are washed away from the rising island. This speed nauseates everyone, making at least half of them throw up, make others double up in terror, and of course, make people scream more.

Our heroes are more capable of resisting this stomach-churning experience. But of course they are still affected.

[[ Fortitude DC 20 to resist being nauseated per round. Move at one-fourth speed or fall prone. Move at half speed with DC 20 Dexterity or balance check. Casting requires concentration checks. Et cetera. ]]

2007-11-16, 11:18 PM

After the initial toss about, Alia simply floats upward above the deck and moves as the ship moves. She'll gather her things and then fly up to the deck.

Fortitude Save (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1378019). For casting (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1378022). Using Overland Flight to move five feet over the deck of her room. She'll ready an action to move with the ship each round so that she doesn't have to deal with the problem.

2007-11-17, 05:36 PM

Is it possible for me to fly and hang onto the rigging to avoid being nauseated? If not, then use the rolls below.

Fortitude Save: [roll0]
Balance Check: [roll1]

2007-11-17, 06:19 PM

Kevril sighs loudly and mutters to himself,"this job is so predictable sometimes, I wonder what sort of evil creature is trying to kill us now." He pulls a small scale from his pocket, and holds it near his face forming the mask he commonly wears while adventuring. He then grabs his spear and starts slowly making his way towards the deck; using his spear as a balancing tool, and keeping his hat on with his free hand.

Fort: [roll0]
moving at 1/4 speed.

2007-11-17, 08:23 PM

Time passes.

The ship is still being washed away from the top of the bubble. But looking at where you're headed, you see some sort of hole in the bubble. This hole is no ordinary hole. It's magical. You can't see it, but you do.

The Sea Serpent and all the other remaining ships and survivors splash down into this thousand-foot wide hole. Everything goes into a free-fall, but after a minute or so, everything splashes and sinks into some shallow water.

It's not really that deep, but it's deep enough to break everyones' falls and cause most of the ships to sink. Anyone who wasn't grabbing onto something or inside a ship has probably been flung off by now.

A powerful magic comes across the heroes, and they all fall into a deep slumber.

[More to come.]

2007-11-17, 08:42 PM
Day 1: Somewhere on the Island

At exactly 9:00 AM, everybody wakes up. They're scattered across the southern shore of the island, along with various and probably dead soldiers. Some are moving, however, and seem to have survived.

Alia awakens to find herself face-down in the sand. There's soldiers all around, and one of them is crying.

Kervil awakens somewhere else, also surrounded by soldiers. However, one of them has taken to tending to any surviving soldiers. Seems he's a cleric of some sort.

Robert awakens yet somewhere else and finds that he has a big sharp piece of wood in his leg. [[ Take 1 Con damage and 6 piercing damage. ]]

Leowil awakens and spots the King, who is looking quite un-kingly right now, and Melody gathered around a small campfire. Leowil himself is lying on his back very close by. "Mornin'," says the King. "Reyers and Bloodsucker went to find the others and scout out the terrain." Leowil notices the Sea Serpent, which is amazingly still in one piece.

Nalljss is awakened by somebody poking him. And it seems that that person was Reyers. "Wakey wakey," says Reyers. "Arkhren, Melody, and Leowil are waiting for you over yonder." He points to the west.

Ricamros awakens. He's also on a beach, but there are only soldiers lying on the ground to the west of him.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-17, 11:09 PM
Semi-groggy from the obviously magical sleep, Nalljss wakes with a start, and sits up, as well he starts patting himself down checking his possesions. Pulling his pipe and light from his inside cloak pocket. Striking the tindertwig against a near by rock he lights the still dry weed stick.

Waiting.. ah, they shouldn't have. I would have been along presently. Ok, so whats stock, or should I wait and talk to the King?

2007-11-18, 03:51 AM


"You can either go join the others or keep helping me search," says Reyers, smiling. "When our King is on an adventure, he likes himself to be called by his first name1. Never was a sucker for all that nobility mumbo-jumbo. They're not far2."

2About 700 feet or so

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-18, 12:25 PM
Oh, I know, but as he is nobility and I a sarcastic arse, I rather like the tittle. As he request though... Ah, but if my thinking is correct, I was not the last your looking for, obviously, and let's face it four eyes are better than two... unless you left the Ki- I meen, Akhren, with an incompatent guard.

2007-11-18, 01:02 PM


By the time a minute has passed, more and more of the soldiers are starting to wake up. About one in every three soldiers is awake now. And some of them have started running around and screaming. Others might be banging their heads on the ground and muttering, "this is just a dream." And the rest are regaining their bearings and trying to piece together what just happened.


"Leowil is quite competent. I don't really care whether you follow me and Bloodsucker or return to Arkhren."

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-18, 02:18 PM
Oh, well in that case I'll ask my orders of him. Good luck in your search, return to us soon.

Looking off to the distance he starts to walk.

((00C-> Oh do i have all of my stuff, or do i hav to look for it. also when i spot the dot that would be the king, ill teleport there. ))

2007-11-18, 04:27 PM

Kevril stands up shaking his head, cleans himself up, and fires a single angry breath of fire upwards. He pulls a wand from his bracer and heads towards the healer, he uses it on the closest wounded soldier. "How long has it been since the crash?" he asks the cleric, and waits for a response. "Any clue where I can find the king or general Reyers?"

If given a positive response he'll head that direction (towards the king if given directions to both), if not he'll stay a few more minutes helping the soldier and then head towards a larger group of soldiers looking for signs of either man or any of his companions. Either way he'll take a few seconds to reactivate all his passive invocations.

Using wand of lesser vigor.

2007-11-18, 06:48 PM

Awakening with a start, Leowil nods to the King and slowly crawls into a sitting position. After checking to see that his weapon had not shattered, he put aside his gear and stood up.

He bent his knees and was about to lift off the ground when he thought to himself, "I'd better not fly around here... I should probably send Saltspray instead." With a pop, Saltspray appeared from thin air. Leowil checked to make sure nothing had hurt him, and then quickly communicated to him to scout out the island by air.

With that, he sat down and began to think a bit.

2007-11-19, 04:19 AM

She thinks for a second, then shifts her features to look like Julia again. Alia stands up and brushes herself off quietly. Her patience was quickly running thin, and the crying man was doing nothing to help her collect her thoughts. "Shut up!" She immediately points out two soldiers and starts handing out jobs. "You and you, tend the wounded. You, you, and you, gather up the dead and pile them up away from the wounded. You two over there, start gathering up everyone's weapons and make sure that everyone has a weapon and armor. You two, scout out the surrounding forest and return to me if you see anything. Finally, I want you two to start gathering up fresh water for the wounded."

With that, the young woman breathes in deeply and calms herself. The dress she had worn last night suddenly began to take on a new form. It shifted to a simple pair of dark green pants and a dark green shirt with matching cloak. This would make it easier to travel through the forest in the event that flight would prove impossible. Alia digs through her haversack and produces a pair of glasses which she quickly don. She quietly discerns her location with her blindsense, first to get a general feel of the terrain and second to see if anything was approaching her little group.

She slips off her ring of arcane might to slip on the ring of communication. "Good morning everyone, I hope you all slept well. Time is of the essence and I need everyone to look at the sky for a second. Thanks."

She points toward the heavens, and with a focus of energy her fingertip glows. A bright red point of light bursts forth and flies into the sky, exploding approximately five hundred feet in the air above her. The fireball expands rapidly, but it burns only air at that distance.

"Could everyone see that? Good. Now that is where I and a group of soldiers are currently stationed. It'd be nice if someone decided to come by soon."

She mentally commands Kirathon to watch out for anyone nearby and proceeds to sit down in the sand. She reaches into her haversack and produces one of her books, the Memoirs of a Bard, and waits patiently.

Casting fireball with her warmage side. It explodes 510 feet in the air above her. Who all sees it?

2007-11-19, 03:51 PM


The soldiers, obviously terribly in need of some order, immediately start following Julia's commands.


The cleric shrugs. "I've only been awake for a few minutes."

Leowil & Nalljss

Leowil is still sitting when Nalljss suddenly pops into existence next to him.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-19, 04:15 PM

After saying hello to everybody, Nalljss turns about to see if he can see anything about.

Spot Check (for fireball) [roll0]

2007-11-19, 05:45 PM

Leowil jumps as Nalljss appears from thin air. He then recovers and looks up to the resulting explosion overhead. "Well, obviously someone had the sense to send a flare up... although that is a rather explosive flare." Then he feels Alia's message being communicated through Saltspray as well as some other extraneous information from Saltspray.

Since Saltspray is effectively airborne, what does he see? Do you want a spot check for that?

2007-11-19, 06:35 PM

Hearing Julia's voice, Kevril turns his attention from the cleric towards the sky as instructed, and speaks using the ring "Completely forgot about the rings, I'll be over as soon as possible."

Turning back to the cleric. "Here", Kevril gives the man his wand, "get the wounded back up and walking, and start gathering the dead...and please don't lose the wand .". Kevril then speaks in a louder voice addressing the healthier looking survivors. "Go salvage what you can from the nearest boats, and start building shelter and campfires." Kevril then unfurls his wings and starts flying towards the source of the fireball. He's only flying about afoot or two off the ground.

2007-11-20, 02:57 PM

Robert wakes to a searing pain in his left leg. With a grunt of pain, he pulls the the offending shrapnel out and tries to rise. He tests the leg by putting weight on it, and determines that the leg is quite usable. He is just beginning to examine the area, when he notices the light from the fireball up above. In a strange place, he draws his greataxe so he will be prepared for any type of foe. He then remembers the communication ring, reaching into his pouch, he places on his finger.
Is anybody out there? Was that flash one of you?

He returns to examining the area for clues as he awaits a response.

2007-11-20, 11:55 PM

"Yes, Robert, that was me. So that everyone knows where I am. It seems that a large amount of the soldiers from the boat ended up in the same place, so I thought it'd be best if I didn't risk their death by leaving them behind or forcing a march through the forest."

2007-11-22, 08:15 PM

Kervil & Julia

Kervil arrives at where Julia is camped quite quickly.


Saltspray looks down upon a grim scene full of chaos and disorder, but after flying west for a few minutes, he spots an area where there seems to be less screaming and crying than usual. Once he gets to the epicenter of order, he also flies through an oddly warm bubble of air. Perhaps this is where Julia is?

2007-11-22, 09:08 PM

"Good morning, Kervil. Sleep well?" She speaks as if speaking of the weather, and seems to completely disregard the fact that the entire ship was shanghai'd by a moving island. Julia appears to be writing in her journal, but stops once Kervil gets closer. "I do hope you've been keeping order, old friend."

2007-11-23, 08:58 AM

"Morning...I've slept worse." says kevril rubbing his achy neck. "The men are trained soldiers, some are scared, maybe panicked, some are dead...considering the situation I think they're doing pretty well." Kevril takes off his hat and rubs his chins as he thinks. "So about the situation any ideas on getting out of this...this... thing? Is there a way to teleport, or anything similar, this many people? My specialty is stopping people not moving them" Kevril lets a tired laugh. "Anyway I doubt we are getting out via boat, we should probably salvage anything of use."

2007-11-23, 11:18 AM

That is a good idea. I see nothing here of interest, I will see if I cant make my way over to you. Have you seen any hostiles?

Robert will take account of his goods, restore is greataxe and head out in the direction of the fireball.

2007-11-23, 01:18 PM

"No, I haven't seen any hostiles. And Kevril, no, I do not believe we can teleport everyone out. However, we could make several trips. More importantly, however, we must gather all the soldiers together and secure this area."

2007-11-24, 01:33 AM

Ricamros makes his way to the rest of the group. Unlike the others, he does not recall the events that occurred with the "island".

'Good day to ye all, may the protection of St. Cuthbert bless you with his safe, protecting presence." Looking to the rest of the group, Ricamros notices that something is not right. He pauses for a moment.

"It looks like we might have a situation on our hands, care to fill me in? The strength of St. Cuthbert will be of use, I am sure."

Prepared spells are listed on Ricamros' character sheet, but they are mostly the same.

2007-11-24, 03:12 AM

About ten minutes pass.

Robert arrives where Kervil and Julia are. None of them have any idea of where the others could be. Julia has scouted the area around her and discovered that there's very few soldiers to the west, while their density increases as you move easterly.

Ricamros, Reyers, and Bloodsucker arrive at Arkhren's small encampment where they find Arkhren [incidentally], Leowil, Melody, and Nalljss.
"Apparently, we happen to be camping at the epicenter of this crash," says Arkhren. He points to the west. "Seems that the others have banded together some direction there."
Melody taps Leowil's shoulder, and patiently waits for him to acknowledge. "I remember that you sent out Saltspray to scout earlier, did he tell you anything yet?"

2007-11-24, 11:32 AM

Leowil snaps out of an apparent trance.
"Apparently Saltspray has found a calm spot without any... screaming and turmoil... it's just a bit to the west of us. I'm sure we could make it there within the day."

He then nods to the rest of the party, glad that they are mostly unhurt.

2007-11-24, 01:43 PM

"Morning Robert, any thoughts on our situation?...I don't think there have been any hostilities apart from the land itself." he looks back towards the are where he woke. "I guess we should begin herding the soldiers together, they're sitting ducks right now." he looks for a healthy-ish looking soldier, who doesn't seem particularly busy. "Soldier!, yes you. Form a party, scatter through the crash site, and tell everyone to start moving towards this area."

2007-11-25, 04:13 PM

After surveying the surroundings taking careful notice of who is gathered, and who is not Robert responds to Kevril.
We don't know where we are, many of our numbers are dead, or incapacitated. I'd say our situation is very grim. More importantly, has anyone had news of Arkhren or general Reyers, I notice that neither is here?

2007-11-25, 04:51 PM

"No, I haven't heard anything about Reyers or the Lord." Julia never refered to him by name, and she still doesn't say that foolish name.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-25, 06:48 PM
So back at the farm...

Yes, well do we have a plan. Like marching their with our known troops, or wait and let them come to us?

2007-11-25, 10:57 PM

Ricamros nods back to Leowil and quietly considers the information provided. Without saying a word, he crosses his arms and looks around at the other beings within the area; there is a worried look in his eye.

"St. Cuthbert, please protect us," he quietly mutters under his breath.

2007-11-26, 09:17 AM

"Well, first things first, we need to establish some sort of Redoubt or Fortress here in the event that we need to retreat somewhere. There is an abundance of wood here, so we can begin with a wooden fort, then slowly build up around it with sandstone bricks. Next, we should also gather all the uninjured soldiers together and scout out the area and form a perimeter. Third, we should head to the said clearing that Saltspray spotted earlier and check it out."

If nobody objects, Leowil begins to order the soldiers about, attempting to get the above done.

2007-11-26, 06:27 PM

Again speaking over the ringnet.
This is Robert Veritas, Leowil, Ricamros, Arkhren, Nalljss, Reyers, are you out there? I am with Julia, Kevril and many other soldiers.

Once that is done, he will look for something to clean and dress the wound in his leg. If the cleric offers healing, he will accept it, but he will not seek it out.

2007-11-27, 01:33 AM
The Sea Serpent's Crash Site

Most of the soldiers have gathered around Ark and the others here by now, and when Leowil suggests a course of action, they go dashing off and start gathering planks from all the crashed boats.

2007-11-28, 01:40 AM

After agreeing to Leowil's plan of action, Ricamros hears the voice of his ally, Robert.

"Robert? This is Ricamros, I am here with Leowil, Reyers and the rest, and we are still standing. Are you in any immediate danger?"

He turns back to Leowil, "I will go help the soldiers with their assigned duties. Call if you need my assistance."

Let me know if there are any rolls to be made and I will make them.

2007-11-28, 12:39 PM

Robert lets out a breath that he did not know he was holding on hearing that their charge was still alive and well.
There are more dead soldiers than I like, but we will have to accept the cards that we are dealt. Is there any way that you can send up a flare so that we can find you? Do you see any landmarks?

Bitz' can we tell directions, is there anything that we can see. Actually, if we can see the sun and tell directions, I will change the questions to Ricamors.

2007-11-28, 07:50 PM

Robert lets out a breath that he did not know he was holding on hearing that their charge was still alive and well.
There are more dead soldiers than I like, but we will have to accept the cards that we are dealt. Is there any way that you can send up a flare so that we can find you? Do you see any landmarks?

Bitz' can we tell directions, is there anything that we can see. Actually, if we can see the sun and tell directions, I will change the questions to Ricamors.

Did you miss the Fireball Scene?

2007-11-28, 07:59 PM
No, I got the fireball scene. Except we are now at point A, the fireball. We need to know which direction to go to get from here to where the king is. To do that, we need another point of reference, ie. Yes the fireball was to the north of us. Or we are near a very tall tree or something. Otherwise we are just working with, oh yeah, the fireball was over there come this way.

2007-11-28, 08:09 PM

"Well, there is very little I can do to reunite us with our companions, apart from walking towards them...I'll go check on the soldiers near the are I...umm..landed , left some things there." Kevril pulls another wand from his bracer, uses it and puts it back. His once ethereal-ish wings become puffy and cloudy. He flies over towards his landing zone, he'll check up on the soldiers there and If the cleric seems finished with the wand he'll ask for it back, if not he'll wait.

2007-11-29, 02:46 AM

Stopping where he stands, Ricamros begins to think. "Robert, if it helps, I can fly up into the sky and create a burst of light that should help you locate us, or at least point you in our general direction. However, it may also bring some unwanted attention. Ensure that any remaining soldiers are secure and able to move, and the rest of you are in working condition. If this works for you, tell me when you are ready, then I will give you the sign."

If Robert agrees to the signal (described above), then Ricamros will inform Leowil and the others of the plan, then will execute it by casting Footsteps of the Divine, choosing the flight option (60ft for seven rounds), then when above any tall obsticles, he will cast Daylight (unless Leowil and the others object).

If Robert says no, then Ricamros will think of another plan, and inform Leowil.

2007-11-29, 01:52 PM

Hold a moment Ricamors. Can you see the beach?

assuming affirmative answer.
If you face the beach, what direction did the previous fireball come from. If you let me know that, I can find you.

2007-11-29, 09:49 PM
Julia's Area (Present: 20 Soldiers, Julia, Robert)

A tremor shakes the ground. Boom. Another resonates throughout the sand. BOOM.
A soldier looks nervously towards the forest. "What was that?"

"Scccrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaakkrrrrrhroooor!" a giant spider cries cries into the air. Three giant spiders have appeared on the horizon. They're really really big, fuzzy, black, and are heading straight for this area. They mean to feed, and their meals have just arrived, courtesy of the crazy island you're on.


The spiders are getting closer now. Julia shouts an order, telling the soldiers to ready themselves. They fall back to the shoreline and grab various planks of (probably harmless) wood to throw. Some lucky few have found a sword or a bow, and perhaps a spear even. Others are spellcasters, cursing that they hadn't enough time to prepare any retreat spells. A cleric or two dot the soldiers. They too are ready to fight.

"Welcome to my island!" booms a voice. It comes from a spell emanating from the closest spider's mouth. "You're probably thinking, 'this place is an insane asylum!' Well, you're probably right, because this is only one of the any evil and vicious beasts I have on this insaniacal island! Nobody can defeat me this time! Bua ha ha ha ha!"

Begin combat.

Initiative Order:



2007-11-30, 12:10 PM
Free Action

"Robert, Blackwing, come here"

OOC: Calling out to her familiar and Robert. Kirathon will move within five feet of Alia.

2007-11-30, 12:23 PM

His moment of shock at the appearance of not 1 but 3 giant talking spiders is quickly overcome by years of training.
Speaking for the ring We are under attack by 3 giant spiders

Speaking loud enough for his companions and the other soldiers to hear.
I will deal with the beast in the middle, Archers open fire on these creatures.

He will then respond to Julia call by moving over to where his companion is.

Once over near Julia, Robert calls on the tools of his trade. With a few motions of his hands and some indistinguishable words and orb of fire appears in his hand ready to be hurled once the spiders come in range.

Preparing Orb of fire. He will "throw" it at the middle spider once it comes within range, which I believe should be 60'
the orb will do [roll0] +5 is for warmage edge

If Robert has time for another ranged attack, he will throw another orb.
If not, he will draw his greataxe (he has quickdraw)

AC is 28
HP is 104 (110)
attack with greataxe 19/14/9/8
doing 1d12+10 (20/x3)

Here is a link to robert for when I am gone

2007-11-30, 12:43 PM
Kirathon is her familiar. You meant respond to Julia's call, right? :smalltongue:


She takes a moment to let Kirathon land on her shoulder. The raven stands tall as the elven woman casts her spell upon him.


The raven hops over and lands on Robert. It seems to squawk out some incantation, then Robert vanishes from sight.

Casting Extended Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability. It lasts for 38 hours. Using the six spells she can give it..

1: Greater Invisibility (Wizard) [Cast]
2: Wall of Fire (Warmage) (Warmage Edge: +11) [CL 19]
3: Evard's Black Tentacles (Warmage) (Warmage Edge: +11) [Grapple +23]
4: Orb of Electricity (Warmage) (Warmage Edge: +11) [CL 19]
5: Sleet Storm (Warmage) (Warmage Edge: +11) [CL 19]
6: Orb of Force (Warmage) (Warmage Edge: +11) [CL 19]

Kirathon casts Greater Invisibility on Robert.

2007-11-30, 01:22 PM

Kevril smiles, his preoccupation with their crash and escape is momentarily lifted. "I'll hold our right flank", he speaks loud enough for the soldiers behind to listen.

A few familiar hand motion, and an icy cloud appears to the right of the first spider. Somewhat encasing both that one and the one to its right, in its chilling grasp. Kevril then moves right, his cloudy wings flapping furiously.

Chilling Fog centered on intersection (s-t, 3-4). Range is 250 so it should be well within range. Duration 15 minutes. Creatures inside are slowed as with solid fog, and take 2d6 points of damage at the beginning of their turn.
Moved to (x,25)

edit:Kevril's AC should currently be 30, hes not wearing his mask.

2007-11-30, 07:23 PM

Immediately sensing the danger through Saltspray, Leowil crosses quickly towards the King, signaling to Ricamros and Nalljss. "Well, if you guys haven't heard through the rings by now, Saltspray has just informed me that the others have been engaged by three giant spiders. With your permission, I would like to fly over there and see what I can do to help, as well as guide the soldiers back to our redoubt here."

Leowil figures he has a pretty good picture of what the island looks like by air, considering he had Saltspray scout it out for him earlier. If nobody objects, he will take off and fly towards the scene of the battle.

2007-11-30, 09:36 PM
Spider Battle — Round 1

The center and right spiders screech in annoyance from Kervil's freezing fog. They start pulling their way out of it, the right spider succeeding. Meanwhile, the left spider rushes to attack, but is interrupted by Robert throwing a bolt of fire.

Robert's initiative falls under the spiders'. He then draws his greataxe.

The archers open fire on the left spider, seeing how it is starting to lose strength. I'm too lazy to roll dice for all of them, so I calculated their average damage to the spider and they deal a total of 9 damage.

New Round.

Initiative Order:
Robert [Greater Invisibility]



2007-11-30, 10:48 PM

Pleased with slowing 2 of the creatures, Kevril tries to slow the third one's advance. He'll follow Robert's example and tries to burn the creature. The air around him becomes very dry and warm.

Kevril flies towards his companions, stops when he feels withing range. Takes a deep breath focuses on his burning spear, and fires a thin line of a thick, burning substance. Thanks to his expertise in aerial combat he then retreats closer to his original position.

Swift Action: Activating aura of fire. +3 to the DC of all abilities with the fire descriptor, or that deal fire damage used by Kevril, and all allies withing 30 ft.
Using fly by attack.
Moving to (q,22) (40 ft).
Using entangling breath on a 60 ft line of fire, on the left spider.
Damage: half of [roll0] fire damage. DC 33 reflex save for half (29 base +1 from belt +3 from aura). Anyone damaged (hoping no evasion on the spiders!) becomes entangled and takes [roll1] extra points of damage at the beginning of my round for [roll2] rounds.
Finally moving to (v,23) (30 ft)

edit: forgot to close spoiler tag.

2007-11-30, 11:17 PM
Kervil's breath his the spider cleanly.

2007-12-01, 11:08 AM

Without a word, Ricamros turns to follow Leowil to the combat. Making a motion with his hands, and speaking a quick prayer to St. Cuthbert, Ricamros gets an extra jolt of speed.

Ricamros will cast Footsteps of the Divine, choosing St. Cuthbert's option of +30'/round movement. While moving, he will also draw his heavy mace. The Cleric will move as fast as he can in the following rounds.

2007-12-01, 04:46 PM

The raven chants something again and blinks out of sight. Now invisible, he flies straight up to survey their surroundings(beyond the spiders, obviously).

Standard: Invisibility at will SLA.
Move: Fly up 30ft.


"It might be prudent for me to leave. Close quarters combat is.. not my forte. Enjoy yourself, my friend."

With that, the wizardess abandons Robert and moves backwards 30ft. She then turns about and points toward a spot between both the middle and far left spiders. A pea-sized red dot shoots out from her finger toward that point and explodes in a burst of flame.

Moving to I-30. Casting fireball on H-I;6-7, which catches both spiders. Cast with my Warmage slots(as I do not have it prepared). [roll0]+11=49

2007-12-02, 12:11 AM
Spider Battle — Round 2

Both spiders are able to partially avoid the fireball, taking only 24 damage each.

The left spider is starting to look quite injured. (Colored outlines around spiders indicate general health status, with green being uninjured (~95%), yellow-green being slightly injured (~75%), yellow being injured (~50%), orange being severely injured (~25%), and red being critically injured (~5%).)

The left spider moves towards Julia with difficulty, completing ignoring the invisible Robert. The center spider finally escapes the freezing fog. The right spider makes its war around Kervil's freezing fog and proceeds to move towards him.



Robert's turn.

2007-12-04, 12:56 AM
Spider Battle — Round 2 (Cont.)

Robert prepares to charge at the left spider, who apparently can't see him at the moment. However, as soon as Robert turns his body to get into a more favorable stance, the spider jolts its head in his direction and gives off a threatening hiss. Robert is thoroughly undaunted and charges anyways, strafing to the left and right to prevent himself from getting into a predictable position.

Robert's axe chops into the spider with a crunchy splatter, dealing 14 damage.

The archers in the back continue firing arrows at the spider that Robert just attacked. (9 damage.)

New Round — Round 3

Initiative Order:
Robert [Greater Invisibility]

Reinforcements arrive in 6 rounds.



2007-12-04, 04:37 AM

Kevril grunts annoyed as both spiders are free from his fog. With the spiders too far for any fancier breaths, Kevril breaths a long line of fire towards the rightmost spider, then continues his retreat closer to the soldiers.

Using fly by attack.
Moved to (y,20) (20 ft)
Regular old 60 ft. line of fire on the right spider. [roll0] fire damage, DC 33 reflex for half.
Moved back to (w,28) (50 ft)

2007-12-04, 07:58 PM

Julia makes some arcane gestures, and 2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1407152) chain devils appear some ways away.

Casting Summon Monster VII, chosing to summon 1d3 chain devils from Summon Monster VI's list. They appear at the end of this round at N-18 and O-18.

2007-12-05, 01:19 AM
Spider Battle — Round 3

Kervil's breath hits the spider cleanly.

The left spider takes a bite at Robert. It deals 25 damage, but Robert shrugs off the poison. The center spider charges and bites Robert, dealing 24 damage. This time the poison takes effect and wracks Robert, taking away 9 strength. The right-most spider scutters towards Kervil with a hiss, throwing a web of sticky stuff at him (and hits). Kervil can escape with a DC 28 Escape Artist or DC 32 Strength check. He is entangled until he does so.

Robert is stunned by the poison, but nonetheless waves his hands wildly to cast Wall of Fire. He then takes a five-foot step backwards. The spiders are taken by surprise and begin to turn their attention to avoiding the wall of fire. The spider on the left starts to look in a dire condition.

The archers continue their attack.

Two chain devils appear. Both look annoyed to have been summoned into a burning wave of heat, but they're immune to that anyways. they have time to get out before taking any damage anyways.

New Round — Round 4

Initiative Order:
Robert [Greater Invisibility]

Reinforcements arrive in 5 rounds.



2007-12-05, 11:42 AM

Kevril grunts as he fails to escape the spider's web. "just what I needed.". Momentarily he thinks about flying high to escape the spider, but remembers the soldiers behind him. I can do it better" he yells rather pointlessly at the mindless creature. Unaffected by the webs he makes familiar hand motions. The fog behind the spiders disappears, a new one forms in front of the approaching spider. Kevril keeps retreating, hampered significantly by the web.

Not rolling to break free, both DCs are impossible.
Taking 10 on the entangle concentration check thanks to steady concentration. DC 16, result: 30.
Chilling Fog centered on intersection (z-off the map, 20-21).Duration 15 minutes. Creatures inside are slowed as with solid fog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm), and take 2d6 points of damage at the beginning of their turn.
Moved to (R,33). (35 ft)

2007-12-05, 03:40 PM

The elf woman flies, quite literally, to B-26. An idea forms inside her head, and she grasps the longsword gathered back in the city. The weapon would prove to be her greatest asset at the moment! She chants several arcane words and gestures, then flings the blade out, diagonally, in a sixty foot line.

Casting Whirling Blade with Warmage side and using the longsword as a focus. C-25, D-24, E-23, F-22, G-21, H-20, I-19, J-18, K-17, L-16, M-15 are all attacked by the blade with any allies excluded.

Attack roll: [roll0](BAB+INT)
Damage roll: [roll1](INT+Warmage Edge)

2007-12-06, 12:22 AM
Spider Battle — Round 4

At first, the web-shooting spider is quite pleased with itself. When Kervil creates a brand new fog cloud over it, however, the web-spinner twitches angrily and somehow, despite his mindlessness and incapability to make facial expressions, throws a glare at Kervil.

Both hunter-spiders get a sword slashed through their bodies, quite literally. A leg on the one getting itself burned is dismembered.

The chain devils flail away with their chains.

The spiders frantically scutter away from the burning heat. The web-spinner is in a strange predicament, as he is hampered, burning, and freezing all at once. One would think that the effects would cancel each other out.

Robert decides that the spiders are easy-to-hit targets and shoots Scorching Rays at them. He hits both unerringly.

The archers are daunted by the wall of fire but continue their attack.

New Round — Round 5

Initiative Order:
Robert [Greater Invisibility]

Reinforcements arrive in 4 rounds.



2007-12-06, 01:01 AM

She concentrates for a second, then conjures up her own wall of flame. It appears quite literally under the spiders, and spreads out in a loud roar.

Casting Wall of Fire with my last 4th level Warmage slot. It'll appear inbetween lines 2 and 3, stretching as far as it needs to. The result should catch all three spiders in the middle of it, dealing [roll0] points of damage.

2007-12-06, 01:03 AM
[[ I think you mean lines 12 and 13. Dang spiders are getting in the way of the numbers. Another good reason to kill them. :smalltongue: ]]

2007-12-06, 01:11 AM

Kevril seems very annoyed at the webs covering him. he struggles forward as the spiders retreat, he thinks about continuing towards the fiery wall, but decides against it. Once near Robert, who he sensed with his blindsense, he stops. Out of range for any offensive move he shrugs, mutters to himself "why not", and goes invisible.

Moved to (q,27}
Used walk unseen, once again steady concentration for casting while entangled. Gains invisibility as the spell.

2007-12-06, 01:36 AM
Spider Battle — Round 5

The spiders screech as they're burnt by Julia's Wall of Fire. The spider on the left looks nearly dead. The chain devils go for the near-dead one, charging. After a battering, the spider dies.

The other two spiders roar in anger and pain, attempting to escape everything that's hurting them.

Robert walks east and shoots a Orb of Fire at the spider there. It hits for 30 damage.

The soldiers open fire at the next closest spider, the one on the right.

New Round — Round 6

Initiative Order:
Kervil [Walk Unseen]
Robert [Greater Invisibility]

Reinforcements arrive in 3 rounds.



2007-12-06, 02:12 AM

The elf-woman shouts to both chain devils. "Use more chains! Stop that one from escaping!" She points toward the web-spinner.

Oops. I forgot to include my +10 from caster level on the Wall of Fire It should be 27 instead of 17. Alia performs no other actions this round.

2007-12-06, 09:31 AM

Kevril moves towards the right spider, and fire yet another line of fire in its direction, becoming clearly visible in the process.

moved to (r,22) (30 ft)
Regular old 60 ft. line of fire on the right spider. [roll0] fire damage, DC 33 reflex for half.
Lost invisibility. Its duration was 24hrs, not 15 round, but that hardly matters since it's not greater.

2007-12-06, 08:22 PM
Spider Battle — Round 6

The web-spinner somehow avoids the full blast of Kervil's breath.

The Kytons extend their chains and charge at the retreating spider. Both their attacks hit.

The hunter-spider takes a bite at one of the chain devils, dealing a large amount of damage. The Kyton's body collapses from the spider's poison, no longer able to support its own weight.

The web-spinner is still trapped, burning, and freezing, and begins edging closer to death.

Robert waits, unsure of what to do. [Suggestions?]

The archers continue their attack.

New Round — Round 7

Initiative Order:
Robert [Greater Invisibility]

Reinforcements arrive in 2 rounds.



2007-12-07, 10:46 AM
To Bitz:Perhaps have one of the spiders roar in pain, and thus cause Robert to be paralyzed with fear? Would make good roleplaying applications... or you could have him cast some sort of spell, and have it backfire upon him... if this is not at all what you're looking for, then ignore it. :smallcool:

2007-12-07, 12:14 PM

Shocked and angered by the spider's refusal to burn, fire shoots out of Kevril's nostrils as he yells at the spider: "Why won't you burn!" He then moves closer to use a different attack.

Double moving.
25 ft straight up to avoid the wall. (uses up 50 ft of movement)
Then to (r,18) (20 ft)

2007-12-07, 12:45 PM
Have him cast Melf's Acid Arrow. 2d4+Edge a round is a choice most warmages enjoy making. Also, since Devils are immune to poison, does that mean my other chain devil is still around?


(Infernal)"Stand back."

She casts Glitterdust anywhere that will catch the giant spider and won't hit the chain devils. She has 290 feet to play with in that regard.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-12-07, 04:07 PM
((00C- Just thought i'd let you guys know im still here.))

2007-12-15, 02:13 AM
Spider Battle — Round 7

The hunter-spider screeches at the Glitterdust spell, but doesn't seem to be affected by it in any apparent way. Silently, it swings its head down and devours the damaged chain devil, who disappears in a poof of smoke.

The web-spinner is almost dead now. It seems to have given up any hope of living and is shriveling to a crisp on the ground.

The other chain devil attacks the spider in front of him, hitting it once.

Robert shoots an Acid Arrow at the hunter-spider.

The soldiers barrage the escaping spider with arrows.

New Round — Round 8

Initiative Order:
Robert [Greater Invisibility]

Reinforcements arrive in 1 round.



2007-12-15, 03:19 AM

The elven woman hurls a pea-sized red dot toward the hunter-spider. It blossoms into a ball of flame just behind it.

Fireball in H-I 1-2


The wall of fire continues to do damage to the webspinner.


EDIT: To clarify, I'm using my Warmage slots for this(thus the +11 from Warmage Edge).

2007-12-15, 10:49 AM

Kevril continues his entangled flight above the firewalls towards the fleeing spider. once within range he fires yet another line of fire.

Moved to (l,16).
60 ft line of fire towards the left spider. [roll0] DC33 reflex for half.

2007-12-15, 11:23 AM

Calling out to Saltspray, Leowil informs Kervil, Alia and Robert that he and Ricamros are almost there, and that they'll be ready to aid them in battle, and then guide them back towards the main party.

2007-12-17, 10:29 PM

At last, the final two spiders have died. Both of them suffer a fiery doom. As the spiders give their last twitches, Leowil and Ricamros arrive upon the morbid scene. Three giant corpses litter the sand, much of which is being burnt by walls of flame reaching up into the sky. And unlucky piece of shipwreck that may have been caught in the heat is already burning or has turned into a black ember. The formerly cowering soldiers cheer in triumph, congratulating the three spider-slayers, their morale augmented.

[[ 1125 XP to Julia, Kervil, and Robert. ]]

2007-12-18, 06:52 AM

With a sigh, Alia directs the Kyton still left to go about dismembering the corpses and feeding them into the fire of her wall of fire spell. She tells the devil to break up the body and burn all of it.

When(or if) the others approach, Alia turns and smiles. "Ah, the Better-Late-Than-Never cavalry. You're just in time for our delicious barbeque. Spider-leg?" She remarks with her normal dry wit, even going so far as to point toward one of the broken and burning legs of a spider.

2007-12-18, 02:30 PM

Kevril faces the soldiers, and shoots a cone of fire upwards as he pumps his fists, trying to further increase morale. He then turns to his companions. "Umm...can I get some help over here please?" he signals to the sticky web covering him. Kevril then proceed to blow fire oh whatever web he can see and reach.

2007-12-18, 06:59 PM
Robert Veritas

As the spiders meet their doom, Robert feels a surge of joy. In the midst of raising his hands in elation, His axe falls from suddenly feeble hands and he drops to his knees, brought down by his own weight.

Writhing in pain as the poison wracks his body he is able to mutter into the communications ring. Help!

It is not so much that he is down to half his HP that has Robert in trouble, it is the -9 to strength that gives him a mod of -2.

2007-12-18, 09:19 PM

The remaining chain devil walks up to Julia, dragging along what appears to be a small chest covered in spider ooze. Upon closer inspection, the chest seems to be made of steel. The chest was evidently made to keep what was inside safe rather than act as a beautiful ornament that would enhance any rich man's home. It is bound closed with a small steel lock. The chest, when shaken, jingles lively, hinting at promises of treasure if it is opened.
The chest itself was covered by some garments before it was inspected. Now remembering those leather clothes, the chain devil kicks at them. They aren't really clothes. It's actually some studded leather armor. The armor is strangely hard, yet it still has the flexibility of any quality leather. In fact, the armor would be quite fine-looking if not for the fact that it is covered in hot sand that appears to be stuck to the layer of spider ooze attached to the armor.
That is all the chain devil brings back, except for a chunk of spider, which the Kyton is current chewing on. The Kyton then disappears in a little poof of mist.

2007-12-18, 11:30 PM

Intrigued by the promise of treasure Kevril approaches the area now vacated by the Kyton. He examines the chest and the leather garbs closely with his magic insight. His eyes flare and discharge continuously as he tries to identify any magic.

"Stand back it could be trapped." he cautions his nearby companions. Once they are a safe distance away, or decide not to heed his warnings, Kevril performs a quick hand motion and a thin gold stick with a small closed fist on its top pops out of his bracer and into his hand. A few arcane charged words later and magic surges from the wand into the chest. If the chest opens he will once again examine everything inside using his magic insight, then place the wand back into his bracer.

Using magic insight to detect magic, Discharging it as many times as necessary to use identify.
Wand of Knock, UMD auto success.

2007-12-19, 10:09 PM

Excuse me, did I say leather armor? I meant studded leather.

The chest pops open, revealing a disappointingly small amount of treasure. 4000 GP, a brilliantly cut diamond set in a small gold necklace, a golden paperweight set with a single, unidentifiable crystal, and an ivory statue depicting an unknown, sinister deity are also found within the gold.

The studded leather armor radiates moderate transmutation and strong abjuration. It is also of masterwork quality.

2007-12-21, 09:17 AM

"Well, if nobody minds, we might as well haul this stuff back to the King to divvy up or keep... we can lead you back to the main group of people. Anyway, I've found an interesting clearing that seemed to be out of the ordinary... maybe we should check it out after we get these soldiers back to the King."

With that, he unfurls his massive wings and prepares to lead the others back by air.

2007-12-21, 01:54 PM

"Yes we should make our way to the king, as fast as possible. This was not a random attack by monstrous spiders, something spoke before they attacked us, and whatever it was, it sounded insane and dangerous.

Kevril prepares to take off when he remembers the group of soldiers. "I'm afraid we can't all just fly there. I can lead the soldiers there on foot while the rest of you hurry back, just lead me there through the ring. "

2007-12-21, 04:15 PM

Robert lies limply where he fell, so drained by the poison coursing through his veins that he is unable to rise or respond to his companions.

2007-12-21, 04:18 PM

I actually meant that I would fly above you guys so that you would see me easier, but now that anIceFan has reminded us that he needs medical attention, we should probably take care of that first.
"Well, I can fly above, making it easier to see me. However, before we go, we need to find a way to help Robert. He seems oddly... drained? What happened to him?

2007-12-21, 04:59 PM

At the site of the fight, Ricamros has remained oddly quiet.

He looks around at the remains of the fight, then to Robert. Without saying a word, he heads over to Robert and offers some healing.

"It seems that you have been effected by poison, am I right?" With a small blessing to St. Cuthbert, Ricamros lays his hands on Robert's shoulder, and radiates some Divine power.

Unless Robert denies the healing, Ricamros will cast Neutralize Poison then Restoration (using 100 gp of the diamond dust he has) to restore Robert's strength.

Afterwards, Ricamros will offer any healing that is needed to the group, and follow them back.

2007-12-21, 05:31 PM
Later that day:

The soldiers have been led back to the King's Camp. They are currently constructing a makeshift fort out of salvaged wood from the shipwrecks. Then out of the blue, a red dragon flies over the area, momentarily casting a shadow upon the people. The dragon lands with a thud right in front of our heroes. Its scales are dull and smooth; its eyes are a molten color from age; its neck frills and tips of the wings are a dark, ash-gray color. Julia is the only one who is able to shrug off the Frightful presence, while everyone else is shaken for 12 rounds.

"HIM!" shouts the dragon ferociously, lifting one paw (?) to point at the King. "GIVE HIM TO ME, OR I SHALL DESTROY YOU SEVEN AND YOUR PETTY SOLDIERS!"

The soldiers scream and run behind the half-built fort. A brave few peek around corners to watch the dragon.

The dragon's nostrils flare, and flames shoot out of them.

2007-12-21, 05:49 PM

"Why do you want him? What have you got against him anyway? We just got here! Besides, we don't really have much on us that would "increase your hoard" if that's what you were looking for..."

Leowil's hands are somewhat shaking, although he then stuffs them into his robe to hide it. Concealing his hands, he slowly prepares to draw his rapier at a moment's notice. Wings unfurling, he reaches out to his innate magical talent, hopefully unnoticed by the dragon.

If the dragon goes hostile, I'll draw my concealed rapier as a readied action...

2007-12-21, 06:27 PM

Kevril spreads his draconic wings wide. He tries to use as deep a voice as a 3'3'' creature can, burst of fire coming out of his mouth as he yells at the beast.

"I know your kind. You are powerful, you are smart, you are proud, but this is MY king, and you will not lay a hand on him. I suggest you leave now. You will not intimidate us into surrender, and fighting us will end with my men pushing your broken carcass into the seas."

Diplomacy: [roll0], extra +4 because he is a dragon.
Intimidate: [roll1].

2007-12-21, 06:44 PM
The Dragon

"Ha, my carcass? I have lived over twelve hundred years, and no pitiful adventurer has ever been able to slay me! I have faced near death circumstances many times, and have survived them all! Groups of fools who believe that I can be defeated have been slain remorselessly! And to think that you eight things and some phobic men can slay me! HA! Pure blasphemy!"

2007-12-22, 01:15 AM

Though in a shaken state, Ricamros stares at the dragon with hate in his eyes. "That's quite the demand to simply place upon us... lowly adventurers. Why is my lord so important that you must take him?"

I will rather die than let this... heathen take the King. I must do what I can to protect him, even if it means my life...

Ricamros will also try a bit of diplomacy to aid Kevril, but ready a Resistance Superior spell, cast on himself, if the Dragon makes any hostile movements (+6 to all saves for 24 hours).

[roll0]-2 (from Shaken)=39

2007-12-22, 01:55 AM
The Dragon

Kervil and Ricamros seemed to have changed the dragons' attitude a bit — he stopped shouting. A smile forms on the dragon's lips. "Ah, but I am also asking that question myself! He must be brought to the master for the master's own purposes, those of which not even I know. But he is your king? Perhaps that is why. Perhaps my master has foul blood with Arkhren. But I do not know why."
The smile on the dragon's lips fade away. "I must bring Arkhren to my master! This has to be done! I do not care who I kill! You will be the first to die! ... I must keep my oath to Velamus! This is the only way I can assure my eternal life! I MUST! I must..." the dragon half sobs. The expression on his face is half grave, half angry. He looks a little reluctant to attack.

Arkhren looks up, interested in what else the dragon might have to say. "Say, is it possible that...?" he mumbles.

2007-12-22, 11:41 AM

"Eternal Life? Only the gods can grant that, and even that is not perfect. You're talking about having a master of creation... Why are you even doing this? You're a Great Wyrm for goodness sake. You being an elder dragon ought to know better than this! Besides, if you decide to breath on us, you'll probably vaporize Arkhren in the process. Lets settle down and talk this through calmly."

Has it been 72 Seconds yet...?

2007-12-22, 01:10 PM

Noticing the king is trying to speak, Kevril turns his eye away from the dragon. "Yes my king? please continue."

2007-12-22, 03:02 PM

"I was but a young fledgling when I swore myself to Velamus... at first I thought it would only be to my boon. But now I see that there are drawbacks to worshiping an exiled god. For all of humanity wants me destroyed," grumbles the dragon gruffly.
Arkhren looks at the dragon with a raised eyebrow. "The Eternal Dragon Malgansis?"
"Yes, that is my name!" shouts the dragon. "The Eternal Dragon, Malgansis! I have worked for the Exiled Ones all my life, and I will not stop here!"
"The Eternal Dragon!? Here!? But... that means... who is your master?" questions Arkhren shakily.
"The Ran'Gas Chosen is my master! Nothing more can be said!" says the dragon reluctantly. "I shall not name thy master, for it is forbidden by Velamus and Ran'Gas!"
"Ran'Gas? Velamus? This all sounds oddly familiar..." mumbles Reyers.
Arkhren turns to face the others. "We can't face the Eternal Dragon! We'll be utterly destroyed! He took a major part in the Reforming, and that's saying a lot!"

[ The Reforming was an event that happened eight hundred years ago that formed the standard Patheon that this world worships today. Apparently the Eternal Dragon was already a great wyrm back then. ]

2007-12-22, 07:44 PM

What I don't understand is that a legendary dragon is serving someone else...

Ricamros looks to the Dragon, "Sir, if you are the legendary Eternal Dragon, why would one need a master?"

Ricamros will continue to have Resistance, Superior readied, and cast it if the dragon becomes too hostile. If the dragon goes directly for the King, Ricamros will instead cast it on the King rather than himself if able.

A bit more diplomacy, if able:

2007-12-22, 08:04 PM

"HA! It is only because I have a master that I am the Eternal Dragon!" shouts the Eternal Dragon. "Foolish boy, don't you know a thing?"

[ In any part of history in which the Eternal Dragon took place, he was usually on the evil side. ]

The Eternal Dragon is getting impatient.

2007-12-22, 10:50 PM

The elf doesn't move. She simply stays seated atop a small wooden box with her feet up. She appears to be studying the strange statue and other objects they had garnered from the treasure chest. She didn't care about the cost of them, but she appreciated the intricate artwork and delicate care taken in crafting them. She ignores the dragon, and doesn't remark about it.

Knowledge(History): [roll0]
Knowledge(Arcana): [roll1]
Any other Knowledge: [roll2]
Appraise: For no real reason - [roll3]

Has she seen these items, or items like them, before? Are they important treasures or replicas of important treasures?

Arcana: Are they used as a Focus for arcane spells or as Material components?

Other Knowledges: I don't know. Religion - Who is the strange god-man-statue? Nobility - Same question.

2007-12-23, 12:02 AM

Kevril seems truly fascinated by the conversation between Arkhren and the Dragon, in awe of the Wyrm. "I have devoted my life to studying creatures much lesser than yourself. To be in the presence of such a being is beyond my dreams, but I fear we can not give you what you want. We will not abandon our king. Is there no other way?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2007-12-23, 02:40 AM

The Eternal Dragon smiles carelessly. "I like you people," he says to the group. "Perhaps I won't use deadly force after all. But Arkhren shall still be brought to my master!"

The Eternal Dragon looks on the verge of attacking.

Julia (Rolls' Results)

Meanwhile, Julia studies the treasures. The diamond necklace and paperweight are quite normal (the crystal set in the paperweight was a unusually pure jade). The statue, however, remains as strange as it was before. The names Ran'Gas and Velamus come vaguely to her. They were mentioned in some obscure book about Arcane Magic. Forgot the title. Gods of some exiled pantheon. Julia does not recall any more.

2007-12-23, 06:43 PM

"Hold yer horses fair sir. Perhaps we can all come to a simple solution? We can come with you to wherever (alive mind you), have a chat with whoever your master is and sort this whole thing out. I mean, we don't have to kill each other over a simple matter. Right? Being an elder wyrm like you has to impart some wisdom. I mean, we come quietly and sort it out, and you don't have to hurt anybody."

2007-12-23, 07:11 PM

"Treachery of my master's orders!" shouts the Eternal Dragon incredulously. "I, too, would rather settle this matter in a less violent manner, but alas, I can not."

The dragon suddenly moves with incredible speed, performing a tail swipe that catches everybody (39 nonlethal damage, reflex DC too high for anyone to tackle) before punting Kervil to the side with his mouth (57 nonlethal bludgeoning damage), clawing Leowil and Ricamros (43 and 37 nonlethal slashing damage, respectively), smashing Julia and Nalljss with his wings (41 and 34 bludgeoning damage, respectively), and whipping Robert with his tail (53 nonlethal bludgeoning damage).

Order of Initiative
Eternal Dragon Malgansis

2007-12-23, 09:30 PM

"What the.."

That's all Leowil could say, before his delicate body was cast aside and knocked unconscious. His regal wings sprawled to one side.

2007-12-24, 05:44 AM

The savagery of the dragon's attack knocked the poor woman off her feet and sent the things she was studying flying.

"You fool! You just destroyed a statue of your master! I bet he'll be real damn happy to learn you defaced his image!"

Without further ado, she flings a bit of dust and sand at the dragon's eyes.

Casting Glitterdust. DC 23 Will Save or blinded.

2007-12-24, 01:01 PM

Having kept quiet throughout the bantering with the dragon, Robert is spurred into action by it's vicious attack. He moves away behind the beast while preparing to attack from a distance. Once positioned he sends an Orb of cold at the great creature

Move 30' away from the dragon
cast orb of cold doing [roll0]

2007-12-24, 01:16 PM

Malgansis blows casually at the glitterdust and pats the orb of frost away as though it were a beach ball. "A statue of my master? Ha! That is nothing more than a mere toy to keep the smart one (I'm guessing that's you) occupied. Belihe, god of trickery. Anything depicting him is an omen of bad things to come, usually because it contains a trap of some sort."

[ What? Nobody in the party has ever heard of Belihe. ]


As Julia recalls, Belihe is also one of the gods in that exiled pantheon.

2007-12-24, 03:01 PM

More angry than wounded, though still pretty badly wounded, Kevril grinds his teeth, unsure of what to do. He looks up and thinks about teleporting as high as possible, but seeing his companion brave, if ineffective, stand he moves towards the dragon and breathes a chilling winterblast.

Frost breath: [roll0] cold damage. Reflex DC 29 for half.

2007-12-30, 04:01 PM

Malgansis somehow avoids Kervil's frost breath fully. Meanwhile, the soldiers cower behind that makeshift base of theirs as Reyers ineffectively shoots arrows at the dragon. Meanwhile, Arkhren casts a defensive spell on himself.

2008-01-01, 05:58 PM

The elf-looking woman stops what she's doing. "I surrender and claim my right to parlay."

2008-01-04, 12:58 PM

Following Julia's lead, Robert also stops attacking and calls. Oh great Malgansis, we cannot compete with your godly might. Se surrender to your mercy.

2008-01-07, 08:35 PM

"Ah, so you surrender? Then your king is mines," says Malgansis, grinning. He grabs Arkhren with one swoop and lifts off into the air, captive angrily ranting. The air wave generated by Malgansis' liftoff blows the makeshift base into smithereens, while also knocking down mostly everybody. Sand flies upwards into the air. Anyone who opens their eyes might get a grain of sand lodged in their eye. The air is hard to breathe; many coughs are heard in the distance. Slowly the sand cloud clears. Malgansis is nowhere in sight.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-07, 09:26 PM
Shakely getting up to his feet, Nalljss smooths his robs and lifts his staff. Keeping his head down, the shame slowly fills before he falls back down to the sand. Speaking in a low mumble, he opens his mouth to break the stretching silence.

We have failed our charge. I take the majority of that burden as mine and not to share. Wha-.. What do we do?

After that quick moment of weakness Nalljss turns it back around.

I will start the divinations. I will leave the troops in your care. Though locating the king may beyound my power, in which case us five (or is it six) will have to go scouting ourselves.

2008-01-07, 09:53 PM

The elf coughs and dusts sand off her blouse and shorts. "Well.. That was.. .. .. Strange. I feel that we should rest for now and replenish ourselves. We need to organize these men and ensure they aren't going to break. I-I need to rest.. I need to.. need to.. go." She quietly discharges her healing belt, and then calmly plops down onto the grass and practically goes catatonic.

Alia burns all 3 charges on 2d8 healing for [roll0] hit points. She's now up to 86 HP and 7 non-lethal damage.

2008-01-09, 12:25 AM

Kevril stomp on the beach, cursing and roaring at failing his king. Once his little tantrum is over he pulls out a wand and tries to bring back all his companions to consciousness. Once everyone is back up he continues his rant. "What in the hells are we supposed to do now. I assume the Arkhen is still on the Island, but just exactly are we supposed to take on this dragon and its master? Does anyone actually know anything else about this Malganis and about who could possibly be controlling such a creature? He mentioned he needs a master, I didn't quite grasp that." He pulls out a small silvery book out of his pack. "If any of you has an idea, feel free to use this book here, It's very useful of you know what you are looking for."

Using wand of vigor on people until they are up.

knowledge arcana: [roll0]
The book gives you +5 competence on knowledge checks 3 times per day, figured someone else might make better use of that +5.

2008-01-09, 02:19 AM

Ricamros drops to his knees, and a tear develops in his right eye. Pulling out his holy symbol and holding it tightly in his hands, he closes his eyes.

"May the great St. Cuthbert have mercy on my soul, for I have failed my task at hand. I look to your great wisdom to ensure that my King stays safe from any harm that may come his way." He continues to pray for a few more minutes...

After the prayer, Ricamros slowly rises from the ground and looks to the group. "I think it may be obvious that we need to find our king by any means necessary, and Nalljss' Divinations spells are the best way to start..."

2008-01-09, 12:07 PM

Robert is stunned at how ineffective the group was against Malganis. After recovering from the artificial sand storm, he scans what he can see of the island, trying to take not of any landmarks or features that might have been the dragons destination. After a moment, he will join the rest of the guards to determine what their next course of action will be.

We need an idea of what this place is like. One of you should fly as high as you can so that we can get the lay of the land. Divination will be good for telling us where the king might be, but we will also need to know what lies along the path.

Never once did it enter Roberts mind that they would not find the king, or that he might just be killed by the dragons master.

[roll0] to see what he knows about malganis
[roll1] to see if he has ever heard of anything like this island.

2008-01-09, 10:53 PM

There most obvious places where Arkhren could be being held captive are the three mountains, particularly the glowing-red one at the center and the strangely cubic and fortress-like ones to the right. The island must be a lot bigger than it looks. You remember it seeming smaller when it first rose from the seas.

Kervil and Robert discover nothing that they don't already know. To restate it, Malgansis is a colossal evil red dragon that has taken part in almost every very major good-versus-bad clash there has been in history, particularly ones that include servitors of strange exiled or evil gods fighting against followers of the light and the pantheon of good deities.

Nobody knows anything about this island, lest what it is, where it came from, how it got here, who created it, when it was created, how it was created, or any variation of those things. In fact, the more mage-ly of the hex-o [group of six people. I'll probably be adding number prefixes to -o to detonate groups of however many people often. Derived from trio, which is tri- (3) + -o (group). Example: non-o is nine people, tetra-o is four people, hept-o is seven people.] have mingling thoughts or maybe even suspicions that this island is purely magically crafted and slash or powered.

2008-01-09, 11:03 PM

The elf woman just sits, and continues to sit. She's quite obviously still in shock, and doesn't do much more than breathe every now and then.

Julia is going to rest here for four hours unless disturbed. Thus, completing her full eight hours of resting in order to prepare spells.

2008-01-10, 10:50 AM

Groaning and slowly sitting up, he rubs his eyes. Then taking off his helmet, a bright flash of white light appears and he appears slightly more energetic, but still fatigued. He then sits up and begins to meditate for a moment.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-10, 06:26 PM

Standing up, exsaution hits Nalljss, though he pushes the wearyness from his body. He had his own part to play. Turning to his friends he lets them in on his method.

I will be indesposed for over and hour in a half, if I attempt the scrying. I will cast a spell of conjuration to summon up a more fancyful mirror than I now carry with me,

Pausing, he pulls out his small, steel mirror he always kept on his body for more than a few of his spells.

After the tenious casting of it, I will likely imediately fall into the casting of the Scrying attempt. The divination will take little over an hour itself to cast. Hopefully I will be able to see the King and then after proper preperation, I will teleport us to the Arkhren's side.

If no one stops him, then Nalljss sits cross legged on the beach, a little ways away from the King's Gathering. Chanting in the tone that shifted between the keening of a bird to the steady beat of a church's gather, Nalljss slowly makes his way through the place where magic resides to find the area where real material and the arcane touched. After about ten minutes of hand weaving and incohernt chanting, a mirror of inlade silver and gems apears into being right infront of the sitting wizard.
((00C-> I'm thinking that the Precious metals time table, which is 20 min/ lvl, which comes out to 300 min. But if I must use the time table for gems, it will give me only 150 min. which will still give me enough time to cast the divinations. Either way is fine.))

Switching his staff so it lays between him and the mirror he leans over it and places the finger tips of one hand on the mirror in a spread eagle fashion. Simotinously, with his free hand, Nalljss pulls a vial, piece of zinc, copper, and dried eye of an eagle, which any acomplished spell caster would recognise as the material focus's used to contact the weave in a divinaion type casting. Murmering in an inhumanly deep voice, the objects to the spell pulled from the deep pockets of his cloak, fly to hover above the mirror spinning in a tight circular pattern... whirling... chanting... whirling.. chanting.. As spell continues, Nalljss's throat becomes parched from the constant murmer of the verbal componites. Forcing his way through the later part of the spell he reaches the crecendo and..

A flash of light infuses the whirling components into the mirror and a mist floats to it's surface...

((00C-> and the DM decides what's going on. Hope you injoyed the interlude of spell casting.))

2008-01-10, 07:49 PM

The light slowly fades away, revealing not a reflected image of the foreground but instead a stone dungeon — just a floor and a back wall, all made of blocks of plastered, dark rock. Otherwise, you don't see anything but the King, tied up in a misty, glowing rope of yellow power, and another man, with a face shockingly similar to Arkhren's. He reeks of darkness, glows with darkness, radiates darkness, wears a dark robe, and a dark cloak, most of his suit black and dark except for occasional purple or red frills on his dark robe or cloak. He holds a mahogany (dark wood, for reference) staff with strange runes inscribed along it set with a purple (and yes, dark purple) orb at the top. He also wears a simple, light circlet of gold on his head. With a deep, dark voice, he says:

"I know what you're thinking. Apparently, you're wondering why I'm so dark. Well, I like the color black and purple and red. And anything else to deal with death, darkness, or evil. It's a pity that there are no dark or dull precious metals. It makes my head stand out too much." He points to the gold circlet on his head. "So you try to scry on your king, eh? I'll tell you one thing. He's not going anywhere. Oh, and I am the Dark One." The mirror turns black, and fades back to normal.

Nalljss Only

Haha. My paranoia has caused me to save the contents of this spoiler in a separate, private file. If Nalljss would like to see what was previously here, then he can ask me for it. :smallamused:

The mirror suddenly explodes into a dozen glass shards, along with a explosion of flame. [30 ft. radius from the mirror. Reflex DC 14 to avoid 1d6 slashing damage, and another DC 23 to avoid 20 fire damage. 10 more unavoidable damage is also dealt. Nalljss is not affected.]

Nalljss lies on the ground in a trance, but he slowly comes to. A voice penetrates the air: "I AM THE DARK ONE. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANOTHER DIVINATION, OR I SHALL SEE TO IT THAT YOU ARE CHAINED TO THE SAME FATE AS YOUR FRIEND NALLJSS."

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-10, 08:26 PM
Slowly standing up, Nalljss actually sways a little when completely straightened. Looking around he spots all the wide eyes of shocked and injured people. His own eyes widening, Nalljss scampers for his staff, lying at his feet. Holding it in front of him in a a defensive pose he summones some of it's stored magic into being, and a shimmering glove of force envelopes his slender frame. After the slight moment of panic he puts his staff in a more comfortable support like stance, and speaks in a calm like tone.

Name yourself, and don't come any closer. Let us hope you have a damn good excuse for suprising me or you will find yourself in burnt cinders.

Speaking in a calm tone, it also puts off less of a boast and more of a self-determined truth.

((00C-> 1 charge from my staff for a "shield", oh and changed his color for RP reasons.))

2008-01-10, 09:47 PM

The gray elf remains entirely quiet during the five hours that Nalljss takes to prepare the divination. She seems to have recovered, and just finishes her studying when the elf exploded. She doesn't move much when the explosion happens. Not that it didn't register in her mind, she just didn't care. However, when the elf gets back up, Alia turns her gaze toward him. She realizes the elf is casting a short-duration defensive spell. "What are you up to, Nalljss?"

300 minutes works out to 5 hours. Alia finishes her 4 hours of rest and prepares spells for an hour.

Spellcraft to identify Shield spell: Auto-success.

2008-01-11, 04:49 PM

Along with the others in the group. Robert takes the down time relax and restore some of his energy.

He is sitting in a position watching Nalljis and is able to avoid the shards of glass that come flying when the mirror explodes. Unfortunately, he is sitting too close to avoid the blast from the fireball.

[roll0] to aviod [roll1]
[roll2] to avoid 20 fire

2008-01-15, 07:02 AM

Kevril tries his best to dodge the incoming damage. "That went well." he speaks after he dusts himslef off, and heals himself with a few charges of his wand. Unable to do much in the way of magic to find their captive king Kevril flies straight up, trying to size up the island. Kevril then rests a bit as the rest of his companions. Once up he will be restless. "So what exactly is the plan?"

2008-01-15, 11:27 AM

After the explosion of the mirror, Ricamros simply stands in the same place for a moment, surprised and somewhat worried. Unable to understand the exact situation at hand (except that the divination was not very effective), he is left to try and calm Nalljss down... if it is even Nalljss anymore.

"Nalljss, its just us your comrades. We are all here for the same reasons..."

Trying to use diplomacy on Nalljss.

2008-01-15, 12:24 PM

Staring blankly at Nalljss, Leowil gets to his feet.

Except I don't believe any of us are within 30 feet, so nothing happens anyway.

2008-01-15, 07:59 PM

"He's cast a spell. An abjuration intended to shield."

At this point, between the ominous voice in the sky and their strange companion, the wizard was growing paranoid. She raised her arms and readied herself in case the fool decided to do something stupid.

Ready action to interrupt him if he attempts to cast a spell. I'll peg him with Split Ray Disintegrate, which has a range of 290ft.

2008-01-16, 02:41 PM

Robert takes a step towards Nalljss, holding his hands up to show that he means no harm.
Nalljss, it is me Robert. Don't you remember me. We have served together for many years. We are your friends and companions. You remember Leowil, and Ricamros, and Kevril.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-16, 10:14 PM
Yes, but your actions betray your words. If I truely am your long time "Friend", then why does the she-elf prepare spells, and you all tense in battle readieness. Am I wrong? Are your words not but lies?

As he speaks he takes a threating step fowards, stops and settles for a pointed finger and bitter words.

Am I your ally or but a target for you to hurl spells at? For I warn you, what ever I am, I am not a player in your game. And if we have worked together, why? Or are these just more empty words to put me at ease as you fill me with arcane bolts.

2008-01-16, 10:46 PM

"A big voice in the sky announces that you're "chained to fate". Your divination mirror explodes. And then you jump around, cast a spell, and make some vague threats. You really should remember that, Nalljss. You reached for your magic first, not me. But if you do it again, it'll be the last damn thing you do, I guarantee this."

Julia takes the time to reach into think about the divination mirror. But she doesn't lower her guard, and remains ready to interrupt the human if he tries to cast a spell.

"And believe me, if I wanted you dead, none of us would be having this discussion."

Know(Arcana) - [roll0]

What does she know about divinations? What does she know about protecting against divinations? What causes a divination mirror to explode? Was there some sort of backlash involved? Why wasn't Nalljss hurt by the explosion?

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-16, 10:58 PM
I remeber no Mirror exploding, No voice booming, and excuse me if a number of well armed people come out of no where, suprising me, if I don't act a little defensive, I challenage you not to have done the same. I believe I acted acording to my station and power.

Smirking at her last comment Nalljss replies in an unusual tone of menace and agrogance from his voice.

There is more to magic than flashy hand motions and nasually incantations.

2008-01-16, 11:06 PM

"Look around you for a second. At the sand. The glass strewn around your feet. The soldiers screaming their heads off not even a hundred feet away. Where do you think we are? I'll tell you right now, it sure isn't your summer home back in [Country]."

The elf doesn't relax, she waits patiently for that single movement that would end the human's life.

"If you don't remember the past, then it wouldn't be as if we appeared. It'd be as if you appeared in a strange place. So either your faking it, or lying to me. Prove me wrong."

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-16, 11:12 PM
I need not prove anything to you. I know not of this [Country] you speak, and I was minding my own buisness, when you all showed up. I was just taking a secound to gather my thoughts for...

A vacant expersion slides onto Nalljss's face. After a few secounds, it glides off again and he continous.

Yes, collecting my thoughts. When I returned to myself this mess of glass and this small force of armed man were here. You still have not answered my question though, sure you have named yourself, but I can not be sure you speak truth, and so far your words haven't proved much. Why are you here? And why do you molest me so?

2008-01-16, 11:19 PM

"Minding your own business on a deserted beach? Do you even know where you are right now? Do you even remember coming to this location before hand?"

Still waiting, watching. Time wasn't on Nalljss' side, as Alia had a patience that rivaled stones.

"And lets not forget something.. I have you at a disadvantage, which means I ask the questions. My name is Julia Brokenbow, and why we're here isn't as relevant as why you are here."

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-16, 11:24 PM
Well if it get's this litte "chat" over with then I'll answer your question of choice. Why am I here? ...

Putting on an obviously fake puzzled face, he taps his chin in mock thought. After a secound or two, the joke grows childish and old (if it weren't allready) and gave way to actual puzzelment, and soon enough that vaccant face again.

.. To gather my thoughts of course.

He speaks with confidence though his eyes betray a sense of worry at the feeble excuse that he himself holds to as truth.

2008-01-16, 11:34 PM

"Well then we wait until you decide to stop being coy. But heres the difference between me and you, Nalljss. I've already slept. But you haven't. You and I both know that casting a divination that powerful takes it's toll. Whether your mind remembers it or not, your body most definitely remembers sitting in that same position for the last five hours. Bet it's gotta be irritating to wake up without any memory of where you've been other than a serious ache in your legs and back.."

Julia lets the statement hang in the air. She doesn't need to finish it. Someone as smart as Nalljss shouldn't take long to figure it out. None the less, her razor-sharp focus never slackens. She waits for a movement that would break their unspoken agreement.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-17, 12:03 AM
You obviously underestimate my enderance. I feel fine. You are correct, I remeber no such divinations, and even if they did take place, I know my own repitore of spells, I know what I can and can't cast. You don't how ever, so don't overstep your knowledge limits, it might make the other's even more gun shy.

Looking to the others, he smiles.

Let's end this game. What do you wish? I will answer your questions to the best of my ability, I grow tired of this verbal slapfight.

2008-01-17, 12:19 AM

"You're forgetting something, Nalljss. I do know what you can and can't cast. You and I have been working together for.. How many years now? I've seen enough action with you know every spell you ever learned. Just like you'd know mine if you cared to think on it."

Julia keeps her guard up all the same.

"Who's slapfighting? I'm discussing your inability to remember anything prior to this point. Forgetting your life must be harsh.. You've forgotten your wife. Your little bouncing baby boy. Your duty.. Even your country."

Bluff check - [roll0]

2008-01-17, 12:31 AM
Know(Arcana) - [roll0]

What does she know about divinations? What does she know about protecting against divinations? What causes a divination mirror to explode? Was there some sort of backlash involved? Why wasn't Nalljss hurt by the explosion?

You rolled a 45. Let's see what you figure out.

Okay. A Divination mirror will not explode under normal circumstances. There are reasons one would explode, the most obvious being the spell casting performed by an inexperienced practitioner of magic. Other reasons are very obscure, ranging from counter-spells to faulty or cursed material components. Only a very powerful spellcaster would be able to turn a divination spell upon the caster, cast spells through that turned divination, and by doing so cause the mirror to shatter. The pulsating explosion was not expected, however. That could only be the result of a faulty spell-cast, impure components, or the release of magical energy used to cast a truly epic spell through the mirror. That kind of spell is anything but an abjuration, which keeps channeled energy held together, or an evocation, which would have caused an explosion anyways. The explosion's non-harming nature against Nalljss could either be the fact that Nalljss has some sort of protection up or that the explosion originated from Nalljss. On measures against Divinations, Alia has heard, again, that immensely powerful spellcasters can turn a Divination and even cast spells through it. And, of course, the obvious anti-scrying spells.


Glares are shared between Nalljss and the rest of the party.

Meanwhile, there is a brief rustling noise in a nearby bush before a pent-io of kobolds jump out.
"There he is!" screeches the Cleric-y one triumphantly.
"There they is!" yells the Swordsage-y one uneasily.
"They going down!" roars the Barbarian-y one angrily.
"Them look powerful!" argues the Druid-y one, petting his riding wolf.
"It okay," mumbles the hooded one. "We take them servitors of Darkness down!"
"Prepare to die!" says the Barbarian-y one.
"Prepare for trouble!" says the Swordsage-y one.
"We say hi!" says the Druid-y one.
"Um... that's not how it goes!" screeches the Cleric-y one.
"Who care?" yells the hooded one.
The party of Kobolds breaks out in an argument.

This momentary argument gives the party a moment to act. (If they decide to attack, tell me and I'll generate a map. If they decide to negotiate then let it be.)

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-17, 07:05 AM
If you decide to kill those things, take one alive so you can question it, since you seem so fond of questions.

Crossing his arms he stares at the elf that obviously won't let him enjoy a littly blasting as well.

((00C-> I'd blow some of those guys up, but I sadly can't cast spell, for some unknown reason...:smallwink: ))

2008-01-18, 12:44 AM

Ovewhelmed by a few emotions, specifically total confusion and fear, Ricamros is left to stand silently as two of his long-time comrades bicker over the threat of spells. However, the kobolds are able to break his silence.

That bickering could not have come at a better time...

"...Or we could just skip over the fight and interrogate them now. Either way, a conflict is no desirable."

He turns to Julia. "I think now would be a good time to start trying to start working as a party to get our King back, even if recent events seem a little too... unexplainable. Nalljss is still a member of our team, and arguments will not work."

...even if this is not the true Nalljss...

A bit of diplomacy to calm Nalljss and Julia down:

Ricamros will be on his guard (will draw his mace) if the kobolds get hostile, or anyone else becomes hostile.

2008-01-18, 05:55 AM

"You really should talk to those kobolds instead, Ricamros. It looks like they aren't too interested in fighting and I'd rather not kill any natives who can give us directions."

She keeps her focus on Nalljss instead, however. And she doesn't stand down from her readied position.

"You're just going to kill those kobolds without a reason? How do you even know you're a very good wizard if you don't remember anything else? All you've cast so far is a very weak spell--almost a cantrip."

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-18, 06:44 AM
Sweety, I didn't even cast that.

As he speaks he nods towards his staff.

Besides, if I have truely lost my "Memory" even a novice wizard would now what power resides inside his own head. That's called "Lore" you see. Very important to most wizards.

2008-01-18, 08:38 AM
"Too bad you're worse than a novice now. Without a memory, you're one very useless wizard."

Julia finally lowers her guard, assured that Nalljss poses no threat without any spells.

"My name is Julia or Miss. Call me 'Sweety' again and I'll destroy you."

2008-01-18, 10:03 AM

"Whoah Julia, hold yer horses. If he truly has lost his memory, he wouldn't know what any of us are called anyway. You don't have to go dust him for calling the first thing that comes to mind. Remember that our mission is to protect and defend the king, first and foremost. All else is secondary."

Turning to the soldiers, he begins ordering them about, trying to get them to rebuild the makeshift fort once again. He really didn't relish sleeping on a beach by the sea with no form of protection.

Addressing the kobolds, "Ahoy there fair sirs, what brings you to this stretch of beach here? I'm sure we can work something out without fighting. Perhaps you can tell us more about this place?"

I have a feeling that if those kobolds aren't addressed soon, they'll attack, so I'll lay on some diplomacy to calm down Alia and Nalljss, as well as to the Kobolds to try and get information about the place and them as well. So I believe that's three rolls?

Diplomacy: [roll0] to Influence Alia and Nalljss
Diplomacy: [roll1] to Influence the Kobolds
Gather Information: [roll2] to get more about the Island.

2008-01-19, 07:49 PM
I'm not allowing you to use Diplomacy on each other.


The hooded kobold puts out a hand, blocking the Swordsage one from advancing. "Hold your fire!" he yells to the druid. "Only the mage Serves evil, and unwillingly as well!"
"Why you being real self? Them not trustable!" screeches the Barbarian one.
The hooded kobold turns a cold stare to the Barbarian one.
The hooded kobold makes his way down to the party. Suddenly, without warning, he turns on his heel, making hand signs and mumbling the whole way, to face Nalljss, and fires a magical chain out of his palm. It flies around Nalljss, who finds himself unable to dodge it, and incapacitates him. "That should hold him well for now," he says. "You seven [[the five PCs and melody and Reyers]], follow me. Bring along your Corrupted Friend as well. Perhaps we can get him fixed up and get you necklaces to prevent the same from happening to you."
One of the other kobolds speaks up. "How do we know if these people are good? Maybe they intend to hurt us."
The hooded one looks at that kobold. "You speak with true Common. Your heart knows they can be trusted, but your mind is clouded with misconceptions. I see through my heart and not my mind, and thus I see the truth instead of lies."

Now it's the PCs' turn to say or do something. Nalljss is bound and cannot perform any actions other than speaking.

2008-01-19, 09:34 PM

(Draconic)"First off, I'd like to know how you survived this long on this island. Between the giant spiders and the dragons, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of kobolds would be able to live in this place without it's owner's blessing."

2008-01-19, 09:51 PM

Kevril stares at the bound Nalljss and the coming kobolds for a bit. "Well I sure didn't see that coming." He then moves closer to the kobolds and addresses the hooded one. "You are quick to trust. Whatever evil controls this island, seems to do so completely. The mightiest wyrm I have ever encounter seemed unable to resist its control, likewise for my companion here. How can you and your band not succumb to this evil?" Kevril's tone is not too defensive or un-trusting, he's always been fond and respectful of kobolds, they begin so much closer to the greatness of dragons than most other races, and with effort can get closer than Kevril ever could.

Towards Julia: :"Hey now, no reason to look down on kobolds."

Diplomacy: 1d20 +19 (I believe Kobolds have the dragonblood subtype)

2008-01-19, 11:03 PM

The Swordsage kobold looks at Kervil with a tilted head. "You follow the way of the dragons."
The Hooded kobold pays no attention to the Swordsage one. "We are not a band of kobolds. We are an entire metropolis of mighty, powerful descendants of the dragon! You see that forest? Well, beyond that, going towards the mountains, is Greenleaf Valley. That's where all the spiders and whatnot come from. Now, if you go into the forest, and follow around the mountain clockwise, then you'll run into our metropolis. This island was once ours, and a lot flatter too. But very recently, that Dark One came and decided to turn the enchantments we placed on this island to his advantage! Thus, taking our glorious land and turning it into a moving island. He even added a bunch of mountains for effect." He points to the mountains. "He can even sink our island and make it rise at will. Even worse, he has the capability to flip the entire island around and turn it into a magnificent and mobile battle-fortress of the seas. He doesn't create artificial gravity though so we'll all fall into the water if he does that." The kobold scoffs at the thought. "Anyways, follow us to our city we've been here a lot longer than you have, and I'm afraid we'll all perish without Mer'kuurok's guide. He knows the land well. We can avoid the Graveyards and the Caves, and especially the Dark Shrines, if we follow him."

2008-01-19, 11:19 PM

(Draconic)"So they're a bunch of kobolds who lost the island to some powerful spellcaster. Do you know where this spellcaster keeps his prisoners? We need to find one in particular and get off this island. We might need to plane-shift off or use teleport, which means abandoning the soldiers.."

2008-01-20, 01:00 AM

The kobold lets out a empty laugh. "Teleport? Plane Shift? This island is in its entirety a separate plane, cut off from the outside world in many, many ways by that bubble there. That's why it's bigger in here than it is outside. The only way you can get out of here is by reclaiming control of the island. And to do that, you'll have to kill the Dark One! With those spells, your possible targets are confined to the inside of the bubble. Trying to go outside means you go to the place on this island that most resembles your target. And that would usually be somewhere in our metropolis or the Dark One's castle. Other planes connected to this one are also cut off by similar bubbles, and contain monsters for the Dark One's summoning enjoyment." He turns to Julia. "...hmm." He scrutinizes her face. "...no. Uhm. The Dark One has two fortresses on this side of the island, and those are Mount Darkness and The Bastion Mountains." He points to the center mountain and the one to the right of it.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-20, 11:35 AM
Looking around in his new confinment, first his emotions show anger, then discomfort, and then he laughs. Saying to himself,

Don't we all just love a riddle.

Then looking over to the elf he speaks with utter sarcasm.

Maybe after these Kobolds free me from this niffty little bit of spellcasting then we can finish our chat, Miss.

After this Nalljss closes his eyes and let's himself be whisked away, though he is still listening.

((00C-> I take it that these chains also serve as a dimmensional anchor. I'll take as yes, so it keeps Nalljss in "Check". For if they weren't he wouldn't stand for this indecentsy.

2008-01-21, 11:22 AM

"Yeah you could say I have great interest in Dragons, and there seems to be a particularly ancient one in this island." Kevril takes off a glove, revealing a hand covered by copper tinted scales and proceed to bite off his nails while he thinks. "this "Dark One" seems to have done great damage to your people, but how come he hasn't destroyed you?" He turns back to his companions. "I guess we should follow them? We don't have a whole lot to lose." He then orders the soldiers to start packing.

2008-01-21, 01:22 PM

Robert is on his guard against a group of creatures who offer aid from out of nowhere. But as they seem to be the only way to help Nalljss he agrees to accompany them.

If they can help Nalljss I think we need to go with them. If you betray us it will not bode well for you.

speaking to Kevril.
The soldiers will only slow us down, I believe it would be better for them to set up a base here while we 6 find and rescue our liege.

2008-01-21, 02:30 PM

Facing Robert. "Our short time spent in this area has proven it is not safe for us, much less for the soldiers. I think they would be far safer within this kobold city."

2008-01-21, 03:49 PM

The hooded kobold looks at Robert. "If you need a base of operations I can provide you with one. Us kobolds have been fighting to regain control of our beloved island." He turns to Kervil. "We are not weaklings nor fools. Near every kobold on this island is completely capable of fighting against the Dark One's monstroitous minions, give newborns and children. The Dark One hasn't actually come in person to destroy us yet. If he did then we'd all die." The kobold seems very sure of that fact. "My prediction is that he's focusing his power on other missions of the moment. Perhaps it has to do with your king." He turns back to Robert. "Your soldiers stand no chance against the Dark One's forces. Though my elders won't like me misusing my ranking to entrust strangers with some of my forces, I know I can trust most of you."

2008-01-21, 06:06 PM

For some reason this kobalds speech has put Robert at ease.
Very well. I suggest we accompany you and you leave a guide for the rest of the soldiers.

2008-01-24, 01:28 AM

And so, time passes.

The soldiers follow the octet, who in turn follow the kobolds, who seem to be getting all of their directions from Mer'kuurok, the druid-kobold. Mer'kuurok keeps pointing out places that may be of interest of the octet, which include spying through a spyglass from atop a hill to look at a faraway cave, and looking from the same hill through the same provided spyglass at a faraway graveyard. The both of those places were unsettling, for giant vermin and insectoids were constantly moving in and out of the cave, and undead of all shapes and sizes patrolled the graveyard. Mer'kuurok also said that those caves and graveyards were supposed to be started with capital letters.
After a grueling day (or what remained of the day) of hiking through the forest-jungle hybrid, making swiveling twists and turns that made the distance moved double what it would be if they traveled in a straight line. Soon, night had fallen. The soldiers were the most tired, and so were a few in the octet. The forest-jungle around you gets dimmer, and chilling noises start penetrating the air.
The forest-jungle. It contains the flora of a jungle, but is not as dense as a true jungle. Instead, it is lighter, like a forest; the undergrowth is not as think on the ground. In fact, it is steeped on, almost trampled, really; as if though thousands of animals traversed the jungle-forest every day. But throughout your whole journey you have not seen a single animal or monster, aside from the Cave and Graveyard. It's creepy.
"Our jungle used to be a lot denser and full of actual animal life!" exclaims Mer'kuurok in the midst of the trek, throwing his arm up in the air and examining a tree. "But the Dark One just had to ruin it all, with his stampede of undead hordes and spider... hordes!"
It has been an hour since dusk. The stars are visible in the sky. And something seems eerie about them. They're enlarged. The dome acts as a magnifying glass, due to its extraplanar properties. The stars in the sky are large but not bright. They retain their dim, hopeless, and far away look, as if though they were a part of another world.
The kobolds arrive at a small fort. "There it is," says Mer'kuurok. "We're about a third of the way to our metropolis now."
"That's an outskirtly fort of my elders' that was constructed recently for scouting purposes," explains the hooded kobold. "It has accommodations fit for lowly soldiers like those over there." He points at the crowd of tired soldiers, who look a little grumpy at their description as lowly soldiers. "I can't provide you with a good sleeping place tonight," he says to the octet. "My elders don't like being disturbed at this hour in the night. They sleep a lot since they're old." He scoffs. "Tomorrow we'll arrive at the metropolis. I have a friend there who's very friendly. He'll let you stay at his tavern for the next few nights, even though you're Humans, elves, or not kobolds."

He sets off. Soon, he returns. "You can stay in that building. Your bunks are numbers forty-five through fifty. Soldiers stay in that building, bunk numbers # to #. Number of soldiers withheld."
"That's only six of us, hooded dude," states Reyers.
"Um. Yes." The hooded kobold coughs nervously. "You see... the women will have to stay in a separate building. We have gender segregation. They go in that building, bunks twelve and sixteen. Anyways, I'll have to go now. I've got businesses to attend to. Meet me back here tomorrow, at sunrise!" He firmly states the last sentence and leaves.

When everybody acknowledges readiness, I'll go to the next day. In other words, have a chit-chat and go to sleep.

2008-01-24, 06:50 AM

"Women? Right. They mean me. Well, if anyone wants a good sleep, I'm offering my usual place. Not that I don't trust these kobolds, but.. ..Well, I don't trust these kobolds."

She casts Mage's Magnificent Mansion and designates all her companions from [Country], including Nalljss. She'll wait for her companions to enter before entering herself.

2008-01-24, 12:36 PM

Kevril seems conflicted. It seems wrong to go sleep in Julia's Arcane Mansion, while the soldiers stay in bunks, probably very undersized bunk at that. On the other hand Julia's mansion is just so comfy. "If we are to sleep inside your spell Julia, we should probably leave some means of communication or at least surveillance with those outside. This island doesn't seem the kind to allow peaceful nights."

2008-01-24, 03:29 PM

Though delighted by the sight of Julia's mansion, Ricamros feels that the least he can do is stay in the bunker just in case. Besides, he probably had more trust in the Kolbolds than the rest of the group.

"If needed, I will offer to sleep in the bunks provided to us to ensure that nothing happens."

This is a risk I as willing to take, even if it means no spells for tomorrow.

2008-01-24, 06:44 PM

With only half a thought for the soldiers, Robert enters the mansion offered by Julia.

2008-01-24, 08:21 PM

Leowil enters the mansion, remembers the soldiers while inside and thinks to grab some food for them before he retires for the night.

2008-01-24, 08:33 PM

"We could leave one of the rings behind with a soldier, if you feel it's necessary."

2008-01-24, 08:38 PM

"Yeah the seems like a good idea. I was thinking of leaving my amulet, but I don't know how your spell affects it, and I also have other uses for it, but yeah a ring sounds good." Kevril takes off his ring and hands it to the high-ranking must trustworthy soldier left. "Now don't lose it, if something weird starts going on, speak into it, someone in our group will hear it."

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-24, 08:46 PM
Ah, how chilverus of you, Miss.

Smirking I walking into the magically spacious area.

((00C-> I'm just gona go with my thumbs are tied, making it excedingly difficult to cast spells. This way I can be a little more.. graceful. I won't do nothing funny.))

2008-01-24, 09:22 PM

The day passes with no further problems. Eight hours of rest and another hour for spells pass, and the group meets up again.

"Hope you all slept well tonight. I didn't." The hooded kobold grumbles angrily at some not-superficial ordeal he obviously has. Even his companions seem confused to why he is in such a bad mood. "No, don't ask me what's wrong. Just follow Mer and everything will be perfectly fine." He mumbles the last two words with sarcastic emphasis.
The hiking begins again, and the soldiers look no happier than they were yesterday. In fact, some of them have gained the courage to come up to one of the octet and ask them if they know what they were doing. Some suggested suggestions, all of which were no better and much worse than the current course of action. Some others just complained about their sore feet. One even said he was constipated.
The Cleric-y Kobold conjures food for eating during the day, but Mer'kuurok insists that they keep moving the whole day. Oblivious to everyone's complaints, he continuously pushes the party forward, dealing with things from grumpy (and one constipated) soldiers to a seething Hooded-Kobold. But that was not the end of the problems. Mur'kuurok seemed more and more agitated as the day went on, and by the you were halfway to the metropolis and in the heat of the day and in the shade of the eerily quiet jungle-forest, everyone was sure something was wrong.
And just now, Mur'kuurok let out a large moan. The hooded kobold paid no attention. The soldiers held their breaths.
"No, it's okay," say Mur'kuurok. "We can get around them! I hope..."

Time for the party to start asking questions.

2008-01-24, 11:16 PM

Ricamros stares blankly at Mur'kuurok for a moment.

"...you hope?" asks Ricamros in a worried voice.

Spells have been prepared for the day and are listed on Ricamros' character sheet.

If possible, could the two rings that Ricamros has in his possesion act as teh focus for Omen of Peril? If so, he will use those rings and cast Omen of Peril (Spell Compendium page 149, let me know if you need the description of the spell).

If not, he will simply do nothig else but await for an answer from Mur'kuurok.

2008-01-24, 11:54 PM

The result is a worried one. Unjustice. Danger reeks from the forest. (It's an intermediate between peril and great danger, more to the peril side. Think a hard encounter but not one that's completely impossible.)

Mur'kuurok whispers back worriedly, "There's several parties of dangerous undead attempting to stop us from reaching the metropolis right now. I'm trying to outmaneuver them, but they just have too many forces. It's like playing a Paladin against Basilisks, Paladins, a few Sylph, and a Mage. My divinations told me that we're going to face danger. Prepare yourselves."

A few minutes of maneuvering later, Mur'kuurok suddenly stops and snaps upright. "That's it. We've been outmaneuvered. Our only choice now is to capture one of their pieces. Or attempt to. Only divinations know what their Mage is going to do."

A minute passes. (You can use this time to prepare.)

"That's it," whispers the Swordsage. "I can feel their presence, they're very close."
"Ugh!" shouts the hooded kobold disappointedly. "This makes the day even worse than it could be! Come out and feel the wrath of your naiveness, foolish undead!"
"Quiet, quiet, they're going to hear us!" says Mur'kuurok, attempting to hush the hooded kobold.
"Too late," says the Cleric-y kobold. "They've found us."

Now give me a moment to prepare combat... which may or may not start tomorrow. ... Did I ever mention that I made a Java program that generates forests before?

2008-01-25, 12:56 AM

After seeing the horrifying vision, Ricamros wastes not time to prepare himself.

"Undead... unnatural heathens..." he quietly mutters while casting a couple spells.

If possible in that one minute time slot, Ricamros will pull out his holy symbol and cast Magic Circle Against Evil, centered on himself, and Mass Conviction to provide everyone within 20ft of the best area to catch the most people (specifically the PCs) a +4 an all saves for the next 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Near the end of the minute, he will ready a Righteous Wrath of the Faithful to be cast when the undead appear (if allowed). This will provide everyone within 30ft of Ricamros one addition attack per round (at full BAB), and a +3 on attack and damage rolls for 15 rounds.

2008-01-25, 01:32 PM

"This seems like a lot of effort to avoid undead, we can handle undead." Speaks Kevril somewhat proudly as he stares at Ricamros. Kevril pulls out a wand from his bracers and activates it. His normally spectral draconic wing gain a poofy quality. He then pulls out a scale from his pocket and hold it to his face, forming his normal scaly battlemask, and he makes sure his magical crystal is secured to his armor.

Cast Cloud Wings. Donned Ebon mask, and attached clasp of cold energy protection to the chain shirt.

I'm assuming kevril cast endure exposure on the party during the morning like he always does, and that he offerd to cast it on the kobolds. If the kobolds didn't have it or refused earlier, Kevril will cast/re-offer it now.

2008-01-25, 02:20 PM

Despite Kevril's nonchalance to the thought of undead, the concern Ricamros and Mur'kuurok has put Robert on edge. He draws his greataxe and prepares to meet the attack.

Where are they coming from?

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-25, 03:36 PM
If some one wishes to untie my thumbs I will gladdly help.

Looking pointedly at Julia he continous.

I promise to be a good boy. Besides, I don't want to be eaten by undead either. You can resubdue me after the scirmish.

((00C-> Did I have access to my spell book to study or do I need to go off my previous day's aloment.))

2008-01-25, 05:41 PM

Assuming we get one minute of buffs, that would be 10 rounds. So Leowil will begin by casting False Life (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/falseLife.htm) on himself, to gain an additional [roll0] bonus hit points, and three more times on the others for [roll1],[roll2],[roll3] respectively.

Muttering some strange incantations, everyone suddenly feels like they're stronger of body.

2008-01-25, 07:20 PM

"If you don't want to die, I can always throw something over you to protect you."

Unless Nalljss protests further, the elf ignores him. She retrieves her Chaining Rod and tells the party to gather around. She then casts an Extended Greater Magic Weapon on Kevril's shortspear. She then chains the spell to her longsword and eighteen other weapons within 30ft of Kevril. She then calls upon her unorthodox wizard training to cast an extended Shield spell on herself. Afterwards, she proceeds to cast an extended Girallon's Blessing on Robert, which she follows up with a chained, extended Enlarge Person. She chains the spell to Ricamros and Leowil.

Once she finishes augmenting her comrades, the elf turns her magic upon herself. She's soon joined by 8 illusory copies of herself. She wills the eight illusions to stand around her in circle.

To break it down:

Immediately after preparing spells: Cast extended Overland Flight and extended Dragonsight.

Buff Round 1: Cast Extended Greater Magic Weapon. Chain with rod.
Buff Round 2: Cast Shield. Extend through Augmented Casting. (7 times remaining)
Buff Round 3: Cast Girallon's Blessing on Robert. Extend through Augmented Casting. (6 times remaining)
Buff Round 4: Cast Enlarge Person. Extend through Augmented Casting. Chain with rod.
Buff Round 5: Cast Mirror Image. Extend through Augmented Casting.
Buff Round 6-10: Wait patiently.

Time Left:
Mirror Image: 375 rounds remaining.
Girallon's Blessing: 3793 rounds remaining.
Enlarge Person: 376 rounds remaining.
Shield: 372 rounds remaining.
Greater Magic Weapon: 38 hours remaining.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-25, 08:15 PM

Despite our last encounter with the kobolds, I can take care of myself. It's just these darn restraints, they can fumble the most deft caster.

2008-01-26, 12:53 AM
Round 1

Order of Initiative
Hooded Kobold
Nalljss 24
Robert 23
Kobold Swordsage
Mummy Lord 2
Mur'kuurok (Kobold Druid)
Julia 16
Mummy Lord 1
Kobold Barbarian
Kobold Cleric
Mummy 1
Mummy 3
Kervil 13
Ricamros 13
Leowil 12
Mummy Lord 3
Mummy 2

Map — Base (http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z83/Bitzeralisis/Isle%20of%20the%20Dark%20One/Battle%202%20-%20Dragon%20Chess%20in%20the%20Forest/Battle0002_Base.gif)
Map — Round 1 (http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z83/Bitzeralisis/Isle%20of%20the%20Dark%20One/Battle%202%20-%20Dragon%20Chess%20in%20the%20Forest/Battle0002_Round1.gif)

Post your actions. I've drawn my fancy map long enough today. :smallbiggrin:

2008-01-26, 11:51 AM
20 Weapons Affected by Greater Magic Weapon:

#1: Kevril's Shortspear
#2: Robert's First Longbow
#3: Robert's Second Longbow
#4: Any weapon the hooded kobold is holding.
#5: Any weapon the swordsage is holding.
#6: Any weapon the kobold druid is holding.
#7: Any weapon the Kobold Barbarian is holding.
#8: Any weapon the kobold Cleric is holding.
#9: Alia's longsword
#10-20: Any bow used by the soldiers.

All the above weapons are now +4 weapons.


She waits patiently for now.

Delaying action until all the mummies have moved.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-01-26, 12:57 PM
((I take it I got a chance to study, and now have my thumbs untied. ))

Hm.. A conundrum I see.

Rushing through an incantation, Nalljss forces more arcane energy's into this spell than necissary to make sure it takes effect as fast as possiable. Taking a piece of tentacle from his pocket he releases it into the air, to see it vanish a secound later. Helping the mystical forces focus themselves into a specific being. After that Nalljss reaches withen his many pocketed cloak to find powered peas, and animal hooves. After reciting a slower incantation, and finishing the somatic componets the focuses settle and take effect.

From the ground around the mummies sprouted black tentacles, each as big around as his thigh, sqirming around trying to find somthign to entangle. As the tentacles found holds, the second dwenomer Nalljss had cast came into effect. A fog filled the air around the all ready entangled mummies, though this fog didn't behave like normal fog. It had a orangeish tent, and sparked angerly ever once and a while. It sizzled on what ever it touched, and Nalljss knew that it would burn as one inhaled, along with deface anything it alighted appon. Acid fog was quiet fiquel.

((Cast Quickended Black Tentacles and Acid Fog both centered on D6, which should effect 1, 1, and 2. Hopefully that will get rid of them after a while. The Grapple Modiffier is +23. Hope I did my part. :))

2008-01-26, 01:13 PM

"Ooohhh I bet these ones burn, but first I'll cool them down." A few hand motions later Kevril's favorite cloud of chilly fog appears. "I'll try to force them...umm...left, yeah left." Kevril points at the direction opposite to where his fog appears. "Don't go into the fog!" he yells at the Kobolds, then flies closer to the mummies.

I'm supposing Kevril is the purplish square.
Since I act after 3 kobolds I'll give you 3 coordinates for the fog, It will drop in whichever has the least kobolds in it's radius.
In order of preference: (j-k,8-9) ; (h-i, 8-9) ; (k-l,7-8)
Chilling Fog. 20 ft radius. Solid Fog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm) as the spell, and creatures trapped inside take 2d6 cold damage and the beginning of their turn. Duration 15 minutes.
Moved to (e,16)

2008-01-26, 08:44 PM

Ricamros takes a few steps forward towards the undead, then holds his holy symbol high in the air. A warmth comes over the symbol as it is infused with divine power.

"May St. Cuthbert grant me the power to defeat you vile beasts!"

Ricamros will move as close to the undead in one move action as he can (I am not sure on his position, so it might have to be at your discretion) and use a swift action to cast Light of Faith, adding a +5 bonus to his turn check. He then attempts to turn undead.


Edit--The best Ricamros could do would be to move to V15, if that is okay.

2008-01-27, 04:19 PM

Robert suffers through a familiar moment of discomfort as he grows a second set of arms. After all the times Julia has done this to him, he is still not quite used to it. As he shifts his axe into his new arms, and draws his longbow and notches an arrow , I really wish you would warn me before you do that. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he and his weapons begin to grow.

Concentrating simultaneously on the far right mummy lord, and the bobble hanging from his bow, He lets a couple of arrows fly towards the mummy lord on the right.

Once the arrows have taken flight, Robert drops the bow and draws his dagger in his secondary arms, transferring his greataxe back to his main arms.

Casts true striike
Fire arrow at Mummy lord #3 doing [roll]1d8+2 5 damage
second arrow doesn't get true strike
doing [roll]1d8+2 7 damage

every little bit helps

2008-01-27, 06:31 PM

Feeling the world shrink around him, Leowil flies 40 feet straight up into the air, drawing his now enlarged rapier in the process. Preparing to deflect any possible attacks, Leowil awaits the oncoming mummies.

I don't know whether this is feasible by RAW, but am I allowed to ready a standard action to take "Evasive Action"? I mean, I am flying 40 feet in the air, so it's technically feasible that I would have time to dodge them.

2008-01-29, 11:49 PM
Through pure annoyance, the hooded kobold growls and makes no attempt to help with destroying the mummies. Then, seconds later, a look of realization comes over his face and he runs off into the distance, going not closer but further away from the mummies.

Nalljss' dual spells take hold on the affected mummies, leaving no mercy in their "trail" (they don't move...) of grappling, sizzling destruction. However, both mummy lords are able to avoid the tentacles.

Next, the kobold swordsage takes his turn. He takes a few long strides to get closer in on his targets, throwing his short sword into the ground and causing a twisting snake of flame to slither through the ground and burning all the mummy lords and mummy 1.

Soon, the mummy lords are on their way out of the fog. Though hindered to some extent, one of them is able to escape the fog and tentacles altogether. Mummy lord 2 grabs a rod at his belt, and casts a spell.

Mur'kuurok shouts at the hooded kobold. "Where are you going?" he implores, but to no avail. He sighs. "Off again to do some nonchalant task." Then, he morphs into a dire wolf beside his own animal companion, and moves towards the mummies threateningly.

Meanwhile, the other mummy lord is ready for action. He partially digs his way out of the fog, takes out a light ball, and throws it directly at the party, landing right in front of the barbarian. However, the symbol on the ball activates, and wracks the party with pain (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfPain.htm).

The kobold barbarian, though in pain, roars with ferociousness and nearly takes a direct charge at the mummy lord still caught in the acid fog. He makes an attack with his sort-of-great-axe, nearly missing.

The kobold cleric summons up a spear of force, which stabs at one of the mummies.

Mummy 1 struggles with the tentacles to no avail.

Mummy 3 charges at the kobold swordsage, but misses.

Kervil's fog takes effect.

Ricamros runs up to the already-being-attacked-mummy and turns it successfully.

Mummy lord 3, annoyed by the kobold swordsage, goes up to him and casts a greenish spell, one that seems to drain all the vitality from the swordsage. "Help," he groans.

Mummy 2 struggles.

Round 2

Order of Initiative
(Julia) Delaying

Hooded Kobold
Kobold Swordsage
Mummy Lord 2
Mur'kuurok (Kobold Druid)
Mummy Lord 1
Kobold Barbarian
Kobold Cleric
Mummy 1
Mummy 3
Mummy Lord 3
Mummy 2

Map — Base (http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z83/Bitzeralisis/Isle%20of%20the%20Dark%20One/Battle%202%20-%20Dragon%20Chess%20in%20the%20Forest/Battle0002_Base.gif)
Map — Round 2 (http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z83/Bitzeralisis/Isle%20of%20the%20Dark%20One/Battle%202%20-%20Dragon%20Chess%20in%20the%20Forest/Battle0002_Round2.gif)

2008-01-30, 12:38 AM

Seeing one of the mummy lords turned, Ricamros turns his attention to the ball with the symbol and makes his way towards it (without coming within 10' of the turned mummy lord). An odd burst of protection radiates from him and lasts half a second, then he touches the stone.

Ricamros will use an immediate action to activate his Protection Devotion feat, providing everyone within 30 feet a sacred +5 boost to their AC for the next minute. He will use his move action to move towards the stone. Though he may not know what the spell is exactly (DC 25 Spellcraft check, see below), seeing that it came from an undead creature, he will cast Dispel Evil and touch the stone, hoping that it will end the effects.

[roll0](includes -4 from pain)

2008-01-30, 12:34 PM

Kevril screams and grunts from the magical pain. He switches direction as he notes Nalljss's fog, and Ricamros doing a pretty good job on that side. "Ohh you will burn!" The area around Kevril grows dry and warm, as he moves around his fog. Once in position he opens his mouth and a cone of fire engulfs the swordsage and both mummies near him.

Swift Action: Activating Energy Aura(fire). Gives every ally within 30ft a +3 the the DC of fire subtype spells, and fire damage dealing abilities.
Move: Flew to (p,6) 70 ft.
Standard: Regular old fire breath, centered on (O-P, 5-6) [roll0] fire damage, DC: 33 reflex for half. The kobold should be immune if he accepted my invocation.

2008-01-30, 07:34 PM
Bobby V

Seeing the kobold swordsage in trouble, Robert charges the northern most mummy lord (#3). As he begins to run, he mumbles an incantation and flips his dagger into the air. The dagger instantly multiplies into a swirling ring of blades that surrounds Robert. When he reaches the mummies attacking the kobold, he immediately grabs his axe with all 4 hands and attacks the lord.

Casting ring of blades and using Fl้che to avoid aoo
Ring of blades will do [roll0] +5 in the first round from warmage edge. The damage will occur to any character in a square adjacent to Robert at the beginning of each turn.

Move up, probably to M3. We don't want the whirling blades to catch the kobold.

Once we get to M3, attack with great axe. [roll1] doing [roll]3d6+17]

I hope all of my math is right.

2008-02-12, 08:49 AM

Leowil mutters some words, and azure lightning flares up his arm. He then flies closer to the big mummy lord.

Just put me within 30 feet of the big mummy guy... and I cast True Strike.

Sornjss Lichdom
2008-02-14, 08:58 PM
Removing a feather from his pocket and making a series of curt gestures, Nalljss takes flight, hovering in the air to cast his next spell.

((Cast Fly, and moved up as high as possiable, 30ft. I think that's all I can do for now.))