View Full Version : DND Multiple one shot Idea- Suicide Squad

2021-07-15, 12:57 PM
I'm thinking about starting a multi-one shot centered around the Suicide Squad theme.

We generally do not play the more monster like characters or evil ones. I think this will give everyone to opportunity to be evil and possibly more monster-like but also prevent a bunch of murder hobos running around killing everyone.

I am open to feed back and am looking for ideas.

I thought that they would have some sort of implant to causes extreme pain if they disobey(within reason I still want them to be free to act as they please but not against the mission). Perhaps causing levels of exhaustion as a punishment.
I'm not sure how to run who is controlling them yet- a divine being? A wizard?
Or if and when they rebel too far - do I then cause the implant to explode like Suicide Squad.

I think it sounds like a fun plan and it opens up interesting Role Play

2021-07-15, 01:17 PM
I think it's a fine Level 1 setup... but it won't take long until "your options are either obey an NPC's orders, or die" becomes a severe limit on your game. Getting rid of the implant should be a very early arc.

2021-07-15, 01:42 PM
Give them reasons other than "or else you explode" to complete the main quest, and make sure the players are on board with the concept before starting.

The suicide squad idea works best if they're coerced into it but are actually facing a world-ending Evil, or something that threatens what they care about. The coercion gets them out the door, but they need opportunities to Roleplay other motivations. The scenario also lends itself to having some internal divisions in the party - two races that traditionally hate each other etc. They can either lean into the division, develop oppositional banter, or overcome it "for the greater good".

Sounds like a reasonable idea for a limited campaign, but would be difficult for a longer one. Feeling forced into something in a prolonged or supposedly sandbox-y setting breeds rebellion and discontent. Have a timeframe, get them on board with disposable characters, and have fun!

2021-07-15, 03:26 PM
Give them reasons other than "or else you explode" to complete the main quest, and make sure the players are on board with the concept before starting.

The suicide squad idea works best if they're coerced into it but are actually facing a world-ending Evil, or something that threatens what they care about. The coercion gets them out the door, but they need opportunities to Roleplay other motivations. The scenario also lends itself to having some internal divisions in the party - two races that traditionally hate each other etc. They can either lean into the division, develop oppositional banter, or overcome it "for the greater good".

Sounds like a reasonable idea for a limited campaign, but would be difficult for a longer one. Feeling forced into something in a prolonged or supposedly sandbox-y setting breeds rebellion and discontent. Have a timeframe, get them on board with disposable characters, and have fun!

Thanks for the feedback
It makes sense not to coerce things with the implant for a long period of time. I think I'd only run a few one shots with it. See how it test drives.
I like the idea of rival races working together.

2021-07-15, 05:05 PM
Thanks for the feedback
It makes sense not to coerce things with the implant for a long period of time. I think I'd only run a few one shots with it. See how it test drives.
I like the idea of rival races working together.

For low level parties you can just geas them. Part of the adventure might be them removing the geas.