View Full Version : FFd20 Clash of Clans IC

2021-07-28, 03:08 AM
The base the Silverleaf Sentinals chose is not in the nicest part of town, but for sheer space to cost ratio it can't be beat. But the front of house was now spick and span, with a professionally made (read: expensive) sign out front advertising their clan to the city. The scent of Kirman coffee emanates from the kitchen, meeting the smell of oil from the garage to create a unique brand of aroma in the main common room. Meera has tidied the mission board so it's actually legible for the first time in weeks. What will the clan be doing today?

- - - Mark Hunting - - -
Requester: Various
Dangerous monsters roam the world. People take care of most local beasts themselves but sometimes phenomena change them or a singular powerful beast emerge and more expert handling by Clans is required.
Difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme - monsters of all sorts await, with commensurate rewards
Time Commitment: Low
Risk: Low, but Hunter Clans are the bread and butter of the industry, it's hard to distinguish yourselves as exceptional without also taking great risks
Time Sensitive?: No, Repeatable

- - - Magicite Mining - - -
Requester: Mystra Mining Company
Strong backs and keen minds required to operate the magicite mines. Full training and innoculation against magicite poisoning is provided. Applicants must have wits to respond to difficulties encountered during deep dives without immediate support.
Difficulty: Medium
Time Commitment: Heavy, magicite inoculation lasts for a month and the Company requires that full commitment to offset the costs involved
Risk: Low
Time Sensitive?: No

- - - Gazillions of Goblins - - -
Requester: Varid Hewnstone (Mayor of Epilogue)
Open call to all clans within a day's travel of Epilogue. A Goblin King has appeared in the eastern village area and it's minions are running riot. The police are overwhelmed and urgent aid is needed.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Commitment: Light
Risk: Moderate - lots of clans will be involved, could get messy, but can we afford to ignore such a local incident?
Time Sensitive?: Yes

- - - Overthrow A Tyrant - - -
Requester: Too scared to give their name
We're under the heel of a powerful mystic warrior, I don't know what else to do. Kesswick is small, we have no way of fighting back and he has taken over everything. Please save us.
Difficulty: Hard
Time Commitment: Light-Moderate
Risk: Low
Time Sensitive?: Yes

2021-07-28, 04:46 AM
Cid Blackpaw (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2485447)
Hrothgar Engineer
AC: 23 HP: 36/36
touch: 17, ff: 20, CMD: 27
Conditions: Cybernetic (weak to electricity), Prosthetic arms (+2 to Str, +2 AC, double carry capacity, +5 to climb, CMD vs disarm)

Cid entered the kitchen with a yawn and wet eyes indicating he had just woken up. The engineer had just adjusted himself to sleeping well again. Meera hated it when he took his mechanical arms to bed as they leaked hydraulic fluids prompting Cid to wash his sheets in the middle of the night like a kid that hasn't fully grown into sleeping without diapers. But the Hrothgar missed the presence of them at night, feeling defenseless and adding to his nightmares.

The smell of coffee in the morning was like a life elixir for Cid. He clutched the mug carefully in his cybernetic arms made of metal and mesh. He had the regulation of grip strength down now, so he didn't crush food or cups in them anymore. What remained now was a reminder that he would never again feel the warmth of a cup of coffee in his hands.

Reading the posts on the board, he stretches his back and downs the piping hot mug of coffee, hastily grabbing a bottle of water to calm his now inflammated throat. He had indeed forgotten coffee could be hot. Of course, like a proper cat, he then pretended that what he was meaning to do all along.

Sitting down, like a spoiled teenager, he claimed: Nice job posts, and finally legible, Meera. I would go for those urgent ones first, if I were to decide on my own. And honestly, buttin heads with goblins seems boring, but we might want the mayor on our good side, but that sounds like a job for you and the kittens.

I would love to break someone who thinks bullying the small guy is a good idea. So...what's for breakfast?

2021-07-28, 02:44 PM
"As always, I'm happy to go on a mission, but all that lost time I could have spent on paperwork will mean you'll need to do the next load of invoices. Your call." Meera is perfectly polite but you know that she is also deadly serious about making you do admin.

2021-07-29, 04:57 AM
Cid Blackpaw (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2485447)
Hrothgar Engineer
AC: 23 HP: 36/36
touch: 17, ff: 20, CMD: 27
Conditions: Cybernetic (weak to electricity), Prosthetic arms (+2 to Str, +2 AC, double carry capacity, +5 to climb, CMD vs disarm)

Already accepting, that she would not make him anything to eat, Cid stands up again, preparing a warm bowl of porridge. He wasn't vegan by any means, but sometimes even a huge cat would go for the easy and filling option.

As long as I don't have to make a failure report on your behalf, I am fine with it. I am more at ease with the kittens having your guidance. To keep Mogo from trailing off and Danyl from destroying unnecessary things.

Where are the others? Still sound asleep? Cid asked. He enjoyed the silent morning hours but he liked his new comrades and hoped they would show up soon.

2021-07-31, 04:35 AM
A large yawn answered Cid's inquiry. Duncan indeed kinda overslept - it was a busy night for him tuning Ascalon yesterday. However, the delicious smell of coffee lured him out of his accomodation.
- Morning, everyone - the knight greeted the early birds, and moved towards the kitchen. Halfway there he suddenly stopped and looked at Cid.
- Say, how are you so cheerful today? I mean, we were both busy tinkering all night, and yet, you're here, early and all. What's your secret - Duncan asked, light-hearted, but clearly interested.

2021-07-31, 04:48 AM
Cid Blackpaw (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2485447)
Hrothgar Engineer
AC: 23 HP: 36/36
touch: 17, ff: 20, CMD: 27
Conditions: Cybernetic (weak to electricity), Prosthetic arms (+2 to Str, +2 AC, double carry capacity, +5 to climb, CMD vs disarm)

Cid smiled. They say, if you're doing a job you love, you're not working a day in your life. The large furred creature turns to face Duncan. Plus, it helps these puppies don't get tired anymore. He clutches his fists and smashes them together to produce a loud C L U N K. Indeed his arms were tireless, but the bioelectric converters still needed energy.

The nice thing about fur is, you don't see the giant bags under my eyes. Next time if you understand the wiring and ceruleum processing of your old thing, we can swap and you do the fine-tuning and I will do the heavy lifting. Cid laughed it off. Last time you tried coupling the weapons with the movement unit. But I must say, you did a stellar job with the power converters. Usually these things are built as artillery, but your refit is nothing I have ever seen before.

2021-08-02, 04:13 AM
"Ok, oh glorious robotic leaders. What's it going to be, where are you going?

2021-08-02, 09:58 AM
- Eh, I wish - Duncan answered, smiling to his fellow machina entusiast. - I doubt, I'll understand something if I spend years working on it. That thing's ancient.
The knight then tried to move towards kitchen, but was stopped by Meera's voice.
- Well, for now - coffee. And after that, let's see, what we have - he approached the board. - Ugh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, No way - he mumbled, looking through the missions. - I see two urgents, so let's pick one of these - regular monsters are not going anywhere. I'd visit that "mystic warrior", but with just two of us here - it could get messy, if he's not alone there.

2021-08-03, 03:46 AM
Cid Blackpaw (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2485447)
Hrothgar Engineer
AC: 23 HP: 36/36
touch: 17, ff: 20, CMD: 27
Conditions: Cybernetic (weak to electricity), Prosthetic arms (+2 to Str, +2 AC, double carry capacity, +5 to climb, CMD vs disarm)

The yellow-furred cat looked at Meera. His face was a mixture of emotions. On one hand the joke was pretty damn funny, on the other the Hrothgar had never really thought about him being treated differently now that his body weight was at least 20% machine. He produced a strained smile and left it at that. He thought to cover up his metallic arms, but decided against it. The small joints would tear and drag cloth inside the arms. He put a shirt on now that he tore the arms off before.

Duncan is right though. I do not know where the others went. We should probably do something small and fast for now. The tyrant thing sounds more like subterfuge and sublety, and Iron Cat and Ascalon are not the most silent. Cid wasn't very stealthy even for a cat, but that's what a certain size carries with it. So clobbering some goblins, I guess. They might have more juicy salvage too.

Cid financed his endeavor and part of the guild by simply picking up the worthwhile items after battle. It was often worth more than the actual monetary reward.

2021-08-04, 02:44 PM
As the early risers discuss their options, they hear the intermittent thud of Teibor climbing down stairs made for someone appreciably taller. Teibor enters the common room with bleary eyes and an almost-legible ink smudge on the fur of his right cheek. He shuffles through to the kitchen as they continue their discussion, and takes a short stool from a lower cupboard to retrieve his coffee in a too-large mug before returning to the common room.

"Make that t..." a wide yawn interrupts the Nu Mou before he can finish, "two votes for the goblins. They're right on our doorstep, after all. I'd hate to see how they'd redecorate in our absence."

2021-08-04, 03:27 PM
"Alright, goblins it is. I'll start the PR, but try to avoid the Heartstrings, we don't need any bad press from those posers. You two are going too, but you're on crowd control, you three are going after the King. I want his head on our mantle - deal?

Meera gets a vague 'aight' from Danyl, whilst Mogonnaise lets out a yip and his pom-pom turns green with excitement at slaughtering dozens of pesky goblins.

When you are ready, you will leave and head to the town centre where there are Goblins everywhere. Clanners are everywhere fighting them off. Now's the time to show your skill and get ahead of the pack. Danyl finishes his cigarette and immediately draws a suspicious amount of knives and launches himself at the largest group he can find.

Roll initiative

2021-08-07, 05:05 PM
Cid Blackpaw (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2485447)
Hrothgar Engineer
AC: 23 HP: 36/36
touch: 17, ff: 20, CMD: 27
Conditions: Cybernetic (weak to electricity), Prosthetic arms (+2 to Str, +2 AC, double carry capacity, +5 to climb, CMD vs disarm)

Cid sighs. Leave some for me. He follows the mad time mage into the fray. He jumps into it too, with a twohanded uppercut.

Charge (+2 atk, -2 AC), overhand chop (double strength to damage) with Iron Fist Slam.
Attack 1d20+16
Damage [roll0] + [roll1] from Iron Fist.

2021-08-07, 05:05 PM
I'm too stupid to roll in this game: [roll0]

2021-08-09, 10:51 AM
- ...Hey, guys, any battlleplan? Tactics? - Duncan tried to reason with his more hot-headed comrades, but it looked futile. Oh, well, so he had nothing else to do, then to rush into the battle along with the others.

Swift action - Shield Oath (+1 AC, +1 to attack DR 1/ -2 damage)
Charge with power attack (-2 AC +6 damage)

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-08-10, 04:03 PM
Cid slams his metal fist into a group of goblins, sending them flying into the sir. Two disperse into mist and pyreflies, another two follow as Danyl, seemingly waiting for that exact moment flung two knives into their backs.

Duncan shimmers as two more goblins fall before him, just in time to see a goblin mage jump out from behind a fountain and launch a fist at him, trailing stars and the sound of goblins cackling.

Goblin Punch: [roll0] ranged touch
[roll1] wind damage

Perception roll from Teibor please.

2021-08-10, 09:06 PM
Cid Blackpaw (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2485447)
Hrothgar Engineer
AC: 23 HP: 36/36
touch: 17, ff: 20, CMD: 27
Conditions: Cybernetic (weak to electricity), Prosthetic arms (+2 to Str, +2 AC, double carry capacity, +5 to climb, CMD vs disarm)

We are going straight to pound town. Cid was happy to finally use his arms in combat. They tended to build up static if not exerted regularly, attracting all kinds of dust and hair.

Attack Right [roll0] Left [roll1]
Damage Right [roll2] + [roll3] Left [roll4]