View Full Version : How High would a persons Intelligence Score have to be to Memorize every spell?

2021-08-01, 09:54 AM
I don't mean to be able to cast every one.

More like if they were on a Quiz Show or something.

How high would their INT Score have to be to Memorize every spell and what they do, on the Wizard Spell lit for example?

2021-08-01, 10:22 AM
How much Int do you need to reliably hit DC 15 Autohypnosis (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/skills/autohypnosis.htm)?

2021-08-01, 10:33 AM
Really? 19. At 19 you can cast any arcane spell. Then its the trick of having umpteen gold to buy the scrolls to add them all to your list of spells known.

2021-08-01, 10:54 AM
Memorize every spell in one time?

2021-08-01, 11:12 AM
Memorize every spell on the Wizard spell list?
The ACF Eidetic Spellcaster from DrM 357, 19 int, Level 17, and LOADS of gold.

But I assume you mean how much Int you would need to Prepare every spell.

In which case it would be roughly equal to the following:
Int = 4 * (# of Xth Level Spells - 5) + (10+2X)
Where X is equal to any of the Spell Levels, just figure out which one is the highest answer and that's the int you need.

My equation could be wrong here I admit, its the end of my day here so I'm tired, if someone finds an error in it please correct it.

Edit: Nevermind, late day posting never a good idea. Totally read question wrong.

2021-08-01, 11:35 AM
How much Int do you need to reliably hit DC 15 Autohypnosis (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/skills/autohypnosis.htm)?

Autohypnosis is wisdom, actually. Still honestly the best answer for memorizing the effects of each spell.

2021-08-01, 11:44 AM
Autohypnosis is wisdom, actually.
That's the joke(?), yes.

2021-08-01, 03:15 PM
I usually consider memory as a function of Int and Wis combined.
For this purpose though, I don't think you'd need to be all that exceptional. Regular people can memorize quite a lot if it's important to them and they spend time working at it. I know a good chunk of the spell list just from having used it in games, with no active effort to memorize it.

To just casually memorize it near-perfectly, like "I used to spend lunchtime reading arcane encyclopedias, and so I ended up memorizing all the spells", probably more on the exceptional end, like ... 15/15 or the equivalent, maybe? It's not common, but people do that kind of thing IRL.

2021-08-01, 03:26 PM
Autohypnosis is wisdom, actually. Still honestly the best answer for memorizing the effects of each spell.

Arguably the RAI (not the RAW) of the Keen Intellect Feat should make it an Int powered Wisdom based skill since Keen Intellect allows you to use Int for Wis based saving throws and Int for Wis based skills all of them in that system that Keen Intellect belongs too.

2021-08-01, 06:20 PM
Depends on how much intelligence a person needs to pay for a level 1 psion to cast Eidetic Lock on them. I'm guessing even 6-9 INT should suffice.

Maat Mons
2021-08-01, 06:24 PM
Isn't knowing what spells exist and what they do a function of the Spellcarft skill?

2021-08-02, 10:40 AM
Knowing what spells do at the time of casting is indeed Spellcraft. The DC for this is 15 + spell level.
However, knowing spells based on their effects, or spells that have targeted you, requires Arcana/Religion. The DC for these two is much harder - 20+spell level for the former, and 25+spell level for the latter.

Under calm circumstances (no pressure to know the answer quickly) you can take 10. Therefore, knowing every spell under one of the circumstances above would mean you need a total modifier of the 9th-level DC-10, or a +24 modifier for a 9th-level spell in the hardest category. Getting that high with raw intellect and no training (or more accurately, the bare minimum of training, since you need at least one rank in both of these to make a check that high) would need epic levels of Int. With more training you can get that down to pre-epic levels.

"On a quiz show" is considerably harder because you would be under duress and therefore have to roll. To be safe then, you would want a modifier of the highest DC-1, to account for the fact that you might roll a 1 and therefore not know the answer - i.e. a total modifier of +34. This is tricky even pre-epic.

2021-08-02, 05:24 PM
Yeah, I just realized this would be a Knowledge Arcana Skill.
Not an Intelligence Check! XD

Doing it on just an Intelligence Check alone would be ridiculous.

But with Ranks and other Modifiers in a Knowledge Arcana Skill it wouldn't be too bad.

2021-08-03, 10:27 AM
Knowing what spells do at the time of casting is indeed Spellcraft. The DC for this is 15 + spell level.
However, knowing spells based on their effects, or spells that have targeted you, requires Arcana/Religion. The DC for these two is much harder - 20+spell level for the former, and 25+spell level for the latter.

Under calm circumstances (no pressure to know the answer quickly) you can take 10. Therefore, knowing every spell under one of the circumstances above would mean you need a total modifier of the 9th-level DC-10, or a +24 modifier for a 9th-level spell in the hardest category. Getting that high with raw intellect and no training (or more accurately, the bare minimum of training, since you need at least one rank in both of these to make a check that high) would need epic levels of Int. With more training you can get that down to pre-epic levels.

"On a quiz show" is considerably harder because you would be under duress and therefore have to roll. To be safe then, you would want a modifier of the highest DC-1, to account for the fact that you might roll a 1 and therefore not know the answer - i.e. a total modifier of +34. This is tricky even pre-epic.

I'm quite sure that knowing spells that have targeted you is spellcraft instead of knowledge (religion) or knowledge (arcana) , and the same with knowing spells based on their effect . At least these are in the table of spellcraft (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/spellcraft.htm)for dnd 3.5 srd . So how can we boost that spellcraft high enough to never fail? Let's try without any item bonus and spells (probably they would be dispelled) and let's see what we could try to do
There is a +2 from synergy with spellcraft
There is a +3 from skill focus (spellcraft)
Let's assume magical aptitude for another +2
There is the motivate intelligence aura from the marshal (but it's not a class skill for them)
There is the insight aura in the draconic aura feats (being a dragonblooded would increase on level 2 7 12 and so on while dragon shaman level 1 5 and 10 15 and 20)
There is apprentice spellcaster that give us a +2
And finally let' use the spellscale race (as we have an aura on the charisma and it's better being dragon blooded for draconic aura) with the Io meditation that give a bonus of half the level
For something absurd there is even the illiterate traits that can give us a bonus on spellcraft of +1
So we would have +7 from feats +2 from synergies +1 from trait +charisma + variable bonus + half our level + (level +3) ranks
So it's something like 13+charisma +variable bonus +1,5 times our level So let's say a dragon shaman (blue lineage) 7/marshal 1 using the skill focus to gain each feat. The bonuses would be 11 ranks +7 from feats +2 synergy+1 trait+ charisma +intelligence +4 (spellscale) +2 (draconic aura) for a +27 . So with a 16 of charisma and 18 of intelligence would be enough. At level 9 we would need 1 mod of these stat less, while at level 10 we would need only a total of +4 on these mods instead of +7 . If we include spells and invocations probably we would even need less as the dragon shaman could use the shamanic invocations ACF to learn draconic knowledge invocation which would give a +6
Could we use another race instead of the spellscale? Probably yes but with flaws like an half elf with aereni focus and complementary insight for example but the main thing it is the level of the character as it could be done in various way (not that it would be an optimized character , it was only optimized on spellcraft this character not on many other things)

For source on what I said
Dragon shaman : Player handbook II
Marshal Miniature handbook
Spellscale Races of Dragon
Skill focus (spellcraft), magical aptitude , synergy bonus Player handbook
Illiterate traits .Unearthed arcana
Shamanic invocation ACF Dragon magic
Aereni focus Player guide to eberron
Complementary insight Races of destiny

Oh right if we wanted to do an intelligence check we could try with the savant and it's academy lore ability . That would be an intelligence check with a bonus (and probably even better with an illumian ) but i'm not sure if it could be done pre epic I admit XD

Maat Mons
2021-08-03, 03:23 PM
I had to check, but it turns out Pathfinder moved some of the functions of 3.5 Spellcraft onto Knowledge (arcana) instead. I have no idea why though. Did they feel Spellcraft needed to be less useful for balance reasons?

2021-08-03, 03:34 PM
I had to check, but it turns out Pathfinder moved some of the functions of 3.5 Spellcraft onto Knowledge (arcana) instead. I have no idea why though. Did they feel Spellcraft needed to be less useful for balance reasons?

Oh I didn't know that...so if it is on knowledge arcana is somewhat more difficult rather than with spellcraft