View Full Version : Most Buffs Possible (and in one turn to boot)

2021-07-20, 01:29 PM
I'm building an Archivist/Runecaster thanks to Saintheart's handbook (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?296106-Runeblaster-A-Handbook-for-the-D-amp-D-3-5-Runecaster)on this forum as well as Mooncrow's (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=185) on MinMax and I'm finding myself in a pickle.

How do you optimize the buffing while avoiding the no stacking rule ?
IF you take the RAW meaning of free action (and I'm the DM with an NPC so as many as I want) how any buffs can I stack on the one final boss at once ? (limited to 7th level divine only spells ?

2021-07-20, 04:40 PM
All are PHB or SpC unless marked:

Righteous Might

Divine Power

Infernal Transformation

Divine Favor


Magic Vestment

Greater Magic Weapon


Divine Protection

Righteous Wrath of the Faithful

Shield of Faith

Holy Star

Divine Agility

Flame of Faith

Aura of Vitality

Rhino's Rush

Swift Haste

Charge of the Triceratops

Find the Gap

Resist Energy

Protection From Energy

Energy Immunity

Magic Circle Against Good

Bear's Endurance

Owl's Wisdom

Mass Aid

Superior Resistance

Death Ward

True Seeing

Wind Wall

Freedom of Movement

Spell Immunity

Spell Resistance


Owl's Insight

Bite of the Werebear

Sheltered Vitality

Greater Blindsight

Girallon's Blessing

Swift Fly

Lion's Charge

Brilliant Blade

Visage of the Deity

Greater Vigor


Divine Insight

Hand of Divinity


Corrupt Weapon (see the Blackguard class entry)

Primal Instinct (DM)

Heart of Air/Earth/Fire/Water (CM)

Renewed Vigor (PHB2)

Hunter's Eye (PHB2)

Footsteps of the Divine (CC)

Surge of Fortune (CC)

Some of these partly overlap (for example Divine Favor and Recitation both provide a luck bonus to attack) but I'm pretty sure they all add something unique.

I don't know the Archivist very well, can they access domain spells? If so (Greater) Anyspell can get you a load more...

2021-07-20, 08:51 PM
Archivists can access domain spells, but don't have any domain slots without further investment, which is a problem for the Anyspell line.

Also: No Delay Death or Favor of the Martyr?

2021-07-20, 10:29 PM
Archivists can access domain spells, but don't have any domain slots without further investment, which is a problem for the Anyspell line.

Also: No Delay Death or Favor of the Martyr?

Good catch with Delay Death, I missed that one. Favor of the Martyr did cross my mind but I didn't think a Paladin spell would be granted to someone evil even if they did have a scroll of it, although now I come to look again the OP never actually said the final boss was evil. Also I suppose there might be Paladins of Slaughter and Tyranny in the game...

2021-07-21, 07:15 PM
Good catch with Delay Death, I missed that one. Favor of the Martyr did cross my mind but I didn't think a Paladin spell would be granted to someone evil even if they did have a scroll of it, although now I come to look again the OP never actually said the final boss was evil. Also I suppose there might be Paladins of Slaughter and Tyranny in the game...
Archivists can get any Divine spells they can source. They're not beholden to deities, even though their spellbook is called a prayerbook. They do NOT have the "can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to his own or his deity’s (if he has one)." found in the Cleric or Druid's entry.

2021-07-22, 05:30 AM
Archivists can get any Divine spells they can source. They're not beholden to deities, even though their spellbook is called a prayerbook. They do NOT have the "can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to his own or his deity’s (if he has one)." found in the Cleric or Druid's entry.

Thank you. I see why they're fourth-highest on the tier list now...