View Full Version : New Book Announcement on July 16

2021-07-14, 08:45 AM
An unannounced D&D book will be available October 19, 2021.

I currently have no informed opinion as to why this might entail, but given the Draconic options from recent UA, I surmise that’s a safe bet.

2021-07-14, 08:59 AM
A comicbook.com article about it said it was not one of the “classic settings”. Except for that, I would’ve guessed Council of Wyrms. But yeah, not sure either. Feywild setting perhaps?

2021-07-14, 09:01 AM
Feywild setting perhaps?

Already got confirmed.

2021-07-14, 09:08 AM
Already got confirmed. Wasn't that the last book to be revealed, the one with the circus/traveling show?

2021-07-14, 09:10 AM
Wasn't that the last book to be revealed, the one with the circus/traveling show?

I thought that was an adventure, not a setting book. It’s getting a little confusing.

2021-07-14, 09:15 AM
I thought that was an adventure, not a setting book. It’s getting a little confusing.

My sources tell me its a bit of both.

2021-07-14, 09:25 AM
Well, if we've got little information and nothing else to go on, let's throw out some wild guesses:
-New Setting
-PHB Reprint
-Full "Core 3" Companion book.

More realistically I expect it to be a setting book that uses those draconic themed ua from recently.

2021-07-14, 09:31 AM
Someone presented me a theory that it'll be another monster book like Volo's or Mordenkenains (I know I'm butchering this). In that every two years we got one, and since 2020 screwed over releases this might be that.

Either way, I don't care what kind of book it is so long as it has the official printing of the newest draconic options for Dragonborn. My favorite race has arguably been the weakest mechanically for way too long and anything from that update helps them greatly.