View Full Version : Rules Q&A Archivist (and wizards too I guess) and Artificers

2021-07-26, 07:53 PM
I am currently running a campaign with an archivist already in play. Another one of my players (currently a bard) just found the artificer class, and is thinking of reworking their character to be an artificer instead. (we're very early on and I explicitly said that something like that would be okay for at least another session)

I was wondering if they would then be able to scribe scrolls off the cleric list (or other divine caster lists) to let the archivist copy into their prayerbook, or would that be a no go, as there is a line stating that "magic items created by an artificer are considered neither arcane nor divine." (hence the "and wizards too I guess" in the title) I assume that line is specifically to prevent things like this from happening, but if I know anything about 3.5 it's that the raw is a mess.

As related question, if he were to play a psionic artificer, would he be able to do the same thing for the erudite in the party, with power stones instead of scrolls?

Also, don't worry about the balance. I know it's a bit of a mess lol. No one has to tell me. I just wanna make sure I'm using the right rules.

2021-07-26, 08:27 PM
As long as each individual spell (or power) to be scribed by an artificer also appears on the recipient class' spell-(or power-)list, learning them from a scroll or power stone scribed by an artificer be ok, RAW.

At least normally, a wizard can't add cure spells into their spellbook, because they are not on the wizard's spell-list. I'm not too familiar with archivists, but at glance it would seem that they draw their spells from the cleric's spell-list, so according to this archivists can't add spells that normally appear only on a wizard's spell list, to their prayerbook.

2021-07-26, 09:05 PM
Oh. Interesting.

He said he would only make an artificer if his bard ends up dying, so I guess I'll cross that bridge if I come to it. This would be a very artificer friendly campaign (lots of downtime for crafting and whatnot) so at least he would probably have fun with it. This is gonna be a nightmare to balance lol

2021-07-26, 09:11 PM
The archivist wants "spells found on scrolls containing divine spells", so the fact that artificer scrolls aren't divine probably prevents them from learning them.

Wizards ... probably can? The spell needs to be on the wizard's spell list, but best I can tell they aren't actually restricted to learning from arcane scrolls of spells on their list. In fact, they kind of need to be able to learn from divine scrolls for things like Arcane Disciple to work for them, I guess?

2021-07-26, 09:40 PM
Now that makes a lot more sense to me. I think archivist was released after artificer was, so I don't really understand the point of including that line, but it's good to know. Or is there something about magic items on a user end that cares about arcane/divine that I'm just forgetting about? Like how eternal wands are only usable by arcane spellcasters, or something.

2021-07-26, 10:20 PM
According to the errata for Artificer: "Magic items created by an artificer are considered neither arcane nor divine."

That means even scrolls aren't arcane nor are they divine, so no one can actually learn spells from them (or even use them without the Use Magic Device skill).

2021-08-13, 02:35 AM
A lot

Well then. That's a much bigger response than I was ever expecting for this, but it's very much appreciated. I think that if this does come up (which I doubt it will anytime soon, given that I've had to put the game on hold for awhile), I won't let the archivist learn from scrolls the artificer makes. They're already going to have an easy enough time getting new spells, and I feel like a dynamic like that could be a bit overpowering for the rest of the group (7 people, myself included) both in mechanical power and roleplay. Southern Magician is certainly interesting, but not only do I not really like the fluff in a vacuum, it wouldn't make any sense in my setting.
That being said, Etch Schema and Inscribe Rune are definitely going to go onto my regular list of ways to give the archivist extra spells. Just buying scrolls and finding/stealing prayerbooks will get old quickly, and the idea of an archivist deciphering ancient divine runes to unearth spells even the gods don't want cast anymore... that's like, exactly the point of archivists, at least personally. Definitely a lot more memorable than going to ye olde scrollshop to buy another scroll, maybe this time from a divine bard if you're feeling particularly spicy.
Again, thank you very much for the detailed response! I'll also keep this in mind for building any archivist npcs the party may come across, seeing as they would have access to more or less the same tools as my players would.