View Full Version : For the Republic of Ishtar! (IC D&D 5E)

2021-08-13, 03:25 PM
Day 1: Reinforcements arrive…

The Watchtower in Ruins (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/5ee2c81a-f86b-445f-9259-0ae90f96b0f3/dasdujw-48dc8c79-8025-4f06-8af9-d988452cd07e.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_553,q_75,strp/forgotten_watchtower_by_nikokripton_dasdujw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTUzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWVlMmM4MW EtZjg2Yi00NDVmLTkyNTktMGFlOTBmOTZiMGYzXC9kYXNkdWp3 LTQ4ZGM4Yzc5LTgwMjUtNGYwNi04YWY5LWQ5ODg0NTJjZDA3ZS 5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.pBGADyxRDdAAq d3H8aqF8e4l_bk6wyTKK1BpebX1MBo)

A month… it took a whole month to finally get reinforcements to the distressed watchtower. And the first on the scene find pretty much what they expect to find: ruins and two dead watchmen. Reports say they were two Dragonborn: Uadjit the commanding officer and Kriva. The rest of the place was a total mess. The orcs did their best looting the place before the fire spread to the guard shack and destroyed what little was left.

The Commander finally spoke up after a long, grim silence. “Companies 1-5! Chief officers, front and center! Companies 6-8, begin repairs. Chief officers of 6-8 will report to me in one hour for further instructions.”


Behind the Commander, a hastily assembled command center had already been developed away from the debilitated debris and husk of the guard shack. He sits down on one of the stools and takes a deep breath. Then as if preparing to meditate, he closes his eyes and breaths out slowly. When his lungs expel all the air, he opens his eyes again. His amber gaze famously possesses a kind of intensity that intimidates and calms at the same time. His full, long beard is braided tightly like black tentacles flecked with gray. Despite his venerable age, Commander Ahadrahasis looks as fit and spry as a man in his early 30s.

“This carnage...these are not the works of a mere raiding party of orcs.” Commander Ahadrahasis punctuates his point by gesturing towards the footprints of a gnoll, and the corpse of a bugbear. “Judging by the carnage from the flames, I’d gamble that we’re dealing with a powerful wizard or warlock… at least one of them, if not several. That’s why I’m sending you five to hunt down and destroy these invaders. But leave their chief alive. I have questions and I need one of those monsters to give me some answers. You’ll receive your per-diem and may make purchases through the credit set aside, in case you need to restock on supplies,” he explains as he hands each Chief Officer a palm-sized gold medallion with Ishtar’s insignia on it. “110gp per day should be enough to cover it. Give these to your Sergeants.” He hands you 10 smaller insignias, though still made of gold. “50gp per day.”

“Monsters tend to travel at night. My advice is that you get on their schedule, so you aren’t forced to fight with your eyes half-open. Any questions about the mission?”

2021-08-13, 03:37 PM
PC Dossier
Cheif Officer Dorvir (ddb.ac/characters/56114940/UyatIc)
Elder male human. Ishtar citizen & crafter. Noble by marriage but lost his wife years ago. Rumour is it was to the invading forces.

Sergeant Raena May (ddb.ac/characters/56071276/dwrkqe)
Not much is know about Dorvir’s first sergeant except that she comes from the an outsiders monastery. One of those places that ‘accepts all kinds’ she is a filthy half elf with a dark complexion, light silvery hair and piercing pale blue eyes. She is hardly seen and skulks in the shadows. Suspiciously friendly with Dorvir though.

Sergeant Jaromir (ddb.ac/characters/56262289/A8G2Au)
Now here is finally some reputable character to this party. If it wasn’t for Dorvir’s noble title Jaromir would be leading this. He is a well known and trusted knight. Loved by the people. He has worked hard for his homeland and has a personal beef with this enemy. They took his mother from him. He’s a kind soul but I’d hate to be on the other side of his lance on the battlefield.
Chief Officer Jack (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56147803/9tY6kM) and his Seargeants: Kelenar (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56148380/uFJPCl)and Mariel (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56148183/joJ214)
Brunebelle "Belle" Onyx (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2501612) and her two Sergeants: Sergeant Gembright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502061) and Sergeant Thane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502068)
Cheif Officer Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829) and her Sergeants: Sergeants Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831) and Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835) Brightsky.
Marielle Mercyn (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56029029/0R3Fts) and her two Seargeants: Sergeat (Soames?) Sunderson (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56033614/DnRf8f) and Sergeant Serinty (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56033153/KZ2SWw)

NPC Dossier
Sorted Alphabetically

Ahadrahasis (Commander) (https://weaponsandwarfare.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/dcs.jpg) Human/Male/??: Commander of the those sent to inspect the watchtower that sent the first signal, and question those who are alive.

Kriva (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/2c/72/122c725f17e7b3853fad0ba112acc82c.jpg)Young Black Dragonborn/nb/NG/Lvl 6: A soldier who was sent to guard the eastern border as punishment for a failure that rumors cannot confirm, but it has been suggested that it has something to do with their facial scar. (image source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/515873332310892700/)

Uadjit (https://www.scabard.com/user/aegrist13/image/dragonborn%20cleric.jpg): The C.O. of the 3rd Eastern Watchtower--the place where the invasion began. She's one of the few soldiers ever to volunteer to work the border. Her reasons were her own and no one bothered to pry. (image source: https://www.scabard.com/pbs/campaign/19980/character/23733)

Relevant Maps:
Oerth (http://www.greyhawkonline.com/duicarthan/oerth.jpg)
The Republic of Ishtar and Surrounding Areas (https://www.greyhawkgrognard.com/2012/05/18/mapping-beyond-flanaess-ishtarland/)

2021-08-14, 09:51 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Sergeants: Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831) & Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"None." Emilia replies to the Commander intentionally "forgetting" the "sir" or other equally suitable titles she should technically have addressed him with. While this man does have rank above hers, it's not like she and her siblings were here particularly voluntarily and she highly doubts that in any other regard this man is superior to her.

After handing their insignias to her sisters, she realizes it's maybe best to draw her own conclusions about what they'll be facing. She briefly considers asking for permission before just deciding to get right to doing it instead and begins to look around for markings or clues that would give more information (or information that contradicts the Commander's assessment if that's what's there to be found).

Seeing her wander off a bit her sisters ask what she's doing and she explains and they give their help (as well as a bit of magical assistance Venetta).

I'm just assuming that at least for the moment I'm controlling my sergeant's actions and that they'd be available to assist. But if I'm wrong just ignore any rolls that wouldn't apply.

Investigation: [roll0]
advantage from Help: [roll1]
Guidance cast by Venetta: [roll2]

2021-08-14, 11:10 PM
Belle looks at the destruction around. Her face is slightly red-she's seen the destruction, the bereft homes and the priceless memories within, and was crying. But she's pulled herself together, knowing that she needs to focus to avoid anything like this happening again.

"Is there anything else we already know?" she asks the commander. "Anything that might help us locate them, or... Well, help in any way, really."

Before the commander can answer, though, everyone hears a small commotion some small distance back-and Belle hears Gruk's familiar voice as part of it. "I'll be back, sir-compile any info we have. Gruk! Gruk!" she calls, rushing back to where he and Laughter are. "What's the matter?"

"This inconsiderate little-" Gruk starts, pointing towards a soldier.

The soldier looks offended. "I was just-"

"No!" Gruk shouts.

Belle, worried, says "Gruk, calm down. Please, explain what happened."

Gruk takes a deep breath. Then another-his temper is difficult to get under control. "This... Soldier," he says, choosing his words carefully, "Said, and I quote, 'I'm glad you're not like the rest of your people,' to me."

Nodding, Belle reaches over to pat Gruk on his arm. "I understand. Soldier-apologize. Gruk is as much a citizen of Ishtar as you or Laughter. These raiders are not his people, no more than they are yours. He's spent his whole life being the 'other' because of how he looks, and I will not stand for any of you doing the same."

2021-08-14, 11:31 PM
It was unsurprisingly Jaromir who responded for his party. Looking like a true knight, tall and handsome in his well polished armour. Helm tucked under one arm and the other held across his chest, hand forming a fist over his heart as he held a disciplined bow.

”No commander. The mission is clear. Track down and eliminate the threat that did this. Bring back the officer or general responsible for questioning and prosecution.”

Even his voice was knightly. Strong, firm yet still compassionate. He seemed beyond the complexion of his young age with his mannerisms, short hair and experienced blue eyes.
When he was finished speaking he stood tall and awaited the appropriate signal he was dismissed.

Dorvir had taken the medallions, squinting at the commander as he did, and distributed them amongst his team when they reconvened in the shade beside Jaromir’s mighty steed, a large white armoured warhorse name Snowrazor.

Raena had been waiting there, petting Jaromir’s faithful old hound with an old familiarity as it nuzzled and licked at her. Hiding from the view of others with a hooded cloak pulled up over her head, concealing much of her features. She was the shortest and the youngest of them all.
A slim athletic frame with pale blue eyes peering from beneath her cloak.
She had been joyfully chatting to Jaromir on the trip here but sight of the ruin seemed to rob her of all joviality.

It was Dorvir who noticed the commotion around the Dwarven officer Brunbelle and her half orc sergeant. From first laying eyes on them he knew there would be trouble. He had anticipated this and was quick to send Jaromir over, casting guidance on him and offering some of his intellectual advice.

Jaromir approaches the commotion around the half-orc on SnowRazor. Giving himself height over the rest and drawing attention to himself. He didn’t know if it was his place to step in or not but in the end he couldn’t help himself.

He rallied the nearby troops and gives them a speech about who the real enemy is and how Gruk has a lot to offer in this war. He tells those travelling with Gruk to pay attention and learn what insights they can with this golden opportunity. He tells how it takes true strength to put aside those natural grievances to focus on their mission at hand. He asks all to consider those they are protecting back at home and tells them to put their petty hatred aside for them. He speaks of a real threat and a glorious victory through orderly unity.
Next, once that is over, he will see that the deceased are properly handled. Be it burial or returning the bodies to their homes. (He would prefer the second.) He will say a prayer for them and help out any way he can.

Dorvir sets up a simple work station with a canvas roof where he starts helping with repairs. His mending spell adding to his extensive knowledge and skill.

Raena takes to methodically searching and removing the enemies bodies. They will only rot, bringing disease and wildlife. However they may still hold some useful gear. She had to let her squad know she was in charge so she gave the order for them to carry out the work but then got heavily involved in helping them out.
She passed on a request for Dorvir to ask of Commander Ahadrahasis.
Being that her squad did the dirty work of handling the deceased enemy, if they could get first pick of any weaponry found. It was unlikely to be anything good but souvenir’s and backup knives might still earn her a bit of favour.

2021-08-15, 01:16 AM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Sergeants: Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831) & Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"Excuse me!" Emilia interrupts Reina as she starts messing with the bodies. "We were examining those for information. If you could please remove yourself elsewhere so you don't muddy the tracks it would be appreciated. And don't move all of those bodies too far away after we're done, we'll be animating a few of them later. The dead aren't particularly good fighters, but they can at least take an arrow or two for the living." Along with this she makes a little shooing motion to try and get Reina to back away.

GM, how many dead are there? Because I just realized that if I cast Animate Dead before going to sleep we can afford to animate a fairly large number of them before we take our long rest for the night.

2021-08-15, 06:00 AM
Jack and his lietenants look on from a while off. They seem a little uncomfortable, not with the death but with the open position and where they stand on the craggy rocky soil. Stil after a few moments Jack spoke up.

Alright, K, you set about looking for the trail. It's gone long cold at this point but armies aren't subtle so see if you can't pick up a soid direction. If others among them have returned since, that's important too, I want to know how organised heir scouts are, what the odds are they'll be expecting us and signs of if they took much away from the sight. Strange for them to have moved on so quick, maybe something else was the priority look for signs.

Mariel Survival with Advantage from Kelinar's help.

With the crew dispersing alongside their commanders Jack then approached the others standing over the bodies.

The Brightsky lady is right, plenty of better things to be done with these than burning them. Don't wake all of them though, they're hardly subtle and besides, if the winds are better for it tomorrow I want to talk to some of them. See if we can't get them boasting.

2021-08-15, 06:37 AM
Leaving Sonderson and Serenity with the rest of the company, Marielle makes her way over to the Commander who rapidly outlines his thoughts and issues orders. "Understood, sir," she replies, taking the proffered medallions. The groups breaks up and, like the others, Marielle makes her way back to her sergeants.

"We're to track down and stop this raiding party," she says to them, handing over the gold. "Hopefully before too many lives are lost. Their commander is to be taken alive." She finishes, looking from Sonderson to Serenity for any questions. As usual, the tiefling calmly nods, accepting the task. Sonderson grimaces faintly, clearly not relishing the prospect of engaging a raiding party but also says nothing.

"Alright. We'll be travelling mostly at night, so there's a while before we set out. Serenity, take a couple of our better trackers and follow the trail for half an hour, then come back." They all glance over at the destruction left by the rampaging raiders. "Shouldn't be hard to follow," Marielle adds wryly, "but don't take any chances. It's only a preliminary scout." The woman nods and saunters off to enlist some soldiers to accompany her.

Marielle turns to Sonderson. "Wil," she begins, only to be interrupted by a commotion nearby involving a half-orc. "First, go see what that's about, help if you can. I'll be examining the bodies." Sonderson makes his way over to where Onyx and Thane are confronting the soldier as Marielle finds the two dragonborn bodies.

Serenity will try tracking the raiders: [roll0] Survival check
Sonderson will approach the commotion but do nothing just yet.
Marielle will examine the dragonborn corpses to determine cause of death: [roll1] Medicine check

2021-08-15, 12:02 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Sergeants: Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831) & Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Venetta Brightsky." Vanetta says to Jack and offers a hand to shake and gives a practiced polite smile. "I could prepare myself to speak with the dead tomorrow as well if you think you'd need the assistance. But if you think you'll have it covered, I'll refrain."

2021-08-15, 12:14 PM
The commander issues a fleeting glare at Cheif Officer Brightsky for her lack of protocol but decides to let the issue drop, presuming that Emilia is still processing the horrors around her. The oversight is forgotten the instant Emilia moves off to begin her search.

Amongst the corpses, you repeatedly find two different bottles of ale, the labels unreadable to any who do not know the Dwarvish alphabet. Fortunately, Venetta has studied dwarvish. She's able to pronounce the words, but not decipher any meaning beyond that. She describes one bottle as foul-smelling even when sealed. The label reads "Tudtrut" in Goblin. The other one seems to be equal parts potion and hard liquor that translates to Frenzywater, an orcish battle berserker drink that allows its imbiber to fly into a rage after taking a drink, even if they're out of rages for the day.

Some of the soldiers from Company 6 are sorting through the weapons and ammunition to reappropriate for the war effort. They're also helping themselves to whatever money purses they find along the way before tossing the now rotted corpses onto an ever-growing pyre.

You notice siege engine tracks following the river southeast toward the Silver Marshes, putting the humble agrarian town of Urgrosh right in harm's way, not to mention the outlying ranches and farms along the way.

While Emilia gets the lay of the land, Commander Ahadrahasis turns to Belle."We know that one month ago, a distress signal went up. Then the fire got out of control. We know, judging by the corpses and the... primitive means of combat, we're dealing with mostly orcs and goblins, on foot, and likely en route (per their typical inclinations) to the nearest cattle ranch to steal some livestock. We should probably check up on nearby farms and ranches to make sure they're safe. But the trail should be easy enough. Raiding parties rely on speed rather than stealth. Just follow the carnage. Your soldiers need you, Cheif Officer," he says, nodding toward the commotion between Gruk and a soldier.

The Commander watches the exuberant trio disobey orders while simultaneously aggravating other Cheif Officers by doing their jobs for them. When Raena approaches him, now filthy from handling fetid corpses, his nostrils flare in disgust. "I'll tell you what you can do. You can either follow my orders, or you can spend the rest of this campaign doing hard labor! I don't give a cave trolls dung how special the Senate thinks you are; you're under my command and you'll follow my orders. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, SERGEANT?!"

The soldiers frown at Emilie, but just shrug and stand back while you do your stuff. "We got orders to, you know. Be quick with yours, so we can get back to ours," growls the sergeant of the group.

Of those not currently in the pyre, you can still count about 18 more corpses. It's hard to imagine that the two Dragonborn were capable of fending off that many monsters.

After some time following the broken tracks through the crags, Mariel discovers that the tracks don't all lead to the marshes. The siege engines, and what would be close to 30 ground troops head northeast, for the more populous city of Larab. By any measure, it's really more of an overpopulated small town, but if the residents aren't forwarned. Thirty raiders with siege engines can do a significant amount of damage if they haven't done so already. Luckily, your knowledge of the land is virtually unparalleled, and you remember from studying your maps on the way here, that there is a shortcut that siege engines can't take. But There's a bit of a problem...

The other contingency heading toward Urgrosh is mounted on what you suspect to be wargs or dire wolves. These tracks were so carefully covered, none but a highly skilled tracker would've noticed. And it's likely the residents there are already dead.

Even broken up over the rocks and dry earth, the trail still clearly points to the Silver Marshes, thanks to the heavy weight of the search engines. So, Serenity's task was done first. Marielle's task was more complicated due to a month of decomposition. Her best guess is that they were overwhelmed by large numbers and sustained many wounds, thereby dying from blood loss.

2021-08-15, 01:00 PM
"I'm... I'm sorry, sir," the soldier offers to Gruk.

Gruk ***** an eyebrow.

"I never intended offence, but I can see my words were in error. I hope you can forgive me, but I will understand if you do not," the soldier adds.

"I accept your apology," Gruk replies. "I won't hold an honest mistake against you-and I apologize in turn for my strong reaction. I should've kept my cool better."

"Good," Belle says. "Laughter-I want you to work with the other units here. Get our soldiers integrated with them, and make sure that mistakes like this don't happen again."

"Yes ma'am," Laughter says with a small salute.

"Gruk-you're with me. We're going to help investigate the trail, and you've got a better knack than I do for that."

Laughter, getting the soldiers integrated. [roll0] Persuasion, +[roll1] from her Guidance on herself.

Then, Gruk's Survival roll to do some tracking: [roll2], with Advantage from Belle's Help, [roll3] and +[roll4] from his own Guidance.

2021-08-15, 02:41 PM
"I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Venetta Brightsky." Vanetta says to Jack and offers a hand to shake and gives a practiced polite smile. "I could prepare myself to speak with the dead tomorrow as well if you think you'd need the assistance. But if you think you'll have it covered, I'll refrain."

[TD]Jack (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56147803/9tY6kM)
Sergeants: Kelinar (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56148380/uFJPCl) & Mariel (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Jbej/characters/56148183)
Half-Elf Tempest Cleric
AC: 18 HP: 74/74
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

No, I'd welcome the help. I'd hope to questtion more than one and splitting the need for magic and time always helps in dangerous places. Especially with men like our dear commander here doing what they do best.

At this his right hand mimes talking while his left slips down beneath his torse and points outwards.

Speaking out of their a**, as they say.

Anyway, it's very good to make your acquaintance and to know they sent people with some expierience up here. Now one moment as my best are coming back.

After a quick discussion with his sergants, Jack would soon wheel around on his foot, and stride back to the commnder.

Commander Ahadrahasis Sir! He spoke, in a tone much harsher and less playful than his previous conversations.
Preliminary scouting results are promising. I believe the enemy force has split and will act to destroy these forces individualy.

With this he stopped, hoping the commander would be sated for details and not interfere by asking for more information and trying to actually make the plan himself. With retrospecct telling him this much may have been unhelpful, but the old ccaptain was usually content with about this level of information.

2021-08-15, 05:26 PM
"Laughter-I want you to work with the other units here. Get our soldiers integrated with them, and make sure that mistakes like this don't happen again."

"Yes ma'am," Laughter says with a small salute.

"Gruk-you're with me. We're going to help investigate the trail, and you've got a better knack than I do for that."

Laughter has no trouble getting the troops in line. And has earned the respect of soldiers from other companies as well. It could be that today's the day minds were changed about "half-breeds."

Belle and Gruk never quite make it to the tracks, but they meet up with Brightsky's troops.

You recognize the bottles. One of them is Goblin Thudrud is highly alcoholic. It is strong enough to emulsify leather, disinfect wounds, start raging bonfires, or to get drunk really fast. It's not a very civilized drink. Most people who aren't orc-or-goblin-blooded will have never heard of it.

The other is Frenzywater. It's used by those who have the ability to rage, or any orc can drink it without the rage requirements. It allows you to fly into a beserk rage beyond your natural limit. One orc-blooded person on Frenzywater is worth two or even three orc-blooded people on the battlefield.

2021-08-15, 06:24 PM
The tension is diffused moments after Sonderson reaches the group as the soldier apologies to Gruk. Having avoided any escalation, he shrugs at the resolution, flashes a grin at anyone who looks at him before returning to the soldiers. He's conferring with a few of them when Laughter, a fellow half-elf, begins to bring the disparate companies together. The woman appears to be having considerable success and Sonderson figures he may as well try to continue the effort. He sets himself up in a fairly central location and, breaking out his flute, plays for a while for those without immediate duties.

Marielle's examination of the dragonborn bodies frustratingly yields little new information and she takes some time to clean herself up, waiting for her scouting party to return.

A short while later, Serenity and the soldiers she'd taken with her reappear. The tiefling approaches Marielle and shakes her head. "Tracks weren't hard to find but the whole thing's a bit of a mess. We couldn't make much sense of it." She hooks a thumb of her shoulder, however, at Mariel and Jack. "Sounds like they had more success, though."

Marielle dismisses her sergeant with thanks and heads over to where Jack was reporting to the Commander. She stops a few feet away, having caught most of the report and waits to hear the Commander's next orders.

Performance check for Sonderson: [roll0]

2021-08-15, 10:48 PM
Gruk mutters in Dwarven.

"Bottles there-one's a strong drink, but the other's debatably magical. Makes the imbiber frenzy, if they're of orcish blood or have learned to tap into their own anger. Dangerous stuff."

Belle nods, and responds in the same tongue.

"Take them with-we'll find a use for them, I'm sure."

With Grukl stooping down to pick the bottles up, Belle walks a small distance forward and calls out to Brightsky's troops. "Good day! Have you made any progress in finding our marks?" she asks. "I'm afraid I've no mind for tracking, and Sergeant Thane is having an off day with regards to that. I may be able to offer some magical assistance, though."

Two spells that MAY be useful are Fly and Polymorph. Fly should be obvious, and Polymorph could get someone into a form with better tracking capabilities.

2021-08-15, 11:47 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Sergeants: Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831) & Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta gives a soft snort of amusement at Jack's off-color comment and then gives a more serious nod.

The elder sisters give a shrug as Grukl move into their personal space to take the bottles. They hadn't any particular plans for them and if someone here does, all the better they're the ones to take possession of them.

Emilia responds on behalf of her group, "Well, we've discovered the tracks of some siege engines. I believe I saw some others looking for tracks elsewhere, do you know if they found anything else?"

After a pause she notes, "Once everyone returns from looking around perhaps those of us selected for this mission should gather together for proper introductions. It wouldn't do to be shouting 'Hey you!' on the field."

"And it would be nice to get to know everyone." Layla adds with a friendly smile to whoever is near enough to be overhearing this conversation.

2021-08-16, 02:36 AM
He sets himself up in a fairly central location and, breaking out his flute, plays for a while for those without immediate duties.

The soldiers work harder to the rhythm of Sonderson's flute playing. As soldiers finish their labor, they gradually join in, humming at first. In time, clapping is added to staple the beat. Then the dancing. The commander glares at the party raging around him, but an attentive person could see him tapping his toe to the beat as well. If not for the macabre setting of death and violence, behind them, one could easily confuse the situation with some kind of festival.

By the time the half-elf finishes, the soldiers are all done with their most immediate work and spare a long applause for the unexpected musician.

Thanks to the work of the adventurers to bring cohesion to the group, spirits seem to be high. In fact, when it came to tents being built, yours were the first ones set up, after the commander, of course.

2021-08-16, 05:45 AM
Dorvir (ddb.ac/characters/56114940/UyatIc)
Drow Artificer
AC: 21 HP: 73/73
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 15
Conditions: -Horseback-
Concentration: --

Raena May (ddb.ac/characters/56071276/dwrkqe)
Halfelf Monk
AC: 18 HP: 51/51
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Jaromir (ddb.ac/characters/56262289/A8G2Au)
Human Paladin
AC: 18 HP: 68/68
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: -horseback-
Concentration: --

After a short time, Dorvir, Raena and even Jaromir started to understand how things were going to be. All three had ensured that their hands had not remained idle since arriving but it was quickly discovered that their efforts were not only not needed, but unwanted.

Jaromir’s words seemingly fell on deaf ears. His passionate disdain for intolerance of the likes his sister had suffered, proved only an interruption to others. As did his concern for the welfare of his departed comrades. His sentiments hindering those preoccupied with other things.

Raena had to literally bite her tongue. She had not long left the familiarity of the monastery and had forgotten what it was like to be around others. She didn’t know why she expected people to treat her any kinder now. Her willingness to get her hands dirty and do the hard work was met with hard unappreciative objection.
Also, she had been taught better than to begrudge someone for their fortune but she couldn’t help but scowl at the universe when it so easily forgave the half orc for his heritage. A privilege she had long given up on dreaming for.

Then a merry cheerfulness took the camp as a sweet song filled the air. The heart warming music, something Rae liked dearly, only brought her more sorrow instead of lifting her mood as usual. Raena loved to dance. For her it was something more than just rhythmic moving, it was surrender, it was release. It was a powerful form of elation, it was beyond meditation. It was spiritual.
And it pained her deeply that she did not feel free enough to join in here.

Meanwhile Dorvir’s vast expertise passed by unnoticed and he was not oblivious to the scornful glares his actions and intentions caused him. Yet he remained in the shadows holding the disdain from his face. He had to be great, he told himself, not nice...

With each of them feeling a bit more sour, disheartened or frustrated than before, they reconvened with the updated news.
From there it was a quick and easy decision for the trio on what action to take next.

Dorvir found it quite easy to piece together who was who from the dossier provided. It made introductions unnecessary but he briefly obliged anyway. After a quick and vague introduction he informed the other officers of his intended actions. His party was heading out immediately. Following the trails made by the siege equipment they would seek out the nearest settlement in the the enemies path and look for any survivors.

He and Jaromir would take Snowrazor and race ahead while Raena followed behind on foot with the soldiers. The soldiers would not travel as far, ready to accompany any survivors back here. After sharing this news he took a moment to listen to and consider the thoughts and opinions of the others, although this was mostly just a pleasantry since his mind was mostly made up. He was determined to leave before the last light had fallen.

2021-08-16, 08:12 AM
[TD]Jack (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56147803/9tY6kM)
Sergeants: Kelinar (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/56148380/uFJPCl) & Mariel (https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Jbej/characters/56148183)
Half-Elf Tempest Cleric
AC: 18 HP: 74/74
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Jack returns to the larger group of commanders present, both his sergeants now by his side. He calls for a moment of quiet before sharing what Mariel had found.

So, in conclusion. Every sign points to at least two groups, one mounted and one weighed down with siege engines. The siege engines can do more harm, but can probably be ambushed and defeated in detail with only part of our force. Frankly, I'd feel good about taking those on with mine, siege weapons play a bigger part on ships than they do on the sea and I know away to get ahead of them. The main raiding force, as far as our best can tell, is all fast moving cavalry. Wargs and the like. We can keep tracking it, but they've been clever and the trail might get lost. Plus they'll be moving faster than we can on foot. Anyone have a way to track them from afar? As chasing them down as footsloggers won't do us much good unless we can move to cut off their retreat. We think they'd be headed to Urgrosh, but they'd have had the time to sack the place and keep riding if they were quick about it. So there's nothing to be done about it now.

2021-08-16, 08:48 AM
Belle meets with Laughter as she and Gruk return. She gets a quick update on how the integration is going, and is glad to hear Laughter's resounding success.

In response to Jack's words, she says "I can provide a few minutes of flight to someone, if that would help. And I've got explosions to help deal with siege weaponry. If Urgosh has a Circle for teleporting, I could, with a little prep and some reagents, get a small force there soon. What I want to know, right now, is how they're handling supplies-they still need to eat and drink. If we can find a way to cut off their lines or stop them from having their necessities, we can force a surrender or get them to flee much more easily."

Laughter adds "I can summon a steed for myself-I could lead a force trying to track their cavalry forces, though I'd want someone better at tracking with me."

2021-08-16, 03:55 PM
Belle meets with Laughter as she and Gruk return. She gets a quick update on how the integration is going, and is glad to hear Laughter's resounding success.

In response to Jack's words, she says "I can provide a few minutes of flight to someone, if that would help. And I've got explosions to help deal with siege weaponry. If Urgosh has a Circle for teleporting, I could, with a little prep and some reagents, get a small force there soon. What I want to know, right now, is how they're handling supplies-they still need to eat and drink. If we can find a way to cut off their lines or stop them from having their necessities, we can force a surrender or get them to flee much more easily."

Laughter adds "I can summon a steed for myself-I could lead a force trying to track their cavalry forces, though I'd want someone better at tracking with me."

Well... they're raiders. To get food and water they raid farmsteads with food and water. Same trick as the pirates, you can keep going a lot longer if you pick up the essentials from your victims and only head back for ammunition or because your kit has worn down. With a leader capable of good spellcraft and a strong, disciplined core waiting them out means waiting them to raze every village in the area, until they pick on a town too big for them, if they steal kit of militia and the like and they're dedicated enough to not just get bored of it.

2021-08-16, 06:54 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

Leyla looks over to Emilia and remarks, "Well, it doesn't seem we're going to get proper introductions at the moment. Everyone's too much in a rush to get going. Perhaps we'll have better luck when we're away from the Commander and the noise of the rest of the soldiers."

"That or they're the kind that assume because they read some papers that they think they don't need to put in the effort to be properly informed. Disregarding that it seems like almost all of them should know better than to trust the flawed perspective of some human bureaucrat somewhere who doesn't have to deal with the realities of this situation." Emilia replies to her little sister.

At this Venetta give Emilia a look and Emilia quickly adds, "But yes, like you say, we'll try again later."

This whole conversation of course was just in the midst of where they were for others to overheard. Though most likely both Leyla and Emilia fully intended everyone else to have heard it.

Joining in on the conversation at hand Emilia states, "It seems to me the best plan, would be to deal with the force with the siege engines first and then lay a trap for the mounted raiding party later. As Jack notes, they're raiders and they will be looking for ripe looking targets to replenish their supplies. We merely need to provide them with what seems to be one and they'll come to us rather than trying to force ourselves to match their pace. Though this does hinge on at least some means of knowing their rough position so we'll know where to position said bait so they'd notice it."

2021-08-16, 08:02 PM
Late afternoon turns to early evening as the revelling turns to feasting and feasting turns to clean up. No one seems too bothered by the death of the watchkeepers, or the invading orcs. After all, even with bugbear leaders, orcs notoriously get bored of raids and go back home after destroying a few villages. And most of these villages are populated by the "undesirables." Even though this sentiment isn't being spoken aloud, the implication remains.

Many of the soldiers have settled into games of chance, or polishing and sharpening their weapons for when the raiding party attempts to leave the way they came. The commander has retired to his tent for the evening.

2021-08-17, 05:08 PM
As the soldiers sit at ease, her own included, and the Commander retires to his tent, Marielle makes her way over to Jack.

She nods a greeting, staying quiet for a moment. "What are we doing here? I mean, the threat is that way," she adds, gesturing roughly in the direction the raiders are travelling. "And the people we should be protecting are that way too." She pauses. "We need to pursue and, from what I've heard, you and your troops are the best option for tracking them."

2021-08-17, 09:22 PM
As the soldiers sit at ease, her own included, and the Commander retires to his tent, Marielle makes her way over to Jack.

She nods a greeting, staying quiet for a moment. "What are we doing here? I mean, the threat is that way," she adds, gesturing roughly in the direction the raiders are travelling. "And the people we should be protecting are that way too." She pauses. "We need to pursue and, from what I've heard, you and your troops are the best option for tracking them."

Like I said. They've split. That's the issue. Or that's what K and M are telling me anyway.

With this Jack's eyes drift over to his sergeants, who've marked up the tracks they found and now sit with their troops, drinking cheap spirit and singing some old sailing song.

That makes things tricky. Weve got two ways to do it. Either the five of us captains split off some forces to chase down the slow ones with the big weapons first, while we track the quick ones. Or we try and hit them one at a time with everyone. But if we do that, we leave one unattended and unmatched to cut down whoever they like. And the two tracks seperate here, it's no good getting marching if we don't know where we're heading. And while I reckon I could march mine against the footsloggers and win quickly enough, I'd lose men doing it that way. Plus you guys need M to follow the raiders to trail, and Ks better against hordes than he is at taking out positions. We have other options of course, from what I read of your file you and your Serenity lass can move at a decent enough pace to get around the riders, M can too on her day and some others probably can as well. Slow their killing down enough we can lay a trap.

Now what we'd do if we were mareing like this we'd split and strike one day after the other, split our forces up so everyone got some work too if we're gonna be working for more than a jaunt. Make it say, me the little Brightsky, either of yours, maybe Belle or maybe Gembright and I guess.... the J knight from Dor's crew? I haven't figured out their deal yet but a lance might do us good.

Then send the Quick ones, M, R May, you if you're up for it to take command, one more brightsky and someone from Belle's lot to shadow the raiders. Don't engage them all, but skirmish, and pull out of bad combats. Slow them down and relay their locations. Then K and whoever else isn't already gone... there we use the tricksy ones. A lot of the leaders would be there too. We bait the trap, we up the pressure and when they take it anyone else done with their stuff rejoins that force to engage the enemy main force and sink em.... or cut them off rather. Best shot to capture the leader alive. Of course all this is based on any of the dossiers being worth their weight in hard tack, and the raiders not high tailing it the moment they clash with professionals. And marine work being anything like the homeland, we're used to moving autonomously with ships for rapid redeployment, I don't know if it's really the same here.

Anyway you seem one of the smarter ones, and from what I've heard the brightskies know their buissness well enough to stay in charge. But to me, it means we're not letting anyone run around unattended for long, and with a drawing force the trap plan stands the best hance to work. What do you think? Or do we skip the ****, forget about how long it takes and hit them one at a time?

2021-08-18, 01:15 AM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

"We're not splitting up." the three sisters all say, not quite in perfect unison but close enough, but most notably quite firmly. Their gestures indicate they mean themselves, the sisters and not that they're just declaring nobody at all is allowed to split up.

Though Emilia's slightly annoyed look indicates she'd preferred if the plan she'd proposed had simply been agreed to rather than another round of the assembled group trying to figure out if they could split their forces to tackle two separate forces of unknown size and headings.

Just for note-taking purposes, Emilia and Venetta cast Animate Dead using 2 5th level and a total of 5 4th level spell slots to animate 32 skeletons. Leaving the two dragonborn, the firbolg, and the bugbear alone.
They do this... whenever time-wise it would have made the most sense to have occurred just before taking a long rest.

2021-08-18, 04:30 AM
OK. No sweat. I'll pull K off to help take out the seige guys. You three can do your ambush plan with a little extra support and without them burning down a town or three while we wait for them to take the bait. H*lls, I'd offer to take out the seige crew with just my guys but you need M to follow the warg tracks so I'll need someone helping me out.

Jack seems to look uncomfortable with the confrontation, and liable to back down if confronted directly, but seems to remain personally convnced that eaving one fore to do what it wil while they all chase down the other is a bad idea.

2021-08-18, 12:01 PM
"I don't like the thought of splitting too much," Belle says. "At least, not if we plan on properly engaging the enemy. I think our best bet, for the moment, is to deal with the siege force, and send a few scouts for the raiders. They are not to fight-just to observe."

She takes her canteen and casts a short spell on it, then takes a swig. "I've read the information on all of you, but perhaps it'd be best if we speak it out. I am a mage, with a focus on destructive spells. I've got plenty of other tricks up my sleeves, but that's what I"m best at. My best two people, Gruk and Laughter, are both more supportive in their skillset. Laughter has the ability to empower those who simply stand near her, and can channel her power into devastating blows. Part of her aura provides protection against spells-that's something that's very useful, if I cannot focus my placements properly. Gruk is a healer, first and foremost, though he's no stranger to fighting in the thick of it. I feel my talents would be best suited to fighting the siege engines. What about you all?"

2021-08-18, 02:07 PM
Look if we want to trapse over our whole army to smash thirty orcs we can do it. But if the raiders have burnt stuff down in the meantime I'm not clearing it up. I'll send M to keep an eye on the raiders, she doesn't much like the land anyways and she's got the tricks to keep out of trouble while keeping them up enough to trap more easily. Plus I can have her keep us up to date on the location. If we can send another capable of causing problems then getting out reliably we might stop them resting, see if they want to raid after being ran ragged.

As for what we do, I'm Jack. I'm the captain of my little crew and I do storm magic. Breaking things and pushing them around mostly, though I have some other tricks if we need them. I have K over there, who lead the marine force. He's a champ when it ccomes to cutting down a whole lot guys, and has some tricks to hold positions better than he has any right to. Plus he'll be up cliffs or through the seas before you can blink. M was our navigator back in the day, but she's got as much magic as I do even without that. She knows her way around every bit of the map and parts ucharted too, and she can destroy a position with some of her magic, then be gone before they know they're destroyed with the rest.

2021-08-18, 03:13 PM
Marielle pinches the bridge of her nose briefly, then opens her eyes. "Alright," she says after a moment and having heard the others out, "we take the bulk of our troops and break up the siege gang first. Same time, we have our most mobile group track down the raiders and maybe harry them a bit. Then, both groups reunite for an ambush or a brawl, depending on what we can manage." She looks around at the others. "Is that the plan? If so, we're five companies and just need to divide ourselves up enough to do all that - though I'd rather not split the companies if we can help it. If not, I'm ready to discuss but there's folks out there who're going to need our help and soon."

"Now, as for my group," she turns briefly and glances at her sergeants, still with the rest of the troops, "we're more support than anything else. Wil's got some magic to help out in a variety of situations. Serenity's quiet, packs a whallop when they don't see her coming and has got a few magic tricks up her sleeves. I can hold my own in a fight but part of my calling is the healing arts."

2021-08-18, 06:41 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

"That sounds like the most agreeable compromise we're going to reach." Emilia replies with a nod to Marielle.

"Oh good, we are doing introductions afterall!" Leyla chimes in with a smile. "It's nice to make your acquaintances everyone. I'm Leyla Brightsky. Just a swordarm really. I'm more the nimble sort than the bruiser kind, as you can probably tell from my choice of armor."

"I am Venetta Brightsky, a cleric of Procan. I can handle myself in melee, and the spells I pray for are usually those of the keeping people in the fight and a little bit of healing. Due to the present circumstance, also a few more practical ones for a military situation. Please let me know if it would be advantageous to pray for different ones in the future though." Venetta adds in a rather matter-of-fact tone.

"And I am Emilia Brightsky. Primarily a conjurer, though I dabble in a few other areas. Miss Belle, we may wish to compare spells later to determine if either of us knows spells the other would wish to learn. Assuming we find the time and inks required to scribe new spells of course." Emilia says in a calm and maybe slightly self-satisfied way.

Emilia then turns to Leyla with a raised eyebrow, "Did Jack say his sergeants were named M and K?"
Leyla nods and gives a shrug, "Yeah. Not really proper names are they?" and then frowns a bit.
Emilia then gives a nod in agreement with her youngest sibling's sentiment.

2021-08-25, 10:02 AM
As the sun begins to wink out over the western horizon, a small army of burnt and bloated corpses rise to the call of service, creating an uneasy feeling about the camp. Many of the soldiers grip the pommels of their weapons and nervously rise up on the balls of their feet. Some become sick from the sight and back away to fresher air, or to expel the contents of their stomachs.

Regardless, divisions 6-8 seem content to grant your new reinforcements a wide berth. And with Jack's team heading up the trail, Divisions 1-5 embark on their quest, with the ill-fated watchtower slowly diminishing on the horizon.

The route takes you south by southeast, along the river bank, where there's plenty of prey to hunt and water to drink, and while marching, your army makes quite a noise tramping through the valley, which serves to keep the peace throughout the first week.

End of Week 1: Day 8 (Evening)


As you break camp and prepare for another night of marching, you hear a thunderclap in the distance. The ground begins to tremble as if the earth itself feared the oncoming storm. Yet there are scant few clouds in the dusky sky.

Although the sound seems to be coming from all around, your experience and training have served you. Not unlike over an open battlefield, what you are hearing is a large number of clomping hooves. Perhaps they are mounted horsemen, or perhaps it is a stampede of some sort, but the sound is definitely coming from the east. If your army hurries south, they may miss you.

Unfortunately, you are too drained from the constant spell casting to make any sense of the rumbling. As far as you know, you may be dreaming all this.

2021-08-25, 12:36 PM
Everybody hear that? Jack hisses over the rumbling. Loud enough to hear but not much louder. It means incoming. I'll bet a ration it's not gonna be bringing us goddies but it might not be hostile so no twitchy fingers. My lot and Keli's you know the drill, get around him. Let him mask you then we're heading south at pace, we're bringing up the rear. Everyone else? He says casting an eye about the clearing. I'd advise you do the same, or law low if you can. But we've got some people coming in fast.

With that, the order is for everyone in Jack's and Kelinar's units to form up close around Kelinar so he can cath them in a Pass without Trace. Then hurry south to the edge of whatever this is and there hide, with Jack and Kelinar doing the same 30ft further in and trying to catch a glance at whatever this is.

While they're hurrying, Kelinar remarks Great, send the druid away right before we fight mounts in the middle of a forest, truly Jack you're the wisest captain yet. Even through the tusks and helmet though, the well intentioned nature of the jab is audible.

2021-08-25, 06:38 PM
Belle looks to her seconds-in-command. "The usual, with unknown forces?"

"The usual," Laughter nods.

Gruk takes a moment to explain what this entails. "I'll be there, to offer succor and healing to any who need it. Laughter does the talking, usually-she's better with words than I am. And if things go south... Fireball from Belle at the hostiles."

2021-08-25, 10:39 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

"Defensive positions." Emilia orders her troops. "Sunshine, go high and check that out for us will you?" she says to her winged cat familiar, saying the words aloud largely for the benefit of the others. As Sunshine goes, Emilia constantly switches back and forth between her senses being those of her body's and her familiar's.

2021-08-26, 08:38 AM
The nighttime marching was, perhaps unsurprisingly, generating a variety of opinions among Marielle's troops. Her sergeants had little trouble adjusting, despite Sonderson's complaints - out of earshot of the soldiers, of course - but the bulk of her forces were split on the approach, largely between those capable of seeing well in the dark and those unable. To ease the tension, and keep him occupied, Marielle had her bard entertain on the regular, maintaining morale at a reasonable level for now.

At Jack's words, Marielle glances at Serenity, who nods in confirmation: something's coming and it is not small. "Wil, ready the troops and move them back as reserve - be ready to cast whatever empowerments you feel appropriate." The half-elf nods and sets about his task with understated yet gregarious cheer. "Serenity, sweep wide and keep hidden. Get an idea of numbers and assist other companies as needed."

2021-08-27, 12:14 PM
Jack and Kelinar, along with their troops, retreat south of the camp. Kelinar lights a mistletoe leaf and utters a short prayer until the leaf turns to ash. He blows out the final ember, and light blowing out the light of the predawn sky itself, shadows twist and expand until they cover the entire company in inky darkness.

You skirt the source of the sound and see (coming in fast and frightened) a stampede of giant elk (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Giant%20Elk#content). Fortunately, your training grants you a near encyclopedic knowledge of the massive creatures. A single giant elk by itself is a bad enough omen. But a stampede (thought they're moving too quickly to count) can travel in herds as large as 200 strong. Anyone caught in their path will either be trampled or in for a fight for their lives.

Belle,Gruk, and Laughter hold their ground, unstable though it is. Trees shudder around them, and small rocks topple and bounce on the dirt at their feet. As the sound grows louder, you can just make out the silhouettes of something large... about the size of a Clydesdale, but with massive antlers tearing through the shadows of the brush and knocking over smaller trees like they were mere saplings. The leading row lowers its head and bellows out a deep bass warning as it clears a path toward the campsite defenders!

Sunshine shoots up into the sky!
Emilia immediately senses her familiar's fear, colliding with the rushing sensation of flight. But acclimating to the sensation of being a flying Celestial Tressym one moment and a grounded Aassimar the next is nothing new to your senses anymore. Instead your free to focus on the details of this new reconnaissance mission. And what you discover are some 50-odd stampeding giant elk (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Giant%20Elk#content) that are barrelling their way toward your campsite. A quick assessment suggests you could take on the impeding threat with minimal loss or injury and have enough meat from just a few of the bodies to feed the troops for the rest of the march, without the need to hunt. The bigger question is: what was capable of startling 50+ giant elk into a full stampede, and is it also on its way?

Serenity, according to her orders, sweeps wide, taking a northerly approach to perhaps glean info that the southern contingency cannot get. Meanwhile, Marielle and Wilfred rally the troops to the rear (east) of the camp and ready themselves for trouble.

The stampede clears the brush like elephants, but you recognize the moose-like shape and antlers as elk. But these are larger than any elk you've seen, and their posture and pace suggests they'll be entering the campsite with no intention to stop in mere seconds!

Kettles tumble over and trees shudder violently. Silhouettes take form in the direction of the oncoming threat and several loud, low bellows can be heard!

2021-08-27, 09:06 PM
"Halt now!" Belle calls to the oncoming creatures. "We do not wish to fight, but we will not hesitate to defend ourselves!"

2021-08-30, 08:47 PM

Dorvir (ddb.ac/characters/56114940/UyatIc)
Drow Artificer
AC: 21 HP: 73/73
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 15
Conditions: -Horseback-
Concentration: --

Raena May (ddb.ac/characters/56071276/dwrkqe)
Halfdrow Monk
AC: 18 HP: 51/51
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Jaromir (ddb.ac/characters/56262289/A8G2Au)
Human Paladin
AC: 18 HP: 68/68
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: -horseback-
Concentration: --

“RUN!” Dorvir and his generals yelled in unison. Ordering the troops to move with haste out of the way as they stood between them and the stampede. Dorvir and Jaromir were on horseback but did not flee, instead staying with the tailing end of their troops. They had no intention of fighting these creatures or the unnecessary loss of lives such a needless battle might cause.

Rae was fast, moving 45 ft before facing the oncoming heard and creating a sphere of pure darkness in line with the edge of the stamped, hoping to cause a small redirection and gain some valuable space. Next she vanished into the shadows and reappeared beside her fleeing troops.

Jaromir, on the back of Snowrazor, wished these beautiful majestic creatures no harm. While his mount carries him and Dorvir beside the troops, he focused on his people, calling orders, supporting and encouraging them to get out the way.

The last resort was Dorvir who had his hypnotic pattern spell at the ready. He would only use it if they could not completely clear the oncoming stampede.

2021-08-30, 11:26 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

"Agreed, Retreat!" Emilia calls out to her (and hopefully everyone else's) troops. Immediately she and her sisters begin doing just that.
Emilia herself and Venetta both prepare spells to slow the charging elk down in case they get too close. Leyla for her part conjures her echo between the elk and the soldiers before booking it past her sisters.

Leyla uses her bonus action to spawn her Echo as close to the elk as possible to try and shoo them away at least a bit. Then Dashes away.

Emilia and Venetta move away and ready actions to cast spells. Web in Emilia's case, Sleet Storm in Venetta's.

2021-08-31, 09:40 AM
Belle, seeing her words having little effect, also prepares a spell.

Readying a cast of Web to entangle the elks if they get within 45' of us without slowing or turning or anything.

2021-08-31, 11:42 AM
Well out of the line of the stampede Jack whispers an order that slowly propogates through his commanders to his soldiers, to move into the dense foilige and take cover, while keeping an eye out for what spooken these creatures.

Jack, Kelinar and Kelinar's troops will move into the dense foilige to the west while Mariel takes hers to the east. All will hide while watching the stampede. Advantage for dense foilige and +1o for PwaT

J: [roll0] [roll1]
K: [roll2] [roll3]
M: [roll4] [roll5]
K's Troops: [roll6] [roll7]
M's Troops: [roll8] [roll9]

2021-08-31, 02:41 PM
Serenity does her best to make it back to her company but quickly realises that she won't make it and takes cover as best she can.

Meanwhile, Marielle and Sonderson attempt to usher the troops into the treeline so as to keep out of the way of incoming charge.

2021-09-02, 10:23 AM

As you drive your troops into the thicket, the giant elk come bursting through the brush bellowing in terror. Elk crash into each other to avoid the sphere of darkness, which buy you a few extra moments.

Pressing onward, they wedge themselves between the campfires and rip through the web cast by Emilia, then the web cast by Belle.

GiantElk2, pinned between the sphere of darkness and the other elk, rears on their hind legs in panic.

Giant Elk5 skids to a halt at the campfire, and Giant Elk6 twists and tumbles in the web snare!

Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17U70s2pT4F3wdJsjdcweMTHSdr8voi_1k4oG6ZY5h-M/edit?usp=sharing)

CO Dorvir, you're up!

Giant Elk2: 23
Giant Elk5: 23
Giant Elk6: 23
Chief Officer Dorvir: 22
Sgt. Raena May: 20
Chief Officer Emilia Brightsky: 20
Sgt. Sergeant Wilfred Sonderson: 20
Sgt. Mariel: 19
Giant Elk7: 17
Giant Elk8: 17
Sgt. Jaromir Highthorn: 17
Giant Elk1: 16
Chief Officer Brunebelle "Belle" Onyx: 16
Sgt. Sergeant Serenity:11
Sgt. Keilnar: 9
Chief Officer Marielle Mercyn: 9
Sgt Venetta Brightsky: 9
Sgt. Laughter Gembright: 9
Giant Elk3: 8
Sgt. Gruk Thane: 8
Sgt. Leyla Brightsky: 7
Chief Officer Jack: 6
Giant Elk4: 4

The Giant Elk are charging (+2d6 damage to Ram attack)
Elk 3 passes both Dex Save Throws.
Elk 4 fails first Dex Save Throw.
Elk 1 passes first Dex Save Throw.
Elk 6 fails first Dex Save Throw.
Elk 7 passes first Dex Save Throw.

2021-09-08, 12:57 PM
Chief Officer Dorvir and Sergeant Raena May hold their positions.

CO Emilia Brightsky, you're up!

Giant Elk2: 23
Giant Elk5: 23
Giant Elk6: 23
Chief Officer Emilia Brightsky: 20
Sgt. Sergeant Wilfred Sonderson: 20
Sgt. Mariel: 19
Giant Elk7: 17
Giant Elk8: 17
Sgt. Jaromir Highthorn: 17
Giant Elk1: 16
Chief Officer Brunebelle "Belle" Onyx: 16
Sgt. Sergeant Serenity:11
Sgt. Keilnar: 9
Chief Officer Marielle Mercyn: 9
Sgt Venetta Brightsky: 9
Sgt. Laughter Gembright: 9
Giant Elk3: 8
Sgt. Gruk Thane: 8
Sgt. Leyla Brightsky: 7
Chief Officer Jack: 6
Giant Elk4: 4
Chief Officer Dorvir: 22 (Delayed Initiative)
Sgt. Raena May: 20 (Delayed Initiative)

2021-09-09, 11:49 AM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

Having given her soldiers their command to do the same, Emilia retreats to the south.

Just moving 60 feet south.

2021-09-10, 01:34 AM
Following Marielle’s order, Sonderson continues ushering the troops into the trees, keeping them and himself out of the way of the charging elks.

2021-09-16, 12:32 PM
You all make it to the safety of the trees.

The trampling herd of giant elk make a real mess of your campsite, but in all other ways, pass through harmlessly.

Then, as if all the sound left with them, the air goes still. Not a bird, nor a cricket make a sound. Suddenly, you hear an angry roar coming from the direction the elk were coming from...

2021-09-17, 10:38 PM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

"Well, we better see what that is." Emilia says and sends Sunshine to go check out what's making the angry roar. Again, switching her senses back and forth.

2021-09-20, 04:24 PM
Rampaging along the path that was cleared by the elk is a massive Dire Troll, its multiple heads gnashing and snarling hungrily, and it's three arms grasping in the direction of the elk. You believe the Dire Troll will be at the campsite in mere seconds (with a timely warning, the party will have one round to prepare for the creature's arrival.

2021-09-21, 11:52 AM
Emilia Brightsky (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Aasimar Conjurer
AC: 13/16 HP: 58/58
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Venetta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502831)
Aasimar Tempest Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 54/54
PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
Conditions: --
Concentration: --
Leyla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502835)
Aasimar Echo Knight
AC: 20 HP: 70/70
PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Sunshine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2502829)
Celestial Tressym
AC: 12 HP: 5/5
PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 11
Features: Detect Invisibility, Keen Smell, & Poison Sense
Conditions: --

"A massive troll is heading our way, prepare for battle everyone!" Emilia shouts loud enough for the other companies to hear her as well.

2021-09-21, 12:07 PM
Gruk and Laughter step to the front of the group, readying their weapons. Belle holds her focus at the ready, similarly ready, but much further back.

2021-09-22, 01:34 AM
Hearing Emilia’s warning, Marielle orders her company to ready crossbows and prepare to support those at the front.

2021-09-22, 02:59 AM
Dorvir (ddb.ac/characters/56114940/UyatIc)
Drow Artificer
AC: 18 HP: 73/73
PP: 11 PIv: 19 PIs: 15
Conditions: -Ready-
Concentration: --

Raena May (ddb.ac/characters/56071276/dwrkqe)
Halfdrow Monk
AC: 18 HP: 51/51
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Jaromir (ddb.ac/characters/56262289/A8G2Au)
Human Paladin
AC: 20 HP: 68/68
PP: 13 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
Conditions: -horseback-
Concentration: --

Dorvir gives the orders and Raena moves to the shadows with the troops, both squads readying their crossbows and finding cover. Rae hides and prepares to cast faerie fire on the enemy to help guide her allies attacks.

Jaromir remains on his horse holding Dorvir’s shied in one hand and his lance on the other. He sits a little behind those on the front line.

Dorvir waits another few paces behind him, a web spell sitting on the edge of his tongue, ready to cast as soon as a creature comes into range.

Rae hide [roll0]
Faerie fire: range 60ft dc 11dex save

Jaromir delay

Web - Dex save 17

2021-10-19, 01:10 PM
And they lived happily ever after...

The end.