View Full Version : Niche Builds

2021-07-18, 09:49 PM
So I'm running a campaign in 3.5 currently (no pathfinder) and one of my players is concerned with taking certain feats or prc's because they are fairly niche, in that its only useful against undead or abberations ect.

I'm well aware that as dm i can make that more or less of a problem but I'm more curious if there is a way to make an enemy or creature count as another type through the use of feats or spells (or anything else really), I'm wondering if any of you fine people might know.

2021-07-18, 10:15 PM
Niche doesn't necessarily mean Bad. Turn Undead by base rules is a niche class feature. Exalted Turning is a niche feat that builds upon this niche class feature by allowing you to deal damage to undead creatures that are affected by your Turn Undead check to build in some middle ground between 'run away' and 'destroyed utterly.'

If a player takes a niche thing like an alternate class feature that gives them a favored enemy, make that kind of thing more prominent in the foes they face if possible. You're the DM, you build the encounters.

If the players are concerned about painting themselves into a corner by specializing, flip the axis of gravitation by making those specializations matter in some meaningful way.

2021-07-18, 10:20 PM

2021-07-18, 10:34 PM
There are a lot of templates that change creature type. Without knowing the specifics of what you're after, it's hard to make specific recommendations as to what templates to use though.

2021-07-18, 10:38 PM
Polymorph is the obvious type of spell/ability. Other than that, I'm in the dark.

You could do a custom variant of the Horizon Walker PRC that allows the character to attune themselves and their type specific abilities to a single creature type with an hour of meditation.

2021-07-18, 10:44 PM
So I'm running a campaign in 3.5 currently (no pathfinder) and one of my players is concerned with taking certain feats or prc's because they are fairly niche, in that its only useful against undead or abberations ect.

I'm well aware that as dm i can make that more or less of a problem but I'm more curious if there is a way to make an enemy or creature count as another type through the use of feats or spells (or anything else really), I'm wondering if any of you fine people might know.

Too bad it isn't Pathfinder, Rangers have a spell that lets them turn a target into their Favored (using current Favored bonus).

Also, they have feats that give generic benefits for having favored enemy against undead or aberrations.
Pathfinder spell:
Undead Anatomy
Instant enemy: treats target as favored enemy type for all purposes.

For 3.5:
Polymorph works I think
Spark of Life lets you affect them without immunities but still undead. So not that
Undead Anatomy
Enemy Spirit Pouch (MIC) can either boost or grant a different FE (if you have one for a type you don't have). This gets around not having Human as favored

Honestly, just give the ranger scrolls of Instant Enemy (yes, it is pathfinder but fixes your issues)

2021-07-18, 11:56 PM
Aberrate is a Sor/Wiz1 spell from BoVD that changes one living creature into an aberration (also gives it a natural AC boost). Fort negates.

2021-07-19, 12:25 AM
The party caster could abuse Polymorph any Object (https://youtu.be/oSynJyq2RRo?t=2341) to help him out^^

But imho a waste of the spell.
I'm not aware of any other method, but maybe others will have other solutions.^^

2021-07-19, 08:07 AM
The party caster could abuse Polymorph any Object (https://youtu.be/oSynJyq2RRo?t=2341) to help him out^^

But imho a waste of the spell.
I'm not aware of any other method, but maybe others will have other solutions.^^

If it were bonuses against animals, you could use baleful polymorph.

2021-07-20, 05:52 AM
There are quite a few spells and class features that make creatures/PCs outsiders, for instance. The BBEG can buff the minions in such a way, or the cannon fodder can be built that way to begin with.

2021-07-20, 04:57 PM
So I'm running a campaign in 3.5 currently (no pathfinder) and one of my players is concerned with taking certain feats or prc's because they are fairly niche, in that its only useful against undead or abberations ect.

I'm well aware that as dm i can make that more or less of a problem but I'm more curious if there is a way to make an enemy or creature count as another type through the use of feats or spells (or anything else really), I'm wondering if any of you fine people might know.

Might help us to provide more options if we had some more specific info on what your player was looking at taking.

Is it as simple as a Favored Enemy bonus? Is it something like the Bane Magic feat? Or taking levels in a PrC built around one particular enemy type, like Hunter of the Dead or Keeper of the Cerulean Sign?