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2021-07-12, 12:02 AM
an Immortal and Broken Machine


"Patience is a virtue best left to God." - the Knights of Saint Adrian

I want you to imagine a world not that unlike our own.

Now think back to '73. We're just out of the swinging 60s, the atom is under control but the cold war is not. Vietnam is on fire and we're threatening to torch the rest of the world in nuclear fire. Perhaps less like our world are the forces boiling below our surface. Rumours and myth have always persisted, but most no longer believe in monsters and the supernatural, or atleast do so openly for fear of being laughed at. They however exist. Not all myths are truth though they do share a kernel with reality, and quite a few are correct to begin with even if they don't have the right details. If you can think it and you live long enough you might see the real thing. Never ending... Never silent... Never alone...

The unnatural and dead walk the streets amongst us, making of us prey, but we are not completely without hope in these times. Fairies, Demons, Spirits, Magi, Walking Dead, Vampires, Lycans, Horrors, Mutants, Angels, Post-Modern Prometheans, etc. You get the idea. ; Monsters and creatures of all stripes. Known to man in one time or another, recognizably human at their core or otherwise. Though the far monstrous, divorced from us long ago, exist in multitudes (as do the gods and ancient primordials). The world is straining under the vast supernatural energy and myth boiling under the surface and the dam is about to break loose if things continue as they are. And then the Exalted came back, between the Wyld Hunt of old and government kill squads it was only a matter of time before that erupted. Thankfully most of them were already proficient in silence and deception.

So, when did this all start? Was it the mages and hunter cell that broadcasted the execution of the Horror Queens in Argentina on s hacked broadcast? Maybe it was the Solars who tried to take over LA and the Valkyries executing supernaturals in the street? The Vampire revolt in Louisiana? The Antediluvian waking up in Egypt? The Russian Abyssals that declared war on the Soviets? Operation Unconquered, when Karotechia tried to turn Iran into a Shadowland to drag an army of dead from the underworld and turn the tide in the war three decades ago?

So. Where do you come into this, and where is the hope of better times? Exaltations of the old world, lycans, and orders of hunters continue to stalk the world pushing back the darkness and as the darkness is forced into the open so are they. Champions of Man and God, breakers of the primordials and lawbringers of the world. Not that you need be one of them, just that you're so far beyond the common man that law no longer applies to you and you might as well make the same claims they once held. You hold the sledgehammer before the mirrored glass of the masquerade, even if you're not the one breaking it. You have that power, and you will be the one to pick up the pieces when someone eventually does break it. Whether ancient or newly born into this mess, you are uniquely powerful and in a position to rebuild when it does happen. What are you, why are you here, and what would you reforge us as?

The end is soon, but Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night. The world is what you make of it, and the optimism behind us can propel us through these dark times.

GiantITP recruitment: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633290
OOC Thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633672
IC Thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633675

Ascendancy Forum: https://www.myth-weavers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=44233
Mythweavers interest: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=521712
Mythweavers ad: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=522789
Mythweavers character list: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=522787
Mythweavers rules: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=522597
Mythweavers IC1: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=522266

Old Ascendancy Rules: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?603859
Rewritten Ascendancy Rules: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633908
My Discord: https://discord.gg/EeHvCUk

2021-07-12, 12:09 AM

Welcome to our revised set of rules for this game. These rules have been made as part of an ongoing evolutionary process, a result of many games that have gone before on this and other sites. They are not perfect, and perhaps will never be, but hopefully through each game we will learn something new and take one step further on this journey. Thank you for being a part of it.

Heavy Metal Rules

These are some basic rules that should form the general approach to play:

The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is to have fun!

While roleplaying and building a universe can be demanding at times, don't forget this most obvious and forgotten rule - we're all here to have fun. Everyone wants to have a good time. So if you find yourself frustrated or dismayed at times, remember this Golden Rule. Then move straight on to…

The Silver Rule
The Silver Rule is to collaborate and communicate!

Roleplaying cannot be won, only played. It's a shared experience that works best when players cooperate and work together. Now this doesn't mean that we should shy away from conflict between characters in our stories. It is just a reminder that conflict between players is discouraged and should be avoided. Consider that the aim of the game isn't to make the best God, or the greatest civilization, but rather to tell memorable stories, and build a rich and vibrant world together with your fellow players.
So if you have an idea, please share it.
If you have a question, please don't be afraid to ask.
If you think something might impact another player's contribution, please try to let them know.
If there's a concern about the rules, please voice it - we can always discuss it or ignore/change the rule if needed.
Finally, if you have a concern regarding another player, please try to talk to them about it. If you can't, then please feel free to speak with the ODINs for guidance or help with resolution.

Because in joining this game, you not only become part of a team, but also a wider community.

The Copper Rule
The Copper Rule is to get creative!

Memorable stories and a rich and vibrant world won't write themselves. So don't be afraid to think outside the box and try something new. Build on the ideas of others and don't let the Action Point (AP) System get in the way of a good story. Work out what you're trying to accomplish and then consult the list of actions to help you do it - make the rules work for you! If you can't find an action, ask for help. Remember, the list of actions is a guide and not intended to be exhaustive. There are plenty of actions that have little narrative significance and therefore may not require AP. I'm sure that together we'll figure out a way to make your idea come to life.

The Pyrite (Fool's Gold) Rule
The Pyrite Rule is don't be seduced by the game mechanics - narrative is what's important!

While AP, infusion, and ascension may glitter and gleam with allure, please remember that the most important thing is to create an engaging story and build a world we all want to play in. The mechanics are just that, cogs in the machine to help us produce a good end product.

So if you have to decide between what's the best strategy for your PC or what makes a good story, go with story every time.

And if you're tempted to try to use a rule to get more benefit for one character, please try to remember that it is just one character among many and that its really the entire universe that is at stake, of which you own an equal share. It is Lords of Creation after all.

The Iron Rule

The Iron Rule is that wherever possible we will try to do things democratically, but if this isn't possible then the Moderators will have the final say. And if there's disagreement among them, then the Head Moderator will decide.

It follows then that the Moderators are not here to police, only to help smooth over arguments, clarify the rules, organize content, streamline play and keep the game moving. So this last resort should only come into effect to prevent extended logjam and move the game on when it is well and truly stuck. After all, it's a lot more fun for everyone if we're actually playing the game.

2021-07-12, 12:10 AM
The Action Point System

Concept Points (CP) are used as a measure of how much power and influence your characters can expend at any one time. Everyone begins the first week of the game with 20 Concept Points. These Concept Points (CP) can be spent using any variation of the actions listed below that a player can imagine, and is the principal method of creating or changing things on the world that we are building. A turn is a weekly period of play that ends at 12:00AM EST on every Monday. At this time, everyone gains additional CP during what is dubbed 'Rollover' since any unspent CP from the previous week (up to a maximum of 31cp) 'rolls over' into the next turn of the game. At the end of the first week and every week thereafter everyone gains 5cp during the Rollover.

This system has an emphasis on cooperation and rivalry between players and their characters. As such certain actions can be shared by one or more player. These are referred to as 'split' actions. The premier example of this is the 'Form/Join Pact' Action. This action costs at least 2cp requiring two or more separate players to each spend 1cp to complete the action.

Concepts are the main source of power within the setting and they can be created, developed, shared, and stolen. They are ideas, techniques, and systems of power that make the world what it is. Fantasy, horror, scientific achievement, and chaos. In this rule system beyond its LoC based modifications the existence of concepts now includes just about anything; cultural, technological, magical, societal... even territorial, geographic, or personal ideas (This means cities and characters are valid concepts). This beyond technologies can include foci on smithing, the development of magical abilities, treaties, agreements, artifacts, characters, and the creation of organizations such as spy rings and military orders or even religions.

If you can dream it, if you wish to establish something, if you wish to change something: pay for a concept using your concept points. They can exist on any scale and the more points one puts into it the stronger a narrative force it is. Concepts are how you influence and change the game world both within and around the narratives put infront of you. Want to establish a bar you frequent to pick up girls for their blood? Go ahead, pay for it. Want a new best friend in the camarilla? Go ahead, pay for them. Military intelligence or credentials so you can get into a weapons locker? Pay for it. A nice militia? Pay for it. You get the idea.

As I mentioned, they can be as large or small as you want and are essentially infinitely scalable. These are your world building resources and post PL20 character development.

Each concept point put into a concept increases a corresponding resource / essence and grants narrative strength to your ideas and your ability to resist others.

Void (Advantages, Powers): Void is a representation of your characters or factions influence over the supernatural and its elements, for a divinity or magi this would represent a backing of belief among other things, for an Exalted it would be a more pure Essence. Your initial score is the combined PP put into Advantages and Powers. This is your command over magical and supernatural forces.

Every +5 of Void rating increases your Wind synergy by +1.

Wind (Awareness, Presence): Wind is the representation of your characters or factions overall influence over the forces of the world, including other players and their characters. Your initial score is the combined PP put into Presence and Stamina as well as affiliated Skills and Defences. This is your command and effectiveness in social situations.

Every +5 of Wind rating increases your Water synergy by +1.

Water (Agility, Dexterity): Water is the overall representation of your characters or factions overall health and stability both as people and as a group. Your initial score is the combined PP put into Agility, Defences, and Dexterity as well as affiliated Skills and Defences. This is your defensive and subterfuge ability.

Every +5 of Water rating increases your Earth synergy by +1.

Earth (Intellect, Stamina): Earth is the representation of your characters or factions overall wealth and prestige on the international market, as well as base resources gained through territorial or monetary acquisition. Your initial score is the combined PP put into Intellect and Stamina as well as affiliated Skills and Defences. This is your economic factor and overall wealth or prestige in society.

Every +5 of Earth rating increases your Fire synergy by +1.

Fire (Fighting, Strength): Fire is a representation of your characters or factions overall military strength or force of willpower in more direct confrontation. This could also represent heightened fervor of belief, strength of body, or fury. Your initial score is the combined PP put into Fighting and Strength as well as affiliated Skills and Defences. This is your military and might in the world.

Every +5 of Fire rating increases your Void synergy by +1.

Random Conflict Resolution (RCR)

Sometimes players can’t come to a conclusion on how an event should be dealt with and/or disagreements cannot be settled. Sometimes a player wants to press combat with another God or Society. To alleviate such problems a Random Conflict Resolution can be called.

Random Conflict Resolution is conducted through competing 1d100s with rolls modified by the Resource ratings of the involved players and any noteworthy modifiers. Simply, whoever rolls the highest number after modifiers have been applied wins and gets to dictate their terms. RCR may be carried out over multiple actions and rolls dependent on what each player desires. These conflicts and actions can range from precise military strikes, raids, and invasions to corporate espionage, theft, and political blackmail. This is not a limit to what you can do. Perhaps in the future someone will have the idea to impose trade sanctions on a trading company, humiliate a politician to weaken a rival faction, or stage a kidnapping.

Each form of resource or essence has its own flavour of conflict and what each player brings to the front determines the form the conflict takes.

Beyond RP effects damage may be applied with each RCR, usually through Negative Concepts or the theft of Concepts related to the method of RCR undertaken.

2021-07-12, 12:10 AM
Pacts are agreements and relationships of various forms forged between players and the groups they control. Pacts are created by each participating player spending one CP to form, with the initial players and their characters act as the pact's leaders and set its direction, determining its name and purpose.

Pacts can take many forms (pantheons, alliances, treaties, divine covenants, infernal bargains, even simple friendships) and are up to interpretation, however they all mechanically follow the same mechanics and are subject to your best judgement or GM adjudication if misused. Generally, think of it as your cell and party members.

Every Pact must have two things: a name and a guiding purpose. The name should fit the type of pact. Now, the purpose of a pact. Every member of a pact after the first two provide an additional AP to be spent as a group each week, either reinforcing a solo action or contributing to a pact resource.

The first two members of the pact act as its leaders. They act as gatekeepers for the initiation of new members, and can initiate votes to alter the pact, expel members, and if necessary create from the pacts members two separate pacts if disagreements reach such a necessary point.

2021-07-12, 12:11 AM
1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?

Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition, possibly expanding into or using a modified Ascendancy (link in my sig) ruleset depending on what people want.

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?

70s Americana setting in the vein of the Secret World, built from: Exalted vs WoD, World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness, WoD Fan-Material, Exalted Second and Third Edition.
If you have questions please ask, I am an open book and at the least can point you in the right direction if you're unfamiliar with any of this.

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?

Still figuring this out.

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?

GiantITP, Discord

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?


6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?

300pp , I'd like half spent on non-combat. (this isn't a necessity, please don't make a combat beast if you don't want to RP as one though please)

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?

If it's cool it's good. Exalted are the general baseline, but you're open to make what you want.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?

Anything fitting with Exalted and WoD. The characters shouid either be Exalted themselves or something suitably powerful.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?

Point buy lol

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?

Alignment ooh... Standard alignment chart+colour wheel (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?157001-Alignment-Replacement-The-Color-Wheel-3-5-PEACH). Do both if you'd like.
No restrictions so far, just don't submit chaotic evil and use it as an excuse to go off the deep end.
Omnicidal is fine, that's the schtick of Abyssals afterall, but please temper it if you want to group up.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?


12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?

Players roll dice on the forums.

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

Looking into homebrew, if you find anything cool feel free to share it with the group. Maybe importing 2nd edition powers?

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?

Character background is a must, part of this is going to be worldbuilding and welding together canons. Doesn't have to be particularly long.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?

Roleplaying, worldbuilding, exploring, society building... Combat if people want that, I may need help running it though. This is going to be what we as a group make it.

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?

No restrictions, but if it's not from the players guide please tell me where it's from so I can read into it.

2021-07-12, 12:14 AM
I'm currently in the process of editing this for use in the Immortal and Broken Machine game,
the current state of these rules do not reflect how they will be used this is merely a port from another thread so far.

2021-07-13, 12:36 AM
Took a hacksaw to the barrel and added a grip, let me know if you have any opinions. The above is not set in stone.

+5 Vorpal Bunny
2021-07-13, 02:08 PM
I like how you tie the abilities into Resources/Essence; it gives them, especially those that don't see common use in M&M, a valuable narrative use.
But I noticed how a lot of us invested in skill points too. For a more pleasurable roleplaying experience all around, may I recommend allowing for skills to increase Essence as well?
In this case, a point of Essence for every four points of a skill, corresponding to the stat it is based off of.

And a second question - is Ki a new Ability you're adding, a representation of how many PP we're spending on Powers or something else entirely?
Thanks for taking the time to answer. :smallsmile:

2021-07-13, 03:56 PM
I like how you tie the abilities into Resources/Essence; it gives them, especially those that don't see common use in M&M, a valuable narrative use.
But I noticed how a lot of us invested in skill points too. For a more pleasurable roleplaying experience all around, may I recommend allowing for skills to increase Essence as well?
In this case, a point of Essence for every four points of a skill, corresponding to the stat it is based off of.

And a second question - is Ki a new Ability you're adding, a representation of how many PP we're spending on Powers or something else entirely?
Thanks for taking the time to answer. :smallsmile:

Skills increasing them as well sounds good to me. I'll add that bit to the above later tonight. I'll find something for feats as well.

Ah. Forgot about Ki. Ki was from a book in second edition, it let you perform certain feats with how successful you were depending on how many points you put into powers.

Ki would be representative of powers, yes. When I do the revision later tonight I'll flesh that out.

2021-07-14, 12:35 AM
A slightly updated version is up.