View Full Version : DM Help City of the Spider Queen help/advice

Thac0 Redeye
2021-07-21, 09:13 AM
I am pre reading the adventure, to be the next DM for our group. We are not quite half way on the adventure we are playing now so i have some time.
This module is written as 3.0 A lot of the tactics and traps and spells are out of date. Especially the spellcasters, they typically cast haste and then pepper the PC's with 2 lightning bolts a round. Does anyone know of a conversion to 3.5 (or pathfinder, it'd be easier to convert)? Or does anyone have notes, advice, maps, better handouts prepared?

so far I've read half of the book and it looks like it will be fun. My group is excited to try as well.

note: we dont use ebberron or the Bo9S

2021-07-21, 05:05 PM
At first glance, it looks like the teleportation hindrance will be a key factor in the module.

2021-07-31, 03:59 PM
Especially the spellcasters, they typically cast haste and then pepper the PC's with 2 lightning bolts a round.
Check the biography of Yvonnel Baenre II (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Yvonnel_Baenre_II): if 2E version of Haste really exists as a separate spell (rather than being the very same spell which changes with editions), then why 3.0 version - shouldn't?
After all, Zz'dtri has the 3.0 version of Fly (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0049.html)...

2021-08-01, 02:32 AM
I'm in a similar position with my group probably about 6 months away from starting the module. Some advice I came across when I did some research was to use metamagics to make the lightning bolts hit harder instead of shooting multiple ones.

Edit: Also I've come across some advice to add some sort of town or city along the way as the long travel through the underdark apparently can be quite a slog.
Furthermore there is a small side adventure in dungeon magazine #94 that looks fitting to include.

2021-08-01, 10:20 AM
I ran CotSQ a couple years ago. Basically what I did was print out a copy and edit any obsolete/nonsensical statblocks by hand. (I typically print and make my own edits for any adventure module that I run, so it was no big deal.)

As for tactics, the easiest thing is to just give them different tactics. Spellcasters have lots of options. But if you want to maintain a "shooting lightning all over the place" feel, you could have them cast Chain Lightning or Ball Lightning or even Scorching Ray with Energy Substitution instead. Or if you really really want 2 Lightning Bolts per round, you could give them Dual Wand Wielder or Quicken Spell.

As for general advice, I'd say don't be stingy with XP/leveling. This adventure is supposed to take the PCs from 10th level to 17...and all of the horror stories I've heard about it involve the PCs walking into a high challenge area and still being level 10 for some reason.