View Full Version : The Return of the Greenhilts

2007-11-15, 07:58 AM
Could it be possible for Horace to turn into the Obi-wan type figure that Roy's dad was in the first comics. He certainly would provide so more useful information. :smallamused:

2007-11-15, 10:40 AM
Could it be possible for Horace to turn into the Obi-wan type figure that Roy's dad was in the first comics. He certainly would provide so more useful information. :smallamused:

No kidding. I was hoping he'd teach Roy that special "feat" that he used against the evil adventuring party.

2007-11-15, 10:48 AM
No kidding. I was hoping he'd teach Roy that special "feat" that he used against the evil adventuring party.

I think that this will happen "off camera", so to speak. He'll probably bust it out in a suspenseful moment.

2007-11-15, 11:58 AM
I dunno, does anybody else think Horace is too similar a character to Durkon to make recurring appearances?

2007-11-15, 12:26 PM
I dunno, does anybody else think Horace is too similar a character to Durkon to make recurring appearances?

How so?

Durkon doesn't seem to have that much of a sense of humor. He's played as the straight man, most of the time.

Horace, on the other hand, is a lot more loose, cracks jokes, has rather off-color language at times, and seems the sort that really enjoyed life, while being a lawful good fighter.

2007-11-15, 12:34 PM
Horace is climbing the mountain. He's moved on past the real world. He lacks the interest that Eugene has. Eugene would probably be beyond it too, if he hadn't been stuck on this Blood Oath.

2007-11-15, 04:02 PM


2007-11-15, 04:31 PM
Or how about
through some sort of magic Roy and Horace get ressurected, there is a huge battle they win, Horace bids Roy goodbye and disappeares back to the mountain.

2007-11-15, 04:52 PM
Or how about
through some sort of magic Roy and Horace get ressurected, there is a huge battle they win, Horace bids Roy goodbye and disappeares back to the mountain.

I think Horace may be too old to be resurrected (assuming he died of natural old age) it would be same and Eugene situation.

If Horace did NOT died of old age, there is a time limit of resurrection. A high level cleric is needed.

The possible way for Horace to "join in" would be divine intervention. Horace could descent as a guardian/angel type and kick butt and leave (kinda like Conan the Barbarian style)

Either way, it would be "hella" cool to see both of them in action.

As for Horace "appearing" before Roy, I don't think so, BUT Roy could possibly communicate with his grandfather once he know about the link of the family sword.

2007-11-15, 05:13 PM
Could it be possible for Horace to turn into the Obi-wan type figure that Roy's dad was in the first comics. He certainly would provide so more useful information.
Yeah, umm, speaking of which- how on earth did Eugene manage to come up with his cryptically-worded foreshadowing of plot-critical events while stuck in the great cosmic waiting room?

2007-11-15, 05:17 PM
Dead Heroes coming back has been done before in different ways. David Gemmell has done Soul Possesses Clone Body a couple of times.

Also, Frank Herbert has done the same thing, with the idea being that all the memories, hence, the soul, are stored in the cells, and can be awakened even if the body is a new one grown from a few cells, often dead cells that have been brought back to life (Ghola) Clone is the term used when the cells were taken from a living body.

Since Horace has probably been buried for years, I suspect there won't be much of a body to return to. If he is now a Celestial, he could be used sparingly, as an adviser more than a fighter to prevent overshadowing. Advice has got to be simpler and more palatable than Eugenes: he was as irritating as it got!

2007-11-15, 05:51 PM
Horace is climbing the mountain. He's moved on past the real world. He lacks the interest that Eugene has. Eugene would probably be beyond it too, if he hadn't been stuck on this Blood Oath.

I agree, but since Horace did show fondness of Roy, it is possible he'd be able to pull some strings in order to help Roy in an hour of need.

David Argall
2007-11-15, 07:02 PM
Stories do not need extra heros, particularly extra powerful ones. This is the story of the OOTS, Roy in particular, and that means Horace stays on the sidelines. We will likely see no more of him, period, and anything other than a quickie is too much to hope for.

We may well see more of Eugene so he can rag on Roy. We might see his ma, say her showing up about the time he gets some lass almost into bed. We might see Miko back to give the entire party problems. But Horace is just not plot useful. He stays on the mountain.