View Full Version : What? The World Needs Saving AGAIN!? IC Thread 11

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2021-07-30, 01:38 PM
Jade’s funeral was presided over by a purple-haired cleric of Helm, who opened with the story of how they’d met. He was being chased by wolves and she leapt out and started stabbing them. She thanked him for being bait, she’d been hunting the wolves for a few days.
Their adventures were long, but she had been the heart if the team, who genuinely wanted to be there.

The will-reading then came.

"Her magic swords, Dindød and Kilith, along with her magic armor, Shac’r Duun Den, and her magic Buckler, Condom, are to go to the first wandering band of violent homeless people the town comes across. Her bag of holding, Sacky, shall go to Lady Xelphilia Moonfire. Finally, all of her funds are to go to the town of New Loudwater, so that it may grow into a peaceful and prosperous town." He cried a bit. "I’ll miss you, you annoying little goblin."
He cleared his throat. "She was cremated, and will be planted along with a seed."
That was done in permafrost, an evergreen tree planted to stand in the cold.
"She always said her green skin would blend in with the snow... now her green leaves may do the same. You may approach the sapling and say your good-byes."

And THREAD TWO OH GODS (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?612061-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-2&p=24501498#post24501498)

THERE ARE THREE THREADS NOW WHAT IS HAPPENING (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?613570-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-3&p=24545820#post24545820)

FOUR THREAD. FOUR THREADS. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?614790-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-4&p=24583080#post24583080)

There are five threads now. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?616703-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-5&p=24638057#post24638057)

Of the threads. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?618658-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-6)

Have you ever seen a game last seven threads? (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?620811-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-7&p=24760892#post24760892)

Has any other game on this site gone to eight threads? Ever? (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?626015-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-8&p=24899084#post24899084)

We ARE Giant in the Playground (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?630047-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-9&p=25007178#post25007178)

There are ten now (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?632878-What-The-World-needs-saving-AGAIN-IC-Thread-10&p=25083873#post25083873)

Eleventh and Final Thread. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?634643-What-The-World-Needs-Saving-AGAIN!-IC-Thread-11&p=25143822#post25143822)

2021-07-30, 02:16 PM
Sirthis didn't really feel the need to pay his goodbyes since he could just hop planes to where Jade was, but nonetheless strode forward, picking up a small rock which he Stoneshaped into her name (wrote in common) laying it in front of the tree.
"Me, Goccia and Pioggia will miss you, Teach. See you soon" he murmured, backing off.
Eris stood awkwardly on the side, feeling too conscious about killing her to say goodbye in front of her friends.

2021-07-30, 03:01 PM
The funeral soon included a band that sang about Jade and her party (the Dragons of Loudwater) taking on Morhail as he attempted to destroy Neverwinter.

And then it concluded, allowing them all to go home.

Sorry it wasn't a spectacle, but Jade didn't want her death to be a big deal. Back to speeding through time? Holly's birth?

2021-07-30, 03:20 PM
I think Sirthis' homunculus will be born before that.

Eris' too maybe? She's gonna try becoming a wizard basically a week after the Stelus' duel.

I don't remember what else we had in store.

2021-07-30, 03:21 PM
Okay give me... five wizard checks from Eris.

As for Sirthis... make your homunculus.

2021-07-30, 05:21 PM
I think Eris will turn her fighter levels into wizard levels. Training with training, you know? Malyanna's wrong on being all uppity about wizarding.


Sirthis meanwhile was in his room, churning into a bowl aided by Vomiting. Which was mostly just scene because he could just Wish without doing the one hour casting for Create Homunculus.

At the end, a small humanoid creature made out of intertwined rose stalks, with thorns for teeth and roses for eyes (they closed and opened whenever the homunculus blinked) stood into the bowl.
"Think I'll call you... Hedge"

2021-07-30, 05:23 PM
Hedge blinked its eyes on its stem eyestalks. "What... what am I?" It asked.

What 2 Languages does Hedge soeak?

2021-07-30, 07:15 PM
"You're my homunculus and Envoy of the Pet Army" Sirthis replied with a smile, carefully stroking its head "In other words, we'll be the bestest of friends. I'm Sirthis Elvaninn the Fool, your creator" he presented himself.

I think the obvious choices would be Sylvan and Common.

Also uh, Eris failed all her checks. She doesn't wanna be a wizard. Wizards suck!

2021-07-30, 07:18 PM
Don’t tell about your private time!

"Envoy... ah! An important position! I will require a scepter befitting my station!" Hedge said.

2021-07-30, 07:24 PM
"How about..." Sirthis showed Hedge the Continual Flames Scepter "This? Stole it from a Great Wyrm, you know? I can see if I can resize it if it's too big" he was holding it by one of the flaming parts to show that it didn't actually hurt.

2021-07-30, 07:58 PM
Hedge picked it up and waved it around. "Haha, yes! I am now Envoy!"

2021-07-30, 08:18 PM
Sirthis smiled and stood.
"Let me show you your home- especially my family" he said, eager to show Hedge to his kids.
"Oh, and this is Chocolate. He's my Left Hand" he showed the butterdragon.

List of all titles:

Sirthis: Fool, General of the Pet Army
Briar: Right Hand, Commander of the Pet Army
Chocolate: Left Hand, Spymaster of the Pet Army
Hedge: Mouth (?), Envoy of the Pet Army

2021-07-30, 08:33 PM
"Greetings, Leftie!" The plant said.
Mab had set up a playroom for the kids separate from the flower room because of how often they needed to clear the kids out. There were block puzzles, dolls, and big stuffed animals.

"Come to Mommy, Alifa!" Mab was saying. Alifa was on her hands and knees, but instead of crawling she started bouncing in place, not making any forward progress.
"Good! That’s it!" Boots put down her half of the big stuffed bear and ran up to Sirthis.

"Lala! Lala! New dolly!" She reached up for Hedge.

2021-07-30, 08:50 PM
"Heeeey! Not a dolly" Sirthis knelt so that Boots could reach for Hedge, who could just fly away if it wanted to "Meet Hedge. Hedge, these are my wife Mab and our daughters, Clephesia and Alifa. Clephesia's the older one but we call her Boots" he presented them and hugged his daughter, meanwhile watching the progress of the younger sister. Or lack of.

2021-07-30, 09:03 PM
Boots hugged Hedge tight.

Mab put one of the blocks in front of Alifa. Sge reached for it but Mab pulled it out of reach. Slapping the ground and squirming, Alifa chased the block and grabbed it, slobbering all over it. "Good girl!"

2021-07-30, 09:12 PM
Sirthis clapped happily "Very good Alifa! Boots, I think you're hugging Hedge a little too thight" he suggested hearing the strangled sound "Consider him only a little tougher then a cat"

Eris' Homunculus will run around with a tiny spear and shield hunting mice and small birds down, I tell you. Maybe trying to ride Tor.

Aaaaanyway... Kfowoap yeah.

2021-07-30, 09:24 PM
"Come play!" Boots passed Hedge and Sirthis each a stuffed animal and had the bear walk up to them.
"Hi-hi!" Boots as Bear said. "Jump!" And she threw her bear in the air.

"Now can you reach this one?" Mab grabbed the closest thing – another block. Alifa lunged forward and grabbed it with her other hand.

"Good!" Mab put the block box with the different block shapes in it in front of her next.
"Mama!" Boots called.
"Yes, Boots?"
"Look! High!" Boots threw the bear again.
"That’s very high, Boots. Can you-"
Mab stopped when she heard wood slap on wood a few times, then stop as the triangle block slid into the right spot and rattled inside the box. Alifa lifted the star block and, after a few tries, got it into the box as well through its hole.
"...Alifa, good job!" Mab scooped up the other blocks and put them next to her.

2021-07-31, 05:45 AM
Sirthis clapped with his stuffed animal -a giant fly- mimicking the sound of claps with his voice, then falling into... After a brief thought he used Dahlia's voice as his fake animal one.
"Great job Alifa! Very high Boots!" He said holding the doll in front of himself to cover the moving mouth, buzzing along.

2021-07-31, 07:53 AM
"I am also impressed," Hedge said not doing a voice.
Alifa picked up another block and started gumming it.
"Oh, that's fine Alifa. Very good job." Mab started giving Alifa kiss after kiss on her cheeks.
Alifa kept gumming her block for awhile. Aerthis and Calis came in after not too long, looking for him. Relliss joined them as well.

Sirthis played with his family all day, carrying the kids around, doing voices as stuffed animals, helping Alifa with the block puzzle, and kissing Boots's boo-boos whenever she made up an injury to get more kisses.
"Lala, me nose gone!"
kiss kiss
"All better!"

Alright! Anything before Holly's birth? If not, give me ten Wizard checks from Eris.

2021-07-31, 08:22 AM

2021-07-31, 08:28 AM
Another birth came, and this time Buy was able to come for it. Minthe had Sirthis hold Phrixia's hand and after a pretty normal birth Phrixia was holding a lovely baby, pale even against her pink skin.
"Oh, look at them!" the exhausted mother said, giving Holly their first kiss on the head despite their crying.
"Sirthis, say hello!"

2021-07-31, 08:53 AM
"Hi, Holly" Sirthis smiled and knelt, putting his hands on Phrixia's and kissing Holly's cheek "Welcome to the world" then he started to sing the birth song (rearranged for them).

Performance! [roll0] adv. [roll1] Lucky [roll2]

Peerless Skill [roll3]

2021-07-31, 09:00 AM
Holly cried until Phrixia passed them into Sirthis's arms. They stopped after a bit, their eyes closed while they listened to Sirthis's singing. Then they fell asleep.

2021-07-31, 09:24 AM
"They're so adorable" Sirthis whispered to Phrixia, gently rocking Holly in his arms as the baby slept.
"Love you, Holly" he gave them another kiss, though letting Holly sleep in peace afterwards.

2021-07-31, 09:30 AM
Phrixia picked them up again and laid back on her bed of flowers. "Let Mommy know when you're hungry?" She asked Holly.

Buy was soon brought to the playroom where all of Sirthis's kids listened to Mab read them a story. Sirthis was holding Alifa.

"But only a moment, because all about her, shining in the dark, she saw the glow of hundreds of eyes, feline eyes glimmering in the dark. Suddenly about her lanterns flared to light and the girl saw she was no longer in a wood at all. Here, she saw a grand ballroom, festively decorated and filled to the brim with cats. Big cats, small ones, old cats, young ones, cats of every breed and color, and in the center of the great hall upon a stage stood the girl's feline guide. Only now, she was dressed in very fine robes, and upon her head sat a thin golden crown of wrought golden leaves.

The girl stood in wonder and amazement as the great host of cats bowed to their princess and then, in turn, bowed to her. 'The world of men is heavy and hard,' the princessly cat proclaimed. 'But here, across the veil, we move with lighter step. Dance with us, child, and forget your troubles for a spell.'"

"This..." Buy chuckled. "These're all yer kids?"

2021-07-31, 09:55 AM
"All the born ones, yes" Sirthis chuckled along, talking low to not disturb Mab "Amete, Tereine, Prisma and all the dryads in the Maze are pregnant. Oh and we have a dragon egg too" he told him "Although I haven't had a direct hand in making that egg"

2021-07-31, 10:36 AM
Buy’s eyes popped open. "All o’em? An’... yer gonna be a father to a hunnert kids?"

2021-07-31, 10:49 AM
"That is accurate" Sirthis beamed with love and happiness "Just look at them. I'm gonna be the luckiest father in the universe. As much as I'm a lucky husband I bet" he blew a kiss to Mab.

2021-07-31, 10:54 AM
Mab caught the kiss and patted Boots’s cheek with it before continuing.
Buy laughed. "That’s ridiculous. Yer ridiculous." He smacked Sirthis’s back. "The hell happened to you?"

2021-07-31, 11:07 AM
"I found my place in the universe" Sirthis replied, closing his eyes "If I listen, I can tell. Everything around me- voices, movements, vibrations, smells, they all tell me one thing. I'm who I want to be, when I want to be and where I want to be" he explained, thinking himself extremely clear in his explanation.

"...with a few caveats. I'm still not hot on the whole druid thing and for example, you know, being in my room with my wife is often also who, where and when I want to be, but you understand what I mean"

2021-07-31, 11:13 AM
Buy looked confused. "You are in a room with yer wife."

2021-07-31, 11:25 AM
"Right, yes, but like... Not with kids or other observers that would break our privacy" Sirthis tried to explain whispering very very low compared to before "I scolded Aerthis a tad too harshly once for sneaking into our bedroom so I'm keeping it down to not disturb her" he added, explaining the whispering.

2021-07-31, 11:29 AM
"Ah, I see. Ye, I can see why ye’d like that. Why in’t she wearing the whole dress?"

2021-07-31, 12:23 PM
"Nursing outfit" Sirthis replied speaking less secretely now "So that she doesn't need to get undressed every time Alifa needs to eat. And nymph newborns need a lot, though by now she doesn't eat quite as often. She wore the same outfit for Boots when she had Alifa's age"

2021-07-31, 12:36 PM
"She’s eating less now she’s big?"

"Sometimes Sirthis can feed her now. Give her something mushy?" Mab requested.

2021-07-31, 01:14 PM
"Her eating habits start stabilizing and become more like ours instead of like an ant-eater's" Sirthis thought about it and then Created Food, making what looked like cups of particularly squishy pudding. He picked one and Prestidigitized a light, sweet flavor for one of them, which he started feeding to Alifa.
"Kids, if you want some ask first. If you take it without asking it'll taste like brick" he cautioned them.

Because normal Created Food is just tasteless.

2021-07-31, 01:31 PM
Boots ran up. "Me! Lala me!"

Alifa took a bite of pudding and looked bored with it, not going for another bite.

2021-07-31, 02:09 PM
"Very well" Sirthis said, putting Alifa's one away- he selected more puddings and Prestidigitized full on milk chocolate flavor for them, offering one to Boots and testing a new one for Alifa "Try this Alifa! It's different!"

2021-07-31, 02:10 PM
Alifa started gumming Sirthis’s robe, ignoring the offered food.

Boots ate up.

2021-07-31, 02:39 PM
"I'm... Not sure what I'm doing wrong" Sirthis admitted "Oh hey maybe..." he tried adding a chocolate scent to it.

"Otherwise... Maybe she just doesn't care about sweets"

2021-07-31, 02:43 PM
"Make her smile," Buy said. "Do faces and move the spoon."

2021-07-31, 02:57 PM
"Mmm... Right! Alifa!" Sirthis opened his mouth, dangling his tongue around and flying the spoon in an 8-shape in front of the baby.

2021-07-31, 03:30 PM
Alifa followed his eyes with hers and giggled, opening her mouth for pudding.

2021-07-31, 03:42 PM
"Good good good and yummy!" Sirthis beamed and fed Alifa, mimicking munching as her mouth closed.

2021-07-31, 03:48 PM
Alifa ate her fill, and Boots pulled on Sirthis’s robes.
"Lala me pudding!" She was coated in the stuff.

2021-07-31, 04:09 PM
"You're definitely a pudding" Sirthis chuckled "You know, while all sticky you should hug your mother real thight and really rub your face on her robes" he whispered.

2021-07-31, 04:11 PM
Boots giggled and ran up to Mab, but was clean before she hit due to Mab’s spell.
"Mama, me messy?"
"Not hugging me, you’re not."

2021-07-31, 04:34 PM
Sirthis sent out a flurry of roses to stop Mab from cleaning Cleph, and looked extremely sad about what followed. 'They-shot-my-puppy' level of sad.

Then scooped some pudding with his fingers and just flung it at Mab yelling "Kids! Food fight!"

2021-07-31, 04:41 PM
Mab scowled at him and ducked the pudding, ran up to Sirthis, grabbed Alifa and vanished leaving him in the middle of a food fight of his own design.

2021-07-31, 04:52 PM
"Coward!" Sirthis called out but then fully got into the fight. He was just going to Prestigitize them all clean afterwards so he let the kids run wild with him. And Buy was not spared either.

Sirthis just made sure nobody started getting actually hurt somehow, like catching stuff if it looked like someone was getting it in the eyes.

2021-07-31, 06:03 PM
Eris started preparing her homunculus under Leff's and Ishat's supervision, mixing the stuff in the bowl. When it was time to add the blood she straight up stabbed herself with a gem-encrusted dagger that she got at some point, penetrating her hand from side to side and letting the blood flow freely before she pulled the knife away, letting her hand regenerate.

The end result was... Weird. It looked like a small, muscular antropomorphic dog, could have been Petra's offspring, and had this exposed skull covering its head as if it was glued to it with big, elaborate horns resambling Eris' and yellow, snake-like predatory eyes. Everything was there to make it look scary. And yet, no matter how it moved or looked somehow that whole assortment failed to look intimidating and instead looked awfully cute, like some chibi werewolf.

2021-07-31, 07:26 PM
"Grar!" It said. "Who am I?!"
"Hello!" Leff said to it.

2021-07-31, 07:34 PM
"You're our child and Ishat's sibling" Eris scooper the homunculus up "And I think... I think I have the perfect name for you. Rawr!" Eris exclaimed happily.

"That's the name. Rawr"

It speaks Common and Infernal. Not much choice here.

2021-07-31, 09:01 PM
"Rawr!" Rawr said, and tackled Ishat in a hug.
"Well, that was fast enough. We should introduce Rawr to Aklah."

2021-07-31, 09:19 PM
"Right! Hey Rawr, you and Ishat also have another, older sister! Let's go meet her" Eris said, starting to walk out. She glanced to check wether Rawr and Ishat seemed to be getting along since Ishat wasn't used to getting tackled like Eris and Aklah were.

Right, flying. I think Rawr just runs in the air while Hedge has wind gather around them with petals lifting the homunculus up like some kind of palanquin.

If they go prone or unconscious the wind and petals just dissolve for Hedge while Rawr loses their footing as if they stepped in a hole or were knocked down.

Also kfowoap.

2021-07-31, 09:26 PM
Ishat looked surprised but hugged back. Rawr came with them to Aklah, who Gina was petting on the nose while Mávro held both her hand and stroked Aklah.
"Hold still, girl."
Aklah looked over at Eris, her tail thumping. "Hold still," Mávro said in overly crisp but pretty good Common. She was fluent now, as Leff was in Sylvan. Leff thought Eris didn't know, but she was starting to learn Infernal when Eris wasn't in the room with her. It was slow progress.
"Gina, we should move out of Aklah's way. She wants to tackle her mom." Mávro picked up Gina and stepped aside, and Aklah was in the air, descending at Eris.

2021-08-01, 05:05 AM
Eris, who didn't know Leff was studying Infernal, laughed and beat her wings, flying straight at Aklah colliding painfully one against the other, tackling her into a spiral that led into the ground.


Eris [roll0] minimum of 22

Aklah [roll1]

2021-08-01, 07:04 AM
She threw Aklah onto the ground and it wasn't long before the wyvern started whining about how unfair it was that she was losing.
"Aklah, meet Rawr," Leff said. Aklah looked over at Rawr and then looked up at Eris for an explanation.

2021-08-01, 07:25 AM
Eris let go of Aklah.
"They're your youngest sibling! Like Ishat!" she hugged Ishat and Rawr together, kissing both their heads to make Aklah understand how the homunculi were similar.

2021-08-01, 07:31 AM
Aklah experimentally licked Rawr. Rawr flew up to Aklah's face and licked her.
Aklah just looked confused and licked Rawr. Rawr responded by licking Aklah. It went back and forth for a long while.

"You've created a homunculus?" Mávro asked.

2021-08-01, 07:45 AM
Eris held up her spellbook "I'm a wizard!" she exclaimed happily, chuckling softly at Rawr and Aklah "I'll be making my own familiar too"

2021-08-01, 07:52 AM
Mávro looked over the book. "This is a translation of Leflabah's spellbook, isn't it?" she asked.
"Mommy made mother a copy!" Ishat explained.
"Almost cost four thousand gold," Leff said.

2021-08-01, 08:02 AM
"I've also got a whole lot of Illusion spells to stick inside" Eris held up the spellbook they took from the dead guy "Though I don't think I got much use for it. I won't stay a wizard. Maybe I could become one of those spellcasting fighters though"

2021-08-01, 08:25 AM
Mávro blinked. "I'm not sure I understand."
"When Eris lets go of what she is, she becomes what she might be," Rumi explained.
"That did not help me understand."

2021-08-01, 08:32 AM
"I can sacrifice part of me to become something else" Eris tried "My battle training in favor of magical expertise, losing reflexes to strenghten my mind. It's part of Rumi's suit of abilities. Learning new things is easier now, but I've become a worst shot with a bow and am more sluggish for example. And currently I can't strike with Rumi quite as fast, but I can cast wizard spells"

2021-08-01, 08:56 AM
Mávro nodded politely, though she still clearly didn't get it.

Rawr got off of Aklah's face.
"She's better at licking than me," Rawr said, looking upset.

Alright! What's next?

2021-08-01, 09:02 AM
Sirthis can go ahead to the dragon's birth unless you think him making the big pink bouncy field needs RPing.

Eris... Aside from making her familiar, nothing.

Are there any actual clerics among the Shadar-kais? At least one in the Raven Queen Temple should probably be present.

2021-08-01, 09:11 AM
There is one. She is a Blood Cleric, like Kaleral.

Alright dragoooon biiiiiiiirth and at this point Eris can be a fighter again if you want.

From the desert room, Mab called Sirthis in. Alifa was practicing standing up when Sirthis arrived, holding Boots's hands to stand up, sit down, and get up again.
"Good job, Lif!" Boots recited every time Alifa stood up, making her smile and go again.
"Look, Sirthis." Mab pointed to the egg. It was shifting and moving. A tiny crack appeared.
"Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie is about to come out."

2021-08-01, 09:47 AM
Great! Also Eris wants to know how it works. Blood magic, I mean. It was certainly a bitch to fight.

"Oh!" Sirthis beamed happily, standing next to the egg- he lightly caressed the crack.
"I... Suddenly aren't sure how I'm supposed to act" he confessed.

I killed her mother after all.

2021-08-01, 09:54 AM
You know how magic can control things like stone and fire? It's like that but with blood.

Boots took a few steps backward to help Alifa step as well. "Lala, look! Lif walk!"

"Just be yourself, and be kind, and we'll tell Jeveaeli about her mother when she's a teenager."

A blue-scaled snout pushed out of the crack, and then Sirthis heard a sneeze. A bolt of lightning came out with it, shattering the egg open and releasing...

2021-08-01, 10:40 AM

Also internet says 'Bless you' is the typical reply to sneezing.

"Good job Alifa! Make sure to support her Boots!" Sirthis exclaimed smiling, trying to divide his attention on all the children present with some strain.
"Bless you" Sirthis said with a chuckle kneeling next to the baby dragon and spread his arms to hug her, unsure wether that was customary and honestly not caring. Mab said to be himself, not act like a dragon.
"Welcome to the world, Jevaeli-Yassine-Felerie" he whispered, unsure how newly born dragons compared to the newborns he was used to.

2021-08-01, 11:00 AM
The dragon shrank back and eyed Sirthis with piercing, intelligent eyes. She looked back at her wings and the egg, then watched Sirthis's movements carefully, noting the lack of scales and wings immediately. Though she could not speak, Sirthis saw that in her cunning eyes she had already learned that they were not the same.

2021-08-01, 11:43 AM
"I... Suppose that's to be expected. You're smart, aren't you" Sirthis smiled giving the wyrmling her space "Perhaps... Do you remember this?" he asked and with his violin he started playing a beautiful, happy tune as he sang one of the many songs he performed for Jevaeli while she was an egg still (well inside one).

There's a world up the sky
Of which only a fraction I can know
It's filled with wonder and fear
It's filled of love and sadness

My story began
With a scary mighty beast
Fur coated in night
Eyes like breziers

Seeking the beast
I made a friend with a root
I crossed a tree
And I was in the wild

I rided giant bats
Saw caverns so dark
They were covered with mashrooms
That bathed everything in light

A bad man housed me
In a castle in black
Someone so great
He thought nothing of me

A small bat was there
Afraid and alone
She wanted a friend
She saved my life

A watery girl
Accompanied me
The three trials for a gift
Had me crowned a fool

We rided a storm
I was shot from a catapult
I improvised comedies
I barfed berries

A duet with a jolly man
Had me winning the trials
A new friend I made
And we slept under a tale

We needed to walk
No storm in sight
But a carriage in sight
Led by flies

It carried a queen
All coated in green
A great and scary power
But a softy side

The bad man wanted to hurt her
But he ignored me
My bat led me to a secret
The bad man was defeated

Me and a root and a bat
Followed the queen
A city made in the trees
But danger under the earth

I became a snail
I was so snail
All I could do was snail!
And then they threw me from the sky

More specifically, the song he sang to entertain the Voya kids. But this one was sang more softly and lovingly, since these weren't just any kids but his actual family.


[roll0] Lucky [roll1]

Peerless Skill [roll2]

2021-08-01, 11:55 AM
Boots started dancing with Alifa and it got rough enough that Mab picked up the younger of the two. Boots spun around and ran into Sirthis's legs a few times while he sang. The dragon kept eying him suspiciously, then he heard her stomach growl. She went up to him and tapped her snout against his hand in what was almost friendly.

2021-08-01, 12:11 PM
Sirthis smiled softly and put his hand on the ground.
"You're hungry, yes? How I Wish I had a Feast for you" he said, luxurious food which was mostly meat of the kind he saw drsgons eat but also included food most could eat like fruit or soft serve appeared, accompanied by milk, water, fruit juice and even a few types of liquors. Sirthis selected a piece of mutton meat and offered it to the dragon, making a show to eat some of it in case the baby didn't trust him. There was even complementary cutlery (and plates etc.) For anybody who'd want it.

Wish, Heroes' Feast. For Jevaeli's first meal Sirthis wanted to do something better then Create Food+Prestidigitation.

Though he's gonna feed her himself unless she ignores him.

2021-08-01, 12:16 PM
The dragon cautiously took a bite, then another.
"Mama, can I feed Lif?" Boots asked, picking a few fruit juices.
"Yes, dear, just be careful." An Air Elemental brought in a few chairs and Mab sat down next to Boots, holding Alifa steady so she could have juice.

The dragon, liking the food a lot, let Sirthis feed her.

2021-08-01, 12:37 PM
"See? You're among family" Sirthis said, feeding Jevaeli- he didn't look worried in the slightest that the dragon could bite him by mistake, patiently preparing pieces for her and himself and feeding them both (though his bites were always after hers). Sirthis hummed happily as he did all this, glancing at his other kids from time to time though he knew Mab was watching over Boots and Alifa so Sirthis didn't worry much.

"You know Boots, I think you're doing a really good job taking care of your sister" Sirthis noted, thinking of all the times he saw Clephesia care for Alifa. He felt like he didn't give his older daughter enough praise about that, even if she didn't look like she was thinking about it.

2021-08-01, 12:40 PM
"Yes, Boots, you're a very good older sister."
Boots preened and her permanent blush got brighter. "Thanku, Lala. Thanku, Mama."

Mab raised an eyebrow at Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie. "Do you think Tongues would work on her?"

2021-08-01, 12:52 PM
"Mmm... It would not grant her speech, but from what I studied Tongues doesn't need to already know a language to understand what others say as long as we cast it directly on her" Sirthis mused "It'd be useless if we cast it on ourselves homewever, so she needs to let herself be touched" he offered Jevaeli his hand, palm up, not getting too near.

"Tecnically she doesn't need to be willing, but I feel like Jevaeli would have an hard time trusting us if we start imposing"

2021-08-01, 12:58 PM
Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie looked at his hand and didn't back away, looking more curious than concerned.

2021-08-01, 01:09 PM
Sirthis smiled and reached forward, stroking the underside of Jeveaeli's jaw and neck. Tongues being a cleric spell meant Sirthis showed the wyrmling his Symbol of Sune before trying to cast Tongues on her.

"Hi. We're your family" he tried saying. He wasn't sure wether being able to understand any language also meant understanding the meaning of the words.

2021-08-01, 01:16 PM
After a few seconds, the dragon growled out, "then why do you look nothing like me?"

2021-08-01, 01:33 PM
"Because I'm not a dragon" Sirthis replied "Well, we aren't. How does that matter?" he asked "Me and my wife are very different- she's green, horned, isn't even a humanoid and has natural abilities that make my magic pale in comparison. We are only alike in a general sense. Yet, we deeply love each other" he smiled at Jeveaeli.

"None of us need to look or be anything to love each other. The only thing we need is the willingness to share our hearts- figuratively. To love you, if you'll trust us, and viceversa. Although I guess I can look like you- this may be my real body but I'm not bound to it like others are. But that shouldn't be a requirement in love" he explained with a calm tone- he understood Jeveaeli's concern, even if his views were different. Besides, she was just born- it was only fair to be suspicious of unknowns.

2021-08-01, 01:35 PM
"No, no," Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie said dismissively as if it thought Sirthis was an idiot. "What happened to my egg? How did it get into your hands?"

2021-08-01, 01:44 PM
She's cute but she's kind of rude.

"Took you away before other dragons could hurt you" Sirthis said "This may be hard to fully get just yet, but there are various kinds of dragons and some of them are usually one another's enemies- and I refused to let them eat a baby" he looked at Mab for support, unsure wether he should talk about Jeveaeli's real mother and how much to say.

2021-08-01, 01:47 PM
"So... you saved me?" the child asked. It looked at Mab, then at Sirthis, then at Boots and Alifa. The thought process required only a few seconds.
"I take it the dragon who laid my egg is dead."
"She is." Mab said. "But we have a home here, and you're welcome to it. We have gold here, and we can help you get more. We'd love to have you join our family."
"Did you really save me?" Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie asked Sirthis.


2021-08-01, 02:02 PM
"Yes" Sirthis nodded "Any way I see it it'd have been wrong to let them hurt you and I knew my wife wouldn't have esitated to care for you with me"


[roll0] Lucky [roll1]

Peerless Skill [roll2]

So 45.

2021-08-01, 02:08 PM
The dragon walked up and tried nuzzling Sirthis's hand.
"That was okay," it decided. "I have some conditions."
"One: I want to keep my own hoard, and I want to keep it here in this place. Second: I want this stuff here a lot." It poked some meat with its tail."
"We were always planning to feed you."
"And I want to learn how to talk like a dragon. They have a... way of saying words? Different from you?"
"Their own language, yes."
"I want to learn that."

Mab shrugged to Sirthis. "Those all sound fair to me."

2021-08-01, 02:28 PM
Sirthis smiled and stroked Jeveaeli's head with a soft smile.
"That sounds all fair" he replied in Draconic "Both me and Mab speak the dragon language anyway. And when you know it a bit more we can try to find other dragons so that you can practice it with native speakers- or I'll just turn into one" he nodded.
"And yeah, no issue on the hoard and food. So, again..." Sirthis stared into the dragon's eyes "Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie, welcome to the world and to our family" he gave a big old kiss on the dragon's cheek.

2021-08-01, 02:33 PM
Jeveaeli-Yassine-Felerie tolerated – tolerated – the kiss on the cheek and resumed eating.

Alright! Noxan's birth?

2021-08-01, 02:45 PM
Yeah! Sirthis is really excited about this one.

Not that he was not excited for everybody else but the fact that he went to seek and find Prisma specifically for Noxan means he put a lot more effort in having this kid.

2021-08-01, 02:52 PM
The next birth was of Noxan, Prisma's. Klokharei delivered her, and gave Prisma all the kisses she needed to get through it.
And after an agonizing process Prisma was holding her and Sirthis's baby in her arms.
"Hello," she whispered to the baby. "It's your mama." But Noxan just cried. Which was good, of course.

2021-08-01, 03:15 PM
Sirthis held Prisma gently, smiling from above her shoulder down at his youngest daughter.
"Hello, Noxan" he whispered "I'm your father. And we already love you infinitely" Sirthis kissed Prisma's cheek before he started to sing for his child.

Because no newborn could be birthed without a song to welcome them.

Performance! [roll0] lucky [roll1]

Peerless Skill [roll2]

2021-08-01, 03:51 PM
39? You're losing your touch.

Noxan whined into Prisma's face for awhile, then calmed down as slept.
"Well," Prisma said, "You know where to find me. I'll have her over at the Diamond-"

"There will be no need for that," Tanaquill said, appearing in a storm of prismatic feathers.
"Apologies for the sudden appearance, but it is time to merge Faerie with the Shadowfell."

2021-08-01, 04:28 PM
"Whoa, wait, what? Uuuuuh we get all the edgy hot elves then?" Sirthis exclaimed happy about the likely least important thing right now "Wait, what about the Shadow Weave? And Shar?"

2021-08-01, 04:36 PM
"That is why this took so long. But the planes are merging already, we are simply merging them early so that we can do so safely. In a few months we shall merge the... Shadow Faerie? with Toril and prepare the planet the best we can for Abeir’s arrival."
"So What is going where?"
"Fortunately, as they are mirrors of one another, the land is mostly the same, so we shall simply layer those together. The greater issue is where the people will go, and where the monsters will go. Shar will have the Isle of Dread for her monsters and followers, and the Shadow Weave shall remain there. Everywhere else will be mostly Faerie, but the Sylphs, Regalia, and both Queendoms may have many refugees."
Mab frowned. "We will need more farmland."
"I can manage to add some land here and there while we unite. Sirthis, you have two days to get everybody off the Isle of Dread. Apologies for the short notice, but the compromise was only just achieved."

2021-08-01, 04:51 PM
"Two days? They're scared of magic and non-humans!" Sirthis exclaimed hearing it "I... Ah... Alright maybe I know how, but I gotta hurry up" he took out his Sune symbol "I don't suppose you can tell Sune she's allowed to answer my Divine Intervention just for this? Told me gods aren't allowed to reply to one anymore if they know Wish. No, I'm not bitter" he was.

Sirthis' voice had gotten really shrill at this point. He was trying to keep it down for Noxan but felt very stressed out.

Yo, the Isle of Dread is gonna be flooded with Shadowfell monsters. Everybody will be eaten and die horribly. Two days to get them out.

I need to speak to you and your farmer family ASAP. You home right now?

2021-08-01, 05:01 PM
"I can lift the restriction, I'm sure Shar and Bhaal would be thrilled," Tanaquill said dryly. "But since it's in the interest of aiding with the relocation effort that is our project I can make an exception."

I am actually not home, I am trying to convince these Dread people to come join me but they seem terrified. It occurs to me–

Thanks for the head's up! Leff flew on Roa up to Eris, who was flying Aklah around to get in the wyvern's exercise. "Trouble. The Isle of Dread is about to get filled with monsters and Sirthis needs help evacuating the island."

2021-08-01, 05:19 PM
It's about that. Your farmers come from the Isle of Dread right? They can help us convince them, they'll trust people of their own group.

"Alright, I have kind of a plan with Malyanna and have notified the Lelahinns. If it turns out it's not enough and I need Sune's help I'll tell you" Sirthis said.
"Speaking of which, uh. Malyanna is already there trying to save those people. At least I think that's what she wants to do" he knew Malyanna had made big leaps but he hadn't yet seen her help the living- not those she hadn't bonded with at least.

Well, not in front of him.
"Crap. Mmm..." Eris frowned and looked down at Aklah "They hate dragons, right? If we show up with a wyvern you think they'll listen to us more? You could make an open Gate to let people pass through right?"

2021-08-01, 06:03 PM
Clever! Use their paranoid nature to gain their trust. Can you pick them up on the way over?

"Thank you, Sirthis," Tanaquill said. "It's mortals like you who make me think this world will be alright." And she was gone.

"I don't know that we can count on them to know that wyverns are natural enemies of dragons," Leff said. "We didn't know until we met the giants. But yes, I could put a Gate up. Where should it lead to?"

2021-08-01, 06:28 PM
Assuming I can navigate your place without you there, yeah.

Sirthis smiled "I'm an exemplary mortal according to the Overgod of our universe. Suck it Good guys!" he kissed Mab "Joking aside, I really need to not lose time" then huffed over to Prisma.
"I know you want to get back home, but do you mind staying here a bit more today? I'm not sure how much magic I'll need. Rest assured I'll leave enough to get you home"
"They recognized Aklah on our first visit there so they should be able to. And hey, I knew! Not that the giants created them though. Anyway... Let's go ask for whoever's the person that replaced Zorn. Those are a lot of people and I'm not sure we can house a lot of fearful humans without the city's help- if they can help us prepare for them we could set a Gate somewhere in their premises. In any case we first need to go convince them- it would be a waste if the spell ran out before we can talk then into following us"

2021-08-01, 07:19 PM
Prisma nodded. "I... my home will be here and not in shadow?"

"I think they'll be afraid of Aklah," Leff said bluntly. "Let's go talk to Zorne's replacement."

2021-08-01, 07:34 PM
"Yes. Not immediately, but by the looks of it it'll take only a couple days" Sirthis told Prisma "I... I don't want to insult your place, but I think you'll be way happier when your diamond cave is in the Feywild" he bit his tongue before being able to add 'as long as you're in Unseelie territory'. He didn't want to expose Prisma to the idea of that kind of potential danger just yet.

After hearing what Titania I did to Amete Sirthis doesn't think Titania II wouldn't do anything similar, and she seems to love gems.

Sirthis doesn't put it above Titania II and like-minded subjects to go and strip Prisma's cave of it's beauty.
"I really don't get it but fine, we'll leave her home" Eris said turning around to lead Aklah back to her place "Maybe Mávro can take over her exercise"

2021-08-01, 07:50 PM
"Oh, the Shadowfell is terrible. Nobody wants to live there," Prisma said bluntly. "Thank you for coming for me."

Mávro did, and Leff and Eris were soon facing Lionshield Tiq in his office.
"How may I help you?"

2021-08-01, 08:10 PM
Sirthis smiled and kissed Prisma, then waved his fairy wand and got out. He Plane Shifted over to Baldur's Gate and before anybody could address him he just Plane Shifted over to Malyanna's place.
"We have discovered that there is a large number of humans on an island that will be soon be swarmed by monsters" Eris said "We want to find a way to get them out. But the thing is... These people have been living in seclusion for ages. I mean 'Abeir-Toril' level. They are also afraid of non-humans or at least distrustful- thing is, our home is basically ninty-nine percent non-humans. We're worried that thrusting them into such an environment would scare them needlessly and wanted to ask for Baldur's Gate's help in housing them"

2021-08-01, 08:48 PM
He was greeted by a smiling Anna.
"Hello, Sirthis! Can I help you with anything?"
She stressed anything a little hard.

The lionshield frowned.
"We can provide food," Leflabah said. "Assuming you have a human mage who can flavor it."
"I... if you provide food for them I believe we can get them back on their feet," Tiq agreed. "I’ll handle the council by the time you bring them here."

2021-08-02, 05:45 AM
"As much as I'd like to take you up on that offer" Sirthis hugged Anna, placing a kiss on her lips because being in a hurry didn't mean being rude (yeah, right) and rapidly added "I need to talk to those farmers that you got as gardeners. The island they were part of is going to be overrun with monsters and they could help save their kin"
"Great, we owe you one. Let's head out Leff" Eris stood up "How time sensitive is it? Should we Shift -or Teleport, whatever- or does a Wind Walk suffice?"

2021-08-02, 07:55 AM
Anna held onto his arm after he pulled away. "Maly said she wanted this to be a surprise. Did she say you could talk to them?"

"We have two days," Leff said. "Unfortunately the rock I grabbed wasn't taken from there within the last six months, so can't be used as an associated object. Teleportation isn't a sure thing unless we scry Sirthis and teleport him. But I don't have Scrying prepared."

2021-08-02, 08:36 AM
"She said to pick them up on my way over" Sirthis said "And I didn't know anything about a surprise... Which I guess is kind of the point"
"We can Wind Walk there then" Eris said "This is good actually. Those Teleports could be more useful to take them here rather then bring us there, and since once casted you would need to sleep and continue tomorrow it doesn't actually matter if we lose eight hours traveling today as long as we get to use all the needed magic before it's time to rest up"

Basically Eris is saying that since Leff has a fixed amount of daily spell slots and since people cannot long rest multiple times a day as long as they get to use those before long resting it doesn't matter wether they lose eight hours or not.

2021-08-02, 08:49 AM
Anna led Sirthis outside of the illusory castle, and Sirthis saw the farmland and villages stretch around for miles. He estimated the spot to be roughly populated with about a quarter of the Isles of Dread. Flying up, he could tell the borders were moving very narrowly toward the river to the south.
It seemed like Malyanna was making her own Queendom.

"Alright. Let's head over," Leff said. Right in front of Lionshield Tiq, she lit Eris and herself on fire for a minute before they burned away into smoke.

2021-08-02, 09:14 AM
Sirthis whistled.
"You've been doing great things lately uh? I'm excited to see what you've accomplished once it's all done. That said..." he looked down at the farmers "You know anybody specifically who's like a leader to them or is any random person fine?"
Eris flew through Leff a couple times always happy to be set on fire before flowing outside and away towards the Isle.

2021-08-02, 09:35 AM
Anna blushed and pointed out an older man who was not doing direct farm work, but was leading a child who had injured his eye into one of the houses.

2021-08-02, 09:49 AM
Sirthis touched down, walking the rest of the way as to not fly straight in the face of someone who likely doesn't trust magic a lot.
"I'm sorry to disturb" he spoke in Netheril to the man "But I need to speak to you. I've been told you're kind of a spokeperson to these people- I'm a friend of Malyanna, Sirthis" he introduced himself, then looked down at the child "I'm also an healer, if that can be of use. Though it's not why I've come in the first place"

2021-08-02, 11:51 AM
The man looked down at the boy, who glanced at Sirthis fearfully.
"Go ahead," said the old man, and the boy held out his bleeding hand to Sirthis.

2021-08-02, 12:04 PM
Sirthis smiled, kneeling and taking the child's hand gently in his.
"Think of the warmth of the hug of someone you love" Sirthis told the kid "It's the same" then he summoned Sune's healing grace.

Cure Wounds will be enough I think?

+16 hp, lv. 1 CW (bit of an overkill but Sirthis can't heal less then that).

And then Prestidigitation to clean the blood off of the healed hand.

2021-08-02, 12:11 PM
The kid watched his hand heal and clean off, shrank behind the man, smiled up at Sirthis, and ran off to go hug someone who was planting.

"How may I help you?" the elder asked.

2021-08-02, 12:21 PM
Sirthis waved the kid off with a smile, then looked at the elder.
"It's about the island from where you come from" he said "We've discovered that soon monsters will overflow on the island and likely they will kill any humanoid there. I can lead them out but... I don't need to explain to you why they may not trust me, right? Especially if I show up and tell them that they need to abandon everything they have. But if one of their own came with me, someone who could act as a mediator and explain life out here... Together, we'd be able to save many lives. Possibly all of them"

2021-08-02, 12:38 PM
"When do we go?" he asked, seeming like he was down.

2021-08-02, 02:12 PM
"Today if possible. The earlier the better- even right now" Sirthis said "If you've got any object that came from the Isle within the last six months it'd be better. Makes teleportation more precise" he told him.

2021-08-02, 02:18 PM
He tapped his walking stick twice.

2021-08-02, 02:57 PM
"Good" Sirthis put an hand on the stick and an hand on the man "Let's go"

Since we got an item better not risk it with Plane Shift. Sirthis will cast Teleport to bring them over to the Isle of Dread.

2021-08-02, 03:16 PM
Sirthis and the old man appeared on the coast where fishing and coconut harvesting was occurring. Malyanna wasn't in immediate view.

2021-08-02, 03:29 PM
"Mmm... Malyanna's not in sight, but the island is big" Sirthis shrugged "Any acquitance you recognize that we can ask first? Meanwhile I'll check where's Malyanna" he Sent to her.

I'm at the Isle. Not sure where, along the coast with fishermen and harvesters.

2021-08-02, 03:32 PM
I'm closer to the middle.

"Yes, these are my people." He started walking over to them.

2021-08-02, 04:29 PM
"Alright, Malyanna's nearer the middle. I can't tell you how to talk with your people, but I do believe we should set up a chain- you spread the word to them, who in turn spread the word reaching to other villages- a couple of my friends are coming who will make three of us who can get all of you out. As long as you form three groups there's no need to gather everyone in the exact same spot" Sirthis said "Well... I suppose that's not exact, but I think it's close enough" tecnically since Sirthis had much more magic then the wizards he should get a bigger group, but he could just move.

2021-08-02, 04:32 PM
"Good thought," was all he said as he embraced the first fisherman on the coast. "We'll send everyone to the middle."

2021-08-02, 04:41 PM
"Got it. I'll wait you there I suppose?' Sirthis asked, unsure if he needed him for anything or not. Assuming he got a 'sure' or something like that he flew off, seeking Malyanna out.

2021-08-02, 04:42 PM
There was no response.

2021-08-02, 05:19 PM
Sirthis took that as a yes. Or maybe he thought standing around would just make him useless. Regardless, he took off and flew towards the center, searching for Malyanna.

2021-08-02, 05:26 PM
Malyanna was near the center, assembling a small collection of villagers who seemed to believe her.
"Sirthis! It's great to have you!"

2021-08-02, 05:55 PM
"And I'm glad to be here" Sirthis smiled touching down next to her "The elder of your farmers came with me. He said him and his people are going to send everybody to the center- and the Lelahinns are coming over too" he explained "Malyanna, your memory and processing power far outpaces mine. How many people can walk through one casting of Gate? Do you believe we can get everybody in a day assuming... I'm not sure, six Gates?"

2021-08-02, 06:13 PM
"Gate doesn't stay open very long," Malyanna said. "If you can turn everyone into bugs or something small like that that would be really helpful. If you did that, I think we could probably get everyone in three gos."

2021-08-02, 06:41 PM
"I can do no such thing" Sirthis shook his head "Without a fellow conjurer that spell is useless, and I haven't even been conjuring lately. Well, not the way I used to. Even if I could it has a thirty feet radius and requires my focus- I would be able to turn only a small bunch of people at once, send them through, then cast it all over again" he explained.

"That said, if you think three castings of Animal Shapes would be enough I could Wish for it, but I won't be able to Gate. Lastly, I can ask Tanaquill that we need Sune's help after all- albeit that still hinges on me getting my Divine Intervention through"

2021-08-02, 06:49 PM
"Well, let's do all the Gates we can today, don't worry I've got room for them, and then we'll plan for how many we can get tomorrow when you can prepare Animal Shapes if that's a good idea," Malyanna suggests.

2021-08-02, 07:34 PM
"Got it. Should we organize them in four lines?" Sirthis asked "Gates are big enough for four people to cross them at once, so by making four adjacent lines we could fit... What, eighty people with each casting? Assuming three seconds for each row of four, which is a fairly slow pace- but I have to assume some will dilly-dally or whatever"

2021-08-02, 08:10 PM
"Sounds good."

Leff and Eris formed to see four decently orderly lines set up leading to Sirthis and Malyanna in the ruins left by the Tarrasque.

2021-08-02, 08:33 PM
Eris approached the group, waving.
"Alright, we're here. Baldur's Gate is willing to help us house them"
"Actually, no need for that. I've seen Malyanna's place and it'd be a great home for them- we can take them there. We've ordered these humans in four lines to mak'em pass through Gates- if you've got any idea to speed them along that'd be great" Sirthis suggested "Malyanna had proposed to turn them into small animals that we can speed along inside a Gate but I haven't got the spell"
"Mmm... Maybe" Eris took a moment to think while letting Leff weigh in.
"...uh. How stupid is it to put people inside my Bag of Holding? And how about making a Demiplane? The three of you don't need to Wish for it and Demiplanes are not only quite spacious but also don't impact our Gate castings. We can just open the Demiplane back in Malyanna's lands"

Daily rolls [roll0]

Eris would've gone back to Fighter from Wizard. Knowing that is she capable of changing classes currently? Like Fighter to Druid (or Wizard again)?

And would she become a druid with spells prepared (meaning she could cast Animal Shapes right away)? Same for Wizard.

2021-08-02, 08:47 PM
14 more days.

Malyanna smiled and waved.
"You have room for everyone?"

"I have outposts out to the Lake of Dreams. I can keep them safe, and a bunch of Shadar-Kai from the Shadowfell, too."

"The lake of dreams?"

"Where do you think my diamonds came from? Shadow Magic and Astral Imagination. I’ve unlocked the secret to unlimited resources, and I’m most of the way to getting all we need for Sirthis’s ritual. Once I have a populous enough country I’ll make a ring around the Lake and have it as an official part of my Queendom."

2021-08-02, 09:05 PM
"I... Understand about a tenth of what you've just said, but I've seen the preparations and I know that the end result is gonna be great even if I've got no clue about the process" Sirthis leaned in and kissed Malyanna "Now though, I think we should get to work"
"Alright, I have nothing else to add to the tactics you've already concocted" Eris said "My ability to change is on cooldown currently"

2021-08-02, 10:45 PM
"Are your... thoughts under control? The Lake of Dreams could get a lot out of your head."
Malyanna stared at her coldly.
"There is no more disciplined mind in the world." She kissed Sirthis.
"I think we have eighty."

2021-08-03, 05:51 AM
"She was just worrying about you" Sirthis whispered in Malyanna's ear. Well, Leff probably was also worried of what could come out of there but Sirthis didn't care about that.

"Well then" Sirthis turned to the groups of people "We're going to open a big passage- moving through will lead you to a place where you'll find many of your people already there. The only thing I ask is that you enter in an orderly manner but a good pace- the spell doesn't last long and the more of you enter, the more people we can bring out of the island before it's too late" he instructed them, waiting for looks of understanding.

2021-08-03, 07:04 AM
Malyanna narrowed her eyes.
"Alright. Can you explain what we'll do to these people? You're better with words than me."

2021-08-03, 08:01 AM
"I can. And I'm the most human-looking out of us four too" Sirthis turned to address the group of people "We're going to open a big passage- moving through will lead you to a place where you'll find many of your people already there. The only thing I ask is that you enter in an orderly manner but a good pace- the spell doesn't last long and the more of you enter, the more people we can bring out of the island before it's too late" he explained "On the other side your kin has already established a village, with plenty of farmable land- don't worry, you'll be among friends with everything to live your life well" Sirthis checked for looks of understanding.

2021-08-03, 08:11 AM
They looked not super enthusiastic, but parents picked their kids up or put them on their shoulders so they could go through at the same time as their kids.

2021-08-03, 08:52 AM
"Great, that will speed things along" Sirthis smiled and reached in front of the first row, holding the Gate's material component in one hand "Ready? Go" and opened a Gate to Malyanna's land, sticking a hand in and pulling it out to show the people that it didn't hurt.

More specifically near where he departed from.

2021-08-03, 09:07 AM
The people started filing in at something of a pace.
It's right about then that the ground started to shake and cracks formed, splitting open the Isle of Dread as two massive monsters came forth. One they recognized, the other they did not.


As the cracks formed, several people in the line started falling in. Reaching out with pockets of heat, Leff caught ten of them in a slow fall, but six more were falling as well and Malyanna made no move to save them, instead staring at the demons.

It's initiative!
Obox-Ob: [roll0]
Other: [roll1]
Leff: [roll2]
Malyanna: [roll3]

2021-08-03, 09:29 AM
"I thought we h- mh, I don't think this has anything to do with why we're" Sirthis sent streams of roses to get the six leftover falling people.
Eris wielded Rumi.
"Don't know their plan but I'm not backing off! Malyanna, Leff, Sirthis, I can ensure one of them fails once at resisting a spell- tell me if you use a spell worth that chance!" she exclaimed.
"Well, assuming they can fail in the first place"

I was not expecting this.

Eris: [roll0] adv. [roll1]
Sirthis: [roll2]

2021-08-03, 09:50 AM
The many-jawed creature bursting forward headed right for Sirthis, its five jaws snapping at him even as its yellow tail smashed a new path through the ground to smack Eris aside, but the devastating blow failed to move her even as the serpentine demon closed its jaws around Sirthis, sealing him almost from view within its rancid maw.

47 bludgeoning damage to Eris, 39 piercing and 18 poison to Sirthis. Also it is Sirthis's turn.

2021-08-03, 10:09 AM
"Gh... Look, I like bites and being drooled over as much as the next guy, but this is just too much!" Sirthis puffed out through the small opening to the outside, reappearing 30 feet farther with green bolts slamming into Obox-Ob "Honestly I've got no idea who's the worst target"

Misty Step, away 30 feet.

Then action to Eldritch Blast Obox-Ob.
[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]
[roll4] damage [roll5]
[roll6] damage [roll7]

2021-08-03, 10:11 AM
As Sirthis cast Misty Step, nothing happened.Still wnat to EB?

2021-08-03, 10:22 AM
Sirthis blinked.
"...hey guys! Inside this mouth magic doesn't work! Kill this one first please!" he called from inside- unsure on what to do he pulled out his sword and stabbed the snakes' tongue.

Not much else to do.

[roll0] damage is [roll1] nonmagical slashing + [roll2] radiant damage.

Assuming Divine Strike works.

2021-08-03, 10:32 AM
"Sertrous probably cast antimagic field before attacking," Malyanna said.
"Against this many casters it's a fairly common tactic."

"Common yet devastating," Obox-Ob said as he crawled the rest of the way up the cliff.
Sertrous's claws reached out toward Eris to claw her before she became resistant.

36 slashing damage to Eris, and it's Eris's turn.

2021-08-03, 11:04 AM
Eris scoffed, shrugging claw and tail off- not due to rage but to straight endurance.
"Does devastating mean something different in Abyssal? I would call it a pitiful and ultimately pointless attempt!" Eris noted- and to prove her words Eris sank Rumi straight into Sertrous' body, the artifact's blade having no need of magic to cut into an archdemon's body.

Bonus Action Rage since she can't cast spells anyway, Reckless Attack, Surge Attack, Retaliation (before Rage) and Rapid Strike which is a crit.

35 to hit, 24
30 to hit, 24
29 to hit, 28
37 to hit, 26
29 to hit, 23
39 to hit, 23
34 to hit, 25
Crit for 49 all magical slashing damage.

2021-08-03, 11:27 AM
Obox-Ob let out a chittering whisper and more cracks began to form in the fissure he and Sertrous had emerged from. Ten giant scorpions burst from the stone and started climbing up.
"Kill the weaklings," Obox-Ob said, indicating the scattered and fleeing line of humans. Some were dangling off the cliff getting help up. Some had injured legs and were being dragged. One child was, instead of running away, running from adult to adult screaming for his mother who had fallen in. In fact, all of those who had fallen in, despite landing safely, were in something of a bowl full of the scorpion monsters.
"Nahar," Leff swore. "Malyanna, can you shelter them all?"
Malyanna, who was pointing at Obox-Ob, snorted.
"Not enough time for that." After a bit of thinking she added:
"But I wish there was."
And instead of a fissure of stone with sharp rocks there was a slippery, plush pit of really gross to the touch but pretty safe to run into algae-like stuff. Adamantine walls sprouted from the ground and surrounded the line of humans, screaming all the while, in a massive impenetrable tent. A similar wall came up in the middle of the fissure, keeping the scorpions from going lower to where those sixteen people had fallen. Those humans no longer in line were enveloped in their own miniature adamantine tents with padded insides in case they tried to escape in their panic.
Chains sprouted from the ground by Obox-Ob and tried to wrap around him but they ceased to exist within ten feet of him.
"Oh, come on. Both of them?"

Obox-Ob chuckled and skittered behind Eris. The only threat in a world without magic.

Sertrous whacked her with his tail again.
34 bludgeoning to Eris
Inside of its external jaws, Sirthis watched the thing's inner mouth open... and felt the snake's head tilt as the jaws pulled him into its maw and the Obyrith swallowed him.
He found himself in a warm, dark place with acid eating into him.

At the start of Sirthis's turn he takes [roll0] acid damage! He swallowed!

2021-08-03, 11:31 AM
The demons may have been immune to magic, but the scorpions weren't. Leff stood at the cliff edge and aimed both hands down at the giant scorpions. Chilling blue flames, bright with frigid energy, spun down the crack in Abeir-Toril, flash-freezing every scorpion but one, which shook off the worst of the cold and looked right at Leff.

2021-08-03, 11:40 AM
If he wasn't being corroded alive Sirthis would find it pretty snuggly to nestle in.
"Mmm... I suppose I've got nothing else in my arsenal" he frowned and yelled "Hey Sune! Help us take down these antimagic fields -or even the Obyriths- and I will never complain again! Alternatively just a Sending to Tanaquill to tell her that the Obyriths are at the Isle of Dread would work!"

I actually have no idea if Divine Intervention works right now, but it's literally his only remaining helpful action.


Failed in any case.

2021-08-03, 11:50 AM
Obox-Ob and Sertrous worked out a pincer attack on Eris, Obox-Ob with his barbed legs scraping against her and Sertrous clubbing her deeper onto the barbs with his tail.

39 piercing from Obox-Ob and 41 bludgeoning from Sertrous's tail.

2021-08-03, 12:24 PM
Eris shrugged the blows off- now that she was raging it really looked like it would take a while to wittle her down. She hoped the same couldn't be said of Sertrous as she cut deep in its neck trying to find the one it swallowed.

The same couldn't be said of Sirthis for sure but nobody could see him.

"Do we have any ally that can and will get here in time and not need magic to fight these Obiryths!? Like a dragon" she looked at Rumi and added "Or a god I suppose"

Retaliation, Reckless Attack, Surge Attack, Rapid Strike, Frenzy. All on Sertrous.

36 to hit, 24
Crit for 63
39 to hit, 23
31 to hit, 26
37 to hit, 25
30 to hit, 26
30 to hit, 29
28 to hit, 25
32 to hit, 24 all slashing damage

2021-08-03, 12:44 PM
Sertrous howled and reeled away from Eris's halberd

Obox-Ob sped his strikes. Thrice, his stinger stabbed into her. And then his tongue wrapped around her, its barbs stabbing into her skin as he reeled her in closer to his mouth.

36 piercing and an irrelevant amount of poison
42 piercing
41 piercing
42 piercing, grappled/restrained and pulled up to Obox-Ob's mouth.

Malyanna smirked. "We don't need any help." For the ground under Sertrous was coated in the gross soft stuff. Malyanna lifted her arms and lava bubbled up to the surface under Sertrous's belly, the serpent roaring in anger and pain as its weight sank it in there.

As the scorpion scuttled up to Leff, it aimed its pincer at her and clanged it into her armor. Leff ignored it and Sent. "I'm trying Tanaquill!" She said.

While all of that was going on, Sertrous and Obox-Ob were going at Eris with tail and barb, ending with both of Sertrous's claws coming in to scratch at her.

Eris is being whacked around with piercing and bludgeoning! [roll0] +64 mixed Piercing/slashing from both of them, and [roll1] slashing from both claw attacks.

Sirthis takes [roll2] acid at the start of his turn.

2021-08-03, 01:09 PM
"Hey! At least let me dissolve in sil- wait, maybe Sertrous screaming in pain means I'm free to cast spells?" Sirthis mused experimentally blasting Sertrous' stomach.

Eldritch Blast at disadvantage

[roll0] dis. [roll1]
[roll2] dis. [roll3]
[roll4] dis. [roll5]
[roll6] dis. [roll7]


If Sirthis sees that his EB works he'll heal himself with Healing Word lv. 5 for 52 hp, because Misty Step can't get him out now that he can't even see the outside.

2021-08-03, 01:14 PM
Sirthis's eldritch blast sank in only once and the stomach churned.

[roll0]+32 mixed bludgeoning and piercing to Eris from tail and barb.

2021-08-03, 04:16 PM
Eris was now bleeding profusely, hanging in there but not by much. While yes, the attacks weren't much, the sheer number of them had been overwhelming.
"If I go down... And the Field is still up... Try opening a gate to the dragons?" she suggested making eye contact with Leff and Malyanna "Their breath doesn't need magic" with that she struggled against her bonds, trying to cut the tongue restraining her up.

As long as she collapsed without getting eaten they could just drag her body out of the Field to heal her.

Mmm... Retaliation goes on Obox-Ob too yeah.

Let's hope the tongue isn't that strong.
37 to hit, 28
35 to hit, 22
33 to hit, 27 all slashing damage

2021-08-03, 05:05 PM
With a mighty cleave of Rumi, Eris cut into the tongue, then the shaft of the halberd hit a barb that made her fail to manage any reasonable hit... then she cut into it again. Once more... and the tongue released her as it was severed, pouring black blood.

"YES! That is my girl!" shouted a great flaming angelic creature as it appeared in a burst of hot red devil blood. Zariel pointed her halberd at the serpent.
"So why don't you leave your boss to my girl, and you and I dance?"

Obox-Ob reeled and screamed, his tongue slowly regrowing as he regenerated from the hacking Eris had given him. Sertrous vanished, then reappeared in the air facing Zariel.
Malyanna conjured a fist that she sent after Sertrous. "Let go of my boyfriend." And her blue fist rammed itself into the stomach, gripping around the wounds Eris had made already. Within the stomach, Sirthis watched as spectal blue fingers tore through the flesh around him, grabbing hold of him and pulling him out. With a last shriek, streaming black blood as it fell, Sertrous hit the ground and lay still, its black blood and stomach acid all over Sirthis.

Malyanna rolled a critical hit with a ninth level Bigby's Hand, dealing 16d8 force damage... in this case, 75, 4 more than Sertrous had hp remaining.

Obox-Ob, seeing this, dropped the Antimagic Field and cast a spell, but Malyanna just laughed and shattered it.
"No, no, you started this and you're going to watch me finish you. Missus Lelahinn, stay close, he can cast spells quick."
Leff lifted a hand and black fire erupted from the earth, baking the scorpion in her face where it stood before she moved to get within counterspell range of Obox-Ob.

It's Sirthis, he is in Malyanna's Hand but not grappled by it.

2021-08-03, 05:18 PM
Sirthis placed a kiss on Malyanna's Hand, winking at her as he sat comfortably.

"So, he broke the Antimagic Field, right? Uh" Sirthis looked at the bleeding tiefling and reached out to her with Sune's power.
"Sorry Eris, but my stronger heals would eat on my ability to take these peopl- Uuuuuhm" he sized Zariel up and down "Please tell me the hot new devil isn't an enemy"

I'm assuming that Eris and Obox-Ob are within 60 feet so:

Heal on Eris for 78 hp, then Bardic Inspiration on Malyanna.
Well tecnically on Malyanna's Hand, but it's the thought that counts.

If they are farther then that Sirthis will get off of the Hand and fly 30 feet closer.

Looking himself over, Sirthis winced.
"I need a bath"

2021-08-03, 05:20 PM
Spellcasting actually takes all 3 legendaries so... Eris, go ahead.

2021-08-03, 05:40 PM
Erid stood up. She was still looking deeply wounded, but she felt decidedly better after getting healed.
"Dispelled the Field, uh?" Eris stared at Rumi, a layer of dark frost and golden flame covering it "This will hurt you much moee then it hurt me" and then she thrusted Rumi into Obox-Ob's body, where golden flames erupted... And something new. A force wave pulsed out with her stabs, compressing Obox-Ob's body and sending bits of flesh scattering everywhere.

"Right, hi Mother! Glad to have you here!"

Not Retaliation, but still Reckless Attack+Frenzy+Rapid Strike

30 to hit, 25+21+38+5
39 to hit, 28+25+25+5
33 to hit, 22+19+34+5
39 to hit, 25+25+34+5 in this order: Slashing, Radiant, Force and Necrotic damage

"Mother? Like daughter like parent, uh"

2021-08-03, 05:55 PM
Zariel descended, laughing, at Obox-Ob, halberd swinging as she fought side-by-side with her daughter.
They were joined in the fight by a symphony of eldritch blasts and hand smashes, with Leff granting Eris a golden aura of pain before backing away from the melee.
As he was dying, Obox-Ob went in for a bite at Eris and Zariel jammed his mouth open with her halberd, letting Eris cleave his head in half at the jaws. With its shriek cut short, Obox-Ob shuddered and collapsed.

"I was so excited when Tanaquill sent me to finally kill demons again I quite forgot to bring more devils. Good thing that didn't matter." Zariel extended a fist to Eris.
"Well fought, daughter."

2021-08-03, 06:11 PM
Eris fist-bumped her mother "Well fought, Mother"
Sirthis went up to Malyanna, looked himself up and down, Prestidigitized himself clean, then hugged her and gave her a deep kiss.
"Awesome as always" he then casted See Invisibility and Detect Magic to check for any invisible sensors.

2021-08-03, 06:15 PM
There weren't any. Maybe the scriers were dead.
Zariel gave her a final smile, then vanished in a boiling spray of blood.
Malyanna kissed Sirthis, then started examining the bodies.

"We should keep some for Polly, too," Leff suggested. "I'll try to get out the venom sacs in Obox's tail." And she went for the tail.

I'm inclined to handle the 'getting these people away' with narrative. Is Eris alright with bringing them all to Malyanna's new land, or is she going to ask Leff to have her Gate go to Baldur's Gate?

2021-08-03, 06:33 PM
Eris is alright with it, yeah.

"Malyanna, are you Mind Blanked?" Sirthis asked at a certain point "It's just... They knew we were coming. And there aren't that many people who could've told them- and if they couldn't scry you it'd mean they could only scry me, which even further reduces the chances of these two having acted alone. I only decided to come here today"

2021-08-03, 06:35 PM
"No, I'm not," Malyanna said. "I used all of my upper tiers of spells yesterday and couldn't spare it. I usually do it at the end of the day."

Leff will roll MEDICINE [roll0]

2021-08-03, 06:48 PM
"So they could have been scrying you... Still, that would mean they found you today. They came here, waited in ambush, then discovered I was coming too and waited for us. It requires so much luck on their part -well, lack of luck I guess since they are dead now- that it feels impossible they did this alone" Sirthis said Sending.

How many people knew you'd ask me to go to the Isle? The fact that the Obyriths waited for me feels impossible without somebody's help.

2021-08-03, 06:56 PM
Shar knew. I had to negotiate up to two days to let the evacuation happen. She could have guessed which mortals I would go for.

"They also could have been scrying the island," Malyanna said.
"If they found out about the merging like I did they might have guessed that people would evacuate the island and assumed it would be the people who destroyed the Abyss."

2021-08-03, 07:07 PM
"I... Suppose that is true" Sirthis said "It still feels weird that they knew we'd join you. Hell, it feels weird that they struck only once we were together and I was casting and there wer- actually the last one is fine. I think. They didn't try to use the people as hostages, so I'm not sure why they waited so long. Still, Shar knew... And I suppose Anna too, though I'm not suspicious of her"

Actually, I am. But Sirthis and Eris aren't and I'm not about to go murder Shar.

2021-08-03, 07:25 PM
"Well, they were trying to kill us. What would they do with hostages, threaten to kill them unless we laid down and died? Just sending their minions after the people got me and Leff to use time and spells that could have been spent on buffs or summons saving them, that's probably all they planned for."
Leff emerged from Obox-Ob's corpse, coated in blood holding a mangled venom sac. "It didn't come out good."

2021-08-03, 07:27 PM
"Wouldn't Sortrus have poison too?" Sirthis asked "Cut his head off and stick it into a Demiplane so you don't risk ruining the sack"

2021-08-03, 07:29 PM
"Sac," Leff said. "No, it doesn't have fangs," Leff pointed out on the serpent. "Not venomous."

2021-08-03, 07:58 PM
Sirthis shrugged "I guess I wasn't getting poisoned by its bite a few seconds ago" he said.

Sirthis is referring to having received poison damage, which I assume he would describe as beng poisoned.

It's hard to define poison damage tbh.

2021-08-03, 08:02 PM
Leff, curious, examined Sertrous and started prying one jaw aside to look at the mouth. She let go, yiping and looking at her hand. "Ah," she said. "It doesn't have venomous fangs, its external jaws are just coated in poison. It might have oozed the stuff before it died."
"Obyrith are ****ed up," Malyanna said helpfully.

2021-08-03, 08:18 PM
"That's so cool. If they weren't ugly and irremediably evil I'd wanna be one" Sirthis chuckled.
Eris ran over to Leff hearing her yip and checked her hand, taking it into hers.

Homewever Eris understood nothing of medicine, so she just settled for for kissing Leff's fingers a bunch.
"There, all better"

I dare Leff to say that Eris' kisses aren't good medicine.

2021-08-03, 08:33 PM
While Eris kissed her Leff shot her hands with white fire. "Yep, all better."


2021-08-03, 08:38 PM
Fiiiine. If you wanna skip ahead Sirthis has something to tell Mab that night. Or in general when they are alone.

Basically he wants to out his deal with Tren Krom first to her then to Tanaquill. I think he ultimately doesn't consider the other druids (or really anybody who isn't his wife or the Overgod) important enough that he'd care wether they know or not.

Aaaaand kfowoap I suppose.

2021-08-03, 10:31 PM
After the long and difficult but ultimately boring and uninteresting process of getting a bunch of scared people to Malyanna's land, Sirthis went home and headed straight to Mab, but was waylaid by Relliss who wanted a shoulder ride, Boots who wanted a hug, Calis who kept saying hi behind him, and Aerthis who... actually stayed out of his way.

A few hours after THAT he was at last lying in bed with Mab, Alifa in her crib nearby with a stuffed tiger that she was looking at, but not touching.

2021-08-04, 05:38 AM
"There's something I think I should tell you" Sirthis mentioned as they laid in bed, lazily caressing her arm "Honestly, I had mostly forgotten about it- but all the relatively recent talk about druids made me think about it again, and I feel like you and Tanaquill should know, if for different reasons. So..." he took a deep breath "I want to make it clear that I don't feel guilty, nor am I seeking someone to tell me that it's alright or anything. Maybe I wouldn't do it again, but I wouldn't bet on it considering that the consequences might have saved my life and helped others. That said... I was the druid that teached Druidic to Tren Krom" Sirthis leaned back to watch Mab as he confessed it "I did it to get information on Clephesia, to know where and how to get to her murderer and how to save her afterwards. This was before we even met. Knowing what I know now that was possibly too much of a price but since it was how a friendly relationship with Malyanna started -the person who helped me while I was in need twice- I think if I hadn't the consequences would've been worst, so I overall think it was a good thing" he concluded.

"When I say twice I mean while Malyanna was still working for the aboleths- although I suppose one of those times was a consequence of me getting in danger working with her so I guess that doesn't count"

2021-08-04, 07:49 AM
Mab didn't look surprised, but did frown just a bit when Sirthis alluded to how important Malyanna was to him. Maly did try to sic a Tarrasque on Mab.
"I'd sort of figured," Mab said after a few seconds. "You don't tend to think of anything but those you love when you make decisions, and that's just the sort of thing the Aboleth take advantage of in a desperate person. And the fact that you came to me with a name..." Mab shrugged. "I'd guessed. Mother may want to know, though."

2021-08-04, 08:29 AM
"Yeah, I want to tell her, since she's the Overgod and all" Sirthis nodded, looking relieved "I just wanted you to know first" he smiled and kissed her cheek "Although I suppose since you already figured it out by yourself there was little point"

"Mmm... Perhaps I also hate a bit that Tanaquill talks **** about the unknown druid but speaks well about me. I'd rather only get insults if need be"

2021-08-04, 08:32 AM
"That's weird," Mab said, then there was a knock on the door.
"Mama! Lala! Nightmare! Me had nightmare!"

2021-08-04, 08:50 AM
Sirthis puffed out of existence and reappared next to the door, opening to let Boots in (only one person calls him Lala instead of Dada)- he immediately hugged his daughter, lifting her and carrying her to the bed and Mab.
"Don't worry, we're here now. Nightmares flee in front of Mommy and Daddy"

Literally because Sirthis can and will Dream her.

2021-08-04, 08:52 AM
"What happened?"
"Lif!" Boots pointed to Lif, who was still looking at her tiger. "Lif was drowning, and me pulled her out of the water, but she laughed and... she put her head back!" Boots hugged Sirthis close and cried.
Mab stroked Boots's cheek. "It's okay, Boots. Alifa is too smart to do something like that."

2021-08-04, 09:25 AM
Sirthis stroked Boots' head gently, holding her close.
"Yeah. Alifa won't do anything like that- and we know you wouldn't let it anyway, right?" he smiled "You're too strong" Sirthis kissed Clephesia's head, speaking softly.

2021-08-04, 09:43 AM
Boots snuggled up to them, but wouldn’t stop looking at Alifa all worried.
"You know what, Boots? Lala can cast a spell that lets Alifa breathe underwater. So if he casts that, she can’t drown. Can you do that, Lala?"

2021-08-04, 10:09 AM
Sirthis nodded and sat up, humming as he closed his hands. Opening them, he released four little green fish spirits that flew in their mouths.
"They will breath for us underwater" he explained "Now Boots, neither me, you, Mab or Alifa can drown. And it lasts a whole day, so all I have to do is cast it every evening and we'll always be safe"

2021-08-04, 10:48 AM
Alifa watched Sirthis cast and roughly copied his movements as best she could.

Boots hugged Sirthis. "Thanku, Lala!"

2021-08-04, 11:19 AM
Sirthis smiled and kissed Boots on the head.
"Why don't we all sleep together tonight?" he suggested "A big family sleepover"

2021-08-04, 11:23 AM
Boots cuddled up more tightly to him. "Ye-es!"
And with a lullaby from Mab, Boots and Alifa fell asleep.
Mab gave Sirthis a kiss. "I don't think Tanaquill can be that angry. You gave her two perfect grandkids."

2021-08-04, 11:35 AM
"Good idea, if her arms are busy holding Alifa or Boots she can't strangle me" Sirthis giggled lightly.
"Ehy, how about I send you inside Boots' dreams? I'm sure you'd have fun" and she wouldn't have another nightmare for sure.

2021-08-04, 11:38 AM
"Wonderful idea," Mab said, holding Sirthis and Clephesia both.

2021-08-04, 12:03 PM
Sirthis smiled and kissed Mab once- when he pulled away she was in a trance.

Casting Dream to let Mab go into Cleph's dreams.

That done, Sirthis went to sleep.

2021-08-04, 12:11 PM
Anything before the Tanaquill stuff?

2021-08-04, 12:14 PM
Nothing else! Also assume from now on that Sirthis Mind Blanks himself and Water Breaths the four of them (and the other kids if they are around, it's ten people each casting anyway) every night before going to sleep.

2021-08-04, 11:26 PM
The next morning, Sirthis was awakened by the smell of ozone and the feeling of his hairs standing on end, charged with electricity. Zenov rang the bell at the door.
"Darkness is meeting faerie and Whimsy's contrasted in shadow," he said, and led Sirthis out to watch as stormclouds billowed overhead, letting loose black lightning that stuck into the earth. The terrain mildly updated. That electric sizzle never quite left Sirthis's fingertips as he watched the world darken just for a moment... and then everything went back to normal, with a spiraling aurora borealis above him.
The Shadowfell and Faerie had united into something... old.

2021-08-05, 03:44 AM
Sirthis looked giddy as he observed the event- he didn't understand much of the process, but he did find the whole thing amazing to feel.
"I wonder if there's anything new to explore" Sirthis pulled out his mirror to check on Prisma's cave with Scrying.

2021-08-05, 07:13 AM
Sirthis saw a glitering diamond cave with a diamond elemental whose left arm was coated in blood.

2021-08-05, 10:03 AM
"Keeping itself busy. If my Scrying worked it means the cave is indeed in the Feywild" Sirthis smiled turning around "Let's go to the library" he suggested walking towards it while Sending.

Welcome to the Feywild! Anything notable you see outside the cave? I don't know where you ended up.

2021-08-05, 10:52 AM
Sirthis watched in his mirror as Prisma stirred and walked outside.
There's a big icy fortress, she sent back.

2021-08-05, 11:16 AM
Fairly sure that's Mab's Fortress where I live, so we're close!

When Sirthis got to the library he tried to find any out of the three working there, wanting to ask wether they had maps of... Whatever the Feywild and the Shadowfell together were called.

2021-08-05, 11:26 AM
Hoket stared at him. "No, the feywild and shadowfell have never been together."

2021-08-05, 11:54 AM
"Oh really? I was hoping they were like Toril and Abeir" Sirthis mused "I suggest you take a look out when you can, by the way. Pretty cool looking sky" with that he took his leave to go find Briar, wanting to go out for a trip and find Prisma's cave.

2021-08-05, 11:55 AM
Shall we to the Isle of Dread and slay the monsters? Briar asked, whinnying as Sirthis approached.

2021-08-05, 01:59 PM
Calm your horses. There's a couple of angry gods we can't take lightly either- as long as those monsters mind their place we won't move against them. Certainly not alone Sirthis thought back, feeling smart at his pun Let's go patrol around the Fortress, see if we find Prisma's cave he stroked her mane briefly before climbing on. Chocolate was with him but Hedge wasn't.

2021-08-05, 02:01 PM
Briar whinnied a few complaints but flew Sirthis around. One the East side of the Fortress he spotted Prisma waving from her cavern mouth.

2021-08-05, 02:19 PM
Sirthis waved and brought Briar down, touching down in front of the cave.
"Briar, Chocolate, never enter this cave. The elemental doesn't know you're friends" he warned before getting down and walking in to hug Prisma.
"Welcome in the Feywild! Feyfell. Shadowild?"

2021-08-05, 02:59 PM
"This is a plane that's never existed," Prisma said, kissing him. "As the husband of one of the two major powers here, you might be able to have a say in what the plane is called."

2021-08-05, 03:48 PM
Sirthis pointed up.
"I like Aurora for now, but there'll be time" he said, figuring that it was a fairly good name alongside stuff like "Celestia", "Limbo" and "Abyss".
"Since you're on Unseelie territory now, want me to leave a message on the cave's mouth that says 'Enter and incur the wrath of the Unseelie' or something like that? I could also cover the cave in an illusion. As long as I cast it at the highest level of power the illusion will stay indefinitely"

2021-08-05, 04:02 PM
"Thanks, I'd appreciate that!" she said, then shivered. "Wow, it's cold here."

2021-08-05, 04:20 PM
Sirthis hugged Prisma thighter draping his cloak over the nymph to shield her from the winds, nodding "Yeah, that might take some getting used to. I would offer to bring you clothes but uh... From what I understand nymphs generally abhor clothes. Perhaps a few blankets? Right now perhaps I know an activity to warm us up" he suggested. Lifting a hand, he Shaped on the cave's mouth the words 'Under the protection of Queen Mab, begone or be slain', then threw an illusion of a smooth surface over it. Anybody who didn't see through the illusion would move along, while anybody who saw through it would see the writing.

Stoneshape+Major Image level 6.

"Don't worry, as soon as you try passing through it the illusion will become trasparent to you but others will still see the fake wall"

2021-08-05, 04:28 PM
"We could go inside the fortress," Prisma suggested. "There are other nymphs there and it's not so windy."

Though not much warmer.

2021-08-05, 06:07 PM
"Yeah, it's usually warmer when nymphs are involved" Sirthis smirked "If you can afford to leave the cave right now then by all means" he patted on Briar "I'll give you a ride"

Assuming she accepted Sirthis helped her up, riding behind her on briar towards the Fortress.

2021-08-05, 06:17 PM
Prisma picked up a sleeping Noxan out of a cradle Mab had commissioned for her. "This close to the Fortress, I believe it ti be the safest it’s ever been."
She got onto Briar in front of Sirthis and leaned back against him.

2021-08-05, 06:25 PM
"Me and Briar patrol daily" Sirthis nodded and spurred Briar to the skies, flying back to the Fortress.

"...well, more like we go out to fly and if something happened we'd see it. But nothing ever did, hopefully it'll continue" he noted.

2021-08-05, 06:35 PM
After a bit more rest and relaxation, Mab announced Tanaquill was visiting to play with her grand kids.
Tanaquill was handing blocks to Alifa so she could put the blocks into their proper shapes while she sang a song to Boots, who was dancing with Hedge as her somewhat willing partner.

"Terribly sorry I couldn’t visit before the unification of the planes," Tanaquill said.
"But I had work... uniting the planes." She picked up Alifa and lifted her around like she was flying.
"I was happy to stop by, though."

2021-08-05, 06:48 PM
Sirthis felt a bit nervous at talking to Tanaquill, even with the kids in there.
"We love when you pass by" he smiled "Though since you're here I should confess you something. How much do you know about me coming to the Feywild? As in, the very first time" he asked, in... Draconic. Sirthis was fairly sure she spoke it since Tanaquill had a dragon, and he wasn't sure he wanted Boots to understand depending on

Mab's there too?

2021-08-05, 07:15 PM
Mab was there, resting on Thespia’s chest and helping Minthe watch the twins play hide-and-seek, roping Relliss into it to get a third.

"I know it involved Neifion’s death," Tanaquill said.
"But I confess I don’t know much about it at all."

2021-08-05, 07:55 PM
"A big, black creature attacked my village. It killed my sister, who was trying to shield me, and ran away" Sirthis started explaining "Or at least that is what I knew at the time. I wanted... I craved revenge and chased after it, into the Feywild where Neifion approached me. He was the one who told me the draegloth -though I didn't know what it was- entered Mab's service and essentially the plan was for me to get sponsored. I would impress and convince Mab to let me fight and kill it, he'd get a reward for sponsoring me" he took a deep breath.

"There was a statuette of Tren Krom in that castle, which she used to speak to me. She gave me a deal- she revealed I could actually save Clephesia, my sister, and she would give me information on the draegloth, its true name, information on how to bring her back and how to impress Mab in exchange for one thing- teaching her Druidic, which at the time I didn't really know the importance of" he looked up at her "I accepted. This was... What, three days before meeting Mab? Disregarding telling me that finding dirt on Neifion would work with Mab -he had openly praised Vecna in front of me, he wasn't exactly subtle- everything else... The knowledge of Druidic simply paled in front of the benefits of that offer" he concluded.

"I... Decided you should know. Especially after praising me for being ready to intervene in the Isle... And because you're now the Overgod and I figure this is important enough. And I would probably do it again if I went back- I can't know where I would've ended up without taking that deal, but chances are not only would I have been long dead but... Well, I like to think I helped a lot of people out and made a beautiful family by being alive. I understand if you'll despise me... If anything, I prefer you doing that knowing who I am rather then unknowingly insulting me when you talk about Druidic being known by Tren Krom"

2021-08-05, 08:27 PM
Tanaquill was quiet, but looked at Alifa when Sirthis mentioned his family.
"I don’t think," she said eventually,
"That you fully understand the consequences yet. And I worry that you might learn them sooner than you’re ready." Tanaquill kissed Alifa on the head.
"But I suppose we will all face them together." Alifa grabbed her hand and started slobbering all over it.
"Oh, are you hungry? Let’s see if we can’t mash up some strawberries for my smart little girl. Do you want strawberries?"
Boots ran up and looked at Alifa before saying "she wants... she wants strawberries and peaches."
"Of course she does. Do you want some too, Boots?"
"Well, let’s go get some."
Picking up Alifa and holding Boots’s hand, Tanaquill headed off to the kitchens.

2021-08-05, 08:41 PM
Sirthis took a breath.
"I don't know if I should be worried about what she said or... I guess kind of relieved she reacted better then I thought" he admitted to Mab "I am neither though. Boots reading Alifa's face was too cute" he cracked a smile.

2021-08-05, 08:45 PM
"Older sister thing. It took me forever to learn how to talk because Titania would always talk for me," Mab smiled. "But don't worry about that. That's nowhere near a problem between us."

2021-08-05, 09:00 PM
"Mmm... Does that mean we should discourage Boots to let Alifa learn how to speak? Or is that fine?" Sirthis asked confused. He had no such experience and from how Mab put it it looked like it wasn't a good idea.

There again Boots and Alifa were nothing like Titania and Mab, or so he thought.

2021-08-05, 09:04 PM
"She'll figure it out. She might just be quiet. And with all the kids we'll have running around... a quiet kid's nothing bad." Mab moved from Thespia and leaned her head on Sirthis's chest instead. "I think I'll go awhile without any pregnancies," she said as Aerthis and Calis ran over, cuddling up against Sirthis and Mab respectively. "It's not as if I'll stop hearing the pitter-patter of little feet."

2021-08-06, 04:23 AM
"True, aside from my little ninja there's always a kid running around" Sirthis giggled, shifting his position to give more space for Mab and Aerthis to nestle up to him.
"I know it's obvious but... I love you all"

2021-08-06, 07:40 AM
"I love you, too." Mab said without hesitation.
"Layou, dada! Layou, Mab!" Calis said. Aerthis smiled shyly and hid her face in Sirthis's belly.

Aw. Love.

Eris was teaching Laura a bit about fighting when Leff stopped over and sat down on a bench overlooking the training field. After Laura's lesson was done, Leff approached Eris. "I wanted to let you know that on fourthdays I'll be heading over to the sick house to help out like we did together that time," Leff said. "I have also requested a list of people who have died of anything other than old age, and I'll be bringing them back one at a time." She showed Eris the list. "I found a way to do it without the diamonds once. And... is there anyone you would like to add to the list?"

2021-08-06, 08:12 AM
Eris shook her head.
"I don't know of a single person who is dead, can be resurrected and isn't better off dead" she said "At least not of those whose name I remember. On another note, I could join you- my healing abilities are still above average even if I'm not great at it"

2021-08-06, 08:24 AM
Leff hugged her. "I'd love you to come with me."

2021-08-06, 09:15 AM
"I can be your nurse, doctor" Eris chuckled "In all seriousness, I will come and help too. I can at least heal diseases and poisons even if lost limbs are beyond my reach" she glanced down at Rumi.

"Mh... I suppose turning myself into a cleric or a druid for better healing would risk hurting my combat abilities when I need them the most"

2021-08-06, 10:07 AM
Leff chuckled. "Hey, I think I can manage."

Alright. What’s next on the agenda?

2021-08-06, 10:11 AM
Next kid, I think.

How much time there is before Leff's tribe comes over?

2021-08-06, 10:14 AM
At most four years. Probably a few months less.

2021-08-06, 01:10 PM
Then yeah, next kid.

I suppose Eris would ask about that fire elemental lord to Tanaquill. It's not high priority to her, but Leff almost jumped into lava after a single sentence. Eris would want to know wether it'll be something the gods will address or not.

2021-08-06, 01:26 PM
A few months later, before Demis’s birth, Sirthis got a Sending from Malyanna that she was waiting in the grove. But he was flying around holding Alifa to let her experience flight. What was he to do!?

"I Sent to Tanaquill about Maegara. She says she renewed a contract with Maegara and doesn’t expect her to be a problem unless we go into her territory again."

2021-08-06, 02:15 PM
Sirthis, clearly, brought Alifa back home then went to meet Malyanna.


Yeah, no.
"Let's go meet Malyanna" he told Alifa as he adjusted course to fly back to his Grove "Do you remember her? Elf, white hair, fair skin, flaming forehead?" he asked, though he didn't expect a reply from the quiet daughter. A look of comprehension would have sufficed.
"Sounds good. Uh... Out of curiosity, what do you think happened to the various Crossings that led to the Shadowfell?" Eris asked the more studious Leff.

I'm assuming Eris and Leff discovered the creation of Aurora, one way or the other.

Yeah I'm gonna keep calling the Feyfell 'Aurora'.

2021-08-06, 02:44 PM
Alifa grabbed her forehead. "Ow," she said simply.
Malyanna was already grabbing for Alifa when Sirthis landed. Around her was tourmaline, benitoite, and azurite powdered in crates.
"Hello, Alifa. How are you?" Malyanna asked.
Alifa looked up at her and nuzzled up to Malyanna's chest.
"Still not talking?" Maly nodded to the gem powder.
"Are you ready to defend your true name?"

"Probably all Feywild and Shadowfell crossings lead into Aurora now," Leff answered. Then her brow wrinkled. "Hold up, I just thought of something." She sat down and started sculpting with white fire, forming a humanoid starting with the feet. "I'll be an hour."

2021-08-06, 02:57 PM
"Boots reads her intentions and talks for her tipically" Sirthis explained, looking around at the gems "Sounds good to me. Are we going to make it all glittery?" he chuckled.

"Seriously, I have no clue what's all this for"
"Alright" Eris sat down, staring intently.
"White flames... So you are infusing life or something?

2021-08-06, 03:02 PM
"Coat yourself in the gem dust," Malyanna instructed. "It will attune you to yourself and help you establish defenses."

"Okay, so you know how you normally can't resurrect gods with resurrection magic?" Leff asked.

2021-08-06, 03:06 PM
"Can I put it over my clothes?" Sirthis asked as he started spreading azurite over his face.
"Never heard of that. I thought one could- aren't gods just mortals without a Divine Spark?" Eris asked.

2021-08-06, 03:10 PM
"Uh... no, you cannot, it needs skin contact."

"Yes, and the answer is you can, it's just usually impossible because their 'death' for the purpose of resurrection doesn't start when they die as gods, but when they become gods. In a very real sense, that is the death of their mortal selves, and so usually when gods die it's been too long since they were mortals to bring them back." For dramatic purposes, this is when she finishes making the roughly humanoid figure. "But Midnight became a goddess in the 1350s... about a hundred and fifty years ago... Midnight." And the white figure flashed and light went at Eris's eyes.

2021-08-06, 03:24 PM
Sirthis shrugged and started undressing, then opened the crates and started dipping inside them like bath tubs.

Uncomfortably, since they weren't made for that, but it was faster.
"So- Midnight is the one you're resurrecting?" Eris asked shielding her eyes from the light then checking the result.

I didn't know we were in the year 1500.

2021-08-06, 03:40 PM
Malyanna kept holding Alifa. "True Names can be used to remove immunities, like to the charmed condition, or to deliver curses. You need to repeat your own True Name and choose a protection you want: You can make it so that in order to say your true name with the intention to do anything with it, they need to bypass your own power," Malyanna said.
"You can rig your True Name to damage and hopefully kill anyone who uses it, not just says it, that won't do anything, but use it with the intent to effect you. Or if someone tries to get you with your True Name they're brought to you for you to handle them yourself. Luckily, your True Name can only be used, like any other creature's, once every moon cycle... so once a month. So if you pick the first one they can't just keep trying."

-To use your True Name, a creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw against a Spell Save DC you have. If you have no Spell Save DC, use Constitution to determine it.
-Using your True Name is physically dangerous. Whenever someone uses your True Name, roll your hit dice and deal that much Necrotic Damage to whoever uses it. They get a Con save to half it, with the same DC as the above thing.
-Using your True Name instantly brings the creature that utters it into your presence, a la the Gate spell.

Early 1490s. And I don't believe you ever asked.

She saw a woman in a black dress with the darkish skin of the Vitani people blinking and looking around.
"Well. It's been awhile. Hello, world."
"Eris, meet the mortal woman Midnight, once goddess of magic."

2021-08-06, 04:11 PM
"Mmm... They're all kinda useless in my situation, aren't they?" Sirthis asked with a frown "None of these will stop Tren Krom from stripping me of my power or turning me over to her side, or whatever other thing she has in store. Even worst, she could get Gated while I'm with my kids" he sighed "I suppose the first one has at least a chance to stop anybody who is below her"
"Hi, Midnight. We're Eris and Leflabah Lelahinn, welcome to Fortune's Wind, our home. We're near Baldur's Gate" she extended her hand to shake Midnight's.

2021-08-06, 04:24 PM
"What would you like to try?" Malyanna said. "Maybe I can manage something."

Midnight shook her hand. "Thank you for your help, Eris and Leflabah Lelahinn. Now, I will need some way to contact the Raven Queen and have her return my Divine Sparks to me."

2021-08-06, 04:36 PM
"You mean a fourth possible choice? I dunno... Something that protects my True Name from Tren Krom. That's the whole reason to do this in the first place" Sirthis said "She's not only who could try to but she is the only one we know capable of doing it"
"That... Doesn't look like a good idea" Eris said "I don't know how god laws work but you'd risk plunging them into in-fighting again by weakening their Overgod. Especially given how well Tanaquill has been performing, as far as I know at least"