View Full Version : Wilderness Survival Structures

Sparky McDibben
2021-07-28, 11:19 PM
Does anyone know of any good wilderness survival game structures? Doesn't have to be D&D specific, but it helps. This is for a 5e game.

"Good" is defined as having at least two of the following three qualities:

Produces and delivers meaningful and actionable information to the PCs about stuff that's around here
Gives the DM a framework in which they can adjudicate the consequences of success or failure
Delivers mechanical weight to the players choices in interacting with the environment

Also, I've read both the wilderness survival section of the 5e DMG and the entire Adventures in Middle Earth series of supplements. The former is a good place to start, but I'm looking for a lot more and I don't want to have to pull it out of my backside. The latter covers travel, not exploration.