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View Full Version : What do people think of the scp the tabletop rpg by 26 letter games?

2021-07-11, 03:01 AM
I just bought it on a whim and I'm gonna read it soon but I'm curious what people think of the game? Is it good? Any special mechanics you like or dislike? Any games you think do scp better?

2021-07-11, 05:41 PM
I didn't know about it, so thanks for the news.

Based on the cover art (https://watermark.drivethrurpg.com/pdf_previews/334521-sample.pdf), it looks like there might be a class system with something like guard, researcher, agent and, well, Class D personnel. Also, I read there is a levelling system based on security level. Wow, I never realized how easily that universe would translate into RPG tropes!

I imagine the expansions, if any, will be based on the various "Groups of Interest" that compete with the SCP Foundation. My favourites would be:

The Sarkic and Mekhanite cults, with their war of flesh and metal (which apparently went full kaiju-vs-mecha in some forgotten past).
The money-and-influence-driven society that is Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd (mostly because they remind me of Wolfram & Hart from the Buffyverse).
The "anartists" known as Are We Cool Yet (who I just find so thoroughly hatable, as if modern art wasn't already bad enough without supernatural hazards).

The icing on the cake would be that crazy teamfortressque counterpart of the Foundation from an alternate reality, the Shark Punching Center. :smallbiggrin:

But something I hope the current book includes is guidelines on different portrayals of the Foundation. For example, who are Class D personnel (from death row inmates who were offered a reprieve, to just about anyone the Foundation decides to kidnap) and what ultimately becomes of them (from release under a new name, to mindwipe for a new cycle of testing).

2021-07-11, 08:25 PM
I didn't know about it, so thanks for the news.

Based on the cover art (https://watermark.drivethrurpg.com/pdf_previews/334521-sample.pdf), it looks like there might be a class system with something like guard, researcher, agent and, well, Class D personnel. Also, I read there is a levelling system based on security level. Wow, I never realized how easily that universe would translate into RPG tropes!

I imagine the expansions, if any, will be based on the various "Groups of Interest" that compete with the SCP Foundation. My favourites would be:

The Sarkic and Mekhanite cults, with their war of flesh and metal (which apparently went full kaiju-vs-mecha in some forgotten past).
The money-and-influence-driven society that is Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd (mostly because they remind me of Wolfram & Hart from the Buffyverse).
The "anartists" known as Are We Cool Yet (who I just find so thoroughly hatable, as if modern art wasn't already bad enough without supernatural hazards).

The icing on the cake would be that crazy teamfortressque counterpart of the Foundation from an alternate reality, the Shark Punching Center. :smallbiggrin:

But something I hope the current book includes is guidelines on different portrayals of the Foundation. For example, who are Class D personnel (from death row inmates who were offered a reprieve, to just about anyone the Foundation decides to kidnap) and what ultimately becomes of them (from release under a new name, to mindwipe for a new cycle of testing).

Having read select parts of the book i can say it's actually not a class system but a stats and skills system. The game has tactical combat mechanics which i think is weird since your supposed to secure scps but i haven't read the combat section.

Nice thing is not every scp is stated. Some are lady of pain style you lose if you try to fight them characters.

Overall i really like the lore and I'd like to try out the game but I'm too lazy to gm so I'll just have to either wait for a group or just ask for a gm needed if i decide to play it. That will probably need to wait as I'm already in 3 pbp rps only one of which is in this forum so adding a 4th might be a bit much.

2021-07-12, 04:26 AM
Having read select parts of the book i can say it's actually not a class system but a stats and skills system.I prefer the class aesthetic but I admit that it is constraining.

Plus, it would be difficult to justify a D-class gaining high-level security clearance.

The game has tactical combat mechanics which i think is weird since your supposed to secure scps but i haven't read the combat section. Sometimes, securing a scp means interrogating a neighborhood about a levitating piece of houseware, and finding a way to safely box it up.

Other times, it involves walking into a nest of hostile creatures and trying to capture a specimen, while shooting the rest.

You might also have to engage one or more of the aforementioned groups of interest.

2021-07-12, 06:20 AM
I prefer the class aesthetic but I admit that it is constraining.

Plus, it would be difficult to justify a D-class gaining high-level security clearance.

Sometimes, securing a scp means interrogating a neighborhood about a levitating piece of houseware, and finding a way to safely box it up.

Other times, it involves walking into a nest of hostile creatures and trying to capture a specimen, while shooting the rest.

You might also have to engage one or more of the aforementioned groups of interest.

Gotta agree. So apparently from a reddit thread i found the elevator pitch iirc is basically that you get to play members of the scp organisation. What you do depends on what the gm wants the plot to be. Tho most likely it means capturing scps for the organisation.

The things that set it apart are (quoting here.) "that you advance after every session and the optional drama deck system" the latter is either a additional 4 dollar expansion pdf or iirc like 16 for print. Kinda sucky but if i like the gameplay enough i might download the pdf.

Tho on the brightside i love the guidelines for creating scps! Really useful for an scp game!