View Full Version : The Awakened Ones (Sub Ic)

2021-08-07, 06:31 PM
Feel free to use this thread for any questions or sub roll play with another character. Generally these conversations will take place during time skips in the main thread. If you see a few minutes pass or hours this chat will be taking place in between those just to keep the main thread moving nice and smoothly.

2021-08-09, 10:24 AM
Robert take the stone and looks at it with interest before putting it away to begin absorbing its power. He follows others to the mysterious pillar where he witnesses the number pop up.

"Alright, let's give it a try. This looks like fun. Hmm... let's try this."

Robert extends his hand out and focuses. From the stone ground beneath his extended hand, a hilt up large blade made of the same stone of the church quickly grows out of the the ground to meet his waiting hand. In a swift motion he grabs the blade and hefts its upward focusing on the target before him and then bringing the blade down to strike a perceived weakspot.

"Emerald Razor!"

After the strike, he hefts the stone sword in front of him to get a real look at it; however, Sasha's sudden thoughts interrupt him, making him turn his attention to her. He begins snapping his fingers in front of her, trying to distract her from the troubling train of thought she was having.

"You can just dismiss it right?"

100 exp to Control Over Earth
Move: Create an earthen greatsword. [-5PP]
Standard: Initiative Emerald Razor: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] + Punishing stance: [roll2]

Sasha blinks, and shakes her head. "Yeah... Yeah. I'm just... I'm okay."

She steps away and takes her crystal out, focusing on it.

Putting the points towards Oxygen Control.

2021-08-09, 01:13 PM
Cassian stood 30' from the statue, he let the bud of energy within him flow into his left hand, he felt two stages of power as he waited a brief moment, then a few seconds, each time he felt the power reach a threshold, pause, then resume growing. After a few breaths, he felt the power plateau, "interesting, I could maintain this for a while" he mused. Then he turned his attention to the pillar Robert had attacked a few moments earlier, he suddenly dashed forward moving at the pillar with all his momentum, when he was 10' from the statue, he let loose a punch more powerful then he'd ever done before, it combined with his tactical charge, sent a ram of air towards the pillar in shock-wave.

As he walked back from the pillar from where he'd started Cassian was nodding, already thinking of how he'd change he fighting style to accommodate his new ability. As he did his eyes saw Sasha' focusing on her crystal, still flustered about the dragon a moment ago, her words while still a jumble to him conveyed her obvious distress. He started towards her a cheerful jibe rising on his tongue before he caught himself..... This likely isn't the time or place for that you idiot....a few seconds later he realized that again he'd heard the thoughts of another....**** are my thoughts being sent out?

With that disturbing thought, the odd feeling in his gut twanged....... turning his attention from the power in his hands, to that in the center of his being, he began to investigate his second ability....

Description: War leader's charge (+10) & punishing stance (+1d6) combined with FR charged super punch (+1d20+10) IUAS (1d4+5)
To Hit:
Dmg: [roll]1d4+1d6+1d20+25 dmg

Question: @ EH - Earlier we'd talked about being able to use the super punch "thru"/channeled into a weapon, wanted to clarify if A) i did indeed need the Ki enhancement on the weapon to do that, B) i could learn to do it by evolving the power, or C) I can already do it, but have to experiment to find out. (Happy to narrate anything), but don't want to narrate something that can't happen.

Edit - Dice Roll error (see below for result) - & narration update post punch.

2021-08-09, 01:16 PM
Forgot how you have to roll multiple dice.

[roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2]

2021-08-09, 06:37 PM
Listening in to the conversation taking place on the steps while looking at the small crystal in his hands. Thinking to himself that these can make him grow stronger. Memorizing the look of it he starts to absorb the crystal while watching the others around him in interest. Seeing their strong powers he wonders secretly to himself why isn't his powers as strong. As he wipes his hands free of the crystal that is now fully absorbed.

Seeing the large numbers appearing on the pillars he walks up to one and places his hand on it. As a light pulse of energy flows out. A brief red glow before.


Internally worried about the low number he memorizes the flow of energy before closing his eyes while focusing on the pillar again. Feeling the flow honing his senses on it. Speeding it up. Removing the limiters set upon his body. Taking a deep breath while opening his eyes sharply. A powerful force exploding out of his hands tearing apart the veins in his arms as his skin is ripped apart.


Not bothering himself with his injuries he looks at the number. Firmly remembering it. Looking down at his arms. He see's the skin start to mend and repair as he walks over to the side of the room to think a bit. Listening to his link he set up he replies briefly.

Your power's are your own. If your worried that their his. Make yours stronger then his. That way you rise to a place he can never reach. Showing to yourself that they're only your powers He said to sasha.

To Cassin Thanks for the tip. his sends over with the memorized observation of Cassian charging his powers and making it stronger.

Tarian didn't show how he removed his own limits. Just how he channeled his own PP as efficiently. As his arms fully recover in about 3 and a half minutes.

Towards Tarian’s initial attack Percival frowned as the two instructors followed suit as well. Thinking how can a 5 star awakened be that weak? Aren’t they supposed to be unstoppable? As they watch Tarian with his eyes closed. Percival almost getting ready to act smug starts to walk closer as the way of energy was unleashed. Sending him flying back ten feet as the large [66] appears on the pillar.

Aldous shocked at tarians wounds. While Theobald shocked by the power. Aldous running over saying Are you okay Sir Tarian? as he is panicking seeing the blood and torn flesh. But then is quickly shocked as he see’s your wounds that would take days to heal recover in mere minutes. Then recalling to how fast he absorbed the lesser crystal sighed to himself while thinking. 5 star awakened do indeed live up to there potential.

As Percival struggles to stand up. With slight blood running down his nose. Looking at Tarian in both anger and submission making a strange sight. He walks to a pillar to try and show his own might. Pointing his hands forward he releases a sharp blue streak of lighting hitting the pillar.


He turns looking smugly at Sasha beating her score. Strangely he still hasn’t spoken a single word since after Tarians decree.

Feel free to keep playing with your powers and asking questions since after this it will be time for an adventure!
Spam the sub IC as much as you want. Afterwards it will keep moving forward s nothing to her.

Are they my own? she thinks back to Tarian. I couldn't control the flame like that before... But breathing fire, that's from him.

She pauses a moment. "Hey chucklenuts," she calls to Percy. "If you're looking so smug, why don't you actually face something that moves?

2021-08-09, 07:47 PM
Robert whistles as he sees Tarian's damage number.

"That's some damage. Don't worry about the damage so much though. My healing aura should help patch that up to a certain extent."

2021-08-09, 08:49 PM
s nothing to her.

Are they my own? she thinks back to Tarian. I couldn't control the flame like that before... But breathing fire, that's from him.

She pauses a moment. "Hey chucklenuts," she calls to Percy. "If you're looking so smug, why don't you actually face something that moves?

Percival looks at you in anger he opens his mouth to shout. As nothing comes out, slightly pale he looks begrudgingly towards Tarian and looks at his feet. Turning away with a glare at you.

2021-08-09, 10:48 PM
s nothing to her.

Are they my own? she thinks back to Tarian. I couldn't control the flame like that before... But breathing fire, that's from him.

She pauses a moment. "Hey chucklenuts," she calls to Percy. "If you're looking so smug, why don't you actually face something that moves?

Really? He quips back So much for a Tyrant Dragon what a disappointment. He can only breath fire out of his mouth and you already have better control as you just awakened. He doesn't stand a chance He sighs briefly thinking of a subpar dragon.

Robert whistles as he sees Tarian's damage number.

"That's some damage. Don't worry about the damage so much though. My healing aura should help patch that up to a certain extent."

Turning his head from his hands as he noticed his healing speed doubled. Thanks for the help. Put to much strength into one of my powers. While my healing isn't as fast as I like it to be. He say's as he raises his very rapidly healing arm. Your earth blade. Can you make another? I don't have any weapons. As you can see. Would you mind making me one? Tarian looks at Robert his eyes still looking a tad like a predators due to his super sense always being active.

Briefly glancing at Percival wondering if his power is keeping him quite or if its the rank deterrence he will have to look into it later.

2021-08-10, 07:33 AM
"I don't see why not."

Robert holds his hand out and calls forth a new earthen great sword from the stone below. He then holds it out for Tarian to grab.

2021-08-10, 11:57 AM
Disturbed at the sight of a fellow awakened exploding in a burst of energy, then recovering like some kind of reverse decomposition process....."thanks for the tip"

Hearing the voice he now associated with Tarian, "happy to be of service....." Cassian refocused to the internal sensation.

With a sudden surge of his heartbeat and wave of nausea, he felt the power wash through him. His eyes turned a golden yellow, his finger flexed as the bones elongated into sharpened points, his jaw ached as he felt layers of muscle forming and fangs lengthened from his teeth, his back arched as a series of bone tendrils erupted with a membrane rapidly growing between them.

Gasping slightly, Cassian examined his new form, turning his arms over to examine the claws, and craning his neck to examine the wings. Squatting he opened the wings then launched himself into the air he soared around the pillar for a few rotations, then pausing to look at a claw, he let it fill with power. Then he dove, as he approached the pillar he made a powerful swipe.

Description: Diving Charge w/Strong Super-punch (dmg x2 for piercing on diving charge)
Attack: [roll0] (4 BAB + 6 Str, 2 for charging)
Damage: ([roll1] + [roll2] ) (x2)

After his attack hit the pillar, he swerved away, landing in a partial run, before falling to his knees, and gasping.... the wings, quickly retracted, the claws and fangs shortened to standard human proportions, and his eyes and skin returned to their normal hue.

.....huff....huff..... might have overdone that bit.... still.......glancing at the air, that was the most exhilarating experience.

After a few moments, he stood, and glancing around ".....so... about that shadow squad.... you know more than I do, how many for a good challenge based on what you've seen?"

2021-08-10, 01:22 PM

Aldous looking at you ponders. I’d say you can handle 2 of the shadow guards by yourself. Three is when it become dangerous . As for the others I’m not quite sure as they only showed half of their powers. Looking towards the rest of your group. As Cassian was the only one that shown all of his,

2021-08-10, 01:33 PM
"What if we worked together?" Sasha asks. "I'm used to fighting with others by my side, after all," she adds with a smile towards Velguardr and Laughter.

2021-08-10, 02:50 PM
"Ah, you wanted me to showboat? Don't mind if I do." Robert responds to Aldous.

Using earth control, he summons a small rock from the grounds and then focuses on it; encasing it with a purplish aura reminiscent of mage armor.

"See if you can pick it up." he says, casually motioning to the rock.

Robert creates a rock on the ground with earth control and then covers it up in a forcefield. Dunno if it's allowed, but it's a force field that he's specifically allowing people in. The rock itself is weighed down by Immovable due to it being under the forcefield.

2021-08-10, 03:56 PM
Looking towards Sasha That would be interesting to see. 5 elite awakens vs little old one star me. he says with a slight glint in his eyes.As he looks at Roberts challenge seeing the small stone he reaches to lift it up. Struggling unable to budge it. Theobald walks over laughing. Aldous let me. You have been getting weaker with your age! He laughs much to the expense of the slightly middle aged Aldous. Reaching down to pick up the stone he lifts with nothing happening. A vein bulges from his head as he tries to lift it. Failing again a faint silver sheen flashes on his hand. As the purple aura around the rock is sliced and disapates. Theobald lifting the rock with a sweaty grin That wasn’t too hard.

Basically he broke the forcefield using his power. Then just lifted up the rock.

Sighing Aldous flickered his hand slightly as his shadow warriors form up. Would you like to test out your combined might against a trained awaken? Or individual spars?

2021-08-10, 10:51 PM
Looking to her new companions, Sasha says "Together-if they want to, at least. And one-star you might be, but I have no doubt you're a man of power."

2021-08-11, 08:55 AM
Robert smirks at all the effort Theobald has to put into getting rock until he realizes the trick. Robert then glances at Sasha before returning his gaze to the other two.

"I have no qualms with a fight."

2021-08-11, 10:33 AM
Tarian grapping the stone greatsword almost dropping it due to the shear weight before he holds onto it firmly. With a slight raised eyebrow. As he says A bit heavier then I thought. Thanks this is better then me going unarmed. Looking at the demon form with interest.

At the notion of a fight Tarian smiles. Testing the new blade he charges at the nearest one. A fight is a fight no point of standing and talking fight! He says as his warrior blood starts to spread out with a child like grin seemingly strange on his usual serious face.

With a swift movement he charges straight into the group of Shadow Warriors his first swing straight into head of the one closest to him. Using the weight of the blade while pivoting on the ball of his feet twisting his body in a strange angle the blade comes crashing down on another that is right next to him.

Dmg was 38 for the first one due to crit
24 on the second raw (hit was 18)

With stone bones maneuver so +5 dr

2021-08-11, 11:02 AM
The first of the squadron is sent flying as his body explodes into smoke. The second taking another as he is sliced in half disappearing into another dark cloud of smoke. Aldous slightly taken aback by the assault and take down of two of his warriors. Looking back towards the other 10 and then towards you. With a clap of his hands the ten become four. Larger shadowy humanoids. Clearly stronger he steps back and let’s them charge forth.

As your the only one in combat all four are against you.

The first two miss the second two hit but only do 4 dmg and 1 dmg.

2021-08-11, 11:14 AM
Tarian seeing the four bigger warriors charge and surround him uses his newly improved instincts. Dodging The two easily not fast enough to dodge the next two. He twists his body and tries reducing the impact as much of possible. One hitting slightly harder. While the second only doing a light graze. As he spins raising the stone greatsword for another round of combat!

After this attack I'll hold for the others. Treating it as a surprise attack first then a normal move.

so 42 dmg on the one guy

With a quick double strike at the one that hit him the most his grin wide. Feeling that the flow of combat being easier then it was before.

2021-08-11, 11:19 AM
Taking two strong hits and shadow pours out of his wounds looking his form flickering on the verge of dissipating.

(Everyone up except Tarian. )

2021-08-11, 05:57 PM
"What, already!? Fine!"

Robert quickly moves up to one of the shadows surrounding Tarian.

"On my target of leading the attack!"

Robert swipes at a shadow, hoping to leave him open for the others.

Move: Move up to the closest shadow surrounding Tarian.
Standard: Leading the Attack. If it hits, all allies gain +4 morale bonus to strike the same target. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2021-08-12, 10:23 AM
"Dammit," Sasha mutters, realizing she hasn't had time to protect her allies. She appraises the foe, and realizes that perhaps her newfound powers will help her here.

She moves up and unleashes a short gout of flame, covering as many of the shadow people as she can, while manipulating the fire to avoid torching her allies.

Move action-move to get in position.
Standard action-Fire Breath. Any foes caught in it must make a DC 17 Reflex save to halve damage.

Speaking of which, damage: [roll0] fire damage
If they take any damage (even if they save) they are entangled for [roll1] rounds, and take an extra 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns.

The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell’s level) or lose the spell.

2021-08-12, 11:37 AM
As Robert takes finishes off the one Tarian attacked a breath of fire wraps around you both as the flames wrap around and burn the targets. The damage making slight shadow drift off them but it seems minimal.

2021-08-12, 02:04 PM
should be 46 hp as healing 1+4 from stance per two hits. less my dr

should hit for 41 dmg to him.

Getting twice. His healing kicks in as he swings his sword at the nearest shadow. Delivering two big slices at it. While his small injuries rapidly heal.

2021-08-12, 02:27 PM
As all two attack Tarian and one attacks Robert. They get viciously countered attacked. Tarian’s damage just enough to drop another shadow with the two left

Aldous seeing how easily his creations were being defeated sighs is disappointment in himself as they are easily fighting back. His eyes turning slightly sharp as the shadows in the room from a slight form of a giant shadow dragon before Theobald pats his friends shoulder. Dissipating it. My friend it’s just practice. You don’t have to go all out.

2021-08-12, 11:41 PM
"Just a few more to go!"

Robert swings the earthen blade at another foe!

Robert is recovering his maneuvers this turn.

Attack:[roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2021-08-14, 12:21 PM
As the shadow dragon forms slightly his body twitches slightly but his will to fight continues. As he charges the shadow creature that Roberts is attacking swinging two rapid slashes hoping to drop it quickly.

38 total dmg to him. while healing myself another 4hp+1 from fast healing

2021-08-14, 05:10 PM
Regaining his composure after his outburst of energy and return to human form- Cassian drew the large blade from his back, and charged forward with a surge of speed. He moved to side, hoping to position himself opposite of Robert's location.

[roll0] add +2 if flanking successfully
[roll1] Punishing stance + greatsword.

2021-08-19, 12:23 AM
Cassian defeating another shadow creature. Leaving one left that is flickering. Aldous looking over you four that seem to be able to handle yourselves more then capable. Making himself slightly flustered and a sigh of defeat thinking back onto his past days when he first awakened his powers. Claps his hands once as the shadow disappears.

I think this is more then enough right now. What you do now will decide what will happen in the future for yourself s. I highly recommend not removing the necklaces as it shows that your awakened. Granting you a higher standing from the unawakened commoners. If you want to look for jobs you can be hired at either the Star Halls around the world. Or the lesser Adventures Guild that handles more mundane tasks but will be more suited due to your strengths and weaknesses now.

Keep in mind being Elite Awakened can give special privileges. But also can be a target on your back if you insult powerful people. I recommend caution. If you want to be recruited by the noblemen in this city feel free to held back up into the temple. Tomorrow there will be arrangements. If you want to leave the city discreetly I recommend using the lesser teleportation circle located at the back of the hall. It will send you to the one of the closer Star halls. If you choose this option. I recommend you at least change your clothes or don cloaks quickly.

Aldous looking at you all while awaiting your replies.

(Wha will you guys decide to do?)

2021-08-19, 09:13 AM
Robert thinks about the potential ideas for a moment, but shakes his head.

"Might be best to look for work outside of here. I don't think I'd like being around here for a long time all that much."

2021-08-19, 04:48 PM
Nodding at Robert

Sounds good to me, I've got to find a way to gather some coin so I can repay my captain.

2021-08-19, 05:19 PM
Robert thinks about the potential ideas for a moment, but shakes his head.

"Might be best to look for work outside of here. I don't think I'd like being around here for a long time all that much."

Sasha nods, then asks "Would you mind company? I've got a goal in mind, and allies would help. Besides which... Friends are good to have."

2021-08-20, 01:54 AM
Seeing the fight being over. While being slightly affected from the brief shadow dragon. Tarian looks at Aldous while seeing everyone else wanting to exit via the teleportation way. Interested on how it works. While also not having a solid goal to follow besides maybe beating up a weak Tyrant dragon he says. Lets go and see how this teleportation thing works then. As he turns and walks to where they directed. His personality pretty straight forward.

While wondering how to properly expand and use his powers to a greater extent.

2021-08-20, 02:12 AM
As Tarian walks to the teleportation circle Percival goes in front of him with pleasing eyes while pointing towards his mouth hoping to be able to talk again. While Aldous and Theobald look slightly saddened that you all didn’t decide to stay here.

(Back to main ic.)

2021-08-20, 02:15 AM
As Tarian walks to the teleportation circle Percival goes in front of him with pleasing eyes while pointing towards his mouth hoping to be able to talk again. While Aldous and Theobald look slightly saddened that you all didn’t decide to stay here.

(Back to main ic.)

Tarian looks at him and walks into the circle. Right before the circle activates letting them leave he says to Percival Next time hold your tongue around me. I like it being quite. As he snaps his fingers willing to dispel his silence command.

2021-08-20, 02:28 AM
Tarian looks at him and walks into the circle. Right before the circle activates letting them leave he says to Percival Next time hold your tongue around me. I like it being quite. As he snaps his fingers willing to dispel his silence command.

Percival opens his mouth then quickly shuts it as you all warp out. After that is unknown.