View Full Version : Missing Spell Effects

2021-08-11, 02:28 PM
I've been thinking about D&D spells, and perhaps homebrewing some spells that will fill in some blanks for an upcoming campaign of mine. What are some spell effects that are missing from D&D? Obviously certain spells can produce virtually any effect (Wish); but spells you think should be there, but aren't. I'm more interested in the effects, rather than cost/duration/range/etc.

2021-08-11, 03:15 PM
I'd pick up a 2e or 3e book that had extra spells in it and go from there. 2e had the Wizard's Handbook, the Tome of Magic, Forgotten Realms Adventures, Dragon Kings, Arabian Adventures, the Necromancer's Handbook, and the Sha'ir's Handbook, and many others, that all added lots of extra spells. There were also these:


Lots of ideas.

2021-08-11, 04:20 PM
Nice! Thanks.

2021-08-11, 07:49 PM
More offensive cleric spells would be my first pick.

The angry agent of a god, railing at injustice and blasting the wicked with divine power is a little short handed in the spells department. A bit more by way of Implosion or turning enemies into a pillar of salt would be good.

There are some thematic blasting spells like sunbeam and sunburst added to the cleric list with Tasha's but this type of spell is a bit of a void at lower levels. You have guiding bolt... then a big gap.

I would like to see more elemental themed spells that don't emphsasise damage. I homebrewed a version of stinking cloud as choking soot that incapacitated, blocked vision and did d4 damage for a red dragon sorcerer (d4+charisma damage meant their class abilities still applied). Slippy ice, stunning electricity etc.. Something that lets you play elemental but without too much of a problem when hitting damage immunities.

Honestly, and this might sound odd, more weapon buffing spells. Magic Weapon is good till you have magic weapons. Elemental weapon is also kind of nice and holy weapon is cool but there is a whole world of different abilities that could be added to a weapon. From enchanced crit range to drowning enemies in lukewarm porrige on a hit there are a lot of potential bonusses that could be aded.

2021-08-11, 07:58 PM
I've been thinking about D&D spells, and perhaps homebrewing some spells that will fill in some blanks for an upcoming campaign of mine. What are some spell effects that are missing from D&D? Obviously certain spells can produce virtually any effect (Wish); but spells you think should be there, but aren't. I'm more interested in the effects, rather than cost/duration/range/etc.

I'd like to see a spell that turns the target into a swarm of tiny copies of the target.

2021-08-12, 06:35 PM
I'd like to see a spell that turns the target into a swarm of tiny copies of the target.

In my mind, I'm thinking of Rand Al'Thor from the Wheel of Time. Was that what you were thinking? Or literally like a swarm of bees, but with the bees being little casters?