View Full Version : Empire 6: The First Rising

2021-07-29, 01:09 AM
On the Island of Mixtli, hidden among the deep green canopy of the forest resides the newly founded city of Cuauhnahuac. A web of rope bridges connect the many rounded huts that wrap around the ancient trunks. Colorful hammocks expertly woven from soft Nagaran silk hang scattered among the branches, painting the colorful city with a sleepy calm aura. At the center of the City, a grand collection of tree houses wrap around an impossibly large tree. Its branches hold multiple small hanging huts while its trunk supports a grand structure that is clearly the heart of Cuauhnahuac.

Soon this grand structure would welcome guests from near and far. Vibrant silks drape from the ceiling, many tables hold delectable treats, and a heavy quiet hangs in the lonely room. The only sound comes from the soft footsteps of a young woman as she paces the floor in anticipation. Her footsteps stop as another, older woman enters the room.

The older woman gives a kind smile, eyes sparkling with energy despite being surrounded by a wrinkled face. "The first guests will arrive soon. Are you ready to receive them, Izel?"

After a short hesitation, the young woman adjusts the circlet atop her head, fingers brushing the glass centerpiece that glows warm with the flame it holds. "I think so. I have been waiting for this day for years. For the chance to welcome visitors from far and wide and show them the prosperity you have brought. One that is now mine to nurture."

The two women stand regally side by side, ready to greet the people that start to wander into the room.

2021-07-29, 05:42 AM
A lone Ugglo enters the hall, trusting no one but himself with matters of import after recent revelations. Close friends turned traitors, mocking former bonds. No longer filled with youthful aspiration his gray skin is wrinkled like bark, too many nights spent defying the waves while rooting out cultists. White-knuckedly gripping his staff Vinolygur enters the quiet room, sweeping his surrounding with a cold stare, before approaching the new and old Tlatoani alike.

Unsure of which one demands the most respect he opts for a shallow bow, enabling him to crane his head back and maintain eye contact with both at once. "Greetings children of fire, caretakers of the eastern isles, embassors of the east, and liberators of the Lion-Hornets. I am Vinlolugyr, Storhusbandi of the Skota-guild, member of the Sunset Courts, and sadly part of the Smiautskotor. We have much to discuss, not least what my blighted kin are plotting in the north. But first let us celebrate this day of new beginnings, may the Citlalli prosper in decades to come still."

2021-07-31, 12:27 AM

“My most benevolent Pain-dealer.”


“Ahem. Sower of Woe and War.”



The Ruinarch scrambled their limbs as they woke with a start. Their horns twisting as they shook their head in an attempt to decipher the source. Looking up at Tears-With-Comets the cloudy vulture had tucked his wings tightly against his body as he perched himself on a branch hanging overhead. Merlyn had arrived to the quaint isle and decided to engross themselves in the local culture. This mostly amounted to finding a hammock in the area, flipping the current occupant over (plummeting down below), and fortifying it with the snuggly hard body of Ageless-Lion. The decrepit Warbeast had hardly moved an inch when the Ruinarch pushed off of his cuddling unconscious form to address their flying vizier. ”Ah, yes, of course. WE RISE MY FELL FRIEND, RISE TO THE OCCASION OF GLORIOUS GORY INVESTMENT. THE FLEETING SPECKS OF SAND IN THE WINDS OF TIME SHALL BE THE ONLY MARKER OF OUR GRAND DESIGN TODAY WHEN THE ISLES OF DAEZIRN ONCE MORE KNOW THE TERRIBLE TOUCH OF THE RUIN STAR!” Merlyn stood dramatically with one foot propped up higher than the other on Ageless-Lion’s skull, hands thrust to the heavens above, and eyes alight with manic glee. The elderly lion did not stir. Merlyn looked down, confused, and ground their heel in the Woken Heroes head “Hello? That was your cue. RISE!” Nothing “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”

Merlyn turned to the strained rope on the left side of the hammock, pointed a single svelte finger, and a spark erupted from the tip striking the support with a bolt of dark magic. The whole thing unraveled quickly. They began to plummet, the Ruinarch gripping the mane of Ageless-Lion as they did so, and their legs shifted into a riding position as the two icons freefalled through branches and past hanging homes to the confusion of onlookers. “Now I’m free! Free fall-“ WHAMP. Merlyn grunted as they struck the ground with a titanic force of a combined mass of twink elf and hulking dire lion. Ageless-Lion slowly rose on all four of his legs, shaking his head as he looked around ”Whu… where are we? Home?…” He looked up curiously only to find his eye locked with Merlyn’s as they pressed their foreheads together upside down. “Even better! Somewhere you’ve never been before! Neither have I! Probably. I think. We’ve gotten around a lot actually. Nevermind, it’s a party! You love those right? Eating and drinking and sh*tting your hearts delight. Simple pleasures. We just have to get aaaaaaaall the way up there,” Merlyn pointed to the grand central structure at the heart of the brobdignagian tree “So, I repeat, RISE! RISE LIKE THE FLAMES OF UNQUENCHABLE DEATH!”

A kettle of Wyrmtouched Vultures, the royal council of Merlyn that counted Tears-With-Comets as a member, had circled around their fallen leader, and occasionally pecked at the hind legs of Ageless-Lion as he began to climb up. Eventually they enter the hall heralded by the hisses and trumpet fanfare of the mutated host that owed fealty to the young Elf. Merlyn dismounted from Ageless-Lion, their long spine scepter in hand they tap tap tapped it rhythmically as they began to almost effortlessly slide across the ground like it was a frozen lake in mid winter. Bedecked in a fine flowing suit of ash and smoke, it constantly billowed around their form, and it seemed to swirl with starry patterns of flames and the illusions of Kagahara script wafting through the motions. It rose particularly around Merlyn’s shoulders, arching up and over them to cascade down their back like a cape or a smoggy waterfall. Ageless-Lion wore his typical tabard, the purple and black colors swaddled around the terrifying symbol of the Blackguard Beasts that draped over his flank. He stared in a mixture of stoic heroism and drifting age in the distance as Merlyn approached the two women and offered to kiss both their hands.

“I have always admired the spark of the Sentinels who reap a red harvest for the World but it holds no candle to such a ravishing sight as I have found today. Fire suits you both well in every way. I am Merlyn and you are most welcome.” They smiled as they held their arms wide as if to allow basking.

2021-07-31, 01:45 AM
As if in contrast to the boisterous ruinarch, there loomed a woman in white for whom the wind seemed to blow cold even indoors. Her wrinkles showed plainly beneath her veil, but still she radiated - she couldn't not. The dark hair pinned up behind her and the gleaming silver lyre in her hands were her only splashes of color. A few knew of her as the Sage of the Isles, but she was best-known here as a companion to the now-former Tlatolani Eleuia. Sometimes a sort of court musician, sometimes an advisor, and yet there were...other rumors. She did not say a word as Merlyn approached the two women, though she fixed them with a hard gaze behind the veil as she played a relaxed Sangaran tune for formal occasions.

Slowly, her lips curled into a smirk.

2021-07-31, 03:32 AM
Both women returned the Ugglo's polite bow, but it was the younger woman who spoke first.

Welcome Storhusbandi Vinlolugyr to our humble shores. I am Izel, current Tlatoani and with me is the Blessed Queen Mother Eleuia. She was until recentl--

--Dearest Izel, I have no need for such titles in my old age. I am pleased to meet you, honored guest and fellow protector of Daezirn. I wish peace and prosperity to you, and give my sympathy to your strife in Smiarskotor.

Before any more pleasantries could be exchanged, there was a loud crash as an unfamiliar figure burst through the doors. The shattered remains of the fixture splintered and flew across the room. Izel dodged effortlessly as shrapnel flew by her face while Eleuia moved to protect the Ugglo man from the wooden onslaught.

The two women watched as the figure sauntered up to them. Thanks to years of experience, Eleuia knew exactly how to navigate the situation. After locking eyes with the veiled musician, she allowed the faintest sly smile to show. Turning to the mysterious new guest, she gave them polite bow and motioned to Vinlolugyr to follow her across the room making a brief excuse about letting the young ones mingle. Unable to escape, Izel reluctantly allowed her hand to be kissed by the boisterous elf. Steeling her nerves, she did her best to be a gracious host.

It is a... pleasure to make your acquaintance Merlyn, you may call me Tlatoani Izel. I must say that I have never met anyone who could make such a grand entrance as you have. How are you enjoying my beloved isle thus far?

2021-07-31, 10:40 AM
Merlyn’s eyes twinkled ”A pleasure indeed,” The Ruinarch folded their arms back to their sides, a slight shimmy to their sway “I can see why you enjoy it so! I felt as if I could slumber for a thousand years out there in the free waving air. Perilously dangling over such heights heedless of the small bit of craftsmanship between me and plummeting DOOM. What a titillating contradiction of hair raising danger and languid lavishing rustic luxury.”

Merlyn rubbed their chin in contemplation, glancing up with squinting eyes, and then softly rolling them down to level with Izel “Though I’ve yet to taste the supple juicy bounty of local fruits.”

Ageless-Lion slowly stirred from his stance. His eyes drifting across the hall, observing the fine drapery, and occasionally picking up a treat with his mouth and swallowing it whole as he sauntered. Stopping not too far from the strange cold woman he sniffed the air once. Twice. ”You smell like… Home.” The wizened warrior’s flaring nostrils dripped from the powerful draft of his inhalation and his breath reeked of death yet still he swayed his mane to the tune ”And this song… I… remember it. Like a distant memory of my Daughter. Prenadi would play it for me on long nights. The… “Pledge on the River” she called it. Thank you.”

2021-07-31, 05:58 PM
Without missing a beat, Izel moved to a table behind her and picked something from a bowl in front of her. She then turned her attention back to the Ruinarch, a smile on her face, and held out a ripe, reddish-gold fruit for them to take.

It is a shame you haven't had the chance. Here, I have selected the sweetest one I could find. I will also admit that I have never heard anyone else appreciate the delicate balance of soft relaxation and dangerous exhilaration that a nap on Mixtli brings. Most like to forget how close to death they are when so high up, but I find it thrilling. While many buy our silky hammocks to use at home, there is no experience quite like a sleep high above the forest floor.

2021-08-01, 12:05 PM
Merlyn held the fruit in their free hand, curiously rotating it between their fingers, and slowly dragged their pointer finger against the length of their chin. A smoke column slowly rose from the tip, coalescing quickly in the process, and forming an obsidian claw as polished as it was sharp. Sticking the newly fabricated edge into the fruit's base as Izel talked, Merlyn split it in twain with a single stroke. Maintaining eye contact they scooped the pit of the fruit out with their tongue, running it down the length of sweet flesh, and to the blossom end. Merlyn took a bite, sinking their subtly sharpening teeth into the shoulders and cheeks, and smiling as the fluid flowed down their red lips.

"Delicious," The Ruinarch cleaned their lips with a grin that sizzled and evaporated the remaining juice "You should try flying if you find hanging so enthralling. I'd love to show you the heights of Caler Myrffdin sometime." Merlyn reached behind Izel's ear, providing the previously discarded pit with a flourish of their hand, and cradled it in their palm for her like some fine treasure or relic. It began to crack and peel. The hard stony pit unfurling its once rigid and defined constitution into a blooming flower of fiery swirling embers. As it softly collapsed and imploded on itself into a pile of dull ash in the Ruinarch's hand Merlyn spoke "A little death is always close to me at heart. Things are not beautiful because they last. In fact, such fragility makes one appreciate the time given. Life is so fleeting and fickle but Death is a constant companion."

2021-08-01, 03:20 PM
Ageless-Lion slowly stirred from his stance. His eyes drifting across the hall, observing the fine drapery, and occasionally picking up a treat with his mouth and swallowing it whole as he sauntered. Stopping not too far from the strange cold woman he sniffed the air once. Twice. ”You smell like… Home.” The wizened warrior’s flaring nostrils dripped from the powerful draft of his inhalation and his breath reeked of death yet still he swayed his mane to the tune ”And this song… I… remember it. Like a distant memory of my Daughter. Prenadi would play it for me on long nights. The… “Pledge on the River” she called it. Thank you.”

She turned her head to the Lion as if in a Dream, her feet gliding over the ground soundlessly as she shifted her seating. She didn't miss a note. "There's a name I haven't heard in a long time, Ancient One. Prenadi was an adventurer of my youth, and now I am very old...but my people have always made our Pledges upon the River, and this particular tune is a happy memory indeed. I felt it a good omen for the Young Mistress' first court." She didn't rankle at the smell of the Lion's breath - she was the very image of poise and endurance. She smiled genuinely to the Woken. "I am glad to have brought you a bit of joy, in your long life."

2021-08-01, 03:26 PM
Many guests were watching the woman in white as she gracefully played a tune on her lyre, but none noticed the soft bundle that curled around her feet. Normally, Icnoyotl adored being the center of attention and getting all of the scritches his little foxy heart desired, but today he was happy to snooze at the feet of his mistress' dearest. That is, until he felt an uncomfortable shiver and awoke grumpily. Slowly and lazily he opened one eye, scanning the room for the source of the ominous chill until he noticed the cloudy figure looming about his mistress' kit. He watched as the figure reached closely to pull something from the woman's hair and froze when he saw the look of shock on her face. The kit needed him!

Icnoyotl dashed across the room, expertly weaving between the feet of guests until he reached his goal. Swiftly and nimbly, he jumped into the kit's arms in an attempt to break her trance. He settled into her soft embrace and turned to glare at the figure in warning, Don't you dare get so close! the fox yipped at Merlyn.

2021-08-01, 11:51 PM
There is some bustle and low conversation from the hanging walkway outside, as one of the Citlalli guides shows four Vygra into the meeting room. The first walks with the confident stride and honed physique of an experienced warrior. Twenty-three hands tall, a mass of pale white hair cascades around her equally colorless face and past her waist, seeming to flow and drift around her on a silent breeze unfelt by those nearby. Behind her, and a couple hands shorter, are a pair of young Bora, nearly identical in stature to each other with clear familial resemblance. Both are possessed of dark skin, earthy brown hair pulled back in lock braids, shoulders and heads studded in glittering crystals of lapis and jade that match their eyes. At the rear is the shortest of the four, barely taller than most humans is a woman as dark as the first was pale. Charcoal gray skin is broken by glowing red-orange tracks streaked from her bright eyes down her face, neck, and chest, and the air around her is notably warmer.

The ra approach the young Citlalli woman wearing the circlet, waiting a for a break in the conversation for her attention. Their leader spreads her arms to the sides as she dips at the knees in greeting. The others follow the gesture as they are introduced, though the arms of the two Bora are taken up by cloth bundles. "We bring to you the greetings of the Vygra Confluence. I am Matji Bulandi," the Ahra begins. "We bring gifts of our people in thanks for your hospitality, and goodwill to your people."

The two behind her unwrap their bundles to show burnished bronze dishes - wide basins, pitchers, and rounded cups - as well as bracelets and necklaces of a style similar to what they wear themselves. Bulandi continues, "These are my daughters, Kamali and Nepira. And this," she gestures to the woman in the back, "is Demuri, the Weeping Fire, champion of the Confluence."

Matji Bulandi - Ahra, mid 40s
Kamali and Nepira - Boras, mid 20s, Matji Bulandi's daughters

Demuri, the Weeping Fire - Efra, early 40s, Confluence Champion

2021-08-02, 12:23 PM
Ageless-Lion nodded his head ”Yes stranger, it is a kindness I cherish. Such things are not common on the road of a warrior,” He closed his eye, claws folded one atop the other “Can you see it?” He waited for a moment “The illusion of youth?"

Merlyn looked down curiously at the Fox, smirking as they wagged an ash-stained finger, and snickered "Well aren't you a Brave Soul. I can see in your eyes Little Woken Warrior that your death shall be glorious. May I?" Merlyn held out their arms and looked sincerely to Izel with wide red eyes, fingers uncurling to take and pet the protective combative fox while the Vygra approached and made their pleasantries.

2021-08-02, 01:11 PM
Both women returned the Ugglo's polite bow, but it was the younger woman who spoke first.

Welcome Storhusbandi Vinlolugyr to our humble shores. I am Izel, current Tlatoani and with me is the Blessed Queen Mother Eleuia. She was until recentl--

--Dearest Izel, I have no need for such titles in my old age. I am pleased to meet you, honored guest and fellow protector of Daezirn. I wish peace and prosperity to you, and give my sympathy to your strife in Smiarskotor.

Before any more pleasantries could be exchanged, there was a loud crash as an unfamiliar figure burst through the doors. The shattered remains of the fixture splintered and flew across the room. Izel dodged effortlessly as shrapnel flew by her face while Eleuia moved to protect the Ugglo man from the wooden onslaught.

The two women watched as the figure sauntered up to them. Thanks to years of experience, Eleuia knew exactly how to navigate the situation. After locking eyes with the veiled musician, she allowed the faintest sly smile to show. Turning to the mysterious new guest, she gave them polite bow and motioned to Vinlolugyr to follow her across the room making a brief excuse about letting the young ones mingle. Unable to escape, Izel reluctantly allowed her hand to be kissed by the boisterous elf. Steeling her nerves, she did her best to be a gracious host.

It is a... pleasure to make your acquaintance Merlyn, you may call me Tlatoani Izel. I must say that I have never met anyone who could make such a grand entrance as you have. How are you enjoying my beloved isle thus far?

Wincing at the loud crash Vinolygur jerked his head in the sound’s direction. Only for Eleuia to step in the way, shielding him from the splinters. At least the pleasantries were said before madness entered this time. No place like the Yejornor it seemed. Without a second thought he followed the former Tlatoani away from the commotion, letting blissful music fill his ears instead of the younglings’ ramblings.
“Time moves quickly these days, too fast to even open doors for some it seems. Your sympathy is most appreciated, but it might not be enough. You have survived longer than I and so I wonder are our Isles becoming more unruly as time passes or am I simply to blinded by troubles at home to see the peace of my neighbours?”
Stuck in his own thoughts he continued to mumble a few moments before seemingly finding his stride again. Feeling a twang of panic, as he had forgotten which direction they were walking in while thinking, he spun his head around, only to find Eleuia right next to him.

2021-08-03, 01:26 AM
Upon seeing Merlyn's outstretch hands, the fox squirmed in the young Tlatoani's arms in an attempt to lunge. Barely managing to slip through her fingers, Icnoyotl manages to bite the Ruinarch's hand, hanging from it by his teeth.

"Icnoyotl no! They are a guest not prey! Let go! Oh no! I'm so sorry!"

Eyes wide in horror, Izel rushed to pick up the naughty fox and release her guest from the bite. She held the angry fox like a baby and scolded him until his ears bent in shame. Once satisfied, she smiled and began to stroke his head. Icnoyotl was visibly conflicted. He was both pleased to receive the young woman's attention and ashamed at inability to drive away the overly familiar one.

"Please forgive me, Icnoyotl can be overprotective and hostile to strangers. I should have held on to him better. Perhaps he will be kinder the next time we meet?"

After taking a moment to compose herself, Izel turned to the group of ra that had just arrived. She smiled and returned their gesture before pausing to admire their generous gifts.

"I am Izel, Tlatoani and keeper of these isles. It is my pleasure to meet you. I am grateful that you were able to attend. I hope your travels were comfortable?"

2021-08-03, 08:11 PM
On the Island of Mixtli, hidden among the deep green canopy of the forest resides the newly founded city of Cuauhnahuac. A web of rope bridges connect the many rounded huts that wrap around the ancient trunks. Colorful hammocks expertly woven from soft Nagaran silk hang scattered among the branches, painting the colorful city with a sleepy calm aura. At the center of the City, a grand collection of tree houses wrap around an impossibly large tree. Its branches hold multiple small hanging huts while its trunk supports a grand structure that is clearly the heart of Cuauhnahuac.

Soon this grand structure would welcome guests from near and far. Vibrant silks drape from the ceiling, many tables hold delectable treats, and a heavy quiet hangs in the lonely room. The only sound comes from the soft footsteps of a young woman as she paces the floor in anticipation. Her footsteps stop as another, older woman enters the room.

The older woman gives a kind smile, eyes sparkling with energy despite being surrounded by a wrinkled face. "The first guests will arrive soon. Are you ready to receive them, Izel?"

After a short hesitation, the young woman adjusts the circlet atop her head, fingers brushing the glass centerpiece that glows warm with the flame it holds. "I think so. I have been waiting for this day for years. For the chance to welcome visitors from far and wide and show them the prosperity you have brought. One that is now mine to nurture."

The two women stand regally side by side, ready to greet the people that start to wander into the room.

A young man with bronzed skin and grey eyes stumbled gracelessly into the room, flinching as he tried desperately not to bump into any of the other dignitaries.

"Asha! I TOLD you I'm not scared to meet my betrothed! You didn't have to push! I was heading here on my own, anyway!" He looked indignant and did what he could to muster the last of his dignity. A young woman who resembled him more than a little followed him in, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Heading here, were you? Then why had you hiding in our rooms for the last hour? And why are your hands shaking so much?" She smirked at his look of discomfort.

"They are not!" He hissed and stuck his hands into the pocket of the soft blue tunic he wore.

"Stop teasing me and tell me how I look." His face begged for mercy and Asha's demeanor softened in the face of her twin's anxiety.

"As handsome as our father, how many times do I have to tell you?" She tugged on the long single braid she had plaited his hair into.

"She's going to love you... eventually." She bit her lip, keenly aware of her own impending arranged marriage.

"Now go on, off to win her heart and all that!" She gave him a forceful shove towards where the two hosts were greeting their guests.

He managed to catch himself before he tumbled and turned the awkward motion into a deep bow.

"G...greetings y..your Graces. I am Reza, prince of the Holy Uldran Empire. I have come to meet my betrothed, the Princess Izel." He straightened, his normally over-confidant swagger reduced to shyness as his pale eyes met his future wife's.

"I am glad to have this chance to come to know you, Your Grace." His cheeks pinkened and he wiped his sweaty palms on the insides of his pocket again, his heart hammering wildly in his chest as he awaited her reply.

2021-08-03, 08:35 PM
Merlyn eagerly dipped their hand forward, the fingers bent like a player sliding expertly into their first base, and found the mark of Icnoyotl’s teeth. Cackling as the Fox dug in, Merlyn tugged their hand in tandem with the beast, and waved it excitedly when Izel had pried it free. The Ruinarch lapped at their gashed hand with a playful tongue that half of those who observed the incident could swear forked inexplicably at points in time. Two sharp pronounced canines gleaming in the light. Pearlescent pointed stars. Merlyn’s hand bubbled and blackened where the wounds lay, the monstrously durable magics of the Wyrm reconstituting nothingness with rotting flesh, and with a flush of Wyrmfire beneath the skin bled into the pale flesh of the Wyrmsorcerers hand. What was once scarred now whole, fresh, and softly smelling of burnt candle wax now swiftly sealed.

”Oh good show, good show! That felt wonderful. Your Icnoyotl has an exquisite fang.”

Merlyn leaned casually upon a nearby table, one hand pressed flushed against the wood, rhythmically tapping lightly clawed fingers in a jolly tune, and the other grasping for fruit. Dully discarding those that did not match the same splendor as the one Izel had offered them. Playing with one in hand, the Ruinarch raised an eyebrow as they observed Reza, and began to chew on the fruit “Oh how cute. And betrothed? Presumptuously bold. What a sweet treat.” The Blood Elf Wizard took another bite.

2021-08-04, 11:32 PM
Wincing at the loud crash Vinolygur jerked his head in the sound’s direction. Only for Eleuia to step in the way, shielding him from the splinters. At least the pleasantries were said before madness entered this time. No place like the Yejornor it seemed. Without a second thought he followed the former Tlatoani away from the commotion, letting blissful music fill his ears instead of the younglings’ ramblings.
“Time moves quickly these days, too fast to even open doors for some it seems. Your sympathy is most appreciated, but it might not be enough. You have survived longer than I and so I wonder are our Isles becoming more unruly as time passes or am I simply to blinded by troubles at home to see the peace of my neighbours?”
Stuck in his own thoughts he continued to mumble a few moments before seemingly finding his stride again. Feeling a twang of panic, as he had forgotten which direction they were walking in while thinking, he spun his head around, only to find Eleuia right next to him.

Eleuia watched as Vinolygur trailed off into his own thoughts as he walked. He would have run into her had she not been paying attention.

"You seem very plagued by the happenings on Smiautskotor and that is a worry I understand. In my many years, I have noticed the Isles mirror the sea that surrounds them. Just as the moon guides the tides to shift between tempest and calm, so do those who rule the Isles. With that in mind, I have found Smiautskotor in particular to have continued on an unruly path ever since the days of the Daezirn Integrity Cult. It is a shame to see it unfold."

As Eleuia spoke, she found her eyes drifting towards the source of the music and noticing the woman's conversation with Ageless-Lion. She knew well the warmth of the woman in white's kindness and was consent to see the weary hero appreciate it.

2021-08-04, 11:54 PM
Izel felt overwhelmed. Despite being territorial, Icnoyotl rarely bit anyone, especially not strangers. Was this one a threat? No, she didn't feel any malicious intent coming from them. But even stranger was their delight at having been bitten. She did not get another moment to ponder this thought when she noticed a young man walk up and refer to her as his betrothed princess. When did that happen? Who agreed to that? In her confusion, she had not noticed the pink that had flushed her cheeks.

"Betrothed?" she managed to say finally, "When did? Who did? You said your name was Reza? I mean I am not married yet, so betrothal could be---?"

Izel was at a loss for words and so she clammed up. Yes, many of her fellow apprentices had developed relationships with others their age, but she had spent so much time training and studying that she did not know what to think. And then it dawned on her, had the Ruinarch been flirting with her?!!!

2021-08-05, 12:41 AM
Ageless-Lion nodded his head ”Yes stranger, it is a kindness I cherish. Such things are not common on the road of a warrior,” He closed his eye, claws folded one atop the other “Can you see it?” He waited for a moment “The illusion of youth?".

The woman in white's face softened, and she peered strangely at the Old Lion's split visage. "It may sound strange, but my last years here have been the youngest I've felt since the beginning of my life." She strummed absently, lost in thought. "I do not think it illusory. Are you so jaded?"

2021-08-05, 12:53 AM
Izel felt overwhelmed. Despite being territorial, Icnoyotl rarely bit anyone, especially not strangers. Was this one a threat? No, she didn't feel any malicious intent coming from them. But even stranger was their delight at having been bitten. She did not get another moment to ponder this thought when she noticed a young man walk up and refer to her as his betrothed princess. When did that happen? Who agreed to that? In her confusion, she had not noticed the pink that had flushed her cheeks.

"Betrothed?" she managed to say finally, "When did? Who did? You said your name was Reza? I mean I am not married yet, so betrothal could be---?"

Izel was at a loss for words and so she clammed up. Yes, many of her fellow apprentices had developed relationships with others their age, but she had spent so much time training and studying that she did not know what to think. And then it dawned on her, had the Ruinarch been flirting with her?!!!

Reza's face froze in an embarrassed grimace.

"You... you mean, nobody told you?" He rubbed the back of his neck. A slender hand reached out and grabbed the young man by the back of his tunic and a woman appeared in his place. She was wearing a flowing silk robe in white and silver and wore an ivory circlet carved with the phases of the moon around it.

"Forgive my son and presumptuousness of his youth." The woman bowed her head in apology.

"I am Elu, Empress of the Holy Uldran Empire. I am afraid there's been a misunderstanding. You see, I merely mentioned the lovely Izel as a most fortuitous potential match for Reza, and it seems my son misconstrued the wish as fact." She glanced at her daughter knowingly.

"Not without the influence of his sister, I would wager." Her voice was dry, as if used to dealing with the exploits of her twins.

"For...forgive me, Princess! I truly thought it be my destiny to wed you, and live here in the Daezirn isles with you, and fall in love with you..." His voice trailed off as he realized what he'd said and his face turned red.

"That being said, perhaps his... over eagerness might be put to use to our benefit. I do indeed wish to unify our people via bloodline, along with faith. Despite appearances to the contrary, my son is quite accomplished and well, he means well." She sighed, though she couldn't keep the look of amused forbearance off of her face. It was obvious she loved her children despite their shenanigans.

"Perhaps he might spend some time in the isles with the purpose of deciding whether it would be a good match after all, if the idea suits you?" She proposed reasonably as Asha tried desperately to stifle her giggles at her brother's expense.

2021-08-05, 06:03 PM
Merlyn finished chewing on the reddish-orange fruit, nothing left of it save the perfectly skinned peeling cupped in the palm of their hands, and they licked their lips then smiled like a cat. Two long pointed fingers walked their way across the table, slowly cranking the Ruinarch down lower, lower, lower, and they laid on the table with their elbow bent at the crook and supported their tilted head with a softly curled hand.

”Oh, how sweet,” They drolly deeted ”You could marry this soft, adorable, and delectable Prince. Or you could marry a Horned King. Merlyn winked at Reza. They uncurled their fingers around the nectarine skin, smoke filling its cavity to bend it into the shape of the land, and it smoldered into vibrant iridescent imagery as the Ruinarch spoke.

“I offer you a dowry of access to the greatest Empire in Mamut. I can show you the world I know. Vibrant, virulent, voluptuous. Tell me Tlatoani when did you last see the heavens collide. I can open your eyes, grant you spies without number. All across a new continent on an unfettered ride. An unseen world, a whole new vivid violent view. No one to tell you no, or where to go, and walk between dreams.” Merlyn intoned in a playful tune as the last of the fruit skin sizzled to ash and they wiped it over their hands like finely crafted gloves.

“Your merchants will have greater access to untold resources and your diplomats with open arms and hospice in every corner. But more than that our many children shall be more than mortal. We could stand together taller than the Mountains and touch the stars with our fingers like snow in the clouds.”

They swiveled their hips in one swoop to sit upright and shrug their shoulders.
“Or both of us, if you wish. I court many loves and I do not jealously begrudge my partners to act differently.”

2021-08-06, 12:04 AM
Eleuia watched as Vinolygur trailed off into his own thoughts as he walked. He would have run into her had she not been paying attention.

"You seem very plagued by the happenings on Smiautskotor and that is a worry I understand. In my many years, I have noticed the Isles mirror the sea that surrounds them. Just as the moon guides the tides to shift between tempest and calm, so do those who rule the Isles. With that in mind, I have found Smiautskotor in particular to have continued on an unruly path ever since the days of the Daezirn Integrity Cult. It is a shame to see it unfold."

As Eleuia spoke, she found her eyes drifting towards the source of the music and noticing the woman's conversation with Ageless-Lion. She knew well the warmth of the woman in white's kindness and was consent to see the weary hero appreciate it.

"Hmmm?" The subtext of the Euadanite ruler's words were not lost in Vinolygur, yet they were also true. He had failed to turn the tide for his kin, unable to ride through the storms of madness, while the other Queendoms managed to prosper.

"Perhaps you are right. It was not I that subdued the remenants of the Integrity Cult, or defeated the blight and I have been awash the currents ever since, unable to steer.
Perhaps a steadier hand would be more succesful were I failed. Many Smiaurskoror are indeed unruly and running wild. Subjugating them will be hard, implementing commandments even more so.
Perhaps it is time to call in old favours and save what sanity remains. Letting the storms get broken by the hard rocks at shore instead."

While Vinolygur talked he continued to drift towards the woman and her blessful music, stepping further away from the quarrels behind him. They seemed to have multiplied if not in volume at least in numbers now. Recognizing Matji Bulandi from the Conclave all those years ago he waved, hoping to save the woman from the cacophony of youth.

2021-08-06, 12:22 AM
The woman in white's face softened, and she peered strangely at the Old Lion's split visage. "It may sound strange, but my last years here have been the youngest I've felt since the beginning of my life." She strummed absently, lost in thought. "I do not think it illusory. Are you so jaded?"

”Hrrn?” Ageless-Lion coifed his mane with a turn of the neck, now humming along deeply with the tune “Jaded I am, so worn by Quests and adversity, yet I don’t speak from such. Your words are the same as mine. It is illusory. We change and are reborn many times. The skin is temporary. I feel now as I do three hundred years old the way I did when I was three years of age. With a cave to call my own and a Pride to walk amongst. Little people worry about time and accomplishing things within some years. But there is no schedule to life. I do not think there is even much of a purpose. That we can all just go from one little happy obsession to the next until we die.”

2021-08-06, 01:17 AM
”Hrrn?” Ageless-Lion coifed his mane with a turn of the neck, now humming along deeply with the tune “Jaded I am, so worn by Quests and adversity, yet I don’t speak from such. Your words are the same as mine. It is illusory. We change and are reborn many times. The skin is temporary. I feel now as I do three hundred years old the way I did when I was three years of age. With a cave to call my own and a Pride to walk amongst. Little people worry about time and accomplishing things within some years. But there is no schedule to life. I do not think there is even much of a purpose. That we can all just go from one little happy obsession to the next until we die.”

"You speak not falsely," she admitted with a outline of a smile showing through the veil, "but there is nothing so wrong with happy little obsessions. Some of us call those Love." The notes swelled, and then faded as the piece came to its end, the river washed out to sea. A chill swept through the air as she threw Izel a glance, the air in the room stirring at her thought no less powerfully than when she played the lyre. "And Love...well, to me, Love is the purpose, in all its myriad forms."

She played the opening notes of her next piece, an adaptation for the lyre of a Kiswan epic poem, recounting the story of Rosie MacGill standing against a great evil that sought to tempt her, striking her at her heart but victorious in her defiance. "Love of another, love of music, love of the Moon in the sky all. And when death does come, those loves are not regretted."

2021-08-06, 03:09 AM
Ale hopped in her step, abruptly stopping the movements once she arrived at the doorstep. Her cheerful mood was being disrupted by what seemed to be quite a mess going on inside of the halls. She specifically was a merchant, a merchant princess (or so she intended to be), well connected with many of the others up in northern mamut and in the hydran empire both. Night Elves rarely came this far north, and her pen pal Vekha told her this was a prime opportunity to get in with some Daezrin and Mamut elite. Or at least to pick out the finest things and bring them back home.

And maybe find a fair suitor, too. Not coming home with something worthy of dragging the hydran navy with her crew wouldn't be a problem if she never came back home. Sure, the attendance and records of the meeting would suffice, but if she didn't make this more than that she'd likely not get another chance.

Silent as a mouse, she found her way to the buffet, sampling the items. The royals were having quite a good time. This was the fabled 'Merlyn' she'd heard so much about. The Royal Dolod was near the entrance, content to observe, and with some of the other night elves murking about at the grand opening.

2021-08-07, 06:37 PM
The first diplomatic event since the betrayal of one of their own was not something to take lightly, and the Avicennian attendants paid extra attention to smoothing their coats and brightening their moss cultures to distinctively separate from the infamous ragged appearance of Amka. The attendants arrive in a pale wooden skiff, carrying baskets of goods comfortably along the trails to Cuauhnahuac, paths so similar to their own trails on the home islands.

Tana Brightshine waits until Izel has disengaged from her latest odd suitor to approach. "Though not an offer of marriage, I hope you enjoy these gifts of carvings and edibles."

A glowing purple and blue arm extends a basket, packed neatly with containers of dried seaweed, tea collected from exotic plants, and broaches and hairpins made of carved bone inset with glowing veins.

"Though we have drifted in recent years, may the friendship between Avicennia and Citlallo continue."

Nora, a young female Avicennian draped in cinder-gray fur, and her brother Kril (whose coat is much less vibrant in her personal opinion thank you very much), have meanwhile approached Mother Eleuia, extending a similar basket of gifts.

"Greetings, my lady. I am Nora and this is Kril. We understood that you requested the use of translators for guests of distant shores? How may we be of service?"

2021-08-08, 02:37 PM
It had been Aaagees since Koupmadur had docked anywhere even remotely fun. Despite having sailed around the world people never seemed to throw parties anymore. Always Blight that, Eidolons this, cults here, Mockeries there. Never time to let loose. Except now.

Donning his finest garbs the Ugglo entered the hall on swaying sea legs, having done his best to freshen up. The clothes were soaked in honey and barely even smelled of salted fish anymore. He was quite proud of himself for that particular trick. Not letting a moment go wasted he immediately found the most important part of the festivities; fresh food. Strutting over, he did his level best of seeming very busy, lest someone question why he was here.

Collecting a sizeable plate he began to mingle, trying to avoid anyone that seemed too sure of themselves and keeping an eye on the exit. Spotting an elf he smiled to himself, this would be easy. Walking over to Ale and putting on his finest Kiswan accent the ruse began.

"Oh my! I have not seen anyone quite like you since the Conclave, you must have travelled far indeed, impressive! How are you finding our Isles so far?
Wait! I do believe I am forgetting myself. My name is Koupmadur of the Smiaurskotor, may you allow me to be your guide for the event? So that I might repay you for my rudeness, I cannot fathom were my manners went. Please do allow me to right this slight"