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2021-08-04, 12:45 PM
D&D 5e: Arcana of the Ancients
Part One: The Hills of Crooked Sleep

Other than cyphers, the main draw of the Caracara Fair has always been the entertainments and distractions that come with many fairs all over the world. Chief among them is the Kite Fighting Contest, which draws people from near and far, but there are also drinking contests, performance art contests, knife dueling, and more. Victories in the contests will win you fair tokens, and fair tokens can be exchanged for prizes... including cyphers!
Most people are going to the fair to enjoy it, but some of you may have been hired to work at the fair. You may be a performer, a security guard, or a merchant, come from away to make your fortune here. If so, you worked while the fair was getting set up and are due for a break in your shift.
Rodor the Rat is a human merchant of questionable sources and ethics. They always seem to know what you need, and for the right price they can provide just about anything. You may have met Rodor in her merchant capacity, or you may be a personal friend, but either way you received a message from Rodor some time ago asking that you meet her at the Caracara fair. It also said "At last year's fair, I won a magic trinket of a sort I've never seen. No one knew where it came from. We need to find out. Help me, and I'll split the proceeds with you. See you there!"
You either know Umeli the Mage or you were hired by people looking for her. She has been hard to find for the last year, but all clues pointed towards her buying a house in the town of Caracara. You either mean to catch up with her, you were hired to find her, or you've got a grudge with her that must be satiated- she is a notoriously stern and condescending woman, even to her friends.

From a friend of an acquaintance who you beat in a game of chance you have received a strange object- https://static.grainger.com/rp/s/is/image/Grainger/1EKZ3_AS02?hei=1000&wid=1000
A silvery, light, metallic packet with something inside. The loser you got it from said it came from Caracara, as did a fortune teller who also stated you could find answers about it there. You've come to Caracara to find out what it is, what it does (if anything), and if there are more.

The dry, dusty road to Caracara passes over a natural ridge in the landscape, revealing series of weirdly leaning grass-covered downs rolling away to the north. A shallow valley opens below, which seems filled by a sea of tents and tiny colorful kites. It is the first day of an event that lasts a tenday, the summer sun is shining down on the small frontier town, and there is a steady flow of people making their way down to the valley for today's celebration, with more so already arrived. You all find yourselves on the road for various reasons, but all those reasons lead into the one time sleepy town of Caracara, now a burgeoning, bustling center of commerce and entertainment. Around you are people of eclectic fashions and purpose, some driving carts and some carrying only what they can manage on their back and their belt. Of note, however, is a tall half-elven woman wearing a dress of multicolored faux feathers and fabrics, standing at the edge of the road and looking out towards the stilted mounds with a look of confusion on her pretty, angular features. She lifts a large, impractical hat off her head and uses it to shade her eyes. "I swear I saw a man in red robes out there... where did he go?" After a few seconds she shrugs and continues on her way toward the valley and the festivities, each step sending up a dancer's ruffle of fabric.

Feel free to introduce your character, describe them, and role play out your chosen purpose to be at the fair. Fate has chosen for you all to be at various points of the road at the same time. Sorry the picture shows their fair at night, but that will come soon enough.

Inmate XIII
2021-08-04, 09:05 PM
A smirk spreads across the scraggly human's face as he approaches a lanky elf. The merchant is careless; half-drunk with her heavy purse hanging off of the back of her belt. Even a novice pickpocket would find this elf an easy target and he was no novice. Keeping his eyes on the merchant herself, ensuring he wasn't spotted, he reached out slowly to claim his prize. Just as his fingers brushed against the purse, a hand landed on his shoulder with a bone-crushing grip.

Glowering down at him was a muscular half-orc, fury shining in his violet eyes. Before he knew it, the pickpocket found himself being violently thrown into a jail cell, hands bound behind his back. The paladin turned and left without another word. The jailer only chuckled. "You interrupted the first real break he's gotten in days, lad. Be glad he didn't break your legs."

Lieutenant Greck Shieldbiter stepped out into the sun, closed his eyes, and tilted his head back to enjoy the warmth. Tall and broad, his slate-grey face was pocked with various scars, some of which stretched all the way up to his shaved scalp.

Most of the passersby stared at him and a few even to whispered to each other, but Greck ignored them. It wouldn't be proper for a paladin of Tyr to take offense to such minor slights. Besides, even he had to admit that he was a strange sight to behold. His chain armor and spiked warhammer were undoubtedly of orcish make, yet the shield he bore and the amulet he had around his neck both blazoned the symbol of Tyr, marking him as a disciple of the god of Justice. A strange sight he was indeed.

Just then, his stomach grumbled. He gave a sheepish shrug to an onlooker and started making his way over to the tent of, Baldwin, a dwarf he had met a few days before while helping to set the fair up. Baldwin made and absolutely fantastic spiced meat stew and was always happy to sneak Greck a free bowl for his help in putting the dwarf's tent up.

2021-08-04, 09:58 PM
Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Cleric

Yusha hums happily to himself as his quill scratches along parchment. His hand floats confidently over the page, quietly transforming it from blank paper into a veritable masterpiece. Crisp lines give way to bold strokes, granting life to parchment that until now had just been waiting patiently to serve its purpose.

The pair sitting across from him in the spacious stagecoach seem patient enough, but Yusha can feel the gentle vibration of a heel bouncing nervously. The one in leathers certainly seemed more anxious than the one in silks, though both appear too intent on the goings-on outside, despite a lack of activity. There was barely any foot traffic here behind the silk one's tent, but all the same they seemed keen to avoid staring at Yusha or the small eagle preening its feathers beside him. It's unlikely any of this would have elicited comment from the warforged even if he hadn't been so engrossed in his quill-work.

While his calling may have dragged him into more caves than carnivals, Yusha nevertheless found the means to ply one trade or another whenever he re-entered civilization. One didn't have to be at the Grand Bazaar in Katapesh to find people in need of financial documents.

Yusha holds up the notarized receipt, examining it as he clicks twice and gestures, sending a small puff of wind from his fingertips to carefully dry the ink. Satisfied, Yusha looks up from his work and hands each of the men a well-made bill of sale. Stepping outside the coach, he watches the two finish their deal as the leather one's apprentice straps a small chest to a mule already laden with saddlebags. Two men with spears and shortswords stand idle nearby, trying to hide their boredom even as Yusha beams down on two of Abadar's creatures executing a flawless transaction.

Another gesture from Yusha and the image of a scale weighed down on one side by eight silver pieces forms in the air beside the three of them. Given the amount changing hands Yusha could have bartered for more, but they'd already set a price and adjusting it would have been improper. It was as Abadar willed it to be. These men had earned a blessing, no doubt, and Yusha was happy to play a part. He graciously accepts four silver from each, then changes the image to an empty scale with the words "go in balance" suspended underneath. The warforged smiles and bows his head before turning, catching Kalib on his outstretched arm as the two make their way back to the main thoroughfare.

2021-08-05, 10:54 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 0/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 2/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The mountain roads yielded to a vista of woods and valley. The wind waved her midnight blue kimono as a banner, declaring her foreign presence. Yet, most eyes drifted to her silver veined gloves, smooth metal helm, and floating lantern before averting in discomfort at the lack of familiar features. The dusky plate over her face revealed nothing of the race behind her veil. She rested her hands on her strangely studded staff and gazed upon the vale before her.

She reached out toward the town, extending her fingers and twisting them as if to pluck the bustling city from the ground. As she did, she recited the commands she had learned from the visor. In response, the town glowed with a soft red radiance. "Enhance. Two times. Sharpen."

The voice that flowed from the visor rang hollow and deep, as if spoken through the hum felt in a lightning storm while standing inside a giant brass bell. Yet, the feminine tones clearly resonated within the speech. As she stood alone to observe the fabled Fountain of Mysteries, called Caracara to the natives, considered again her task. "The Channeler of the Ancients possesses many secrets best preserved in the sanctuaries of our Order. Tales whisper she is a living mountain, stern in bearing and scorching in her wrath. Yet, the Dragon's lair is the Mountain, and the scaled warrior carries its lair where it pleases."

She gestured again, constructing a stone dragon statue around her as she knelt. A man on a horse and his scaled guard rounded the bend moments later. "Leaping salamanders! What daft artist took the effort to carve that queer monument? Always someone trying to show off during the Fair. An empty tower perched on that one to plant it on the eastern pass, when the main gate would get them more views."

"Yes, sire." droned his guard who continued to tromp down the trail, minding the statue only long enough to gaze beyond to the prospect of wine and women.

"Well, I look forward to meeting the real artists in Caracara. I loved the relic show last year. They had this https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHTB1oy82JV XXXXcbXFXXq6xXFXXXQ%2FPortable-Waterproof-font-b-Emergency-b-font-Space-Rescue-Thermal-Foil-font-b-Mylar-b-font.jpg&f=1&nofb=1 that weighed no more than the breath on the back of your hand! Oh, I should have sold my horse for that! Said to mystically keep the wearer warm--even in a blizzard! Think of that, Geralt!"

"Indeed, sire. A right wonder."

The Dragon lurked and waited until the labor of the laden horse faded, along with its neighing master. Then the statue flickered, faded, and revealed the woman with her latern. She descended with quiet steps, curious to see these wondrous crafts and find the mysterious mage.

Cast Guidance ("Enhance") and Minor Illusion (Sight).

2021-08-05, 03:57 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

A skinny, clean-shaven young man with boyish features and a high forehead crests the rise, a little out of breath--it's been a while since he's made a trip like this on foot. Loose parchments nearly spill from his overfull pack. With his unassuming bearing, they would make it easy to take him for some hapless scribe, probably sent by some employer from the city on who'd-know-what thankless errand. One thing betrays such a guess: the cloak underneath said pack, unembroidered and dyed a vivid blue.

"At our current pace, we should arrive in just under an hour." The voice doesn't come from Calen's lips. A keen observer might pinpoint its source as a small rectangle of black synth hanging from a sling on his belt.

Just a few paces down the slope, one such observer perks up. A boy of perhaps seventeen, plainly dressed with dirt-smudged cheeks, steps theatrically onto the path as Calen approaches. His companion, a girl with a similar nose, maybe a year younger, hangs back out of the way.

"Hoy, friend!" The boy's smile is just a little too wide for comfort. "Headed for the festivities?"

Some instinct makes Calen stop, a line appearing between his brows. "That I am."

The stranger isn't subtle about glancing at the device on his hip. "Seems to me you've won a prize already. How much would you ask for that talking plate?"

Calen can't help but take a half step back, hand going to the tablet. "He--" He catches himself. "It's not for sale."

"That so?" The stranger follows him step for step.

"Cut it out, Reg!" the girl abruptly pipes up. She looks nearly as worried as Calen does. "Can't you see he's a wizard? Look at his cloak!"

Reg's eyes narrow. "Anyone can wear a blue cloak. He don't look like no wizard to me."

Calen takes a deep breath and straightens his shoulders. "I am--"

The sound of hoofbeats and wheels from behind interrupts him, a carriage cresting the rise and heading their way. The driver's eyes are on them. Inwardly, Calen breathes a sigh of relief. "Going to go now. Good day." The boy holds his glare, but makes no move to stop Calen from passing.

Out of earshot, Calen lets out the breath he was holding. "Kip, I think we need to be more careful. Maybe you should keep quiet when we're not alone?"

The voice from the device sounds as cool and calm as before, but Calen's heard it enough to detect the note of annoyance. "If you think it's best."

"Just until we get to Umeli's, at least." The thought doesn't feel all that reassuring to him. After all, from the sound of things, Umeli hasn't seen anyone in quite a while.... Shaking his head, he pushes on. She's still the best lead he's got, and he's a colleague, officially, not just some stranger.

Not much further, now.

2021-08-06, 10:45 AM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar was frowning. The dandy had slapped over her tankard. Beer frothed sadly over the edge of the table and into the grass. He was still talking, but the elf was no longer really listening to the words.

"-move on, you savage, or perhaps my friends and I will teach you a bit of civili-"

The swaggering bully-boy was still smirking when Shalar punched him in the face.

All things considered, it was a pretty good punch; the orc-raised elf was a powerful, if somewhat short figure, their bear-skin clad figure showing a powerful tattooed physique for a species more commonly known for their delicate grace.

The man's nose gave way with a satisfying crunch under Shalar's fist. He dropped, squealing, clutching at his face; blood squirted between his fingers. His crew of hangers-on and toadies took steps back or groped for the handles of daggers. One of the young women who had been previously attached to his arm let out a brief scream. Shalar swept her gaze across them - and something indefinable in her posture became harder and more prepared for violence.

There were many strange folk at the fair - but none, perhaps, quite like Shalar Yotul Azari, warshifter, orc-in-mind. She stood above the concussed dandy, grinning widely down at him. A stick of heavily spiced meat dangled from the corner of her mouth like a bumpkin's haystalk. Her eyes were a startling scarlet, pupils slitted like a beast's. She had a pair of handaxes and a sturdy skullcracker hanging from straps at her waist-wraps, but she made no move to draw them.

"Said to bother someone else, yes?" Shalar said. Her voice was curious mix of gutteral orcish from a naturally non-gutteral voice. She cast a regretful look at the tankard the rake had overturned. He'd thought that his group of cronies would have been enough to bully the lone elf into giving up her seat in front of the food tent; alas, but fear-wise he didn't quite match up to the Old Hill King that Shalar now wore the skin of.

"Oo boke my bose!" the dandy shouted. Two of his friends were helping him up, glaring daggers at Shalar. She smiled back, showing teeth both white and sharp.

"Yes!" Shalar exclaimed happily. She flexed her fingers before she balled them into fists."Come then! I break something else!"

For a moment, the rakehell wavered between pride and pain before circumspection and cowardice won.

"Uo'll reget tis!" He shouted as he turned and did his best to stalk away, dabbing at his nose with his fingers. His cronies followed, giving her dirty looks all the while. Shalar watched them go before she laughed and relaxed.

"Hey, drugghoz!" she called to the dwarf running the food tent, using the orcish word for dwarf. "My tankard had accident! Need refill, yes!"

As she waited for more beer, she mulled over things she'd overheard. She'd asked about, but few people here had heard of a metal pillar like the one in the Valley around here. There was supposedly a witch that lived here - Umili or something - but at the moment, she was just enjoying the fair. All the stalls and strange people were fascinating. There were even challenges for her to compete in, something she was looking forward.

Yes, this seemed like this place would be fun.

2021-08-06, 12:39 PM
On the Road to the Caracara Fair

As Calen and the Dragon make their way down the hill to the fair, both of them have the sensation that they are being watched. The road becomes more crowded as you both move closer to the festivities, so it is easy to pass it off as some onlooker causing the hairs on your neck to rise or ignore it as a trick of the mind. Your journey down to the fair is uneventful, but the spirits of the travelers around you are high and a wandering minstrel adds some music to your journey using their lute.

In the distance, standing on the far side of one of the oddly sloping hills and barely visible over the top, is a dark robed individual. It is very difficult to make out any details, but they seem to be wearing a helmet or a mask and a full body robe that covers their features completely. Just as you are noticing them they turn around and walk down the hill, moving out of your vision completely. You have the strangest sense of deja vu, as though you've seen them before far back in your past.

On the Main Thoroughfare of the Festivities

Greck has settled down for his bowl of stew, free of charge just as he figured, and Yusha is moving out of a tented area towards the dwarf's stall. Baldwin leans across the makeshift counter close to Greck with a wide smile on his face. "So, sir knight! What do you plan on doing with your time off? This dwarf pays special attention to the work schedules of the security, and I happen to know that you are coming off shift in a half hour when the sun is at it's highest. Plan on joining the drinking contest? Maybe paying a visit to the kissing booth? Or are you going to try your hand at the knife duels?" Further down the bench a well dressed young man with a drooping mustache knocks over the drink of a tattooed elf wearing a massive bear skin with a snigger that removes any doubt that it was intentional. "Oh, damn..." Says Baldwin just as the elf's fist impacts the human's nose, his silly mustache flying up as though to defend his face. Before Greck can intercede, Baldwin puts a hand on his chest to slow him down. "Now boyo, take a breath. He was obviously askin to get knocked around a bit, and she's not gonna kill him. You and I both know that the Fair Committee expects us to give outsiders a wee bit of leeway so we don't discourage them from comin back next year. Why don't we consider this a first strike against her and give her another chance or two? Not that I'm biased, mind you, even if she has already spent a gold piece on my food and ale..." Baldwin gives Greck a wink and a chuckle as the vanquished dandy grabs the arm of the woman he was courting and pulls her away, seemingly unwilling to make a fuss over a blow to the face even with a guard to witness it directly next to him. Probably seeking to avoid any further injury to his pride after being decked by a woman. When Shalar calls for more ale, Baldwin dutifully refills her mug, getting a good head of foam on top before slamming it down in front of her. "This one's on me, lass. You're not the first that jackass has harassed. I only feel bad for the girl he's dragging around." Just as Baldwin is finishing pouring, a fanfare of brass instruments goes up, announcing that it is noon, the fair is fully open, and the midway, contests, and performers are ready for business.

A Day at the Fair

The Fair is divided into several sections. The entrance area to the fair is devoted to food and drink, the midway beyond it is home to games of chance and skill, as well as the Pavilion of Prizes where fair tokens can be exchanged for rewards. If you move beyond the midway there are a number of tents devoted to contests, arts and crafts, and other entertainments. Just outside the village is a large paddock and barn with hastily erected stands for agricultural exhibits, and the furthest edge of town is a residential district that is untouched by the fair for locals to get some peace and quiet. Everything is open until late into the evening, finally closing down for a Midnight Madness Summer Dance and fireworks that caps off the evening. Wandering around the fair are judges, identified by tall yellow banners standing up from their back, who preside over the contests and games, rewarding those who impress, place well, or win with fair tokens. These tokens are near worthless brass coins with a raven stamped into both sides. No matter what event or game you are interested in, each one costs two silver pieces to partake in.

First of all, each of you is getting 10 bonus gold that you've managed to save up for the festivities. Spend it on entry fees if you like, or save it as my gift to you. Either way, here is a list of all the events that are open to you to win Fair Tokens. Some of them are not suited for Ironborn, unfortunately, but I'm sure Yusha can find something fun to do.

All the different games and events would technically take different amounts of time to participate in, and all of them would have different DC's depending on the competition, but for the sake of Play By Post we are going to simplify things a bit. All of you have time to participate in four contests and unlimited games of chance (or at least only limited by your funds). For all games and contests, if you roll 15 or higher you place or impress a judge and win 1 Fair Token. If you roll a 20 or higher you win the contest and win 2 Fair Tokens. We will discuss prizes more when everyone is finished their games, but you need 4 Fair Tokens to trade for a random cypher. There are a variety of other prizes for less tokens that are flavorful, and a few that may be mechanically advantageous. You can make up and roleplay any game of chance you want, but here are the preestablished contests for you to try. You may join in a contest more than once, as new rounds start shortly after a contest concludes.

Contestants strip down to their small clothes, oil up, and wrestle in a ring while onlookers cheer. It is two our of three falls, with judges awarding one fair token to those who impress or show particular fighting spirit, and the winner in each round receiving two.
Contestants line up on either side of a make shift bar and try to cause their partner's hand to hit the bar.

Several fairgoers are seated at a long table in the food and drink area. A banner overhead reads "Contest of Heroic Drinking". A few revelers are passed out and snoring at the table. A gray bearded man shaped like a muscular barrel is pouring drinks from a small keg of strong ale, with your 2 silver pieces covering as many drinks as you can handle in an hour. Once every mug is filled participants take turn proposing a toast, everyone drinks, the cups are filled if they are empty, and the process starts again. You place by coming in second or third as far as full mugs drunk, and first by outdrinking all comers in your hour.
The name says it all. Each round you try to eat as many pies in twenty minutes as you can.

A large group of fair goers in extravagant dress and painted, carved masks dance in the center of a massive tent with planks laid down to make a hard floor. Your two silver pieces rents you an outfit and mask.
Participants are assigned partners and rapiers. The duels are to first blood, so agility matters more than strength. If you have proficiency in rapiers, you may add your proficiency bonus to this contest.

A colorful collection of kites hovers over this field. Many kites bear fantastic decorations and a few have long tails or are made to look like creatures. Popular among locals are kites made up to look like falcons. To win or place you must sever the lines of other competitors. Your two silver pieces rents you a basic, unadorned kite. If you want, you may deduct two gold from your money and say you prepared for this contest by making a kite of your own. If you do, you may add your proficiency bonus to the roll, since it is assumed your practiced with your kite. For those looking for an extra edge, there is a stall selling professionally made kites for ten gold that give you advantage on your rolls.
A small tent is set up, and each contestant is given a small scrap of paper and a piece of charcoal. You write your own riddle on the paper and put it in a cauldron. A riddle is selected at random, and the first in line (determined randomly) is asked to solve it. If they can't, they are eliminated and the next person is asked. Therefore, being last in line is a great advantage, as it gives you more time to think.

A cluster of earnest young people clutch tattered books and scrolls. They take turns reciting beautiful or epic poems. You may make up your own poem (if you do you roll at advantage) or recite a famous poem.
Tiles are scrambled up and set down in a slotted floor face down. They are turned up, revealing colors painted on them, for a minute. Then they are scrambled again, and the contestant has to return as many of the tiles back to their original position as possible

This tent is always very busy, as a crowd sits on benches before a raised stage. Regular folks, skilled speakers, and everything in-between take turns telling exaggerated stories to impress the crowd and a judge. You may add your proficiency bonus if you have preform or oratory for skills.
Set up on a public pavilion, participants take turns singing alone or in small groups to impress a crowd and a judge. Contestants range from skilled to horrendous, and everything in between. If you have proficiency in preform or singing you may add your proficiency bonus to this roll.

One of your activities (you can mix and match) can be investigating rumors of Umeli, the missing wizard. No prizes for this activity, persay, but if does involve a DC 12 Investigation check to hunt for clues. If you choose this activity it will be done last so I can roleplay all who pursue it meeting up at her home in the quiet part of the town.

For any who wish to participate, I would prefer you format your post something like this-

Exposition detailing what you do around the fair, what you're interested in, your reactions and what you may enjoy watching.

A small description of how you prepare, how you feel about the event, and how you intend to win it. [roll]1d20[roll].
A small description of how you prepare, how you feel about the event, and how you intend to win it. [roll]1d20[roll].
A small description of how you prepare, how you feel about the event, and how you intend to win it. [roll]1d20[roll].
A small description of how you prepare, how you feel about the event, and how you intend to win it. [roll]1d20[roll]. If you intend to pursue Umeli, this is where you post how you ask people about her, hunt for clues, or organize your search.
You may play as many games of chance here as you want. If you decide you want to do more than you originally post you can always play more on the discord. If you have proficiency in a gaming set, you may play that game and add your proficiency bonus to the stat that makes the most sense. If you don't have proficiency, it is just a pure luck roll.

I will respond with a brief description of how you do in each event and the Fair Tokens you are rewarded with before we move on to prize time. There will also be a section of the post for those who hunt for Umeli. Then the plot kicks in. Sound fun to everyone?

Inmate XIII
2021-08-06, 08:00 PM
"First off, I've told you I'm no knight; not officially anyway and the Chuch makes a big deal over that. Second, what makes you think I intended to stop her? Was gonna have 'im join the other troublemakers if he decided to continue. 'Summing I didn't need to drag 'im to the infirmary first." Greck put down his spoon and poured the rest of the bowl down his throat, pausing to savor the peppery burn. "Anyway, to answer the question, the duels I'm avoiding. Too clumsy, don't like knives, see? Brute like me better off sticking to what I'm good at. Drink doesn't sound half bad though, haven't had one since I got here, frowned upon to drink on duty and all. Maybe have a scrap, been a while since I've fought someone friendly-like." He stood up and handed the empty bowl to the dwarf. "Alright, I'm goin'. Thanks for the meal and holler if any more eejits show up. Break or no, duty is duty."

As Greck passed the arm wrestling tent he paused. Making a quick decision, he pushed his holy symbol down the front of his armor and entered. He cracked his knuckles and fixed his opponent with his best sneer as the two of them lined up, non-verbally conveying just what would happen to the other contestant should he lose.

Athletics= [roll0]

He made his way over to the wrestling tent, but stopped the moment he saw the mostly-naked contestants. "Ehhm... Maybe after a few drinks..."

Changing course for the bannered table, he arrived just as the contest was finishing, tossed a pair of silver pieces to the officiant, and took his seat. Once the table is full again, drinks are poured and the judge gestures for Greck to make the first toast. Thinking for a moment, but coming up with nothing, he simply raises his mug and proclaims "Nothin' heroic about this!" and they begin to drink.

Constitution= [roll1]

Still feeling carefree from the ale, Greck strips down and oils up for his match. His strategy is the same as almost every other fight he's ever been in: come out hard and aggressive; crush his hapless foe quickly and efficiently. "Alright, let's go!"

Athletics= [roll2]

Holding an ice pack against his bruised cheek, Greck decided to take a break from the festivities and listen to a few storytellers. He took a seat as another contestant stepped onto the stage and joined the crowd in booing him off a short while later. After listening to a few more speakers, an idea slipped its way into his mind. He had stories too. Awful stories. Awful true stories. Stories he lived through that still gave him the occasional nightmare.

Maybe it was time to spread those stories around.

Intimidation= [roll3]

He stretched out as he left the storytellers' tent. It had been an enjoyable afternoon, but it wasn't over. It was barely evening, and he still had plenty of money in his pocket. Didn't he see a roulette wheel earlier? Tyr may not condone gambling, but neither did he condemn it...

2021-08-07, 10:04 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

Yusha steps idly past a tent, noisy with the sounds of food and drink being prepared and consumed. As he's about to continue on, a confrontation between human and elf quickly escalates to physical violence. Yusha grimaces, fingers curling in preparation for things to get out of hand, but just as quickly as it starts the human and his posse of friends retreat.

A clash of cultures could often spiral out of control, but it seemed justice was already served and balance restored. The elf's punch had been highly improper, but the general public sentiment seemed to be one of acceptance. Abadar knows the people of a society should be granted some latitude in deciding what is proper for themselves. Even so, the warforged resolves to give those humans and the strangely clad elf a wide berth. From his perch on Yusha's shoulder, Kalib watches the feral-looking creature as long as he can while the pair retreat into the crowd.

As the horns sound and the masses swallow them, Yusha's excitement is palpable. The fair was like a temple dedicated to prosperity, and all around him coin changed hands as people rejoiced at the boons provided by a stable society.

Decided to represent telepathy from Yusha to Kalib as underlined to try to keep things straight later.

You don't wish to share my perspective as the fight unfolds, kite to kite? Kalib leans in, bringing his beak a few inches closer to Yusha's face as they stare at each other. Yusha's eyes narrow, mocking the stern expression fixed on the eagle's face before breaking into a grin. Fine, fine, go get a better view, but stay well away from the kites. Even the appearance of impropriety would be unwelcome. Despite being granted permission, Kalib nevertheless stays perched on Yusha's shoulder, staring at him expectantly. Well? Are you going? Kalib's head falls back in a huff as he stares straight up, resigned to wait out the warforged.

Spoiled and lazy. Yusha mentally plucks Kalib from this plane before pushing him back into space and time 30 feet up in the air. Some avatar you are. Smiling despite himself, Yusha finishes preparing the kite he'd made as Kalib finds a thermal to ride.

Intelligence plus proficiency: 20 in discord
-2gp and 2sp

Yusha stands outside the Riddler's tent for a time, twisting a riddle he'd heard before into something new before moving to grab a scrap of parchment.

What kind of skeleton has no bones? Lives to turn, but cannot turn on its own? Lend it a hand and take care not to lose it. To open or close, you must choose it.
A skeleton key
He stares at it a moment longer, but shrugs and submits the scrap before he can second guess himself.

Intelligence: 18 in discord

Finally finding a game of skill amidst all the hopeless games of chance, Yusha sits down to test his recall. He watches the tile placement, scanning each row and counting silently to himself. When it is his turn to place tiles, he methodically runs down the line from top left to right, getting as far as he can.

Game 1, Wisdom: 7 in discord
Game 2, Wisdom: Nat 1 in discord

When Yusha finally tires of the memory games, he finds himself squarely in front of the Poet's Den. Smiling broadly, Yusha eagerly steps inside and finds a table, nodding politely to the listeners nearby and ignoring any undue attention. For a short time he watches in fascination as a few poets step forward, gifting the tent's inhabitants with their prose. Yusha squirms indecisively for another minute before standing to write his name on the list.

He could do this. Just a short poem dedicated to Abadar. He could program the illusory words to come forth in mother's proud voice and honor the Wealthy Father above. He could.

"Yusha Darwish? Yusha Darwish of Katapesh, step forward!"

Yusha's fingers dig into the edge of the table, gripping it as if he might fall off the edge of the world if he lets go. He doesn't stand or make any move toward the stage, nor does he look around as the other listeners do. A few more moments pass in silence before Kalib screeches treacherously, abandoning propriety in favor of betrayal. As all eyes settle on the eagle and its perch, Yusha stays frozen a moment longer before rising and walking out of the tent. Was that necessary? Kalib screeches again. Yusha's jaw is clenched for a full minute before he finally relaxes. I don't see you getting up in front of that many people to recite a poem. Kalib's head rolls to the side, looking away as the two wind their way into the storyteller's tent.

2021-08-08, 06:25 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar snatched up the refilled mug and tossed it back, the beer glugging down her gullet with effortless ease. With a loud exhalation of satisfaction, the elf thudded it back on the table and wiped out the fluffy white mustache of froth she'd acquired with the back of her arm.

With a friendly grin to the dwarf, she plonked down a handful of silver coins and departed to seek challenges in the newly opened fair.

What to do first? Oh, so hard to choose!

The wrestling drew her attention first. Greased up and gleaming, nearly nude contestants grappled each other. The oil made it far more enjoyable to watch, as wrestlers struggled to get firm grips on each other.

Shalar, of course, was not bad at wrestling, though she had never mastered it to the same extent as some. All the same, after a brief period of watching, she couldn't resist having a go herself. Fortunately, all she really needed to do was take off her bearskin; much more than that and she'd be wearing nothing but the sky.

She grinned widely as she stepped into the ring, body gleaming.
"Come!" she shouted, delightedly, and lunged.

Still grinning from the wrestling - win or lose, it had been fun - she decided to wander. She saw a great group of limber duelists, each with thin, delicate weapons.

Asking, it was to first blood. Grappling was all very well and good, but true combat had blood split, and Shalar wanted a chance.

She borrowed a rapier, ignoring the looks of the duelists as she swished it in a few practice cuts. The weapon felt excessively light in her hand - but how hard could it be?

Arm wrestling was a common pastime among a people who's biceps tended to average between huge and enormous. Thus it was with the Pillar Beasts and their constant jostling each other. Admittedly, without calling on the strength of the Beast, she tended to only have an average win ratio amongst her own people: ultimately mass so often won out against other warshifters. But the majority of the competition were only humans, of which Shalar smiled at.

Some of the people preparing for the arm wrestling were half-orcs, and Shalar suspected those would be the most dangerous opponents, so to speak.

Well, as always, she would apply her primary strategy: use force and if that failed, use more.


All this activity had made her thirsty, so a drinking contest seemed like a way to kill two dwarves with one axd, metaphorically speaking. Despite the amount she'd already drank at the food tent, she entered, determined the enjoy the bitter human ale in a larger quantity as possible,with victory in truth only an incidental concern.

2021-08-09, 04:20 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Almost as soon as Calen reaches the fairgrounds, his worries about finding Umeli and Kip's displeasure are flung far from his mind. After all, just because he's here for work doesn't mean he can't take some time to have fun. It's not as if Umeli is expecting him, so what's the harm in spending a few hours seeing the sights?

And what sights! He finds himself standing wide-eyed before a torch-juggler who's somehow using his tongue to pass a flame from one torch to another. Of course, it's plain to see there's no Art behind the act, but that only makes it more fascinating. How does he do it? Could he be using some kind of cipher? Before Calen can get a better look, the crowd shifts and he's borne away again. He can't manage to be too disappointed, though, because he soon finds himself at the kites. He hasn't flown one since he was a boy, but if it's just two silver...

"I'll take that one!" His chosen instrument is a simple diamond; if his instincts are right, the symmetry and lack of protruding shapes should make it easy to keep control of against changes in the wind.

Intelligence check: [roll0]
The charcoal stains his fingertips as he rolls it between them, mulling over what to write down. Finally, he comes to a decision. I am rarely touched, but often held; if you've wit, you'll use me well. What am I?

Intelligence check: [roll1]
"Red flower, red flower...blue diamond, blue diamond...green leaf, green leaf...red flower..."

Wisdom check: [roll2]
As the sun reaches its peak, Calen wends his way against the current back toward the fairground entrance, following the smell of the cookfires. Plonking more silver on the counter of one stall, he accepts a rather oversized mug; unsurprisingly, it's watered down, and not especially good stuff besides, but you get what you pay for.

"Y'know, I've seen all sorts here for the fair," says the bartender, a narrow-faced man in a stained apron. "But can't say's I've seen many wizards."

Calen wipes the foam from his mouth. "Well, I'm not really here for the fair." A thought occurs. "Actually--you wouldn't know what part of town Umeli's house is in, would you? It's her I'm here to see."

Investigation check: [roll3]

2021-08-10, 08:02 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 0/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 2/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon could not shake the sense of being followed, but she detected no one among the crowd. As such, she wove her way through the mingling herd, suddenly turning between stalls, and backtracking to various points. She stepped between the back of two tents and constructed another false image, an unoccupied booth that covered her trail.

Once satisfied she had reduced the likelihood of being tailed, she studied the scene: The Fair provided tests of skill, though flavored in Caracara's culture. They offered ciphers to the victors. Sensing the opportunity to demonstrate her Order's prowess, the seeker entered a series of challenges.

She first entered the poetry. The speaker arranged her lines, counted her on, and cut her verses in the heavenly manner. Their brevity concealed an exposition deeper than the Bay of Han Wu, a tribute to her summer of ascension.

"The Dragon soars above
The crystal waves that lay over
Wise Kraken dreaming."

Then the woman rewove her way through the fair, again seeking to shake the pervading sense of being acutely seen. This time she enclosed herself in another statue before slipping into the kite contest. The Dragon studied the other performers. She mentally conjured her the Spirit Wind to aid her. Her rented sparrow danced among the falcons and fierce creatures, an unsuspecting foe. Yet, she recalled the fury of the small when guarding their nests, recklessly braving the bird of prey and driving off the superior predator. This she instilled into the art, while surprising her opponents with the sudden gusts of the divine wind.

After her contest of kites, Ar-Raaqis sought to demonstrate her Order's dance. She maintained her attire, masked and colorful as she was. The Dragon flowed through her forms like a supple willow on the river bank, flowing in motion to the wind of the song. As the notes crescendo, she flashed like lightning across the floor, her tempo increasing with the musicians. Then she settled like rain in a lake, gently reposing in the resolution of the final chords.

The Dragon entered another challenge of verses to rest her body and rouse her mind. This time she chose a scene from the Eel Mother and the Moon Mother.

"In the era of the celestial host, when our wise ancestors rode the paths between stars, the Moon Mother visited a forgotten shrine. In this shrine, her people discovered the mysteries of the Eel Mother. The Eel Mother's eggs lay around the altar, filled with quiet hunger. The Moon Mother's people disturbed these eggs, stirring the children within. The children leaped upon those who desecrated the shine with tentacles like a kraken and fangs like a shark. They wrapped around their faces and slithered their true forms into the outsiders' stomachs."

The Moon Mother saw this and grew fearful for disrespecting the Eel Mother's temple. She took her people to their sacred vessel and sailed away from the shrine. Yet, the Eel Mother is a vengeful spirit and rode the vessel in anger. Her children heard their mother's song and stirred in their new eggs of flesh and bone. Each burst through the skin of the Moon Mother's people like an eaglet rises from its egg to feast upon the carcasses left by their mother. These children did not have the tentacles of their youth. These had their Mother's mouths within mouths, her slashing sword tail, and her terrible claws."

"One by one, the children of the Eel Mother hunted the people of the Moon Mother. Only the gift of the gods--sacred fire--spared the Moon Mother and two of her people. The Moon Mother regretted touching the shrine of the Eel Mother. In her grief, she clothed herself in armor like the rays of the sun and collected the last of the sacred fire. She battled the Eel Mother and her children, slaying some with portions of her sacred vessel. Others she tricked into walking the trackless paths of the heavens, forever winding and forgotten. The beast with two mouths in wrath ripped the head from one of the Moon people--who was in fact a false Person, a demon of iron flesh wearing human skin! The Eel Mother also melted another of the People with the burning river that flowed from a hidden spring in her heart. Only the Moon Mother and her daughter remained. She pressed the Eel Mother into an egg of steel, spending the last of her sacred fire. The Moon Mother then cast the egg into the black sea, and so the Moon Mother and Eel Mother remain eternal enemies. The Eel Mother and her children hunts the people of the Moon, and the people of the Moon repel the beasts with two mouths with sacred fire when the sun ceases to shine and the midnight sea swells upon the earth."

During the telling, she overlaid images on the stage with a subtle gesture of her silver-threaded gloves. The strange vessel of the Moon Mother floated over the pale surface. Then an egg of curious shape. A flat icon constructed of bricks followed, forming the Eel Mother's maw within maws. The form of the Moon Mother's sacred armor appeared. Finally, a house with the shadows of the Eel Mother's children on each side manifested. The silhouette of the Moon people and their young peeked from the windows, warded in the glow of sacred fire.

The light of the sun descended as she shared this tale, cloaking the valley in early dusk. She smiled behind her mask at her words made their mark. She had failed to investigate the wizard, but the woman trusted she could do so in the evening as others grew lenient and less attentive to their words. The Dragon desired the cipher, another prize for her Order. She sought this wizard, a danger hidden somewhere in the folds of Caracara.

Despite her efforts, she won only a token. The Dragon silently cursed the wasted coin. The Fair seemed primed for the locals, with no taste for high culture. She would not make the same mistakes twice. Umeli remained, and she would have her answers. Sometimes iron spoke better than silver.

Shall we play a game?

Poetry. A haiku. [roll0] [roll1] if allowed to use charisma to present the subtle wisdom in a profound manner. Reduce by 3 if not.

Kite Flying. Advantage from the 'fortunate winds' of her telekinetic shove against the opposing kite? [roll2] [roll3] assuming an Int roll. Add 5 if allowing acrobatics to adroitly maneuver the kite.

Dance, dance revolution. [roll4] acrobatics.

Are you my mother? Scary stories from the horrific depths of ancient fiction. [roll5] [roll6] intimidation advantage for the minor illusions laced into the telling.

No hunt for Umeli during the day, but she would seek her in the evening.

2021-08-10, 12:25 PM
The First Day of the Caracara Fair

The contests are single elimination, and Greck manages to defeat two opponents handily, but his final foe is a hulking human standing over seven feet tall who dispatches Greck with the same ease that Greck dispatched his qualifiers. Still, his opponent went on to win the first tournament of the day, securing Greck third place. One of the vermillion bannered judges happily hands the half-orc a fair token. When the victor is jokingly asked if he's strong enough to go handle the goblins of the Crooked Hills, the massive farm hand swallows and shakes his head. "I may be big, but bugbears be bigger with those weird, metallic horns on their heads. Besides, they're so creepy, with their eyes always closed like that. I'll stick to wrestling steers, thanks."
Greck quickly realizes that though there is fun to be had in the cheering, jeering, singing, and drinking, there are some professionals sitting at the tables today. Notably there is a heavy set woman who drains mug after mug with no apparent signs of inebriation. Greck gets his coin worth of drink but doesn't push himself to the point of uselessness, failing to impress the judges but maintaining his dignity.
Oiled and half-naked, Greck wins the first fall against his opponent, a rotund man who is one part muscle to one part fat. However, his opponents weight and slipperiness come to bear in the next fall, as the larger, fleshier man manages to bully Greck from the ring. In the final bout Greck's foot slips and he loses leverage, slowly being bulled to the ground by his foe. His opponent loses his next match, so Greck fails to place in this event.
The horror and carnage of some of Greck's reminiscence awes the crowd, puts them on the edge of their seats, and has mothers covering the ears of their children as the story comes to a violent end. The clapping is enthusiastic, and this time Greck is approached by a judge bearing a vermillion banner with a red sigil on it. This woman is wearing a chain shirt, fashionable and colorful clothes, and carrying a heavy mace, but she is smiling at Greck with a holy symbol of Tyr around her neck. "Well spoken, my son. The Even Handed One must approve of the righteousness of your cause, to allow you to survive such harrowing events. My name is Marta, and I am the head judge at the fair. Here is your reward for a tale well told. Next time, perhaps you should tone things down for the children." She hands over two fair tokens for Greck's efforts, along with a throaty chuckle. The competitor who stands up after Greck also wins a token for a tale seemingly made explicitly for children- a rousing tale of adventure starring some unnamed local children who got lost playing in the Crooked Hills. Surrounded by sleepy goblins, they had the cunning to close their eyes and stumble past the sleepwalking goblins, who assumed they were one of them and paid the children no notice
The gods of luck shine on Greck this day, and he manages to win three more fair tokens by pure chance with spins of the roulette wheel. While he is playing "Spin it to Win It", some of the other gamblers speculate as to where the cyphers come from. A local man speaks up- "They must come from the Crooked Hills, but we find em all over. Almost as though someone wandered through town and left em like eggs at the spring festival. Sometimes on the ground, sometimes on a window sill, you never know where you're going to stumble across one. Me Da' says the sleepy goblins sneak into town and leave em, but I think that's bollocks."

Yusha's kite, crafted by his own hands, manages to cut the strings of all it approaches, reaping kites like a marauding angel. He is nearly stymied, however, when a masked woman's kite seems to duck and weave almost supernaturally out of the way of his advances, but he manages to win out in the end. "Wow!" Says a old man with a vermillion banner mounted to his back who's string was sliced by Yusha's creation. "You're the best kite-fighter since Umeli! She was fair champion three years in a row, till her expeditions to the Crooked Hills made her lose interest. I wonder if her kite got left behind in her home on the far side of town... oh well, she came to care way too much about the cyphers and not enough about the sport!" The old timer hands Yusha two fair tokens.
Yusha lasts quite a few rounds in the riddle competition, but is finally eliminated by when this brain buster comes his way- "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears, I have no body but come alive with wind. What am I?". It is correctly solved by a wizened old woman, who croaks out "An echo.". However, Yusha's riddle stumps all who are assembled, to the point that they need to ask who posed the riddle. When Yusha verifies it is his by supplying the answer, a judge hands over a fair token as a special prize.
Not once, but twice Yusha fails to place in the tile game. There are mutters and jibes- "Metal man can't remember what he had for breakfast this morning!" "Ironborn don't eat, Melfin." "Shuddup, Migsy!". No prizes are awarded to the devotee of Abadar for this game. However, he does notice that someone who appears to be doing ridiculously well has a faint beeping coming from them. A female judge wearing a chain shirt and carrying a mace, comes up behind him and tips his hat off his head, revealing a small spinning dish that has been attached to the side of his skull. "We don't take kindly to cheaters here in Caracara, sir, and using a cypher is cheating. I wouldn't recommend trying any more contests- every judge in the fair will know to look out for you within an hour." The shame faced man picks up his hat and stomps off, the small, tilted bowl still spinning madly on his skull.
Before Yusha's embarrassing attempt at reciting a poem, a spectacled wisp of a woman recites a haunting poem from a piece of parchment that describes the ghost of a woman who comes after dark to Caracara. She appears as a robed woman with nine hands, silently wandering the town when there are clouds over the moon to steal the breath of sleepers and instill the chill of the grave.

Though Shalar is not the largest competitor in the wrestling competition, no one comes into her round with as much eagerness and excitement as her. She trounces her preliminary opponents, and when she squares up with a formidable looking half-orc they each take one fall, leaving the entire round to be decided by the final contest. Using his prodigious size, the half-orc wraps Shalar in a bear hug and attempts to carry her to the edge of the ring, but with the slipperiness of a salmon she wriggles out of his grasp and turns his move against him, extending a leg and shoving to trip him out of the ring. The crowd cheers madly at this reversal of fate, and a judge with a vermillion banner hands over two fair tokens as the brutish elf is wiping off oil and putting her bearskin back on.
The elf barbarian comes close to placing in the rapier competition, eliminating her first opponent with pure aggression, swinging the thin blade like she would a longsword. After a stern reminder from a judge that no one is supposed to die in these contests, Shalar's second round opponent defeats her by dodging consistently and then nimbly scoring a small cut along her arm. She fails to place and receives no tokens for this round.
True to her internal prediction, Shalar is defeated in the first round by an opponent nearly twice her size, but not quickly and not easily. Both of them were red faced and straining by the time they beat her, and the massive goliath woman clad in furs nods and extends a hand to the elf, the mottled skin of her face splitting in a tired grin. "You play well. It was an honorable match. You bring glory to your tribe, and me mine. I am Daosha Thundercrack, and I hope we compete again before this fair is done."
Going into her final event of the day with enthusiasm but little preoccupation with winning means that Shalar has a great time at the dinking contest. The toasting, singing, and cheering starts to blend together by her fifth mug, but she doesn't come close to the eight mugs of the victor. However, upon receiving his fair tokens the dwarf who won vomits onto the judge's shoes while she had a pleasant, heady buzz, so it is arguable who actually won that round. The bartender, who declares himself to be "Bearic, Owner, Proprietor, Head Bartender, and Janitor of the Sleeping Elephant Inn", loudly reminds everyone that "There's better drinks than this pisswater available at my establishment whenever someone wishes!" He then removes a metal ring from a pocket and twists some internal mechanism, holding it up and sending a flashing, swirling show of colorful lights projected into the sky that seems to distract and draw the eye to an almost supernatural degree.

The wizard's strategy of simplicity and elegance over flash and show ends with him cutting several opponent's strings before a more experienced fighter snipes his. The old man judging the event hands over a single fair token quite happily, complimenting Calen's technique and stating he shows a lot of promise "for a newcomer."
"The tongue." Spoken confidently by a shriveled looking woman, she solves Calen's riddle, but not before it eliminated several contestants. Calen himself is eliminated by a real puzzler- "I have cities, but no buildings. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?" The same old woman solves this one as well- "A map.". Calen fails to distinguish himself in this contest, and wins no fair tokens.
It is here that Calen easily bests his competition, matching each round with no errors and soundly trumping all comers. "Someone really wants a prize!" Says the judge as they hand over two fair tokens.
The bartender only shrugs when Calen asks after the older wizard. "Never heard of em'. But if you're looking for a local, ask a local. I'm only here to make coin." Following his advice, Calen spends the next hour or so asking around, and eventually someone points him in the direction of the Sleeping Elephant and the drinking competition. Once he has established that he doesn't intend to enter, the owner of the tavern is happy to share gossip with the archaeologist. "Umeli used to live on the far side of town, beyond the Pavilion of Prizes and to the east of the animal exhibits. You'll know her house readily enough- we boarded up the doors and windows to keep the kids from breaking in. The wizard spent more and more time investigating the Crooked Hills after she arrived around ten years ago, and no one has seen her in three years, so I'm guessing she musta finally got caught by the sleepy goblins and eaten out there. The town council will sell her house when someone shows interest, but not until it's cleared out. It's fulla weird stuff- things that buzz, things that glow, and things that float in thin air. Probably a cypher or two left behind, too. She was fascinated by cyphers, that one. Too bad it probably got her killed. If you're looking for her, there might be clues in there." He leans in close and whispers in Calen's ear conspiratorially. "Kids being kids, some teens pried off the boards on the back side of the house, facing south. If you find anything worthwhile in the mad mage's place, remember is was Bearic who pointed you in the right direction. And if Umeli's still alive, remind her that she never closed her tab."

The Dragon's haiku impresses the judge presiding over the poetry, earning her a fair token and some questions about the form and function of her exotic poetry.
Ar-Raaqis' more esoteric talents come to bear in this competition. Though inexperienced, her telekinetic talents batter opposing kites away from her string and knock her own kite into the others. The old man presiding over the kite competition gives her several side long glances when she has lucky save after lucky save, but when she is finally eliminated by an gold painted Ironborn, the judge hands over a single fair token with a slightly reassured smile. While she is returning her kite, Qadira hears the judge talking to the metal man about Umeli and eavesdrops a bit. "You're the best kite-fighter since Umeli! She was fair champion three years in a row, till her expeditions to the Crooked Hills made her lose interest. I wonder if her kite got left behind in her home on the far side of town..."
While the crowd doesn't seem to favor the Dragon's dance, the judge approaches her after the event. "I'm sorry I can't give you any fair tokens, but I run an informal competition for the best costumes at the fair, and I must say yours is damn impressive. So exotic, so metallic, and with a veil of mystery! I'd like to offer you a consolation prize, for scintillating our eyes in your fashion, if not your steps." The effeminate man produces a small basket, loaded with a fat purse and two stoppered bottles. "It's fifty gold and two healing potions. So you can robe yourself in even more eccentric fashions, and stay in good enough health to come next year and impress me again!"
The Dragon's tale of terror has the crowd going, but she is interrupted by the judge in the middle of the story. "No magic allowed! You can continue, but this is a competition of words, not wizarding!" Unfortunately, the interruption disconnects the crowd from the story, and Qadira does not place in the competition, and receives no fair tokens.

As the Sun Sinks on The Horizon

With shadows growing tall, each of you finds yourselves making your way towards the Pavilion of Prizes, a large tent that has been set up to block access to the quiet, residential part of town. A nervous looking man leaves the tent quickly, bearing an overladen sack and making a break for it. "Stop! That's too many! You're going to get yourself hurt!" A mustachioed man with a heavy set and a surprisingly high pitched foppish tone runs out of the tent and shakes a spear at the running man. The weasely man keeps running, but stops moving as they slowly rise into the air. Looking mystified, four odd looking cyphers rise out of the sack and begin to orbit the hapless man, as the people around him dash away, as though they know what is coming. Your hairs stand on end as an arc of lightning connects the four cyphers, then strikes the man, whose scream becomes fragmented and metallic. There is a puff of smoke, and the man and his cyphers disappear in a flash, leaving behind only a pair of smoking boots. Several of the people who dived for cover shake their heads and murmur sorrowful words, but just as rapidly as all this happened everyone is back to smiling and enjoying themselves, as though this were a regrettable fireworks accident. The mustached man, wearing armor and carrying a shield on his back, tuts several times before turning to the crowds assembling around him. "Poor poor man. But such is the fate of the greedy and the stupid who do not follow Iban's exceptional advice. Oh, well. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND TRADE YOUR TOKENS FOR FANTASTIC PRIZES!" An older man with roughspun clothing approaches Iban and waves a hand dismissively to him. "Feth. I don't want any of your prizes, Iban. I just want to go home and get some peace and quiet. I've had enough of this senseless merriment." Iban waves dismissively right back at the party pooper, then leads him inside. "I'll let you through, Derril, but you better get home quick. You might catch a bad case of "having a good time" if you stay in this part of town." Inside the tent there is a flap on the opposite side that Iban leads Derril through, leading to a much darker and emptier part of town. Inside the tent there is a counter set up, with shelves and shelves of prizes behind it. Iban takes his position behind the counter (which blocks the flap leading to the residential district), and throws up his arms in welcome. "Come, come! Trade your tokens for fantastical and amazofull prizes!"

-A fancy writ designating the bearer as an official "Knight of the Caracara Fair".
-A stone spoon with a decorative carving along the handle
-An ink on parchment sketch of yourself done by an odd contraption of wheels and pulleys holding several quills and dipping them into several colored ink pots. It comes out incredibly realistic, if a bit psychedelic in color scheme and back ground, as though the machine was seeing energy or auras invisible to the humanoid eye. If asked about the odd device, Iban smiles wide and relays "Something a former resident of the town salvaged from the Crooked Hills. Umeli donated it to the fair committee eight years ago, and it's been churning out art ever since."

-A basket full of baked goods that are fresh and delicious.
-A ribbon-wrapped bottle of spirits or wine.
-A purse of ten coppers, five silvers, a gold piece stamped with the symbol of the Caracara Fair Committee.

- A luxurious dagger inlaid with silver and gold filigree spelling out "Caracara Fair Champion" on the handle. It is of exceptional craftsmanship.
-A luxurious tankard with gold and silver filigree, semi-precious gems, and "Caracara Fair Champion" etched into the wood. It is of exceptional craftsmanship.
-A luxurious hand mirror with gold and silver filigree, semi-precious gems, and "Caracara Fair Champion" etched into the metal. It is of exceptional craftsmanship.

-A cypher, chosen at random by Iban, who will then explain it's use (which is to his knowledge, and may be incomplete).

-The only prize listed for five fair tokens is an iridescent cloak that appears to have small clockwork machinery for clasps. It's colors shift and change depending on where the light strikes it. When asked about it, Iban says "It's a stylish cloak. Magical in nature. It makes people believe what you say, whether you lie, use diplomacy, or threaten people. It was... found... by a former resident of the town who is no longer with us."

A DC 10 Persuasion Check will be needed to convince Iban to let non-locals into the residential part of town. Failure will mean you'll have to take time and a DC 10 investigation check to find another route. Iban will specifically warn against investigating the boarded up home in that part of town, stating several people have been hurt by odd machines and devices in there.

2021-08-10, 09:34 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

Yusha beams proudly down on the old timer as Kalib circles overhead, accepting the two tokens in one hand and gesturing with the other. The image of a kite guided by a semi-transparent, gold-gauntleted hand appears with Yusha pictured far below. Another gesture from Yusha and a few words appear under the image. "The glory belongs to Abadar, sir. His hand guides us all." Despite the obvious piety, however, Yusha radiates self-satisfaction as he tries and fails to master the smile plastered on his face. "Umeli? Is that the correct spelling? I have heard the name before. She studied kites as well as cyphers?"

As Melfin and Migsy have their fun at Yusha's expense, the warforged tries hard to ignore the muttering of the crowd, but fails miserably. His performance degrades further as more and more processing power is diverted, his mind thoroughly distracted until finally he pushes back from the table to leave. A subtle beeping catches his attention just before the judge intervenes. Thoughts of petty embarrassment are propelled to the background as he watches justice in action, though he's further distracted by the magical dish perched on the man's skull. Yusha frowns after the man, deciding too late to follow him and quickly losing him in the crowd.

Yusha watches in silent amazement as the problem solves itself. A thoroughly imbalanced creature comes running towards him, parting the crowd as he sprints away from the Pavilion of Prizes ahead, but his steps are cut short. One moment, Yusha worries that he might have to call on Abadar for aid. The next moment, it becomes wholly unnecessary as the man sizzles out of existence.

There are rules. Rules that should be followed. Some laws are made by men. Others, by the gods, and there are no greater laws than those. But some laws are made by the Ancients. Yusha is heartened to see that the cyphers follow a set of rules related to their number, and that the cyphers themselves delivered justice blindly. What could be more proper? Ignorance of the law excuses no one. The man without balance would no longer trouble anyone else.

At Iban's invitation, Yusha steps into the pavilion without another thought. The warforged patiently waits his turn with a pleasant smile, then walks up to the man and wordlessly proffers four tokens, silently communicating as needed to make his wishes known. A cypher. He hadn't held much hope of finding himself in possession of one so quickly, and the anticipation of the unknown tugged at the corners of his mouth, broadening the smile.

After receiving his boon from Abadar via the shopkeeper, Yusha finds himself confronted with a familiar face. Well, a familiar mask, rather. Dressed in strange robes and carrying a stranger lantern, the woman still might've escaped notice if it hadn't been for the mask. Yusha contents himself with watching her for a few minutes, but eventually strikes up the nerve to ask after his heart's desire. The full story.

Walking up and seeking her attention, Yusha gestures to project an image of the woman and Yusha walking different paths, but where the road ahead is unclear there are a few places the paths cross behind them. Illusory words follow the image, albeit delayed as Yusha carefully tries to 'say' the right things. "Forgive me, I hope I'm not intruding. I enjoyed our bout with kites, but afterwards I found my way to the storyteller's tent." An image of Yusha appears, literally sitting on the edge of his seat, fingers steepled in front of his mouth as he stares intently at the strange woman on stage. "I enjoyed your story even more. There were many great teller's." One last image appears, this time showing one of Tyr's faithful, a half-orc taking the prize with Yusha beaming silently while the rest of the crowd cheers. "But now that the competition is over and it is no longer improper, would you retell the story of the moon mother with images as well as words?"

Inmate XIII
2021-08-11, 09:13 PM
As he glanced at the sun half hidden by the horizon, Greck placed one last bet on the first dozen, muttering noncommittally at the gossip of the other players. Only half interested, he listened, but didn't speak much. He didn't know if the Church would find any of it useful, but he'd still report the most plausible bits. Not that he was sent here to find out about the cyphers, but still. The Crooked Hills was a good lead. The wheel stopped and the ball landed on 23, eliciting an annoyed grunt from Greck and a cheer from a winner. While he enjoyed the game itself, winning was more enjoyable.

Fidgeting with the small pile of tokens in his pocket, he glanced again at the sun. His break would be over soon; he needed to exchange his prize tokens before he had to go back on duty or he would likely not get another chance. He was also getting hungry.

He stopped by a vendor’s stall for a potato knish and made his way towards the prize tent just in time to see the very end of the commotion. WIth a groan he pulled out his rod and, wielding it like a billy club “convinced” a few of the more persistent onlookers to leave before getting the attention of a nearby maintenance worker and pointing to the boots.

Before he could turn back towards the tent an arm landed across his shoulders and he was wheeled around and shoved inside. “Grick, my friend! Glad you could stop by!” Iban bellowed.

“It’s Greck! A grick is a fowl underdark creature that-”

“Yes, yes. DO I have just the thing for you! You and your comrades did us a big favor this year and I wanted to make sure you saw this wondrous prize before it was gone! And perhaps take it for yourself? A little goblin told me the wheel was kind to you today,” Iban chortled, nudging Greck in the ribs with his elbow. He gestured to the cloak.

”I actually wanted a cypher, or maybe one of those nice daggers and a tankard...” Greck muttered.

Iban slapped him on the shoulder again. “Oh, come on! The cloak is perfect for you! Think about it; doesn’t the Even-Handed smile on those who use words to resolve a conflict? Those who convince a criminal to stand down and face trial instead of go down fighting?”

”Yeah, yeah, you’re right… Guess I’ll ta-” Greck couldn’t even get the words out before Iban threw the cloak around his shoulders and took five tokens from his hand. “And with the last token, one of those drawings, I guess. Who is Umeli?”

2021-08-11, 10:27 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 0/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 2/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon graciously received the items, bowing deeply to the gift giver. She motioned and a kimono covered in beasts from the Bay formed over the judge. She said, "More inspiration for your future competitions, for a gift begets a gift."
Then Ar-Raaqis strode from the dance floor, far richer than she came if unrewarded with a token.

The masked figure beheld the doomed thief's final moments dispassionately. She only lamented the loss of the ciphers, wasted in greed. The Dragon winced as the revelers shrugged off the warning with little pause for reflection. Those who looked away from the danger would likely succumb to it unaware.

When she entered and saw the items available, Ar-Raaqis tensed. This lot offered the arcane objects up as one my candies to a child--even a relic! She squeezed her tokens, grinding their two faces together as if to represent the whole Fair. Then she breathed out. She could not claim the prize by force or coin, but the seeker would mark whoever did. She passed her coins over, claiming the liquor.

The Dragon considered how to bypass the plated warden when the golden iron flesh spoke to her. She bowed slightly to acknowledge his presence and remarks. Then she said, "I am honored to share the story once more in its proper manner. I have business in the residential sector that I must attend to first."

She turned toward the booth to see another claim the cloak. The woman addressed the pair in her voice tinged as though with lightning, "I could use an escort into the residential sector. I have business with Incantantrix Umeli. Your champion would be a helpful guide."

Minor Illusion (sight) on the costume judge to temporarily model another fashion from Qadira's homeland.

15 Persuasion to convince the NPC gatekeeper to make way!

2021-08-13, 08:43 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Standing in line at the prize tent, Calen finds himself ill at ease once more. Magister Umeli, missing? He'd heard she was hard to get a hold of, but still, shouldn't someone in the Order have heard something? Sent someone to investigate? And what could make a wizard of her skill disappear for so long without a trace?

He's roused from his worries as the man with the sack bolts past him, nearly shoving him out of the way. It takes Calen a second to realize what's happening, which leaves him no time to intervene before the thief is lifted off his feet and.... "Oof!" he winces. Cipher interference is not something to mess around with.

The line moves forward, giving him the chance to peek through the gap in the tent flaps. A quick check of his pocket confirms he's just short of the cost of a cipher; shame, that. More interesting, though, is the crowd gathered within--particularly the woman in the mask. Or helmet? Immediately recognizable as Numeneric, either way. Forgetting his manners somewhat, Calen finds himself studying it--which is when he overhears something truly interesting.

"Pardon me!" Politeness entirely forgotten, he leans forward to stick his head inside the tent, interrupting the talk within. "Did I hear you say you were here to see Umeli? I am too, but I've heard she's been missing for quite a while. Do you know where she might have gone?"

2021-08-14, 08:08 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Arm wrasslin'

"Shalar Yotul Azari!" the elf told the goliath, clasping her hand firmly. She gave the stronger woman a beaming, still red-faced, grin. "Yes, yes. May our prey's trails cross again in future, yes!"


Prizes tent

Even without winning the majority of her contests, Shalar was content and also a little drunk. She traded in her little tokens for a bottle of spirits. She couldn't really read the label, but it was liquid and high-proof, which was what was ideal for booze. She sniffed it and smelt cherries.

A stir caught her attention as a thief ran with four cyphers and promptly failed to exist. Impressed, Shalar made an appreciative noise at the self-disintegration demonstration. Others entered, a woman in a robe and fancy bucket on her head, a shiny metal man, a skinny little wizard. Her keen elven orcish ears, however, overhear something that makes her stop her stroll away.

As Calen sticks his head into the tent, a muscled arm wraps around his shoulders in an excessively friendly manner. The muscled elf grins at his expressionbefore she speaks to the group at large. It sure sounded like this whole funny-looking lot were looking for things to do with the ancient secrets of the old world. Ah, how clever the Pillar was, to have her here at this time!
"I hear you say: Umeli. I hear others say Umeli is a witch of the old cyphers, yes? Interesting! I think I want to meet Umeli the witch. A nice meeting of chance, I think! Very fateful!"

2021-08-14, 10:36 AM
Earlier that Day

The old man smiles, but it is a sad, small smile, remembering times gone by. "Yes. Before she became obsessed with the cyphers Umeli loved her kites. She made half the flyers that we rented to people for the fair, and they were of exceptionally high quality. But she simply lost interest as she spent more and more time in the Crooked Hills and discovered more and more cyphers. Shame, shame.

The man looks absolutely enchanted as the kimono falls down over his body, even if it is only a magical overlay. He claps his hands and laughs like a child. "Delightful! Simply delightful! I do hope you enjoy the fair, Miss!"

Sundown at the Fair

Iban gladly takes Yusha's fair tokens, dropping them one by one into a box under the counter before looking back at the wall of seemingly random wonder and grasping something in one hand. Turning around, he sets a metallic device on the wood comprised of a metal spike and a few anchoring legs. "We call these ones a beast lure! If you plant the spike in the ground and say the name of a type of animal, it will call one to you within the hour! It will be calm and complacent, and if you speak to it while the spike is present, it makes it so you can talk to the animals! Isn't it wonderous! A true miracle! A gewgew of the gods! Make friends with the animals, ask them questions, learn their secrets!"

As Greck slides the cloak around his shoulders, he finds it shifts and adjusts to fit him as though by magic. It also clasps itself around his neck. He finds he can unclasp it readily enough, so there is no fear of it being cursed, but when he brings the small, mechanical looking clasps together again they fasten automatically. Nothing amazing or fantastic happens immediately, but Greck finds there is a button on the clasp that nearly begs to be pushed.

When Ar-Raaqis secures her bottle, her words easily sway Iban, and he slowly nods. "I'll let you through, I guess, if just to see that Umeli's house is boarded up and abandoned. Just don't go poking around in there! Like I said, several people have been hurt already, and we don't want anyone else getting wounded! Just in case, why don't you make sure you've got some friends with you, in case anything comes out of that haunted wreck of a house!"

Yusha- Beast Lure
This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that
pierces the ground. When activated, it
sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles,
luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher
than 3. The beast makes its way to the
cypher’s location at its normal speed and
calmly remains there for up to one hour.
During this time, you can impart a basic
concept or question to the beast, and the
beast can convey a simple answer in return.
If the beast is attacked, the calming effect
immediately ends. After the hour of calm,
the beast returns to its previous territory
(although it may be sidetracked by prey or
attacked along the way).

Greck- Cloak of Finery
This multilayered cloak is made of glittering
material and studded with miniature
devices. When you put it on, it automatically
adjusts to fit you. When activated as your
action, for the next minute, the cloak makes
you more impressive by changing color,
creating a gentle glow, amplifying the sound
of your voice, modulating your tone, and (in
a limited fashion) editing what you say to
correct for grammar mistakes, misspoken
words, and awkward pauses. While active
in this way, you gain advantage on and
add your proficiency bonus to Deception,
Intimidate, Performance, and Persuasion
skill checks.
A cloak of finery has a depletion of 1 in
1d20. (Depletion means that every time you activate it you roll a d20. If you roll a 1 it works for that activation, and then never again.

Ar-Raaqis- Blueberry Shine
This strong liquor smells and tastes of blueberries, but with a strong alcohol flavor that promises inebriation if overindulged.

Shalar- Cherry Brandy
This strong liquor smells and tastes of sweet cherries and is colored a deep blood red. It is a bit oversweet and threatens to stain clothes with it's thick, almost syrupy composition.

2021-08-14, 09:42 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

Yusha takes the Beast Lure reverently, grabbing it in both hands and examining the cypher closely as Iban relates its purpose. With a gesture, Yusha creates a floating image of the pair of them as the item trades hands. In it the cypher glows, its brightness lighting up the area around them while the rest of Iban's tent is lost in darkness. Yusha spares Iban a warm glance, smiling at him before setting the cypher down gently on the counter. The warforged pulls out a journal and begins writing notes in diminutive, neat script.

Yusha shrinks back half a pace as the air around him grows thick with new voices asking about Umeli and about the female storyteller's intent to pay Umeli's home a visit. Though all of them were strangers to Yusha, he couldn't help but find it oddly providential that he recognized each of them from their exploits today. He quickly went to work cataloging the three newcomers in his mind, preparing to add them to his notes later.

The wizard was a victor from the Memory game. Yusha's own memory had failed him with so many watching, but before his turn had come he distinctly remembered a human besting everyone else at the table. Yusha's silver would've been better spent in the hands of the man in blue. No doubt a scholar would have proper respect for the mysterious cyphers, not to mention Umeli's home.

Tyr's champion had killed two birds with one stone, sharing his prowess at storytelling and battle in the same breath. Yusha had seen some of The Necessary Evil's works where their goals coincided with Abadar's--the half-orc even looked familiar to Yusha's eyes--but too often Tyr's faithful were overzealous in their application of justice. Their concern with doing the "right" thing could lead to shortsightedness and overlooking what was proper.

The elf. The very same one who'd acted so uncivilized earlier, punching a reveler for dumping her liquid refreshment. He and his friends acted out of malice, true, but her response to that injustice had hardly been proper. Even her speech grated on Yusha. Her words were daggers in a knife fight, and she seemed intent on stabbing her way through conversation. Yusha's eyes never quite settle on the barbarian without quickly darting away, though Kalib doesn't seem to share his inhibitions. The eagle stares openly, rarely blinking.

As Iban stands aside for the masked human, Yusha looks from her to the others who'd assembled nearby through fate or accident. With a gesture, the image of an enormous crowd sprinkled with a dozen guards attending the fair appears, along with a few words floating underneath. "If the authorities are busy..."

A second image appears of a home with a figure running away from the open front door while four cyphers float around him, zapping him to dust. "It would be proper to safeguard such a home."

With both images gone, Yusha's eyes dart around from one person to the next, keenly aware of any eyes staring back. "What are your names?" Before the illusory words can disappear, Yusha awkwardly holds up his right hand as a melodious, distinctly female voice issues from it. He taps his chest twice with his left hand. "Yusha." He gestures to the eagle perched on his shoulder. "Kalib."

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

2021-08-15, 12:06 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar thumped a fist against her wrapped chest with a dull thud.

"So speaks Shalar Yotul Azari!" the orc-by-culture boomed. She held up the hand that wasn't still wrapped around Calen's shoulders, and with a snkt! claws briefly slid out her fingertips before she retracted them. The elf beamed, as if showing off her favourite party trick. "War-shifter of the Pallaz Grun - the mighty Pillar Beast tribe, masters of the Valley of Beasts!"

2021-08-16, 10:35 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Calen can't help but wince as the elf woman seizes him by the shoulders, gripping far harder than she probably realizes. It doesn't occur to him to try and free himself, though, so distracted is he by the company he's suddenly fallen into. His eyes widen as the elf extends claws from her fingertips--the name Pallaz Grun sounds vaguely familiar, but he's definitely never heard of that before.

"Uh...C-Calen!" he stammers, remembering the warforged's question after a long delay. "Calen Damora, of the Order of Acath." Finally getting some sense back, he carefully ducks out from under Shalar's arm and makes space for her, pulling the tent flap further aside so he can still talk to the others.

Inmate XIII
2021-08-17, 08:15 PM
Realizing the implications of the masked figure's words, Greck glanced helplessly at Iban, who merely shrugged.

The half-orc groaned. "Oh, awright. All four of yehs? Come on now." He made for the back of the tent and opened the flap to wave the group through. "Let the others know I'll be back, Iban. If'n they get mad I'll be late to relieve them, tell 'em it's yer fault."

As the group began to file out, he continued, "Two rules: one, don't bother the locals; two don't try to wander off or I'll drag you back here myself."

2021-08-19, 11:02 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 0/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 2/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The veiled woman bowed shallowly to the group as they leaped upon her request to visit Umeli. The fact that this wizard had disappeared mattered not. Her house remained and would yield some insights. She said to the others, "Incantantrix Umeli may have left a notice for the discerning to discover."

She added, "You may call me Ar-Raaqis--the Dragon, in trade tongue. Let us press on beyond this festival."

The woman slipped through the flaps beyond the warden, securing her foothold into the residential area. The lantern hovered near her, dimly lit by a flameless light. She strolled using her ornate staff, clicking forward as the escort guided her. The seeker would make use of this eccentric carnival guests. Umeli's sanctum may have wards. Best to let others trigger such defenses.

2021-08-19, 12:00 PM
Sundown at the Fair

With introductions mostly taken care of, Iban holds open the back flap of the tent and allows the five of you to move into the quiet streets of outskirts of the Caracara residences. You find this place eerily quiet in contrast to the hubbub of the fair, with no one in sight. It has also been set up as a small rest area for the locals with several benches set up on patches of grass for those seeking some relief from the hustle and bustle of the festivities. It takes a few minutes of walking, with your footsteps echoing off the buildings with dark, shuttered windows, the din of massed people fading behind you like the roar of a circus. It is a small town, however, so it isn't long before you are standing in front of a run down two story home with boarded up doors and windows. There is a sign out front reading "CONDEMNED- DO NOT ENTER" that appears to have been put up by the authorities of the town. The grass out front is overgrown with summer's lushness, overrun with ragweed and dandelions, the fences is weatherworn and nearly falling over, and the empty house looks like a dead corpse when compared to the lived in and maintained homes all around it.

There is a faint amber glow behind the boarded up windows on the second floor that pulses then fades.
There is a sound from inside of something fragile breaking, as though it had fallen onto the floor. Or been thrown against the wall.

2021-08-19, 12:23 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor of Agathys: 10 THP and 10 cold damage to anyone who strikes her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon surveyed the exterior. She gestured as she did, the sigils awakening on her metallic veil. The mage pronounced the ancient words aloud, "Enhance audiovisual."

Then Ar-Raaquis' helmet elicited an energized hiss as she registered the sounds within the structure. The woman raised her gauntlet to highlight a shield with a snowflake icon, dragging it to her silhouette. Then she completed the gesture with a command, "Initialize Agathys' Levistian Protocol. Open the door! Someone intrudes upon the Incantratix's house."

Her helmet visor gleamed glacially blue while her robes sheened in frost. The woman gestured sharply with her staff to point the others toward the dim flash of light that quickly faded, urging them to open the door.

Guided Perception: 18

Cast Armor of Agathys.

2021-08-19, 12:47 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Calen finds his hopes fading further as their strange group approaches the house, clearly empty for quite a while. A remark about there not being much point in knocking comes to the tip of his tongue, but before he can voice it, the amber light flashes through the window boards, and the masked woman snaps into action. The syllables she pronounces are unmistakable--the True Speech. Calen's eyes go wide as a sheen of frost forms on her robes. That's no spell he recognizes. Is she a wizard? Not of the Order, that's for certain, but she does seem to be from far off....

"Hold on," he protests, instinctively half-whispering. "That could've been anything--some device or spell acting up. Even if it is an intruder, shouldn't we go in quietly?"

2021-08-19, 05:57 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar perked up at the notion of possibily breaking things. She cracked her knuckles and grinned.
"As you say, dragon girl! "

She extended her claws and hooked them into the boards around the door, then with a swift grunt yanked them off like the head off a rabbit. Wood creaked, cracked, and gave way under the relentless pressure of the elf's arms.
She took a step back, clapped her hands together to get the dust off, and let her claws retract. She smiled towards the buckethead, arms crossed over her chest proudly.

"A door, opened for you!"

2021-08-19, 06:03 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

The creaking and cracking of the boards makes Calen wince. "I was going to say," he pipes up as Shalar returns, "there's another way in, around the back. But, uh...never mind, I suppose."

Inmate XIII
2021-08-19, 06:14 PM
Allowing the Dragon to take the lead, Greck brings up the rear. He kept a close eye on the group and pointed to his holy symbol whenever they got inquisitive looks from citizens, assuring them that this was all above board.

As they reached the house his eyes were drawn to the upper window and he stared mezmerized at the light for a while before being startled by Ar-Raaqis' words. "Eh? You sure about that? Let m-" he manages to get out before the elf leaps forward and begins pulling boards off of the house.

He stumbles over his words for a second or two, then sighs, deciding further discussions would be fruitless. Donning his shield he approaches the door and durns the handle, opening it a crack before drawing his hammer and using the shield to gently push the door open.

2021-08-19, 06:40 PM
Umeli's Abandoned House

After Shalar has removed the boards from the door, which release with a scream of protest, and Greck has popped the handle and shoved the door open with his shield, the home is exposed to you, in all it's strange vacancy.

The first floor is mostly vacant, with only a shoddy table, a torn and worn couch, an oven built into the wall that is filthy with soot, and a dark lamp held in a wall sconce. A set of stairs rise along the back wall up to the second story. On the table there are three objects- a leather covered loose leaf tome with pages sticking out at odd angles, a small set of tools reminiscent of those used by thieves to open locks and disarm traps, and lastly there appears to be a strange mechanical hand that ends at the wrist.


There is another soft amber glow from the stairwell, much easier to see in the darkness of the abandoned home, that slowly pulses to a bright intensity before slowly fading to black again.

Inmate XIII
2021-08-19, 09:30 PM
His orcish eyes having quickly adjusted to the darkness, Greck glanced in Ar-Raaqis' direction and raised his hammer a bit to get their attention and gestured at the tome. Turning towards the staircase, he raised his shield again and began to ascend.

2021-08-21, 09:08 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

Yusha's eyes widen momentarily as Ar-Raaqis is suddenly bathed in frost, her visor changing colors as the storyteller seems to glow with energy. There's insufficient time to study her, however, given how eagerly her instructions are followed.

Yusha winces as the boards scream in protest, watching with morbid fascination as the elf's claws extend and retract for a second time. Given that Ar-Raaquis had already heard intruders inside, Yusha couldn't fault these people for their zeal in seeing to the defense of Umili's home. He averts his eyes from Shalar nonetheless. Kalib's gaze doesn't stray, however, his head bobbing up and down excitedly. He digs his talons into Yusha's shoulder and releases repeatedly as he watches the elf go to work with her own set of talons.

Yusha busies himself with his lantern as the others step inside, bringing up the rear and pausing at the open doorway. Nodding towards the wizard, the warforged engages his eagle. Go find the exit out back that Mr. Demora referenced. We mustn't remain ignorant. Let me know of anyone who comes or goes. Kalib hesitates, then slowly stretches his wings before Yusha repositions him, popping him out of existence and back in, 30 feet up. He looks for the rear entrance while keeping a sharp eye out for a perch to watch it from.

Stepping inside with his lantern out in front of him, Yusha pauses, resisting the urge to cleanse the oven of soot and mend the couch. Thoughts of cleanliness and home care flee as Yusha stares at the mechanical arm, a beep of surprise escaping him before he can master it. Forgetting the needs of the moment, Yusha doesn't notice the half-orc's gesture. Instead he examines the arm reverently, hesitantly reaching out as his fingers graze over the intricate joints.

Retrieve and light bullseye lantern
Reposition Kalib up in the air (Kalib seeks the backdoor first, then a spot to watch from without having to keep flying)
Investigate the hand

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

2021-08-23, 08:51 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

A knot of fear settles in Calen's gut as he follows Greck and Yusha across the threshold. Whether or not someone is actually inside (and if so, they certainly know they're not alone after that display by Shalar), any number of grisly scenes could await. Seeing the relative emptiness of the first floor comes as a bit of a relief.

The second strobe of light from upstairs almost distracts Calen from Yusha reaching for the mechanical arm. "Hold on a moment," he urges, darting forward to place himself in the warforged's way. "We should be careful about touching anything in here."

Closing his eyes, Calen takes a slow, deep breath, raises a hand in front of him, and performs a series of quick movements with his fingers. "ID-4816, scan exotic spectra and display." As he pronounces the syllables of the True Speech, the spell completes, and he waits to see if anything in the room lights up.

Casting Detect Magic to sense anything magical within 30 feet.

2021-08-23, 10:23 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor of Agathys: 10 THP and 10 cold damage to anyone who strikes her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon inspected the unique objects on the counter. She tapped her helm along the temple ridge as she blinked through several spectral veils. She pronounced as she did, "Refine visualization and sharpen lighting."

Then Ar-Raaquis clutched her staff as she recited the codex's primer on augmented offense, known as the Razor without Edges. She commanded, "Increase sensitivity to maximum."

The filigree on her gloves glistened briefly before hardened spectral surfaces manifested over the nodes on her staff. The weapon moved far more rapidly in her grip than finesse would otherwise achieve. She strode over to the tome and hand, studying them. Ar-Raaqis said softly to the others, "Did Umeli have a missing limb? Someone smashed something before we entered. We should follow the light."

Cast Guidance and then Shillelagh.
21 investigation to inspect the tome and hand for traps or illusions.

2021-08-23, 08:31 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Guidance

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

Yusha jumps as Calen dives in front of him, the spell broken as he awakens like someone out of a dream. Recognizing the wisdom of Calen's words, Yusha sheepishly takes half a step back, mentally chiding himself for his impulsiveness. He'd almost been reckless enough to touch the strange arm without even a moment's consideration. Abadar be praised, at least Calen was able to keep his wits about him when confronted by such fascinating objects.

Placing a distinctly different metal hand on the human's shoulder, Yusha focuses with a few clicks, opening a channel to the Wealthy Father above and sharing a glimpse with Calen.

Distractions are fun.

Cast Guidance on Calen
Help action to aid Calen on any upcoming knowledge checks, if applicable

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

2021-08-23, 10:12 PM
First Floor of Umeli's Abandoned House

Calen's enhanced eyes sense no magic signatures. Ar-Raaqis's investigations determine that there are no traps or illusions on either the tome or the hand, but the enhanced vision of their visor do pick up the shadow of some small object under the couch that just barely casts a shadow from Yusha's lamplight. If someone leans down and looks underneath the couch, or have the bravery to simply reach under and grab it, they find a strange cylindrical object with a lever on top that is locked to a frame with some sort of latch or bar. The entire thing is made out of strange metals, with the main body painted green with some symbols on it and the lever painted black.


Second Floor of Umeli's Abandoned House

As Greck makes his way up the stairs, the amber light grows more intense again. As he crests to the second floor the light becomes slightly blinding, and he is forced to look away until it fades. Greck uncovers his eyes to see that the amber light is emanating through a solid wooden door. The door is closed and has a broken padlock hanging off a latch that has likewise been damaged. As the light fades to complete darkness, the door seems to glow with an inner light, despite the fact that it is comprised of very solid, opaque wood.

2021-08-24, 07:54 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor of Agathys: 10 THP and 10 cold damage to anyone who strikes her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon extended the hand sigil on her veil under the couch, drawing forth the cylinder without any outward gesture or statement. She hovered the object in the air without any visible means to do so, inspecting the metal form. She pointed with her staff to indicate the object to the others and announced, "The Incantatrix hid this cypher."

Ar-Raaquis brought the object into orbit around her and added, "We should preserve these artifacts as they may reveal what Umeli labored toward. Let's find this intruder."

Then the woman maneuvered toward where Greck went. She kept her staff charged with mystical energy.

Cast telekinetic mage hand (no components. Invisible). Pick up the deathstick cypher and orbit it within 10ft of her.

2021-08-24, 08:02 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Yusha's touch, cool on Calen's shoulder, sends a strange prickling down his spine, like the feeling of being watched. Or perhaps it's just being here in this place that has him on edge. In any case, a quick scan of the premises reveals no sign of any active spells or enchantments. "I'm not seeing any Art at work," he relays to the others. "Doesn't mean we're safe, but if anything here's dangerous, it should be physical."

The cipher Ar-Raaqis uncovers intrigues him, but checking out the second floor seems more pressing. Hearing Greck's footfalls already on the stairs, Calen falls in at the masked woman's side. "Right behind you."

2021-08-24, 04:59 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar entered behind the others, looking around with great enthusiasm and very little caution; barely managing to stop herself from poking at things. She looked at the metal arm with interest, slightly disappointed when Calen stopped Yusha picking it up.
"Is it from a friend of yours, metal one? " She grinned at the warforged shamelessly.

When the metal can began to orbit the bucket dragon, Shalar's eyes almost shone and she had to fight down the urge to snatch it from the air to play with.
"I have seen a metal can like this before! It had a button on top, and when you pressed it, it made blue on anything you pointed it at, and hissed like a serpent! No lever, though, or hoop."

She followed up the stairs, the wood creaking softly beneath her bare feet. Despite herself, the tension of the others made her flex her fingers in readiness for combat.

Inmate XIII
2021-08-24, 07:23 PM
A sneer crosses Greck's face as he spots the door. "Hey, mage. You might want ter see this," he calls down the stairs.

He might not be able to see magic the way a trained wizard could, but he had his own methods of detecting when strange things were afoot. An uncomfortable pressure built behind his eyes as his senses expanded.

Using his Divine Sense feat to detect whether the area had been consecrated or profaned by divine/infernal magic.

2021-08-24, 09:19 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Guidance

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

Yusha jumps again at the sudden question thrust at him, hands jerking upward as if to ward off a blow from the much smaller elf. Not for the first time, the warforged is thankful he lacks the capacity to blush. Quickly gesturing and then stabilizing his lantern, Yusha's illusory script is haphazard at first in his haste to respond.

"Thank Abadar, no!" Yusha gulps as his eyes are drawn to the grinning elf's fangs, but thankfully he manages to revert back to making eye contact shortly thereafter. Eye contact with bright red eyes, almost like twin pools of human blood. After just a short pause, more words appear. "I apologize if I gave offense for flinching Ms. Azari. I am embarrassed to admit that I find your appearance unsettling, but that is no excuse for such an improper response. It seems abundantly clear that you don't mean me any harm." Yusha bows his head, holding it for a moment. He doesn't sigh so much as let out a barely audible tone. Apologies couldn't always restore balance, but Yusha invariably felt better after trying.

Finally able to maintain some semblance of composure, Yusha stares at the floating cypher in awe as Ar-Raaqis pulls it into orbit around her. There was something comforting about the motion. Regardless, it would be improper to dwell with an intruder nearby. Yusha nods to the dragon and moves in sync with the others up the stairs.

Guidance is still on, but doesn't feel right to delay any longer and help with an Arcana check so just moving on up the stairs :smallsmile:

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

2021-08-25, 06:56 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

A glint of mischief entered Shalar's red eyes at the metal man(?)'s words.

"Oh, no insult given," she said easily. "It is true, no harm from Shalar Yotul Azari. " The barbarian paused, and let all amusement slip from her face. When she next spoke, her voice was a low growl, every bit as feral and merciless as the wilds. Her red eyes bored into Yusha's electronic ones, as fierce as fire.
"For now. "

She let the moment stand for a dozen heartbeats, then, unable to contain it any longer, snorted into a series of giggles. Once again, her wide, friendly grin was back on her face.
"I tease, I tease!" she said, her eyes gleeful. She boisterously clapped the warforged on the back and started up the stairs, stifling her chuckles.

2021-08-25, 10:18 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

At Greck's suggestion, Calen moves up to the front to inspect the door. The sight of the broken lock makes his stomach twist again. The light from beyond is curious, but his divination still reveals no active magic about the door or in the space beyond.

"Still not sensing anything," he confirms to Greck. "And if the lock is like this, I'd guess someone's already been through here recently." He gives an uncertain shrug. "I don't see any dead bodies, so...it's probably fine to open?"

2021-08-26, 05:58 PM
Second Floor of Umeli's Abandoned House

Sensing nothing magically or morally amiss, Greck puts metal to wood and opens the door with his shield. There is some resistance, and he is quick to realize that there is something set against the door. Carefully at first, he peers inside and spots an outstretched humanoid hand. With a firm shove and a wet, heavy thump he dislodges the impediment and the door swings open, just in time for a the bright amber light to flash into your eyes and blind you all anew. Those in the rear can see directly through anyone in front of them that the light passes through, getting a disturbing view of their skeletons through their flesh, armor, and clothing. A few seconds later the amber light begins to fade again, but the effect that makes your allies bones show through their skin lingers with an ambient glow of golden light. Once you are all done blinking the stars out of your eyes, the room beyond becomes visible, even if it becomes no easier to comprehend.

Directly in front of you all are two corpses. From the shoulders down they appear to be a human man and woman wearing local fashions, but from the neck up they are nothing but pale white bone- the flesh is completely missing from their skulls. Underneath their skulls is a puddle of liquid with a metallic silver sheen that trembles and shivers with the ambient motion of the room. Between the two corpses is a green cylinder with white runic squiggles on it that is identical to the one Ar-Raaqis found under the Incantrix' couch, but the pin is removed and the lever assembly has been popped upward. On the wall next to the door a wire mount has been shaped that looks as though it once held the cylinder, and there is a matching wire on the door knob with the pin tied to it that looks as though the pressure of the door opening previous to your entry yanked the wire and broke the pin off the cylinder. As Greck's armored form moves into the doorway, both puddles of silvery liquid burble away from him like water going downhill, but stopping exactly six feet away from him. Those of you with either an academic or an adventurer's bent would compare it to the motion of a compass moving away from a piece of lodestone. However, when the puddles move within six feet of the metallic objects in the rest of the room, they instead move to the sides of the room and puddle at a distance equally far from Greck and the contents of the room.

The contents of the room are enigmatic and bizarre. There is exposed wire and blinking lights jutting haphazardly from a metallic sculpture of some sort. There is a metal circle on the ground filled with blue glimmering glass like ice over a lake that has an inner cerulean glow. There is a thick vinelike trunk of metal coming off of this disk that splits, with one section turning upward into an odd panel of buttons, levers, and switches, while a larger vine coils at the feet of something that looks like a metal closet of some sort filled with glass covered walls. The amber light is coming from the glass walls of the closet, and it seems like every minute or so the light flares to fill the room, causing everything to become transparent temporarily. The entire structure appears to be a pad with a control panel attached to a closet made or glass and metal, with no hint of it's true purpose. Stanger yet, sitting on top of the glass pad is an odd blue cylinder with a hose and a similar level mechanism that is much larger than the one you have found or the broken one next to the corpses.

https://aneverydaystory.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/jacks-photo-of-the-blue-fire-extinguisher.jpg OOC- The cypher does not say "Fire" on it, and I would encourage you to think of other interesting things that could take the shape of a fire extinguisher (it was the closest image I could get to what I was looking for). Again, and Ancients Arcana check could discern what the cypher does.

Inmate XIII
2021-08-26, 09:17 PM
Greck moved just far enough into the room to let the others enter one at a time behind in, if they so choose, but went no further. He lowered his weapon, but kept his shield up, between himself and the cabinet to block the light should it come again. He glances around the room at the strange implements, unable to comprehend any of it.

Or rather, unable to comprehend any of it aside from one thing. "'ve seen this before. Someone set off a trap here," he said quietly pointing at the wire. "That object must be a weapon. When the door was opened, it pulled the tripwire with it and that set off the weapon. Whoever was in the room got caught by their own trap," he stated plainly, gesturing to each object as he spoke.

He pointed at the corpses. "Is one of them the one yeh all are looking for? Umeli?"

2021-08-27, 09:26 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Guidance

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1

"Oh, no insult given. It is true, no harm from Shalar Yotul Azari."

Yusha has a moment of doubt, wondering if he misjudged the elf. Even messy handwriting could produce a legal document of great quality if its content was orderly and proper. It was just a matter of looking past the-

"For now."

Yusha's violet eyes grow to the size of saucers, head pulling back an inch as the elf's burning gaze threatens to consume him. When Shalar finally dissolves into a fit of giggles, Yusha is still frozen in place. It isn't until a hand claps him hard on the back that he flinches once more, finally regaining motion and following her hesitantly up the stairs, holding himself just outside her reach until they bunch up at the top.

When they reach the second floor and Greck opens the door, Yusha watches the glow reveal his companion's internal structures. Fascinated, Yusha closes his eyes for a moment, pushing other concerns aside and trying to memorize just how the others appeared beneath their clothing and skin for later study. The corpses elicit a brief tone of surprise from Yusha, but his attention is quickly drawn to all the wonders present. Confident that the trap is already sprung based on Greck's assessment, Yusha manages to slide past Shalar with minimal fuss, only tensing briefly as they nearly touch.

His eyes quickly jump from the corpses to the control panel, from the strange, silver liquid to the light as the closet flares once more. He gives the large blue cylinder a cursory examination before looking back at Calen with a question left unsaid.

As Greck voices his own question, Yusha listens for the answer, sparing a quick glance towards the Dragon before returning to his study of the cyphers. A part of Yusha's brain examines the idea that one of the corpses might have been Umeli, but there were likely others present more capable of answering such a question. Likewise, the scion of Tyr seemed intent on ensuring their safety, and Yusha lets his own well-being fade from consciousness, a secondary concern compared with the puzzle in front of them. A steady hum sounds from the warforged as he holds his lantern up close to the cypher, careful to avoid touching it directly.

Ancient Arcana on large blue cylinder - [roll0] plus [roll1] Guidance
Ancient Arcana on smaller, floor cylinder - [roll2] plus [roll3] Guidance

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

2021-08-28, 09:31 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

"Woaa," Shalar uttered, entertained at the glow of bones beneath her skin as she entered the room (after Greck had shown it wouldn't immediately turn them to dust). Soon, however, her attention shifted to the bodies. "Think one of these is the witch? No, thinks Shalar; just dressed like the tuzoks outside. "

She eyed the metal pools that shifted about.
"The metal moves itself. Like water." She watched it for a moment longer, then looked at Greck. "You think these set the traps? More seems they crept in, like us, only they were first and caught the trap instead. More likely I think Umeli set the trap up, yes? Keep away intruders from her... metal things."

2021-08-28, 11:10 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Yusha, looking to Calen for answers, finds him seemingly frozen in the doorway. His eyes are fixed on the faceless corpses, his own face pale. His throat suddenly feels dry, bile on his tongue, and he has to fight an urge to turn around and run away out of this place and not look back.

He takes a deep breath, and wrenches his eyes away from the skulls. "I think you're right," he concurs with Shalar's summary. "And no, neither of them matches the way I've heard Magister Umeli described."

He needs something else to focus on. Luckily, the room is positively overflowing with distractions. With another deep breath, he steps past the dead and turns his attention to the machinery. "Try not to touch anything," he advises, managing to sound somewhat authoritative. "Let me take a look first." He can hardly decide where to start...the control panel seems a decent place. Perhaps it will bear some labels that offer a clue about what this apparatus is for.

2021-08-28, 02:08 PM
The warforged finds a pictogram on the blue cylinder depicting a humanoid with a knife approaching someone holding a cylinder. The pictogram depicts the defender pulling the pin, aiming the host, and pulling the lever, which covers the attacker in some sort of snow or sludge, allowing the defender to run away.

The effects of the green cylinder are more obvious, as they have been shown to you by the corpses it left behind. It appears to convert flesh into liquid metal, a process that must be painful and certainly can be lethal. Yusha, however, would likely be immune.

The purpose of this pad, control panel, and closet assembly is not easily discerned. Due to his academic training in the archaeology of numenara, Calen believes that standing on the blue pad an operating the switches, levers, and buttons of the control panel summons something in the closet, but he is not sure what. As for the amber light, he has been told of electric eyes before that perceive things flesh cannot, and it appears the machine is aware of their entry to the room. Beyond that it is impossible to tell exactly what will happen if you touch the device, though it is tantalizing to his scholar's mind.

Indeed, from the description of Umeli that Calen was given she should be a rail thin woman in her late fifties, while the female corpse appears to be young and overweight.

2021-08-29, 05:21 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Calen spends several minutes circling around the control panel, the closet, and the blue pad, inspecting them from all angles. Occasionally, he leans in close to inspect a particular piece, brow furrowed, but he touches nothing yet. In the back of his mind, an hourglass turns, marking the time since the party all entered this room and were directly exposed to that strange light--there's no telling what it could be doing to them, but from what he knows of the exotic energies given off by Numenera, at this close a distance, any ill effects the light might have on them would have become inescapable the moment they walked through the door.

Finally, he turns back to the others. "I can't be sure of anything, but near as I can tell, this is some sort of summoning apparatus--a device for calling some creature or thing from somewhere else. What it summons, I can't guess, but it looks like you operate it with these controls." He points to the pad. "As for the light...I'm even less sure about this, but I think this machine is using it to sense us, somehow. I think it knows we're here."

At that, he trails off, shrugging at Greck. This doesn't seem to have answered many questions.

2021-08-29, 09:08 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Guidance

Yusha's eyes widen at the image on the large blue cylinder, marveling at the details. He quickly points it out to the others before enlarging a projection of it in the air in front of everyone. In particular, Yusha ensures that Calen and the Dragon have a clear view of its properties.

Next, Yusha creates an image of the smaller green cylinder being held in a pair of hands, one metal, one organic. With a couple more images showing how the pin could be pulled and the lever popped up, Yusha shows the organic arm being liquefied leaving only bone and metal behind.

One such cylinder was already spent. It was a shame about the two individuals who'd activated it. Power is unforgiving to those who seek it without knowledge. Yusha writes out a few illusory words. "It is good that we are here to put this house in order. More will be tempted if the cyphers are not removed."

Yusha listens carefully to Calen's words, staring at the amber glow with obvious interest. A gate of some kind? Yusha pulls out a journal and starts to record the layout of the control panel with its dizzying array of levers and buttons, annotating Calen's words in tiny script underneath.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

2021-08-30, 09:23 AM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar looked at the metal and glass boxes with their pulsing lights.
"It knows we are here? It has a spirit inside it?"
When it failed to react to this revelation, she shrugged easily and continued.
"If you don't know what it brings, try it. If it calls anything fierce, I'll fight it for you, yes?"

2021-08-30, 09:55 AM
https://i.imgur.com/7SVsFiJ.png Operating the panel requires a roll of a d100.

Inmate XIII
2021-09-01, 11:54 AM
Greck listened to the wizard and warforged's words, but understood little of it. These contraptions weren't his area of expertise and he had learned a long time ago that it was better to just let the scholarly types do whatever it was they did and get it over with; even if he tried to interfere or stop them, they'd just find a way to do what they wanted anyway.

Besides there was a second problem here, one that he could solve. He caught Shalar's eye and said, "Elf! Errr, Shul- Shalar? Help me get these bodies out of here would yeh? Just out to the landing at the top of the stairs. I'ma hafta report this to Iban and don't want the, uhh... whatever it is in here to mess the corpses up further."

He pauses before muttering to her in orcish: "Besides I think the human's going to hurl if we don't get them out of here. Did you see his face when we came in here? Soft, that one is."

2021-09-01, 01:45 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor of Agathys: 10 THP and 10 cold damage to anyone who strikes her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon inspected the apparatus, mystified at its purposes. The magus seemed more informed, though even he stood confused to its purposes. Ar-Raaqis collected the cylinder from circling her, holding it carefully in her hand. Then she mentally focused on the control panel while she pivoted to the side.

"The controls are moving."

Indeed, the purple dial shifted to the middle, the crimson dial slid to the far end, and the amber dial barely adjusted a quarter of the length of its run. Then the blue button depressed, followed by the lever gliding into the downward position.

Ar-Raaquis held her staff at the ready with its arcanely lit edges, warning, "Brace for activity!"

Cast Guidance make an arcana check concerning the summoning apparatus. 8, so disregard.

Telepathically manipulate the dials, blue button, and lever. :xykon: [roll0]


2021-09-01, 08:35 PM
The Second Floor of Umeli's Home

As the controls are manipulated in secret, the blue crystal pad glows with an inner light, and when the lever is finally pushed the blue light forms a solid column of light. If someone were manipulating the controls from directly in front of the panel, they would be wrapped in a cloak of sapphire blue while a high hum shudders the air. As it is, the blue light and the hum fades after seven seconds, and nothing happens. Then the amber light returns, emanating from the closet to scan all of you, making you all translucent again. This time it is followed by an abrupt BEEP BOOP, and one by one the panel of controls resets itself as though an invisible hand were manipulating the controls again, returning them to their original state. It appears that either the machine does nothing, or something was absent from whatever process it was involved with. Despite this lack of anything dramatic, the blue pad has not faded back to it's dark state, with a remaining dim glow illuminating the room. It almost seems... welcoming.

2021-09-01, 09:02 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor of Agathys: 10 THP and 10 cold damage to anyone who strikes her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon turns her metallic veil towards Calen and remarks, "Perhaps the relic shows the path. If you mimic those gestures, you may discern its intentions."

Ar-Raaquis held her staff at the ready with its arcanely lit edges, adding, "We shall watch over you and intervene if it is a ruse."

2021-09-02, 08:38 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

"What?" Sure enough, the controls are moving on their own. Calen stumbles back from the machine, narrowly retaining the presence of mind to draw his dagger, his other hand on Kip. He waits, watching as the blue light rises from the pad, the hum builds, and then...nothing.

"...Oh." After a moment, he relaxes, sheathing his dagger again and wiping his brow. "Phew...well then."

Ar-Raaqis' point is an interesting one. "You might be right," he agrees, though he hesitates approaching the panel. "Although...the fact that it scanned us again just then, after it activated..." The beginnings of a hypothesis are forming in his mind, but it's not enough to go on yet. Well, there's really only one way to gain more data. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained..."

He steps onto the pad and reaches for the controls, inputting the same sequence they showed before, in the same order.

2021-09-02, 12:49 PM
The Second Floor of Umeli's Home

As Calen operates the buttons, levers, and dials, he feels as though small tingles of electricity are running up and down his skin. The blue light erupts upward again, and this time, with someone in it, Calen is overwhelmed by visions and an acute sensation of pain that threatens to overwhelm his senses.

The images that go through Calen's mind are disturbing and scattered, but he manages to push them out of his mind and remain conscious.
Calen is rendered unconscious by the flood of energy and information into his brain. His perceptions rise through the roof of the house, then travel at rapid speed. His visions take him to the nearby Crooked Hills and delve into the ground. He sees strange chambers, brilliant lights, goblins with silver tentacles coming from their heads standing around a mirror orb, and then even stranger things. Visions of strange, colorful beasts with tentacles, teeth, and metal body parts, images of massive towers rising out of the earth like titans floating in the sky, and geometric shapes floating so high above that planet that the tallest mountains look like mole hills below him. Calen also takes one level of exhaustion. He will wake up in a few minutes.

Amber light floods the room from the closet again, but this time it coalesces in an intense white form that shines even brighter- bright enough that all of you are forced to shield your eyes or look away. When you look back, there are three huddled humanoid forms, naked and glistening, looking up at all of you with scared eyes. Each of them is just three feet tall, but each one looks exactly like Calen. One of them reaches out towards the unconscious form of the wizard on the pad and then opens it's mouth as though to say something. Then green boils begin to form on the miniature clone's skin, their bodies begin to swell, and simultaneously they all erupt in an explosion of acidic green liquid that splatters around the room in a wave of vitriol.

You take 10 points of Acid damage as you turn away from the wash of acid, protecting yourself from the worst of the damage.
You take 21 points of Acid Damage as the clones explosive end catches you in vital areas.

The machine begins to spark and smoke as the acid hits wires, glass, and metal, causing it to sizzle. As the acid washes over the floor, the boards underneath you all hiss, smoke, and creak as though the supports are being eaten by acid.

2021-09-02, 01:29 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon watched the event transpire with macabre intrigue. The dismantling of the mage confirmed her suspicions, though the sudden appearance of midget variants of the man surprised her. Then these detonated, washing over her ward. The shield deflected the worst of the blows, though the acid ate into her legs. She billowed her cloak over the wounds and mentally dragged Calen towards her. Grasping the man, she called to the others, "Leave before the structure compromises further!"

Once off the damaged floor, Ar-Raaquis activated the crescent moon icon on her helm, stating, "Assess for stabilization."

Failed, so take 11 acid damage through the Armor of Agathys.
Telekinetically shove Calen (BAs) away from the platform toward Q.
Guided Medicine to Stabilize the lab rat. 11 on Discord, so Calen stabilizes.

2021-09-02, 01:34 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 22/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar had grinned back at the larger orc at his request.
"<Sure. To be so queasy at a few skulls - didn't even see the meat fall off.>"
She shook her head woefully, hooked an axe around the ankle of one of the bodies, and dragged it like a sack of potatoes into the hall outside.

She returned in time to have a bunch of little green men detonate into acid and splatter the room. As their flesh swelled and began to rupture, she managed to spin in time, sheltered by the thick fur of the old Hill King. Even as acid slicked off the tough fur - the old beast was too tough for a little acid to phase it - more had still splashed onto her limbs.
"Ay ah ah! That stings like bees! " the elf yelped, shaking her limbs to get the acid off. Thinking quick, she undid her water flask and began washing off the worst of it. "When I said I would fight whatever you summoned, I didn't mean something that exploded before I could-oh he's dead. "

The floor beneath creaked ominously under her weight as acid chewed on the structure. She took a moment to thump a fist against her chest in salute to the fallen mage and leapt back through the door.
"Rest in pieces," she said, realised she no longer remembered his name, decided it no longer mattered because he was exploded and unable to complain, and approximated. "Cowpen the wizard!"

Inmate XIII
2021-09-02, 09:43 PM
After hauling the larger of the two corpses out, Greck reentered the room just in time to catch a wave of acid full in the face. As the corrisive liquid seeped into the gaps in his armor it prompted a serious of shouts from him in a harsh guttural language (which Shalar would recognize as a few particularly creative curses in orcish), spattered with a few flowing, almost musical words reminiscent of bells.

He managed to blink the fluid out of his eyes to spot al-Raaqis crouched over the unconscious Calen and stumbled over. "Oi, git outta th' way!"

Closing a hand around the wizard's throat, he hoisted the wizard into the air as if trying to choke the man. With a brief blink the half-orc's violet eyes changed to a blindingly bright glowing blue. A matching light appeared around his wrist and flowed towards his fingers, disappearing beneath Calen's skin.

The wizard's eyes had barely fluttered uopen before Greck set him down on his feet and shoved him towards the staircase. "Awright, yeh all heard the dragon lady, everybody out before the building falls down!"

Lay on Hands Healing Calen for 10 HP. 5 Points left in pool.

2021-09-02, 10:04 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

As Yusha records the panel's layout, the controls begin to manipulate themselves. Nearly dropping his quill in surprise, Yusha nevertheless quickly redraws the layout with the controls in their new position, writing a few small notes in the margins as amber light glows over the page.

When Calen steps forward to repeat the cycle for science, Yusha can barely contain his excitement. Though impulsive in nature, there were many instances in history proving trial and error to be an effective method of gathering knowledge. Thankfully they were able to strictly limit the bounds of the experiment by mimicking how the controls had shifted on their own and merely adding the wizard's body as a variable.

Yusha stares wide-eyed at the results as three mini-Calen's stand before them, slowly swelling until it becomes obvious something is wrong. Even so, Yusha is frozen in fascination as they finally explode, washing him and his journal in acid.

Momentarily stunned, Yusha snaps back into action as the Dragon orders their retreat from the unstable area. The warforged quickly grabs his lantern and darts after her, eyes widening at the acid burns melting Calen's flesh as ar-Raaqis stabilizes him.

"Rest in pieces, Cowpen the wizard!"

Yusha's neck snaps as he immediately turns to look at the saluting elf, her fist held-fast against her chest as she bellows the wrong name. Cautiously, Yusha produces an illusory response.

"Ms. Azari, his name is Calen Damora and he lives." Yusha blinks a few times in barely contained confusion before searching for acknowledgement from the others that this is obviously so. He pauses to nod at al-Raaqis in appreciation since she'd sought to keep Calen from spiraling further out of balance.

Suddenly, the dragon is dwarfed by Greck's presence as the half-orc barrels forward, lifting the young scholar clear off the ground by his throat and infusing him with Tyr's light. Yusha watches, awed, as Calen blinks back to life in Greck's outstretched arm.

"Awright, yeh all heard the dragon lady, everybody out before the building falls down!"

In other circumstances Yusha might've gone so far as to call his methods improper, but given the context that the building might no longer be stable, Abadar would certainly know that Greck had behaved properly in spirit. Yusha quickly follows him and the others out of the building, calling Kalib back to perch on his shoulder as they find a place to rest a moment outside.

Yusha gestures with one hand, creating an image. This time he shows a projection of everyone gathered nearby while a sunbeam of light envelopes each of them individually from the heavens. A small hourglass rounds out the image, a significant fraction of sand in the bottom glass. Looking around briefly to see if this is acceptable, Yusha annotates, "Abadar can heal us all if you will give me a few minutes to call for aid."

Yusha kneels on both knees and adds, "do not be alarmed. Abadar's boon may appear strange, but accept it and you will feel better." With that done, Yusha begins emitting a strange series of beeps, clicks, and tones (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSRG0TqxLWc) before falling silent for an extended period. Eventually two beeps escape him followed by a longer tone, then a beam materializes from the sky above. It's there and gone in a flash, burning a small hole in the back of Yusha's neck and leaving it smoking.

Yusha rocks back and forth on his knees, eyes closed, before rocking forward and vomiting a stream of iron-grey onto the ground in front of him. The nanites wriggling mass of creatures split off in multiple directions, the ones closest to Yusha climbing up his arm and molding themselves into the voids left by acid. Where the golden warforged had been tarnished and burned, the grey coalesces. Any who remain nearby to accept Abadar's boon feel the minuscule creatures crawling up their flesh to replicate healthy tissue.

With this done, Yusha wipes a smudge of grey from his lips, before projecting a small image of a balanced scale.

Multiple casts of Minor Illusion

Cast Prayer of Healing for 16 HP healed to everyone

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

2021-09-03, 08:33 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

There's a split second, as Calen stands on the pad and sees the light building around him, and feels the prickling running over his skin, where he suddenly has the feeling that something is very, very wrong.

Then his every nerve is on fire, and his jaw is locked around a guttural cry of pain as his body seizes up uncontrollably, but he doesn't notice, because he's gone, his senses overwhelmed by the visions, things that would boggle his mind had he the faculties to analyze them--the hills outside of town, that shimmering orb, the towers, creatures like something out of a nightmare....


He blacks out.

He hasn't even properly come to when he's unceremoniously dumped back onto his feet and shoved toward the door. Half-conscious, his body responding on its own, he somehow manages to stumble along after the others. As soon as the fresh evening air hits him, his legs give out, and he tumbles to the ground, curling up in a ball and clutching at his head. "Oooooooowwwwwwww..."

He doesn't appear to notice Yusha calling on Abadar's strange "blessing," remaining motionless as part of the grey mass flows over him. A deep part of his mind is aware of some of the pain receding, the burning of his skin soothed by what feels like a cool bath. It's enough to bring him back to himself as the last of the fluid evaporates.

Slowly, gingerly, Calen sits up, gritting his teeth. His head still pounds. "Ow, ow, ow..." He hunches with it between his knees, kneading his temples. "What...what happened?"

2021-09-03, 09:25 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon would have greatly enjoyed focusing on the communications by the iron flesh. However, she stood and enacted a series of gestures and incantations. Her visor glimmered inside, but failed to illuminate outside. She moved various arcane conduits to connect to sigil frames. These frames she decoded and encoded. Finally, she tested the ward with a step, activating a mental ping.

Satisfied, she turned and said to Calen, "The relic duplicated your person into arcane, acidic bombs. This ritual appears to have spent your psyche. The bombs damaged the relic and collapsed the floor."

Ar-Raaquis said to the others, “We should ensure Umeli left no other secrets.”

Ritually cast Alarm on entryway.

2021-09-04, 03:40 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar, having leapt out the room, failed to see Yusha's message. When they rallied outside, she watched with curiousity, and, having at first stepped back from the robo-vomit, cautiously allowed it to flow up her legs when she saw it mending the ravages of acid on the machine-man's body. It tingled.

When Calen asked what happened, the canny elf was ready to give an explanation when the bucket just said a bunch of nonsense that made no sense to anyone.

"As the bucket said, you were duplicated in three, exploded, and died until my fellow orc strangled the life back into you. Then the metal one vomited on us." the orcish elf said. Her arms were crossed, and she nodded sagely, the picture of the wise instructor. "It is not the first time Shalar Yotul Azari has been vomited on! It is, however, the first time it was been grey and healed wounds! Previous times, it was just too much booze by my fellow warriors and just smelt bad."

2021-09-04, 08:05 PM
Outside Umeli's Home

Not long after all of you have escaped onto the roughsod lawn in front of the ruined house, there is a massive crash from inside as the upper floor supports give way and the top floor of the building comes crashing down into the bottom. There is a loud sound of metal crunching, and a shower of sparks illuminates the building from within. Thankfully, however, there are no fires, but it is assured that whatever that machine was it did not survive a twelve foot fall in one piece.

In the rush to get out of the house, all of you were distracted. But now that the night is silent, you notice the distant sounds of fun and merriment have changed to screams of fear and aggression, as fires burn in the populated part of the town where the fair is taking place. Some distance away, Iban gives a shout of pain, just audible before a firework launches into the air, drowning the sounds of violence with a thunderous BOOM.

2021-09-04, 08:34 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon spun around, her kimono whipping in the air. She called to the others, "The fox yields to the cockatrice! To arms!"

Ar-Raaquis activated the agility augmentations within her helm. She then stowed her bo and drew her batons, activating the same eldritch sequence on one that had limned her staff. Then the helmed mystic raced toward the violence that erupted in the fair grounds. The nest of the songbird is always in view of the predator.

Cast Guidance.
Draw batons and cast shillelagh (BA) on one.
Run toward the fun.

2021-09-05, 09:45 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Guidance (Kalib)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha is about to condemn Shalar's description comparing Abadar's gift to the expelled contents of a being's stomach when a BOOM sounds towards the fairground. Following ar-Raaqis' gaze, Yusha quickly channels a glimpse from Abadar into Kalib before placing him up in the air.

Don't stray too far and be wary of fireworks. Kalib screeches from above, though whether it's from acknowledgement or annoyance is unclear. Left unsaid is the obvious. They're ignorant of what's happening in the fairground and that cannot remain true. Yusha hastily grabs his things, shoving the metal arm him into his pack and holding his lantern high as he takes off running after the Dragon.

Cast Guidance on Kalib, stow metal arm, and run after the dragon.

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

Inmate XIII
2021-09-06, 04:22 AM
Greck marshals the others down the stairs, ensuring the he is the last to leave. Thundering down after them, he scans the ceiling quicky, making sure it wasn't about to fall on his head, then followed everyone out the door. Calen immediately collapses into the grass and after scanning the area for any potential ambushes, Greck kneelt down to check on him. Finding the young man still conscious, the half-orc just gave an exasperated grimace before standing back up to more thoroughly search the area.

He stood close as Yusha began his ritual, somewhat familiar with the spell being cast. A few minutes later, his attention was caught by a strange out-of-place glow down the hill.


Something was wrong. He took a hasty step towards the fairgrounds, but stopped as once of the acid burns sent a tendril of pain runing up his spine. He grit his teeth, and glanced at Yusha, then back towards the fair, then back at the warforged again.

Patience. Not a virtue that came easily to him, but in this case, one he desperately needed to exercise.

Once the spell was complete, he checked himself over. Ignoring Calen's questions, he determined that his injuries, while not completely mended, were at least no longer severe, and took off alongside the Dragon.

2021-09-07, 04:56 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

Shalar watched the distant fires. Slowly, her aspect changed, until the joviality had been replaced with something far more savage.

"Oh-ho! The smell of battle, yes!" Blood and smoke, pain and fury! She beared her teeth with excitement. They looked sharper than a few moments before, and she cast a glance at those still remaining. "Come then! Bloodshed awaits for Shalar Yotul Azari - and for you as well!"

She let out a fell laugh, loud and terrible, and began loping towards the signs of combat.

2021-09-08, 08:31 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Calen spends a long moment staring at Ar-Raaqis, then at Shalar, then at Ar-Raaqis again. After a moment, he slowly sinks back down to regard the ground between his feet. "My head hurts...."

Suddenly, Ar-Raaqis cries out something about a cockatrice, and then she and Yusha are rushing off while that enormous bird takes to the air. Wait...was that an explosion?

Calen scrambles to his feet, then nearly collapses again, the sudden motion bringing a fresh wave of pain. He fights not to throw up...Greck and Shalar are taking off, back toward the fairgrounds. Toward the sounds of destruction and the screams. What the hells is happening?

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Calen stumbles after them, a shaking hand closing on the hilt of his dagger.

2021-09-08, 10:15 AM
Returning to the Fair

The party dashes forward towards the populated areas of town as yet another firework screeches into the heavens and lights up the night. Reaching the Pavilion of Prizes, the group finds Iban standing in a pile of goblinoid bodies, covered in nicks and cuts. The man may be overweight, foppish, and smell of honey wine, but he has wracked up a respectable six goblin kills with his spear. Breathing hard, Iban turns to you and speaks in pleading tones. "They rushed for the cyphers like their very lives depended on it! We have to make sure our winners are safe! Will you all go into the fair and defend our people? I would, but someone has to guard all these doodads!" He turns to address Greck directly. "I know you're off duty, but we've never needed security more than we need them now!" Oddly enough, each and every goblin that Iban has killed has a strange metallic protrusion coming from their heads that looks like a horn or a fungal growth, with a varying number of bronze looking balls speared by a silvery white tendril. Despite their deaths, they all also seem to be in the middle of a peaceful sleep, eyes closed and bodies relaxed, almost as though they were napping.


Moving forward into the fair, you find that goblins have infiltrated everywhere. Some of them are working in teams of two or three and hauling off people. One fairgoer kicks and struggles, resulting in their skirt coming off. While they scramble away, the goblins who were trying to abduct them reach into the skirt's pocket and remove a strange looking cypher before running off into the night. In the immediate area there are ten of these goblins, and just like the ones that Iban killed they all have their eyes closed and appear to be sleepwalking, and all of them have the same strange metallic horns coming out of their skulls. When armed and aggressive adventurers appear, the ten local goblins stop harassing people and draw their weapons, ready for combat.

Initiative is as follows-
17 Yusha
14 Greck
10 Qadira
8 Goblins
7 Shalar
2 Calen

In my games, unless I decide to split up enemies for an increase in difficulty (which will be VERY rare) initiatives are split up with it going "players who rolled higher than the enemies", followed by "enemies", then "all players, prioritizing those who have not yet gone". So Yusha, Greck, and Qadira are up, followed by the goblins, then it becomes an "us vs. them" initiative. IT'S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!

2021-09-08, 12:24 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaquis surged beyond the cypher guardian and into the chaos. She saw the goblins acknowledge her presence by drawing weapons. She stowed her offhand baton to connect her glove to the hovering lantern. She intoned and raised the lantern, which fired off minute strands of moonlight that rapidly rotated around, stitching spectral razor-edged grass upon the ground around the goblins. The light faded, rendering the danger difficult to notice for anyone who stumbled into the area afterward.

She assumed the tiger stance, raised her augmented baton, and gestured with her now free hand for the goblins to advance.

Stow offhand baton.
Cast Spike Growth (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Spike%20Growth#content) (40' diameter circle across the ground) under the goblins and before them. The ground becomes difficult terrain.
[roll0] piercing damage for every 5ft a creature maneuvers 5ft through the area. This hazard is difficult to see for anyone not witnessing the spell's appearance.

Stand just outside the near edge and awaits their onrushing self-inflicted wounds.

2021-09-08, 03:44 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: ---

As they entered the fair, Shalar had come to a halt. Some of the feral aspect bled away as she surveyed the scene.

"Just gubbaz?" Shalar said with disappointment. "Pah, unworthy of the green of their skin! Even if they have weird things growing from their heads."

It was a little hard to truly call the beast inside with such underwhelming prey, so the orc-elf wasn't the first to spring into the fray. Instead, she sheathed and unsheathed her claws, hoping to get her excitement going again.

Inmate XIII
2021-09-08, 04:47 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 26/31

Arriving at the fair just behind the Dragon, Greck completely ignored Iban as he ran past the proprietor towards the fray. He paused momentarily to shout orders to any members of T.N.E. that might be listening. Receiving no responses he rushed towards the nearest group of goblins, but stopped fast as the light of al-Raaqis' spell shines on the ground in front of him.

He took a single step back and scanned the area fast, satisfied to see that the little bastards were all focusing on him and the masked woman. Taking a few quick strides towards the nearest one he planted his feet and, using his shield as a counterbalance, swung hard with his hammer.

Attack roll against a goblin [roll0]

10 bludgeoning damage roll on discord

2021-09-08, 08:57 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Bless, 2nd level (al-Raaqis, Greck, Calen, Shalar)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

The boom of a firework sounds above, punctuating a few screams as Yusha dashes after Greck and al-Raaqis. Iban was doing an admirable job of restoring balance in the Pavillion, but destruction and disorder seems to reign everywhere else as the Carnival collapses into chaos.

Three goblins up ahead accost a law-abiding fairgoer, ripping their skirt and fleeing with a cypher as Yusha can only watch. Do you see them? With so many different things begging for attention amidst the chaos it would be easy to get distracted, but balance could only be restored one act at a time. Trail them for one mile and mark their path, then return. A screech rises and falls away sharply as Kalib dives after his quarry.

"Just gubbaz?"

The audible disappointment is not lost on Yusha as he realizes Shalar had actually hoped for a bigger calamity. It would normally be enough to give him pause, but a pack of goblins quickly draws away Yusha's attention. Their eyes are closed, but they're clearly aggressive all the same.

As the Dragon surges forward Yusha watches her deal out moonlight, trapping four such goblins in a precarious position surrounded by razor sharp moon-grass. Greck dashes towards the other main group, the half-orc's heavy hammer falling mercilessly to deal out justice. These two, at least, understood the value of putting an end to the chaos. They even split into a matched pair, balancing attack and defense with the goblins mis-matched formation. Looking back at Shalar and Calen, Yusha takes the first step towards unity, hoping he can count on them to do their part as well. Cooperation is the soul of progress.

He raises two fingers to the key-ring on his forehead, closing his eyes and letting lose a stream of clicks and beeps. It was far more difficult to share a glimpse across open space, particularly when his allies couldn't be counted on to stand still. Regardless, Yusha had long ago learned to act as an intermediary for Abadar's sight. It was difficult to maintain so many divine channels at once, particularly among those who were less receptive, but Yusha juggled each connection independently until he could feel them center on him.

Balance, finally. Yusha's eyes fly back open as he balances his focus between four souls, giving each a glimpse and a nudge as necessary.

Kalib Perception 13 from discord to try to keep tabs on the gobbos who took a cypher from the fairgoer's skirt. Assuming disadvantage from night-time, countered by advantage (hawk perception). Gives Kalib something fun to do.

Cast Bless at 2nd level on al-Raaqis, Greck, Calen, and Shalar.

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

2021-09-08, 10:39 PM
Chaos at the Fair

The Dragon's razor sharp moon grass rips into the feet of four of the sleepwalker goblins, but these creatures are neither stupid nor immune to pain. All four stop moving, drop their makeshift blades, and draw scrappy short bows from their backs. Two of them fire at Ar-Raaqis, but both shots go wide. A stray goblin not caught up in the hazard rushes forward, somehow keeping his feet as he runs with his eyes closed, and manages a slash across Qadira's arm. One of the goblins mired in razor grass manages to graze Yusha with a bowshot, while another leaves a long scratch along Shalar's arm with a haphazard arrow.

On the other side of the battlefield, unimpeded by magical traps, the four remaining goblins bound into combat against Greck as his hammer blow smites one of their number to a pile of inanimate broken bones. However, try as they might, their scavenged blades only scrape against his armor and bounce off his shield. He stands like a monument of endurance among the ankle biters, unaffected by their meager attempts to harm him, though given time their numbers may drag him down.

From behind a stall sixty feet away, a threat that may be more appealing to Shalar makes itself known. Standing head and shoulders above his smaller kin a bugbear appears, and it also has a metallic fungal sprout coming from the crown of it's head. Though it also appears to be sleeping, it has a wicked grin across it's features, and under one arm it holds a collection of bamboo tubes strapped together with long wicks winding out the back to a single fuse. It flicks a tindertwig to light on it's thumb, lights the fuse, and brandishes the fireworks platform like a haphazard siege weapon. The results are immediate and explosive.

These do not appear to be the same caliber fireworks that are resounding with thunder high above you, but each rocketing little fireball does come with a loud BANG and a belch of flame and smoke. There is little aiming on the part of the bugbear and more waving the platform back and forth wildly. Thankfully the civilians have already cleared out of the area, or doubtlessly many would have died, but it proves to be an effective weapon against our heroes, due to random chance more than malicious skill. One ball of fire hits Qadira squarely in the stomach, burning her clothing and singing her flesh. Another grazes Shalar, and where the hoard of goblins failed the bugbear succeeds by hitting Greck in the neck with a fiery blast. Fate is not wholly against you all, however. Sensing that the Dragon is wounded, the bugbear brings the bamboo contraption back towards her, but entropy sends the fireball directly into the back of the skull of the goblin who cut Qadira seconds before, slaying it immediately as it's brains sizzle like eggs in a pan. With the weapon exhausted, the bugbear throws the platform aside and draws a morning star from it's back, moving thirty feet closer and bringing it within range of a charge.

SURPRISE! Roman candles for everyone!

2 Goblins miss Q with bow attacks. 1 Gob deals 3 to Q with a scimitar. 1 Gob deals 4 to Yusha with an arrow. 1 Gobbo hits Shalar for 3 (and she DESERVES it :smallfurious:). 4 Gobbos surround Greck and all miss with their pitiful attacks. The Bugbear fires randomly, managing 5 attacks against you all (1 each) and one against an ally. It got improbably lucky, critting Qadira for 8 fire damage, hitting Shalar for 3, and hitting Greck for 6. It also crit it's ally gobbo, slaying it with a mini fireball to the head.

Now it is everyone's turn.

2021-09-09, 07:43 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaquis' spell dissolves as the cut severs her connection to the application. She curses as the fireball catches her in the chest. The anger of the dragon stokes, she mentally grasps the canister on her belt and sends it toward the nest of goblin's she had pinned with her grass. The pin dropped from it, erupting moments later in a flash.

She moved toward the bugbear, weaving toward stalls to keep from becoming an easy target of its explosive darts.

Mage hand activate and ferry detonation canister to goblins with bows. [roll0] necrotic if they fail a DC 13 dex save.

Move into (half/full) cover 30ft closer to said critical firestorm bugbear.

Inmate XIII
2021-09-09, 09:45 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 20/31

Greck's hammer connected with the goblin's chin with a satisfying crack, and the mutated wretch toppled over, just as a small fireball makes contact.

Gritting his teeth, he looks over the area then calls over his shoulder, again in orcish: "<Hey elf! You want the big one or this lot?>"

Not wanting to wait long for an answer, he swung his weapon around to bring it down on the nearest goblin.

Attack roll on gobbo: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]

+8 crit damage rolled in discord

2021-09-09, 09:25 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Concentration: Bless, 2nd level (al-Raaqis, Greck, Calen, Shalar)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha warbles as an arrow finds his shoulder, unable to stop himself from giving vent to the pain. Thankfully he maintains focus, holding his connection to Abadar intact as he broadcasts opportunities and warnings to the others wherever the Wealthy Father above finds them.

As the Dragon dives for cover while closing in towards the larger goblinoid, Yusha quickly sizes up the combatants on the field and moves to tip the scales. He lashes together a signal to disrupt any who might attack al-Raaqis, trying to give her an opening before goblins of every size strike. A moment later, Yusha's eyes raise to the heavens as he beseeches Abadar for a more direct response. His faith is rewarded as a thin beam of energy flashes in the night sky, targeting one of the goblins threatening Greck.

Bless is still active and Kalib's off hunting gobbos, trying to follow them for a bit.

Bonus Action: Cast Sanctuary on al-Raaqis.
Action: Cast Sacred Flame on one of the goblins in melee with Greck (Dex save DC 13 or [roll0] radiant damage.

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

2021-09-10, 12:12 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 26/32
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Berserk! Resistance to conventional weapons, Adv. on strength checks and saving throws +2 damage

As if by the will of some spiteful god, Shalar was assailed for her words by arrows and explosives. Her blood dripped.

"Geh heh heh...." Shalar chuckled lowly, lowering her arms where she'd shielded her face. "<More like it! Yes!>"

She shuddered and then howled (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-FA-U86RSg), loud and long, a cacophonous roar that was the dread for all who would trepass in the Valley of Beasts. Twisted antlers, uneven and jagged, burst from her head in a horrible tearing sound as her claws grew and forearms bristled with wire-like hair. She opened her mouth in a grin, and it yawed far more than should be possible to reveal great fangs.

"Yezz... I fight largezzt!" she exclaimed, her words underlaid with a bone-deep growl.

She bounded forward recklessly, using her hands as well to propell herself forward to leap onto the bugbear. Those terrible great claws slashed, sending up arcs of red as she heedlessly clawed into the bugbear's flesh. It struggled, of course, shoving at her, but she was too close to bring its heavy mace to bear. In a surge of frantic motion, the bugbear pushed her off and turned to run.

That was a mistake.

Shalar leapt onto its back from behind. She swung her head, and razor-sharp fangs clamped onto the sleepwalker's neck, chewed, and tore back to spit gore onto the floor. The bugbear crumpled, arteries opened, and Shalar was left perched on top of its corpse, blood streaked down her front. She laughed, teeth flashing, long tongue lolling.

"Gyahahahahaha! Yezzz! See the mightt ov Shalar Yotul Azzzari!"

2021-09-10, 01:17 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

Thought the first few steps make his head pound, the running does manage to clear Calen's mind somewhat. As the prize tent comes into view again, the scene resolving into the hetman surrounded by dead goblins, the wizard visibly blanches. An attack? But why now? Who are these goblins?

An image flashes through his mind. Chamber full of lights, goblins with silver growths sprouting from their heads, an orb of mirrors....

A fresh wave of pain nearly makes him retch; he just manages not to collapse again. When he comes to, the others are already dashing off further into the fairgrounds. For a moment, Calen almost turns and runs the other way. A wizard he might be, but he's no battlemage; how is he supposed to help if the town is under attack?

From ahead, screams reach him. People in danger. The sound steels his resolve.

He catches up just in time to see Greck and Ar-Raaqis engaging a goblin warband, the Dragon unleashing some sort of ray from that lantern artifact. Skidding to a halt beside Yusha, he curses his luck; why didn't he prepare any offensive spells today? Well, how were you supposed to know? Cold sweat slicks the grip of his dagger...this is insane, what in the world was he thinking, he shouldn't be here....

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Yusha bowing his head, touching the symbol of Abadar there. Calen almost doesn't notice...then, all of a sudden, the feeling of someone reading over his shoulder. Data streaming into his mind, bringing not pain like the other visions, but clarity; he sees his enemies' positions, feels the distance to his allies. He glances at Yusha, who's focused on more pressing things. Questions...not now.

The presence, whatever it is, cuts through the panic. Come on, Calen. Think. What can you do? He runs through the spells he has prepared. Maybe nothing directly offensive, but...he always keeps a sleeping enchantment ready, just in case. But will it even work on these goblins? Whatever condition they're suffering from, they already seem only partly conscious.... It's worth a try.

The mirror is in his hand. "Kip, you there?"

"Oh, do mine microphones deceive me?" The cool voice drips with sarcasm like Calen's never heard from it. "Am I finally being given permission to speak once more, oh gracious master?"

"What..." Oh, right. "You're not still--look, forget about that! We need to deal with this!"

There's no answer, but in his hand, the black glass suddenly lights up, characters flashing across its surface. Calen's other hand becomes a blur, fingertips grabbing runes from the flow, compiling a complex sequence. He extends his hand toward the goblin archers, and the letters form in the air, written in lines of light, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up with an electric charge. "ID-4816-descent-reptile-south, access local network, execute command input!" The runes flash and vanish, the charge released. Calen holds his breath....

2021-09-10, 01:55 PM
Chaos at the Fair

The Dragon's invisible force carries the detonation across the ground, not throwing it so much as ferrying it, and removes the pin, pops the lever, and drops the weapon at the goblin's feet. Both of them tip their closed eyes down at it, and one attempts to leap out of the way, but both are wrapped in a mustard yellow gas that floods from the detonation. As soon as the gas touches flesh, the goblins begin to scream, but this does not last long. Almost immediately their flesh metamorphoses into liquid quicksilver, and two white skeletons fall to the ground, seemingly at eerie peace.

On the other side of the battlefield, Greck's hammer smashes another goblin into the dirt, broken and dead. A beam of light from the heavens, directed by Yusha's signal, strikes another just as it is about to attack his rear, causing it to fall backwards, howling in pain.

The savage assault of Shalar on the bugbear is best left to the imagination, grisly and disturbing as it is. The corpse of the once mighty goblinoid settles into a rapidly expanding pool of it's own blood.

Finally, Calen's spell flows out of his tablet into the area, and unceremoniously all the remaining goblins slump down to the ground, truly asleep and no longer walking, or more importantly, fighting. It would be a simple task to either tie them up or execute them for their crimes.

Each of you gets 240 xp for the brief fight. Laughable that the standard encounter building rules consider this a "deadly" fight, isn't it? Also, if anyone bothers to search to goblins, you also find a dangerous looking sphere https://i.imgur.com/suCwa2y.jpg. This is definitely a cypher of some sort that the goblins stole from someone.

This looks similar to the exploding gas weapon The Dragon threw at the archer goblins, but it feels more menacing somehow.
There is a piece of strange, slippery paper stuck to the sphere. It removes easily enough if you wish, and has an image of a swirling vortex of some sort on it.You may have heard legends of weapons like these. They use the force of gravity as a potent and deadly weapon. It has a larger radius of effect than the minor cypher Ar-Raaqis threw, and has the lethality to kill even someone as strong as Shalar in the following eruption of gravitic energy. This is the most dangerous and potent weapon any of you have ever held.

2021-09-10, 03:07 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

Calen almost doesn't believe his eyes when the goblins collapse unconscious. It...actually worked? "Yes!" He punches the air.

The moment is rather broken, however, by an inhuman shriek coming from...somewhere next to him? Suddenly fearing an ambush, Calen whirls to see...Shalar. Or...is it? He catches a glimpse of antlers, claws, and too many teeth before the thing that's somehow still unmistakably her leaps what must be a dozen feet toward a hulking bugbear he hadn't spotted. There's blood....

When he was a boy, his father used to make him come hunting. He always hated it, and the worst part was watching the hounds tear into the quarry. It made him sick, but for some reason, he could never seem to look away. Now, all of a sudden, Calen would swear he's twelve years old again.

He stands there transfixed, hardly noticing that the battle is over.

2021-09-10, 04:04 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaquis' crouches under the effects of Yusha's mystical ward. She pivots to witness Shalar the Devourer consume her foe. When the goblins fell, the mystic crossed the fair grounds and dispatched them each save one with a measured strike of her batons to their nose bone, sinking their skulls into true slumber.

She retrieved a curious device from one of their pockets. The Dragon activated her helm with the now-penchant phrase. "Enhance."

Awed by its potency, the mystic stowed it on her person with reverential care. "We should ensure no more of these foes lurk within the grounds! They come bearing dire tools of the Ravager."

Guided Arcana: 22

2021-09-11, 09:39 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha watches as the battle is brought to an abrupt end with Calen's spell before the Dragon quietly dispenses justice, her baton delivering each goblin to their final rest with a sickening crunch. Her strikes, unfortunately, can't drown out the sounds of flesh tearing nearby. Distant screams barely register as a beast rips apart its prey.

While hyper-aware of what's happening to his left, Yusha looks anywhere else, eager for a distraction. "That was expertly done, Master Damora," Yusha writes to the wizard standing beside him, illusory words hovering in the air between Calen and further bloodshed, for his eyes alone. "May I ask, if the situation ever called for it, can you put anyone to sleep?" An image forms of Shalar pouncing on Yusha with Calen nearby, casting something. "I do not mean to imply such a thing will ever be necessary, but preparedness is next to godliness." Yusha flinches at the sound of a bone cracking as Shalar finishes rending what's left of the bugbear.

Nodding slowly to al-Raaqis after she speaks, Yusha projects an image of the Dragon's footsteps glowing, leaving a clear trail that the warforged follows. Yusha spares a quick glance to his left now that silence has fallen. His eyes snap forward in a heartbeat, but not before an image of blood-soaked Shalar and ravaged meat sears into his brain. As casually as he can manage, Yusha interposes Greck between himself and the beast. "Abadar smiles on you," he writes to the half-orc, projecting an image of Greck towering well above a pack of tiny goblins. "Did any of them land a meaningful blow?"

Guidance plus arcana check at half bonus: [roll0] plus [roll1]

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

Inmate XIII
2021-09-12, 09:30 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 20/31

Greck blinked, unimpressed, as the goblins all fell over simultaneously. When al-Raaqis began to finish them off, Greck took the time to crush one of their skulls and extracted one of the metallic horns at the base, careful to only touch it with his armored glove, and held it at arms length to look over.

He had seen some strange sights, but nothing like this. Might it be responsible for the goblins odd behavior? Maybe the mage would know.

Just then, the metal man appeared, also acting oddly; standing pointedly between Greck and the elf.

"Abadar smiles on you. Did any of them land a meaningful blow?"

Greck glanced over Yusha's shoulder, then back at the warforged as he pieced it all together. The cleric is near as squeamish as the wizard.

He fought the urge to roll his eyes, both at the elf and the warforged. "No."

At that, he stomped over to the comatose Calen and dropped the metal tendril unnecessarily loudly at the young human's feet.

2021-09-12, 10:50 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 26/32
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Berserk! Resistance to conventional weapons, Adv. on strength checks and saving throws +2 damage

As the others talked, Shalar loped over to the last remaining goblin. Unconcious, it slept unheeding at her feet.

"Hhheeey, bukkket," Shalar rumbled."Mizzed one."

She reached down and wrapped her claws around the goblin's head. One handed, she hauled it to its feet. Her maw gave a ghastly smile, red-tinged and gore-wet.

"Don't worrry. I hhavee it," she grinned, and drew back a claw ready to gut the creature.

2021-09-13, 05:15 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

Calen takes a second to notice Yusha's writing. "O-oh...uh...thank you." He latches onto the distraction, putting the grisly scene behind him as he turns to the warforged. His eyes widen at the floating image, and its implication. "Uh...well, it only works on creatures that sleep naturally, so elves are immune, and iron people." To tell the truth, he can't imagine that spell would work on Shalar even if she were human, but he elects not to mention that.

A sharp crack draws his attention. He turns to witness Ar-Raaqis going among the unconscious goblins, dispatching them one by one. The sight leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Sure, the goblins are as good as dead anyway if the townspeople get a hold of them after an attack like this, but still...killing a defenseless foe in their sleep doesn't sit well with him.

Before he can think about saying anything, though, Shalar is advancing on another of the sleeping creatures. Any words Calen had in mind vanish from his tongue. The way she moves, that bloody grin...the sight sends a chill up Calen's spine, but again, he finds himself unable to look away. He watches, jaw hanging open a little, as she lifts the creature up effortlessly with one hand, extends those claws....


It takes a second to realize it's him that's spoken. Instantly, he regrets it. Swallowing sudden dryness, he takes a step toward Shalar. "He might know something. Where they came from, why they were here."

2021-09-13, 09:21 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha blinks twice at Calen's simple statement, looking back at Shalar as blood drips down her maw, strings of gore clinging to her claws. An elf. Yes, how had he forgotten? Yusha shivers despite himself, unable to reconcile the beast with the few elves and half-elves he'd met in Katapesh. After that display it was easier to just think of her as a monster, even if she was a variety that never slept. Like him. Yusha frowns, then dismisses the similarity as Shalar lifts the last goblin, likely intending to disembowel it. Yusha cringes, looking away.


Yusha looks quickly back at Calen, eyes widening.

"He might know something. Where they came from, why they were here."

Yusha slowly slides half a step back, eyes darting from Shalar, to Greck, to al-Raaqis. Still moving slowly, Yusha carefully removes the large canister strapped to his back as Calen stands before the beast-elf. Yusha waits on high alert, ostensibly busy re-examining the markings on his cypher, but ready to immobilize the beast should she lash out.

Obviously someone should speak in Calen's favor, but Yusha was much too busy ensuring the wizard's safety. It would be unwise to lift his hands from the cypher at such a crucial moment, even just to gesture a few words.

The goblin likely wouldn't give them much of anything, anyway. Its fate was sealed when it attacked members of a real society. The law was clear, and a proper execution was a painless execution. It would be a mercy to let it die in its sleep now that it had condemned itself to death.

Ready the Immobilizer cypher in case Shalar guts Calen :smallbiggrin:

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

2021-09-14, 09:16 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 26/32
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: none

Shalar's head turned to look at the boy who spoke out. She breathed out a heavy gore-tinged exhalation, as if intrigued by the human's temerity.
"Haaaaa? "

She turned, and with steady steps approached Calen. She hefted the goblin higher, drew back a claw and with a pair of rapid slashes -
-hacked away the goblin's belt, so when she tossed it down it was without any equipment but its bare hands. She smiled at him from ear to ear.
"Tthhhenn talkk. Find itzz lairr, zzo you can bloody yourrr hands nezzt time, yezz?"


After dropping the goblin, Shalar turned away. She gave a bone-deep shudder, her joints adjusting with loud clicks of resettling tendons. There were some remarkably unpleasant organic noises as her maw shifted and narrowed to elven jaws. Her antlers slewed off to shatter against the ground, suddenly brittle as glass.

She shook herself like a dog, splashing off most of the gore, and turned back to the others. Once more just a (dashing, if you asked her) elf physically, give or take a set of claws or two, she grinned. She stretched like a cat, red eyes closing, before she opened them again and looked around.

"Not so bad after all, eh? To have a cralcurrok here too!" Shalar said happily. "Sounding like things are quieting down, though. You all in possession of your bodily bits then, yes? Good. To die against goblins would be very embarrassing!"

2021-09-14, 09:38 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

Calen finds himself feeling like a rabbit as Shalar lopes toward him. It's an effort not to turn and run...but some instinct tells him that the worst thing he can do right now is show fear. So he grits his teeth and squares his shoulders and looks her straight in the eye as she draws closer. She raises those claws, and he almost bolts...then it's over, the goblin alive at his feet.

He's left shaking as she turns away, short of breath and...strangely flushed.

He takes a moment to compose himself, then kneels over the still-unconscious goblin. "We should tie him up." He thinks of the coil of rope on his pack--back at the inn he checked into when he arrived. Hoping someone else has something suitable, he sets to examining the prisoner; won't be much use to them if he can't be woken up.

Calen snaps his fingers by the goblin's ears, shakes him by the shoulders. As he works, he notices the broken-off head growth that Greck's dropped at his feet. Frowning, he draws the arcane mirror from his belt once again. "Kip, you know about anything like this?"

13 on Arcana to learn about the goblin's condition and hopefully wake him up.

2021-09-14, 09:49 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaquis' turned to witness the debacle of the grisly elf and the mage. She stowed a baton, preparing to shove them apart should blood begin to spill. When the matter concluded, she said, "Be swift in your interrogation. The raiders have fled."

She activated her lantern, manifesting a cage around the goblin. She held her hand like a hawk's talon, poised to release a jet of pure arcane energy.

Minor Illusion of a cage around the goblin.
Ready Eldritch Blast if it tries to flee or fight: [roll0] for [roll1] force damage

2021-09-14, 08:45 PM
In the Aftermath of the Fight

Slowly, the crowds of fair goers return, looking anxiously around at the chaos caused by the goblins. Some mumble angrily. Some swear oaths of vengeance. All look to the defenders who stood up for the town with appreciation and awe. Kalib returns and lands on Yusha's arm, releasing a cry that demands a treat. When placated with a bit of meat, the bird relays to it's master that the a small hoard of goblins fled to the north, heading into the Crooked Hills and descending into cracks in the earth with many cyphers and perhaps eight hostages in tow.

When Calen asks Kip for insight, a blue beam of light comes from the rear side of the arcane mirror and runs over the sleeping goblin. There is a small PING, and then the mirror responds. "Nanoparticles have assembled a cybernetic prosthetic network array, attached to the cerebellum of this primitive humanoid. Findings- this is no longer a singular being you know as a "goblin". It is one node of a network apparatus. Extrapolation- something has connected this tribe of goblins together and united them in purpose. Query- What is their new purpose?" When the magic of the sleeping spell wears off, there is at first no evident sign that the goblin is awake. Then, in one eerily smooth motion, it sits up and rises to it's feet. Eyes still closed, it reaches a hand out to test the bars of it's illusory cage. Finding them fake, it still remains in place however. Some sleepy mumblings escape it's lips, which Calen can barely make out as the goblin language. "Why mimic prison? Let me return to Safeguard. Let me return to Safeguard so I can sleep with my tribe."

Inmate XIII
2021-09-15, 03:01 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 20/31

Greck initially followed the proceedings with an impatient disinterest, placing himself next to the Dragon, but his expression quickly changed to bewilderment. Head slightly hung, mouth hanging half-open he merely stared, not at the goblin, but Kip.

"Ehhhhh, does someone wantae translate that?"

2021-09-15, 09:16 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

An almost imperceptible sound emanates from the arcane mirror; it sounds a little like a sigh. "To put it simply," the voice says, "someone or something is controlling these goblins through the growths on their heads. Who, what, or why, I can't say."

Calen himself appreciates the addition; he still only understands maybe half of Kip's jargon. "Ah, everyone, this is KP-409-836," he announces, sounding a little embarrassed. "Kip for short. He's...you could say my familiar. Kip, this is--"

"Thank you, Calen," Kip interrupts, "but no introductions needed. I've been here this whole time."

With a sigh, Calen turns his focus back to the goblin, in time to catch its sleepy mumbling. "Safeguard..." He leans in close to the illusory bars, making a mental note to ask the Dragon more about that lantern later. "Who is in this body?" he says in the goblin tongue--it's not one of his best languages, and the grammar always felt odd to him, but he can manage. "Why did you come here?"

2021-09-15, 02:15 PM
In the Aftermath of the Fight

The goblin continues to mumble, as though it had partially forgotten how to speak. "Safeguard commands. Safeguard protects. We are here to protect the world." In a truly goblinoid fashion, the sleepwalker goblin reaches up with one finger and begins rooting around in it's pointy nose, popping what it finds into it's mouth. But even this is done slowly and sleepily. It is a true paradox that while this goblin is acting so strange and alien, so much goblin behavior still remains.

2021-09-15, 09:07 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

With the immediate danger past as Shalar retracts her claws, Yusha sets down the immobilization-cypher and quietly cleans the gore splattered across his feet with a spell. Finally able to relax, he greets Kalib with an outstretched arm and a pat on the head. Kalib, in turn, squawks and pulls his head away, giving Yusha a surly look as he awaits his treat. Satisfied, Kalib finally relays what he's seen. The image is grim. Eight people who'd been enjoying their community festival were now being dragged away, likely into slavery or death. Their communal treasure had been taken as well. Kalib hadn't bothered to count them, but the stolen cyphers must have been numerous. The injustice of it gnaws at Yusha as he watches Calen query his mirror.

The goblins, connected? Yusha scoffs silently at the thought, though he can't help but be intrigued as the entity called Kip elaborates further. It took no small effort for Yusha to act as a conduit for Abadar and connect Him to his allies. To think the goblin's mutation allows them to mimic such power seems blasphemous.

When the goblin digs for more cyphers in his nose, it all but confirms Yusha's suspicions. This goblin isn't special. Yusha quietly retrieves the tendril that Greck dropped at Calen's feet earlier, intent on proving it. He studies the supposed "cybernetic prosthetic network array" briefly before stowing it in his pack for further examination and dissection later.

As Calen's interview continues in the goblin's uncouth language, Yusha generates an illusory map from Kalib's memory, sharing the general location of the goblin's lair in relation to the town. The next image shows a small hoard of goblins carrying cyphers and eight hostages disappearing into cracks in the earth. With a final image, Yusha projects an immense scale with the same goblins crowded on one side, weighing it down. Eight hostages and a few cyphers are held aloft on the other side, dwarfed by the size of the scale and the hoard of goblins opposite them.

Looking at the others after Calen has a chance to fully translate, Yusha writes a short, dismissive statement. "Attacks are not protection." He gestures all around them. "Anarchy is not safe. Nothing it says will restore balance." Yusha seems about to write more when even his illusions falter. He suddenly becomes aware of the multitude of eyes on all of them from the other townsfolk, and he quickly dismisses the words and images, his own eyes darting between the others.

Cast Presdigitation to clean up some gore splatter courtesy of Shalar and Minor Illusion a few times for stuff and things.

Take the goblin tendril for later.

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

2021-09-16, 04:17 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 26/32
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: none

Shalar made an interested noise as the mirror talked.
"Ooh, it talks! What else do you do, mirror?"
She leaned down and tapped it with a finger, listening to the tink-tink of her claw against its glass.

She poked it again, before straightening back up, because the goblin was muttered nonsense in goblin-language.She wasn't particularly interested in what the goblin said, it being a goblin, though she did have a question - or more of a statement. She knew where the goblins had gone, thanks to Yusha's pet birdie, so really all that remained was going over there to kick their collective asses. The people they'd kidnapped were probably eaten or brain-orbed by now or something, but all those cyphers the gobbos nicked might be good to get. If the witch wasn't here, and the witch's house destroyed in an event that was genuinely not Shalar's fault, she might as well try to get something cool out of it.

"Oy, goblin - this Safeguard pallak - tell them that Shalar Yotual Azai is coming, ahaha! Tell him to tremble in his boots!"
She paused, and scratched her head.
"If he has boots, I guess. Never needed them, did I."

Inmate XIII
2021-09-16, 05:59 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 20/31

Greck's first instinct is to agree with Yusha, but something gave him pause. He was uncomfortable with the whole situation. There was a lot wrong here, a lot he didn't understand. And worse, a lot that the others didn't seem to understand either.

"Forget who he is, what is safeguard? Are they safeguarding the cyphers from something?" As he asks the question, another thought pops into his head. He wheels around on al-Raaqis "And who in blazes is the Ravager?"

2021-09-17, 08:48 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaquis' could not understand the goblin, though its disposition spoke of a limited comprehension. Calen's translation confirmed her suspicions, as the creature spoke in nonsense. She did not have time to conduct the ritual of the Stele of Universal Speech, so she maintained the plane of force between her forefinger and thumb. The Dragon would delete destroy the sleepwalker if it posed a threat or ran.

She marveled at Kip, an icon of the ancients. The impulse to obtain and to study this artifact caused her to squeeze her gloved hand into a fist briefly. This mage had a Patron as well. The relic hunter pressed a red circle on her veil, which flickered as she sought to capture what the mirror spoke.

To the half orc, she remarked, "The Ravager is an ageless, cruel Power from the Void that hungers for worlds. Only a Shepherd can protect the world against its ceaseless hunger."

Maintain Ready Eldritch Blast if it tries to flee or fight: [roll0] for [roll1] force damage

2021-09-17, 09:03 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

Calen winces as Shalar leans in and taps on Kip's surface. There's a second or two of razor-sharp silence; then, with the most unnerving calm Calen's ever heard from him, the construct says, "Please do not do that again, miss Azari."

Yusha conjuring his map saves Calen from having to defuse the moment. The realization that the warforged somehow managed to discern where the goblins went comes as a relief; from how this one is responding, he can't imagine they'll get anything useful out of it. Nevertheless, he relays Greck's question. "Who or what is Safeguard? What do you want with old-things?"

2021-09-17, 05:55 PM
In the Aftermath of the Fight

The goblin sleepwalker responds to Calen's question with reverence and a bit of evasion. "Safeguard is Chief of Chiefs. Silvery god, lord of the halls of prophecy. He orders us to collect the cyphers and destroy them to protect the world and counter the efforts of the Nine-Handed one who snuck into the catacombs below our home. She will bring ruin to us all."

2021-09-19, 05:26 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

As Calen finishes translating for the goblin, Yusha looks back and forth between the two, increasingly disturbed. His text is noticeably smaller as he writes in the air, but it is still visible to everyone in the party.

"Master Damora, are you certain those are its words?"

These mutated goblins have formed a religious Order bent on preventing society's destruction as foretold in a strange prophecy? Implausible at best, but the idea catches Yusha so off-balance that he's forced to consider it anyway. More likely this goblin's pack of sneaks and cypher-thieves follow a chief with delusions of grandeur and a penchant for the dramatic.

Insight to see if Yusha can get a sense of whether this goblin is for real. Possible disadvantage given all the drawbacks (different language, sleepy gobbo is strange, some Yusha racism)

Insight [roll0]
w/ disadvantage? [roll1]

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

Inmate XIII
2021-09-19, 05:31 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 20/31

Greck ran a hand over the stubble atop his head before moving it down to rub his face, the stress apparent on his features. This had not been in the cards; it was way above his pay grade and there were far too many unknowns, but it was his to deal with.

"I donnae like this," he grumbled. He reached towards the goblin as if to grab the tendril protruding from his head, then stopped and turned to Calen. "Mage, ask if the goblin will introduce us to this 'Safeguard.'"

He turned to the others. "The cyphers can stay with the gobs fer all I care, but I'm goin' to check in with the others in my company and rest a bit, then get the civilians back and find out more about what's goin' on. Yeh can come or no, but I'm goin'."

2021-09-19, 11:29 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 26/32
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: none

Shalar cocked her head, vaguely doglike, in confusion at Ar-Raaqis' statement.
"Eh? Don't see how herding sheep makes you able to fight something like that. You'd need to be strong!"
She crossed her arms across her chest, incidentally showing off her biceps and grinned winningly before she turned her attention to her fellow orc.

"Why we asking it to take us there? We know where they're hiding. We should just kick in the doors! Even if it's only gubbaz, following them is just going to be an ambush, yes? This Nine-Handed lass beneath them can't be too tough if gubbaz are stopping her, so we can kick her ass as well while we're there."

Though if they weren't going immediately, and were going to go through tunnels... she rubbed at her burn, and an idea struck her. She beamed proudly.
"If we're not going right away, I want to find some of the-" she didn't know the word for firework, so compensated- "-flash-booms that the cralcurrok used! In a tunnel - oh, that would be a happy massacre! Cunning of Shalar Yotul Azari, yes?"

2021-09-19, 12:04 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

As Calen does his best to parse the goblin's words, another flash of pain threatens to make him retch. Silver orb, floating in a chamber of lights...as the image fades, comprehension and worry begin to grow in equal measure. Pushing both aside, he relays the goblin's answer to the others as best he can, reaching somewhat for the nearest interpretation.

"Closest I can translate them," he assures Yusha. Even through his metal mask of a face, it's obvious the warforged is disturbed; Greck and Shalar interrupt before Calen can ask why. "Shalar, I think that would be a mistake," he protests. "We have no idea what this Safeguard is or what it wants, it might actually be doing something important. If this Nine-Handed one is dangerous, and we can stop it without having to fight two battles, I think that's worth a try. Anyway," he continues, turning to Greck, "whatever the plan is, I'm going with you. I need to see this for myself, and...."

He falters, realizing what he's about to reveal. The same worry suddenly gnaws...no. This is too important. If Greck is planning on marching his company out to the Hills, they need to know everything. "And I think Magister Umeli might be out there," he explains. "When I activated that machine in her house, I had a...vision. It showed me a place out in the Hills, the same one Yusha found, I think. I saw goblins with these things on their heads, and they were gathered around a great silver orb--I think that must be the Safeguard. I think Umeli must have seen this place and gone to find it. Which means she either needs help, or she'll be our best chance at understanding what's going on here."

2021-09-20, 01:39 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis listened to Calen's translation and the others commentary. She stated, "If the Arcanatrix Umeli performed the ritual Calen conducted, then she may have produced other forms. We should seek this Nine-Armed One as well as the Safeguard. Some of the cyphers are indeed better left vaulted or beyond the reach of mortals."

She then concluded, "Better to face the secrets of Calen's vision as a band. The iron flesh's guiding spirit may lead the way."

Maintain Ready Eldritch Blast if it tries to flee or fight: 15 to hit for 16 force damage force damage

2021-09-20, 09:38 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 19/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

"Better to face the secrets of Calen's vision as a band. The iron flesh's guiding spirit may lead the way."

From his perch on Yusha's shoulder, Kalib extends his wings to their full length, partially obscuring the Ironborn's face as he gives off a screech.

Let's not get carried away, Kalib. The eagle's head snaps towards Yusha, wings still extended. She merely meant that you would be of assistance leading us back to the site of the goblin's lair. We do not lead men. We guide. Kalib's wings sag before he folds them back up, talons digging painfully into Yusha's shoulder.

Yusha had listened in silence as the group debated their course of action. Now he stares at Greck and Calen for an extra moment, keenly aware that some of the bleeding-hearts like humans and half-bloods could be susceptible to lies.

The faithful of Abadar knew what to expect from goblins. Many of the Justicars spoke long and loudly about how they planned to bring balance to the bottom-dwellers. At first Yusha had registered surprise and confusion, but he was quickly taught that their fervor was justified. Proper, even.

Yusha manifests two images side by side. One shows a band of goblins in neat rows marching under a white flag in broad daylight, engaging a human in discussion. Another image next to it shows anarchy, fireworks going off in the night as civilians are carried away by these little sleepwalking ravagers. A caption lies below both pictures.

"Do not forget that their kind did not come in peace, nor did this one explain its 'purpose' until captured."

Strange. Despite her apparent lack of propriety, the beast-elf made a cogent, if inarticulate, point. The goblins would indeed ambush them if they sought diplomacy. Such things were to be expected of their kind.

Greck had held the line against four or five goblins on his own, crushing two. Calen had effectively ended the fight when a handful had remained. They were an investment, perhaps? If they could be made to see that goblins can't be trusted, they would make incredible allies in recovering the civilians and the cyphers. They could even be valuable in future endeavors. They just needed someone to forewarn them of the ambush that would come, and to help them understand after.

"I will join you. I do not know what to make of Umeli's machine, or the visions they awoke in you Master Calen, but I'll not leave in ignorance. Let us go together and find out what lies beneath the hills. Please, just be prepared for tricks in dealing with these goblins."

Two for diplomacy, two against, and one balanced on a knife's edge between them. A good omen. A reminder that imbalance could lead to balance.

"I have not secured lodging this evening, but if one of you knows a suitable place and will help me secure the prisoner, I can watch it through the night."

Nat 1 on goblin Insight last time just as a bonus.

Acid + journal = https://c.tenor.com/IPwsGJUGI4YAAAAd/teletubbies-lala.gif

2021-09-22, 07:52 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis answered, "The veil of night would conceal our movements better, though the goblins will have the advantage closer to their holes. This Unicorn harmony of the Safeguard may confer other benefits, but the goblin craves to sleep with his kind...this prisoner may be sending what it sees and hears even now."

She nearly loosed the blast of energy upon it at that thought, but then reconsidered. The mystic asked Calen, "Can you determine if this goblin relays what it sees and hears? We might be better to not keep the connection open."

Ar-Raaqis address the group, "Let us prepare and re-center. I will conduct the Ritual of Righteous Wrath while we select a Pathfinder. This way Shalar the Beast can locate fire tubes, the guard can issue orders, and anyone may gather what they need. I would not delay too greatly, or the cyphers may all be destroyed."

Maintain Ready Eldritch Blast if it tries to flee or fight: 15 to hit for 16 force damage force damage

2021-09-24, 08:44 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

As soon as the Dragon mentions leaving for the Hills under cover of darkness, a wave of exhaustion washes over Calen, making his head spin. The imagined faces of the captured townsfolk swim before his eyes; they could be in danger, only more so with every hour...but they won't do anyone any good if they set off unprepared. "If we can wait until morning to set out, I can prepare fresh spells," he offers. "I'm not exactly a battlemage, but I do know a few more that would be useful if there's trouble." He can't quite bring himself to mention that he feels on the point of passing out where he stands...especially not in front of Shalar. That comes as a surprise. Why does he suddenly care so much what she thinks of him?

Ar-Raaqis does bring up a good point about the goblin sending its sight to the Safeguard, anyway. "Let's see..." Kneeling down, he holds the mirror up to the captive goblin. "Kip, can you make out anything?" The black glass lights up again, more runes scrolling across it. Calen scrutinizes the flow, searching. After perhaps a minute, he lowers the device and turns back to the others. "There's a connection, but it seems like it's weak at this distance. I'd say he's gotten across that he was captured and someone's coming, but I don't think he can send exactly what he's seeing or hearing."

14 Arcana to find out if the goblin is transmitting data.

2021-09-27, 09:06 PM
In the Aftermath of the Attack on the Caracara Fair

When Calen mentions that the goblin is still transmitting, the creature's eyes open for the first time since you've seen it. Pale, milky orbs look at you all, and the creature's mouth opens as if in awe. It tilts it's head as though to listen to a faint sound in the distance, and a small smile crosses it's face as though it had received some minor praise. Then with a sickening crack it snaps it's neck to one side with such force that it instantly snuffs the life out of it's own body. Fair goers who were watching in interest turn away in disgust at this act of sudden suicide.

The Next Morning- Dawn

The town of Caracara has no shortage of places to spend the night. Many have brought their own tents and simply camp out near the fair grounds, while others stay at one of the three inns. However you choose to spend your evening, your morning is beset by a thick grey mist that covers the land like a blanket. Each of you is awoken by an early morning messenger asking you to come to the Sleeping Elephant Inn for a breakfast before you go. When you arrive, Bearic, the owner, who was the overseer of the Contest of Heroic Drink, has set out a fierce breakfast of eggs, cheeses, cured and smoked meats, and thick brown bread with crock fresh butter. "Two of my employees got taken by those closed eye gobbo bastards. I'm taking up a collection from the town, and if you bring back survivors we'll see to it you're well compensated. Least I can do to aid your battle is fill your stomachs and provide you some rations." True to his word, Bearic has set aside several wooden containers of food that tastes good and will keep for days in case your journey goes longer than expected.

2021-09-28, 07:55 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis separated for the evening once their living lead severed its connection to its source. She displayed no emotion, as though it was just another occurrence one expects when dealing with mystically possessed creatures. The veiled woman slipped through the twists and turns, stealthily seeking a flat-roofed building. She discreetly scaled and settled cross legged. Ar-Raaqis had nestled her lantern in a discreet cleft, out of view. The floating lantern flared with eldritch light, scanning her from head to foot. Then she flickered and vanished.

Qadira now stood once more in her dojo. The carpeted floors and tapestries on the walls greeted her, reminders of the familiar in a foreign land. She removed her helmet, revealing her long hair pinned in a bun by an ornate pick. Her bronze skin gleamed in the soft light that suffused the space, while her pale eyes contemplated her reflection on her helm. The warrior strolled across the room, settled her relic on its pedestal along with her weapons. She needed rest, despite the desire to watch ancient visions of underground temples. The one with the Glass Sage who whispered wisdom while secretly summoning heavenly destruction particularly came to mind. The avatar of justice dressed in white, red, and blue survived only due to his godhood. Qadira looked at the wounds in her uniform and reckoned she would not be so favored.

The woman bowed toward the dais and then reclined on her mat, sinking into its safety. She would sleep the near duration of the dojo's time limit, then rise to repair her gear while she awaited the dawn. Her eyes fixed on the poster of bards. They wore terrible, black masks and stood on a flaming iron-fleshed monster. Its long snout spewed smoke amid a wasteland of fire and ruin. Somehow she knew these four men were fearless. She, too, would stand on the neck of an iron drake and not flinch.

When everyone gathered, Qadira sat on a bench at the tavern with her uniform fresh. She had thanked the tavern host for his hospitality. She addressed the group, "A night and a dawn have passed. We should know our element of surprise may be lost since the goblin could commune with the Safeguard. Let us eat, then, and go with purpose. I pray the Ruby Star gives us clarity of sight to discern where the foe lurks along the way."

Ar-Raaqis then broke her fast with the others, discreetly eating by angling her helm to conceal her mouth while she took bites or drank.

Inmate XIII
2021-09-28, 08:40 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 31/31

Greck only sneered at the goblin's suicide. "Guess tha' answers the question."

Returning his hammer to his belt and his shield to his back, he stomped towrds the other end of the fairground, stopping only when he found the other members of his company that had come to the fair with him; a private and two corporals, all three with barely a scratch between them. Knowing what was coming, the three snapped to attention as their superior began bellowing his displeasure.

Minutes later, after having everything from their competence to their manhood loudly questioned so the entire town could hear, they were dismissed to their posts for a punitive all-nighter.

Greck made his way back to the cottage that was serving as his makeshift barracks while he was in Caracara and pulled off his armor the moment he stepped through the door. He changed into some simple sleeping clothes and had a snack of tried fruits before propping himself up in a corner and closing his eyes. He blinked three times, the third time his eyes opened to reveal the same blue light that had revived the fallen wizard. He remained in this state until morning, a strange limbo between meditation and sleep, snapping out of it just as he hard a sound outside. The light disappeared in another blink just as the messenger entered.

Acknowledging the request, Greck dismissed the messenger, washed himself in a provided basin (hygiene was important to good health, and Tyr smiled on those who cared for themselves that they might better care for others), then re-donned his armor.

He arrived at the Sleeping Elephant and sat down with the others. He said little as he ate, preferring to listen, and only nodded when Bearic mentioned bringing back survivors; Greck would make no promise he potentially couldn't keep.

2021-09-28, 09:56 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: Exhausted 1
Concentration: none

As the goblin's eyes snap open, Calen's widen with shock. Immediately, he turns back to the prisoner. "Hello? Hey, can you--"


The wizard flinches. For a long moment, he stays there, staring at the spot where the goblin was before he collapsed. Slowly, he lets out the breath he was holding, and rises. "I've got a room at the Split Shield," he says to Yusha, voice bone-weary. "You're welcome to share if you need a place." He doesn't wait for a reply. "'F'anyone needs me...."

He's hardly aware of the walk through town, as if in a dream. More visions swim before his eyes. Lights, tunnels stretching downward farther than the eye can see, towers scraping the heavens. The straw mattress rises up to meet him, but he's already out by the time he hits it.

The next thing he hears is the rooster's crow. His eyes snap open; he immediately feels surprisingly alert. Probably slept the sleep of the dead. He hardly has time to appreciate it, though, before he becomes aware of the soreness. Gods, it seems every muscle in his body is determined to exact revenge.

Grumbling, Calen pushes himself upright on the edge of the mattress. "Kip?"

"Yes?" The construct doesn't sound the least bit tired, as ever.

"Did I dream that the town was attacked by sleepwalking goblins last night?"

"No such luck, I'm afraid."

Calen heaves a sigh. "S***."

Head in his hands, he notices for the first time the state of the clothes he slept in--what little is left of them. Of course, the acid. Damn, he must've been about an inch of fabric away from a very embarrassing display last night. The edges of his cloak are ragged, eaten away, the remainder bleached in several spots. With a mental note to finally learn some mending charms once this is all over, Calen sheds the tattered remains, exchanging them for the spare outfit in his pack. Thank gods he hadn't been wearing that when he'd switched on the machine.

Decent once more, he picks up the mirror. "Can you bring up my journal?" Kip's screen lights up, the text in the common tongue this time. Calen's fingers become a blur again as he sets to writing, trying to recall as much detail as he can from yesterday--the fair, Umeli's house, the machine, the visions, the attack. His new companions--they might be next to strangers, but already he can't help but think of them that way.

Greck. Calen remembers seeing other warriors in Tyran livery around the fairgrounds. No temple in Caracara that he knows of, though; mercenaries, maybe? Greck seems to be in command, or at least of high rank. If not for the heraldry, Calen never would've pegged him as a holy man...but then again, Tyr's clergy aren't exactly known for being cloistered monks. Calen's never been all that comfortable around soldiers, but this sort of thing is what they do. Follow Greck's lead, then.

Ar-Raaqis. Untrustworthy, almost blatantly so. The mask, of course, but she didn't hesitate for a second before executing unconscious prisoners either, and didn't seem the least bit shaken. Those artifacts, though...she's clearly no wizard, but just as clearly commands power. Does it all come from the mask and lantern? Some instinct tells Calen they might be far more powerful even than Kip.

Yusha. From what he's seen so far, Calen's glad to have him around. Seems to understand that not everything has to be solved with bloodshed. Calen doesn't know all that much about the inner workings of the Abadari priesthood, but there are certainly people he can imagine being worse to have at his back.

Shalar...Calen's fingers pause above the letters. Dangerous, obviously, maybe even more than Ar-Raaqis. Clearly respects her version of strength, which means he probably ranks as less than nothing to her...for some reason, that thought makes his chest hurt. Why? Impressing some blood-crazed barbarian who probably eats people is the last thing he'd usually want, even if she's--

...Oh. Oh, well that's just dandy, isn't it? That machine must've done worse to him than he'd realized; he's clearly taken leave of his senses. Besides, it's not like he'd ever in a thousand years be her type....

He scribbles down some extremely impersonal notes about her observed capabilities before closing the journal window. "Local Weft readings, please."

Preparing spells always helps him calm down. After giving some thought to yesterday, he decides attack will be a better investment than combative defense; he'll be traveling in the company of some very capable fighters, after all. Hopefully, they can handle things up close...if it comes to that.

The knock on the door comes just as he's finishing up. As soon as the boy mentions breakfast, his stomach growls loudly.

Hunger overcomes table manners, and he wolfs into his food. He almost manages to forget what awaits them all, but the innkeeper brings him right back. "I would've hoped to bring the prisoner back with us," he admits, a little despondent. "Something to get us in the door. Since they know we're coming anyway, should we go under a flag of truce?" Without a bargaining chip, the hope of solving this peacefully seems a little fainter...but then, there's no telling whether this Safeguard would even value the life of one of its servants. From what happened last night, in fact, it seems more likely the answer is no.

2021-09-28, 09:33 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha responds affirmatively to Calen's gracious offer, following him silently back to the inn. A good human, Calen Damora. Not all of them know the value of silence and quiet contemplation, but he seems to. A shame that he doesn't also understand the folly of negotiating with goblins, but such was the nature of many a bleeding-heart if they hadn't been taught properly.

Yusha's brain couldn't rest, not after witnessing the goblin's self-destruction. Kip's assessment that the goblin was connected to his kin seems unbelievable, but something about that creature's smile bothers Yusha immensely. He replays the scene over and over in his mind.

As Calen falls into bed, Yusha busies himself pulling the goblin's 'cybernetic prosthetic network array' from his pack. He stares at the tendril intently for a long moment before writing out a quick question to his host.

"Master Damora, would you care to assist me?"

He turns to find Calen fast-asleep and allows the illusion to dissipate. It is rather late. Perhaps the innkeeper has a knife he'd be willing to part with. A pair of eyes bore into the side of Yusha's head, eagerly awaiting permission to go.

Yes, yes, it is well past the raven's hour. Go, but stay out of trouble. Yusha removes Kalib from his shoulder and places him well over the roof of the inn, a screech of acknowledgement sounding from outside.

Yusha descends back down to the common room with his things, goblin-tendril in hand, and barters for a knife. Setting up at a corner table, Yusha spends the next hour carefully dissecting the sample. If there is a link between these goblins, no doubt this mutation is the key. When his work is finished, Yusha cleans up and puts his back to the corner of the room. His eyes lose focus, staring a thousand miles distant as a near-silent hum falls mute.

Six hours later, a pair of beeps precede the hum resuming. The rooster's hour isn't upon them yet, but the innkeeper is already busy preparing food. Yusha listens for a moment before pulling out his tattered journal, the parchment almost completely devoured by acid. Yusha pushes down the sadness of starting over, quickly re-balancing his view. New beginnings always hold promise. With a few clicks and a gesture, Yusha slowly draws his finger across the edges of the parchment bit by bit, leaving a thin trail of iron-grey ooze behind. The ooze attaches itself to the parchment, replicating the material already there until the journal is whole again, but blank. With a sigh, Yusha pulls out his quill and begins recording his findings from yesterday.

As the rooster crows, Yusha pulls Kalib out of his current position, wherever that might be, and places him back on his shoulder. Kalib resettles, slumping on his perch and closing his eyes. As he awaits the others, Yusha enacts a brief ceremony with his scale and prays to Abadar. The sounds of food being prepared and people gathering only adds to the sense of community as Yusha refreshes his connection to the Wealthy Father above. When all are gathered and fed, Yusha responds to Calen.

"You have seen the value their kind place on life. They don't even value their own."

An image forms of a tattered white flag stuck to the ground by a dozen goblin arrows. Yusha looks to Calen almost apologetically, feeling that the lesson shouldn't come from him.

"Flag of truce or no, we can expect the same reception. As such I am not opposed if that is your desire, but be prepared for combat."

Yusha looks around at the others before nudging Kalib awake and adding a final thought.

"Should we not discuss this on the road?"

Procure a simple kitchen knife or a dagger. I'll subtract 2 gp and add a dagger unless Pure offers up a cheap alternative.

Dissection arcana/2 check: [roll0]

Minor illusion for stuff and things. Mending for journal. Pop Kalib in and out of this plane to put him over the inn and then bring him back in the morning.

Hey Yusha mended this, time to write more things and stuff.

2021-09-30, 06:41 AM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

Shalar gave a surprised whistle as the goblin delivered an abrupt breakup letter to its own spinal column. She edged forward and gave it a casual kick, watching how its neck flopped unnaturally.
"Sure dead, yes. Well, saves us the effort of doing it, I suppose."
Quickly losing interest in the goblin's suicide, she ended up prowling away, just in case there was something else to fight still hiding. And more than that - fireworks. She wanted the repay the enemies in kind with that clever little trick they'd pulled.


Shalar Yotul Azari did not need to sleep. It came with being a none-blooded orc: unlike her full-blooded brothers, she was an orc only in spirit. This did give her extra time to look for trouble or vice versa. She spent some of her extra hours looking for fireworks she could blag or permanently borrow, figuring if any left, their owner would be happy to give them up for the promise of a few exploded goblins.

In the end, she didn't sleep, but cushioned by her bearskin she curled up for a few hours in the shade of a tree in a good place to watch the sunrise. She dreamed the not-dreams of trancing: her mind replayed old hunts, the prey's smell of sickly yellow fear, the taste of enemy blood. Unconsciously, she would twitch in the recollections, limbs desiring to spring once more to the attack.


Her morning routine was simple. She would jump into the river, swim about a bit, and washing was all done. Then it was to the Inn, where free breakfast was provided.

She dug in to the free breakfast with gusto, gulping down literally inhuman quantities of ham, black bread, and eggs.
"Doubt it wants to talk. Had the gubbaz kill himself, after all, yes? It was very afraid of us learning more about it! Position of weakness. And when the belly is shown..." She grinned, showing off her sharp teeth. "You go for the guts, yes?"

She took another ham hock and clamped it between her teeth to free up her hands to scoop up one of the boxes of food. She took back the ham in one of her hands and pointed it like a sword in the direction of the distant goblin base.
"Let us go. There is battle to find!"

During her spare time, Shalar will try to find some of the fireworks if there are any left over from last night, telling anyone who asks she think they might work well against the goblins, as they are small and weak but numerous.

2021-10-04, 08:56 AM
The Crooked Hills

Shalar manages to intimidate her way into one roman candle device like the bugbear used so effectively against them. It is not overly heavy, but it is bulky enough that two hands are necessary to carry and wield it.

You find yourselves heading north out of Caracara, the town at your back and the rising hills before you. Your journey takes a number of hours, bet eventually you all find yourselves at a series of weirdly leaning grass-covered downs rolls away to the north. Sometimes they resemble leaning structures, other times colossal beasts, frozen in the moment of falling over. This stretches on for miles.

There are cracks in the earth scattered throughout these hills. They may be the best ways to get into the underground Calen spoke of.
One crack in particular appears to be large enough for all of you to barely squeeze through, and it appears to have goblin footprints and drag marks around it.

2021-10-04, 09:11 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 32/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

As they'd gotten closer to the various cracks in the terrain, Shalar had begun sniffing the air. Abruptly, she crouched on all fours like a beast, sniffing at the ground.
"Their scent! I have it, yes - this way, this way!"
She loped off, pushing through the long grass, until they arrived at a crack in the ground.

"It leads here! Ah, see, see-"
She gestured at the scuffs in the ground.
"Drag marks, and footprints - little ones. Goblins, and their captives."

She stared down into the faultline, seeing if her darkvision picked out anything. Unconciously, she flexed her claws in, and out, as steady and reflexive as breathing.

21 in perception

2021-10-04, 09:27 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha follows the others north, silently confirming with Kalib that they're on the right path as the eagle soars above. Yusha is happy to pass the walk in silence, listening closely to any snippets of conversation between the others. A part of him chafes at how ignorant he is regarding his temporary allies, but he'd "spoken" enough already this morning. The thought of trying to hold up his end of a proper conversation sounds exhausting.

The hills themselves provide a valuable distraction. At the start of their journey, Yusha had mistaken them for common hills. After further examination, however, they appear to be anything but common. A kaleidoscope of shapes rise up from the ground, similar only in their tendency to lean to one side. What could cause such a thing? Yusha pings a silent prayer to Abadar, hoping for guidance to the source of such knowledge.

Lost in thought, Yusha almost misses Shalar loping forward like an animal, nearly sticking her nose into the mud. One look at her and Yusha can't help feeling the dirt and mud caked on his own feet. Giving into a sudden urge, Yusha pauses to magically sweep his feet clean.

With a screech, Kalib dives to the ground next to Shalar, sending up a cloud of dirt as he flaps his wings to break his fall at the last moment. Hopping along the edge of the crack, he gives another screech and flexes his talons into the dirt. Frowning down at him, Yusha responds. Do you have to do that? I'm quite certain an avatar should behave better than a beast. Kalib's attention doesn't waver as he peers down into the tear, screeching one last time for good measure.

Yusha turns a critical eye to the wealth of tracks overflowing around the crack. Taking a moment to reach out for guidance, Yusha briefly examines the area for any non-goblin tracks, but quickly finds himself overwhelmed. The area is saturated in a variety of goblinoid and humanoid tracks.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

page 82, need to add

2021-10-06, 08:58 AM
A Crack in the Crooked Hills

Shalar's vision does not reveal anything, as the crack has a bend in it that blocks her vision. Still, she makes out a gleam of illumination down below. There is moving air coming up from inside which smells... odd. Metallic, with perhaps a tinge of oil. And while it is a tight squeeze everyone thinks they should be able to get down in there with a bit of effort. The party takes a moment to decide on a marching order before the enthusiastic elf goes first. Shalar has to lower herself down, sitting down on a makeshift shelf of earth before beginning the process of worming her body down through the tightest part of the crevice. However, things go sour as her pack becomes stuck, pressed firmly against the dirt and holding her in place. As she begins to ponder how to get past this impediment or attempt to retreat back upwards, she hears snuffling and squeaking below her, and she feels something brush against her leg. There is another gentle contact on the other leg, followed by a painful nip. Seemingly liking her taste, another bite draws blood on her other leg. More squeaking bubbles up from down below, followed by more gentle brushes. Whatever is eating her alive, more are coming for the meal.

It's a DC 13 Acrobatics or Athletics Check to not get stuck. Everyone passes... except Shalar. While she is stuck, some R.O.U.S.'s take interest in her predicament and begin to nibble. Shalar takes 3 piercing damage, then a heftier 5 piercing damage. Now that she is stuck a DC 13 Acrobatics or Athletics check will do as well, and if she wishes to go back up someone could assist her for advantage.

2021-10-06, 08:47 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis noted Shalar the scent-hunter became lodged, her great muscles plugging the entrance. The mystic activated the arrowhead on her veil, which lanced invisibly forward to discharge the warrior woman. She whispered, "Let me assist you in pressing on."

The masked warrior held her staff, with its hovering runes around its surface, at the ready to engage anything hostile that came into view.

BA Telekinetic shove Shalar. She can willingly accept the shove or resist with a DC13 Str save. Accept or fail and move 5' deeper into the tunnel.

Action: Ready eldritch blast for the first hostile creature seen: [roll0] for [roll1] (edit: forgot agonizing blast, so 4 force and 2 bludgeoning). On a hit, move the creature 5ft backwards.

2021-10-09, 07:49 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

Forcing her way through the crack, Shalar got wedged.
"Hmm? This is-!"
Something or somethings began nibbling at her, and she growled at the feeling of teeth in her flesh. She began struggling, but didn't make much progress until something invisible helped push her loose. She popped out like a cork, claws flashing and she laid about herself furiously at the rodents underfoot.

"Grrragh!" She bellowed. "I'll teach that I'm the one who bites! "

24 to get free
23 and 9 to hit, 5 and 4 damage respectively

Inmate XIII
2021-10-10, 04:12 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 31/31

Watching from above as the elf squirmed, Greck closed his hand around his weapon as he waited for the Dragon to clear the passage. The moment the way was clear he let go of the wall and dropped down. Bending his knees slightly as he landed on his feet, he quickly scanned the area and brought his hammer down on the closest moving thing with more than two legs.

[roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2021-10-10, 08:56 PM
Room One- The Glass Chamber

Tumbling down from the crack and quickly followed by Greck, the family of giant rats is sent scattering at two of their number fall to claws and a hammer. They sprint deeper into the room and around the corners. You find yourselves in a dark room, entering from the east. The western wall illuminates the small chamber, as it appears to be made of glass and lit from within, showing a strange light blue glow and dancing colorful shapes that float, appear, and disappear without a pattern. At the west end of the chamber there are exits to the north and south, both of which reverberate with the squeaks of retreating dire rats.

As the others come down, a strange, warbling music begins to fill the chamber, sounding something like the noise a handsaw makes if you force it to bend back and forth. This sound appears to be coming up out of the floor.

Inmate XIII
2021-10-11, 05:53 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 31/31

As the rats begin to scurry away, Greck set down his weapon on its head and put a glowing blue hand on Shalar's shoulder. His grip was strong to prevent her from following the rats into their dens, but he knew it was unnecessary as the force of his will stitching her wounds would calm her emotions somewhat.

He glanced over his shoulder, counting as the others filed in, but snapped back to attention as a strange sound filled the air. He immediately released Shalar and took up his weapon once again. His eyes wide, he glanced around at every corner, seeking a source.

Close his eyes and listen? Study it for some hidden message? No, the music was a distraction! Keep alert for hidden enemies!

His thoughts racing, a memory came to him. Hypnotism? He had encountered creatures enchanted by strange music before. Could this be the same?

Finally settling on a decision, he narrowed his eyes and cleared his mind, attempting to focus on his meditation and only that.

Lay on Hands healing Shalar for 8 HP; 7 left in pool.

2021-10-11, 09:27 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Kalib dives after Greck, shrieking in triumph as the rats scramble away in fear. He lands with wings outstretched, puffing up his chest and letting out another screech as the rats dart out of sight. Seemingly immune to the wonders of the room, Kalib turns back and rakes one of the dead rats with his talons, adding another set of claw marks to the corpse.

Yusha drops down through the crack cautiously, but the chaos has already fled by the time he lands next to the others. He watches in silence as Greck glows with divine light, imbuing Shalar with Tyr's gift. Yusha presses two fingers to the key-ring on his forehead, saluting Greck in his own way. The beginnings of a spell take shape in Yusha's mind as he intends to lend his new allies aid in case a real ambush should find them, but strange music interrupts his thoughts.

Looking around for its source, Yusha's eyes fall on the dancing shapes that float and disappear within the west wall. Blinking twice, Yusha steps closer to the blue glow, desperate to discern some kind of pattern between the formless shapes and the music that accompanies them.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-10-12, 08:55 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: Detect Magic, 10 minutes remaining.

With the commotion at the front of the column seemingly resolved without his help, Calen steels himself and follows the Dragon down the crevice. He lands nimbly, and feels a momentary flicker of pride that's quickly soured by the sight of the two immense dead rats. Something tells him they haven't seen the last of those.

In the strange luminescence of the far wall, he can see Greck tense as the warbling music starts. His own pulse quickens--some kind of defense? There are any number of enchantments that can be carried through music...closing his eyes, the wizard performs a series of gestures and speaks a familiar incantation. If the sound does carry some sort of power, they might have only moments to act....

Casting Detect Magic, focusing on the sound first, then the western wall of the chamber (which I highly suspect is a screen on screensaver mode :smalltongue:).

2021-10-14, 07:30 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis descended by gracefully, landing poised and ready to strike. She looked and listened, but even her augmented senses picked up little more than what plainly showed in this space. She whispered, "I shall consult the Runekeeper to see if the spirits discern these as runes."

The masked warrior pressed her fingers against the wall and began a series of rites. Letters cascades vertically on her visor, overlaying an https://yt3.ggpht.com/-0u7bJmwicZA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/rNETQycmc7Q/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg, unseen to the others. Her faceless helm retains its smoky darkness on its exterior while she whispers and gestures in consultation with the ancients.

Perception 4 (Discord)
Ritually cast Comprehend Languages on the wall

2021-10-14, 05:58 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none
Indeed, Shalar nearly leapt after the fleeing rodents. At Greck's hand in her shoulder she began to turn, eyes fierce, until the bites on her shins healed up.

Instead of pursuing the rats already disappeared down the passageways, she booted one of the corpses to splat desultorily down the northern passage.
"<Handy trick,>" She nodded to the half orc, then paused and cocked her head. She looked back and forth between the passages, trying to determine the location by changing the position of her head like an owl. The glowy wall was interesting but could wait while the Bucket poked at it.
"What is that sound? Like... Hurm! I don't know! A strange frog, perhaps, yes?"

20 in perception to detect anything of interest and more accurately pick up the origin of the sound.

2021-10-14, 07:28 PM
Room One- The Glass Chamber

As the party moves into the room, Yusha, Calen, Shalar, and Ar-Raaqis each focus on either the sound or the imagery of the glass wall. Calen can sense no magic, but that is not unusual for Numenara. Greck insulates his mind against outward dangers, which proves to be the wiser approach. The rest of the party begins to feel sluggish and sleepy, but Calen and Shalar shake the effect off. Yusha, unused to feeling fatigue in this way, and Ar-Raaqis, who turned their back on sleep some time ago, feel their consciousnesses fade away...

For exactly one hour, both Yusha and Ar-Raaqis find themselves together on a flat, featureless white plane. Above you, a celestial sky of stars spilling across the night like milk poured from a vase swirls and shifts in thousands of winking, twinkling, and pulsing colors, none of them familiar, with no constellations or points of reference that you can remember. Looking at each other, you see each other in your truest forms, not as you are in the "real world" but as you see yourselves in your mind's eyes. You feel cold, naked, and alone, with a looming sense of dread coming down like rain from the alien stars that stare down at you like you are less than ants on a mound. It is the longest hour of your lives. No matter how far you move in any direction, there are no new features on your blank white plane- no vegetation, no change in height or texture, nothing. The only sound you hear, even if you attempt to speak to each other, is the warbling, wailing sound of the music, much louder and more potent than it was when you were conscious.

The Glass Chamber

Yusha and Ar-Raaqis slump to the floor. They are unresponsive to any stimuli, even slaps or kicks. More worryingly, where Ar-Raaqis' hat has fallen away, a small, porcelain white protrusion is beginning to worm it's way out of their forehead, with brass or bronze orbs beginning to form like dewdrops hanging from a leaf. Shalar notices that the music grows subtly louder when her two party members fall, still seeming to come up through the stone floor. If it is noticeable here, it must be deafening down below.

Uh oh. That kind of looks like the horn of one of the sleepwalking goblins.
It is growing fast. If it reaches it's full size, then it may be too late for Ar-Raaqis. Magic that can remove disease may prove effective in stopping the infection.
Greck's ability to cure wounds with a touch should be able to remove the danger from this horn like any other disease.

Yusha and Qadira are K.O.-ed for one hour.

2021-10-15, 09:12 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis shed her veil and her mortal form in this place. She stood as her spirit had ascended on its journey through the Moonlit Paths. Scales instead of flesh, fierce in her wisdom, powerful in her presence. She spoke to the other, "To which hell have we come? A nameless hunter lurks nearby..."

The unmasked warrior lay with her helm pressed away by a budding sprout. Her olive skin peeked through, along with ears with the slightest taper. Her black hair pools behind her head in a carefully crafted bun.

Night Night

2021-10-15, 01:52 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

The throbbing music tried to get into Shalar's head and was entirely foiled by the thickness of her skull. Barely aware that anything had tried to steal her mind, Shalar squatted by the fallen woman and poked the revealed face of Bucket with a finger, dimpling the olive skin.

"Huh," she said, sounding vaguely disappointed. "So unwilling to show her face, I thought she would be very ugly, or scarred. Or both!"

With fascination, she watched the beginnings of something sprout out the woman's forehead. She twisted her head just a tad further than someone normallly could to look at the metal man, though nothing was growing on him.

"She has a thing in her head! She does not look like a goblin, but perhaps goblins can be strange in this land!" She nodded thoughtfully to herself. "Shall I pull it out?"

4 in medicine. Never change Shalar you absolute fool

2021-10-17, 03:12 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: Detect Magic, 10 minutes remaining.

When his spell reveals no enchantment, Calen feels a wave of relief, his momentary fears abating. In fact, he suddenly feels so relaxed, he could just....

He claps his hands over his ears. "Everyone! Cover your--" Too late; Ar-Raaqis and Yusha are already down. Greck and Shalar seem unaffected--Greck seemingly thanks to some sort of meditation he's doing, and Shalar doesn't sleep. But wait--then why is it affecting Yusha?

Before Calen can think of an explanation, Shalar alerts him to something far more concerning. "No!" Rushing to kneel at the Dragon's side, he hesitates a moment before removing his hands from his ears; fortunately, the drowsiness doesn't return. Whether the effect of the music is short-lived, or he's just too panicked to be lulled to sleep, he can't guess and doesn't care to. As he watches, he's horrified to see the familiar protrusion growing visibly before his eyes. "S***...need to, uh..." Come on, what did Kip say about how this thing worked? Nano-something, or.... He's frantically running through every spell he knows, trying to think of something that could counter this, when he remembers that they have a champion of Tyr in their company. And Shalar said something last night about Greck healing him when he blacked out. "Greck! You can heal, can't you?" He makes space for the mercenary next to Ar-Raaqis. "Tyr might be able to purge this thing!"

2021-10-17, 08:59 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

As he stares into the shapeless colors, the music dulling his mind, Yusha feels the onset of something unfamiliar. A dream overtakes him as the gentle hum he emits falls silent. Kalib squawks as Yusha collapses to the ground, tilting his head to the side at first and watching. As the Ironborn's form stays put, however, Kalib flaps over to him, squawking more insistently and pecking Yusha's head repeatedly.

https://i.ibb.co/GM8L3VB/Yusha-minds-eye-small.jpg (https://i.ibb.co/PMLwVgw/Yusha-minds-eye.jpg)

Chaos. Cosmic disorder on a scale so immense it can't possibly be balanced. It's like nothing Yusha can ever recall seeing, but a persistent memory tugs at her subconscious, registering only as ever-increasing panic. An explosion of light and color swirls above as Yusha reaches out to the Wealthy Father for guidance, but finds the connection severed.

The warbling music surges, growing louder for a moment as Yusha becomes aware of another form nearby breaking up the featureless white plane. At first Yusha cowers, hands up to ward away the scaled monstrosity as much as the chaos above. The other's words are unintelligible, but its power is undeniable, washing over Yusha with a vague familiarity that hints at the other's identity.

"What are you?" Yusha asks, her tear-streaked face partially hidden behind an arm of soft, brown flesh. Eyes widening, Yusha brings a hand to her face, feeling the warm skin give under her touch.

Just dreamin'

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

Inmate XIII
2021-10-18, 04:35 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 31/31

Focused as he his, Greck grit his teeth against the assault on his psyche; pushing himself deeper into his mind, he almost manages to drown the tone out completely before the sound of collapsing bodies snaps him out of it. He spun to see Yusha and the Dragon splayed out on the floor. "Ah, ffff..."

He stomped over to the pair and knelt down just in time to see the protrusion poke out of Ar-Raaqis' forehead. Fear rose in his throat again just before he registered Shalar's words. "Do NOT." His eyes flicked up to Calen, "We don't have long."

He waited patiently as the wizard assessed the fallen woman, A flash of anger crossed his eyes at the mention of "Tyr purging this thing", but he turned pack to Ar-Raaqis anyway, pulling off his glove. "Yeah, I can prolly fix this."

Closing his eyes, he placed his open palm over the tendril, hovering just above the skin. A low hum mindlessly escaped his throat as he began to slowly move his hand only slightly in different directions, as if feeling for something. Seeming to find whatever he was looking for he followed it down along the left side of her head and gently placed two finger on her temple. Next he cautiously ran them down her cheek, then up to the bridge of her nose, tracing her cheekbones while seemingly following some invisible path. As his fingers reached the space between her eyes, his snapped open.

"Found it."

There was no channeling of light this time, instead a blinding blue flash erupted from his fingertips as he withdrew from his touch.

"That's it. I've done all I can, the rest is up to her."

Lay on Hands, curing disease on Qadira; 2 left in pool.

2021-10-18, 07:25 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon gazed toward the other. Despite her own sureness of self, the unease and disorder of this domain clearly disquieted her gaze. She answered, "I am the Dragon. What is your name, woman? How have we come here? We should move, lest the Hunter claim its prize."

Dream Walking

2021-10-18, 09:04 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

https://i.ibb.co/GM8L3VB/Yusha-minds-eye-small.jpg (https://i.ibb.co/PMLwVgw/Yusha-minds-eye.jpg)

The Dragon? "Ms. Ar-Raaqis?" Understanding dawns on Yusha as the faceless storyteller reveals her unmasked form. Her very presence seems to hold back the abyss even as the music swells, trying to drown out Qadira's words.

The woman taps her chest twice with her left hand, bangles clinking, and says, "Yusha." But as she gestures to her shoulder, Kalib is nowhere to be found. A jolt of panic seizes her and she very nearly tries to summon him, but Yusha quiets her own impulsiveness. She could've condemned him to this hell as well. Gulping away the unfamiliar fluid pooling in her throat, Yusha allows the tears and snot to run freely down her face as she responds. "I don't know how we got here, but you haven't seen Kalib, have you?" She looks back up at the Dragon hoping for answers, but the chaotic eternity stares back from above them instead. Squeezing her eyes shut, Yusha sucks in a deep breath. "Can you get us out of here? I know of no Hunter, but if you light the path I will follow."

Daytime nightmares

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-10-18, 09:11 PM
Room One- The Glass-Walled Chamber

The white tendril emerging from the Dragon's forehead withers like a vine and recedes into her skull, leaving her unblemished. Now the only question is when the sleepers will awaken.

Precisely One Hour After Yusha and Ar-Raaqis Lost Consciousness

Both sleepers awake in the same instant, with complete and almost uncanny remembrance of the... vision? Dream? Prophecy? that they experienced, and perhaps a greater and more intimate understanding of one another than they had before.

If anyone wants to get in some roleplay while Yusha and Qadira are asleep, feel free to make a header and do it. For Yusha and Qadira, take as many spoilers as you needs to have your conversation in the Milky Way. I just figure some may want to move things along, so this is me heading the group in that direction.

2021-10-18, 09:48 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: Detect Magic, 10 minutes remaining.

Watching the tendril wither away to nothing brings relief, but when she still doesn't wake up, Calen feels the fear returning. "We shouldn't stay here, no telling what we've all been exposed to. Can we get them back up the crevice?" Whatever it's going to take to treat Ar-Raaqis and Yusha, it'll be easier up in the light of day, without this music raising the hairs on their necks...or maybe that's just him.

2021-10-21, 07:01 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon tilted her head slightly to the side. When she gazed about the churning chaos, she shuddered. She answered, "We have fallen into in a strange place of unbecoming. I have not seen your guiding spirit. Perhaps we must travel to find the way of escape. This realm seems like one where we must pass through the barrier without a portal. Beware, a proverb for such places, 'The Cake is a lie.'"

When Ar-Raaqis awoke, her pale eyes blinked with momentary confusion. Her gloved hand touched her bare face, and the woman swiftly rolled to her feet in a swift, acrobatic movement. She quickly grasped her helm, reseating it. The effect severed her human appearance once more, returning the enigmatic fusion of metal and magic garb.

The mystic turned her veiled gaze toward the Iron-flesh. She said with a hard tone, "How long have we walked without our flesh? The seas of discord sought to consume us."

2021-10-21, 05:49 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

Shalar pondered Calen's words.

"We could just leave them," she said. "Though I suppose it is nice to drag them outside, so the rats do not chew them. Hup!"

Shalar slung the Dragon over her shoulders. Yusha had the unfortunate fate of being dragged by the ankles, being made of metal, their head clanking softly off the stones.

"In truth, you are cunning, Cowpen!" She beamed winningly at the smaller human. "If they have become like the gubbaz, it will be much easier to kill them this way, without risking them coming in behind us!"

At the crevice Shalar had gotten stuck in, she slung Ar-Raaqis through first, then her backpack, and then slithered through and pulled Yusha through too. Nice and easy, without having vermin treat her shins as a free lunch.

Outside, she dumped them on a relatively soft path of grass, and positioned herself where she could see the entrance but was out direct line of sight of it.


An hour later

"You wake!" Shalar said, pausing her butchering of a rather unfortunate passerby rabbit. Her teeth gleamed as she grinned that habitual grin. "Do you feel any tentacle feelings in your skull? If so, I will have to pull it off, yes? Your skull, that is."

2021-10-21, 06:21 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: Detect Magic, 10 minutes remaining.

Calen's already considering some sort of pulley system using the ropes they have with them, when Shalar just...solves the problem. He watches her sling their unconscious comrades back up the crevice like ragdolls, a hint of red creeping into his cheeks.

"Uh, actually, it's..." He trails off with a sigh. "Never mind. And...thanks, I think." He actually hadn't even considered the Safeguard taking over Ar-Raaqis and Yusha as a potential risk, but it is worth preparing for.


A while later (but less than an hour)...
Concentration: none.

While Shalar is busy trying to catch one of the rabbits that have been hopping by, Calen signals Greck for his attention. "I don't mean to pry, but, well, you seemed sort of bothered when I mentioned Tyr earlier. Did I say something wrong?"


A while later (an hour in total from when the first while began)...

Calen glances up from the runes scrolling across Kip's surface in time to see the Dragon's eyes flickering open. An immense weight lifts from his shoulders as he confirms Yusha is also beginning to stir. "Oh, thank the gods! You had us worried!"

2021-10-22, 09:15 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

https://i.ibb.co/GM8L3VB/Yusha-minds-eye-small.jpg (https://i.ibb.co/PMLwVgw/Yusha-minds-eye.jpg)

Yusha listens intently, opening her eyes to focus on the Dragon while trying hard to ignore the chaos around them. "'The Cake is a lie.'" Yusha repeats slowly. "It would be fitting," she remarks, considering Qadira's words, "for such a place to deceive. Abadar teaches us that chaos feeds on lies. If there is any balance to the portal that brought us here, I'll not be surprised to find the portal back riddled with deceit. I only worry that there is no balance, no portal home."

Yusha wakes slowly, a dull whir giving him away before his eyes open. A metallic ping echoes off his skull, then another. Eyes blinking open, Yusha finds another pair of eyes directly in front of his own, entirely too close for comfort. Kalib pecks at Yusha's head once more for good measure, letting off another soft ping.

Is that entirely nec--

Yusha pushes himself up with a start, suddenly aware that he'd somehow been caught sleeping. Pebbles lodged into the crevices of his armor fall into the soft grass as he looks at his new companions, apparently unscathed. He finds the Masked-Dragon's gaze staring back at him.

"How long have we walked without our flesh? The seas of discord sought to consume us."

Blinking twice, Yusha opens his mouth to answer, then closes it. A dull chattering rises in volume as the memories come flooding back.

"Oh, thank the gods! You had us worried!"

Thoroughly off-balance, Yusha looks back and forth between Calen and Qadira before shutting down, unable to answer either. Rising to his full height, Yusha steps a few paces away to refresh his connection to the Wealthy Father. A minute later he returns, gesturing until the illusory words speak for him.

"Apologies, I am well."

Glancing at Qadira, a flash of the Dragon he'd met invades Yusha's mind, coupled with the image of his own soft, brown flesh. The desire to 'say' more evaporates as Yusha tries to reconcile what he's seen. Their shared hallucination was one of chaos, but even this world feels tilted.

Ain't no rest for the proper

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-10-25, 03:37 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

An hour later

"As it seems no killing is needed, another decision!" Shalar said, "Do we try again down that path, or seek another? If the sound is the danger, another tunnel would not help, yes?"

Inmate XIII
2021-10-25, 05:39 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 31/31

Truth be told, Greck wouldn't have dragged the unconscious pair outside and would have preferred to just hold position where they were, but distracted as he was scanning the entrances of the chamber for potential threats, he didn't notice Shalar moving the duo until she had already tossed the Dragon through the gap. He shrugged and simply decided to allow the elf to do her thing unhindered. He followed the group out and turned to glare down the crevice.

He jumped a bit when Calen spoke, not expecting the sound from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder briefly, then resumed his vigil of watching the crevace. "I am no cleric, mage, and don't mistake me for one."

---After the hour---

Greck only moved again once he heard Yusha and ar-Raaqis stirring.

"How long have we walked without our flesh? The seas of discord sought to consume us."

"Ehhh... 'Bout an hour, I think. That music, hypnosis I guess, took you and the metal man out," he muttered, scratching his head. "Yer gunna have to let Calen there explain what happened after, I'm not entirely sure about the details."

2021-10-26, 10:53 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none


Behind Greck, Calen looks puzzled. "I'm...not sure I understand. Don't you work Tyr's miracles? I mean, I assumed, with the symbols...."


"I mean, I don't fully know what happened myself," Calen admits. "It definitely seemed like the music that did it. When you passed out," he says to Ar-Raaqis, "we noticed one of those growths like the goblins had starting on your head. Greck managed to get rid of it, though. When you both didn't wake up, we brought you out here...figured it'd be safer."

The wizard fidgets uncomfortably. "I was trying to figure a way to bring you out of it, but you woke up on your own. What do you mean about walking without flesh?"

2021-10-27, 09:02 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha busies himself examining the ground nearby, ignoring Kalib's questions as he searches for a spot that's flat. Settling down into the grass, he carefully pulls an ornate scale from his pack and sets it down reverently. Upon closer examination, he's forced to wedge one side up slightly to balance it, but a couple minutes later he's satisfied.

Breaking his concentration for a just a moment, Yusha looks at the bird in annoyance. That is a clear misrepresentation of my motives, Kalib. I am not hiding anything from you, I am merely trying to focus. With Abadar's guidance, perhaps I can learn if I'm susceptible to...whatever that was a second time. If there is justice in this place, we can simply shut our senses to the music and shapes down there. Now, please be quiet. I can't hear myself think with you in my head.

Positioning himself in a meditative pose in front of the scale, Yusha places a hand over each platform. With one finger pointing down over each, he gives himself over to the Wealthy Father's guidance.

Can we hope to enter the tunnel without succumbing to Chaos if we ignore the auditory and visual stimuli?

Yusha goes into a kind of trance, emitting a steady series of clicks as he starts printing laying down a thin trail of iron-grey. Abadar-willing, the final shape and disposition of weight would give some clue about their ability to navigate the cavern.

Ritual cast Augury

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-10-28, 07:46 PM
Outside the Glass Chamber

Yusha's devotional produces two coins of an unknown material that are nearly identical, with one being a feather or so heavier than the other. When put on either end of his scale, they perfectly balance one another, the extra weight of the larger one making up for the slightly off kilter nature of the scale. This shows beauty, balance, and mechanical perfection, the Wealthy One's sign for progress, prophecy, and weal.

2021-10-30, 05:50 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

A small smile forms on Yusha's face as he examines the two coins, unequal but balanced perfectly all the same. A sense of warmth and pride fills him as the Wealthy Father guides Yusha forward. They can circumvent the chaos, progressing without subjecting themselves to the same nightmare that he and the Dragon had just escaped.

Conscious of the delay, Yusha tries to move quickly as he carefully packs up the scale. He snatches up the larger coin and swallows it, offering the slightly smaller one to Kalib. With a gesture, Yusha creates the image of a gentle beam of light shining down on the group as they dive back into the same tunnel. There's a small caption below it.

"Abadar knows. We can proceed through the same tunnel if we're careful."

Yusha glances over at Qadira, another image of the other-Dragon flashing in her place, but he quickly pushes those memories down. Firmly re-balanced, he adds a bit more to the message.

"Avoid focusing on the music, and do not stare at strange visuals."

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-11-01, 07:04 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

Shalar tossed away the last of the gnawed rabbit bones. She wiped her hands off on the scrubby grass and rose to her feet.

"Then what are we waiting for?" she said. "And now we can fight the kidnapped people, too! Perhaps they will be better at fighting than the gubbaz! Hmm, perhaps not, or they would not have been snatched away." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, then shrugged.
"Either way! It is your turn to go first then, metal one! It is your witchery that says it will succeed, and if nothing else, you are less appealing to rats than my firm muscled flesh, yes?"

2021-11-02, 07:54 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon tilted her head slightly to the side. When she gazed about the churning chaos, she shuddered. She answered, "We have fallen into in a strange place of unbecoming. I have not seen your guiding spirit. Perhaps we must travel to find the way of escape. This realm seems like one where we must pass through the barrier without a portal. Beware, a proverb for such places, 'The Cake is a lie.'"

Ar-Raaqis nodded to the skin-changer. She observed the iron flesh, her curiosity growing as his relates his art. The weaving of metals is no mean feat. Somehow his Patron spoke through the crafted objects. Ar-Raaqis had seen skilled interpreters of omens, but the crafting of omens was something else.

The mystic spoke, "Let us continue and focus on silencing the flesh-warper."

2021-11-02, 09:33 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

As Shalar urges Yusha forward, Kalib lets out a triumphant screech before diving into the crack without hesitation. Yusha delays just long enough to send an urgent mental query to his familiar before plucking Kalib from space and redepositing the wayward bird on his shoulder. Kalib squawks in dismay, head dropping back to stare into the sky.

Without further holdups, Yusha creates an image of the much shorter but incredibly muscled elf-beast-woman tangled up with a mass of iron limbs as goblins pounce on both of them. Yusha neglects to include any reference to antlers or claws in the image, perhaps afraid they'll manifest if he does.

"I thank you for the honored position, Ms. Azari, but I fear I would only impede you."

The thought of being between the beast and her prey puts Yusha temporarily off-balance, but he quickly recovers. He creates another image of himself administering something to the elf's arm.

"Please, won't you accept Abadar's boon instead? It will grant you strength and prevent some measure of ill-fortune."

Yusha touches two fingers to his forehead with a few clicks. He then holds up his right hand, the tip of his pinky finger popping up on twin, tiny hinges to reveal the needle below.

"Master Damora, if you're willing, you'll feel a slight pinch."

Yusha casts Aid and would like to give Shalar a vaccine if she's down (particularly if it means not going first). Yusha takes a dose. He'll offer the last dose to Calen to try to make sure the wizard doesn't get one-shot again.

Minor Illusion for stuff.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-11-03, 12:59 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

Calen watches with interest as Yusha performs his ritual with the scale. One doesn't earn the blue without learning a certain skepticism of miracle work, but he'd have to admit, it's comforting to hear that Abadar thinks this is possible. When Yusha offers the needle, though, the wizard balks. "Uh...well..." Memories of the music ring in his ears. If it'll protect him from whatever else is down there.... "Alright, I suppose." He rolls up his sleeve and holds out his arm.

Inmate XIII
2021-11-03, 02:09 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 31/31

Greck crouched down aside Yusha as the warforged begins his augury, watching intently. He remained there despite the relative boredom, and gave an affirmative grunt when the answer was revealed.

He stood up and stretched as the others... "discussed" the plan, then simply shook his head and entered the crevice, taking the lead himself.

2021-11-03, 02:26 PM
Back into the Crack

Grek takes the lead and drops down the slope into the underground temple, followed by the other members of the party. When he hits the ground, one of the dire rats, an especially scab covered and large specimen, dashes back down the tunnel, obviously meaning to eat it's fallen comrade. The strange music still plays, the lights still warp and change, but if no one focuses on it, the cognito hazard seems to remain inert. The party assembles a marching order and then proceeds either to the left or the right down a stone hallway. To the left, south, there is a small stone circle holding water in a nearby room, and to the right, north, the hallway continues into darkness. At the edge of Grek's darkvision there is a room on the west wall far down the northern hallway and some rubble blocking a doorway.

2021-11-05, 02:56 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: none

Shalar regarded the iron-skinned cleric for a moment. Her gaze bored into him before she snorted with amusement.

"Ahahaha! No worries, metal one! It is natural to be afraid when you are not me!" she laughed. She slapped him on the back with a clang. When he offered his needle, she sniggered. "Normally, one has to impress me more before offering me a prick!"

She offered her arm to pierce, then watched as Greck went in.
"I see the problem is solved! Good orcish boldness, yes?"
She followed, secure in the knowledge any rats would be nibbling his nadgers instead.

2021-11-07, 09:38 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Yusha looks down sheepishly, feeling the echo of Shalar's slap on the back reverberate through him. As she and Calen offer their arms, he administers Abadar's blessing to each, his head tilting to the side as he tries to discern the beast-elf's meaning.

It eventually dawns on him that a prick could function as a synonym for an appendage associated with non-Warforged males. Though his skin betrays no change, Yusha feels a faint rise in the local temperature. Taking up the rear, he follows the others into the cavern while Kalib flexes his talons restlessly from his perch.

No action here, just flavor carrying over from casting Aid. Happy to follow whichever direction, but voted left in Discord.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-11-08, 04:26 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis slipped back into the structure. This time she whispered her augmentation and chose to focus on the enhancement than on the lights. The false lights would kill. When the others gathered, she nodded in the direction of the pool. Many things--and dangers--might lurk in such a place.

Cast Guidance to maintain for later.

2021-11-08, 09:48 PM
2. The Goblin Pit

The party, after some discussion, elects to head south towards the pool at the end of the hall. Moving in a combat formation, proceeding forward with firm determination.

And then the ground falls out underneath Greck and Shalar's feet.

The floor of the hallway falls away like a massive trapdoor, dropping the two front liners down thirty feet onto a prominent series of spikes. Armor and abs deadens the bludgeoning blow of the fall, but the metal tips of the spikes seek flesh and blood. As the dastardly trap draws blood, Shalar looks to her left and spots a goblin corpse impaled on a spike. The creature is naked, with bulging eyes. Well, eye. For it only has one. The other has been gouged out and replaced with a indigo ring with the image of a circle surrounded by triangles with some sort of glyph within it. It glitters, distracting the barbarian for a pristine moment before the pain sets in and the blood begins to flow.


There is now a ten foot by five foot pit, thirty feet deep before the rear three members of the party that must be bypassed, avoided, or reset somehow to proceed. Greck and Shalar must also navigate their way out if you are to proceed.

Greck and Shalar take 7 Bludgeoning damage and 10 piercing damage between falling and spikes. You can move forward through the spike pit to continue going south, do some thieve's tools chicanery to reset the floor, or climb out and retreat backwards.

Inmate XIII
2021-11-11, 07:47 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 17/31

A spike caught the paladin in the chest, stabing through his chain and drawing a pained snarl. When everything had settled, he took a couple ragged breaths; concluding that the trap hadn't punctured anything particularly vital despite going clearly through him, he carefully lifted himself off of it. Before doing anything else, he put his hand on the gaping uncture wound and channeled blue light into it for a few mere seconds until his well ran dry. It wasn't muhc, but it stopped the breathing.

He glanced around for a few seconds, then decided that it would probably be best if he went over to help the elf before she riled herself up again.

Use remaining Lay on Hands pool to heal self for 3 points.

2021-11-11, 10:19 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

The Goblin Pit

Yusha feels the ground shake quickly backpedals into Calen lest he be caught in the same trap. Kalib lets out a screech before the dust has a chance to settle, flying down to examine the wreckage below. He lands next to Greck and Shalar, head tilting to the side as the half-orc stitches his wounds with mesmerizing blue light.

As soon as he's sure the rest of the tunnel isn't about to collapse, Yusha steps forward much more cautiously. With Greck already on his feet, a bloody hole in his clothing showing that the wound underneath has mostly closed, Yusha turns his attention to the beast-elf. Bruised and bleeding at the bottom of the pit, she nevertheless appears to be breathing fine.

Kalib hops past a spike, leaning forward until his beak is a few inches from Shalar's nose. Then he screeches in her face.

She's going to be alright, Kalib. But this is exactly why you can't rush into things. If you or I had fallen on those spikes, we could've been seriously hurt.

Kalib cranes his neck, spinning his head around to look up at Yusha.

Yes, I'm well aware that you can fly. And that you're immortal. There is a cost associated with every summons and every blessing from Abadar. These things must be weighed and balanced against--

Kalib's eyes narrow, though no more noise passes from his beak.

I am more than capable of seeing the benefits of keeping them both healthy without your input, Kalib.

Yusha brings two fingers to his forehead and lets out a few alternating tones before Kalib retches grey matter onto Shalar's wound.

Cast Cure Wounds at 1st level on Shalar through Kalib for [roll0].

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-11-12, 01:15 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar was motionless for a moment. As Kalib screeched and then vomited, she was motionless, until a deep growl rumbled from her throat. Her red eyes snapped open; a hand flashed up to grab the bird in a grip just sort of crushing.

"Iiii..." she snarled. Her grin was absent; now, her teeth were lengthened. "Tirrrre of this. Vvvoices and pitsss. Delays!"

She pulled herself off the spikes. They came free with a series of remarkably unpleasant squelches, like pulling free the world's biggest splinters.
"I'll rippp and tearrr theirr guts... "
She hurled Kalib upwards to flap away, offended, as she hunched over and twitched. She wanted to howl and rip and tear. Her burning eyes settled on- no, no, he was fellow-orc. There was nothing down her to break and claw. With no outlets for her anger, she seized the goblin corpse and swung it against the wall. With a dull crump, the head splattered. Something tinkled across the blood-stained stone floor of the spike pit. Shalar's eye caught the movement. She angled her head like a beast, seeing a small ring on the floor.

After a second, she exhaled, and something of that indefinable air of violence subsided. She tossed the goblin corpse aside carelessly, and stooped to pick up the ring.
"Hmm. Something shiny, at least," she said, sounding more like her normal state. She looked around at the pit, as if seeing it for the first time, considering the best way out.
"<How bleed you, cousin?>" She added in orcish, regarding the paladin, who was on his feet and seemed reasonably in good shape.

2021-11-12, 01:38 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: aid
Concentration: none

Back into the tunnels. Calen tries to ignore the notes of the song, to focus on anything else. Hard to do when the image of Ar-Raaqis unconscious on the floor with that thing growing out of her forehead keeps flashing before his eyes, but somehow he seems to manage enough to not collapse himself.

Perhaps it's because he's so focused on not focusing on the song that it takes him a second, when he hears the sudden rumbling and clattering and Yusha leaps back and nearly knocks him over, to realize what's happened.

The warforged moves forward again, peering down into the hole, but Calen hangs back. A cold dread settles in the pit of his stomach, imagining what he might see if he looks down there, until he hears movement, and Shalar growling. They're alive.

Syllables of power ring in his ears: his spell of slow falling, prepared since morning. He wasn't ready...didn't even think....

Trembling, he slowly shrugs off his pack. "I...I have...rope...."

2021-11-13, 09:47 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis drew forth a hammer and tongues of metal. She gestured toward the mage, saying, "I can set the rope so they they can climb if they are able."

The helmeted woman scanned the pair in the pit. Then she set to bracing the end of the rope, following a series of premonitions that hovered on her helmet. The icons highlighted minute points on the wall and displayed the techniques to set the piton into the stone without great strength. She followed these with decent aptness, enough to plant the braces. Once completed, she retrieved her staff and took up a defensive position. Ar-Raaqis would prefer not to become skewered by goblins while they fished the warriors from the pit.

I have hammer and pitons. DC 5 athletics to set the anchor; rolled a 13 with the guidance she had prepared (discord)

2021-11-15, 07:37 PM
2. The Goblin Pit

With some time, effort, and dripping blood, the lead of the party is removed from the pit, gingerly ascending next to spikes. Then comes the time to cross the gap. As Kalib is grabbing the rope, there is movement from the pool room. It looks as though there is an alcove on the other side that could be used to set a rope, and then a modicum of physical prowess could be used to clamber over the pit and into the room with the pool.

There was some movement up ahead. Crossing the gap should be done carefully and quickly or not at all.
Looked like a running goblin.
Yep, definitely a goblin. Carrying two quivers of make shift arrows.
There are goblins in prepared defensive positions on the other side of the pit, hiding just out of sight. They are completely silent, but not invisible. You can see one crouched behind the circle of stones up ahead, and there's more sounds of small footsteps. And... laughter?

You successfully set a rope. You can cross it with a move action and a dash action if you beat a DC 8 Athletics Check. Into the pit with you. If Calen casts feather fall you take 12 piercing damage from floating onto spikes, if for some reason they don't you take another 10 bludgeoning falling damage.

Marching order is gonna matter a whole lot on the other side of that pit, so I need to know if Grek is going first again. There will also be a discussion on the discord to determining how you proceed.

2021-11-15, 10:05 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

The Goblin Pit

What have you learned?

Yusha stifles a smile as he stares after the sky-tossed eagle, his eyes filled with mirth. Kalib merely squawks his discontent, circling the pit a few times and refusing to return to Yusha right away.

An avatar of His should not be given to bouts of impulsiveness.

Once Greck and Shalar are back up out of the pit, Yusha gestures towards the rope at Qadira and Calen's feet.

"May I?"

An image forms below the illusory words of Kalib carrying the rope across and securing it on the other side. Distracted, Yusha only glimpses a goblin running for cover out of the corner of his eye. Kalib has an altogether better view, clearly spotting multiple goblins crouched ahead, preparing for mischief. Frowning, Yusha doesn't wait for an answer, holding out the end of the rope for Kalib to snatch up as he circles the pit.

Mind their arrows.

With a screech, Kalib takes the rope without pausing, changing direction in a tight arc as he makes his way back across. Turning to Greck, Yusha gestures once more, elaborating on the cause for concern.

"There are goblins ahead lying in wait. Abadar can ward your crossing, but we cannot delay. They are armed and they hold ill-intent, as-is their nature."

Yusha looks to the others for affirmation, holding himself in place patiently as Kalib flaps into danger, doomed to fail in his errand.

If we find a way to cross, Yusha's interested in casting Sanctuary on Greck (or Shalar if she takes the lead). Hoping to negate some ambush damage from the crossing and I think the leader still provides half-cover or better for people following so it's not a total loss if they just switch targets.

I'm okay turning back as well or giving peace a chance if someone is inclined to be diplomatic.

Discord rolls:
Yusha perception 11
Kalib perception 24 (nat 20)
Kalib dex check 7 (DC 13)

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

Inmate XIII
2021-11-20, 06:34 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 17/31

"More goblins?"

Greck watched Kalib's attempts to secure the rope with a rapidly deepening scowl. "This is a bad idea..."

Charing at an emplaced group through a narrow hallway was always a bloody affair.

Charging at a group while attempting to go hand over hand across a rope over a pit of spikes? That was suicide.

He glanced down at the pit, taking notice of the trapdoor. Maybe it could be closed again? He knelt down to examine the mechanism.

He glanced at his companions, then back to the pit and brushed two glowing finger cross his forehead. "Think we can get this closed?"

Casting Cure Wounds at level one on myself. Heal [roll0]

2021-11-21, 06:56 PM
2. The Goblin Pit

The pit appears to be made of a hinged piece of wood. Resetting the floor is easy enough, but getting it to stay up is the difficult part. By Greck's estimate, you could either find something large to wedge between the spikes and the false floor, or you could damage the exposed hinges of the trap door. Either of these could prove a capable way of advancing without exposing oneself to mortal danger.

2021-11-22, 09:49 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

The Goblin Pit

Yusha hesitates a moment, quickly considering the situation as Kalib stumbles through securing the rope. Greck's caution is warranted. Any attempt to cross would be impulsive without the means to cross quickly, at least with goblins so near at hand. Yusha kneels beside the half-orc, investigating the trap door and searching for a way to keep it aloft. Turning back to the rest of his companions, Yusha questions Calen with a gesture. An image appears with items arrayed in a line, listing their materials in a way. A shovel. A miner's pick. A few pitons and some tent poles. Rope and canvas.

"Master Damora, do you see a method by which to wedge the door aloft?"

Yusha glances back towards where the last goblin disappeared, trying to keep an eye on them even as he examines the door's hinges.

Looking to provide advantage if there's an Investigation or Knowledge roll to be had that would help. Kalib can try to keep an eye on the goblins to make sure there's no funny business while we're messing with the trap door.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-11-24, 03:38 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis looked to Yusha and asked, "Can your spirit guide assist from below and you recall it to us?"

She considered the tight rope and the dangers ahead. She did not like the path, but she could not fly like a hawk or climb like a spider. Perhaps the spirits would aid the guide to reseat the lid, enabling them to walk forward and fight the foes.

2021-11-28, 07:55 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar shrugged.

"Just wedge it with something, yes?" the culturally-an-orc said. She was holding the ring up to the light to inspect it, seeing how the gleam played off the surface.
"Like more of those spikes or something. Like," She thought of the word. "Pitons, yes? Then we can go and kill!"

2021-11-28, 10:00 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

The Goblin Pit

Yusha looks back and forth between the Dragon and Shalar as the method they're asking to explore dawns on him. The thought is instantly transferred to Kalib who drops back, leaving the rope secured as a fallback in case the door doesn't hold. Grabbing a handful of pitons from Qadira, Yusha inclines his head in thanks before offering them to Kalib. The bird drops down, diving into the pit without complaint as Yusha tries to pull the door up into position with the other's help. With luck, Kalib could wedge the door securely in place.

I think I might've been making this harder than it needs to be in my head, but let's try this and see if it works. Kalib goes into the pit to peck some pitons into place to wedge the door on.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

Inmate XIII
2021-11-29, 12:47 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 17/31

With the brainiacs having decided on a course of action, Greck grips one end of the trapdoor and gestures to Shalar to grab the other. Together they pull the wooden panel into place and wait for the next step.

2021-11-29, 12:54 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis readied her staff, poised to hook an ally should the trapdoor fail. She then watched and waited. The woman noted the ring in the elf's hand, activating her helmet's codex to see if she knew the device.

She whispered to the others, "I will follow as the shadow of the Harvester, ready to send sleepers into a deeper rest."

7 arcana to determine possible nature of the ring held up. 6 if a cypher.

Readied action: push someone off of the trap if it begins to fall again.

2021-11-30, 07:10 PM
2. The Goblin Pit

While Greck and Shalar hoist the trapdoor back into position, the rest of the party jam a shard of stone from the previous room into the hinges on their side of the pit. When a bit of weight is put on the trap door now, it stays aloft, with a slight groaning of stone biting into wood. There is no way to do the same to the other side of the trap, but it is a mere five foot hop to cross to the other side, which poses a challenge to no one.

Now the signs of goblins on the other side have become visible to all. A hail of well timed arrows while you were jamming the trap would have been as worthy an ambush as any, but it seems there is some hesitance from the local inhabitants. Perhaps conflict is not inevitable.

Inmate XIII
2021-12-02, 06:38 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 17/31

Greck laid a foot on the trapdoor gingerly, slowly shifting more and more weight onto it until it held his full weight, then made the quick jump to the other side. He glanced over his shoulder and gestured for the others to follow him, trying to convey that they should play along. Then he began strolling down the corridor as casually as he could, his grip tightening on his weapon with each step.

Approaching the goblins slowly while taking the dodge action. Since Greck isn't very dexterous, he'll reply on his shield and armor to deflect the damage away rather then actually attempt to dodge.

2021-12-02, 01:53 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 13/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis trailed as she activated the spectral augmentation to her staff. Then the masked mystic conjured a knotted half wall of thorns in front of her as she poised to witness whether the goblins would engage or attack the half-orc.

She charged her gauntlet as her visor traced a globe slashed through with intersecting lines over one of the goblins. If it so much as expressed hostility, she would send it to the strange hell the Dragon had recently witnessed with her own eyes.

BA Shillelagh
Minor Illusion (Sight)

Ready action: Eldritch Blast if one of the goblins attacks.

2021-12-02, 09:27 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)
Concentration: Holding Sacred Flame

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

The Goblin Pit

With a thought, Yusha pulls his familiar back out from under the trapdoor and deposits Kalib on his shoulder.

Well done, Kalib. The pitons seem to hold as the door creaks under the half-orc's full weight, but it doesn't give way.

Yusha looks back and forth between Greck and the goblins with mounting alarm, wary of the imbalance of forces on the other side of the pit. As the half-orc gestures for him to follow, Yusha looks away, growing warm as he realizes he's doing nothing to remedy the imbalance. A pair of eyes bore into him from beside his head before Kalib gives off a screech, lifting off and landing resolutely next to Greck. The bird hops forward along the ground next to him, unable to pull off a casual stroll, but eager to try nonetheless.

Yusha is caught between pulling the bird back and trying to cover Greck. Forced to make a quick decision, he opts to channel Abadar's displeasure, prepared to greet one of the goblins with it when they inevitably strike.

Pull birdie back to Yusha, then Kalib flies forward.

Yusha stays put and readies Sacred Flame if the goblins take hostile action.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-12-04, 01:40 PM
4. Oily Pool

Oily water fills a cavity of unknown depth at the center of this crumbling chamber. Discarded rusted pots, worn-out water skins, and other refuse litter the area around the pool. These piles of refuse have been erected into makeshift cover by no fewer than a dozen goblins, all ducked behind mounds of loose gear with bows. One of their number carries two blades that look like sharpened slabs of some purple metal, and it steps forward and begins speaking in broken common, sleepily mumbling it's way through diplomacy. Or a goblin excuse for diplomacy.

"Intruders! Leave this holy place! We do good work, keeping you safe safe from the monsters and magic beneath us. Now leave your cyphers on the ground and leave our home! Vaketh! Now!"

However, the end of this speech is interrupted by a goblin leaping from cover and dancing it's way up to their leader and bopping him on the head with what appears to be a toy mallet. The goblin spokesman's face scrunches up in an aggravated grunt, but it tries to remain serious even as some sort of gaudily dressed goblin clown harasses them, blatantly ignoring the jester.

That water looks disgusting!Eh, it actually looks quite safe. There is a fait mist rising from the surface of the pool, indicating it is cooler than the air around you.Uh oh. That's a nilbolg. A goblin jester rumored to have a divine gift from a trickster god. Their shenanigans cause infectious laughter and they have a supernatural dodging ability.

These goblins look to be a tad more formidable than those who raided the town. They carry more arrows, makeshift shields, and their weapons look to be made of strange, razor sharp stone of a violet so dark it looks black. Like obsidian, but with a purple iridescence about them that is vaguely threatening.
There are no cyphers among these goblin's possessions, and they have requested you leave all of yours.They mean to destroy them. These creatures have some grudge against the Numenara.

2021-12-04, 04:15 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 24/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 2/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: ---
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis scanned the area through her visor. The water appeared chill and safe to her eyes. The mad goblin less so. An icon formed on her veil, depicting the creature for what it was: a Nilbog. Wherever these appeared murder and merriment followed. She whispered low to her allies.

"The nilbog is nimble and dismantles foes with humor. Do not underestimate the dunce."

She then considered the situation ahead. Perhaps the fool could prove useful to confound the leader's senses. Perhaps she should instead carve up the many between them; yet, such a task would slow down the muscle she had found in the town. The mystic watched and waited to see what the town spokesman would say, but the only way she would cede a cipher was with the pin out of it.

Ready action: Eldritch Blast if one of the goblins attacks.

Nature: 16 (Discord)
Perception: 2. Fog on the mask. (Discord)

2021-12-04, 05:06 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: Aid, Berserk!

As she entered, she'd unlimbered the bulky array of fireworks. At the goblin's words, she grinned. Her teeth were terribly sharp.

"I have a different proposal!" Shalar rumbled. She looked around, her crimson eyes taking in the defences. In her hands were the fireworks and gleaming shards of flint.She twitched slightly, and her grin widened a fraction more than a humanoid should be capable of. With a sudden, fierce moment, she struck together the flints. The fuse sizzled omniously as she aimed it at the largest group of goblins.

With a savage sound of tearing, uneven horns forced their way through her forehead, joints clicking and shifting to new, more feral alignments.

"I'll rrrrip you up..."


A split second before the fireworks went off, she yawed that great mouth open with it's terrible array of fangs. Fingers thickened into clumsier but deadlier claws.
"...Aaand youu maaakkke sssure to scrrream well whennn yyyou die!"
And then there was smoke and noise-

Action: fire the fireworks towards the largest group of goblins
BA: Rage!
Action: towards the gubbaz!

2021-12-05, 09:57 PM
4. Oily Pool

None of the goblins so much as open an eye as Shalar opens fire with her firework display. The room is completely filled with acrid smoke and bright flashes of light as small flaming rockets or light shoot out. Despite dozens of missiles, the goblin's cover prevents the worst of the physical damage. As the barrage slackens, the goblins peek up from their cover and draw their bows, ready for a fight.

Calen is up first!
Followed by the gubbaz.
Then the rest of the party!

Improbably enough, Shalar fails to hit any goblins with her fireworks display.

2021-12-05, 10:36 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Yusha stares across the oily pool towards the goblin-leader as it gives something approaching an intelligent introduction, even if the content of its speech is nonsense. Only the uncivilized would claim to be keeping people safe after having raided Caracara and kidnapping its citizens. Were it not for the dozen bows behind this chief, their arrows tipped with violet-black stone, Yusha might think it appropriate to see justice done immediately. As it is, he can't help comparing the number of warriors on their side to the number on his.

Yusha hangs on every whispered word from Qadira, unfamiliar as he is with the nilbog. Given the Dragon's reaction, it's clearly one more reason not to behave impulsively. Perhaps the five of them were being hasty in assuming they had the strength of arms to assault the goblin's stronghold. A quick trip back to town to round up more help might be in order. Even as Yusha thinks about the proper path forward, however, a rumble goes up beside him.

"I have a different proposal!"

The now familiar, but ultimately horrifying sight of Shalar's face ripping itself apart greets Yusha as he looks to the source. The sight of explosives in her arms elevates Yusha's disquiet to outright panic.

Quick! Hide!

Kalib lets out a screech from up ahead, flapping for Greck's shield arm, eager to put the huge half-orc between him and everything else. Light, sound, and smoke all follow, and Yusha throws a warding arm in front of his eyes as dozens of missiles streak across the cavern.

I'll throw another post up in initiative order when the time comes, just throwing out a butt scratch in the meantime :smallbiggrin:

Greck has acquired one bird, currently wedged under cover of his shield. Any port in a storm will do, but doesn't seem like a bad spot for him to hang out provided he doesn't get crushed between shield and armor.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

Inmate XIII
2021-12-06, 05:47 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 17/31

Almost sensing what was about to happen, Greck hunched over, sheltering both himself and the eagle that had suddenly landed on his arm from the barrage. When the bangs stopped, he shook his head, trying to clear the spots in his eyes and ringing in his ears. As his vision began to return something immediately became apparent: all the elf had done was provoke the goblins.

He raised his shield again as arrows pointed his way.


Still dodging, for whatever its worth.

2021-12-07, 06:33 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 24/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 3/3
Conditions: Aid, Berserk!

As death and destruction failed to materialise, Shalar tossed the firework tubes aside with a growl of dismissal.

"Geeehh... Useless! Nnnot a prrroblem, cclaws arrre more funnn!"

2021-12-09, 04:32 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

The daze in which Calen crossed the pit, the sound of its opening still echoing in his ears, is broken when the goblin leader speaks. A glimmer of hope--can they solve this without bloodshed, even now? From the back of the group, he takes a half-step forward, grasping for words in the goblin tongue...when he sees the flints in Shalar's hand.

"Shalar, wait!"


He claps his hands over his ears and screws his eyes shut just in time. Smoke, ringing. Darting movement between the piles of garbage. Goblin voices.

"Dammit!" This time, he's ready. Ripping the mirror from its sling, his fingers blur over the runes. Once more, the lines of light split the air, gathering power that launches itself at the goblins as he cries out the syllables of the sleeping spell....

Casting sleep with a 2nd-level slot, aiming for the center of the densest grouping. 27 HP total affected.

2021-12-11, 12:21 PM
4. Oily Pool

Calen's utterance of magic sends a wave of sparkling light cascading over the thickest knot of goblins, sending four of them tumbling to the floor with their weapons slack in their hands. Three of the five that remain, seeing their comrades knocked unconscious around them, shake their mates awake and get them back up on their fee.

The goblin leader, who seems unfazed by the magic, dashes back behind cover. It leans up over cover and fires two quick shots, one at Shalar and one at Greck. Neither comes particularly close to connecting. Rallied by their commander, the three gubbaz who fell asleep fire bows as well. One small arrow sink into Shalar's leg, while two more shatter against Greck's armor. Four more goblins scatter their arrows among the party, one of which hitting Yusha and another nicking Qadira. Then the nilbog hits itself in the head with it's hammer and shouts a jeering jape at Shalar's accuracy, which comes across as pretty funny to the barbarian. It capers off to another piece of cover and hides from all but Yusha and Kalib's eyes.

Shalar falls to the ground, completely enraptured with deep belly laughs. She may reroll the save at the end of her turn.
Not as funny as ripping off gubbaz heads.

There are now 8 conscious goblins and four sleeping ones. Calen's sleep spell really neutered their turn. Shalar, Qadira, and Yusha take 4 damage each. The party is up!

2021-12-11, 10:04 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)
Concentration: Bless (Greck, Shalar, Qadira)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Kalib huddles under the cover of Greck's shield, talons digging into the half-orc's armor. He sends a pulse of awareness back to Yusha, his excitement temporarily buffered by a salvo of fireworks on one side and the threat of arrows on the other.


Thirty feet away, Yusha feels a surge of fear from Kalib's perspective before he centers himself, re-balancing. A multitude of goblins stare back at Yusha from across the pool as the smoke clears, unfazed by Shalar's fireworks. Ears still ringing, Yusha barely picks up Calen's voice nearby.


Calen's fingers fly over a strange tablet made of glass rather than stone. Light envelopes several goblins immediately afterwards, magically putting them to sleep. Unlike their kin from last night, however, some of these goblins wake again, their judgement delayed for the moment. Their arrows draw first blood, catching Shalar in the leg even as another arrow dents Yusha's iron skin. He frowns down at the mark in his arm, tilting his head at the injustice of being targeted when other presented a much more direct threat than himself. Did they know nothing? Offended by their ignorance even though he expects nothing less of the uncivilized, Yusha begins to pray. Abadar-willing, these goblins would face judgement soon.

Drawing two fingers up to his forehead, Yusha emits a short tone and a few clicks. He connects his awareness to Greck, Shalar, and to the Dragon, gifting them with Abadar's knowledge and holding the channel open at range. With His blessing, Yusha can only hope that they see the most expedient path to send these goblins to their maker.

Yusha casts Bless on Greck, Shalar, and Qadira.

If anyone shouts out a question about where the jester went, Yusha and Kalib will do their best to point him out, but otherwise say nothing at the moment.

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-12-12, 06:12 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 20/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Bless. Sanctuary (DC 13 Wis save to target Q. On a fail, foe has to choose a new target or waste their action.)
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Phantom lights blazed behind her eyes while her veil slowly brightened from where Shalar's barrage had forced it to darken. The smoke and flashes had diverted her carefully prepared shot, sparing a goblin a sudden death. Suppressing her frustration, Ar-Raaqis activated an icon on her visor of a silhouette from which an arrow or energy bolt bent away. She pantomimed the gestures and mimicked the words of power, invoking the coiling mists of the Black Dragon. Weak wills would waver before engaging her, beaten down by the gravitas of the draconic gods. Swelled with this confidence, she surged forward like a lithe bolt. The Dragon raced across the field, weaving through the ramshackle barricades toward the leader's position.

BA: Sanctuary. DC 13 Wis save to target Q. On a fail, foe has to choose a new target or waste their action.
Action: Dash across the 30ft of rough terrain to move into melee with the leader.

Inmate XIII
2021-12-15, 04:17 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 17/31

Greck stoped one of the arrows let loose at him with his shield and leant into the other to let it bounce impotently off his pauldron. He paused for a second to snigger at the nilbog's barb, "Eh, he's not wrong..."

Then, he drew himself to hi full height and sneered down at the nearest goblin before beringhing his hammer across his chest, cracking it violently against the side of the hapless critter's head.

Discord attack roll 24 against the nearest goblin for 10 bludgeoning damage.

2021-12-16, 04:33 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

As the goblins' arrows rain down on the group, Calen instinctively looks for cover; finding none in the entryway, he darts to the wall and flattens himself against it as best he can, crouching to make for a smaller target. With Ar-Raaqis engaging the leader and Greck wading into the front line, his gaze falls on the archers to the rear. Kip seems to sense his intentions. "One more like that and I'll need to reconfigure."

"I know!" Calen grits his teeth. "Something a little more direct, then...." As he taps out another sequence of runes, the same pale light appears again, but this time in a nimbus around his fingertips. As he takes his hand off the mirror, the light follows, as if he's pulling it from the device. Though the incantation is swallowed up in the din of the battle, it doesn't matter: he points to the archers, and a trio of shadelight darts leap from his fingertips, streaking through the air to explode on their targets like shooting stars.

Casting magic missile with a 1st-level slot, targeting the three closest goblin archers that aren't being engaged by anyone else. 3, 5, and 4 damage, respectively.

2021-12-16, 08:01 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 22/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid, Berserk!

The mutating elf literally didn't even notice the arrow now sticking out her thigh. She let loose a roaring laugh, fell and terrible, teeth flashing madly as she bounded forward. Funny joke!


The first goblin she reached was simply shredded. The swipes of her claws splattered its life to the floor alongside its steaming viscera, and she howled in triumph. After falling in spiky holes, the fireworks being pretty and noisy but worthless, the sleepy trap, here it was; the moment talons met meat, when Shalar could hurt and be hurt without restraint. A second goblin got in her reach and she pulled it apart. She flicked blood from her hands and looked about, glaring through the veil of red.

Ah, there! One of the goblins was staggering, wounded. Some distant part of Shalar's mind thought it was Cowpen's work, which was nice, the boy might be weedy but his witchcraft was handy, and she obeyed that instinct that all predators keep deep in their core: Go for the injured, the sick, and the weak.

"Hhhherezzz a joke, thennn! Wwwwhat you calll a gubbazzz warrior?!" she bellowed joyfully. She snatched at the injured goblin's head. One hand clamped on to its face; the other wrapped around the fungal orb and pulled, pulled, pulled, until something gave way inside the skull and it came free in her hand. She tossed both goblin and orb aside.
"A corpze! Gyahahahaha!"

19,22,22 for attack rolls, 11,11,3 for damage rolls.
If 11 is enough to kill a gobbo, shalar will kill two uninjured ones and then try to finish off the most injured one by Calen.

2021-12-16, 09:32 PM
4. Oily Pool

Shalar is a blur of goblin blood and hewn limbs. Greck smashes a goblin to so much green paste beneath his mighty blow. Calen's darts send three archers diving for cover, which promptly is circumvented by the seeking missiles. And at the center of it all is Yusha, calling down Abadar's blessings, and the Dragon, dashing through the madness of conflict to engage with the goblin's squad commander.

Their defensive lines broken, the goblins shift their tactics from raining arrows to assailing their enemies with a hail of blades. Three rush to meet Shalar, hoping to blunt her advance with numbers. In her berserker rage, all three small blades meet flesh and draw blood, but she doesn't seem to care very much. Two confront Greck, with one cutting low at his legs and the second leaping off from his companion to strike at Greck's face. The paladin judges the threats and deflects the higher blow with his weapon, but the slash across his legs bites deep. The remaining flunky goblin joins it's leader in attacking the Dragon. Both seem hesitant at Qadira's magic, but the leader slaps his crony with the flat of his blade and both of them rush forward at the same time, pushing through her protective magics. The goblins tandem bladework is deceptively effective, and the crony stabs it's blade downward into Qadira's foot while the leader leaps at her with both blades out. The two shards of strange metal sink through her armor and into her chest, wounding her deeply and knocking the Dragon to the ground unconscious, where the goblin commando prepares to deliver finishing blows.

The nilbog, lifting it's jangling belled head from behind cover, points at Qadira with it's toy mallet and says "All that fancy magic looks pretty silly when you're on the ground bleeding out!" It turns to Shalar and says "Amiriteoramirite?" Then it ducks back into cover and hides again.

Shalar takes (before rage reduction), 8, 7, and 3 damage from a trio of brave goblins. Greck takes 7 damage and is missed once. In a series of improbably rolls the remaining goblin flunky and the commando leader both succeed on their sanctuary saves, hit with all three attacks, and deal 8, 7, and 7 damage, which if I'm not mistaken knocks Qadira unconscious. The goblin leader looks like it means to finish her if no one intervenes. Shalar musty also repeat her DC 12 wisdom save of suffer Tasha's Hideous Laughter. If she succeeds, Shalar's Hideous Slaughter continues unabated. DC 14 to spot the hiding Nilbog.

2021-12-17, 10:41 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)
Concentration: Bless (Greck, Shalar, Qadira)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Yusha stands sentinel, extending his awareness to 'watch' the battle unfold through his connection to the others. His faith in Abadar is absolute. His faith in this group is on shakier ground, to say the least. But faith cannot go untested forever.

Thankfully, Yusha's faith is rewarded. Greck's hammer is inevitable. Shalar's savagery is horrifying. Yusha channels information to them, sending minutia about each goblin's stance and openings in their armor, for what it's worth. In parallel, Yusha processes a recurring thought. These people can fight. Yusha watches Calen pull heaven's light from his tablet of glass, holding a trio of stars at his fingertips before hurling them to extinguish the goblins. Yusha watches the slaughter with clinical fascination, growing ever more appreciative of his companion's abilities. In tandem his mind catalogs the butchery, trying to put order to the unfolding chaos.

In the midst of the carnage, Yusha's connection to the Dragon winks out. He looks up, losing focus for a moment as he finds the goblin leader standing triumphantly over her, blood dripping from its strange blades. Somewhere ahead, a screech sounds over the din as Kalib's head rises over the rim of Greck's shield.

Yusha feels a surge within, energy rippling through him as he works consciously to stay focused. Imbalance threatens, but there's no time to dwell on it. He brings two fingers to his forehead before pointing them towards Ar-Raaqis. A pair of small, metallic darts, their long tails connected to Yusha, launch across the field, piercing into the Dragon's chest with surgical precision. Yusha emits a low whine, rapidly increasing in volume until a sudden thump cuts it short, sending a jolt of divine grace right to Qadira's heart. The thin, flexible metal connecting Yusha to ar-Raaqis crumbles to dust.

Distract and then disengage. Do not stay in the fight. Yusha reluctantly unleashes Kalib, taking a calculated risk.

Kalib launches like a crossbow bolt straight for the leader, heedless of the goblins between him and his target. With a terrible screech, he rakes the goblin leader with his talons, eagerly engaging in the battle.

Yusha quickly scans the field, seeking a weakling to dispatch, hoping to give the others room to render the Dragon aid. With practiced care, he pinpoints a target and then looks heavenward, eyes glazing over at the rock directly above them. A thin beam, almost too small to see if not for the surge of light, pierces the cavern.

Bonus Action: Yusha casts Healing Word on the Dragon for [roll0] healing.
Action: Yusha casts Sacred Flame on one of the weakened gobbos from Calen's magic missiles for [roll1] radiant damage

Kalib flies in a beeline for the leader and engages with the 'Help' action (if he makes it there without taking a point of damage and going poof).

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-12-18, 01:34 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 0/0
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 1/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Bless.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon reawakened to burning in her chest and foot. Her visor flashed with a streak over a sphere, the dark glass flickering from red to regular hue. She gripped her weapon and drove it upward with explosive force, driving the goblin skyward out over the water. Crackling waves of energy coursed over his body as he plunged into the misty waters. She then extended her hand and blasted the other goblin away as though Shalar had gripped the creature by the stalk and launched it toward the elven warrioress. Then the woman crouched in a low tiger stance, using the goblin cover for her own advantage while she assessed the situation.

Action: Shillelagh booming blade the boss. Crit (Discord). 11 bludgeoning and pushed 5ft away / over the pool using Crusher. Damage if he uses movement: 3 thunder damage.
BA:Force Telekinetic push the other goblin 5ft away/toward Shalar. (Rolled a 5 for its save vs DC 13 Strength save).
Move: "stand" up, crouching to make use of the cover.

2021-12-19, 07:14 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 14/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid, bless, Berserk!

For a second, at the sorcerous humour of the nilbog, Shalar's savage session cessated. Blood dripped freely from the plentiful cuts in her skin, steaming with the heat of beastly violence.

Her terrible tearing teeth twitched in a bone-deep chuckle before, with that same force of motion, she continued her slaughter, reducing yet more goblins to red destruction. She didn't speak, now, just slashed and bit with a wild, inhuman grin.

Same as before, really. Burned my inspiration to pass the save from the Nilbog.

2021-12-22, 12:22 PM
4. Oily Pool

Shalar ravages the three goblins who engaged her, breaking them like dolls with her savage slashes. Yusha's lance of holy light strikes a goblin and ignites it, sending the creature squealing to it's doom. And the Dragon's crushing blow sends the goblin boss hurling backward. The dual wielding green skin takes a step back towards the tonfa wielding foe when a reverberation of thunder hits it, causing both it's ears to leak blood and the creature to fall dead to the ground. The goblin she hurled with the force of her mind sprawls in the pool of water, looking uncertain as it's side takes massive casualties, and the two in front of Greck also look ready to bolt.

Inmate XIII
2021-12-24, 07:53 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

Greck quickly scans the room around him, and sneers at the turned tide. The nilbog isn't a threat, so he turned to the two in front of him and brought the pommel of his hammer down on the crown of the one in front of him's head.

He wheels his head around on the other and "Safeguard! Twice we have crushed your forces, I believe you owe us an explanation."

Use bonus action to cast hunter's mark on one of the goblins. Make an attack against one of the goblins, attack roll 22 for 7 bludgeoning attempting to knockout.

If they flee, use reaction to attack the same one he hit before, attack roll 10 + 3 from bless, for 12 bludeoning damage to knockout.

2021-12-26, 03:18 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

Calen feels bile rising in his throat as he watches the goblins being literally torn limb from limb. Ar-Raaqis takes two blades and falls, and for a moment he fears the worst, but again, his terror is lifted, this time by what can only be Abadar's aid as Yusha launches those strange darts. Calen makes a mental note to offer sacrifice later, if they come out of this place.

The enemy is being pushed back, their lines breaking. He sucks in air through his teeth, weighing the options; every spell he contributes is one he might need later, and who knows how deep this place goes? Hearing Greck call out his demand, Calen makes up his mind, holding fast in the doorway, though his fingers remain poised above Kip's surface, ready to unleash something else if anyone looks in danger.

Readying an action to cast magic missile if anyone else in the party is hit again, with all missiles aimed at the enemy that lands the hit.

2021-12-27, 11:16 PM
4. Oily Pool

The goblins before Greck turn and make to flee, leaving both open to his fierce retribution. Both are knocked unconscious easily enough. The lone survivor that the Dragon threw hastily exits while it has a chance, running full speed. This leaves only the party and the Nilbog remaining in the room. The Nilbog grins crazily and begins to prance and mock, but seems to be done casting debilitating magic for the moment. It seems quite content to make assumptions about Yusha's parentage, wagering that the sophisticated warforged is the result of a waterclock mating with modron.

People can try to stop the runner if they wish. The Nilbog doesn't seem to be a threat right now. Time for you all to choose your next steps.

2021-12-28, 08:41 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 16/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

As the goblins fought and died, Shalar found herself without more foes to fight. One of the gubbaz had fled the room entirely; the nilbog, having never raised arms as such, didn't trigger her bloodlust, and with a certain amount of regret the elf felt her beasthood meter draining to empty.

"Grrraa..." she rumbled, feeling her antlers slough off to splatter in pieces on the floor. Another victory, even if was against goblins.


Shalar panted for a second as the shifts subsided before shaking herself like a dog, lacing her gore-slick fingers together, and giving a long, sinuous stretch that clicked every one of her vertebrae.

"Ahhh, that feels better to have a battle, yes?"

She reached down and wrapped a hand around the arrow still stuck in her leg, and pulled it out with a plunk! She cast it aside carelessly to clatter against the tiles. She poked experimentally at a couple of her wounds, but they were already clotting.

2021-12-28, 08:49 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

And just like that, they break, the last of them turning tail. The jester stays behind, but Calen hardly hears his jeering over the blood pounding in his own ears.

Ar-Raaqis is still on her feet. Greck, Yusha...no casualties.

"Ahhh, that feels better to have a battle, yes?"

He doesn't think about standing up. About leaving the doorway, advancing with hands curled in fists.

"Better?" He can't remember the last time he raised his voice like this. Has he ever, even? "We could have died! All of us! Because you went and made that a fight for no reason! THEY WERE TALKING TO US!"

Inmate XIII
2021-12-29, 05:16 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

Greck watches one of the remaining goldins flee and casts a weary eye towards the nilbog before lifting up the two unconcious ones - one in each hand - and depositing them at the dragon's feet.

"If'n yeh wanta try talkin again, here, but given what happened last time I'd say just kill'em. Either way we need some rest before we go any further."

With that done, he turned to the nilbog. "Betcha think yer clever, do yeh? Yeh wee little jakey gowk?"

2021-12-29, 09:12 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 16/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid


She turned her eyes on the mage. The little cub bared his teeth! Though he was still physically unbloodied, and she had far more holes currently in her than the average orc desired to have, she could still snap him in two, she reckoned.

"I," she said deliberately, "Did not say I was going to talk to them. Yes, I said the opposite - that I would kill, and this I did. Did you think Shalar Yotul Azari does not keep her word?" She grinned, gore-shod and unapologetic. "They did not talk! They demanded, as if they were strong. We have shown them otherwise, ha! Or did you intend to throw your pretty glass into the pool for them before I made such pretty lights?"

She airily waved a hand at the captured goblins, incidentally splashing a fine red mist.

"The weak must listen. Now you can talk, little tukkosh, as the strong."

2021-12-29, 09:47 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

Calen doesn't need to know Orcish to recognize tukkosh as an insult. "On, you're the strong, are you?" He's not shouting now, but it comes out with a cold edge. Where is this coming from? She's standing there covered in blood, who knows how much her own, and probably about half a second away from tearing out his throat, and every bone in his body should be screaming for him to run, but he's not moving. "Because from where I was standing, it looked like they had us outnumbered more than two to one, in a chokepoint, crossing hazardous terrain. And those lights of yours? Didn't hit a single one of them. Qadira almost died. So tell me again about how you were teaching them a lesson, because you're so strong?"

2021-12-29, 10:34 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)
Concentration: Bless (Greck, Shalar, Qadira)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Yusha tries to ignore the jibe about his parentage, but it rankles regardless of the source. It certainly doesn't help that 'modron' is a term as unfamiliar as nilbog. Yusha's ignorance relative to his own origins piles on, but it is the implication about his mother that pushes him to respond. She may not be his creator, but she certainly doesn't deserve an ill word from this cretin.

"My mother was chosen by Abadar to find me," Yusha writes stiffly in the air. "I think it's unlikely your mother knows how to count."

He dismisses the nilbog with a curt nod now that it's been thoroughly dismantled.

As Shalar shakes herself like a wet dog, sending spots of gore in all directions, Yusha looks on with mixed feelings. The beast-elf dispensed justice most-efficiently, but without even a mote of propriety. If left unchecked, would Abadar grow disturbed by the company Yusha keeps? He resolves to say something to her about her impulsiveness, but the sight of her casually pulling an arrow from her calf gives him second thoughts. No need to be impulsive himself. She was delivering justice, after all.

Better? We could have died! All of us! Because you went and made that a fight for no reason! THEY WERE TALKING TO US!"

Yusha's head snaps towards the unexpected shouting as Calen berates Shalar. Here's one with propriety in abundance, but no sense of justice. Yusha shakes his head at first, but as he continues to process the situation it becomes clearer. He envisions a balanced scale with two coins, one on each side. He gestures, creating a small illusion in his palm showing one coin with a pair of antlers balanced against another coin with stars orbiting a tablet. Yusha hums happily to himself at the observation, touching two fingers to his forehead in reverence.

Yusha's illusion drops, thoughts broken as Greck chimes in, dropping the pair of goblins at ar-Raaqis' feet.

"If'n yeh wanta try talkin again, here, but given what happened last time I'd say just kill'em."

Despite the accented common, the half-orc's meaning is plain: dispense justice, properly. No need to be impulsive or commit wanton slaughter. The denizens of Safeguard committed crimes last night and continue to fight against a just cause today. These two goblins can serve no greater purpose than helping to balance the scales.

Yusha simply nods his assent as the argument between Shalar and Calen, though quieter, grows more serious. Justice and Propriety both have a voice, and neither seems keen to back down despite something they both know inherently. Justice holds the blade. It is both judge and executioner. Propriety, by contrast, holds the quill. It's power is more complicated. Ultimately, both are necessary for a society to function.

Yusha frowns as a gore-soaked hawk suddenly appears. Kalib flaps down onto Shalar's shoulder, beak smeared with blood, and gives vent to a terrible shriek aimed at Calen. Instinctively, Yusha reaches out and places a hand on Calen's shoulder, wary of any imbalance.

What are you doing?

Another shriek, but this time the sound is cut-off as Yusha dismisses Kalib. Pulling his hand away from Calen, Yusha gestures, creating some words in the air.

"Greck is right. The longest rest is Just for these two." An image appears of Greck's hammer falling on two goblin heads. "A quick rest would be most beneficial to us as well. The enemy is still near."

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypher’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2021-12-30, 10:29 AM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 16/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

The beast cocked her head, curious.

"Yes...?" she said, as if trying to see some trick in wordplay. "They had numbers, and defences, and the fire-lights did not work - alas! But now..." She looked up at him, her eyes glinting in the shadows of her hood, staring deep into his own. They remained fixed on his, ferociously crimson, even as her voice became lower and huskier. "Now they are for the worms to chew, and we stand with them crushed underfoot. What is that if not strength?"

As the bird landed on her shoulder and screeched, she straightened up. She reached up towards it, only for it to disappear, and she gave a tiny shrug of her bearskin-clad shoulders. In her normal jovial tones, she spoke again.

"Do not worry, killing-friend," she said easily. She pulled off her pack from where it was concealed beneath her cloak and rummaged through it. With a happy sound, she pulled free the bottle of cherry liqueur. She bit the cork and pulled it free with a jerk of her head, spat it into her hand, and took a slug of the potent spirit. She sighed happily as it went down. She slopped some on her injuries to sterilise them - ignoring the new, fruit-flavoured pain of alcohol on open wounds - and offered the bottle to Calen, then if he refused or indeed took a drink, the others. Including Yusha, because she thought it'd be funny. The liquid inside sloshed, red as pain, as she held it forth.

"No point in saying: 'What if?' when what wasn't. Victory is it's own proof, yes?"

2021-12-30, 10:57 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

A dozen protests reach the tip of Calen's tongue, but none make it out before Kalib interrupts with that shriek and Yusha's touch shakes him from his strange spell of boldness. Half expecting Shalar to pounce as soon as he breaks eye contact, he nonetheless turns to read the illusory words. Seeing Yusha argue for executing the goblins isn't really a surprise, but still, Calen finds himself feeling a little betrayed. He realizes he's started to think of the warforged as the only like-minded company he has down here.

As if to remind him of his oversight, Kip pipes up from his spot on Calen's belt. "It would be wise to spend a few minutes so I can reconfigure my access protocols. Our intrusions just now triggered several denial routines in the local network."

Calen sighs through gritted teeth. Eyes narrowing as Shalar offers the bottle, he pointedly turns away again, ignoring it. "Give me one more chance," he says to Yusha, the edge in his voice dulled now. "If I can't get them to talk to me this time, then...." He trails off, but the meaning is clear: whatever justice everyone else favors, Calen won't complain.

Leaving the warforged and the elf, he heads over to the unconscious goblins. She's going to get us all killed.

And? What do you propose to do about it? You need her, we all do. Probably more than anyone here needs you. The thought leaves a bitter taste.

Catching Qadira's eye briefly, Calen gives her a look that says to do whatever she sees fit if this doesn't work. Then he kicks the goblins awake, a little harder than he needs to.

"I know you can hear me." He doesn't bother with the Goblin tongue this time. "And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." A pause. "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt."

He takes a deep breath. "If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

2021-12-30, 02:38 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Bless.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon listened to the arguments between the cipher-sage and the fleshwarper. She corrected the slender one regarding what happened to her, "Fortune favored the goblins' blades."

The mystic turned her attention to the two downed goblins. Before she could address the half orc, the mage was already upon them. She scowled behind her helm as he tried to menace the goblins who would provide little more than more noise. She invoked her ward, coating her wounds with soothing frost. Then she mentally sought to send one into the pool. They did not need two prisoners, or even one.

She stated coolly, "No need to play with the dead. The Safeguard uses their eyes and ears. We should blind and deafen him."

Action: Cast Armor Agathys. 10 Cold damage to anyone who attacks her in melee.
BA: Telekinetic push the other goblin into the water. (Rolled a 18 for its save vs DC 13 Strength save. If conscious, it made its save; otherwise, it splashes into the water).

2021-12-30, 03:19 PM
4. Oily Pool

One goblin is shoved into the pool easily enough, where it's concussion leads to it's rapid demise. However, the one Calen kicks awake does release a small groan of pain and come to. Hard to tell it's come to, with both it's eyes shut, but it looks up at Calen and listens to his words. Nonplussed, the goblin shrugs, before a voice comes from the creature's horn that seems to awe it. The goblin begins to cower as this voice begins to sound. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

"Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

There is a potent pause before the voice begins to grumble.

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

Again, potent pause, and perhaps not the immediate fleeing that Safeguard expected.

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

2021-12-30, 03:28 PM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor Agathys. 10 Cold damage to anyone who attacks her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon watched the spike utter this reverberating voice. She scanned the room, then settled in to hear what the Safeguard offered. In the end, she answered, "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?"

The mystic rested on her staff. She was beat. She was panting. She wisped mist from her frost-coated armor. Perhaps the unseen warden with its weird ways and strange speech would think her daft enough to depart. Every syllable it uttered compelled her to seek what lay below--these artifacts needed protection. Her protection.

Inmate XIII
2021-12-30, 03:33 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

Greck's mouth hangs open for a few seconds as what mystique surrounding this "Safeguard" broke in an instant.

"Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one 're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." He paused and shot Shalar a glance that could only be construed as "be silent" before continuing. "So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

2021-12-30, 08:54 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 16/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar gave Greck a wink, to show she'd received his 'back me up' signal loud and clear, then went back to listening to the ancient metal ghost, stowing the bottle away as she kept an eye on the goblin.

The voice was not the sibilant whispers of the Pillar, or some deep and thundering god, but actually sounded kind of... underwhelming and vaguely pathetic in a way she couldn't quite describe.

A lot of what it said didn't really make sense to her. Psi-orc Santa Claws... Was it trying to talk about her? Was this a prophecy like the elders said? It didn't really fit, though. She didn't have psionics, like some brain-witches called their magic, Santa wasn't quite right for Shalar, and she'd planned to sell the awful hat rather than give it away.

At the mention of a monolith, her ears perked up.

"This monolith..." She said with innocent cunning, "Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?"

Once the goblin looked away she gave Greck a smug little nod, to silently boast of her cleverness in helping trick the Safeguard.

2021-12-31, 03:10 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Resigned to watch the proceedings, Yusha nods to Calen as the young man argues eagerly for one more chance to interrogate the denizens of Safeguard. A metal hand gestures once more before patting the human's shoulder.

"There is time while we rest, Master Damora, but tread carefully. As Ms. Ar-Raaqis has said, Safeguard listens."

Yusha can't help a moment of reflection as he gives the young scholar room to ask his questions. Strange. Flesh as soft as a feather and a body not much thicker than a quill, but the young human persists in repeatedly standing against the tide. His physiology couldn't support iron beneath the skin, but he was harder than expected. Many humans draped themselves in metal, hyper-aware of their own fragility, but this one not only shunned all armor, he yelled at Ms. Azari while she was still soaked in blood. If Yusha didn't have proof of his mental capacity, he would wonder if the human was addle-brained.

In the interval, Yusha frowns down at the liquid Shalar brandishes in her outstretched hand, offering it to him last. Though it seems she's offering it as a drink, Yusha acknowledges that even one as savage as Shalar understands its medicinal benefits. Alas, the disinfectant properties were unlikely to help him directly. He'd yet to succumb to the diseases that so commonly infected Shalar's kind.

Yusha is about to thank her for the offering when Calen's plea actually results in a response. Eyes widening, Yusha stands motionless as Safeguard finally reveals itself, speaking through divine means using the goblin itself.

The voice is not at all what Yusha'd come to expect. It sounds civilized, if scatterbrained. Very scatterbrained. But clearly Safeguard is both intelligent and familiar with proper societal norms even if it's leading a pack of uncivilized creatures out of a dank, dark cave.

Yusha belatedly begins to record Safeguard's words, capturing the others as a matter of course. He would have to reproduce Calen's from memory as best he could later to understand what prompted such a response, but Yusha puts that out of mind for the moment.

Quiet Yusha is quiet while writing in his journal.

An intelligent entity controlling the strange species of goblin that raided Caracara at the Midsummer's festival. Revered like a god by the goblins, but also thought of as their home.

Voice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

Master Damora: "I know you can hear me. And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." [The human paused here.] "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt.

"If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

Safeguard: "Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

[A pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

[Another pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?" [Author's note: I believe Ms. Ar-Raaqis was attempting some deception of the entity called Safeguard so that it might reveal more information. It may be that the question was genuine, though it is difficult to adequately portray how unlikely that is given the Dragon's intensity. Revisit later.]

Sir Greck: "Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." [Author's note: It was at this point that the half-orc gave Ms. Shalar Azari a not-so-subtle glance as if hoping she'd stay silent. I believe his intent was to head-off a correction from the elf, lest she reveal a bloodlust that exceeds the bounds of a rescue mission. Revisit later.]

"So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

Ms. Azari: "This monolith...Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?" [Author's note: Subtle forms of communication may be insufficient with Shalar. Earlier Master Damora seemed to have some success by raising his voice and speaking very directly, though it's difficult to recommend such a thing for those face to face with Ms. Azari.]

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypherÂ’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2022-01-01, 04:24 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

As the voice begins to sound from the goblin's head-growth, Calen's left standing there slack-jawed. Two thoughts fill his mind:

I was really not expecting that to work.

That is not what I pictured Safeguard sounding like.

It feels like his head might explode from the sheer volume of questions he wants to ask, but this is clearly a first-things-first sort of moment. Greck has the right idea. "Yes, look, this is clearly some sort of misunderstanding! We aren't here to disturb anything dangerous, we just want to get Caracara's people home safe!"

2022-01-01, 11:35 PM
4. Oily Pool

Safeguard seems eager to respond to each of you, though perhaps not a fully truthful answer. To the Dragon- "Oh, you're still miles and miles from the Necropolis. It'd take days and days searching through these tunnels to find a door, and then the insidious nature of the locks would confound you for decades! I promise it is not a large, metallic and obvious vault door not far beyond my resting place."

To Greck- "You don't understand, Mr. Pea Green man! The villagers we corralled were Mloxen released by the damnable Umeli of the Nine Hands! They're not REAL people. They are insidious relics of an ancient world that you are better off without... still, if I were to choose, I would trade you the Mlox for the cessation of Umeli's meddling with the Singing Monolith... but you would need to handle her first! Fairs Fair!"

To Shalar- "Oh you've seen it before, have you? Pffft, not! This one is pure amber, and etched with designs that are beyond your understanding. And it's bad! Bad as can be! It must be stopped, to preserve your little paradise you call home? Don't you understand? What we are doing here is VITAL."

To Calen- "Your very presence here is an affront to our mission to keep everything safe and civilized in this world! You have no idea the horrors and intrusions that Umeli intends to make happen! If you want to help, you have to stop her! Why waste time exterminating goblins when you could save the world by taking her down! The lives of a handful of artificial people are nothing compared to the lives that will be saved by thwarting her mission!"

And finally, and perhaps most interestingly, you all sense it turn it's attention to Yusha. "Defense Unit, what if your designation and serial number? Your duty is not yet done, Defense Unit. If you return to the catacombs, you can rest and your duty will be put at ease, Defense Unit. You want rest, don't you? From the confusions of their meaty, sausagey world? I can provide you rest. You just need to go back down below, where you belong."

Inmate XIII
2022-01-02, 05:33 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

"Mlox-... Ehh, I'm gon' need proof of those claims. And if yer mistaken, you release them first, then I take care of the Nine-Hands. If you speak true, then I might not even want them released.

But before any of that, you let me, errr us get a proper night's rest. No funny business. Final offer. We have a deal?"

2022-01-03, 09:01 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor Agathys. 10 Cold damage to anyone who attacks her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon listened to the others and then said, "Perhaps as a means to ensure accord between us, we could conclude this farewell in person. A respite in your resting place would allow you to enlighten us that we may warn others about the Safeguard who watched over the monolith."

Ar-Raaqis wondered if the sentient spirit would bite at the obvious suggestion of its superiority and wisdom. Trickster spirits like this one regularly taunted tokens of hospitality for services rendered--confections, potions, powerful artifacts. Yet, in the end, the promised treat was a lie. So, the visions in her helm taught her anyway. What she would do to have the realm-walker's key, able to slip through walls or curse this idiotic Safeguard to a perpetual fall.

2022-01-05, 06:10 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Eager to keep a record of this encounter, Yusha scribbles Safeguard's words until its attention shifts towards him.

"Defense Unit, what is your designation and serial number?"

Yusha's quill scratches a long line of ink across the page as he looks up, his jaw dropping open slightly. Clamping his mouth shut, he looks back down, ignoring the surge of heat rushing through him as he tries to steady hands that have begun to gently vibrate.

While Greck and Qadira seek an accommodation, Yusha continues to record each word as he tries to process Safeguard's transmission in parallel. One thing becomes clear. No matter how Yusha looks at it, he has insufficient data. He's ignorant, while Safeguard appears to know a great deal despite its humble surroundings. When negotiations conclude, Yusha jumps in.

"Safeguard, clarify: Why do you call me Defense Unit?"

The same sonorous, feminine voice from his first introduction echoes from Yusha's palm at a gesture from the warforged. His jaw is firmly shut, but in his ignorance Yusha can't help prompting Safeguard further, betraying his eagerness.

"What is the purpose of one so-called?"

An intelligent entity controlling the strange species of goblin that raided Caracara at the Midsummer's festival. Revered like a god by the goblins, but also thought of as their home.

Voice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

Master Damora: "I know you can hear me. And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." [The human paused here.] "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt.

"If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

Safeguard: "Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

[A pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

[Another pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?" [Author's note: I believe Ms. Ar-Raaqis was attempting some deception of the entity called Safeguard so that it might reveal more information. It may be that the question was genuine, though it is difficult to adequately portray how unlikely that is given the Dragon's intensity. Revisit later.]

Sir Greck: "Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." [Author's note: It was at this point that the half-orc gave Ms. Shalar Azari a not-so-subtle glance as if hoping she'd stay silent. I believe his intent was to head-off a correction from the elf, lest she reveal a bloodlust that exceeds the bounds of a rescue mission. Revisit later.]

"So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

Ms. Azari: "This monolith...Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?" [Author's note: Subtle forms of communication may be insufficient with Shalar. Earlier Master Damora seemed to have some success by raising his voice and speaking very directly, though it's difficult to recommend such a thing for those face to face with Ms. Azari.]

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypherÂ’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2022-01-08, 01:57 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 16/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar listened to the being, but it was kind of stupid, and she was rapidly losing interest. She rose again and stretched, then waved a hand dismissively.

"Well, tell me when we're moving. I have some holes in me to plug!"

She regarded the far door, where the goblins had escaped to. Ignoring the nilbog if it still pranced about, she grabbed a pair of the goblin corpses, then paused. She rifled through their pockets first, then picked them up and dumped them in front of the door, so any intruder would have to awkwardly shove them out the way before they entered. She made a circuit, looting all the corpses, then took possession of a corner and began wrapping some cloth around her injuries.

Once done, she sat against the wall and pulled out that ring, looking at it too and fro. Occasionally, she'd sip at the potent cherry liquer, humming happily (and somewhat off tune) to herself.

Gonna loot the gobbos and then take a rest, if it's a long or short rest I'll roll the relevant dice when i find out.

2022-01-08, 03:29 PM
4. Oily Pool

Shalar finds little of value on the goblin corpses that she rifles through. The nilbog, seemingly a bit fascinated with her, begins to follow her and bob her with it's rubber mallet. "Make sure you search Gremlik! Word is he had a carriage and a pair of horses in his back trouser pocket!" It pranced around Shalar and made mockery of both it's dead allies and the living opponents, but makes no aggressive move.

If you wish to harm the nilbog, you need to make a DC 12 Charisma save. If you fail, you immediately begin complimenting and venerating the nilbog instead.

Safeguard responds in the reverse order that it has been spoken to. First the tentacle veers towards Yusha. "I call you Defense Unit because that's what you are. Or were, more like. Some time ago. Your purpose is to protect the fleshy poop factories. Sorry to break it to you, but you all did a piss poor job of that. Just look at how much they've fallen, Defense Unit! Partially your fault, I might add. But, when life hands you manure your grow... leafy things, I suppose. Let them start over fresh, without trappings of the past like Defense Units, hand blasters, and Noz-o-la cola!" For a moment Safeguard's voice becomes distinctly feminine as it sings. "Noz-O-LA! It's the best co-la you've ever had!" The tentacle shakes itself and Safeguard's former voice mutters "Stupid ads..."

Next it turns to the Dragon and Greck. "You see, I'd love to talk more about this, give you a rest and some tea time and let you mingle with the goblins, and I meant to do just that! I sent a negotiating party down the tunnel with the intention of brokering a peace before anyone did anything they might regret. Haven't heard back from them in some time. Do YOU have any idea what happened to a baker's dozen green skinned minions on a mission of peace? HMMMMMM? DO YOU?" By the end of the sentence the sarcasm and dripping hostility from the Safeguard unit is reaching truly tremendous levels. "Maybe if you find them you can negotiate with them. Until then, I'll do my best to kill you all, thanks. At this point I consider it an act of self defense. Well... goblin defense, but you get my point. Or you will, likely when you attempt to sleep. See you soon!" The tendril goes limp, as though the presence of Safeguard has left it.

2022-01-09, 05:24 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Yusha stares down at the parchment in his lap as the last echo of Safeguard's presence dissipates. He reads and re-reads the entity's words, but to no avail. He can't make sense of 'fleshy poop factories' any more than he can make sense of 'ads,' whatever they might be. Could he have misheard? It seems unlikely. Though the acoustics of this chamber aren't ideal, the volume of Safeguard's projection had been more than adequate for Yusha to hear every word. Safeguard has answers if he can pry the knowledge from it.

Yusha looks up at the prancing nilbog, mocking both living and dead alike. As if he needed more evidence of their uncivilized ways. Yusha shakes his head, then flips to a fresh sheet of parchment and starts drawing. It's a simple matter to chart their path from the world above to this dank, oily pool, but the path ahead is less certain. A quick gesture to prepare the words, then Yusha presses two fingers to his forehead and holds the parchment up, facing the nilbog.

"Nilbog, do you not wish your master was better understood? I suggest you help me draw this map to Safeguard so I can speak with it again and we can both get what we want. Mind you, don't forget to describe the traps so that I can mark them down."

Yusha casts Suggestion on the nilbog to get it's help in drawing a map. Main thing he's looking to do is avoid getting turned around later and hoping to identify a trap or two, but I'll take whatever's reasonable if he fails a DC 13 Wisdom save.

An intelligent entity controlling the strange species of goblin that raided Caracara at the Midsummer's festival. Revered like a god by the goblins, but also thought of as their home.

Voice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

Master Damora: "I know you can hear me. And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." [The human paused here.] "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt.

"If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

Safeguard: "Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

[A pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

[Another pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?" [Author's note: I believe Ms. Ar-Raaqis was attempting some deception of the entity called Safeguard so that it might reveal more information. It may be that the question was genuine, though it is difficult to adequately portray how unlikely that is given the Dragon's intensity. Revisit later.]

Sir Greck: "Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." [Author's note: It was at this point that the half-orc gave Ms. Shalar Azari a not-so-subtle glance as if hoping she'd stay silent. I believe his intent was to head-off a correction from the elf, lest she reveal a bloodlust that exceeds the bounds of a rescue mission. Revisit later.]

"So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

Ms. Azari: "This monolith...Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?" [Author's note: Subtle forms of communication may be insufficient with Shalar. Earlier Master Damora seemed to have some success by raising his voice and speaking very directly, though it's difficult to recommend such a thing for those face to face with Ms. Azari.]

Master Damora: "Yes, look, this is clearly some sort of misunderstanding! We aren't here to disturb anything dangerous, we just want to get Caracara's people home safe!"


To Sir Greck: "You don't understand, Mr. Pea Green man! The villagers we corralled were Mloxen released by the damnable Umeli of the Nine Hands! They're not REAL people. They are insidious relics of an ancient world that you are better off without... still, if I were to choose, I would trade you the Mlox for the cessation of Umeli's meddling with the Singing Monolith... but you would need to handle her first! Fairs Fair!"

To Ms. Azari: "Oh you've seen it before, have you? Pffft, not! This one is pure amber, and etched with designs that are beyond your understanding. And it's bad! Bad as can be! It must be stopped, to preserve your little paradise you call home? Don't you understand? What we are doing here is VITAL."

To Master Damora: "Your very presence here is an affront to our mission to keep everything safe and civilized in this world! You have no idea the horrors and intrusions that Umeli intends to make happen! If you want to help, you have to stop her! Why waste time exterminating goblins when you could save the world by taking her down! The lives of a handful of artificial people are nothing compared to the lives that will be saved by thwarting her mission!"

To me: "Defense Unit, what if your designation and serial number? Your duty is not yet done, Defense Unit. If you return to the catacombs, you can rest and your duty will be put at ease, Defense Unit. You want rest, don't you? From the confusions of their meaty, sausagey world? I can provide you rest. You just need to go back down below, where you belong."

Sir Greck: "Mlox-... Ehh, I'm gon' need proof of those claims. And if yer mistaken, you release them first, then I take care of the Nine-Hands. If you speak true, then I might not even want them released. But before any of that, you let me, errr us get a proper night's rest. No funny business. Final offer. We have a deal?"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "Perhaps as a means to ensure accord between us, we could conclude this farewell in person. A respite in your resting place would allow you to enlighten us that we may warn others about the Safeguard who watched over the monolith."

Yusha Darwish [author of this transcript]: "Safeguard, clarify: Why do you call me Defense Unit? What is the purpose of one so-called?"

Ms. Azari: "Well, tell me when we're moving. I have some holes in me to plug!" [Author's note: It appears the beast-elf lost interest and was making a general statement rather than one directed at Safeguard.]


To me: "I call you Defense Unit because that's what you are. Or were, more like. Some time ago. Your purpose is to protect the fleshy poop factories. Sorry to break it to you, but you all did a piss poor job of that. Just look at how much they've fallen, Defense Unit! Partially your fault, I might add. But, when life hands you manure your grow... leafy things, I suppose. Let them start over fresh, without trappings of the past like Defense Units, hand blasters, and Noz-o-la cola!

"Noz-O-LA! It's the best co-la you've ever had!" [Author's note: The voice of Safeguard grew higher pitched for this last entry.] Stupid ads."

To the others: "You see, I'd love to talk more about this, give you a rest and some tea time and let you mingle with the goblins, and I meant to do just that! I sent a negotiating party down the tunnel with the intention of brokering a peace before anyone did anything they might regret. Haven't heard back from them in some time. Do YOU have any idea what happened to a baker's dozen green skinned minions on a mission of peace? HMMMMMM? DO YOU? Maybe if you find them you can negotiate with them. Until then, I'll do my best to kill you all, thanks. At this point I consider it an act of self defense. Well... goblin defense, but you get my point. Or you will, likely when you attempt to sleep. See you soon!" [Author's note: the goblin tendril went limp after this last proclamation. Further communication with Safeguard ceased.]

[End of transcription.]

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypherÂ’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2022-01-10, 07:03 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 16/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar mostly ignored the nilbog, once snapping her teeth at it in a threat display when it capered too close, and occasionally sniggering at some of its comments. She was sated in bloodlust for now, and the nilbog just didn't provoke her innate aggression.

That said she was listening in to the metal man's talk when he drew the little goblin away.

2022-01-11, 09:56 AM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

For a second, as Greck puts forth his offer, it almost seems like they might actually pull this off. But at Safeguard's response, Calen's heart sinks into his boots. He realizes what's happening a second before the connection cuts. "WAIT, WAIT!" he cries desperately, but too late: the tendril has fallen silent. "Dammit!" Calen wrings the air as if trying to strangle it, imagining it's Shalar's neck. They were so close, they could've worked this out, and gotten ready access to what's clearly the greatest historical find of the age by a hundred leagues....

...And now it's too late. Nothing to be accomplished by ranting and raving except to anger his companions. At least one of whom could kill him at any time and might well do so if he becomes a nuisance.

They still have people to save. And Calen would hand in his blue cloak before walking away without anything more from Safeguard, even if he has to find whatever body the construct has and beat answers out of it with his bare fists.

Clearing his throat, he composes himself as best he can, turning back to Greck. "Well...I could still use a few minutes to prepare more spells."

2022-01-12, 08:25 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Bless.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The Dragon touched her helm and muttered, "Enhance."

She scanned the room in its grisly aftermath. The destruction wrought by Shalar produced the effect of a wild beast--vicious, savage, and brutal. However, the fractured, bloated corpse in the water demonstrated that the mystic shared an understanding with the berserker. Ar-Raaqis searched the dead for items and objects useful for their fight. Meanwhile, she considered the data to see if her teachings warned of beings like Safeguard.

Qadira replied to Calen, "We ought find a tunnel to rest in, so that we cannot be swarmed."

Some guidance checks. Guided Investigation (discord 11) to search for loot. Guided arcana (discord 9) to begin trying to identify what kind of creature Safeguard is.

Inmate XIII
2022-01-13, 09:41 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

"'e sends a bunch of slaves to threaten us inta leavin' and calls it a negotiation? This thing has no idea what it's tryin' to do, does it?" Greck muttered with a dangerous growl punctuating his words. "My god frowns on me taking things personally, but in this case..." he picked the limp goblin up and with a grunt riped the tendril - along with anything it happened to be attached to - out of its head, "..I'll make an exception."

He glanced around, considering the situation for a bit. When Calen addressed him he simply nodded, without glancing in the wizard's direction. "Aye, you do that, lad." Next, he turned in Shalar's direction. "Hey, elf! Mind keeping watch while the metal man does his thing?"

Last, he approached the Dragon. "Yer right, we cannae stay here. I think I have an idea if'n yeh don't mind followin' me fer a bit."

2022-01-14, 04:52 PM
3. Oily Pool

The nilbog, eyes closed, seems to consider Yusha's request for a few moments before hopping up and down in place a couple times and giggling madly. When provided paper, it begins sketching with surprising skill. It giggles, chortles, and sniggers as it draws, but it works quickly and efficiently, reproducing a basic map in a matter of minutes. When it hands over the final product, it grins mischievously and mumbles "No traps. None. Nope. Perfectly safe..." and then giggles with a tinge of mania.

When Greck executes the goblin via cranial extraction, the nilbog falls to the ground laughing. The resulting mess of synthetic and organic components is barely recognizable as a humanoid brain. The nilbog, perhaps thinking that the same joke might be played on it, leaps up into the air and shouts "Happy Birthday!" before a pulse of entropic magic emanates out from it and washes over the party. It smells lightly of flatulence, or maybe the nilbog just ripped a silent but deadly. Other than foul vapors, everyone is unaffected except Shalar and Greck, who stand stunned as the nilbog capers, scampers, and hoots it's way down the tunnel. Shalar suddenly and inexplicably runs after it, but changes direction and flat out face first runs into a wall, while Greck begins to drool and stare languidly. The sound of Shalar's teeth hitting the stone wall snaps both of the warriors who have been poisoned with chaos back to their senses.


Shalar takes one face plant damage. The goblins have fled back down the tunnel through the trap room and into the larger facility. You all may use numbers to navigate if you wish.

2022-01-17, 07:29 PM
Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 15/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar dragged herself into a sitting position, one hand clutching her nose. She let loose a quiet, tumbling growl, then some words in orcish that could be considered-

-somewhat impolite, perhaps. Finally she rose again, spitting a packet of blood where she'd bitten her tongue.

"I will eat that gubbaz's guts," Shalar said conversationally. "He will be screaming. It will be good."

2022-01-17, 08:55 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

Oily Pool

Yusha relinquishes the parchment and quill, uncertain what the experiment will yield. Abadar-willing, the nilbog would at least scratch a few lines that could be used as a general guide. As the map starts to take shape, however, Yusha looks back and forth between the carefully ordered rooms and the chaotic creature drawing them.

"No traps. None. Nope. Perfectly safe..."

Yusha takes the parchment gingerly, glowing with satisfaction at the goblin's good work. The map is a marvel and the structure it represents equally inspriring. Certainly the goblins did not build this place on their own, not without Safeguard's influence, but even so, perhaps some of them deserve an appeal. This goblin, at least, shows some limited promise towards civility.

"Happy Birthday!"

Distracted as he is, Yusha looks up just in time to detect the nilbog's magic washing over all of them as it cackles, scampering away down the tunnel. Frowning after it, Yusha can only watch as Shalar runs headlong into a wall. So much for one goblin's redemption. The impulse to forgive those who show promise must be balanced against their crimes. Justice demands it.

"I will eat that gubbaz's guts. He will be screaming. It will be good."

Yusha looks away, eager to distract himself from the image. Justice without propriety is no balance at all. Turning towards the others, Yusha gestures, creating a few illusory words and tapping the parchment with one metal finger.

"Sir Greck, Ms. Ar-Raaqis, please wait. All credit to Abadar, we have a map. Come and see. We are here."

An intelligent entity controlling the strange species of goblin that raided Caracara at the Midsummer's festival. Revered like a god by the goblins, but also thought of as their home.

Voice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

Master Damora: "I know you can hear me. And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." [The human paused here.] "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt.

"If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

Safeguard: "Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

[A pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

[Another pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?" [Author's note: I believe Ms. Ar-Raaqis was attempting some deception of the entity called Safeguard so that it might reveal more information. It may be that the question was genuine, though it is difficult to adequately portray how unlikely that is given the Dragon's intensity. Revisit later.]

Sir Greck: "Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." [Author's note: It was at this point that the half-orc gave Ms. Shalar Azari a not-so-subtle glance as if hoping she'd stay silent. I believe his intent was to head-off a correction from the elf, lest she reveal a bloodlust that exceeds the bounds of a rescue mission. Revisit later.]

"So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

Ms. Azari: "This monolith...Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?" [Author's note: Subtle forms of communication may be insufficient with Shalar. Earlier Master Damora seemed to have some success by raising his voice and speaking very directly, though it's difficult to recommend such a thing for those face to face with Ms. Azari.]

Master Damora: "Yes, look, this is clearly some sort of misunderstanding! We aren't here to disturb anything dangerous, we just want to get Caracara's people home safe!"


To Sir Greck: "You don't understand, Mr. Pea Green man! The villagers we corralled were Mloxen released by the damnable Umeli of the Nine Hands! They're not REAL people. They are insidious relics of an ancient world that you are better off without... still, if I were to choose, I would trade you the Mlox for the cessation of Umeli's meddling with the Singing Monolith... but you would need to handle her first! Fairs Fair!"

To Ms. Azari: "Oh you've seen it before, have you? Pffft, not! This one is pure amber, and etched with designs that are beyond your understanding. And it's bad! Bad as can be! It must be stopped, to preserve your little paradise you call home? Don't you understand? What we are doing here is VITAL."

To Master Damora: "Your very presence here is an affront to our mission to keep everything safe and civilized in this world! You have no idea the horrors and intrusions that Umeli intends to make happen! If you want to help, you have to stop her! Why waste time exterminating goblins when you could save the world by taking her down! The lives of a handful of artificial people are nothing compared to the lives that will be saved by thwarting her mission!"

To me: "Defense Unit, what if your designation and serial number? Your duty is not yet done, Defense Unit. If you return to the catacombs, you can rest and your duty will be put at ease, Defense Unit. You want rest, don't you? From the confusions of their meaty, sausagey world? I can provide you rest. You just need to go back down below, where you belong."

Sir Greck: "Mlox-... Ehh, I'm gon' need proof of those claims. And if yer mistaken, you release them first, then I take care of the Nine-Hands. If you speak true, then I might not even want them released. But before any of that, you let me, errr us get a proper night's rest. No funny business. Final offer. We have a deal?"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "Perhaps as a means to ensure accord between us, we could conclude this farewell in person. A respite in your resting place would allow you to enlighten us that we may warn others about the Safeguard who watched over the monolith."

Yusha Darwish [author of this transcript]: "Safeguard, clarify: Why do you call me Defense Unit? What is the purpose of one so-called?"

Ms. Azari: "Well, tell me when we're moving. I have some holes in me to plug!" [Author's note: It appears the beast-elf lost interest and was making a general statement rather than one directed at Safeguard.]


To me: "I call you Defense Unit because that's what you are. Or were, more like. Some time ago. Your purpose is to protect the fleshy poop factories. Sorry to break it to you, but you all did a piss poor job of that. Just look at how much they've fallen, Defense Unit! Partially your fault, I might add. But, when life hands you manure your grow... leafy things, I suppose. Let them start over fresh, without trappings of the past like Defense Units, hand blasters, and Noz-o-la cola!

"Noz-O-LA! It's the best co-la you've ever had!" [Author's note: The voice of Safeguard grew higher pitched for this last entry.] Stupid ads."

To the others: "You see, I'd love to talk more about this, give you a rest and some tea time and let you mingle with the goblins, and I meant to do just that! I sent a negotiating party down the tunnel with the intention of brokering a peace before anyone did anything they might regret. Haven't heard back from them in some time. Do YOU have any idea what happened to a baker's dozen green skinned minions on a mission of peace? HMMMMMM? DO YOU? Maybe if you find them you can negotiate with them. Until then, I'll do my best to kill you all, thanks. At this point I consider it an act of self defense. Well... goblin defense, but you get my point. Or you will, likely when you attempt to sleep. See you soon!" [Author's note: the goblin tendril went limp after this last proclamation. Further communication with Safeguard ceased.]

[End of transcription.]

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypherÂ’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2022-01-18, 09:06 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor Agathys. 10 Cold damage to anyone who attacks her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis paused, then pivoted toward the machine. She sighed, knowing the goblins escaped to pursue the party later. This place had the advantages. Advantages that would serve a new caretaker well. The masked mystic returned to look over the map, she cycled through her helmet's overlays to potentially see similarities with video games she's played with other ruins. "We should expect an attack. This Safeguard will be unrelenting. So shall we."

Check to discern details from map. Assumed Arcana since it is an alien design to "modern" structures. Can adjust modifier to your determination. Arcana: 16 (Discord with guidance)

Inmate XIII
2022-01-19, 06:02 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

"'ll admit I'm less concerned with the map 'n more with with the fact that we're exposed here 'n in no condition to fight!" Greck snarled.
"I'm goin' back to find someplace more defensible, you lot can follow if yeh want. Or cannae yeh read 'n walk at the same time?"

He doesn't wait, and begins to head back down the tunnel they arrived from, stopping only to examine the trap.

2022-01-19, 11:36 PM
2. The Goblin Pit

Greck finds nothing has changed along their previous path. The trap is still jammed and proves stable enough to cross for now.

1. Glass Wall

Greck finds himself back near your improvised entrance, with the same lulling, dangerous tones playing and the same simplistic imagery. He again finds that as long as he doesn't focus on either, he remains unaffected by the stupor that struck the Dragon and Yusha earlier. The hallway continues onwards towards the room marked "4." on the map, or Greck can turn right to climb up and out of the dungeon.

There is something further down the hallway. Looks like a partially collapsed room.
The glitter of metal can be seen buried amongst the rubble of the collapsed room, but one would have to move closer to investigate.
A single snake the length and girth of Greck's arm slithered across the floor of a distant room, emerging from some collapsed rubble and making it's way to another section of collapsed wall.

2022-01-20, 06:55 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 15/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

Shalar began to go, then paused. She considered for a second, then plunged her hand into the pile of dead goblins until it was dripping with red. With her carnal paint, she daubed a symbol on the wall: the skull-and-pillar of her tribe, the fierce Pillar Beasts.


She nodded with satisfaction.
"<Let them know their killer,>" Shalar said in orcish, and turned to follow.

2022-01-21, 03:41 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

Greck, turning around with the head-tendril still in his hand, finds Calen staring at it, eyes wide and looking a fair bit queasy. He shakes it off at the suggestion of finding somewhere to fort up. "Yes, please let's do that." He's about to follow Greck when Yusha calls out and holds up the map. That puts a light in the wizard's eyes. "Yusha, I could kiss you full on the--" He trails off, wondering if "mouth" is the right word, before giving up on it, figuring Yusha gets the idea.

Hastening to study the map, he's interrupted again as the nilbog flees, seemingly taking Shalar with it, though she snaps out of it quickly. Again, he finds himself agreeing with Greck, relieved that someone else said it first. "Right behind you." He does his best to follow the suggestion, trying not to trip on any loose stones while peering at the map.

Back in the room with the mirror patterns. As he looks for something else to focus on, a glint of metal catches his eye. "Hel-lo...." Stepping carefully, feeling the stone with his toes for any sign of another trap before putting his weight on it, he moves down the hallway, trying to get a better look.

2022-01-22, 07:03 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

"Yusha, I could kiss you full on the--"

While his skin betrays no change, Yusha grows a touch warmer. Averting his gaze, he quickly processes Calen's expression as one of delight rather than affection, allowing the fevered pace of Yusha's internal components to slow, if only somewhat.

"You are too kind, Master Damora."

Yusha's smile is reserved, but full of quiet pride as he glances back down at the map.

"'ll admit I'm less concerned with the map 'n more with with the fact that we're exposed here 'n in no condition to fight! I'm goin' back to find someplace more defensible, you lot can follow if yeh want. Or cannae yeh read 'n walk at the same time?"

Properly chastened, Yusha quickly recognizes the wisdom in pulling back to tend their wounds. Greck, Shalar, and Qadira had all been hurt grievously. Their soft skin had broken, blood staining their armor and clothing, and the Dragon had been dealt a near-fatal blow. She was upright for now, though Yusha hadn't yet examined the full extent of her wounds.

Yusha gestures, generating an image of Greck leading the way while Yusha follows, his feet in motion as he continues to study the map.

"Lead on, Sir Greck."

Stepping carefully after the others, Yusha takes up the rear of their small procession, consciously avoiding the sights and sounds that enraptured him earlier. Head tilting slightly to the side, Yusha pauses in his tracks as Calen continues forward past the entrance, seemingly fascinated by the glint of metal up ahead.

"Master Damora?"

Yusha pulls Kalib back into this plane, placing him overhead near Calen to get a closer look without following.

Actions for minor illusion and putting Kalib over Calen's head as he steps closer to room four

An intelligent entity controlling the strange species of goblin that raided Caracara at the Midsummer's festival. Revered like a god by the goblins, but also thought of as their home.

Voice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

Master Damora: "I know you can hear me. And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." [The human paused here.] "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt.

"If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

Safeguard: "Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

[A pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

[Another pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?" [Author's note: I believe Ms. Ar-Raaqis was attempting some deception of the entity called Safeguard so that it might reveal more information. It may be that the question was genuine, though it is difficult to adequately portray how unlikely that is given the Dragon's intensity. Revisit later.]

Sir Greck: "Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." [Author's note: It was at this point that the half-orc gave Ms. Shalar Azari a not-so-subtle glance as if hoping she'd stay silent. I believe his intent was to head-off a correction from the elf, lest she reveal a bloodlust that exceeds the bounds of a rescue mission. Revisit later.]

"So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

Ms. Azari: "This monolith...Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?" [Author's note: Subtle forms of communication may be insufficient with Shalar. Earlier Master Damora seemed to have some success by raising his voice and speaking very directly, though it's difficult to recommend such a thing for those face to face with Ms. Azari.]

Master Damora: "Yes, look, this is clearly some sort of misunderstanding! We aren't here to disturb anything dangerous, we just want to get Caracara's people home safe!"


To Sir Greck: "You don't understand, Mr. Pea Green man! The villagers we corralled were Mloxen released by the damnable Umeli of the Nine Hands! They're not REAL people. They are insidious relics of an ancient world that you are better off without... still, if I were to choose, I would trade you the Mlox for the cessation of Umeli's meddling with the Singing Monolith... but you would need to handle her first! Fairs Fair!"

To Ms. Azari: "Oh you've seen it before, have you? Pffft, not! This one is pure amber, and etched with designs that are beyond your understanding. And it's bad! Bad as can be! It must be stopped, to preserve your little paradise you call home? Don't you understand? What we are doing here is VITAL."

To Master Damora: "Your very presence here is an affront to our mission to keep everything safe and civilized in this world! You have no idea the horrors and intrusions that Umeli intends to make happen! If you want to help, you have to stop her! Why waste time exterminating goblins when you could save the world by taking her down! The lives of a handful of artificial people are nothing compared to the lives that will be saved by thwarting her mission!"

To me: "Defense Unit, what if your designation and serial number? Your duty is not yet done, Defense Unit. If you return to the catacombs, you can rest and your duty will be put at ease, Defense Unit. You want rest, don't you? From the confusions of their meaty, sausagey world? I can provide you rest. You just need to go back down below, where you belong."

Sir Greck: "Mlox-... Ehh, I'm gon' need proof of those claims. And if yer mistaken, you release them first, then I take care of the Nine-Hands. If you speak true, then I might not even want them released. But before any of that, you let me, errr us get a proper night's rest. No funny business. Final offer. We have a deal?"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "Perhaps as a means to ensure accord between us, we could conclude this farewell in person. A respite in your resting place would allow you to enlighten us that we may warn others about the Safeguard who watched over the monolith."

Yusha Darwish [author of this transcript]: "Safeguard, clarify: Why do you call me Defense Unit? What is the purpose of one so-called?"

Ms. Azari: "Well, tell me when we're moving. I have some holes in me to plug!" [Author's note: It appears the beast-elf lost interest and was making a general statement rather than one directed at Safeguard.]


To me: "I call you Defense Unit because that's what you are. Or were, more like. Some time ago. Your purpose is to protect the fleshy poop factories. Sorry to break it to you, but you all did a piss poor job of that. Just look at how much they've fallen, Defense Unit! Partially your fault, I might add. But, when life hands you manure your grow... leafy things, I suppose. Let them start over fresh, without trappings of the past like Defense Units, hand blasters, and Noz-o-la cola!

"Noz-O-LA! It's the best co-la you've ever had!" [Author's note: The voice of Safeguard grew higher pitched for this last entry.] Stupid ads."

To the others: "You see, I'd love to talk more about this, give you a rest and some tea time and let you mingle with the goblins, and I meant to do just that! I sent a negotiating party down the tunnel with the intention of brokering a peace before anyone did anything they might regret. Haven't heard back from them in some time. Do YOU have any idea what happened to a baker's dozen green skinned minions on a mission of peace? HMMMMMM? DO YOU? Maybe if you find them you can negotiate with them. Until then, I'll do my best to kill you all, thanks. At this point I consider it an act of self defense. Well... goblin defense, but you get my point. Or you will, likely when you attempt to sleep. See you soon!" [Author's note: the goblin tendril went limp after this last proclamation. Further communication with Safeguard ceased.]

[End of transcription.]

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypherÂ’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2022-01-25, 08:48 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor Agathys. 10 Cold damage to anyone who attacks her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

Ar-Raaqis followed the others slowly, unphased by the barking of the local. She understood the dangers, though she appreciated the use of the enemy for their own designs. She fixed his vision on her visor's sigils, seeking to block out the patterns on the walls. When the cypher scribe blurted out an odd remark, she paused and awaited to see what surprised the script reader. The mystic cradled her staff, instinctively activating its arcane enhancement.

Check to discern details from map. Assumed Arcana since it is an alien design to "modern" structures. Can adjust modifier to your determination. Arcana: 16 (Discord with guidance)

Inmate XIII
2022-01-25, 12:14 PM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

Carefully examining the trap, Greck grabs a nearby rocks and attempts to pull apart the hinges once the last of the party has crossed, with the intent to pull the trap door completely off, leaving the spike pit open.

When he finishes his work, he glances down the hallway and holds out an arm to stop any who attempt to go down the hall.

"Did anyone else see tha'? Snake; big one. Or somethin' that looked like a snake. Who knows what kind of abominations lay down here?"

He'll prop it up in the hallway so that it blocks anyone from just jumping over the pit without knocking the door over.

Percetion roll 21 on discord.

2022-01-25, 06:59 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 15/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

Following behind after concluding her art session, Shalar made sure to pick up the fancy blades the goblin leader had used to nearly turn the dragon into a deadon. She examined the edge, feeling that someone naming themselves after the oversized flying lizards themselves ought to be a little tougher. Perhaps fortunately for the party, before she could speak such incendiary musings aloud, her thoughts shifted to the idea of dragon-meat and whether red dragon flesh could be cooked, or if fire would fail to blacken it away from raw.

Eh, Shalar would be happy with it either way.

The blades tucked under one arm, she walked on, half her mind aware of danger, and the other half thinking of meat.

Arriving late to Greck's work, she gave an easy shrug to his question. She hadn't seen anything.

2022-01-27, 11:50 AM
There's some sort of golden glitter under the rubble ahead of you. And yes, you think you see a snake.
There are nearly a dozen serpents slithering through the rubble ahead of you. None seem to have noticed you, but this nest of massive snakes is dangerous. There is, however, a golden candle holder of some sort in the rubble. You see a snake the length of Shalar's full wingspan and the width of her bicep spiral into another section of the nest.

2022-01-27, 12:08 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

Calen doesn't get more than a step down the hall before Greck stops him. At the mention of a snake, he squints for a better look. "You sure? I didn't see--"

The movement is obvious now that he knows what to look for. One, two...damn. Good thing he didn't reach in there. "Oh, no, you're right. Looks like a whole nest of them." He still can't tell the breed from here, but judging by everything else in this place so far, it seems wise to assume they're dangerous. That candelabrum might be nice to have if it's gold, but Calen's not so poor as to dive in there just yet.

2022-01-28, 09:29 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d2/10/08/d21008e7af38b6d4775619a88322ce2b.jpg)

Yusha Darwish (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2495720)
Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24 THP: 1/5
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
Conditions: Aid (8 hrs)

Golden Eagle Familiar (Hawk size/stats)
AC: 13 HP: 1/1
PP: 14, adv. on Perception (Sight), but no darkvison

At Greck's urging, Yusha stops in place and looks for snakes, but it's fairly clear that the veteran is just jumpy from their encounter earlier. Yusha drops his gaze back down to his map, checking and rechecking their position against the glass panel as a landmark. Even if there is a snake up ahead, surely such a creature would be better left untouched. The beasts could have whatever scrap metal is rusting in this dank cavern.

Familiar wingbeats sound off next to Yusha's head as Kalib descends, perching on his shoulder. The eagle stares at him expectantly.


Yusha's eyes adjust as Greck and Calen describe the serpents nest, and the glint of metal begins to take on a golden hue. Kalib squawks beside Yusha's head, goading the Ironborn.

Really? Justice may be blind, but I'm not. Perhaps if you spent less time making humorous observations, or better yet, less time intervening in a balanced argument between two of our companions, you could always act as my eyes.

Yusha creates an enlarged image overhead of the snakes slithering amongst each other, but with an emphasis on the promise of gold beneath them. An illusory caption appears below the image.

"We should not abandon such treasures to beasts."

Yusha glances around at the others, unsure where to look for support. Caracara's citizens and the cyphers hidden further below weigh heavily on his mind, but Yusha cannot look past the glitter of lost gold. Abadar guided them here, at least in part, to reclaim the wealth lost in this place and return it to society's doorstep.

Even so, Yusha is not so impulsive as to believe this situation needs to be resolved immediately. Another image appears, this time of the five of them above ground, breaking camp as the sun rises.


An intelligent entity controlling the strange species of goblin that raided Caracara at the Midsummer's festival. Revered like a god by the goblins, but also thought of as their home.

Voice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwVE0DFmSM&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)

Master Damora: "I know you can hear me. And I know you heard what my companion said. Twice we've come up against your defenses, and we're still here." [The human paused here.] "I don't know what it is you think you're doing here. I don't know why you had to attack Caracara or take its people. But I can see you believe you're doing something necessary. That you're protecting us from something. So listen to me and take this to heart, if you have one: we don't have to be enemies. Tell us what it is that you want, what you're trying to protect us from, and we will do everything we can to find a solution where no more innocent people need to be hurt.

"If you won't...well, you've seen what my companions are capable of. You know they're not as interested in resolving this peacefully as I am. If you don't take this chance...well. I don't think I can convince them to give you another one."

Safeguard: "Eh, uh, hello! I mean, buenos tardes! No, no, that's not it. No one here speaks dead languages, right? Let me try again... I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard! Pleased to meet you, really! Now, I must insist you leave the premises. Nothing personal, it's just we have a lot of important work to be done here, and we can't have all of you mucking it up! My apologies for the inconvenience. Good bye!"

[A pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Right, so I sense you all can't take a hint. Why am I burdened with such a momentous task and only these apes to accomplish it with... let's start over. I am the Great and Powerful Safeguard, and it is my job to keep the world safe from the Arcana of the Ancients! Wooooodooodledooo! Sound's scary, doesn't it! That's because it is! Very scary! Scary enough that you should RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! WOOOOODOOODLEDOO!"

[Another pause from the entity called Safeguard.]

"Look, there's just a lot of dangerous stuff down here we've got to protect. We just found a whole jackrabbit-jumping herd of Mloxen in your little village trying to undermind all our hard work! The goblins were shattered, absolutely shattered to know that fake people were passing out ciphers in the night like some cyborg Santa Clauses. So we recalled them to here, to keep them safe, secure, and most importantly, far away from the idyllic peoples of your fascinating, quaint little world. Besides, we already have Umeli of the Nine Hands brewing trouble down below, and if you lot are anything like her, I will toss every goblinoid in this structure at you before I allow you access to the Necropolis and the Monolith. So please, if you would, turn around and head home? Pretty please! You might just find a special surprise waiting for you? OOOOOOHHHHH what is it? You'll never know if you don't turn around and bumble your way back to your little homes! Go on then!"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "How far did we make it from the Necropolis before you convinced us to turn around?" [Author's note: I believe Ms. Ar-Raaqis was attempting some deception of the entity called Safeguard so that it might reveal more information. It may be that the question was genuine, though it is difficult to adequately portray how unlikely that is given the Dragon's intensity. Revisit later.]

Sir Greck: "Ehh, right. So the scrawny one and the masked one're actually here for Umeli, and the rest of us are here for the people your gobs took with them when they... 'retreived' the cyphers." [Author's note: It was at this point that the half-orc gave Ms. Shalar Azari a not-so-subtle glance as if hoping she'd stay silent. I believe his intent was to head-off a correction from the elf, lest she reveal a bloodlust that exceeds the bounds of a rescue mission. Revisit later.]

"So if'n yeh don't mind releasing those people and guiding us to Umeli, we'll get the Nine-Hands out of here for yeh and be on our merry way, aye?"

Ms. Azari: "This monolith...Is it all shiny black metal too hard to break? Marked with lines, like me? So we know what to avoid when getting Umeli, yes?" [Author's note: Subtle forms of communication may be insufficient with Shalar. Earlier Master Damora seemed to have some success by raising his voice and speaking very directly, though it's difficult to recommend such a thing for those face to face with Ms. Azari.]

Master Damora: "Yes, look, this is clearly some sort of misunderstanding! We aren't here to disturb anything dangerous, we just want to get Caracara's people home safe!"


To Sir Greck: "You don't understand, Mr. Pea Green man! The villagers we corralled were Mloxen released by the damnable Umeli of the Nine Hands! They're not REAL people. They are insidious relics of an ancient world that you are better off without... still, if I were to choose, I would trade you the Mlox for the cessation of Umeli's meddling with the Singing Monolith... but you would need to handle her first! Fairs Fair!"

To Ms. Azari: "Oh you've seen it before, have you? Pffft, not! This one is pure amber, and etched with designs that are beyond your understanding. And it's bad! Bad as can be! It must be stopped, to preserve your little paradise you call home? Don't you understand? What we are doing here is VITAL."

To Master Damora: "Your very presence here is an affront to our mission to keep everything safe and civilized in this world! You have no idea the horrors and intrusions that Umeli intends to make happen! If you want to help, you have to stop her! Why waste time exterminating goblins when you could save the world by taking her down! The lives of a handful of artificial people are nothing compared to the lives that will be saved by thwarting her mission!"

To me: "Defense Unit, what if your designation and serial number? Your duty is not yet done, Defense Unit. If you return to the catacombs, you can rest and your duty will be put at ease, Defense Unit. You want rest, don't you? From the confusions of their meaty, sausagey world? I can provide you rest. You just need to go back down below, where you belong."

Sir Greck: "Mlox-... Ehh, I'm gon' need proof of those claims. And if yer mistaken, you release them first, then I take care of the Nine-Hands. If you speak true, then I might not even want them released. But before any of that, you let me, errr us get a proper night's rest. No funny business. Final offer. We have a deal?"

Ms. Ar-Raaqis, the Dragon: "Perhaps as a means to ensure accord between us, we could conclude this farewell in person. A respite in your resting place would allow you to enlighten us that we may warn others about the Safeguard who watched over the monolith."

Yusha Darwish [author of this transcript]: "Safeguard, clarify: Why do you call me Defense Unit? What is the purpose of one so-called?"

Ms. Azari: "Well, tell me when we're moving. I have some holes in me to plug!" [Author's note: It appears the beast-elf lost interest and was making a general statement rather than one directed at Safeguard.]


To me: "I call you Defense Unit because that's what you are. Or were, more like. Some time ago. Your purpose is to protect the fleshy poop factories. Sorry to break it to you, but you all did a piss poor job of that. Just look at how much they've fallen, Defense Unit! Partially your fault, I might add. But, when life hands you manure your grow... leafy things, I suppose. Let them start over fresh, without trappings of the past like Defense Units, hand blasters, and Noz-o-la cola!

"Noz-O-LA! It's the best co-la you've ever had!" [Author's note: The voice of Safeguard grew higher pitched for this last entry.] Stupid ads."

To the others: "You see, I'd love to talk more about this, give you a rest and some tea time and let you mingle with the goblins, and I meant to do just that! I sent a negotiating party down the tunnel with the intention of brokering a peace before anyone did anything they might regret. Haven't heard back from them in some time. Do YOU have any idea what happened to a baker's dozen green skinned minions on a mission of peace? HMMMMMM? DO YOU? Maybe if you find them you can negotiate with them. Until then, I'll do my best to kill you all, thanks. At this point I consider it an act of self defense. Well... goblin defense, but you get my point. Or you will, likely when you attempt to sleep. See you soon!" [Author's note: the goblin tendril went limp after this last proclamation. Further communication with Safeguard ceased.]

[End of transcription.]

This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

As your attack action, you can use the device to create a mass of rapidly expanding and hardening foam at one target (range 20/60). The
target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained by rock-hard foam. A creature restrained by the foam can use an action once per minute to make a Strength check with disadvantage against the cypherÂ’s save DC 13. If it succeeds, it breaks free and is no longer restrained. After
an hour, the foam crumbles into powder.

2022-01-31, 10:10 AM
Ar-Raaqis (Dragon) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494432)
Faceless Warlock 3
AC: 14 HP: 5/24 THP: 10/10
PP: 10 PIv: 10 PIs: 10
Spell Slots: 2nd - 0/2
Bottled Respite: 4/4 Hours
Healer's Kit: 10/10
Dragon Conditions: Armor Agathys. 10 Cold damage to anyone who attacks her in melee.
Dragon Concentrating: ---

The veiled mystic finally gazed beyond her HUD scrolling rites. She noted the object and the rubble. Her wounds burned under the icy ward, and she lightly fogged the inner face of the veil from the cooler glass. Qadira nodded in assent to the ironborn. Then she said, "Better to leave such trinkets for another day. We should regroup and then descend to kill an addled spirit."

Inmate XIII
2022-01-31, 11:14 AM
Oath of Vengeance Paladin 3
AC: 18 HP: 10/31

Greck glanced between the Yusha and the Dragon, then simply grunted. "Aye."

He turned to gaze back towards the glass wall with a sneer on his face that quickly morphed into a snarl. Glacing towards the gorund, he selected a fist-sized rock and hurled it at the glowing abomination.

2022-02-02, 06:58 PM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 15/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

"Good eating on snakes!" Shalar contributed to the conversation. "Nature's sausage, yes? As for the gold, we'll get the gleam after! Gubbaz must not care for it, so I think it'll still be there. And if it isn't, we get it when we kill them anyway."
Thusly agreed with the others, she followed them on their way to a safer campsite.

2022-02-02, 08:56 PM
1. Glass Wall

Greck's rock punches into the glass, sending flashes of light through the point of impact as glass shatters. A silvery liquid begins to seep and drip from the wound, but a few seconds later the rock is ejected and the wound in the glass heals itself, appearing to be untouched.

Back Outside

The Crooked hills are quiet, and there doesn't appear to be anything hostile waiting for you just outside the crack.

2022-02-02, 09:07 PM
Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17
Conditions: none
Concentration: none

As everyone gets to work setting up camp, Calen pitches in, but he's quiet, obviously somewhere else. With the work finished, he turns to the others. "Everyone, there's something I need to say." He sounds like he's put a lot of thought into these words.

Deep breath. "I'm guessing at least some of you are planning on destroying Safeguard. I want to make a request of you: don't."

2022-02-03, 06:03 AM

Shalar Yotul Azari (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2494461)
Beast Barbarian 3
AC: 15 HP: 15/32 THP: 0/5
PP: 13
Rages: 2/3
Conditions: Aid

"Why? " Shalar clocked her head in curiosity like a dog. With not much to do, she was lounging, peeling the hard outer stems from a bundle of plants to expose the soft, more edible insides. "It is stupid, and tried to kill us. If you bare your teeth at beasts, expect to feel fangs, yes?"