View Full Version : Spontaneous Summoner for Archivists

2021-07-18, 11:34 AM
So I've always liked this feat for its uses as a way to make up for trading away Spontaneous Summoning in ACF's, and I also appreciated that it could add to an Archivist's summoning power.

But looking at the feat again... could it even do that?

There's the clause "from your class list" in there, and I don't think that can work for Archivists. Even if you add a SNA spell to your prayerbook, the Archivist native class list is just the Cleric list, which doesn't have SNA...

2021-07-18, 01:47 PM
My understanding is that an individual archivist's class list includes every divine spell they have copied into their prayerbook, so qualification is entirely dependent on which spells have been discovered.

2021-07-18, 06:39 PM
An archivist casts divine spells, drawn primarily from the cleric spell list although he can eventually uncover, learn, and prepare noncleric divine spells spells.

Underlining mine. I don't think it would be a stretch to say any spell recorded in your prayerbook is on your class list.

I guess it depends on how strictly you want to read the RAW. AFAIK, "class spell list" isn't a defined term, unless I've missed something obvious.

FWIW, here's what the official FAQ says:

Can an archivist (HH 82) use a scroll from the druid
spell list without making a Use Magic Device check?
In the Sage’s opinion, the archivist should be treated as
having a spell list that includes all cleric spells as well as any
spell he has added to his prayer book. So, if he had obtained a
scroll and was able to add it to his prayer book, he would not
have to make a Use Magic Device check. However, if he had
not learned the spell previously, he would have to make that
check just like any other character.

My issue with Spontaneous Summoner is that Wis can be a bit of a dump stat for Archivists in some cases (I have an Illumain Archivist I've rolled up that uses Dex for bonus spells).

2021-07-20, 03:45 PM
Right on. I wasn't sure if Class Spell List was a defined term or not. It seems reasonable enough to me that most DM's would accept that ruling then.